Island Club News - The Marshes of Skidaway Island

Page 8
Department Directors and
Main Number: (912) 598-5030
Ext 317
Executive Director, Amanda Elliott
Ext 201
Administrator, Jack Barnes
Ext 501
Marketing Director, Amy Blevins
Ext 214
Office Manager, Whitney Archer
Ext 207
Accounting Director, Lorna Carswell
Ext 206
Community Life Srvcs Dir, Minda Widich Ext 227
Environmental Srvcs Director, Terry Lee Ext 541
Food & Beverage Director, Michael Reese Ext 217
Keith Cameron, Executive Chef Ext 237
Maxine Drake, Dining Room
Ext 240
Home Care Director, Janet Pynn
Ext 236
Human Resources Director, Judy Magee Ext 503
Director of Nursing, Marchel Fairchild Ext 502
Plant Operations Dir, Mary Coombs
Ext 275
Fitness Program Coord., Mannie Frazier Ext 279
Jan 2—Marshes Book Club discusses
Sense of an Ending
Jan 7—Pharmacist talk on “medication
safety and disposal”
Jan 9—Guest speaker Audiologist Dr.
Susan Timna
Jan 10—State Ballet Theatre of Russia’s
Swan Lake at Johnny Mercer Theatre
Jan 14—Dr. Winston Porter speaks on
“America’s energy future”
The Marshes of Skidaway Island
Dec 2014
Island Club News
december highlights
Holiday Gala
Pearl Harbor
The annual gala takes place
on Dec 5 with plenty of
wine, superb food, and exceptional entertainment!
Remembrance Service
The National Museum of the
Mighty 8th Air Force hosts a
special ceremony on Dec 7.
Jan 17—Live in HD: Offenbach
Physician Lecture
Jan 19—Great Decisions course begins
Dr. Negrea and Dr. Balthrop speak
in the ballroom about osteoporosis
and fall prevention on De 10.
Jan 22—Mountain Film Festival
Jan 23—Bob & Tally Green Show
Jan 25—Ballet in Cinema: Swan Lake
Jan 28—Service of Remembrance
Feb 4—Al Mahan’s guitar show
95 Skidaway Island Park Road
Savannah, GA 31411
Phone: 912-598-5030
Fax: 912-598-0145
Holiday Display
See the Gingerbread Village
inside The Westin followed
by a drive through the
Festival of Lights on Dec 9.
Overnight Trip to
Callaway Gardens
Visit Warm Springs & Pine
Mountain, GA on a 1-night
getaway on Dec 17.
Holiday Pops
The Savannah Philharmonic’s
annual concert takes place on
Dec 13 at the Cathedral of St.
John the Baptist.
Chili Cook-off Winner
Live Well, Act Well, Be Well.
“The Marshes of Skidaway Island is a community-based nonprofit organization celebrating the lives of seniors and
serving their social, personal and health needs. We are dedicated to continuous quality improvement to provide
residents with a continuum of care that enriches their lives and well-being.”
Congratulations to Executive Chef Keith
Cameron for winning not one, but two 1st
place prizes at the Kiwanis Chili Cook-off
at The Landings in November! Thank you
to all who came out on a rainy Saturday to
support The Marshes’ chili! His signature
recipe was featured on the Bistro menu
last month.
Carols by Candlelight
Sing traditional Christmas
carols with friends and
neighbors in the ballroom
on Dec 23.
Page 2
Meet your NEW neighbors!
= Not to be missed
On Campus programs
Wed, Dec 3 at 3:00—The monthly Pharmacist Talk in the ballroom will be hosted by
Leigh Ann Bramlett, PharmD, in the Activities Room on the topic of Diabetes Medication &
Fri, Dec 5—The Marshes Annual Holiday Gala is the most celebrated event of the year! A
beautiful meal in the dining room (seating 5:30-6:30) precedes live music and dancing in the
ballroom 7:30-9:00. Black tie optional.
Wed, Dec 10—Mike Grasser teaches a class on Apple iPhone/iPad Apps at 1:00 in the
ballroom. Bring your phones & iPads with you! No cost.
—-1:00 Podiatrist Dr. Skalla visits The Oaks. Call 598-3666 to make an appointment.
—-4:00 Drs. Negrea & Balthrop speak in the ballroom on Osteoporosis and Fall Prevention.
Thur, Dec 11— Savannah Stage Company performs Songs and Stories from the Most
Wonderful Time of the Year at 2:00 in the ballroom.
—-4:00 Rev Holst leads the grief support group meeting in the private dining room.
—-5:00 Dining with Directors is a new monthly program where members of the Leadership
Team will dine with residents. The reservation is at 5:00pm and can accommodate 6
residents. Please sign up in the activities notebook if you would like to participate.
Mon, Dec 15—Ib Raae shares Songs of Inspiration in the card room at 3:00. Born in
Denmark, he grew up in Norway and has sung choral music in Canada and the US.
Tues, Dec 16—Passion for Poetry meets at 11:15 in the card room to share poems about
Christmas, holidays, winter, traditions, or any poem of your choice.
Wed, Dec 17—The All Residents Meeting takes place in the ballroom at 3:00 and will give
an overview of the 2015 operating and capital budgets.
Off campus events
—-5:00—December birthdays are celebrated at happy hour with piano music by David
Duckworth in the card room.
Tues, Dec 23—Get in the holiday spirit by joining neighbors to sing traditional Christmas
carols in the ballroom at 4:30 at the Carols by Candlelight program led by Jack Barnes. Hot
chocolate, coffee, and cookies will be available.
Wed, Dec 24—Wear your most festive Christmas sweater at happy hour—the more sequins
and bells, the better!
Wed, Dec 31—Theo Takou entertains you on the piano at the New Year’s Eve party at
happy hour 5:00-6:00 in the card room.
Noteworthy December events on Skidaway Island:
Sun, Dec 7—Christmas Carol Sing in the Village at 5:00. Free
Sun, Dec 7—The Chancel Choir presents A Classical Christmas at Skidaway United Methodist Church at 6:00. Free
Mon, Dec 8—I Cantori presents All the Brilliant Stars in Heaven at St. Peter’s Episcopal
Church on Skidaway at 7:30. $15
Page 7
Ann Hanley
From: Niagara Falls, NY
Education: Vassar, Yale Drama School
Career: Research Analyst for State of NY
Hobbies: golf, bridge
Jerry Hanley
The Hanleys moved to Cottage #14
after living at The Landings for 18
years. They have 3 daughters and 4
From: Chicago
Education: Brown University, Yale Drama School
Career: Faculty at Dartmouth, SUNY at Albany
(Professor of Theater)
Hobbies: theater, golf, reading
News from The Oaks
▪ Stop by to the see the new carpet installed!
▪ A Memory Garden will be the first major project
starting in the new year.
▪ Talk to Dina Vogel about the soon-to-be-put-inplace new program called “It’s Never 2 Late”. This
is a technological-based program that we believe
is going to enhance the lives of each and every
resident residing at the Oaks.
▪ Want to volunteer? It will truly be a rewarding
experience, both for you and the residents who
live at the Oaks. Help us further enhance your
neighbors’ lives by contacting Celia Howell.
A Remembrance Service
will be held in the ballroom on January 28 for
Marshes residents who
passed away in 2014.
All residents and friends
are invited to this
special program led by
Rev. Larry Holst.
December Flower: Narcissus
December Birthstones: Turquoise
november memories
LTC Scott A. Leblond was the guest speaker at the Veterans Day ceremony held in November.
Local military members from the 3ID provided the Posting of the Colors and patriotic music.
NEWS & announcements
Please make sure you
have an updated “File
of Life” on the front or
side of your refrigerator. You can pick these
up in Janet Pynn’s office.
2015 Great Decisions Course
Great Decisions is the nation’s largest discussion on
world affairs. The Marshes of Skidaway offers an 8-week
educational program beginning January 19. The classes
take place each Monday at 10:00am in the Island Club
ballroom. The $50 cost covers class materials and instructor fee. The course is led by Frank Saponaro and is
open to Marshes residents and the public. Sign up in
the activities notebook by Dec 22. The topics are listed
1. Russia and the Near Abroad
2. Privacy in the Digital Age
3. Sectarianism in the Middle East
4. India Changes Course
5. U.S. Policy Toward Africa
6. Syria's Refugee Crisis
7. Human Trafficking in the 21st Century
8. Brazil's Metamorphosis
Page 6
Jack Lynch—1
Wilton Persons—2
Willena Josey—2
Ann Hanley—4
Joan Arnold—8
Sandie English—9
Sally Rowe—9
David Tausche—11
Rosemary Everard—13
Perri Grumish—16
Bernadette Nolan—16
Bob Heath—18
John Scott – 21
Oscar Lobel—21
Dr. Thomas Manchester—26
Florence Brunory—28
Pete Darbyshire—30
Sissie Simpson—31
I would like to take this opportunity to extend warm wishes during the upcoming holiday season to all
of our residents and their family members. This year we have had so many wonderful things to be
thankful for and proud of and we appreciate all that you do to be supportive of our staff and management team. Over the last 4 ½ years I have enjoyed watching The Marshes grow in to one of the top
retirement communities in our region. We are so proud to have been able to achieve 97% overall
resident satisfaction, a deficiency-free assisted living survey and hitting 100% sold and 98-100%
occupancy in both IL and AL. Additionally, over a million dollars in capital projects have been
completed, approximately 116,000 fabulous and delicious meals prepared and served, around 13,800
maintenance work orders completed, homes have been cleaned over 9,000 times, in excess of 72,000
hours of home care services have been provided, approximately 260,000 hours of care delivered to
residents of The Oaks and we hired and oriented well over 100 new employees this year… pretty
impressive if you ask me! Without your support, none of this would have been possible.
The holidays are a time for us to see the importance that each of our loved ones has in our lives. We
consider each and every one of you a part of our family, which is why with all our hearts we wish you
Happy Holidays,
Amanda Elliott, Executive Director
Page 3
= Not-to-be-Missed
Sat, Dec 7—Depart at 1:00 for the Pearl Harbor remembrance service at the National Museum of the Mighty 8th Air Force. There will be readings, music and a tribute to Pearl Harbor
survivors and WWII veterans. Other events include a Twenty-one Gun Salute, Two-Bell Ceremony and presentation of a Flower Wreath. The principal speaker will be RDML Charles A.
Richard, Commander, Submarine Group 10. Rear Admiral Richard is responsible for the
readiness, training, logistical, administrative and personnel support of all U.S. ballistic
missile and guided missile submarines in the Atlantic fleet. There is no cost for this event.
Tues, Dec 9—Depart at 5:00 to experience the Westin’s annual tradition—the Gingerbread
Village followed by a bus ride through the Festival of Lights on Hutchinson Island. $5 per
person (charged back to your monthly bill).
Sat, Dec 13—Michael Volle, Johan Botha, and Annette Dasch star in Die Meistersinger von
Nurnberg Live in HD. Bus departs at 11:15. Cost is $22 and opera length is approx. 6 hours.
—-6:45 Depart for the Savannah Philharmonic’s Holiday Pops Concert at the Cathedral of
St. John the Baptist (bring a pillow for comfort).
Wed, Dec 17—The bus departs at 9:00am for the overnight trip to Callaway Gardens in Pine
Mountain, GA. Upon arriving in west GA, the first stop will be at President Roosevelt’s Little
White House in Warm Springs where you will tour the home, historic pools museum, guest &
servant quarters, and FDR museum. After dark, enjoy the comfort of the Marshes’ bus as it
drives you through the Fantasy In Lights display at Callaway Gardens, listed as the top 10
best places in America to see Christmas lights. Spend the night in the Mountain Creek Inn
with a complimentary breakfast. Explore the grounds and gardens on Thursday morning.
Cost is $185 per person (for double occupancy). Deadline to sign up is December 4. Read
more information about the destination in the activities notebook.
Sun, Dec 21—See your favorite holiday ballet on the big screen as the Bolshoi Ballet
presents The Nutcracker. Bus departs at 12:15 for the Regal Savannah Stadium 10. Purchase
your $15 ticket at the door. Length is approximately 3 hours.
The weather cooperated perfectly on a warm November day at Bacon Park for the annual
Marshes Resident Golf Tournament. While 16 players participated, the winning team
(pictured to the left below) consisted of Peggy Willis, Jack Barnes, Mary Ellen Cols, and
Harry McMahon. Many thanks to Russ Bennett for organizing this year’s match!
Campus Location Key:
Activities Room (AR)
Ballroom (BR)
Card Room (CR)
Palmetto Center (PC)
Forsyth Dining Room (F)
To Be Determined (TBD)
Private Dining Room (PDR)
Sandpiper Room (SR)
Oglethorpe Dining Room (O)
12:00 Brunch Buffet
1:00 Depart for Pearl Harbor
Remembrance Service at
Mighty Eighth Museum
2:00 & 3:00 Bocce at The
Cottages park
3:00 Ch. 96 Movie: Pearl
9:45 Water Fitness (PC)
10:00 Day Break (Oaks)
11:00 Bible Study w/Rev. Sam
Buice (SR)
1:00 Mahjong (CR)
2:15 Bingo (AR)
5:00 Happy Hour (CR)
9:45 Water Fitness (PC)
10:00 Day Break (Oaks)
11:00 Bible Study (SR)
1:00 Mahjong (CR)
4:00 Evening Prayer Srvc (Oaks)
5:00 Happy Hour (CR)
14 9:45 Water Fitness (PC)
10:00 Day Break (Oaks)
11:00 Bible Study (SR)
1:00 Mahjong (CR)
2:15 Bingo (AR)
3:00 Ib Raae: Music of Inspiration
5:00 Happy Hour (CR)
12:00 Brunch Buffet
2:00 & 3:00 Bocce at The
Cottages park
3:00 Ch. 96 Movie: A
Christmas Story
12:00 Brunch Buffet
12:15 Depart for Bolshoi
Ballet in Cinema:
2:00 & 3:00 Bocce at The
Cottages park
3:00 Ch. 96 Movie: Miracle on
34th Street
12:00 Brunch Buffet
2:00 & 3:00 Bocce at The
Cottages park
3:00 Ch. 96 Movie: Little
9:45 Water Fitness (PC)
10:00 Day Break (Oaks)
11:00 Bible Study (SR)
1:00 Mahjong (CR)
4:00 Evening Prayer Svc (Oaks)
5:00 Happy Hour (CR)
10:00 Senior Fitness (BR)
12:30 Duplicate Bridge (AR)
1:00 Mahjong (CR), Scrabble
on 3rd Floor North Villa
9:45 Water Fitness (PC)
1:00 Blood Pressure (AR)
1:30 Men’s Poker (CR)
3:00 Pharmacist Talk: Diabetes
Medication & Diet (AR)
4:00 Skidaway Stompers (AR)
5:00 Happy Hour (CR)
10:00 Day Break (Oaks)
10:00 Senior Fitness (BR)
12:00 Ladies’ Luncheon (F)
12:30 Men’s Luncheon (PDR)
~No Bocce Today~
3:00 Ch. 96 Movie: Girl with the
Pearl Earring
10:00 Day Break (Oaks)
Senior Fitness (BR)
9 9:45 Water Fitness (PC)
10 10:00
Amanda (BR)
1:00 Blood Pressure (AR)
10:00 Senior Fitness (BR)
12:00 Ladies’ Luncheon (F)
1:00 iPhone/iPad Class (BR)
11:15 Mixing w/Mary (CR)
12:30 Men’s Luncheon (PDR)
1:00 Podiatrist Dr. Skalla (Oaks)
12:30 Duplicate Bridge (AR)
2:00 Sav Stage Co Xmas Show (BR)
1:00 Scrabble & Mahjong (CR) 1:30 Men’s Poker (CR)
~No Bocce Today~
5:00 Depart for Westin Festival 4:00 Drs. Negrea & Balthrop: Oste- 3:00 Ch. 96 Movie: Age of
of Lights & Gingerbread Village oporosis & Fall Prevention (BR)
4:00 Skidaway Stompers (AR)
4:00 Living Beyond Loss (PDR)
5:00 Dining w/Directors
10:00 Senior Fitness (BR)
11:15 Passion for Poetry (CR)
12:30 Duplicate Bridge (AR)
1:00 Scrabble & Mahjong (CR)
Hanukkah begins
at sundown
9:00 Depart for Callaway
Gardens overnight trip
9:45 Water Fitness (PC)
1:00 Blood Pressure (AR)
1:30 Men’s Poker (CR)
3:00 All Residents Meeting (BR)
4:00 Skidaway Stompers (AR)
5:00 Happy Hour celebrating
Dec birthdays with piano music by D. Duckworth (CR)
10:00 Senior Fitness (BR)
12:30 Duplicate Bridge (AR)
1:00 Scrabble & Mahjong (CR)
4:30 Carols by Candlelight
with Jack Barnes (BR)
9:45 Water Fitness (PC)
29 10:00 Senior Fitness (BR) 30
10:00 Day Break (Oaks)
12:30 Duplicate Bridge (AR)
11:00 Bible Study (SR)
1:00 Scrabble & Mahjong (CR)
1:00 Mahjong (CR)
4:00 Evening Prayer Svc (Oaks)
5:00 Happy Hour (CR)
9:45 Water Fitness (PC)
1:00 Blood Pressure (AR)
1:30 Men’s Poker (CR)
~No Line Dance Today~
5:00 Happy Hour– wear
Christmas sweaters! (CR)
10:00 Day Break (Oaks)
10:00 Senior Fitness (BR)
12:00 Ladies’ Luncheon (F)
12:30 Men’s Luncheon (PDR)
2:00 Bocce (BR)
3:00 Ch 96 Movie: It’s a
Wonderful Life
10:00 Holy Communion
Service at The Oaks
10:00 Stretch & Strength (AR) 8:00 Flower Brigade (AR)
~No Senior Fitness
Holiday Gala!
10:00 Line Dance in the
1:00 Ladies’ Bridge (CR)
10:00 Core Class (AR)
1:00 Mexican Train Dominoes
5:00 Happy Hour (CR)
10:00 Stretch & Strength (BR)
1:00 Mexican Train
Dominoes (CR)
5:00 Happy Hour (CR)
Merry Christmas! 25
12:00-2:00 Lunch Buffet
New Year’s Day
Traditional Lunch Buffet
3:00 Ch 96 Movie: Million Dollar
Flower Brigade (AR)
12 8:00
10:00 Senior Fitness (BR)13
18 9:30 Communion Servc w/ 19
3:00 Ch 96 Movie:
White Christmas
9:45 Water Fitness (PC)
1:00 Blood Pressure (AR)
1:30 Men’s Poker (CR)
~No Line Dance Today~
5:00-6:00 New Year’s Eve party
at Happy Hour with live piano music (CR)
10:00 Skidaway Stompers
11:15 Depart for Live in
HD: Die Meistersinger
1:00 Ladies’ Bridge (CR)
6:45 Depart for Holiday
Pops Concert at Cathedral
8:00 Flower Brigade (AR)
10:00 Senior Fitness (BR)
10:00 Skidaway Stompers
1:00 Ladies’ Bridge (CR)
8:00 Flower Brigade (AR)
~No Fitness Class~
~No Senior Fitness~
1:00 Mexican Train Dominoes ~No Line Dance~
1:00 Ladies’ Bridge (CR)
5:00 Happy Hour (CR)
Special On-Campus
Off-Campus Events
Ch. 96
Your In-house