Application Form (Green Form) Sale of Home Ownership Scheme

Notes for Applicants:
Application Form (Green Form)
Sale of Home Ownership Scheme Flats 2014
1. Application period: 30 December 2014 to 12 January 2015 (The closing time is 7 p.m. on 12 January 2015)
2. Green Form for Home Ownership Scheme (HOS) is to be used by households of Public Rental Housing (PRH) units under the Hong
Kong Housing Authority (HA) (with the exception of tenants under conditional tenancies) or the Hong Kong Housing Society (HS);
households with Green Form Certificates which are affected by the HA’s Interim Housing (IH) clearance programmes; holders of a
valid Green Form Certificate issued by the Housing Department (HD)/ the Urban Renewal Authority (URA); staff of the Estate
Assistant grade of the HD who is holding a valid “Letter of Assurance” issued by the HD; and recipients of Rent Allowance for the
Elderly Scheme (RAES).
3. Please read carefully the Application Guide for Green Form Applicants (Application Guide) and follow the guidelines for completing
the application form and submitting the supporting documents as stipulated in paragraph 19 of the Application Guide.
4. Please fill in this form in English block letters (and Chinese if applicable) with a black ball pen (not applicable to electronic form in
fillable PDF format).
5. Please put a ‘’ in the box (as 
) in the columns of Parts 1, 3 and 4 as appropriate.
6. The data collected from this application form will be used for processing this application. For details about the notes of collection
of personal data, please refer to paragraph 17 of the Application Guide.
7. Completed application forms together with the application fee should be submitted within the application period mentioned in note
1 above in the manner as specified in paragraph 5.3 of the Application Guide for applicants of respective categories. Applications
submitted before or after the application period will not be accepted. For submission by mail, applications with postmark date
before or after the application period will not be accepted.
Part I
Particulars of the applicant and all family members who will live with the applicant upon purchase of
a flat (For applications involving over four persons, please use an additional application form and submit both forms
duly signed and confirmed by the applicant and family members concerned.)
Chinese Name (if any)
Given Name
Hong Kong Identity Card (H.K.I.C.)
Hong Kong Birth Certificate No. (if
H.K.I.C. not yet issued)
Sex (M - Male, F - Female)
Not Applicable
Date of Birth
Relationship with
day month year
Husband/ Wife
Father/ Mother
Son/ Daughter
Father-in-law/ Mother-in-law
Son-in-law/ Daughter-in-law
Brother/ Sister
Grandfather/ Grandmother
Other, please specify
Marital Status
Holder of Hong Kong Permanent
 Yes
Identity Card
Pregnant for 16 weeks on the closing
 Yes
date of application
Spouse not having the right to land in
 Yes
Hong Kong
Contact Tel. No. of Applicant
) (
) (
 Yes
 Yes
 Yes
 Yes
 Yes
 Yes
 Yes
 Yes
 Yes
Part II
Record of payment of the application fee (To be completed by the applicant)
When submitting this application form, the applicant should enclose a crossed cheque/ cashier’s order for HK$200 made payable to
“HONG KONG HOUSING AUTHORITY” (post-dated cheque, cash, gift cheque and postal order will not be accepted). If the
cheque/ cashier’s order submitted for payment of the application fee is dishonoured, the application will be cancelled. Those
applications which are delivered belatedly or returned to the applicants due to insufficient postage will not be processed. For
whatever reasons, application fees paid will not be refunded.
(Please write down the applicant’s H.K.I.C. No. and
Order No.
Tel. No. at the back of the cheque/cashier’s order.)
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Part III
Ownership of domestic property (Please refer to paragraphs 2.1(a) to (c) of Application
Space for 2D
Please put a ‘’ in the appropriate box (as 
I and/ or someone among the family members listed in Part I own(s) or co-own(s) domestic
property in Hong Kong.
Neither I nor anyone among the family members listed in Part I own(s) or co-own(s) any
domestic property in Hong Kong.
Part IV Priority Scheme for Families with Elderly Members (Please refer to paragraph 2.1(e) of Application Guide)
Applicants joining the “Priority Scheme for Families with Elderly Members” are required to put a ‘’ in the box (as 
 ) below,
otherwise they will be considered as opting not to join the scheme.
I am/ We are joining the “Priority Scheme for Families with Elderly Members”.
Part V
Income and net asset value (in Hong Kong dollars) (Please refer to paragraph 19.2 of Application Guide)
(This part is not applicable to PRH tenants.)
Correspondence and residential addresses in Hong Kong
Total Family Monthly Income $
Part VI
Total Net Asset Value of Family $
(To avoid postal misdelivery, please write in block
letters. Please notify the HD immediately if there are any changes in future.)
Residential Address in Hong Kong (This part must be
Correspondence Address in Hong Kong (Including Post
completed if the residential address is different from the
Office/P.O. Box No.) (This part must be completed)
correspondence address)
Name of Applicant
Part VII Declaration by the applicant and family members aged 18 or above
I/ We hereby declare that:
1. All the particulars given in this application form are true and correct in all respects. I/ We have not withheld any information
required for this application, nor have I/ we provided any misleading information. I/ We have read and fully understand the
content of the Application Guide.
2. I/ We understand that none of the persons listed in Part I of this application form are listed in any other application for the current
sale exercise. Any duplicate application will render all applications null and void, and the application fee paid will not be refunded.
3. I/ We understand that the application fee paid is neither refundable nor transferable under any circumstances. Furthermore, I/
we also understand that if any changes in the personal particulars or family circumstances of me/ us or any family member(s)
listed in Part I of this application form which have rendered me/ us ineligible, the application will be cancelled. The HA and
the HD shall not be responsible for any loss so incurred.
4. I/ We have checked with all persons listed in Part I of this application form (including their spouses) and confirmed that I/ we
have not received any housing subsidy specified in paragraph 3 of the Application Guide.
5. I/ We undertake to report in writing to the HA any changes in the personal particulars (including but not limited to the income,
net asset value, ownership of domestic property and marital status) of me/ us or any family member(s) listed in Part I of this
application form or in the family circumstances that occur after the submission of application up to the date of signing of the
Agreement for Sale and Purchase of the HOS flat, so that the HA can re-assess my/ our eligibility and priority for flat selection.
6. I/ We undertake that the flat purchased as a result of this application shall be for occupation by all the persons listed in Part I of
this application form.
7. I/ We understand that:
(a) should I/ we appear in the application form(s) of other subsidised housing schemes and more than one applications are
successful, I/ we can only opt for one of the schemes and all other application(s) have to be cancelled;
(b) should I/ we successfully acquire a flat under other subsidised housing schemes and become owner(s) or member(s) of the
flat, I am/ we are required to delete my/ our name(s) from this application form. The HA will re-assess my/our eligibility
and priority for flat selection; and
(c) my/ our application for PRH (including IH) shall be cancelled and I/ we and all family members listed in Part I of this
application form shall not be allocated any PRH unit (including IH) upon the purchase of a flat under the current sale
exercise as a result of this application.
8. This paragraph is applicable to tenants/ licensees living in PRH units under the HA / licensees with Green Form Certificates who
are affected by the HA’s IH clearance programmes.
(a) All family members listed in Part I of this application form are currently residing with me/ us in the PRH/ IH unit specified in
the residential address in Part VI. I/ We understand that my/ our application may be cancelled as a result of any breach, by me/
us or by any family member listed in Part I of this application form of any provision in the Tenancy Agreement/ Tenancy Card
or Fixed-Term Licence/ Licence of my/ our PRH/ IH unit or carrying 16 or more valid points allotted under the Marking
Scheme for Estate Management Enforcement in Public Housing Estates, or upon the issuance of a Notice-to-Quit by the HA to
me/ us on or before the day of signing the Agreement for Sale and Purchase of HOS flat, whether appeal procedure is in
progress or not. In addition, any approval previously given in respect of this application shall become null and void, and the
application fees paid in respect of this application shall not be refunded.
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(b) I/ We undertake that if I/ we successfully purchase a flat under the current sale exercise, I/ we
shall, upon taking over the newly purchased flat, submit a Notice-to-Quit to the HA for
terminating the tenancy/ licence within 60 days, and return the unit in vacant possession to the HA
on or before the day the tenancy/ licence is terminated. Should I/ we be unable to return the unit
within the specified period, I/ we shall submit an application in advance to the HD for an
extension of stay up to 30 days in accordance with paragraph 2.1(a) of the Application Guide. If
the extension is approved, I/ we shall have to pay an occupation fee equal to three times the prevailing net rent/ licence fee of
the PRH/ IH unit plus rates. If I/ we have been paying market rent/ licence fee before the deadline for vacating the PRH flat,
the occupation fee for the extended stay will be charged at either the rate of market rent/ licence fee or three times the
prevailing net rent/ licence fee of the PRH/ IH unit plus rates, whichever is the higher.
9. This paragraph is applicable to tenants living in PRH units under the HS.
I/ We undertake that upon successfully purchasing a flat under the current sale exercise, I/ we shall vacate the public housing unit
currently occupied by me/ us and return it to the HS in accordance with the relevant provisions.
10. This paragraph is applicable to holders of the Green Form Certificate issued by the HD/ URA and staff of the Estate Assistant
grade of the HD/ former PRH tenants who is/ are holding a valid Letter of Assurance issued by the HD.
(a) I/ We still meet all the eligibility criteria specified in the Green Form Certificate/ Letter of Assurance.
(b) I/ We understand that after I/ we have successfully purchased a flat under the current sale exercise, my/ our PRH application
number/ the remaining Green Form Certificate(s) and/ or Certificate of Eligibility to Purchase/ Letter of Assurance will be
cancelled and I/ we shall not be allocated any PRH unit or my/ our application for other subsidised housing schemes will not
be approved.
(c) I/ We understand that if I/ we also fall under the categories stated in paragraphs 8 or 9 above, I/ we shall also return the unit to
the HA or the HS in accordance with the above provisions.
11. This paragraph is applicable to HA’s PRH tenants or licensees/ IH licensees with Green Form Certificates affected by HA’s
clearance programmes or clearees affected in clearance exercises initiated by the Government with PRH eligibility.
I/ We understand that if the date of the intake of the flats under the current sale exercise is later than the removal deadline for the
PRH/ IH/ to be cleared unit currently occupied by me/ us, I am/ we are still required to move out of my/ our present housing unit
before the removal deadline. The HA and the HD shall not be held responsible for any loss so incurred.
12. This paragraph is applicable to the junior civil servants whose eligibility for Civil Service Public Housing Quota has been
established and who have been issued valid Green Form Certificate for purchase of flats under the HOS quota.
(a) I/ We understand that the breach of any conditions of application as stipulated in relevant circular memorandum issued by
Civil Service Bureau by any person listed in this application form may result in the cancellation of my/ our application. In
that case, any application fees paid will not be refunded.
(b) I/ We understand that after I/ we have successfully purchased a flat under the current sale exercise, any remaining Green Form
Certificate(s) and/ or Certificate of Eligibility to Purchase issued by the HD will be cancelled.
(c) I/ We understand that if I/ we fall under the categories stated in paragraphs 8 and 9 above, I/ we shall return the unit to the HA
or the HS in accordance with the above provisions.
13. This paragraph is applicable to RAES recipients.
(a) I/ We understand that the breach of any clause of Rent Allowance Agreement by any person listed in this application form may
result in the cancellation of my/ our application. In that case, any application fees paid will not be refunded.
(b) I/ We understand that after I/ we have successfully purchased a flat under the current sale exercise, my/ our RAES allowance
will be ceased automatically after 60 days from the date of take-over of the newly purchased flat.
14. I am/ We are the family member(s) of this application (i.e. the person(s) listed in the field(s) of Member in Part I of this
application form), I/ we agree that the person listed in the field of Applicant in Part I of this application form is the applicant in
respect of this application. I/ We undertake that after the above-mentioned applicant and/ or any other person listed in Part I of
this Application Form has purchased a flat under the current sale exercise, *I/ We shall, upon the taking over of the flat, deliver up
the housing unit currently occupied by me/ us to the HA or the HS in vacant possession in accordance with the relevant
provisions/ *my/ our application number for PRH will be cancelled forthwith and I/ we will not be allocated any PRH/IH unit/
*the granting of my/ our rent allowance under RAES will be ceased upon the taking over of the newly purchased flat.
15. I/ We understand that if I/ we, having mortgaged the flat purchased to a participating financial institution that has entered into a
Deed of Guarantee with the HA, default on mortgage payments before paying off the mortgage loan, the financial institution
concerned will sell my/ our flat. Should the sale proceeds of the flat fail to cover the full outstanding balance of the mortgage and
all the interest, legal costs, administration fees, etc. payable under the mortgage, the financial institution will, pursuant to the Deed
of Guarantee, make a claim against the HA for the payment of all the above arrears that I/ we owe. The HA shall then under the
Deed of Guarantee pay the same to the financial institution. In relation to the payments made by the HA to the financial
institution, the HA will then recover such payments and the interest from me/ us.
16. I/We voluntarily provide the information in this application form, and am/are willing to furnish the HA and the HD with any other
relevant proof or information for establishing my/our eligibility and the eligibility of the family members listed in the application
17. I/ We understand that the personal data provided by me/ us in the application form will be used by the HA and the HD for the
purpose of preventing me/ us from enjoying double housing benefits and for the purposes of carrying out the checking/
verification and matching procedures. Such procedures include: vetting the application and determining my/ our eligibility,
checking whether I/ we have applied for other subsidised housing, giving approval to this application and handling any subsequent
changes in family circumstances, property ownership, mortgage arrangements, sale of property, etc. The data are also used to
prevent the purchaser and his/ her spouse from participating in any other subsidised housing scheme administered by the HA/ the
HS in future.
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18. I/ We agree that when assessing my/ our eligibility, staff of the HA and the HD may compare and match
the personal data provided in the application form with the relevant personal data collected (manually or
otherwise) for other purposes in order to ascertain whether such information is false or misleading, and
may take appropriate action against the person(s) concerned on the basis of the result of the data
comparison and matching. I/ We also authorise the HA and the HD to verify and match the
information concerned with other government departments (including but not limited to the Land
Registry, Companies Registry, Immigration Department, and Inland Revenue Department), public/ private organisations/
companies (including but not limited to the HS, the URA, banks and financial institutions), or the employers concerned.
Furthermore, I/ we agree that any government departments (including but not limited to the Land Registry, Companies Registry,
Immigration Department, and Inland Revenue Department), public/ private organisations/ companies (including but not limited to
the HS, the URA, banks and financial institutions), or the employers concerned may disclose my/ our personal data in their
possession to the HA and the HD for the purpose of comparing and matching the information provided in this application form.
The information provided may also be used by the HA and the HD for conducting statistical surveys and research. I/ We also
agree that the HA and the HD may pass this application form and the supporting document(s) submitted by me/ us to the HA’s
data processing service provider for data processing in connection with my/ our application under this sale exercise, and that the
information provided will be passed to the HA Hotline/ Sales Hotline/ 1823 Call Centre for answering my/ our enquiries.
19. I/ We understand that any application which contains false or misleading information will be cancelled, that any flat purchased as
a result of providing false or misleading information shall be recovered by the HA, and that any Agreement for Sale and Purchase
executed shall be rescinded by the HA and any fee paid will not be refunded. I/ We also agree that the decision of the HA on
such false statement or application shall be final.
20. I/ We understand that under Section 26(2) of the Housing Ordinance (Cap. 283), any person who knowingly makes any false
statement or provides any misleading information to the HA in respect of an application for purchasing a flat shall be guilty of an
offence and liable on conviction to a fine of HK$500,000 and imprisonment for one year. According to Section 26A of the
Housing Ordinance (Cap. 283), any person who is found guilty by the Court of contravening the said provisions will be ordered
to (a) assign the purchased flat to the HA; or (b) pay to the HA a sum equivalent to the difference between the original purchase
price and the full market value of the flat as at the date of the conviction.
21. I/ We also understand that if anyone breaches Section 26(2) of the Housing Ordinance (Cap. 283) in connection with my/ our
purchase of a flat, the Court may, according to Section 26B of the Housing Ordinance (Cap. 283), order me/ us to (a) assign the
purchased flat to the HA; or (b) pay to the HA a sum equivalent to the difference between the original purchase price and the full
market value of the flat as at the date of issue of the Court Order.
Attention: (i) The Applicant and all family members aged 18 or above who are listed in Part I are required to sign below.
(ii) The Applicant shall be held liable for the data of family member(s) aged below 18 furnished herein.
H.K.I.C. No.
Date (day/month/year)
*Please delete as appropriate
Certification by Estate Office/ District Tenancy Management Office/ Applications Sub-section/ Grade
Management (Housing Class and Related Grades) Section (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY 房屋署專用)
Housing Manager/Sales,
I have checked the particulars in Part I and confirm
that they are in conformity with the tenancy/application
records. The code address and other relevant tenancy
information have also been entered in the box below.
This application is endorsed for your follow up
action. Should there be any subsequent change in the
particulars of the applicant or other household members,
you will be notified as soon as possible.
Housing Officer
Other remarks
Office Chop
Code Address (Main Room)
Splitting  (Please put a ‘’ in the appropriate box for those PRH tenants occupying two or more rental units under the HA)
Property Ownership
Join FEP
 Letter of Assurance  Splitting (Others)  Remarks
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