April 6, 1943. F. N. OSTERKORN 2,315,541 , HEATING SYSTEM Filed Dec. 10, 1937 3 Sheets-Sheet 1 65K ‘ INVENTOR. Fzzwzxzcx Maszmmwv. BY . Z . . . ATTORNEYS April 6, 1943- _ 7 F. N. osTERKoRN ‘ ' HEATIYNG SYSTEM 2,315,541 ‘ Filed Dec. 10, 1937 z _3 Sheets-Sheet 2 INVENTOR. FREDERICK/Z USIERKW BY ATTORNEYS Ap ' .6, 1943._ 2,315,541 F. N. OSTERKORN HEATING SYSTEM Filed Dec. 10, 1957 3 Sheets-Sheet 3 ‘ _ INVENTOR. FREDERIcK 1V. asrzzzxamv BY ATTORNEYS 2,315,541 Patented Apr. 6, 1943 UNITED STATES PATENToFFICE HEATING SYSTEM Frederick N. Osterkorn, Freehold, N. J., assignor to Economy Valve Company, a copartnership consisting of Herman D. Ja?'e, Nathan Feld ‘stern, and said Frederick N. Osterkorn Application December 10, 1937, Serial No. 179,056 10 Claims. (01. 237-468) The present invention concerns itself with heating systems and has particular reference to heating systems of the type wherein the heating both the air-venting and air-inlet valves are pro-_ vided with means to seal the valves and thus the system against the escape of steam. The concept and operative principle underlying the invention is capable of being embodied in one pipe heating systems as well as in two-pipe sys tems and in systems which combine certain of the features of one and two-pipe systems. Referring brie?y to the drawings, medium is steam, as well as to air-venting and air-inlet valves for use in such systems. The invention is based upon the observation that there exists in steam heating systems an al ternating or spasmodic surge or pulsation which can be controlled or regulated in such a way as to create a suction pulling in the direction‘ of the radiators, and that the suction thus produced can be utilized as a motive force for conveying heated vapor or steam from the boiler to the radiators Figure 1 is a view, more or less diagrammatic or schematic in its representation, of a one-pipe system embodying the inventive concept and operative principle 01' my invention; Figure 2 is a vertical cross-sectional view even when the ?re is banked. The surge or pulsation to which I have refer 15 through one of the air-venting valves showing its ence can be observed by ‘carefully watching the connection to one 01' the'radiators; , water glass or gauge on the boiler of a heating Figure 3 is a cross-sectional view taken sub system. It also manifests itself as an alter I stantially along line 3-4 of Figure 2; hating ?ow or pulsation of air through the air Figure 4 is a perspective view of one of the de vents of the radiators which can be actually heard 20 tails of the air-venting valve shown in Figure 2;. as a slightly perceptible sound Just before steam Figure 5 is a perspective view of .the valve disk temperature is reached in the boiler. V of the air-venting valve; In one of its aspects, the invention is directed to a heating system provided with means for con- » trolling or regulating the surge or pulsation in such a way as to create a suction pulling in, the 7 I, Figure 6 is a perspective view of another detail of the air-venting valve; Figure '7 is a vertical cross-sectional view , through the air-inlet valve and showing its con direction of the radiators, thereby drawing from nection to the boiler; ‘ Figure 8 is a perspective fragmentary view of. tors. The means for controlling or regulating the valve disk of the air-inlet valve; and the surge or impulse is in the form of'an air 30 Figure 9 is a perspective fragmentary viewoi venting valve adapted to be connected to the another detail of the air-inlet valve. Referring to the drawings in greater detail-and radiators of a conventional steam heating system more particularly to Figure 1 thereof, the refer and being of such construction and mode of operation as to permit the escape of air from the ence numerals I, 2 and 3 denote a series of radia radiator corresponding to the outward impulse tors located in the different rooms of the building the boiler heated vapor or steam to all the radia of the surge or pulsation while preventing the ' return of air to the radiator corresponding to the inward impulse of said surge or pulsation, there by suppressing the return impulse and convert ing the alternating surge to a unidirectional series 40 40f impulses in the direction of the radiators. of steam such as a boiler 4 by means of a steam main 5 and a number of branch pipes 8, ‘I and 8. - The boiler may be of conventional construction and is shown as being provided with a conven tional form of fire box 9, a'water glass or gauge I 0 and a steam gauge II. It is to be noted that . In a preferred-embodiment of the invention, the heating system is provided with means for automatically controlling or regulating the de gree of suction or vacuum produced by the air to be heated and connected to a common source the steam gauge is connected to the boiler above - 45 the water level by means oi a pipe I2. The numeral l3 designates the air-venting venting valve. The means for controlling or regu lating the degree of suction or vacuum is in the valve of the invention. ,Such a valve may be con nected to each radiator at the end opposite the form of , an air-inlet valve, adapted to be con-y steam inlet. The numeral M denotes the air nected to the boiler above the water level. inlet valve of the invention which is shown as In another of_ its aspects, the invention is di 5o being connected to-the pipe I! below the steam rected to‘ the construction of the air-venting gauge II. I Reference will now be had to Figures 2 to 6 In still another of its aspects, the invention is wherein is illustrated ‘a preferred formpf air- _ directed‘ to the construction of the air-inlet valve. venting valve [3. As shown in Figures 2 and 3, In the preferred embodiments of the invention, 55 the valve has an outer shell or vcasing which may ' valve. - ’ , 2,315,541 2 balanced so that it will be moved away from the advantageously take the form of a bell jar. The casing is shown as being made in two parts, which face of the plug by the outward impulse of the alternating surge or pulsation previously referred ' for convenience will be referred to as the body to. To this end the entire valve disk unit includ portion i5 and the ?at bottom l6. As shown the bottom has an upstanding ?ange I'I ?tting about the lower periphery of the body portion to which ing valve disk, extension and ?nger hold is made as light in weight as possible. , ' The reference numeral 38 denotes a cylindrical it may be connected in any suitable. manner. cap which ?ts over the outer face of the plug 28 Connected to the casing near the bottom thereof to provide a housing or enclosure for the valve is the threaded nipple l8 which serves to connect disk 36. Its structure is shown in Figure 6. As 10 the valve to the radiator. , shown it has ‘a central aperture 39 through which Positioned within the outer shell or casing is an is adapted to extend the extension 35 of the valve inner ‘shell which consists of the substantially cylindrical base portion IS, the intermediate sub disk. Theaperture should be of a size su?icient ' This element is substantially cylindrical and is provided below its middle with an enlarged por shown as being provided with a plurality of apertures. The two metals of which the disk is to receive the extension and to permit the escape , stantially frusto-conical portion 20 and the upper I reduced substantially cylindrical portion 2|. The 15 of air passing by the valve disk, and may be smaller than the diameter of the ?nger hold 35, inner shell may rest upon the bottom of the outer thereby preventing the accidental misplacement shell or be somewhat spaced therefrom. The of the valve disk when the valve is taken apart. . base portion i9 is of a somewhat smaller diameter The cap may be connected or attached to the plug than the outer casing and ?ts snugly therein by 28 in various ways well known to the art. For virtue o.f_a number of vertical corrugations 22. 20 most purposes, it is su?icient to make the cap of The vertical wall of the base may also be provided such dimensions as to fit snugly about the plug with a number of apertures for a purpose to be 28 when forced thereon and to provide free play hereinafter pointed out. for the valve disk. As shown in Figure 2, the conical portion 213 It will be noted that the vertical aperture 26 may be provided with a number of apertures ‘23 25 in the plug 215 has an enlarged frusto-conical also for a purpose to be pointed out in the follow lower end ?it which receives the upper conical end ing description. Fitted within the reduced upper or point it of a vertical rod or stem 62. To the portion 2!! ofv the inner shell and extending up lower end of the rod 52 is secured in a suitable wardly through an aperture provided for the pur pose in the top of the outer shell is the block 253. 30 manner a bimetallic concave disk 53, which is tion 213 which rests on the upper reduced portion iii of the inner casing and ?ts tightly against the made are so chosen that the dist: will change from the concave form shown in Figure 2 to a outer casing, thereby sealing the aperture through 35 convex form when its temperature reaches 205° F., and will change back again to the concave form when its temperature falls to a predeter mined lower limit. A suitable lower limit for the with a vertical aperture 26 and a communicating. purposes of the present invention is 110° F. has aperture 2i which is slightly inclined to the hori aontal. The aperture 2i is threaded to receive 40 Shown in Figure 2. when the disk is of concave form there is a considerable clearance between the which threaded is illustrated portiontooiathe larger plugid. scale The in Figure plug A. the upper end of the rod 62 and the walls of the aperture Gil. When the disk changes to its con is shown as vhaving a cylindrical centrally aper vex form the upper end of the rod will be instan tured head 29 and a threaded portion which is taneously forced against the walls of the aperture ' received within the inclined aperture 27. At this so as to seal it against steam, and when the disk point it may be stated that the aperture it is changes back to its concave form the upper end inclined at a very small angle (about 5°) from the of the rod will be instantaneously pulled away horizontal. Hence, the outer face of the head oi‘ from the walls of the aperture to permit the pas the plug is inclined to the same extent from the sage of air and vapor. vertical. The bimetallic disk is shown as being supported The numerals M, 32 and designate three pins about its outer periphery on the annular flange of oi very small diameter which extend at right the supporting element iii-i, so that it is absolutely angles from the outer face oi’ the plug These free to change its cross-section when the prede pins are spaced about the central aperture at equal distances from the center of the aperture, 55 termined temperature limits are reached. The supporting element M is shown as having a base the two upper pins 36 and 32 being more closely portion which is raised in the center as shown at spaced from each other than they are‘ from. pin $5 thereby providing an annular runway 436. 33, thus forming the apices of an isoceles triangle. Suitable apertures til are shown provided in the The numeral M denotes a valve disk which is shown to a larger scale in Figure 5. This disk is 60 raised portion and the annular runway is shown‘ as being provided with radially disposed raised made of skeletonizedyery light metal or alloy ribs or corrugations 48. Connected to the annu- I such as aluminum, Duralumin, Dow metal etc., which the element 24 extends. _ ‘ As shown in Figure 2, the block it is provided and is provided with an. extension 35 which ter lar wall of the support 6d and extending through suitably provided apertures in both the inner and urinates in a knurled ?nger hold {it}. The disk itseli’ tapers very markedly from the extension 65 outer shells of the valve is a drain tube (39 which extends through the nozzle l into the radiator i. thereby providing a sharp outer edge'ili which it is thought to be clear from the ‘foregoing de is preferably as ?ne as lrriiie edge so that when scription that air or vapor reaching the radiator placed against the outer face of the plug 2i} Toe~ to which is connected one of the air-venting tween the pins 3‘2 and valve disk will be delicately balanced on the lower pin As has “id valves of this invention will pass through the nor ale it into the valve and will find its way through been stated, the two upper pins 33 and iii are the various apertures and spaces in the various more closely spaced to each other than they are elements to the lower enlarged end fit of the ver to the lower pin 33. This arrangement eliminates tical aperture Assuming that the parts are any tendency of the pins to bind the valve disk, it being essential that the valve disk be delicately 75 positioned as shown in Figure 2; the air or vapor 2,315,541 will pass up through the communicating aper tures 26 and 21 and through the aperture in the plug 28 to the valve disk 34 which, as has been pointed out, is very delicately balanced on the lower pin 33. Due to the slight inclination of the plug 28 the disk presses against the outer face of the plug thereby sealing the aperture. Since the air or vapor issuing from the radiator comes in short spasmodic impulses, the valve disk will move back and forth between the guide pins 3l,. 32 and 33 in synchronism with the impulses thereby permitting the escape of air on the outward impulses but sealing the plug 28 3 of the valve into the nozzle 58 and down into the connecting pipe 59. The reference numeral 60 denotes a horizon tally disposed tube which is screw-threadely en~ 0 gaged with the block in registration with the horizontal aperture 54. Connected to the outer or free end of the tube is a right-angled elbow 6| which carries a cap 62 at its lower end. The el bow 6| may be formed integrally with the tube 80 or it ‘may be screw-threadedly connected there with as shown. The cap 62 is shown in larger scale in Figure 9 and has a bottom 63 and an annular upstand against the return‘ of air on the inward ing rim B4. The bottom is provided with a cen impulses. This action will continue as long as 15 tral aperture 65 and the upper surface of the the bimetallic disk 43 is in its concave form as bottom, which mayfor convenience be termed shown. When steam reaches this disk, the tem perature will rise above the upper limit (205° F.) and the disk will thereupon instantaneously snap into its convex shape, forcing the stem or rod 42 upwardly into sealing position with reference to the vertical aperture 26. Thereafter, impulses of air, vapor or steam will be unable to pass up through the block 24 and hence will not actuate the valve disk 34. As soon as the temperature of the bimetallic disk 43 drops to its lower limit (110° F. in the preferred embodiment), it will snap back into its concave shape, thereby posi tively and forcibly pulling the upper end of the stem 42 away from the aperture 26 and again opening the aperture to the impulses of air or vapor. It is to be noted that water resulting from the condensation of steam will, because of the structure of the various elements,-collect in the runway 48 of the supporting element 44 and will be returned to the radiator through the drain tube 49. It is also to vbe noted that the valve the floor, slopes from the aperture toward the rim, to provide a valve seat for the valve disk 61. The inner surface of the rim is provided with screw threads 66 so that the cap can be detach ably connected to the lower end of the elbow Bl. The numeral 6‘! denotes the valve disk which is shown to a larger scale in Figure 8. The valve disk is provided with a disk portion 68, an exten sion 59 and a ?nger hold 10. The disk portion may have a ?at upper surface as shown and its lower surface is preferably sloped from its outer periphery toward the center to conform with the sloping floor of the cap 62. As shown in Figure 7, the disk portion is housed within the space bee tween the lower end of the elbow 6i and the cap 82, resting freely upon the slanting ?oor of the cap 62 with the extension 59 projecting through the aperture 65 and the finger hold 10 accessible below the cap. It will be understood from the. foregoing de scription of the air-inlet valve that the valve disk ‘disk 34 by reason of its'?nger hold 35 can be 61 normally closes the aperture in the cap 62 pre readily handled, as when it is desired to grind venting the admission of air and the escape of down its knife edge or to turn the valve disk on 40 vapor or steam. When the parts are positioned its seat for adjustment or other purpose. .as shown in Figure 7, i. 0. when. the bimetallic Referring now to Figures 7, 8 and 9, it will be disk is in its concave form, air and vapor can seen that the air-inlet valve has an outer shell or freely pass through the plug 52 into the space casing 50 and an inner shell 51, both of which above the valve disk 57. Likewise, any suction may advantageously be of the same construction or vacuum existing in the system will communi as the corresponding elements of the air-venting cate itself to the upper surface of the disk and valve. The numeral 52 denotes a block posi will tend to lift the disk from its seat. When the tioned within the reduced upperend of the inner suction or degree of vacuum is su?iciently great shell and extending through an aperture in the to overcome the weight of the disk, the disk will top of ’ the outer shell in a manner similar to the rise thereby permitting the entrance of atmos corresponding block- of ‘the other valve. This block is also of similar construction to the other block, being provided with the two communicat ing apertures 53 and 54. The aperture 53 is ver pheric air. ‘- It is thought to be clear therefore that by using a valve disk of a given weight. it is tically disposed and has a lower enlarged frusto- , conical portion, but the aperture 54 instead of being inclined at a slight angle to the horizontal , may be horizontal. The numeral 55 denotes a vertical rod or stem having an upper pointed or possible to predetermine the degree of suction necessary to actuate the air-inlet valve. This provides a very convenient way for controlling or regulating the degree of vacuum produced in the system by the air-venting valve. _ It will be understood that when steam reaches the bimetallic disk 56, the disk will instantane conical end to cooperate with the enlarged lower ously snap into its convex shape thereby pushing end of the aperture 53. The vertical rod is con— 60 the conical end of the stem 55 against its seat in nected at its lower end to the bimetallic disk 56 the plug 52 and shutting off the valve disk from ' which is supported about its outer periphery by the effects of pressure changes in the system. the annular ?ange of the supporting element 57. Also that when the temperature ,of the disk Both the bimetallic disk and its supporting e1o~ drops to its lower limit the disk will snap back ment may advantageously be of the same con to its concave form and the conical end of the struction as the corresponding elements of the > air-venting valve. The bimetallic dirk may have the same temperature limits as the correspond ing disk of the other valve. The valve is pro vided with a nozzle 58 for connection to the pipe l2 which connects the pressure gauge All to the boiler 4. The valve may also be provided with 'a drain tube 59 which is connected to the support ing element 5'! and extends through the two shells stem will be forcibly and positively pulled away from its seat in the plug, thereby again exposing the valve disk to the effects of pressure changes. It will also be understood that condensed steam will be collected and returned to the radiators from the air-inlet valve. I ‘It is thought that the operation of the system will be readily understood from the foregoing de scription, particularly in the light of the follow 4. 2,315,541 associated with said radiator and actuated by said pulsations to permit the escape of air correspond ing to the outward impulses of the alternating or ing additional explanation. Assuming that in the system illustrated in Figure 1, the ?re is banked for the night and the temperature of each of the radiators has dropped below that obtaining in the boiler, each of the air-venting valves will be actuated in the manner previously described to create a suction pulling in the direction of all of spasmodic surges or pulsations in said system, and an air-inlet valve connected to the boiler to control the amount of suction in said system pro duced by said air-venting valve. 3. In a vapor heating system, in combination with a boiler adapted to contain a body of water the radiators. The amount or degree of the suc tion will be regulated or controlled Within desired limits by the actuation of the air-inlet valve on '10 to be heated, a radiator located at a distance The suction within the system will from said boiler, and connections between said cause the flow of heat to the radiators thereby raising their temperature. In case steam starts ?owing in the system and reaches the bimetallic disk of any of the valves, the bimetallic disk will instantaneously snap into its convex shape, there boiler and said radiator to convey vapor from said boiler to said radiator, a light-weight valve member associated with said radiator, said valve ' the boiler. member being sensitive to thealternating pulsa tions that continuously take place in water that is at least moderately heated and being actuated vby said pulsations to permit the escape of air by sealing the particular valve against the escape of steam. When the temperature or" the bimetal— lic disk drops again to its lower limit, the disk will snap back into its concave iorm thereby ren corresponding to the outward impulses of said 20 dering the valve operative again for the escape of air corresponding to the outward impulses. The foregoing system is very ?exible in that it will take care of the operating requirements of all the radiators in the system, which depend upon 25 such factors as their distance from the boiler and pulsations. 4. In a vapor heating system, in combination with a boiler adapted to contain a body of water to be heated, a radiator located at a distance from said boiler, andconnections between said boiler and said radiator to convey vapor from said boiler to saidradiator, a light-weight valve member associated with said boiler, said valve member being sensitive to the alternating pulsa the particular temperatures in the rooms where the radiators are located. For though each air venting valve is a cooperative part of the entire ' tions that continuously take place in water that system, it will be actuated in accordance with the 30 is at least moderately heated and being actuated by said pulsations to permit the entrance of air conditions obtaining in the particular radiator to into the boiler, and a light-weight valve member which it may be connected. For instance, at any in communication with said radiator, said valve particular moment, one or more of- the air-vent member being sensitive to said alternating pulsa ing valves may be operating to discharge air in synchronism with the surge, while the others may - tions and being actuated thereby to permit the escape of air corresponding to the outward im have been rendered ine?ective insofar as the dis: pulses of said impulses. charge of air is concerned by the change in shape 5. The heating system de?ned in claim 3, said .of their bimetallic disks and the consequent seal ing of the valves against the escape of steam. valve member being provided with thermostati It is to be noted that in actual practice the air» 4.0 cally controlled means to prevent the escape of steam. if and when it arrives at the valve mem inlet valve is not indispensable, but I have found her. it advantageous to provide systems having sev= 6. The heating system de?ned in claim 4, at eral radiators with an air-inlet valve in order to least one of said valve members being provided control or regulate the degree of suction created by the air-venting valves. 4.5 with thermostatically controlled means to prevent the escape of steam, if and when it arrives at The foregoing disclosure and description con~ the valve member. tain the essential and distinctive thought and 7. In a vapor heating system, in combination concept which characterize my invention, but it with a boiler adapted to contain a body of water is to be understood that my inventive thought to be heated, a radiator located at a distance and concept may be combined with other concepts from said boiler and connections between said and that its details may be modi?ed in various boiler and said radiator to convey vapor from ways or replaced by other details without a?ect= said boiler to said radiator, a light-weight valve ing the peculiar results obtained and without de member associated with said radiator for pass parting from the spirit and the scope of the fol ing air only in one direction, said valve member lowing claims, in which I intend to claim all the comprising a disk mounted for free movement patentable novelty inherent in rny-invention. and suiilciently light to be sensitive to the alter I claim: . nating pulsations that continuously take place 1. In a heating system, in combination with in Water that is at least moderately heated, and a boiler adapted to contain a body of water, means to heat the water contained in said boiler 60 being actuated by said pulsations to permit the escape of air corresponding to the outward im to cause alternating or spasmodic surges or pul~ pulses of said pulsations. sations in said water, a radiator located at a dis 8. In a vapor heating system, in combination tance from the boiler, and connections between with a boiler adapted to contain a body of water said boiler and said radiator, an air-venting valve , associated with said radiator and actuated by said 65 to be heated, a radiator located at a distance from. said boiler and connections between said pulsations to permit the escape of air correspond boiler and said radiator to convey vapor from , ing to the outward impulses oi the alternating or said boiler to said radiator, a light-weight valve spasmodic surges or pulsations in said system. member associated with said boiler [or passing 2. In a heating system, in combination with air only in one direction, said valve member com a boiler adapted to contain a body of water, prising a disk mounted for free movement and means to heat the water contained in said boilerv sufficiently light to be sensitive to the alternating to cause alternating or spasmodic surges or pul pulsations that continuously take place in water sations in said water, a radiator located at a dis that is at least moderately heated, and being ac tance from the boiler, and connections between said boiler and said radiator, an air-venting valve 75 tuated by said pulsations to permit the entrance 2,810,541 of air into' said boiler, and a light-weight valve member associated with said radiator for pass ing air only in one direction, said valve member comprising a disk mounted for free movement and su?lciently light to be sensitive to the alter cally controlled means to prevent the escape of steam, if and when it arrives at the valve member. 10. The heating system de?ned in claim 8, at least one of said valve members being provided with thermostatically controlled means to pre vent the escape of steam, if and when it arrives at the valve member. nating pulsations that continuously take place in water that is at least moderately heated, and being actuated by said pulsations to permit the escape or air corresponding to the outward im pulses of said pulsations, 1 - 5 9. The heating system de?ned in claim 7, said valve member being provided with thermostati V 10 FREDERICK N. OS'IERKORN.
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