Coverage: United Kingdom Released: 23 December 2014 Next release: 21 January 2015 Frequency of release: Monthly Media contact: HMRC Press Office 03000 585 024 Statistical contacts: Paul D'Mello 03000 586 162 [email protected] Mark Dickson 03000 515 305 [email protected] KAI Tax Gaps & Indirect Taxes HM Revenue and Customs 100 Parliament Street London SW1A 2BQ Website: ions/property-transactions-in-the-uk UK Property Transaction Statistics HM Revenue and Customs UK Property Transactions Count - November 2014 0 Contents Section 1: Statistics 1 2 3 Current Financial Year Commentary and Charts Residential property transaction completions (and Revisions) Non-residential property transaction completions (and Revisions) Sheet Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Historic Historic Trends: Commentary and Charts Residential property transaction completions (Historic Table) Non-residential property transaction completions (Historic Table) 4 5 6 Section 2: Reference 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 8 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 Background, Methodology, Explanations and Contacts Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT) Background Introduction to Statistics: Methodology & Explanation Statistical Quality Related Statistics Useful Links Changes and Revisions Contact Points Publication Calendar Revisions Policy Reference: National Statistics Bulletins for Indirect Taxes Bulletin is Crown copyright. Information may be used provided that the source is acknowledged. Release Date: 23 December 2014 Next Release: 21 January 2015 Website: Produced by: E-mail : KAI Tax Gaps & Indirect Taxes - Revenue Monitoring [email protected] 7 7 7 7 7 8 9 9 9 9 HM Revenue and Customs UK Property Transactions Count - November 2014 1 Commentary and Charts Guidance on the statistics This publication presents monthly estimates of the number of residential and non-residential property transactions in the UK and its constituent countries. The figures are based on HMRC's Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT) database, which records the information submitted by property purchasers on the Land Transaction Return. More information about data sources, quality and methodology can be found on page 7. These statistics are generally used by analysts, academics and policy makers to examine movements and trends in the UK property market. They are best used in conjunction with other monthly housing market indicators, some of which can be found in the 'Related Statistics' section on page 7. [Reviewed 23 December 2014 / Next Review 21 January 2015] Key messages The provisional seasonally adjusted UK property transaction count for November 2014 was 98,490 residential and 9,310 non-residential transactions. Residential transactions The seasonally adjusted estimate of the number of residential property transactions decreased by 2.1% between October 2014 and November 2014. This month’s figure is 0.8% lower compared with the same month last year. Chart 1A shows the historic time series for residential property transactions. The pattern since the beginning of 2013/14 has been of a general month-on-month increase in transactions for the seasonally adjusted data until February 2014, then a gradual decrease followed by a flattening out of transaction numbers. October 2014 saw a peak for recent non-seasonally-adjusted transactions, the highest level since November 2007. In November 2014, the number of non adjusted transactions has fell compared with October 2014, for residential properties. The seasonally adjusted figure for November 2014 is lower than in the previous month and also lower than in November 2013. Please note that the figures for the two most recent months are provisional and therefore subject to revision. [Reviewed 23 December 2014 / Next Review 21 January 2015] Chart 1A Total UK Residential Property Transactions 140,000 120,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 Nov-14 Oct-14 Sep-14 Aug-14 Jul-14 Jun-14 May-14 Apr-14 Seasonally adjusted Mar-14 Feb-14 Jan-14 Dec-13 Oct-13 Sep-13 Aug-13 Jul-13 Nov-13 Not seasonally adjusted 0 Jun-13 Transactions 100,000 HM Revenue and Customs UK Property Transactions Count - November 2014 1 Commentary and Charts Non-residential transactions The seasonally adjusted estimate of the number of non-residential property transactions decreased by 3.1% between October 2014 and November 2014. This month’s figure is also 2.0% lower compared with the same month last year. Chart 1B shows the historic time series for non-residential property transactions. Seasonally adjusted transactions of non-residential property have been fairly stable over the last year. Non seasonally adjusted transactions had a large drop in the first two months of 2014, but increased sharply in March. There were also dips in May and August, with month on month growth since then. Please note that the figures for the two most recent months are provisional and therefore subject to revision. [Reviewed 23 December 2014 / Next Review 21 January 2015] Chart 1B Total UK Non-Residential Property Transactions 12,000 10,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 Not seasonally adjusted Seasonally adjusted Nov-14 Oct-14 Sep-14 Aug-14 Jul-14 Jun-14 May-14 Apr-14 Mar-14 Feb-14 Jan-14 Dec-13 Nov-13 Oct-13 Sep-13 Aug-13 Jul-13 0 Jun-13 Transactions 8,000 HM Revenue and Customs UK Property Transactions Count - November 2014 2 Annual and Monthly Tables Residential Number of residential property transaction completions with value £40,000 or above1 2 Seasonally adjusted* Not seasonally adjusted* England Scotland Wales Northern Ireland UK UK Annual (financial year) 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 770,600 755,160 794,170 799,260 977,110 73,510 72,140 73,090 73,720 89,120 37,580 37,230 38,990 39,200 46,970 15,290 14,190 14,710 15,750 20,150 896,980 878,720 920,960 927,930 1,133,350 892,890 876,580 916,620 929,440 1,139,950 735,220 761,000 762,140 803,800 924,470 71,840 73,120 70,740 73,830 85,470 36,490 37,260 37,870 39,280 44,820 14,800 14,390 14,040 15,570 18,800 858,350 885,770 884,790 932,480 1,073,560 847,580 879,060 883,890 931,960 1,067,280 77,820 85,280 90,800 80,600 87,670 93,950 90,930 75,750 75,100 79,280 81,090 87,880 92,890 95,340 98,320 90,960 100,040 83,120 7,790 7,650 8,700 7,520 8,110 8,990 7,300 6,500 5,680 6,830 7,590 8,830 8,960 8,160 9,490 7,860 9,420 9,310 4,040 4,100 4,260 3,860 4,280 4,610 4,480 3,350 3,470 3,770 3,890 4,350 4,480 4,700 4,620 4,150 4,820 4,040 1,570 1,650 1,820 1,660 1,790 2,030 1,870 1,680 1,690 1,690 1,720 2,000 2,040 1,980 2,120 1,950 2,350 1,890 91,220 98,680 105,580 93,640 101,850 109,580 104,580 87,280 85,940 91,570 94,290 103,060 108,370 110,180 114,550 104,920 116,630 98,360 88,830 89,290 91,940 92,370 95,150 99,320 100,850 103,560 109,560 103,590 102,560 101,590 101,540 100,860 101,380 101,580 100,560 98,490 Annual (calendar year) 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Monthly Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 R R R R R R P P R = Revised to reflect amendments to SDLT returns data. P = Provisional. 1 = Property transactions are allocated to the month in which the transaction was completed. 2 = Not all completed transactions in the month prior to processing or the month before that will have been processed when figures for the latest month are compiled. Estimates are therefore made for the missing transactions in both the latest month and the previous month. Month on month changes for the most recent data should not be given too much weight. * = see Reference Notes on Sheet 7 HM Revenue and Customs UK Property Transactions Count - November 2014 3 Annual and Monthly Tables Non-Residential Number of non-residential property transaction completions with value £40,000 or above1 2 Seasonally Not seasonally adjusted* adjusted* Northern Ireland England Scotland Wales UK UK Annual (financial year) 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 78,190 84,110 84,100 83,480 90,240 7,810 8,370 8,010 8,000 8,670 4,140 4,370 4,330 4,110 4,560 1,950 2,040 1,980 2,180 2,560 92,090 98,890 98,420 97,770 106,030 92,030 98,720 98,180 98,170 106,040 74,610 84,860 83,180 83,640 88,300 7,780 8,360 7,980 8,050 8,380 3,940 4,410 4,370 4,130 4,400 1,880 2,080 1,930 2,150 2,460 88,210 99,710 97,460 97,970 103,540 87,960 99,060 97,680 98,020 103,150 6,860 7,700 7,300 7,360 7,850 8,330 8,290 7,100 6,590 8,690 7,800 7,330 8,050 8,230 7,570 8,360 8,700 7,330 620 710 700 690 720 830 780 690 700 810 730 750 790 830 730 840 910 940 360 390 360 380 430 380 400 330 330 460 410 390 400 410 390 450 460 430 200 210 190 190 190 240 220 240 170 240 260 250 240 200 230 200 280 230 8,040 9,010 8,550 8,620 9,190 9,780 9,690 8,360 7,790 10,200 9,200 8,720 9,480 9,670 8,920 9,850 10,350 8,930 8,310 8,650 8,870 8,660 8,650 9,500 9,080 9,120 9,300 9,250 9,080 9,220 9,460 9,230 9,400 9,390 9,610 9,310 Annual (calendar year) 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Monthly Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 R R R R R R P P R = Revised to reflect amendments to SDLT returns data. P = Provisional. 1 = Property transactions are allocated to the month in which the transaction was completed. 2 = Not all completed transactions in the month prior to processing or the month before that will have been processed when figures for the latest month are compiled. Estimates are therefore made for the missing transactions in both the latest month and the previous month. Month on month changes for the most recent data should not be given too much weight. * = see Reference Notes on Sheet 7 HM Revenue and Customs UK Property Transactions Count - November 2014 4 Historic: Commentary and Charts Residential transactions The long term movement in the number of residential property transactions shown in Chart 4A reflects the general performance of the housing market over the past nine years. The clearest feature of the time series is the sharp fall in residential transactions at the end of 2007, coinciding with the housing market slump and credit crunch. Prior to this point, the number of transactions had risen constantly over a number of years to reach a peak of around 150,000 per month. Since December 2008, there has been a slow but steady upward trend in the seasonally adjusted count. This trend grew at a faster rate between April 2013 and February 2014; however since then the rate has declined slightly. The seasonally adjusted transaction estimate shows a distinct peak at December 2009. This is associated with the end of the Stamp Duty Land Tax 'holiday', during which the lower tax threshold was temporarily raised to £175,000. The forestalling effects of this 'holiday' coming to an end also show as higher than normal transactions in the previous few months as homebuyers brought forward their purchases. There is a corresponding drop in the early months of 2010. There is another, smaller, peak and trough in March and April 2012 due to the ending of the SDLT first time buyers' relief. This relief was in effect from 25 March 2010 to 24 March 2012 inclusive. Around 7,000 transactions per month benefitted from this relief, although this number doubled in its final month. Comparison of the not seasonally adjusted and seasonally adjusted data in Chart 4A shows that activity in the residential housing market is strongest in the summer months with a clear low point around the end of the year. [Reviewed 23 December 2014 / Next Review 21 January 2015] Chart 4A Total UK Residential Property Transactions 180,000 160,000 140,000 Transactions 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 Not seasonally adjusted Seasonally adjusted Apr-05 Aug-05 Dec-05 Apr-06 Aug-06 Dec-06 Apr-07 Aug-07 Dec-07 Apr-08 Aug-08 Dec-08 Apr-09 Aug-09 Dec-09 Apr-10 Aug-10 Dec-10 Apr-11 Aug-11 Dec-11 Apr-12 Aug-12 Dec-12 Apr-13 Aug-13 Dec-13 Apr-14 Aug-14 0 HM Revenue and Customs UK Property Transactions Count - November 2014 4 Historic: Commentary and Charts Non-residential transactions The non-residential property market has mirrored, to a large extent, the ups and downs of the residential market. The credit crunch effects from 2007 triggered a similar fall in transactions but not to quite the same extent as in the residential market. The trend in non-residential property transactions has been that of a generally flat seasonal cycle between September 2010 and September 2013, but since then there has been a rising trend. Unlike the residential market, there have been no temporary tax reliefs or 'holidays' in recent years to distort the underlying trend. The seasonal pattern of the non residential series is much less pronounced than that of the residential market, although there tends to be a low point at the start of the calendar year, with a corresponding peak each March coinciding with the end of the financial year. [Reviewed 23 December 2014 / Next Review 21 January 2015] Chart 4B Total UK Non-Residential Property Transactions 16,000 14,000 12,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 Not seasonally adjusted Seasonally adjusted 0 Apr-05 Aug-05 Dec-05 Apr-06 Aug-06 Dec-06 Apr-07 Aug-07 Dec-07 Apr-08 Aug-08 Dec-08 Apr-09 Aug-09 Dec-09 Apr-10 Aug-10 Dec-10 Apr-11 Aug-11 Dec-11 Apr-12 Aug-12 Dec-12 Apr-13 Aug-13 Dec-13 Apr-14 Aug-14 Transactions 10,000 HM Revenue and Customs UK Property Transactions Count - November 2014 4 Historic: Commentary and Charts Residential and non-residential transactions for the UK constituent countries The following tables are produced from the historical data on pages 5 and 6 and show the individual breakdowns of residential and non-residential property transactions for each of the United Kingdom's four constituent countries. Unlike the UK aggregate series, these country breakdowns are not seasonally adjusted. However, they do exhibit similar seasonal patterns and care should be taken when examining month to month movements. As the volume of residential and non-residential property transactions varies greatly, the transactions are displayed on a dual axis chart (residential on the left axis and non-residential on the right). [Reviewed 23 December 2014 / Next Review 21 January 2015] Chart 4C Residential & Non-Residential Property Transactions for England - Not seasonally adjusted 150,000 15,000 100,000 10,000 50,000 5,000 Residential Non-Residential 0 Apr-05 Aug-05 Dec-05 Apr-06 Aug-06 Dec-06 Apr-07 Aug-07 Dec-07 Apr-08 Aug-08 Dec-08 Apr-09 Aug-09 Dec-09 Apr-10 Aug-10 Dec-10 Apr-11 Aug-11 Dec-11 Apr-12 Aug-12 Dec-12 Apr-13 Aug-13 Dec-13 Apr-14 Aug-14 0 Chart 4D Residential & Non-Residential Property Transactions for Scotland - Not seasonally adjusted 20,000 1,600 15,000 1,200 10,000 800 5,000 400 Residential Non-Residential 0 Apr-05 Aug-05 Dec-05 Apr-06 Aug-06 Dec-06 Apr-07 Aug-07 Dec-07 Apr-08 Aug-08 Dec-08 Apr-09 Aug-09 Dec-09 Apr-10 Aug-10 Dec-10 Apr-11 Aug-11 Dec-11 Apr-12 Aug-12 Dec-12 Apr-13 Aug-13 Dec-13 Apr-14 Aug-14 0 HM Revenue and Customs UK Property Transactions Count - November 2014 4 Historic: Commentary and Charts Chart 4E Residential & Non-Residential Property Transactions for Wales - Not seasonally adjusted 8,000 800 6,000 600 4,000 400 2,000 200 Residential Non-Residential 0 Apr-05 Aug-05 Dec-05 Apr-06 Aug-06 Dec-06 Apr-07 Aug-07 Dec-07 Apr-08 Aug-08 Dec-08 Apr-09 Aug-09 Dec-09 Apr-10 Aug-10 Dec-10 Apr-11 Aug-11 Dec-11 Apr-12 Aug-12 Dec-12 Apr-13 Aug-13 Dec-13 Apr-14 Aug-14 0 Chart 4F 6,000 600 4,000 400 2,000 200 Residential Non-Residential 0 0 Apr-05 Aug-05 Dec-05 Apr-06 Aug-06 Dec-06 Apr-07 Aug-07 Dec-07 Apr-08 Aug-08 Dec-08 Apr-09 Aug-09 Dec-09 Apr-10 Aug-10 Dec-10 Apr-11 Aug-11 Dec-11 Apr-12 Aug-12 Dec-12 Apr-13 Aug-13 Dec-13 Apr-14 Aug-14 Transactions Residential & Non-Residential Property Transactions for Northern Ireland - Not seasonally adjusted HM Revenue and Customs UK Property Transactions Count - November 2014 5 Annual, Quarterly and Monthly Tables Residential - Historic Number of residential property transaction completions with value £40,000 or above1 2 Seasonally Not seasonally adjusted* adjusted* Northern England Scotland Wales Ireland UK UK Annual (financial year) 2005-06 1,209,080 2006-07 1,433,200 2007-08 1,256,540 2008-09 664,250 2009-10 770,600 2010-11 755,160 2011-12 794,170 2012-13 799,260 2013-14 977,110 131,240 146,240 143,340 83,990 73,510 72,140 73,090 73,720 89,120 59,880 72,290 63,050 35,030 37,580 37,230 38,990 39,200 46,970 43,920 50,980 29,880 12,790 15,290 14,190 14,710 15,750 20,150 1,444,120 1,702,710 1,492,810 796,060 896,980 878,720 920,960 927,930 1,133,350 1,443,540 1,710,320 1,473,810 792,750 892,890 876,580 916,620 929,440 1,139,950 Annual (calendar year) 2006 1,404,710 2007 1,361,510 2008 750,930 2009 735,220 2010 761,000 2011 762,140 2012 803,800 2013 924,470 144,400 147,210 96,360 71,840 73,120 70,740 73,830 85,470 71,010 68,080 38,850 36,490 37,260 37,870 39,280 44,820 50,330 37,010 14,060 14,800 14,390 14,040 15,570 18,800 1,670,450 1,613,810 900,200 858,350 885,770 884,790 932,480 1,073,560 1,668,060 1,618,850 916,820 847,580 879,060 883,890 931,960 1,067,280 HM Revenue and Customs UK Property Transactions Count - November 2014 5 Annual, Quarterly and Monthly Tables Residential - Historic Number of residential property transaction completions with value £40,000 or above1 2 Seasonally Not seasonally adjusted* adjusted* Northern England Scotland Wales Ireland UK UK Quarterly (calendar year) 2005-Q2 283,570 2005-Q3 322,520 2005-Q4 319,370 2006-Q1 283,620 2006-Q2 350,020 2006-Q3 384,790 2006-Q4 386,280 2007-Q1 312,110 2007-Q2 357,710 2007-Q3 374,700 2007-Q4 316,990 2008-Q1 207,140 2008-Q2 216,750 2008-Q3 171,290 2008-Q4 155,750 2009-Q1 120,460 2009-Q2 167,270 2009-Q3 210,100 2009-Q4 237,390 2010-Q1 155,840 2010-Q2 193,700 2010-Q3 213,350 2010-Q4 198,110 2011-Q1 150,000 2011-Q2 183,020 2011-Q3 218,580 2011-Q4 210,540 2012-Q1 182,030 2012-Q2 191,140 2012-Q3 213,130 2012-Q4 217,500 2013-Q1 177,490 2013-Q2 217,750 2013-Q3 256,680 2013-Q4 272,550 2014-Q1 230,130 2014-Q2 R 261,860 2014-Q3 R 284,620 32,840 37,040 34,530 26,830 38,350 40,150 39,070 28,670 40,810 41,040 36,690 24,800 30,110 22,500 18,950 12,430 17,530 20,110 21,770 14,100 19,480 20,630 18,910 13,120 18,130 20,820 18,670 15,470 19,320 19,430 19,610 15,360 21,840 23,870 24,400 19,010 25,380 25,510 14,110 15,730 16,130 13,910 17,730 19,090 20,280 15,190 17,990 18,510 16,390 10,160 11,560 8,700 8,430 6,340 8,700 10,100 11,350 7,430 9,830 9,950 10,050 7,400 9,110 10,610 10,750 8,520 9,660 10,100 11,000 8,440 10,790 12,220 13,370 10,590 12,720 13,470 10,340 11,590 11,670 10,320 13,170 13,120 13,720 10,970 11,730 8,680 5,630 3,840 4,280 2,960 2,980 2,570 3,590 4,080 4,560 3,060 3,790 3,930 3,610 2,860 3,370 3,880 3,930 3,530 3,580 4,050 4,410 3,710 4,270 5,130 5,690 5,060 5,760 6,050 340,860 386,880 381,700 334,680 419,270 457,150 459,350 366,940 428,240 442,930 375,700 245,940 262,700 205,450 186,110 141,800 197,090 244,390 275,070 180,430 226,800 247,860 230,680 173,380 213,630 253,890 243,890 209,550 223,700 246,710 252,520 205,000 254,650 297,900 316,010 264,790 305,720 329,650 331,820 346,750 367,120 397,850 405,320 425,580 439,310 440,110 416,040 408,260 354,440 295,070 258,870 188,210 174,670 171,000 193,170 223,590 259,820 216,310 224,290 227,300 211,160 213,830 212,080 226,800 231,180 246,560 222,100 227,400 235,900 244,040 254,320 273,600 295,320 316,710 305,690 303,820 HM Revenue and Customs UK Property Transactions Count - November 2014 5 Annual, Quarterly and Monthly Tables Residential - Historic Number of residential property transaction completions with value £40,000 or above1 2 Seasonally Not seasonally adjusted* adjusted* Northern England Scotland Wales Ireland UK UK Monthly Apr-05 May-05 Jun-05 Jul-05 Aug-05 Sep-05 Oct-05 Nov-05 Dec-05 88,840 91,030 103,700 107,770 107,040 107,710 100,650 103,570 115,150 10,540 10,180 12,120 12,530 12,000 12,510 11,410 11,690 11,430 4,520 4,540 5,050 5,160 5,200 5,370 5,090 5,290 5,750 3,290 3,260 3,790 3,710 3,910 3,970 3,710 3,990 3,970 107,190 109,010 124,660 129,170 128,150 129,560 120,860 124,540 136,300 109,180 110,400 112,240 113,560 115,700 117,490 120,890 119,420 126,810 Jan-06 Feb-06 Mar-06 Apr-06 May-06 Jun-06 Jul-06 Aug-06 Sep-06 Oct-06 Nov-06 Dec-06 83,980 87,550 112,090 101,830 113,160 135,030 125,720 132,180 126,890 124,980 127,530 133,770 8,500 7,150 11,180 10,690 11,990 15,670 12,790 13,430 13,930 13,030 13,120 12,920 3,970 4,310 5,630 5,080 5,680 6,970 6,090 6,440 6,560 6,660 6,580 7,040 3,290 3,220 3,810 3,670 4,200 5,300 3,890 4,510 4,720 4,600 4,540 4,580 99,740 102,230 132,710 121,270 135,030 162,970 148,490 156,560 152,100 149,270 151,770 158,310 132,200 133,960 131,690 135,480 133,380 136,460 140,970 142,560 142,050 143,680 146,340 149,290 Jan-07 Feb-07 Mar-07 Apr-07 May-07 Jun-07 Jul-07 Aug-07 Sep-07 Oct-07 Nov-07 Dec-07 97,580 96,560 117,970 105,780 117,560 134,370 128,660 136,790 109,250 113,080 112,770 91,140 9,170 7,580 11,920 11,700 12,750 16,360 13,290 15,480 12,270 12,700 13,810 10,180 4,720 4,530 5,940 5,280 5,830 6,880 6,390 6,850 5,270 5,660 5,790 4,940 3,410 3,610 3,950 3,690 3,970 4,070 3,050 3,210 2,420 2,260 1,950 1,420 114,880 112,280 139,780 126,450 140,110 161,680 151,390 162,330 129,210 133,700 134,320 107,680 148,480 147,150 144,480 136,360 140,010 139,670 138,550 136,610 133,100 125,040 119,970 109,430 HM Revenue and Customs UK Property Transactions Count - November 2014 5 Annual, Quarterly and Monthly Tables Residential - Historic Number of residential property transaction completions with value £40,000 or above1 2 Seasonally Not seasonally adjusted* adjusted* Northern England Scotland Wales Ireland UK UK Jan-08 Feb-08 Mar-08 Apr-08 May-08 Jun-08 Jul-08 Aug-08 Sep-08 Oct-08 Nov-08 Dec-08 67,220 71,820 68,100 73,130 74,470 69,150 62,400 57,810 51,080 59,710 45,780 50,260 7,800 7,920 9,080 9,910 10,620 9,580 8,020 7,830 6,650 8,000 5,650 5,300 3,110 3,430 3,620 3,810 4,000 3,750 3,130 2,900 2,670 3,290 2,460 2,680 1,220 1,370 1,250 1,500 1,480 1,300 1,010 1,020 930 1,020 1,020 940 79,350 84,540 82,050 88,350 90,570 83,780 74,560 69,560 61,330 72,020 54,910 59,180 103,580 99,240 92,250 94,150 87,580 77,140 67,050 61,770 59,390 62,620 55,600 56,450 Jan-09 Feb-09 Mar-09 Apr-09 May-09 Jun-09 Jul-09 Aug-09 Sep-09 Oct-09 Nov-09 Dec-09 34,750 36,580 49,130 48,840 54,720 63,710 73,760 68,080 68,260 76,320 71,150 89,920 3,920 3,560 4,950 5,220 5,870 6,440 7,110 6,370 6,630 7,380 6,950 7,440 1,670 1,850 2,820 2,580 2,900 3,220 3,700 3,130 3,270 3,710 3,430 4,210 720 760 1,090 1,050 1,150 1,390 1,520 1,240 1,320 1,430 1,380 1,750 41,060 42,750 57,990 57,690 64,640 74,760 86,090 78,820 79,480 88,840 82,910 103,320 51,600 55,980 63,420 61,780 63,700 67,690 71,650 75,440 76,500 80,270 80,510 99,040 Jan-10 Feb-10 Mar-10 Apr-10 May-10 Jun-10 Jul-10 Aug-10 Sep-10 Oct-10 Nov-10 Dec-10 43,110 50,920 61,810 60,830 60,500 72,370 76,590 70,320 66,440 67,380 65,080 65,650 4,370 4,010 5,720 6,380 5,870 7,230 7,550 6,540 6,540 7,020 6,290 5,600 1,920 2,460 3,050 3,130 3,090 3,610 3,630 3,270 3,050 3,450 3,340 3,260 830 980 1,250 1,320 1,100 1,370 1,420 1,290 1,220 1,340 1,180 1,090 50,230 58,370 71,830 71,660 70,560 84,580 89,190 81,420 77,250 79,190 75,890 75,600 63,890 76,190 76,230 72,120 75,440 76,730 77,550 74,950 74,800 72,450 71,940 66,770 HM Revenue and Customs UK Property Transactions Count - November 2014 5 Annual, Quarterly and Monthly Tables Residential - Historic Number of residential property transaction completions with value £40,000 or above1 2 Seasonally Not seasonally adjusted* adjusted* Northern England Scotland Wales Ireland UK UK Jan-11 Feb-11 Mar-11 Apr-11 May-11 Jun-11 Jul-11 Aug-11 Sep-11 Oct-11 Nov-11 Dec-11 44,970 47,830 57,200 58,700 56,820 67,500 71,550 73,720 73,310 67,030 69,730 73,780 3,980 3,770 5,370 5,790 5,700 6,640 7,000 6,610 7,210 6,170 6,390 6,110 2,120 2,370 2,910 2,850 2,830 3,430 3,450 3,600 3,560 3,370 3,620 3,760 830 910 1,120 1,170 990 1,210 1,180 1,250 1,450 1,270 1,370 1,290 51,900 54,880 66,600 68,510 66,340 78,780 83,180 85,180 85,530 77,840 81,110 84,940 70,930 71,160 71,740 71,120 68,730 72,230 73,580 76,270 76,950 76,820 76,470 77,890 Jan-12 Feb-12 Mar-12 Apr-12 May-12 Jun-12 Jul-12 Aug-12 Sep-12 Oct-12 Nov-12 Dec-12 52,630 54,440 74,960 53,590 64,960 72,590 71,240 77,690 64,200 71,490 76,910 69,100 4,540 4,100 6,830 5,610 6,110 7,600 6,140 7,460 5,830 6,450 7,090 6,070 2,350 2,570 3,600 2,860 3,100 3,700 3,280 3,750 3,070 3,620 3,870 3,510 1,010 1,190 1,330 980 1,180 1,420 1,220 1,540 1,290 1,500 1,580 1,330 60,530 62,300 86,720 63,040 75,350 85,310 81,880 90,440 74,390 83,060 89,450 80,010 79,430 77,290 89,840 70,040 76,990 75,070 75,730 75,450 76,220 77,010 78,730 80,160 Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 53,930 56,050 67,510 61,780 78,150 77,820 85,280 90,800 80,600 87,670 93,950 90,930 4,610 4,370 6,380 6,270 7,780 7,790 7,650 8,700 7,520 8,110 8,990 7,300 2,340 2,680 3,420 2,960 3,790 4,040 4,100 4,260 3,860 4,280 4,610 4,480 1,110 1,170 1,430 1,170 1,530 1,570 1,650 1,820 1,660 1,790 2,030 1,870 61,990 64,270 78,740 72,180 91,250 91,220 98,680 105,580 93,640 101,850 109,580 104,580 79,670 82,240 82,130 79,250 86,240 88,830 89,290 91,940 92,370 95,150 99,320 100,850 75,750 75,100 79,280 81,090 87,880 92,890 95,340 98,320 90,960 100,040 83,120 6,500 5,680 6,830 7,590 8,830 8,960 8,160 9,490 7,860 9,420 9,310 3,350 3,470 3,770 3,890 4,350 4,480 4,700 4,620 4,150 4,820 4,040 1,680 1,690 1,690 1,720 2,000 2,040 1,980 2,120 1,950 2,350 1,890 87,280 85,940 91,570 94,290 103,060 108,370 110,180 114,550 104,920 116,630 98,360 103,560 109,560 103,590 102,560 101,590 101,540 100,860 101,380 101,580 100,560 98,490 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 R May-14 R Jun-14 R Jul-14 R Aug-14 R Sep-14 R Oct-14 P Nov-14 P R = Revised to reflect amendments to SDLT returns data. P = Provisional. 1 = Property transactions are allocated to the month in which the transaction was completed. 2 = Not all completed transactions in the month prior to processing or the month before that will have been processed when figures for the latest month are compiled. Estimates are therefore made for the missing transactions in both the latest month and the previous month. Month on month changes for the most recent data should not be given too much weight. * = see Reference Notes on Sheet 7 HM Revenue and Customs UK Property Transactions Count - November 2014 6 Annual, Quarterly and Monthly Tables Non-Residential - Historic Number of non-residential property transaction completions with value £40,000 or above1 2 Seasonally Not seasonally adjusted* adjusted* Northern England Scotland Wales Ireland UK UK Annual (financial year) 2005-06 112,700 2006-07 113,310 2007-08 114,570 2008-09 86,750 2009-10 78,190 2010-11 84,110 2011-12 84,100 2012-13 83,480 2013-14 90,240 10,190 11,130 12,320 9,430 7,810 8,370 8,010 8,000 8,670 6,190 6,440 6,340 4,800 4,140 4,370 4,330 4,110 4,560 5,060 5,340 4,610 2,600 1,950 2,040 1,980 2,180 2,560 134,140 136,220 137,840 103,580 92,090 98,890 98,420 97,770 106,030 133,350 136,880 138,380 102,880 92,030 98,720 98,180 98,170 106,040 Annual (calendar year) 2006 113,020 2007 115,290 2008 97,930 2009 74,610 2010 84,860 2011 83,180 2012 83,640 2013 88,300 10,880 12,300 10,560 7,780 8,360 7,980 8,050 8,380 6,320 6,420 5,500 3,940 4,410 4,370 4,130 4,400 5,200 5,010 3,100 1,880 2,080 1,930 2,150 2,460 135,420 139,020 117,090 88,210 99,710 97,460 97,970 103,540 135,550 139,090 116,600 87,960 99,060 97,680 98,020 103,150 HM Revenue and Customs UK Property Transactions Count - November 2014 6 Annual, Quarterly and Monthly Tables Non-Residential - Historic Number of non-residential property transaction completions with value £40,000 or above1 2 Seasonally Not seasonally adjusted* adjusted* Northern England Scotland Wales Ireland UK UK Quarterly (calendar year) 2005-Q2 27,780 2005-Q3 28,630 2005-Q4 27,830 2006-Q1 28,460 2006-Q2 28,120 2006-Q3 27,250 2006-Q4 29,190 2007-Q1 28,750 2007-Q2 28,490 2007-Q3 28,640 2007-Q4 29,410 2008-Q1 28,030 2008-Q2 27,560 2008-Q3 22,860 2008-Q4 19,480 2009-Q1 16,850 2009-Q2 17,150 2009-Q3 19,360 2009-Q4 21,250 2010-Q1 20,430 2010-Q2 21,670 2010-Q3 21,140 2010-Q4 21,620 2011-Q1 19,680 2011-Q2 20,090 2011-Q3 21,560 2011-Q4 21,850 2012-Q1 20,600 2012-Q2 20,510 2012-Q3 20,590 2012-Q4 21,940 2013-Q1 20,440 2013-Q2 21,030 2013-Q3 22,360 2013-Q4 24,470 2014-Q1 22,380 2014-Q2 R 23,180 2014-Q3 R 24,160 2,400 2,450 2,590 2,750 2,580 2,530 3,020 3,000 3,180 2,930 3,190 3,020 3,090 2,290 2,160 1,890 1,900 1,900 2,090 1,920 2,250 2,100 2,090 1,930 1,980 2,040 2,030 1,960 2,030 1,960 2,100 1,910 2,040 2,100 2,330 2,200 2,270 2,400 1,520 1,590 1,560 1,520 1,630 1,470 1,700 1,640 1,590 1,540 1,650 1,560 1,670 1,250 1,020 860 950 1,000 1,130 1,060 1,150 1,110 1,090 1,020 1,120 1,110 1,120 980 1,020 1,000 1,130 960 1,100 1,130 1,210 1,120 1,200 1,250 1,350 1,230 1,280 1,200 1,390 1,150 1,460 1,340 1,450 1,190 1,030 940 1,000 620 540 440 450 480 510 510 550 470 550 470 480 480 500 520 560 540 530 550 670 590 650 650 750 630 33,050 33,900 33,260 33,930 33,720 32,400 35,370 34,730 34,710 34,300 35,280 33,550 33,320 27,020 23,200 20,040 20,450 22,740 24,980 23,920 25,620 24,820 25,350 23,100 23,670 25,190 25,500 24,060 24,120 24,090 25,700 23,860 24,840 26,180 28,660 26,350 27,400 28,440 32,820 34,170 32,860 33,500 33,770 33,560 34,720 34,830 34,800 35,150 34,310 34,120 33,090 27,000 22,390 20,400 20,580 22,850 24,130 24,470 25,630 24,920 24,040 24,130 23,940 24,780 24,830 24,630 24,440 24,220 24,730 24,780 24,960 26,180 27,230 27,670 27,760 28,020 HM Revenue and Customs UK Property Transactions Count - November 2014 6 Annual, Quarterly and Monthly Tables Non-Residential - Historic Number of non-residential property transaction completions with value £40,000 or above1 2 Seasonally Not seasonally adjusted* adjusted* Northern England Scotland Wales Ireland UK UK Monthly Apr-05 May-05 Jun-05 Jul-05 Aug-05 Sep-05 Oct-05 Nov-05 Dec-05 9,200 8,620 9,960 10,120 9,100 9,410 8,710 9,400 9,720 800 810 790 880 770 800 770 900 920 510 490 520 550 540 500 490 520 550 410 470 470 450 360 420 410 440 430 10,920 10,390 11,740 12,000 10,770 11,130 10,380 11,260 11,620 10,400 11,140 11,280 12,240 11,090 10,840 10,970 10,730 11,160 Jan-06 Feb-06 Mar-06 Apr-06 May-06 Jun-06 Jul-06 Aug-06 Sep-06 Oct-06 Nov-06 Dec-06 8,610 7,870 11,980 9,270 8,660 10,190 8,720 9,030 9,500 9,420 9,770 10,000 780 750 1,220 860 820 900 760 930 840 1,010 1,020 990 450 440 630 530 510 590 510 480 480 590 560 550 350 350 500 460 460 470 370 370 410 450 490 520 10,190 9,410 14,330 11,120 10,450 12,150 10,360 10,810 11,230 11,470 11,840 12,060 11,260 11,120 11,120 11,640 10,930 11,200 11,140 11,060 11,360 11,220 11,700 11,800 Jan-07 Feb-07 Mar-07 Apr-07 May-07 Jun-07 Jul-07 Aug-07 Sep-07 Oct-07 Nov-07 Dec-07 9,020 8,110 11,620 9,220 9,110 10,160 9,840 9,860 8,940 10,040 10,270 9,100 870 860 1,270 1,020 1,060 1,100 920 1,060 950 1,040 1,190 960 520 480 640 530 520 540 530 520 490 600 540 510 380 420 540 480 490 480 430 420 340 410 340 280 10,790 9,870 14,070 11,250 11,180 12,280 11,720 11,860 10,720 12,090 12,340 10,850 11,650 11,670 11,510 11,370 11,650 11,780 11,630 11,970 11,550 11,470 11,640 11,200 HM Revenue and Customs UK Property Transactions Count - November 2014 6 Annual, Quarterly and Monthly Tables Non-Residential - Historic Number of non-residential property transaction completions with value £40,000 or above1 2 Seasonally Not seasonally adjusted* adjusted* Northern England Scotland Wales Ireland UK UK Jan-08 Feb-08 Mar-08 Apr-08 May-08 Jun-08 Jul-08 Aug-08 Sep-08 Oct-08 Nov-08 Dec-08 8,910 8,640 10,480 11,460 8,030 8,070 8,090 6,810 7,960 7,360 5,690 6,430 870 940 1,210 1,220 950 920 770 710 810 810 660 690 490 450 620 720 500 450 440 390 420 370 310 340 320 290 330 450 270 280 240 190 190 200 180 160 10,590 10,320 12,640 13,850 9,750 9,720 9,540 8,100 9,380 8,740 6,840 7,620 11,450 11,250 11,420 12,940 10,490 9,660 9,160 8,690 9,150 8,100 7,190 7,100 Jan-09 Feb-09 Mar-09 Apr-09 May-09 Jun-09 Jul-09 Aug-09 Sep-09 Oct-09 Nov-09 Dec-09 5,100 4,790 6,960 5,650 5,120 6,380 6,730 5,870 6,760 6,920 6,720 7,610 590 540 760 600 640 660 600 590 710 680 720 690 280 250 330 300 310 340 360 300 340 350 350 430 140 120 180 140 150 160 160 120 200 180 160 170 6,110 5,700 8,230 6,690 6,220 7,540 7,850 6,880 8,010 8,130 7,950 8,900 6,850 6,750 6,800 6,680 6,800 7,100 7,420 7,780 7,650 7,870 8,040 8,220 Jan-10 Feb-10 Mar-10 Apr-10 May-10 Jun-10 Jul-10 Aug-10 Sep-10 Oct-10 Nov-10 Dec-10 5,670 6,070 8,690 7,050 6,260 8,360 7,410 6,540 7,190 7,050 7,340 7,230 530 560 830 720 710 820 750 670 680 740 690 660 280 320 460 360 350 440 400 350 360 390 380 320 150 150 210 190 170 190 160 160 150 170 190 190 6,630 7,100 10,190 8,320 7,490 9,810 8,720 7,720 8,380 8,350 8,600 8,400 7,650 8,420 8,400 7,920 8,570 9,140 8,620 8,060 8,240 8,230 8,210 7,600 HM Revenue and Customs UK Property Transactions Count - November 2014 6 Annual, Quarterly and Monthly Tables Non-Residential - Historic Number of non-residential property transaction completions with value £40,000 or above1 2 Seasonally Not seasonally adjusted* adjusted* Northern England Scotland Wales Ireland UK UK Jan-11 Feb-11 Mar-11 Apr-11 May-11 Jun-11 Jul-11 Aug-11 Sep-11 Oct-11 Nov-11 Dec-11 5,730 5,860 8,090 6,640 6,310 7,140 6,870 6,930 7,760 6,890 7,290 7,670 510 600 820 620 670 690 640 680 720 650 720 660 260 320 440 390 310 420 390 340 380 360 400 360 120 180 170 160 160 160 150 140 190 150 160 190 6,620 6,960 9,520 7,810 7,450 8,410 8,050 8,090 9,050 8,050 8,570 8,880 8,080 8,280 7,770 7,910 7,890 8,140 8,090 8,220 8,470 8,390 8,080 8,360 Jan-12 Feb-12 Mar-12 Apr-12 May-12 Jun-12 Jul-12 Aug-12 Sep-12 Oct-12 Nov-12 Dec-12 6,370 5,920 8,310 6,910 6,880 6,720 7,040 6,910 6,640 7,190 7,620 7,130 590 600 770 620 790 620 650 680 630 710 750 640 290 280 410 380 320 320 320 330 350 390 430 310 150 170 200 160 210 190 180 170 190 190 170 170 7,400 6,970 9,690 8,070 8,200 7,850 8,190 8,090 7,810 8,480 8,970 8,250 8,410 7,990 8,230 8,480 8,380 7,580 8,050 8,040 8,130 8,010 8,390 8,330 Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 6,280 5,790 8,370 7,040 7,130 6,860 7,700 7,300 7,360 7,850 8,330 8,290 540 580 790 680 740 620 710 700 690 720 830 780 300 270 390 370 370 360 390 360 380 430 380 400 170 180 200 230 240 200 210 190 190 190 240 220 7,290 6,820 9,750 8,320 8,480 8,040 9,010 8,550 8,620 9,190 9,780 9,690 8,030 8,130 8,620 8,100 8,550 8,310 8,650 8,870 8,660 8,650 9,500 9,080 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 R May-14 R Jun-14 R Jul-14 R Aug-14 R Sep-14 R Oct-14 P Nov-14 P 7,100 6,590 8,690 7,800 7,330 8,050 8,230 7,570 8,360 8,700 7,330 690 700 810 730 750 790 830 730 840 910 940 330 330 460 410 390 400 410 390 450 460 430 240 170 240 260 250 240 200 230 200 280 230 8,360 7,790 10,200 9,200 8,720 9,480 9,670 8,920 9,850 10,350 8,930 9,120 9,300 9,250 9,080 9,220 9,460 9,230 9,400 9,390 9,610 9,310 R = Revised to reflect amendments to SDLT returns data. P = Provisional. 1 = Property transactions are allocated to the month in which the transaction was completed. 2 = Not all completed transactions in the month prior to processing or the month before that will have been processed when figures for the latest month are compiled. Estimates are therefore made for the missing transactions in both the latest month and the previous month. Month on month changes for the most recent data should not be given too much weight. * = see Reference Notes on Sheet 7 HM Revenue and Customs UK Property Transactions Count - November 2014 7 Background 7.1 Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT) Background Stamp Duty Land Tax is payable on the purchase or transfer of most property or land in the UK. The SDLT due on a transaction is calculated as a percentage of the amount paid for the property, with higher rates applied to higher value transactions. Some transactions will qualify for a relief or exemption. Different rates and thresholds will also apply depending on whether the property is being used for residential or non-residential purposes, and whether the property is sold as a freehold or leasehold. Most UK land and property transactions must be notified to HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) on a Stamp Duty Land Tax return within a certain time limit - even if no tax is due. Transactions with a value of less than £40,000 do not need to be notified. Stamp Duty Land Tax replaced Stamp Duty on Land and Property on 1 December 2003. More information about SDLT, the rates and thresholds, the reliefs available, and the definitions of residential and non-residential can be found on the HMRC website (follow the hyperlinks in section 7.5). 7.2 Introduction to Statistics: Methodology & Explanation This publication presents monthly estimates of the number of residential and non-residential property transactions in the UK and its constituent countries. Data Sources: The tables in this publication are based on HMRC's Stamp Duty Land Tax database, which records information from the Land Transaction Return. Not all property transactions are captured in the database. As well as transactions where the chargeable consideration is less than £40,000, other instances where no notification is required include transfers in connection with divorce and grants of leases of less than 7 years. Rounding: All figures in the tables are estimates that are rounded to the nearest ten to indicate the level of uncertainty (see Country Breakdowns for more information). Revisions and Timing of Publication: Transactions are recorded in the database by the date of completion and are presented on that basis in this publication. However, purchasers have 30 days from the date of completion to submit their land transaction return before incurring a penalty. To produce the monthly property transaction figures in time for publication each month, a ‘snapshot’ of the relevant data on HMRC's Stamp Duty Land Tax database is taken in the second week of the month. The date of this snapshot is maintained in order to provide consistency and is selected to provide users with the best balance between accurate and timely estimates. The first publication of the latest estimates is timed to complement housing market data from other sources, which are released within a similar timeframe. Section 7.5 contains links to some related statistics. Therefore at the time of first release, estimates for the most recent month are based on incomplete data and need to be adjusted upward to compensate. This adjustment is based upon the difference between initial and final estimates in previous months. A similar but smaller adjustment is also made to the penultimate month. For this reason, all figures in the tables on pages 2, 3, 5 and 6 for the most recent two months are marked as provisional and are subject to significant revision in subsequent publications. The table on page 8 shows the average absolute percentage revision between initial and final property transaction estimates. These are the average amounts that provisional figures can be expected to change before they become final, which gives an indication of the size (but not direction) of the uncertainty in the latest estimates. Estimates for earlier time periods may also change slightly between publications as late returns are received and corrections are made to the Stamp Duty Land Tax database. HM Revenue and Customs UK Property Transactions Count - November 2014 7 Background Country Breakdowns: The split of property transactions between England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland is based upon the location of the property. There are a small minority of cases where this data is not recorded on the stamp duty land tax database and these transactions are allocated to a country on a pro-rata basis to maintain the recorded proportions. Seasonal Adjustment: The number of property transactions in the UK is highly seasonal, with more activity in the summer months and less in the winter. This regular annual pattern can sometimes mask the underlying movements and trends in the data series so the publication also presents the UK aggregate transaction figures on a seasonally adjusted basis. The country breakdowns are also seasonal but are not currently seasonally adjusted. The seasonally adjusted series are estimated using the X12ARIMA software, as is standard across National Statistics. Adjustments are made for both the time of year and the construction of the calendar, including corrections for the position of Easter and the number of trading days in a particular month. 7.3 Statistical Quality HMRC's statement on statistical quality is published in "HMRC: Official Statistics" on the HMRC website (hyperlinked in section 7.5). These statistics are based on an administrative data source collected by HMRC in the running of its business (collecting tax). Any apparent discrepancy between totals and the sum of the constituents in the bulletin is due to rounding. The quality of these statistics depends on the purpose that they are intended to be used for. The definitions used within this publication are defined by tax law, and whether or not a property transaction is counted within the estimates is dependent on the submission of a Land Transaction Return. Transactions where no return is required, or is required but not submitted, will not be counted in the estimates. The statistics will therefore provide a good indication of the trend in the numbers of residential and non-residential property transactions but may not accurately reflect the total number of properties bought, sold or transferred. 7.4 Related Statistics HMRC publish more detailed breakdowns of the number and value of property transactions on an annual basis. These National Statistics can be found alongside the Monthly Property Transactions publication on the HMRC website (see hyperlink section) HMRC publish annual tables of Stamp Duty Land Tax collected, which is taken from the same data source as the transactions data. This is broken down into small geographical units including by Local Authority and by parliamentary constituency. (A link can be found in section 7.5) There are many other National and Official Statistics publications relevant to the UK housing market. The Valuation Office Agency (VOA) publishes statistics on council tax and on the private rental market. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) and HM Land Registry both produce statistics on UK House Prices. The Dept. for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) released a variety of publications on housing and associated topics. (Links to the relevant website can be found in the hyperlink section) HM Revenue and Customs UK Property Transactions Count - November 2014 7 Background 7.5 Hyperlinks Useful Links Introduction to SDLT: Current SDLT Rates and Thresholds: Historic SDLT Rates and Thresholds:*/ Land Transaction Return Guidance Notes: Statement of Administrative Sources general note: X13ARIMA homepage: HMRC: Official Statistics HMRC Annual Report and Resource Accounts Related Statistics Archived versions of the Monthly Property Transactions:*/http:/ Historic Property Transactions, Monthly, Quarterly and Annual, 1959 to 2005 (Table 5.5) Annual Property Transactions Publication: Stamp Duties collected (T15.1 to T15.5): Measuring Tax Gaps: Tax expenditures and ready reckoners: ONS House Price Index: Valuation Office Agency statistics: HM Land Registry statistics: Dept. for Communities and Local Government statistics: Other links Office for National Statistics (ONS): Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR): UK Statistics Authority: HM Revenue and Customs UK Property Transactions Count - November 2014 8 Changes to Duty Rates and Statement of Revisions Rates of Stamp Duty - Conveyances and transfers of land, buildings and property other than stocks and shares. System from 4th December 2014 Date 04-12-2014 Residential Nil rate £ 0.5% £ 1.0% £ Threshold and rates of stamp duty 4 2.0% 2.5% 3.0% 3.5% £ £ £ £ 1.5% £ 4.0% £ 5.0% £ 7.0% £ 10.0% £ 12.0% £ 15.0% £ Portion Over 925,000 up to 1,500,000 Portion Over 1,500,000 Whole price 3 If over 500,000 by NNP 4 Portion up to 125,000 - Whole price if over 150,000 - Non-Residential Whole price up to 150,000 - - Portion Over 125,000 up to 250,000 - - Whole price if over 250,000 - - Whole price if over 500,000 - Portion Over 250,000 up to 925,000 - - - - - Table updated December 2014 System prior to 4th December 2014 Nil rate up to Date 01-08-1958 01-08-1963 01-08-1967 01-08-1972 01-05-1974 1 06-04-1980 22-03-1982 13-03-1984 20-12-1991 20-08-1992 16-03-1993 08-07-1997 24-03-1998 16-03-1999 28-03-2000 01-12-2003 2 (Residential) (Non-Residential) 17-03-2005 Residential Non-Residential 23-03-2006 Residential Non-Residential 06-04-2011 Residential Non-Residential 21-03-2012 Residential Non-Residential 22-03-2012 Residential Non-Residential 20-03-2014 Residential Non-Residential 0.5% if exceeds 1.0% if exceeds 1.5% if exceeds Threshold and rates of stamp duty 4 2.0% 2.5% 3.0% 3.5% if exceeds if exceeds if exceeds if exceeds 4.0% if exceeds 5.0% if exceeds 7.0% if exceeds 10.0% if exceeds 12.0% if exceeds 15.0% if exceeds £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 3,500 4,500 5,500 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 250,000 30,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 3,500 4,500 5,500 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 - 4,500 6,000 7,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 30,000 250,000 30,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 5,250 25,000 30,000 35,000 250,000 - 6,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 500,000 250,000 - 250,000 - 500,000 250,000 500,000 - 500,000 - - - - - 60,000 150,000 - 60,000 150,000 - - - 250,000 250,000 - 500,000 500,000 - - - - - 120,000 150,000 - 120,000 150,000 - - - 250,000 250,000 - 500,000 500,000 - - - - - 125,000 150,000 - 125,000 150,000 - - - 250,000 250,000 - 500,000 500,000 - - - - - 125,000 150,000 - 125,000 150,000 - - - 250,000 250,000 - 500,000 500,000 1,000,000 - - - - - 125,000 150,000 - 125,000 150,000 - - - 250,000 250,000 - 500,000 500,000 1,000,000 - - - - 2,000,000 - 3 125,000 150,000 - 125,000 150,000 - - - 250,000 250,000 - 500,000 500,000 1,000,000 - - - - 2,000,000 - 3 125,000 150,000 - 125,000 150,000 - - - 250,000 250,000 - 500,000 500,000 1,000,000 - - - - 500,000 - 3 Table updated December 2014 HM Revenue and Customs UK Property Transactions Count - November 2014 8 Changes to Duty Rates and Statement of Revisions Reference Notes (for both Rates of Stamp Duty tables above) 1 Northern Ireland 1 August 1974. 2 From the 1st December 2003 separate starting rates were applied to residential and commercial transactions: i residential property transactions, consist mainly of home purchases but also include other transactions which cannot be regarded as purchases for owner occupation e.g. the separate purchase of a private garage or the purchase of the freehold by the leaseholder; ii commercial property covers all land and commercial and industrial property e.g. shops, commercial garages, hotels, public houses etc. 3 Higher rate for corporate bodies - From 20 March 2014 SDLT is charged at 15 per cent on interests in residential dwellings costing more than £500,000 purchased by certain non-natural persons. Previously (From 21 March 2012) the threshold had been £2 million. This broadly includes bodies corporate, for example companies, collective investment schemes and all partnerships with one or more members who are either a body corporate or a collective investment scheme. There are exclusions for companies acting in their capacity as trustees for a settlement and property developers who meet certain conditions. 4 From 4 December, SDLT for residential property is charged at different rates depending on the portion of the purchase price that falls within each rate band. There is no change to how SDLT is calculated on purchases of non-residential property or on the rent payable when a new lease is granted. Average Revisions This table shows the average absolute percentage revision between initial and final property transaction estimates, broken down into not seasonally adjusted, seasonally adjusted, residential and non-residential categories. These are the average amounts that provisional figures can be expected to change before they become final, which gives an indication of the size (but not direction) of the uncertainty in the latest estimates. Note that there is greater uncertainty in the non-residential estimates as there tends to be a greater lag between completion of a transaction and receipt of the Land Transaction Return. For information on the methodology used and the causes of revisions see section 7.2 on page 7. Not Seasonally Adjusted Residential Non-Residential Seasonally Adjusted Residential Non-Residential January February March April May June July August September October November December 4% 3% 5% 2% 3% 3% 3% 5% 6% 3% 3% 3% 14% 16% 10% 12% 4% 4% 4% 13% 6% 18% 11% 13% 5% 3% 5% 4% 3% 4% 5% 3% 6% 4% 4% 3% 19% 21% 22% 12% 3% 11% 6% 10% 3% 11% 15% 8% Total 4% 11% 4% 12% HM Revenue and Customs UK Property Transactions Count - November 2014 9 Other Information 9.1 Contact point for statistical enquiries Mark Dickson KAI Tax Gaps & Indirect Taxes HM Revenue & Customs Room 2E/12 100 Parliament Street London SW1A 2BQ : 03000 515 305 Email: [email protected] For more general enquiries please refer to the HMRC website: or contact the Stamp Taxes Helpline on 0845 603 0135. 9.2 Publication Calendar Publications will be released on the 21st of each month, but are delayed by one day whenever the 21st or the day preceding the 21st is a non-working day (e.g. publications are never published on a Monday, Saturday or Sunday). This release, for November 2014, was published on 23 December 2014 at 9:30am. The next release, for December 2014, will be published on 21 January 2015 at 9:30am. Historic releases of property publications can be found on the National Archives website:*/ The full publication calendar can be found on the ‘scheduled updates’ page of the HMRC website: And is also published on the Publication Hub for UK National Statistics: 9.3 Revisions Policy for the UK Property Transactions Count publication Any months with revisions are marked with an 'R' where appropriate and significant revisions will be explained in the notes sections on pages 2 and 3. All statistics are provisional for the first two months of publication and revisions are marked when the previous months figure and finalised figure (at the third month of publication) are changed. For further information on revisions policy see section 7.2 ‘Introduction to Statistics: Methodology & Explanation’. 9.4 Reference: National Statistics Publications for Indirect Taxes Meeting user needs We are committed to improving the official statistics we publish. We want to encourage and promote user engagement, so that we can continually improve our statistical outputs. We would welcome any views you have using the feedback questions below. We will undertake to review user comments on a quarterly basis and use this information to influence the development of our official statistics. We will summarise and publish user comments at regular intervals. If you have specific questions on the statistics in this publication please contact the team directly. For further information and questions about tax rules please refer to the HMRC website. HM Revenue and Customs UK Property Transactions Count - November 2014 9 Other Information Users UK Property Transaction Statistics are used by government and policy makers, analysts, academics, media, businesses, public bodies and the public. User feedback has helped shape the development and content of this publication and will continue to influence future enhancements. Uses These statistics are produced primarily to enable monitoring of trends in the UK residential and non-residential housing markets. Within HM Revenue and Customs and HM Treasury, they are primarily used by policy makers in the development of housing and tax policy, monitoring of tax receipts, ministerial briefing and responding to queries from the public. For example, the statistics in this publication were recently used to highlight the impact on the property market of policies such as the first time buyer relief, especially in relation to forestalling before the relief came to an end. Outside of HMRC and HMT, past user engagement has highlighted a variety of examples for how these statistics are used: • By market analysts and media to examine and report on the latest movements in the UK property market and the wider economy; • Other government departments and policy makers in understanding the impact of past policy changes and to inform decisions on future policy; • By academics and analysts to look at longer term trends in the UK property market; • The statistics are widely used in monitoring the impact of the current economic climate on the UK property market; • Businesses tend to use the statistics to understand the property market or plan business strategies; • The country breakdowns help inform research on market movements at national levels (this is particularly relevant considering current plans to devolve Stamp Duty Land Tax to the Scottish Government); They are best used in conjunction with other monthly housing market indicators, some of which can be found in the 'Related Statistics' section on page 7. HM Revenue and Customs UK Property Transactions Count - November 2014 9 Other Information Code of Practice for Official Statistics HMRC complies with the Code of Practice and supporting Principles: Pre-Release Access Policy: Access List: A National Statistics Publication National Statistics are produced to high professional standards set out in the Code of Practice for Official Statistics. They undergo regular quality assurance reviews to ensure that they meet customer needs. They are produced free from any political interference. The United Kingdom Statistics Authority has designated these statistics as National Statistics, in accordance with the Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007 and signifying compliance with the Code of Practice for Official Statistics. Designation can be broadly interpreted to mean that the statistics: • meet identified user needs; • are well explained and readily accessible; • are produced according to sound methods, and • are managed impartially and objectively in the public interest. Once statistics have been designated as National Statistics it is a statutory requirement that the Code of Practice shall continue to be observed. For general enquiries about National Statistics, contact the National Statistics Public Enquiry Service on Tel: 0845 601 3034 overseas: (+44) 1633 653 599 minicom: 01633 812399 E-mail: [email protected] 01633 652747 Fax: By post: Customer Contact Centre, Room 1.015, Cardiff Road, Newport, NP10 8XG You can also find National Statistics on the internet:
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