The Early Childhood Teacher Education Center 2015 Summer Institute and Teacher Education Programs at Sophia’s Hearth 700 Court St., Keene, NH 03431 603.357.3755 Welcome W HAT ARE CHILDREN AND PARENTS SEEKING TODAY ? I believe that they are seeking the constancy and radiant warmth of those who recognize the spiritual essence of childhood and parenthood; who know deep within that childhood is a journey rather than a destination. These earliest years are the period of life in which the spirits of both child and parent are yearning to blossom for th. As teachers and caregivers, Sophia’s Hear th invites you to become the teacher of your dreams, exploring the development of children and families from the deepest possible sources. Out of fresh insights and personal sensitivity, we may then offer respectful relation- Our Vision It is our vision that Waldorf early childhood education strengthens caregivers and teachers to work with joy, courage, and a spiritual picture of the human being. Through preparation for their vocation, they will become guardians of family life and of the incarnating child so that each child will have a strong foundation from which to fulfill his destiny. ships to those who come to us, encouraging parents as they navigate the sometimes difficult terrain of parenthood and helping them appreciate the profound beauty of the journey. We may then meet today’s children as they ask us to suppor t them during this most sacred time of early childhood, when the foundations are laid for fulfilling each individual’s ear thly intentions. Our reflective teaching work, out of which many of the insights for our teacher education program have arisen, finds its expression here with the children and parents of Sophia’s Hear th. Come and study with us, in a vital, life-changing experience. S USAN W EBER , Director 1 E A R LY C H I L D H O O D T E A C H E R E D U C AT I O N P R O G R A M S AT S O P H I A ’ S H E A RT H 2 0 1 5 S U M M E R I N S T I T U T E A N D T E A C H E R E D U C AT I O N P R O G R A M Who We Are Our Programs The teacher of today needs courage, clarity, warmth of heart, and a firmly grounded conviction that the world is good, in times when this may not easily be visible. We support each of our students in building these capacities to meet the needs of children and families today and in the future. We offer a two-level preparation for those seeking to deepen their knowledge of the child in the first seven years from the perspective of Rudolf Steiner’s understanding of the human being and his work on education. This program is now recognized by the Waldorf Early Childhood Association of North America. T Waldorf Early Childhood Teacher Education Program he Early Childhood Teacher Education Center at Sophia’s Hearth was created as a path of learning for those interested in Waldorf early childhood education as a vocation. We are now recognized by the Waldorf Early Childhood Association of North America as a developing teacher education institute. The sources for our work are the fruits of Rudolf Steiner’s lifetime of engagement with the essence of human development and its expres- sion in Waldorf early childhood education. Our colleagues at the Pikler Institute in Budapest have contributed greatly to our insights as well. We have cultivated ties to colleagues throughout the world to share and to learn. In all aspects of our Center, we strive to serve as a living expression of hospitality and community building. Our gifted and experienced faculty members are practitioners, innovators, researchers, and international presenters in their fields. Level I A 200-hour, thir teen-month specialization course, The Child and Family in the First Three Years. A new cycle for Level I begins each summer. Level II This course deepens and extends the themes of Level I to complete preparation for working with children and their families through the first seven years of life. Level II begins every other year ; our next group star ts in the summer of 2015. In addition we offer • Annual Summer Institute Three-day, one- and two-week courses on themes in early childhood education, including ar tistic and craft work, daily movement experience, and group singing. We welcome all with background in early childhood education. • Weekend Workshops Offered throughout the fall, winter, and spring, these workshops are a day’s exploration of themes in early childhood from Waldorf education, the insights of the Pikler Institute in Hungary, and Spacial Dynamics ®. • Observation Days at our Center An oppor tunity to observe our facilitated parent and child classes and childcare program, and to share this experience in a reflective conversation with our faculty. • Independent Supervised Study Designed in special situations to meet individual needs for students with appropriate backgrounds. 3 2 0 1 5 S U M M E R I N S T I T U T E A N D T E A C H E R E D U C AT I O N P R O G R A M 13-Month Level I Teacher Education Specialization Program: The Child and Family in the First Three Years Our Level I Program is offered every year over the course of thirteen months, with a two-week session each summer and five-day intensives in the fall and spring. T his program offers an integrated program of study designed to provide a philosophical, practical, and artistic foundation for the care of young children and for suppor ting family life. Waldorf education forms the basis for the program, complemented by the work and research of the Pikler Institute in Hungary. “I am so happy to have met a training that actually encourages inquiry and observation as a living and working process.” — Summer Course participant 4 This Program is Designed For: • Teachers who facilitate parent-infant and parent-toddler classes and those who work with expectant parents. • Early childhood teachers working with toddlers and nursery children. • Early childhood teachers wishing to deepen their understanding of these early years as a foundation for their work with nursery and kindergar ten children. • Childcare providers working with infants, toddlers, and young children in centers or home-based care. The program is founded upon the joy of learning with others who share a deep commitment to very young children. Par ticipants study the development of infants and young children with gifted, devoted faculty and experience handwork and the ar ts, reading and journal activity, the ar t of observation, and fur ther development of their own relationship to movement. Course Themes, Level I • Waldorf education’s insights into the physical, cognitive, social-emotional, and spiritual development of the infant, young child, and family. • The Pikler Institute’s research and practice in infant and toddler care. • Sensory development of the infant, toddler, and young child and the suppor t for its healthy unfolding. • Developing insights and skills for the bodily care of the young child. • Studies in anthroposophy, Rudolf 5 E A R LY C H I L D H O O D T E A C H E R E D U C AT I O N P R O G R A M S AT S O P H I A ’ S H E A RT H Steiner’s philosophy as a suppor t for the inner development of ourselves as teachers, and understanding the relationship between the human being and the world. • An independent research project per tinent to the student’s work, which is shared with classmates. • Adult biographical phases and the developmental phases of parenting; maternal and infant relationships through pregnancy, bir th and the four th trimester ; understanding healthy attachment as a fundamental element in children’s well-being. • Ar tistic and craft activity: singing and playing simple musical instruments for the early childhood years, storytelling and puppetry, along with a reper toire of songs and hand gesture games developed by Wilma Ellersiek; creative speech. • Personal movement capacities in Spacial Dynamics ® and eurythmy. Program Faculty, Level I Faculty includes Susan Weber, Jane Swain, Juliane Weeks, Kim Snyder-Vine, Nancy Macalaster, and Carol Spindler. Program Sequence, Level I Summer 1 July 5 - 17, 2015 Fall November 1 - 6, 2015 Spring April 2016 Summer II July 2016 Tuition Schedule, Level I Tuition is $7,500. A $300 non-refundable deposit is due upon acceptance. Payment Details Deposit: $300 $1,200 by June 15 followed by twelve monthly payments of $500 via automatic bank withdrawal from July through the following June. Note: Students who enroll in Levels I and II together will pay Level II tuition at the current year’s rate. Contact us for full details. 2 0 1 5 S U M M E R I N S T I T U T E A N D T E A C H E R E D U C AT I O N P R O G R A M 13-Month Level II Teacher Education Program The Level II program is open to graduates of our Level I program. It deepens and extends the teacher preparation of Level I through further studies with children from birth to age seven. Those who complete both levels meet the requirement for WECANrecognized Waldorf early childhood teaching preparation. O ur Level I Teacher Education program focuses on the special years in children’s lives from bir th to age three, a time during which all facets of children’s development require special conditions that meet their deeply engaged, yet unconscious learning. Level II builds upon this foundation, extending it through the first seven years of the child’s life. Level II brings a full context for the early childhood teacher’s vocation, embracing the whole of Waldorf early childhood education. Beyond the first three years. Level II takes up insights and practical capacities for work with children as they emerge from the protected period of the first three years so that as the child moves beyond these earliest years, the teacher is prepared to offer a new quality of relationship with the child, with transforming rhythms and gentle changes in the content of daily life. Embracing the child. With the first phases of the development of movement, language, and social life now in place, children look more clearly toward the group and begin to look fur ther outward into the world. Level II brings to life the developmental phases of the full first seven years. Anthroposophical studies and an advanced personal research project continue to deepen the teacher’s foundation for her or his vocation. Both levels include mentored teaching practice. Course Themes, Level II • Festival life for young children. • Spiritual embryology and the evolution of consciousness. • Working with the young child and his or her parents: the nursery years, the kindergar ten years. • Music for the early childhood teacher : singing, playing the kinderlyre, 7 E A R LY C H I L D H O O D T E A C H E R E D U C AT I O N P R O G R A M S AT S O P H I A ’ S H E A RT H singing exercises for freeing the voice. • Studies in anthroposophy: selected readings and exercises from Rudolf Steiner that suppor t pedagogical work and the inner life of the teacher. • Children’s health. • Ar ts: Creative speech, water color painting, clay modeling, Spacial Dynamics ®, music. • Handcrafts and puppetry ar ts. • Practical life activities. • Child observation and child study. • Developmental and program transitions: nursery, kindergar ten, and first grade; evaluating and suppor ting readiness for each transition. • Integration of the primitive reflexes; constitutional types; recognizing possible remedial needs of the child. • History, task, and work of Waldorf education as a force for social renewal. • Gardening with children. • Folk and fairy tales. • Movement circles. • Understanding children’s drawing.s Progam Faculty, Level II Faculty includes Janene Ping, Susan Weber, Jane Swain, Jaap van der Val, Juliane Weeks, Kim Snyder-Vine, Nancy Macalaster, Cordelia Lane, Signe Motter, Betsi McGuigan, and Katherine Scharff. 8 2 0 1 5 S U M M E R I N S T I T U T E A N D T E A C H E R E D U C AT I O N P R O G R A M Program Sequence, Level II Summer 1 June 28 - July 17, 2015 Winter January 2016 Summer II July 2016 Tuition Schedule, Level II Tuition is $8,600. A $300 non-refundable deposit is due upon acceptance. Payment Details Deposit: $300. $1,400 by June 15 followed by twelve monthly payments of $575 via automatic bank withdrawal from July through the following June. Note: Students who enroll in Levels I and II together will pay Level II tuition at the current year’s rate. Contact us for full details. WECAN Membership We now hold membership as a developing WECAN (Waldorf Early Childhood Association of Nor th America) Teacher Education Program. Graduates will receive a cer tificate indicating that this training is recognized by the International Association for Steiner/ Waldorf Early Childhood Education. Mentored Teaching Practice for Levels I and II Working directly with young children is an integral par t of preparing for early childhood teaching and caregiving. Without this intimate association with children and parents, the actual capacities for one’s work cannot unfold, the true questions cannot arise, and the learning through reflection cannot take place. We suppor t each student in finding an appropriate setting for this aspect of the program. Sophia’s Hear th provides mentoring for each student. The student has the oppor tunity to work together with an experienced Waldorf early childhood educator who is familiar with his or her studies in the program. This mentor visits each student in his or her professional setting for two days during the program to enter into dialogue around his or her questions and experiences. The costs for mentoring are included in the tuition. Questions? We’re available to consult with you about any questions you might have. Simply call or email us! 9 2 0 1 5 S U M M E R I N S T I T U T E A N D T E A C H E R E D U C AT I O N P R O G R A M E A R LY C H I L D H O O D T E A C H E R E D U C AT I O N P R O G R A M S AT S O P H I A ’ S H E A RT H Summer Institute Courses, 2015 “The child comes to earth with wisdom. We as adults have earthly experience so that we may provide the child with a supportive environment, caregiving, rhythm. We must trust the child’s wisdom. ” — Summer Course participant Classes are held from Monday through Friday, 8:15 AM to 5:15 PM. Immerse yourself for a restorative week of rich, transformative study with wonderful classmates and gifted teachers. These courses are open to all. T oday’s young children are eager for life, for exploring the world, and for encountering others in a meaningful, intimate way. To suppor t these young ones to grow into adults who have strength, enthusiasm, confidence, and joy for life asks deep devotion to their care. As teachers and parents, our gift to the growing child is to recognize and suppor t, above all, his or her unfolding spirit. We must also prepare ourselves in practical ways to meet the children who come into our lives. Summer 2015 at Sophia’s Hear th Family Center offers three weeks of teacher education courses. Our summer faculty brings a depth of experience and knowledge developed over many years of caring for young children and their families, and studying the development of the child. There are moments when life calls us to find a new viewpoint, to clarify our vocational commitment and per- 10 sonal path. Perhaps you find yourself in such a moment. We invite you to join us this summer for study, colleagueship, renewal, and new views. PUPPETRY ARTS FOR FESTIVALS June 29 – July 1 Tuition $400 Janene Ping Few Waldorf early childhood teachers have more experience in community puppetry and festival celebration than Hawthorne Valley School’s Janene Ping! This three day course is an exploration of the power of color, the movement of wind and other elemental forces, and festival life pageantry for joyful celebrations with families and young children. Par ticipants will explore ways to work with wind, water, and fire in creating meaningful and memorable festival celebrations. Ar tistic activities will include the creation of lantern boats, banners, and fish kites (by painting and dyeing on silk) for par ticipants to take home to 11 E A R LY C H I L D H O O D T E A C H E R E D U C AT I O N P R O G R A M S AT S O P H I A ’ S H E A RT H their communities as resources for festival life. Please note that this course has a special materials fee of $60. DANCING HANDS AND FROLICKING VOICES June 29 – July 1 Tuition $400 Lynn St. Pierre, Nancy Macalaster and Jane Swain Wilma Ellersiek created a delightful body of work that offers developmental touch and movement, rhyme and rhythm, and singing in the mood of the fifth. This summer we will focus on Ellersiek work for parent and child classes, nursery and early childhood parent education evenings (ages bir th to 7). Children, parents, and teachers develop close bonds with the loving touch, playfulness, warmth, and joy embodied in this work. We’ll learn touching games, finger plays, movement journeys, and lullabies with little games suitable for bedtime rituals or preparation for a quiet time or nap. We’ll also focus on transitions, creating playful bridges from one activity to the next. This summer Lynn St. Pierre will bring a completely new repertoire from previous courses to develop a fresh pocketful of songs and games. Lynn will be joined by Nancy Macalaster who will bring experiential exploration of the four foundational senses in relationship to 12 2 0 1 5 S U M M E R I N S T I T U T E A N D T E A C H E R E D U C AT I O N P R O G R A M touching games, gesture games, and singing with young children. How do we establish an inner and outer environment in suppor t of the parent, child, and teacher as they develop a mutual relationship experience through music and singing that fosters attunement and coherence? Jane Swain will focus on the therapeutic use of the hand in gesture and touch for optimal early childhood development. GARDENING WITH YOUNG CHILDREN: SPIRITUAL FOUNDATIONS AND PRACTICAL ACTIVITIES June 29 – July 3 Tuition $620 Cordelia Lane, Katie Schwerin, and Lisa Mahar The rhythms of sun, moon, and planets; the living forces within the ear th herself; the plants and their gifts to human beings—the young child is a naturalist and gardener at hear t. This five-day course will introduce the essential healing elements of biodynamic gardening: composting and application of preparations. The spiritual foundations of humanity’s cultivation of the ear th, planting and care of a garden, container gardening, and working with herbs are additional themes. The butterfly sanctuary garden at Sophia’s Hear th is a resource for the course. Participants will use simple hand tools in a practical project in the gardens. This course is part of the core coursework for Level II and includes watercolor painting and anthroposophical studies. ADVANCED STUDIES IN CHILD DEVELOPMENT June 29 – July 10 Tuition $1,240 Susan Weber, Jane Swain, Nancy Macalaster, Kim Snyder-Vine, and Juliane Weeks This course is eligible for graduate credit from Antioch University New England. This course is for those familiar with the content of Nur turing the Young Child (now Child Development I and II), can only be taken as a two-week course, and requires the permission of the instructors. The course includes two weeks of artistic work in Creative Speech with Kim Snyder-Vine, Handcrafts with Susan Weber, and Singing and Playing the Children’s Lyre with Juliane Weeks in the second week. CHILD DEVELOPMENT I & II July 6 – 10 and July 13 – 17 Tuition $620 per week Susan Weber, Jane Swain, Nancy Macalaster, Kim Snyder-Vine, and Juliane Weeks This course is eligible for graduate credit from Antioch University New England. Par ticipants may enroll for the first week only, or for both weeks. With permission of the faculty, and based on prior experience, par ticipants may enroll for the second week only. 13 E A R LY C H I L D H O O D T E A C H E R E D U C AT I O N P R O G R A M S AT S O P H I A ’ S H E A RT H The first three years of life are a special period of human development, often overlooked and misunderstood in a culture and time that place great emphasis on achievement and moving ahead. This course is designed especially for parent-child class teachers, childcare providers, and early childhood teachers. We will explore the profound human capacities and the sensitive processes that blossom for th in this time and will learn how best to suppor t the developmental process of very young children. The first week begins by examining the child’s development from the perspectives of spirit, physical growth, and emotional life. Each perspective is approached through study of the child’s gross and fine motor development, infant reflexes, and the sensory development of the child. Hands-on experience, as well as lectures and discussion, provide the foundation for learning. The second week focuses on the development of the child’s emerging self and social capacities between two and four years, conflict in two and three year olds, sensory development as a foundation of social competence, the mystery of the primitive reflexes, and the development of the hand. We also explore the evolving role of the adult when working with infants, toddlers, and older children. Readings for the course will be provided for those who enroll. “To summarize my own personal experience, it is the overwhelming sense of dignity, value, and importance of our work with children” — Summer Course participant 14 15 E A R LY C H I L D H O O D T E A C H E R E D U C AT I O N P R O G R A M S AT S O P H I A ’ S H E A RT H CELEBRATING FESTIVALS WITH YOUNG CHILDREN AND THEIR FAMILIES July 13 – 17 Tuition $620 Betsi McGuigan and Juliane Weeks Festival life is the hear t of community building! Par ticipants in Betsi’s course will be filled with new possibilities for bringing the substance of the year’s festivals to young children and their parents. Underlying spiritual insights, handcrafts through the cycle of the year, and case studies from her many years of teaching experience will build a rich experience of the year’s turning. Juliane Weeks will bring daily singing and kinderlyre. This course is part of the core coursework for Level II. Please call for course details Costs Tuition for each summer 2015 fiveday course is $620. This includes a healthy daily lunch served in community, as well as all handwork materials. The three-day course tuition is $400. A $100 deposit is required for all courses. Please note that there is a $35 non-refundable late registration fee for registrations received less than ten business days prior to any course. Please see our website for on-line registration and payment. 2 0 1 5 S U M M E R I N S T I T U T E A N D T E A C H E R E D U C AT I O N P R O G R A M Housing A housing list of local families, bed and breakfasts, campgrounds, and hotels is available upon request. These families look forward to suppor ting our work by welcoming our students into their lives. Many families offer the oppor tunity to prepare breakfast and dinner in their kitchens. Graduate Credit and Credentialing Sophia’s Hearth Family Center is a Project Par tner with the Antioch Center for School Renewal at Antioch University New England in Keene. This par tnership enables our students to receive graduate credit from Antioch University for eligible courses. Summer 2015 courses include: • Child Development I and II • Advanced Studies in Child Development Members of our faculty carry credentials as New Hampshire Early Childhood Master Professionals, enabling students to receive N.H. credentialing hours for their study here. Courses taught by Susan Weber, Jane Swain, and Nancy Macalaster provide this credential. “The level of wisdom we have to learn from our teachers I find so humbling. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate the energy, passion, and enthusiasm Jane and Susan bring to this work! It feels so cutting edge, which is incredibly exciting to be a part of, and I feel such passion myself with the teaching, but also with the sensing and experiencing of the timeliness of this knowledge.” — Level I Summer Course participant 16 17 E A R LY C H I L D H O O D T E A C H E R E D U C AT I O N P R O G R A M S AT S O P H I A ’ S H E A RT H A theme we’ve visited often in our training is that we’re not perfect nor expected to be—and who would want to listen to any of us if we were? My mistakes humanize me and keep my compassion intact. There’s always something new to strive for. I become an accessible teacher, willing to be introspective and considerate… — TRICE ATCHISON RUDOLF STEINER SCHOOL OF GREAT B ARRINGTON, MA 2 0 1 5 S U M M E R I N S T I T U T E A N D T E A C H E R E D U C AT I O N P R O G R A M 2015 Summer Course Schedule Overview WEEK 1, June 29 – July 3 WEEK 3, July 13 – 17 GARDENING WITH CHILDREN CELEBRATING FESTIVALS WITH YOUNG CHILDREN Cordelia Lane Lisa Mahar Katie Schwerin Betsi McGuigan Juliane Weeks PUPPETRY ARTS Janene Ping June 29 – July 1 I feel so suppor ted by you and Sophia's Hear th. I wish all teachers could have this suppor t to turn to. It makes all the difference! Being a par t of the Level I Program gives us a possibility for helping each other to grow in ways that we all want to. We are moving with the seasons as we learn together. I recognize that I am taking home a little more ‘yes’ with me. WEEK 2, July 6 – 10 DANCING HANDS Lynn St. Pierre, Nancy Macalaster, Jane Swain June 29 – July 1 CHILD DEVELOPMENT I CHILD DEVELOPMENT II Susan Weber Jane Swain Kim Snyder-Vine Juliane Weeks Nancy Macalaster Susan Weber Jane Swain Juliane Weeks Nancy Macalaster ADVANCED STUDIES IN CHILD DEVELOPMENT Susan Weber, Jane Swain, Nancy Macalaster, Kim Snyder-Vine, Juliane Weeks June 29 – July 10 — C AROLINE M ERCIER LEVEL I WALDORF S CHOOL AT M ORAINE FARM B EVERLY, MA The Child and Family in the First Three Years Summer I1 for finishing students June 29 – July 10 I feel blessed to have chosen Sophia’s Hear th as my teacher education program. I feel that I have a chest of treasures that will continue to grow and take form in my hear t. This program has given me the tools to bring greater awareness to my senses so that I can use them in my work with the little ones. — KATYA HUBER VAL MORIN, QUEBEC LEVEL II Summer 1 for new students June 28 – July 17 LEVEL I The Child and Family in the First Three Years Summer 1 for new students July 5 – 17 C ANADA 18 19 E A R LY C H I L D H O O D T E A C H E R E D U C AT I O N P R O G R A M S AT S O P H I A ’ S H E A RT H Faculty Our experienced faculty is drawn from early childhood specialists, therapists, and artists with backgrounds in Waldorf early childhood education and complementary disciplines. Susan Weber is the director of Sophia’s Hear th Family Center. She brings many years of experience as a Waldorf early childhood teacher, public school teacher and administrator, Waldorf early childhood teacher training coordinator at Antioch University New England, and adult educator. She has completed advanced training at the Pikler Institute in Budapest, Hungary. She regularly presents the work of Sophia’s Hear th Family Center—as well as themes relating to the very young child—at local, national, and international conferences. She is the director of our Early Childhood Teacher Education Center. Jane Swain is the associate director of the Early Childhood Teacher Education Center at Sophia’s Hear th. A pediatric physical therapist, Jane is also a graduate of the Level III Spacial Dynamics ® training program. She is cer tified in Bothmer Gymnastics, Sensory Integration Praxis testing, and in Bobath/ Neurodevelopmental Treatment for children with cerebral palsy and other neuromotor disorders. She has studied at the Pikler Institute. She has provided classroom consultations for preschool and elementary-aged children for many years. She presents at conferences and workshops in the United States and internationally. 20 Janene Ping is a core faculty for our Level II Waldorf Early Childhood Teacher Education Program. She is a lead kindergarten teacher at the Hawthorne Valley Waldorf School. She studied Humanities at San Francisco State University. Her Waldorf training includes a degree in Waldorf Early Childhood Education from Sunbridge College. She has taught puppetry arts at the Center for Anthroposophy and at the Rudolf Steiner Institute. She is the artistic director at Magical Puppet Tree. Nancy Macalaster has facilitated our Joyful Beginnings parent and child classes for many years. She holds a degree in child development from Connecticut College and a master’s degree in counseling psychology from Antioch University New England. She is also a graduate of the Sophia’s Hearth’s Level I specialization program and has completed advanced training at the Pikler Institute. Cordelia Lane has spent most of her life in Maine. She has been an early childhood teacher and subject teacher at Merriconeag Waldorf School in Freeport. She then turned her focus to biodynamic agriculture, running a small farm and CSA in Freeport for the next eight years. She is now engaged in a new farm venture in Ellsworth. 2 0 1 5 S U M M E R I N S T I T U T E A N D T E A C H E R E D U C AT I O N P R O G R A M Betsi McGuigan has been an educator for over 30 years. She holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Idaho and a master’s degree in Waldorf education from Antioch University New England. She has been a Waldorf early educator at the Waldorf School of Cape Cod, Pine Hill Waldorf School, and for nearly 14 years at the Monadnock Waldorf School where she was known and loved for her warmth, ready laugh, thoughtful teaching, gifted parent work, and deep knowledge of the Waldorf curriculum. Lynn St. Pierre is a member of the International Hand Gesture Games Working Circle sponsored by the International Association of Waldorf Early Childhood Education. Lynn apprentices with Kundry Willwerth—co-presenting, assisting, and studying intensively with her. She has presented the Ellersiek work in the U.S., Africa and India. Kim Snyder-Vine holds a four-year Goetheanum Diploma from the London School of Speech Formation. She has been teaching, performing, and consulting in creative speech, drama, and hygienic speech for children and adults in Waldorf schools and at Waldorf teacher training institutes and ar tistic training centers, as well as private and public venues worldwide, since 1983. Kim was a founding member of Por tal Productions in London and the Alchymia Theatre in Chicago. Recently she has performed internationally with Eurythmeum Stuttgar t, the Symphonic Eurythmy Tour, and Eurythmy Spring Valley. Carol Spindler completed her eurythmy training in 2013 and participated in the 2012 Dvorak eurythmy symphony in Spring Valley, NY. She graduated from Dartmouth College and also has a master's degree in speech-language pathology. Dr. Jaap van der Wal is an associate professor in Anatomy and Embryology at the University of Maastricht, The Netherlands. His encounter with anthroposophy and the Goethean approach has given him the bridge between natural science on the one hand and the humanities and spirituality on the other. Juliane Weeks teaches singing and playing of the kinderlyre. She has been working with music as a healing modality for many years, including therapies at the Rudolf Steiner Health Center in Ann Arbor, Michigan; the Psychiatric Friedrich Husemann Klinik in Freiburg, Germany; and in Hospice settings. She received her diploma as an anthroposophical music therapist from the Medical Section in Dornach, Switzerland. 21 E A R LY C H I L D H O O D T E A C H E R E D U C AT I O N P R O G R A M S AT S O P H I A ’ S H E A RT H The Details 2 0 1 5 S U M M E R I N S T I T U T E A N D T E A C H E R E D U C AT I O N P R O G R A M Registration Summer Institute Courses, 2015 Tuition for each summer five-day course is $620. The three-day course is $400. This includes daily whole-food lunches, shared in community. Applying Early applications to the Summer Institute help us plan, allowing us to know that it will be possible to offer each workshop or course. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis using the registration form on the opposite page or online. 13-Month Level I and II Programs require a more in-depth application, sharing your experience with children, Waldorf early childhood education, and the Pikler approach; and your reasons for interest in our program. One reference is required for admission to the program. Students are expected to have regular experience in a program with young children throughout the course. The application form is on page 24. A telephone interview is also par t of the admissions process. Enrollment Each course is a full-time experience, and it is not possible to enroll for more than one course in a given week. However, it is possible to attend for two or three weeks. Tuition Tuition covers all course costs and a shared midday meal. Travel, lodging, and other meal costs are the responsibility of the student. 22 Housing A housing list of local families, bed and breakfasts, campgrounds, and hotels is available upon request. These families look forward to suppor ting our work by welcoming our students into their lives. Many families offer the oppor tunity to prepare breakfast and dinner in their kitchens. A non-refundable $100 deposit is required for each course. Balance of tuition is due by June 19, 2015. Underenrolled courses may be cancelled. Please note, there is a $35 late fee for registrations received after June 19, 2015. I wish to register for these courses: June 29 – July 1 Puppetry Arts for Festivals $400 Tuition Payment Schedule and Refund Policy Summer Institute Courses: A $100 deposit is required upon application. 13-Month Program: A $50 application fee is required. A $300 deposit is due upon acceptance. All deposits are applied to the total tuition costs. No refunds are given after a course has begun. June 29 – July 1 Dancing Hands, Frolicking Voices $400 Travel We endeavor to help students who use air travel with ground transpor tation needs, helping them network with one another and providing contact information for airpor t pickup. Nearest airpor ts are in Manchester, New Hampshire (Manchester-Boston Regional Airpor t, 1½ hours from Keene), and Windsor Locks, Connecticut (Bradley International Airpor t, 1¾ hours from Keene). Public transpor tation in our area is challenging. City, State, Zip June 29 – July 3 Gardening With Children $620 A map and lodging accommodation list will be sent upon receipt of your registration. For further information about our Level I and Level II 13-Month Low Residency Programs, please call us for a conversation: 603.357.3755. Students begin the program with the summer session and must attend all sessions; par tial enrollment is not offered. June 29 – July 10 Advanced Studies in Child Dev. $1,240 July 6 – 10 Child Development I $620 July 13 – 17 Child Development II $620 July 13 – 17 Celebrating Festivals $620 Name Address Phone Email Affiliation (school, organization) Credit Card Number I am registering for Exp. course(s) and am enclosing a deposit of $ To Register Register online at or fill out and mail this form with your payment to: The Early Childhood Teacher Education Center at Sophia’s Hear th, 700 Cour t Street, Keene, New Hampshire 03431. Questions? Call us: 603.357.3755 23 E A R LY C H I L D H O O D T E A C H E R E D U C AT I O N P R O G R A M S AT S O P H I A ’ S H E A RT H Application 13-Month Teacher Education Program Level I The Child and Family in the First Three Years For Level II applications, please contact Sophia’s Hearth, 603.357.3755 Please share the following on a separate piece of paper: • Your educational and professional background; • Your experience with young children; • Your familiarity with Waldorf early childhood education, the work of the Pikler Institute, and other early childhood educational approaches; • The reasons for your interest in this program. It is also expected that course participants will visit and observe programs at Sophia’s Hear th Family Center during their course of study. Please also send us one written reference from someone familiar with your work with children. Send your application with the $50 non-refundable application fee to: The Teacher Education Center at Sophia’s Hearth, 700 Court Street, Keene, NH 03431 A telephone interview is also par t of the application process. It is expected that each course par ticipant will be actively engaged with young children as a caregiver, teacher, nanny, or volunteer. An undergraduate degree is NOT required as a prerequisite for admission to this program. Total tuition for the Level I Program is $7,500. A deposit of $300, applied toward the tuition, is due upon acceptance to hold your place. This course is dependent upon minimum enrollment; your timely application ensures that the course will be fully enrolled. “We must bring an inner fire, an inner enthusiasm, to our work... The whole of our being must work in us as educators, Name Address not only the thinking person; the person of feeling City, State, Zip Phone and the person of will must also play their part.” Email — Rudolf Steiner, from The Kingdom of Childhood Affiliation (school, organization) Credit Card Number Exp. I am applying to the 13-Month Program Level I and am enclosing my $50 application fee. For 13-Month Teacher Education Program Level II applications, please contact Sophia’s Hearth, 603.357.3755 24 700 Court St., Keene, NH 03431 603.357.3755 Sophia’s Hearth Family Center return service requested permit no. 86 wht riv jct, vt paid us postage non-profit org.
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