Grace N. Rogers School Parent – Student Handbook 2014 – 2015 380 Stockton Street Hightstown, NJ 08520 (609) 443-7833 Fax (609) 443-7835 FromthePrincipal Dear Parents and Students, We are so happy to have you as part of Grace Norton Rogers School! This handbook has been created to assist you in locating information regarding procedures, rules, and regulations that apply to our school. As the Principal, I want the students in our school to have a successful year in a safe and supportive learning environment. One way to ensure our success is by making sure both parents and students understand the important information in this handbook. If you have any questions regarding the handbook, please do not hesitate to contact the Main Office for assistance. I am confident that this will be a wonderful year at Rogers School, and I am truly looking forward to it! Sincerely, Heather Gladkowski 1 GraceN.RogersSchool The Grace Norton Rogers Elementary School, located on Stockton Street in Hightstown, is named in honor of a former teacher and lifelong resident of our community. Approximately 700 students in grades Pre-K – 5 attend our school. The original building was first occupied in 1924 with additions completed in 1936, 1949, 1958, 1999 and 2005. Mrs. Heather Gladkowski, Principal [email protected] 609-443-7833 ext. 6100 Mr. David Bilenker, Assistant Principal [email protected] 609-443-7833 ext. 6116 Mrs. Barbara Hill, Nurse [email protected] 609-443-7833 ext. 6102 Ms. Edie Alexander, School Counselor [email protected] 609-443-7833 ext. 6153 Mrs. Belinda Gilbert, Secretary [email protected] 609-443-7833 ext. 6100 Mrs. Sarita Rodriguez, Clerk [email protected] 609-443-7833 ext. 6101 SCHOOL HOURS Grades 1-5 Regular 8:50 AM - 3:25 PM Delayed 10:20 AM-3:25 PM Early Dismissal 8:50 AM - 1:20 PM AM Kindergarten Regular 8:50 AM -11:25 AM Delayed 10:20 AM-12:50 PM Early Dismissal 8:50 AM-11:20 AM PM Kindergarten Regular 12:50 PM - 3:25 PM Delayed 12:55 PM-3:25 PM Early Dismissal 10:50 AM -1:20 PM 2 GeneralInformation AFFIRMATIVE ACTION/DISCRIMINATION All students shall have equal educational opportunities regardless of race, color, creed, religion, sex, ancestry, disability, national origin, social/economic status, limited English proficiency, or sexual orientation under the East Windsor Regional School District’s adopted resolution. ARRIVAL and DISMISSAL 1. Students should not arrive at school earlier than 8:45 AM. Supervision is not provided prior to that time. Students participating in our Breakfast program may arrive to the Cafeteria at the scheduled times. 2. Upon arrival, walkers and students being dropped off should enter the building through the Main Entrance doors. 3. Students arriving at school after 8:50 AM must report to the Main Office to obtain a late pass. Parents dropping off are asked to walk student(s) to the Main Entrance doors. 4. At dismissal, students are to leave the building via assigned exits. Students are expected to leave the grounds immediately unless they are involved in an after-school supervised activity. 5. Bus students are expected to board their buses in an orderly manner and to conduct themselves on the buses in accordance with safety rules. 6. Bus students must present a written note to their classroom teacher from their parent/guardian if they will not be riding the bus on any given day. ATTENDANCE/ABSENCES Students are expected to attend school every day unless they are ill, have a family crisis (i.e. death in the family), or for religious reasons, etc. A child who does not attend school on a regular basis limits his/her learning. A child who attends school every day is more likely to be successful academically. When your child is absent from school, please call Mrs. Rodriguez, School Clerk, at 609-4437834 ext. 6150 to report the absence. When calling the clerk, please indicate the following: Your Child’s Name Date Homeroom Teacher Reason for Absence Expected Date of Return **If your child is running a fever or ill, please keep him/her home. Students should be fever free and vomit free for 24 hours before returning to school. When your child returns to school, please provide a note to the child’s teacher explaining the reason for his/her absence. All students absent due to communicable disease must be readmitted to school through the Health Office. BIRTHDAYS/CELEBRATIONS Many of our students deal with serious food-related problems that can require emergency procedures. The health, safety, and well-being of children is always our first concern. Therefore, we have a no food policy for class celebrations. Teachers have developed many ways to celebrate traditions without food while preserving the enjoyment that goes along with celebrating birthdays and holidays. BUS TRANSPORTATION The school district provides transportation for children living within the district to and from district schools as well as non-public schools. However, the district does not provide transportation to or from for-profit 3 schools. Transportation is provided and supervised under the rules and regulations set forth by the NJ State Bureau of Pupil Transportation and the rules and regulations of the East Windsor Regional School District. Bus Routes and Stops 1. Routes are arranged so vehicles serve the greatest number of children safely within a reasonable time and cost. 2. Vehicles will not leave the main route to pick up students. 3. Vehicles will at no time cross lanes, unpaved roads, or cul-de-sacs. 4. Routes and stops are reviewed annually to determine the safest, most efficient, and timely routes. 5. Any questions regarding stops and routes should be addressed to the Transportation Supervisor only and not to the driver. 6. There will be no provisions for stops at a child care provider’s location. The stop must be in the same attendance area as the child resides, and the child utilizes such a stop five days a week. A “Child Care Provider Request Form” must be submitted to the Transportation Department ten days prior to the start date. 7. Students who request to ride another bus may do so only on an emergency basis such as an early dismissal due to inclement weather, and the parent must contact the Transportation Department directly. The request may be honored if space is available. The Transportation Department must approve all changes. Assignment of Students Prior to the opening of school in September, students will be assigned to a specific vehicle, and a specific bus stop. Bus passes will be mailed to students indicating route, stop and time assignment. BUS TRANSPORTATION - Student Responsibilities Before boarding the bus: · Be at your stop at least five minutes before bus arrival time. The bus cannot wait for students; students should be waiting for the bus. · Remain on the curb at least three (3) feet back – NEVER stand in or move into the road as the bus approaches. · Wait until the bus comes to a complete stop before moving toward the door. · Form an orderly line for boarding the bus. Don’t push or shove. · Wait for flashing red lights, traffic to stop, and driver okay before crossing the street or road to board the bus. · Do not destroy or damage property at a bus stop. · Students are responsible for any bus or bus seat damage or any property damage caused by them while at a bus stop. While riding the bus: · Move quickly to your assigned seat. Do not stand or move from your seat while the bus is in motion. · Driver or School Administrator will assign seats. Sit in your assigned seat to and from school. · Students are required to wear seat belts. · Never throw anything out of the bus window. · Keep hands, arms and other parts of the body inside the bus at all times. · Keep feet, legs and other objects out of the aisles. · Do not eat or drink on the bus. Help keep the bus clean. Throw trash in garbage can, not on the floor. 4 · Do not deface in any way. All students are responsible for any damage they cause to the bus. Report any damage to the bus to the driver. After leaving the bus: · Move quickly away from the side of the bus, up onto the curb or off the roadway. · When necessary to cross the street or road, move 10 feet in front of the bus and wait for the driver’s signal to cross. Move rapidly to the other side. NEVER GO TO THE REAR OF THE BUS AND CROSS THE STREET OR ROAD. · Do not stop to pick up papers or books that drop by wheels of the bus or in the roadway while crossing in front of the bus or cars. Go quickly to the other side of the street and wait for a parent or driver to signal that it is okay to pick up dropped items. BUS TRANSPORTATION - Parent Responsibilities The regulations and responsibilities should be reviewed with your child(ren), not only for her/his safety, but to ensure the safety of all children riding the school bus. 1. Help your child(ren) to be on time at the bus stop. It is the parent’s responsibility to transport the child(ren) directly to the assigned school if the bus is missed. Please do not follow the bus to another stop along the route. Children may only board the bus at their designated stop. 2. Do not ask the driver to stop at places other than the designated stop. Drivers do not have the authority to change routes, stops or times. 3. Instruct your child(ren) to cooperate with the driver. 4. Insist on correct behavior in waiting for and riding the school bus. 5. Accompany very young children to the bus stop each morning and meet the bus in the afternoon. 6. Cooperate with school officials regarding discipline that supports safe riding behavior. Parental assistance in this matter is very important. 7. If you need to talk to the driver about your child(ren) or routes, call the Transportation Department. Do not delay the bus. 8. Parents are responsible for any property damage at a bus stop and/or any damage caused to a school vehicle by their child(ren). CAFETERIA AND LUNCH Breakfast and lunches are provided every day for the students to purchase. If a student qualifies he/she can receive lunch and breakfast for free or at a reduced price. The cost of a regular lunch is $2.25 and reduced lunch is $.40. Ala carte items and snacks are also available. As mentioned, breakfast is available for $1.00 regular and $.30 for reduced. Breakfast will be served from 8:15 am – 8:45 am. Students may bring lunch from home. Milk and snacks may be purchased separately. Students are not permitted to leave the building for lunch (except when accompanied by an adult). Lunch periods are scheduled for thirty minutes. Menus are distributed monthly and are posted on the district website. Students are permitted to borrow lunch money in the cafeteria from the designated staff member for the purchase of a hot or ala carte lunch. This must be repaid to the school the following day. Students may not borrow again until the original loan is paid. The cafeteria operates on a computerized debit system which Chartwells administers and maintains. For detailed information regarding procedures please visit: 5 Students are able to pay in cash or use funds that you have placed on their account. The students will enter their 6 digit personal identification number (PIN) to access their account. The pin number is the number located under the student’s name on the Chartwells letter in the summer packet. Please help him or her memorize this number. The PIN Number will stay the same throughout the remaining years your child is enrolled in the East Windsor Regional School District. Please note that this system is very confidential. All students will be required to enter their PIN number regardless of meal status or payment method, thus ensuring your child’s privacy. If your child transferred to us from another District and states that he/she received free/reduced lunch, a new application needs to be submitted. The application would be reviewed and a determination about eligibility will be made. We are not permitted to make this decision until an application is submitted. CALLS TO STAFF During instructional time, teachers will not be able to receive parent phone calls. If a parent calls to speak with a teacher during instructional time, he/she will be forwarded to the staff member’s voice mail. We ask that you be patient in receiving a response. Urgent messages should be left with the Main Office. The suggested time to contact a teacher is before or after school. CELLULAR PHONES School is a place that requires a student’s undivided attention and full participation. The use of cellular phones is discouraged due to the distractions they cause. In the event of an emergency, please call the Main Office and leave a message. If a student is using a cell phone in school without permission from school staff, the phone will be confiscated and the parent contacted for a pick up. CONFERENCE DATES Parents are encouraged to attend parent-teacher conferences. This is a time when the parents can meet with the teacher and receive updates regarding their child’s progress. During this time, strategies will also be discussed in the event there is a need for improvement. Conference dates for the 2014-2015 school year are: November 11 and 13, 2014, and February 11, 2015. CUSTODY If your child is living with one parent who has legal custody and the non-custodial parent is not permitted to contact the child at school, or remove the child from school, the Main Office must be provided with custody papers and/or written evidence indicating the same. If these papers are not provided, we cannot refuse access to the child by the non-custodial parent. Any change in the custodial status must be reported to the Main Office. DELAYED OPENINGS/SCHOOL CLOSINGS During the school year, inclement weather may cause the school to operate on a Delayed Opening Schedule/School Closing. For information concerning delayed openings and school closings, please listen to your local radio stations WHWH 1350 AM, WBUD 1260 AM, WTTM 920 AM, and WKXW 101.5 FM. Other sources of information include Comcast Cable Channel 27 or the District’s website: If you need to drop your child off for school, please adhere to the delayed opening schedule. There is no supervision for students who arrive earlier than the times indicated. DRESSING FOR SCHOOL Students are required to dress in a manner that does not distract or disrupt the educational process. 6 Clothes worn to school should be tasteful and appropriate. Clothes should not be tight or revealing, or display logos and/or messages of profanity. Refrain from tank tops, extremely short shorts or flip flops during warmer months. Any clothing which would cause a distraction will be considered inappropriate. Parents will be contacted should this be an issue. EARLY DISMISSAL DAYS During the school year, students will be dismissed early due to conferences, etc. It is necessary that adult supervision be provided for your child when they arrive home. The times and dates for early arrival and dismissal are as follows: Early dismissal days for the 2014-2015 school year are: November 4th, 11th, 13th, 26th, December 23rd, 2014, and April 2nd, June 16th, 17th and 18th, 2015. In the event that the school has an early dismissal due to inclement weather, parents should have an alternate plan for what their child should do (i.e. if they are not to go home, or someone else is picking them up, or they are going to another person’s home, etc.). Also, please make sure all information such as home/cell/work phone numbers are up-to-date. EARLY SIGN-OUT OF STUDENTS If it is necessary for a student to be dismissed prior to the end of the school day, the parent must send a note to the teacher in the morning on that day. The student will be called to the office when the adult arrives at school. While most students are released only to parents/guardians, another adult will be allowed to take the student if permission IN WRITING is received from a parent. Anyone picking up a student, parent/guardian/designee, is required to show ID to staff. The parent (or authorized adult) must sign-out the student in the office before leaving the building with him/her. (Board Policy #5113). Please note that any calls to change student dismissal must be received prior to 3:00 in order to guarantee that your request can be honored. Dismissal procedures begin at 3:15, once that begins we will be unable to make any changes. Emergency requests should be presented at the office. Students will not be released to others without authorization. GYM CLOTHING Students are to wear gym shoes when participating in Physical Education class. No gym uniform is required. Shoes with wheels are not appropriate for Physical Education class or school in general. They pose a safety violation and should not be worn to school. HARASSMENT, INTIMIDATION, AND BULLYING The Board of Education prohibits acts of harassment, intimidation, or bullying or passive support for those acts. A safe school environment is necessary for pupils to learn and achieve high academic standards. Harassment, intimidation, or bullying is conduct that disrupts both a pupil’s ability to learn and a school’s ability to educate its pupils. Mrs. Alexander is our HIB specialist and can be reached at 609- 443-7816 ext 5213. HOMEWORK Homework is a meaningful extension of the school day’s activities. Students are expected to complete all homework assignments and bring them into school on the due date. Homework is usually due the next school day unless special instructions have been given by the teacher. Parents are encouraged to 7 become actively involved with their child while doing homework by closely monitoring and assisting them, in addition to organizing their homework/study time. LATE ARRIVAL If a student is late to school, they must receive a late pass from Mrs. Rodriguez, Clerk, in the Main Office. If they are consistently late without an excuse, the parents may be called in to meet with the Principal. Please make every effort to impress upon your child/children the importance of getting to school on time. Parents dropping students off after the school day has begun will not be permitted to escort the child(ren) to class. For younger students, a staff member will be called to assist when needed. LOST BOOKS Students are responsible for any books they borrow from the Library. Library books can be checked out for a period of two weeks. Any books that are lost will be charged to the student. Students will not be allowed to check out additional books and/or materials until their obligations have been satisfied. Parents will be notified of any charges that are owed. OFFICE HOURS The Main Office is open from 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. PARENT-TEACHER ORGANIZATION The Rogers School PTO is an active, school-based group comprised of parents, teachers and the Principal who support and sponsor activities for the students. All parents are invited to attend the PTO meetings and become actively involved in all PTO sponsored functions. PARKING Parents should park in the assigned visitors section of the parking lot. If these are full, please park at any unassigned slot. Parking along Oak Lane is prohibited and the local Police Department will issue citations for cars parked there. PERSONAL ITEMS Valuables such as jewelry, MP3 players, electronic items (video games, iPods, etc.), stuffed animals and dolls should not be brought to school. In the event they are lost or stolen, the school cannot be held accountable for this matter. Parents, you are strongly encouraged to have your children leave such items at home. PUPIL DISCIPLINE DISTRICT POLICY View entire Pupil Discipline District Policy 5600 at the district website: ual/5000%20Series%20PUPILS/pol%205560%20Disruptive%20Pupils.pdf PROMOTION Promotion from one grade level to the next usually occurs at the end of each school year. Developmental needs occasionally suggest an alternate placement is needed in order to better accommodate the progress of an individual student. Decisions regarding promotions and retentions are the responsibility of the building Principal in consultation with the teaching staff. 8 RECESS During the school day, students receive a full hour for lunch and recess. Recess time is a part of the necessary requirement for keeping students physically fit. Students will be going outside unless the weather is poor. Children should dress appropriately for outside recess. Parents should not request their child stay inside during recess. REPORT CARDS Report cards will be issued four times during the school year for students in grades Pre-K - 5. The dates for marking periods and distribution are: Marking Period End of Marking Period Distribution First Marking Period November 5, 2014 November 21, 2014 Second Marking Period January 27, 2015 February 12, 2015 Third Marking Period April 2, 2015 April 30, 2015 Fourth Marking Period June 18, 2015 June 18, 2015 SAFETY DRILLS Drills are scheduled by law twice a month. One will be a fire drill the other will be a safety drill. Procedures are outlined by each teacher. For safety reasons, students are expected to follow the teacher’s instructions. STUDENT EXPECTATIONS It is our belief that all students can learn and achieve. In order for us to help each student meet success, his/her cooperation is needed. Success can be achieved by following some basic school-wide rules. They include: 1. Coming to school prepared and ready to learn. 2. Following the instructions of the teacher. 3. Obeying classroom rules. 4. Being respectful to the teacher and others. 5. Helping to make the school a safe place. STUDENT RECORDS The school district maintains those student records which are required by law and additional information that is relevant to the education of the pupil, including the final grades for each year, and the results of standardized tests. Parents can request to review the contents of their child’s records by contacting the Principal. VISITORS/VISITS TO SCHOOL Parents and guardians are welcome to visit the school. In order for the educational program to continue when visitors are present and to ensure the safety of our students, visitor guidelines are necessary. Advanced notice is required when planning to visit the school, and all visitors to our school should have an appointment to enter the building. No visitors are to enter the building with students during arrival. If you require assistance, an appointment should be made prior to coming to the school. 9 At the buzzer, it is expected that all visitors: will state the purpose of their visit and/or specify with whom they have an appointment When a visitor is buzzed in, he/she must report to the Main Office immediately upon entry. Visitors will be required to show photo identification, and sign in to obtain a Visitor’s Pass. It is imperative that visitors do not hold the door open for others behind them. Each visitor must be acknowledged by the Main Office. If you will be picking up your child early, please notify the Main Office in writing. If it is an emergency pick up, please call the Main Office to alert the staff as soon as possible. Teachers are not to be interrupted to discuss the progress of a child during a class visit. Please make an appointment with the teacher if a conference is needed. WITHDRAWAL OF STUDENTS Parents must come to the Main Office to fill out the necessary forms when withdrawing their child from school. Student records will be forwarded to the student’s new school upon request from that school. Under no circumstances will a parent be permitted to take the students’ records with them. WORKING in COOPERATION with the SCHOOL There are many ways of assuring the success of each student in school. Success can also be assured by setting up basic guidelines for the child at home. Listed below are some recommendations you might find helpful in promoting healthy school/study habits. 1. Read to your child. 2. Show an interest in your child’s education by asking questions. Ex: “How was school today?” and “Did anything exciting happen?” 3. Schedule a time and create a place for homework to be completed. 4. Check your child’s homework and tests/quizzes sent home. 5. Provide mind challenging games. 6. Limit the amount of time for watching TV or playing computer games. 7. Emphasize the importance of attending school regularly and being on time. 8. Keep a constant flow of communication with your child’s teachers. 10 StudentCodeofConduct The following Code of Conduct reviews behavioral expectations essential for a safe and positive school environment. Please note, in addition to the school-wide Code of Conduct, each classroom will have a set of rules and procedures specific to the grade level and/or content area. Always keep in mind our basic school rules of: Respect yourself Respect each other Respect your school ASSEMBLIES During an assembly, students are expected to: Give presenters their undivided attention. Clap only when it is appropriate. Show good manners. Students who do not adhere to the rules of proper conduct will be asked to leave the program. BUS CONDUCT When boarding and riding the bus, students are expected to: Form an orderly line for boarding the bus. Don’t push or shove. Not destroy or damage property at a bus stop. Students are responsible for any bus or bus seat damage or any property damage caused by them while at a bus stop. Move quickly to assigned seat. Do not stand or move from your seat while the bus is in motion. Wear seat belts. Never throw anything out of the bus window. Keep hands, arms and other parts of the body inside the bus at all times. Keep feet, legs and other objects out of the aisles. Not eat or drink on the bus. Help keep the bus clean. Throw trash in garbage can, not on the floor. All students are responsible for any damage they cause to the bus. Report any damage to the bus to the driver. BUS DISCIPLINE N.J. Statue 18A:25-2 states that the “driver shall be in charge of the school bus at all times and shall be responsible for order. The driver shall never exclude a student from the bus, but if unable to manage any student, shall report the matter to the Principal of the school the student attends. A student may be excluded from the bus for disciplinary reasons by the Principal, and the student’s parents shall provide transportation to and from school during the period of such exclusion.” The bus driver will forward all written referrals to the building Principal after review by the Transportation Department. 11 First Offense (Warning): Discussion with the Principal or Assistant Principal with notification sent to parents. Second Offense: Exclusion from the bus for one day. Third Offense: Exclusion from the bus for five days. Subsequent Offense: Exclusion from the bus will be determined by the Administration on an individual basis. Serious violations may require skipping steps and imposing immediate extended exclusion from the bus and/or school. This is in addition to the school discipline policy. CAFETERIA CONDUCT When eating in the cafeteria, students are expected to: Always walk in the cafeteria. Sit at assigned tables. Raise their hand to leave their seat. Speak in a respectful voice when talking. Pay attention to the “clapping signal.” Obtain a pass or use the sign out sheet provided to go to the bathroom. Clean up their area before leaving the cafeteria. Do not bring utensils from home. Plastic utensils are available in the cafeteria. Sharp home utensils will be confiscated from your child and an adult will have to pick this up from school. HALLWAY CONDUCT When traveling in the hallway: Be respectful of classes in session by keeping the noise level low. WALK to the right side so on-coming staff, students, and visitors can pass. Remember that a clean, attractive school is everyone’s responsibility. Help keep the hallways clean and free of litter. PLAYGROUND CONDUCT When using the playground, students are expected to: Stay in line while walking from the cafeteria to the playground. Stay in the play area during recess. Obey playground supervisors and observe safety rules. All playground equipment should be used appropriately, and shared with others. Inappropriate behavior such as pushing, kicking, punching/hitting will not be tolerated during recess. Students must agree to resolve any conflicts. *Inappropriate behavior of any sort can result in the loss of recess time or the removal from the playground. DISCIPLINE PROCEDURES Students referred for disciplinary action shall be subject to one or more of the following actions: Conference with teacher 12 Conference with administrator Parent Conference Counseling Referral Detention (Recess, Lunch, or After-School) Suspension Other consequence as identified by administration such as removal from special event or activity, loss of privilege, etc. SUSPENSION The basis for all suspension or expulsions is a direct quote from Chapter 18A:37-2 in the New Jersey Statutes Annotated which reads as follows: “Any pupil who is guilty of continued and willful disobedience or of defiance of the authority of any teacher or person having authority over him/her, or the habitual use of profanity or obscene language, or who shall cut, deface or otherwise injure any school property, shall be liable to punishment and to suspension or expulsion from school.” Conduct which shall be reasonable cause for suspension or expulsion of a pupil shall include, but not be limited to any of the following: 1. Willful disobedience on a continued basis. 2. Conduct of character to constitute a danger to the physical well being of other pupils or school personnel. 3. Physical assault upon another pupil or school employee. 4. Willfully causing or attempting to cause substantial damage to school property. Suspensions require a mandatory Pupil Re-admittance Conference with the Principal and the parent/guardian. You will be notified by the Principal when this conference will take place. During this conference, a course of action will be determined to resolve any issues with regard to inappropriate behavior. Re-admittance will also be decided during the course of this meeting. 13 HealthandWelfare SCHOOL HEALTH REGULATIONS School health services are provided by the school physician and school nurse for several purposes. They include: 1. Care of emergency sickness or injury IN SCHOOL. 2. Communicable disease prevention and control. 3. Determination of health records. 4. Follow-up and interpretation of health needs for pupils and parents. FIRST AID First aid is administered to any child injured AT SCHOOL. If the injury or illness is such that the student should either be taken home or receive further medical attention, parent(s) will be notified. It is the responsibility of the parent to transport a sick child. It is also extremely important that you provide the school office with current home, emergency, beeper and/or cellular telephone numbers. Questions regarding school health matters should be directed to the school nurse. IMMUNIZATIONS Students registering in the school district must be in compliance with the N. J. State Immunization Law (N.J.A.C.857-4:16) for Dtap, Polio, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Hepatitis B and Varicella. Students not in compliance will be excluded from school until evidence of inoculations is presented to the Health Office. SCREENINGS Yearly screenings for students will be conducted on height, weight, and blood pressure. Periodic hearing & vision screenings are also conducted. Scoliosis screenings are conducted on 5th grade students with parental permission. MEDICATIONS The Board will not be responsible for the diagnosis and treatment of pupil illness. The administration of prescribed medication to a pupil during school hours, or where a student is participating in a school related activity however, will be permitted. Before any medication may be administered to any pupil during school hours, the Board will require the written request of prescribing physician and the parent/legal guardian. All medications, including non-prescription medications, to be administered to pupils must be prescribed. In addition, the Board requires the written order of the prescribing physician to include: ・ the name of the medication; ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ the purpose of the medication; the dosage; the time at which and/or the special circumstances under which medication will be administered; the length of time over which the medication is to be given may not exceed one (1) school year; also list the possible side effects of the medication. 14 This document will be kept on file in the office of the school nurse. Forms for Medication administration are available from the school nurse. Pupils are not permitted to carry prescription or non-prescription medication(s) in school or during school sponsored activities unless permission has been granted to self-administer medication in accordance with The Self Administration of Medication Policy. All medications whether prescribed or over the counter shall be administered by only the school nurse or school nurse substitute, the parent/guardian or the pupil himself/herself. Pupils may be permitted to self-administer medication without the supervision of the school nurse for asthma or other life-threatening illnesses when the parental and prescribing physician request for self-administration meets the requirements established by the board of education. All medications shall be brought to school by the parent/guardian or adult pupil and shall be picked up at the end of the school year or at the end of the prescribed period of medication administration, whichever is earlier. ADMINISTERING MEDICATION on FIELD TRIPS In those situations where a student attends a field trip and is not permitted to self-administer medication or the medication being taken does not qualify for self-administration, the parent(s)/guardian(s) of the student should make every effort to adjust the time of the dosage so the student does not require the medication during the trip. In those cases where according to the prescribing physician, medication must be administered during the trip, the parent/guardian may accompany the student on the trip and administer the medication to the student. 15 Calendar SEPTEMBER 4 8 11 16 22-23 25-26 First Day for Students Fall Fundraiser begins Back to School Welcome Picnic 6-8pm PTO Meeting—7PM Fall Photos Schools Closed - Rosh Hashanah OCTOBER 1 6 21 24 Open House Kids Stuff Fundraiser Fall Photo Retakes & Class of 2015 Photo PTO Halloween Dance 7PM NOVEMBER 4 6-7 11 13 18 26 27-28 Four Hour Session, 1:20 dismissal – Election Day Schools Closed, NJEA Convention Four Hour Session, 1:20 PM Dismissal—Conferences Four Hour Session, 1:20 PM Dismissal—Conferences PTO Meeting—7PM Four Hour Session, 1:20 dismissal Schools Closed –Thanksgiving DECEMBER 6 18 23 24-31 PTO Holiday Family Fun Shop 9am—3pm Winter Concert 7 PM Four Hour Session, 1:20 PM Dismissal Schools Closed - Winter Recess 16 JANUARY 1—2 Schools Closed New Year 14 Wendy’s Fundraiser 19 Schools Closed (Martin Luther King, Jr. Day) 23 PTO Family Fun Night—Ice Cream Bingo FEBRUARY 11 13 16 26 Evening Parent/Teacher Conferences Valentine's Family Dance 7pm Schools Closed—Presidents’ Day Variety Show Parent Meeting MARCH 3 24 31 PTO Book Fair Night 6-8pm PTO Meeting Variety Show Try-outs APRIL 2 3—10 14 21-22 Four Hour Session, 1:20 dismissal Schools Closed –Spring Break McDonald’s fundraiser Spring Photos - siblings 5 8 19 21 25 Staff Appreciation Variety Show PTO Meeting Spring Concert Schools Closed - Memorial Day 16 17 18 Four Hour Session, 1:20 PM Dismissal Four Hour Session, 1:20 PM Dismissal Four Hour Session, 1:20 PM Dismissal – Last Day for Students MAY JUNE 17
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