Tariffs and Conditions for Payment Services Effective as of 1 February 2015 ING Commercial Banking ING Bank N.V., pobočka zahraničnej banky ING is one of the largest providers of financial products in Europe. ING offers Clients financial products in payment services, loans, mortgages and investments. In addition ING acts as an intermediary in insurances and pensions. These Tariffs and Conditions for Payment Services are effective as of 1 February 2015 and supersede in full the Tariffs and Conditions dated 7 October 2014. The tariffs and conditions in this brochure are applicable to the Payments Services offered by ING Bank N.V., pobočka zahraničnej banky. Rates offered in this brochure are subject to change. All fees shown in this brochure are exempt from VAT unless expressly stated otherwise. Exchange rates can be found via your local ING Office.. ING Bank N.V., Bijlmerplein 888, 1102 MG Amsterdam, the Netherlands, company limited by shares, registered in the Trade Register of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry for Amsterdam under file No. 33031431 acting through ING Bank N.V., pobočka zahraničnej banky, Jesenského 4/C, 811 02 Bratislava, identification number: 30 844 754, registered in the Commercial Register of Bratislava I District court, section Po, inserted file No. 130/B ( hereinafter referred to as the “ING Office in Slovakia” or the “Bank”) Tariffs and Conditions for Payment Services February 2015 2 Tariffs Accounts Current account (in local or foreign currency) Opening € Maintenance € International Account Service € Closing Credit interest Debit interest Capital contribution account and escrow account 0.00 7.00 100.00 € % % % 10.00 10.00 € 0.00 per month per month, per account per account per annum per month 1 For non-residents Actual interest rate applicable¹ Subject to agreement² Unauthorised overdraft. Plus Reference Rate for respective currency³ Opening, maintenance, issuing and sending of monthly, quarterly statements. The interest rate applied to the Credit Balances on the Client´s current accounts is an interest rate published by the ING Office in Slovakia in the Bank´s premises and on the Bank´s internet site, whereby the ING Office in Slovakia is entitled to change such interest rate depending on the changes on the relevant interbank market and the Bank´s business policy. 2 In case the calculation of the interest rate in the individual agreement between the Client and the ING Office in Slovakia is based on the reference rate of the Bank, the calculation of the reference rate equals to the calculation in comment no. 3. 3 The Reference Rate of ING Office in Slovakia means interest rate applied to debit balances on the Client´s current account and unauthorised overdrafts on the Client´s current account and is published by the ING Office in Slovakia in the Bank´s premises and on the Bank´s internet site. The ING Office in Slovakia is entitled to change such interest rate depending on the changes on the relevant interbank market and the Bank´s business policy . The Reference Rate of ING Office in Slovakia means interest rates for individual currencies determined by the ING Office in Slovakia and it is based on the external reference rates for individual currencies. For every relevant currency, the ING Office in Slovakia determines the Reference Rate of ING Office in Slovakia on weekly basis. The Reference Rate of ING Office in Slovakia is determined on the last Business Day of a week and is applicable for the whole following week starting on the first Business Channels MultiCash Implementation Subscription € € - ING Online Local Site Subscription € 10.00 User registration fee Installation and training € € 10.00 33.00 per month, per company per item per hour Service I-Dentity Card I-Dentity Card reader € € € 33.00 17.00 50.00 per hour per item per item PIN or password unblocking Amendment of user’s access right and limits Confirmation of user rights € € 10.00 7.00 per occurrence per user € 2.00 € 10.00 per month, per company 16.60 per transaction ING Online Regional Site Subscription Other channels Paper payment delivery € Tariffs and Conditions for Payment Services February 2015 Subject to agreement. Subject to agreement. Also supporting EBICS VAT is applied according to the valid Slovak VAT law Incl. Smart Cards. Incl. Smart Card readers. VAT is applied according to the valid Slovak VAT law Also for temporary amendments per user Plus credit transfer fee 3 Account, Balance and Transaction reporting Electronic reporting Intraday Intraday | To ING branches1 € € 0.00 33.19 per month per month Intraday | To third bank € 33.19 per month End of Day End of Day | To ING branches¹ End of Day | To third bank (daily) € € € 0.00 0.00 33.19 per month End of Day | To third bank (weekly) End of Day | To third bank (monthly) € € 9.96 4.98 per month per month € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € 1.66 2.32 2.99 3.98 1.00 1.66 2.32 4.65 1.99 4.98 0.00 3.50 6.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 per month per month per month per month per month per month per month per month per page per page per statement per statement per statement per page per month Up to 6 months Above 6 months By post By e-mail By e-mail (in unencrypted pdf format) € € 0.00 3.32 per month monthly Via ING Online Paper account statements Paper statement issuing | Quarterly Paper statement issuing | Monthly Paper statement issuing | Weekly Paper statement issuing | Daily Paper statement sending | Quarterly Paper statement sending | Monthly Paper statement sending | Weekly Paper statement sending | Daily Paper statement sending | Inland by fax Paper statement sending | Abroad by fax Paper statement sending | Hold mail Paper statement replacement issuing Paper statement replacement sending PDF reporting | Daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly Monthly interest statement Via ING Online MT900/MT910, MT942, MT942 ZKA, MT941 MT900/MT910, MT942, MT942 ZKA, MT941 Via ING Online, CAMT 053 MT940, MT940 ZKA Or after movement. MT940, MT940 ZKA, MT950 MT940, MT940 ZKA, MT950 MT940, MT9420 ZKA, MT950 Or after movement Or after movement ¹ Valid for following receiving SWIFT addresses: INGBATWW, BBRUBEBB, INGBBGSF, INGBCZPP, INGBDEFF, INGBFRPP, INGBGB2L, INGBGB22, INGBHUHB, INGBNL2A, INGBROBU, INGBRUMM, INGBUAUK, CELLLULL, BKMGNL2A Credit transfers SEPA credit transfer Next day Same day Real Time Intra-company ING In-house Incoming International credit transfer Two days Same day Real Time Intra-company ING In-house | Two days € € € € € € 0.20 35.00 50.00 0.20 0.00 0.00 per transaction per transaction per transaction per transaction per transaction per transaction € € € € € € € 16.60 25.00 35.00 2.00 50.00 16.60 1.66 per transaction per transaction per transaction per transaction per transaction per transaction per transaction Tariffs and Conditions for Payment Services February 2015 Via Target2 (with code word TREA) Only to third banks Domestic only Only RUB By SWIFT MT103, MT200, MT202, MT203 Via Target2 (with code word RTGS) Only to third banks Only CZK 4 ING In-house | Same day Incoming | SHA or BEN Incoming | OUR € € € % 3.32 0.00 10.00 0.50 per transaction per transaction per transaction per transaction Credit transfer R-messages Recall Repair € € 0.00 5.00 per occurrence per occurrence Revocation € 5.00 per occurrence Return of international credit transfer to the initial sender Client’s request for return of credit transfer | SEPA credit transfer Client’s request for return of credit transfer | International credit transfer € 16.60 per occurrence € 15.00 per item € 35.00 per item € 50.00 per item Only CZK Transaction in RUB Min. € 9.96, max. € 40.00 Plus investigation costs Based on client´s request; before settlement Cancellation, based on client´s request; before settlement Debited from the amount of the returned payment Plus charges of correspondent banks Up to 3 months. Plus charges of correspondent banks More than 3 months. Plus charges of correspondent banks Direct Debits SEPA Direct Debit (as creditor) Transaction ING In-house € € SEPA Direct Debit R-messages (as creditor) Return € Reject € Refusal € Refund authorised collection € Refund unauthorised collection € 0.20 0.00 per transaction per transaction Core and B2B Core and B2B, domestic only 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 60.00 per occurrence per occurrence per occurrence per occurrence per occurrence Core Core SEPA Direct Debit additional services and fees (as creditor) Assignment of CID € 15.00 per occurrence Change in CID register € 15.00 per occurrence SEPA Direct Debit (as debtor) Transaction ING In-house € € 0.20 0.00 per transaction per transaction Core and B2B Core and B2B, domestic only SEPA Direct Debit additional services and fees (as debtor) Mandate revocation € 5.00 per occurrence Mandate amendment € 5.00 per occurrence Mandate copy Unjustified request for refund € € 30.00 60.00 per occurrence per occurrence Tariffs and Conditions for Payment Services February 2015 5 Other services Audit letter € 66.00 per confirmation Bank reference € 33.00 per confirmation Providing information about the Client to competent authorities according to applicable laws Standing Order | SEPA Standing Order | International Manual intervention Payment refusal notification Sending of SWIFT messages MT101 Manual processing charged by other bank Missing or incorrect data Fee of other institutions applied to credit transfers with charges instruction “OUR” Inquiry and investigations € - € € € € € € € € 0.20 16.60 15.00 5.00 15.00 - per transaction per transaction per occurrence per occurrence € 35.00 per occurrence € 50.00 per occurrence Back valuation within the accounts with ING Office in Slovakia Confirmation of credit from beneficiary bank/Client’s request from more details Fee for payment within execution Proof of payment Other forms of confirmation Providing of general economic/bank information upon the Client´s request € 50.00 per item € 15.00 per item € € € € 20.00 10.00 17.00 16.60 per transaction per confirmation per confirmation per item Written notice for a breach of the relevant agreement between Client and Bank. Postage expenses Courier service Fax / 1 page | Inland Fax / 1 page | Europe Fax / 1 page | Other countries Other Bank service RIS | Set-up RIS | Maintenance RIS | MT101 from third bank € 16.60 per item € € € € € € € € € 1.99 4.98 9.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 per occurrence per agreement per month per message VAT is applied according to the valid Slovak VAT law VAT is applied according to the valid Slovak VAT law Actual costs apply. VAT is applied according to the valid Slovak VAT law Plus credit transfer fee Plus credit transfer fee With ‘NOSTP’ instruction Subject to agreement Upon request of these institutions E.g. IBAN or BIC According to their valid tariffs. Up to 3 months. Plus charges of correspondent banks More than 3 months. Plus charges of correspondent banks Plus relevant interest rate determined by the Bank Plus charges of the correspondent bank VAT treatment -see¹ VAT is applied according to the valid Slovak VAT law. Plus the actual costs. Sent by fax or post. VAT treatment -see ¹ Actual costs apply. VAT treatment -see ¹ Actual costs apply. VAT treatment -see ¹ VAT treatment -see¹ VAT treatment -see¹ VAT treatment -see¹ Actual costs apply. VAT treatment –see¹ Remote Initiation Service (RIS) Plus fee per individual transaction ¹ VAT treatment is applied in compliance with the tax regime of the financial service within which the service is provided; if the service is not provided within a financial service the VAT is applied in accordance with the Act on VAT. Cash Management Domestic Cash Balancing (Intraday and End of Day) Set-up € Maintenance € Domestic Automated transactions Set-up Maintenance € € - 0.00 33.19 Subject to agreement. Subject to agreement per month International Cash Management The fees and commissions for International Cash Management are subject to separate agreements. Tariffs and Conditions for Payment Services February 2015 6 Cards Corporate Card¹ Corporate Card, corporate pay Emergency provision Purchases| In EUR Purchases | In non-EUR Cash advance | From ATM in EUR Cash advance | From ATM in non-EUR Cash advance | Via counter in EUR Cash advance | Via counter in non-EUR € € € € € € % % 30.00 129.00 0.00 0.00 4.50 4.50 3.00 3.00 Additional services and fees Late payment charge Paper-based account statement Copy of paper-based account statement % € € 1.50 0.00 10.00 per year per card per transaction per transaction per transaction per transaction per transaction per transaction Plus 1.95% foreign exchange fee² Plus 1.95% foreign exchange fee² Min. € 4.50 Min. € 4.50. Plus 1.95% foreign exchange fee² of the outstanding balance per statement per statement Including VAT ING Corporate Card Solution The fees and commissions are subject to separate agreement. Information about ING Corporate Card Solution can be found at http://www.ingcorporatecardsolution.com/. ING Purchase Control The fees and commissions are subject to separate agreement. Information about ING Purchase Control can be found at http://www.ingpurchasecontrol.com/. ¹ The corporate card product is offered by ING Bank N.V., registered office Amsterdam, Trade Register no. 33031431, Chamber of Commerce Amsterdam, The Netherlands. ² The foreign exchange fee is incorporated in the amount of the transaction. The currency conversion rates are published at https://www.mastercard.com/global/currencyconversion/. Tariffs and Conditions for Payment Services February 2015 7 Cut-Off Times (COT) and Settlement Dating Credit transfers Currency COT (CET) Book date Settlement EUR EUR EUR EUR EUR EUR EUR EUR EUR 17:00 11:00 16:00 17:00 12:00 10:00 12:00 17:00 - D D D D D D D D D D D+1 D D D+1 D D+1 D D D - Any EUR, USD CZK EUR CZK CZK Any Any EUR, USD EUR Any EUR Any USD GBP 14:00 11:00 10:00 16:00 14:00 10:00 14:00 12:00 10:00 12:00 12:00 16:00 15:00 17:00 D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D+2 D D D D+2 D D+2 D+2 D D D+2 D - Currency COT (CET) Book date Settlement SEPA Direct Debit (as creditor) Transaction | B2B (First and Recurrent) Transaction | Core (First) Transaction | Core (Recurrent) EUR EUR EUR 17:00 D-2 17:00 D-6 17:00 D-3 D D D D D D SEPA Direct Debit (as debtor) Incoming EUR - D D SEPA Direct Debit R-messages Refusal Mandate block settings Mandate set-up, revocation or amendment EUR EUR EUR 14:00 D-1 14:00 D-1 14:00 D-16 D D D SEPA credit transfer Next day Same day Real Time Intra-company ING In-house (domestic) Paper based | Next day, Intra-company Paper based | Same day Paper based | Real time Paper based | ING In-house (domestic) Incoming International credit transfer Two days Same day Real Time ING In-house | Two days ING In-house | Same day Intra-company Paper based | Two days Paper based | Same day Paper-based | Real Time Paper based | Intra-company Same day | MT103, MT200, MT202, MT203 Incoming Direct Debit Tariffs and Conditions for Payment Services February 2015 17:00 8 Account , Balance and Transaction reporting Electronic reporting Intraday Intraday | To third bank End of Day End of Day | To third bank Frequency Time available (CET) Every 10 minutes Every 10 minutes Once per day Once per day 08:30 to 20:00 08:30 to 20:00 06:30 D+1 06:30 D+1 Conditions Business Days Information regarding Business Days and the execution of Payment Services can be found on http://www.ingcommercialbanking.sk/en/page/documents Information regarding TARGET closing days can be found on: http://www.ecb.int/home/html/holidays.en.html 1. Cooperation of the Client Upon request of the Bank the Client shall and shall procure that each User shall secure that documents submitted to the Bank will be verified and apostiled or superlegalized. 2. Manner to initiate Payment Orders in writing 2.1 This Clause 2 only applies to Payment Orders initiated by the Client, except for initiation of SDD collections. 2.2 A Payment order in writing must be sent to the Bank in the closed envelope marked as “PP-please do not open” to the address referred to in these Tariffs and Conditions and to the attention of Client Services Department. 2.3 A Payment Order in writing may be submitted to the Bank by fax provided the Bank and the Client have agreed on use of the test keys under the specific agreement. In such case the Client gives its consent to a Payment Order by sending a Payment Order duly signed by persons authorized to sign on behalf of the Client to the Bank and by using the correct test key. The Bank may, but is not obligated to, execute a Payment Order without the agreement on use of the test keys, provided the Client submitted to the Bank a letter of indemnity in the form and with the contents required by the Bank. 2.4 A Payment Order in a writing may be submitted to the Bank personally, provided it was submitted by the person appointed by the Client as listed on a special list. Users are deemed authorized to personally deliver Payment Orders even if not entered on such special list of the Client. 3. Verification of Payment Orders by telephone Prior to execution of any Payment Order, the Bank may verify it by making a telephone call at the telephone number specified in the Agreement under which the relevant Account has been opened, or any other telephone number as may from time to time be notified by the Client to the Bank or in any other appropriate way. The Bank is entitled to treat any such verification as valid where the person responding to such call is or purports to be the User. The Bank shall proceed with regular due care. In case verification of the Payment Order cannot be done according to this Clause, the Bank may refuse to execute the Payment Order. 4. Start of the execution of Payment Orders The ING Office in Slovakia only executes a Payment Order having the instruction to start execution of the Payment Order on a specific day, or recurring Payment Order or a Payment Order without the execution date. 5. Special conditions for execution of Payment Transactions 5.1 The Bank is entitled to define special terms and conditions for the execution of particular transfers of funds or direct debits, especially for transfers of funds or direct debits to certain countries or certain beneficiaries, for example: a) the submission of auxiliary documents or materials, b) the change of currency of transfer in certain substantiated circumstances, or c) the submission of a letter of indemnification to the Bank. 5.2 The Bank is entitled for an inevitable time period mainly due to operational reasons to set special conditions for the execution of fund transfers, or direct debits primarily to change the method, Cut-Off Times and/or timelines for execution of Payment Transactions. Such special conditions shall be notified to the Client by the Bank by publishing them on the Bank’s Internet site and at the Bank’s premises. 5.3 The Bank may (fully or partially) (i) refuse to execute or forward and/or (ii) suspend execution or forwarding of any of the Client’s Payment Orders, if the Client fails to perform its any due obligations towards the Bank or otherwise fails to perform its any obligations or if the Client does not comply with the Bank’s request to provide collateral (or to increase the amount or the value of existing collateral). 6. Revocation of Payment Orders A Payment Order can be withdrawn in writing or in any other manner as indicated by the Bank. Tariffs and Conditions for Payment Services February 2015 9 7. Currency of the Account and execution of foreign currency Payment Orders Currencies in which Payment Orders are executed by the ING Office in Slovakia and exchange rates of ING Office in Slovakia are specified and published at the Bank’s premises and at the Bank’s Internet site. 8. Direct Debit The Client´s request for revocation or amendment to the Client´s mandate for a Direct Debit given to the ING Office in Slovakia, request for refusal of the Direct Debit and request to apply or revoke the general Direct Debit block can be submitted in writing or in any other manner as indicated by the ING Office in Slovakia. For avoidance of doubt any Client´s mandate for a Direct Debit given to the ING Office in Slovakia will be deemed to be a revocation of the general Direct Debit block, if any. 9. Refund of Direct Debit The Client´s request to refund a Direct Debit can be submitted in writing or in any other manner as indicated by the ING Office in Slovakia. 10. Fees and expenses In reasonable cases the Bank is entitled to drop the billing of any or all fees, or to charge fees in an amount different from the fees amount specified in these Tariffs and Conditions. In such cases the Bank bills the Client with fee/fees specially agreed based upon the written agreement between the Bank and the Client. 11. Credit Interest Credit interest will be calculated on the basis of the exact number of elapsed days and a year having 360 days. The interest payable by the Bank to the Client will be due and payable in arrears on the first day of the calendar month or at such other times that the Bank may agree with the Client. Interest paid on Credit Balance on current account is at ING´s discretion and interest rates are available on the Bank´s Internet site and in the Bank´s premises. 12. Debit interest and unauthorised Debit Balance 12.1 If, for any reason, any of the Client´s Account kept with ING Office in Slovakia shows a negative (debit) balance and the Client has no credit limit agreed, interest for unauthorised Debit Balance shall be accrued on the amount of such Debit Balance. 12.2 Debit interest will be calculated on the basis of the exact number of elapsed days and a year having 360 days. The interest payable by the Client to the Bank will be due and payable in arrears on the first day of the calendar month or at such other times that the Bank may agree with the Client. All costs, including any legal fees relating to the collection of an unauthorized overdraft of the Account will be paid by the Client. 12.3 The Bank reserves the right, at any time, to withdraw the Client’s right to overdraw the Account and/or require the Client to repay or reduce the debt related to the overdraft on the Account. 13. Charging principles for international Payment Transactions Upon a special Client’s request, the Bank may execute the Payment Transaction which satisfies the conditions of application of the SHA charging instruction according to the relevant provisions of the Conditions, with the OUR charging instruction. The Bank is authorized to charge a Fee for application of the OUR charging instruction for such Payment Transaction according to these Tariffs and Conditions. 14. Statements 14.1 The information on the Available Balance provided by the ING Office in Slovakia on the Account Statement is information regarding to the balance of the own funds of the Client. If this balance is a negative balance, information on the available balance is information regarding to the amount that the Client owes to the Bank. 14.2 If the Client has requested to collect the Account Statements personally the Bank shall retain the Account Statements on behalf of the Client at the Bank. The Bank shall consider such Account Statement delivered on the day of its issue. The Client shall collect Account Statements at the Bank’s premises at least once a year, but always by the end of the month following the calendar year. The Bank shall give Account Statements only to the persons authorized for this purpose and after the Bank verifies their identity. If the Client does not collect the Account Statements after the expiration period, the Bank is authorized to send them to the Client by post at the Client’s expenses. The Bank shall not be liable for any losses or damage that the Client may incur as a result that the Client does not know about the Account balance or credit and debit activity on the Account or because the Client collects Account Statements in the Bank or that the Client has not collected them. 15. Communication Notifications sent to the Client by mail may be sent as ordinary mail or registered mail and are regarded delivered upon expiry of seven (7) days after dispatch. Notifications sent to the Client by “advice of delivery” (return receipt) are considered delivered upon receiving the confirmation of delivery. If the mail by “advice of delivery” is not collected it is regarded delivered on the reported day of deposition even though the recipient did not get to know about the deposition. 16. Absence of payee’s account with the Bank The Bank does not provide services of receipt of funds for persons who do not have an Account or a deposit account opened with the Bank. 17. Deposits protection The Client’s deposits are protected to the extent and under the conditions set forth by the Dutch deposits system (“Deposit Guarantee Scheme”) in accordance with legislation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands as amended or superseded. More detailed information on the deposits protection system is available at the Bank’s premises and on the Bank’s Internet site. Tariffs and Conditions for Payment Services February 2015 10 18. SDD collection 18.1 Unless otherwise agreed, the instruction for SDD collection must be sent to the Bank via the ING Channel agreed between the Client and the Bank. 18.2 The Bank has no obligation to check in the instruction for SDD collection any discrepancies between the Account number provided and other details that identify the Client, such as the Client’s name or registered office/address. 19. Capital contribution account 19.1 The Bank can open a capital contribution Account (hereinafter referred to as the “Capital Contribution Account”) for a legal person that is to pay money deposit into joint-stock capital before its entry into the Companies Register (hereinafter referred to as the “Client under establishment”) upon certified copy of corporation contract, partnership agreement or foundation deed in the form of notarial deed on legal act, if such is required by law, by concluding the Agreement with the depositor of money deposit or the person authorized to act on behalf of the Client under establishment in compliance with legal regulations. The Agreement can be terminated or amended only upon submission of changes made to the particular documents referred to in this section except for cases specified in sections 3 and 4 herein. 19.2 The depositor of the money deposit is not authorized to dispose of the funds on the Capital Contribution Account. The signature card shall not be signed for the Capital Contribution Account. The Bank shall issue confirmation of money deposit upon request of the depositor. 19.3 In case the Client under establishment is not incorporated in the Companies Register the Bank shall terminate the Capital Contribution Account as well as the Agreement upon the state authority decision submitted in original or verified copy or upon other relevant document and shall return the money deposit to the depositor. 19.4 If the Client under establishment is incorporated in the Companies Register the Bank shall change the Capital Contribution Account to the Account after submission of the transcript from the Companies Register, notification of the statutory body of the Client about approval of legal acts related to opening and maintenance of the Capital Contribution Account and other documents required by the Bank. 19.5 Capital Contribution Account shall be otherwise governed by the provisions of the ING Conditions for Payment Services as amended from time to time (the “ICPS”) accordingly. 20. Disputes 20.1 The Client and the Bank may agree that any mutual disputes arising between them, will be resolved by the Permanent Arbitration Court of the Slovak Bank Association with its seat in Bratislava. In accordance with the Slovak act on arbitration proceedings, the Client and the Bank may agree in the arbitration clause that upon request of either of them, the arbitration award may be reviewed by another arbitrator (arbitrators). 20.2 Any delivered arbitration award which cannot be reviewed has the same effect for the Client and the Bank as a final decision of the court. By filling an action with the relevant court, the Client and the Bank may claim to cancel the domestic arbitration award, but only from reasons stipulated in the Slovak act on arbitration proceedings. 21.Language 21.1 If these Tariffs and Conditions are provided to the Client in another language than English the English language version will in case of conflict prevail. 21.2 The communication between ING and the Client will take place in the English language, Czech language or, at the Bank’s discretion, in the Slovak language, unless agreed in writing that all or part of the communication and/or provision of which are in a language other than the Slovak language are at the Client´s expense translated into the Slovak language by a sworn translator acceptable for ING. 22. Right of set-off The ING Office may set-off any claims (whether or not such claims are due or undue, current, conditional or future, or lapsed) regardless of whether the ING Office lodged whatever request related to the claims that the ING Office has or may have against the Client, irrespective of the place of performance, branch or the currency of the relevant claims against any claims that the Client may have against the ING Office including any claims from any Accounts of the Client regardless of whether such claims are due, current, conditional or future, or lapsed. The ING Office has the right to use the Client’s financial means on any Account for set-off against its claims against the Client regardless of whether such claims arise in connection with the Account of the Client, from the same legal relationship and disregarding the currency in which they are denominated and debit any sums payable by the Client to the ING Office from any Account irrespective of the Available Balance on the relevant Account and irrespective whether this would generate an unauthorized Debit Balance. Claims denominated in a foreign currency shall be set-off at the exchange rate on a day of set-off as determined by the ING Office. The ING Office may exercise its right of set-off even if the Client´s claim on the ING Office or the ING Office´s claim on the Client is not yet due and payable. Tariffs and Conditions for Payment Services February 2015 11 23. Due date of Tariffs 23.1 The fees payable per month will be debited by the Bank from the Client’s account on 24 th day in every calendar month. If this day is not a Business Day, then on the last Business Day preceding the 24 th day in such a calendar month. The Bank will commence to charge the Account maintenance related fees payable per month in the first calendar month following the calendar month in which the relevant Account was opened. 23.2 For the services where fees shall be payable per month in advance, the fee will be debited by the Bank from the Client’s Account for the first time at the day of the execution of the service and then for each consequent calendar month at the latest on the 10th Business Day of the relevant calendar month. Such a fee will be calculated: (i) for the first time on the day of the execution of the service until the end of the calendar month in which the service was executed; and (ii) for each consequent calendar month, at the beginning of such a month; 23.3 One-time fees are payable no later than on the first Business Day following the execution of the relevant service. 23.4 The fees of other banks shall be payable on the day of receiving the request for reimbursement of the fee by the Bank. 24. Change of Tariffs The amended or replaced Tariffs and the date on which the amended or replaced Tariffs will be effective, will be made available at the Bank’s premises or published on the Bank’s Internet site. 25. Change of conditions ING Office in Slovakia may amend and/or supplement conditions specified in these Tariffs and Conditions in accordance with the provisions of the ICPS applicable for amendment or supplement of the ICPS. The amended or replaced conditions and the date on which the amended or replaced conditions will be effective, will be made available at the Bank’s premises or published on the Bank’s Internet site. Types of credit transfers To determine the type of outgoing credit transfers (except Dutch urgent payments), please use the flow chart shown below. SEPA Countries: Austria (EUR), Belgium (EUR), Bulgaria (BGN), Croatia (HRK), Cyprus (EUR), Czech Republic (CZK), Denmark (DKK), Estonia (EUR), Finland (EUR), France (EUR), Germany (EUR), Greece (EUR), Hungary (HUF), Ireland (EUR), Italy (EUR), Latvia (EUR), Lithuania (LTL), Luxembourg (EUR), Malta (EUR), The Netherlands (EUR), Poland (PLN), Portugal (EUR), Romania (RON), Slovakia (EUR), Slovenia (EUR), Spain (EUR), Sweden (SEK) and the United Kingdom (GBP), as well as the three EEA States Iceland (ISK), Liechtenstein (CHF) and Norway (NOK) plus Monaco (EUR) and Switzerland (CHF). Tariffs and Conditions for Payment Services February 2015 12 Complaint procedure 1. Procedure regarding the settlement of claims and complaints in relation to execution of the Payment Services is governed by the Claims Regulation of ING Bank N.V., pobočka zahraničnej banky (hereinafter referred to as the “Claims Regulation”) . The Claim Regulation is available at the Bank’s premises and on the Bank’s Internet site. 2. The Bank has the right to amend the Claims Regulation depending on the changes of the respective legal regulations or the Bank’s business policy. The Bank shall notify the Client about such amendment and its effectiveness by making it available at the Bank’s premises and publishing it on the Bank’s Internet site. 3. The Bank accepts claims and complaints related to Payment Services in the Bank’s premises at the address specified for delivery of claims of Payments Services in these Tariff and Conditions only during the office hours. Claims related to Payment Services may be given to the Bank verbally, by phone, by fax or by email, taking into consideration form of a Payment Service provided. On delivery of a claim to the Bank a confirmation will be given to the Client by the Bank. Any other conditions related to claims procedure related to Payments Services are defined in the Claims Regulation. 4. The Client may submit the complaint in connection with the provision of Payment Services by the Bank to the National Bank of Slovakia if the Client believes that the Slovak act on payment services or any other legal regulation which governs providing Payment Services has been breached. 5. Address for delivery of claims and complaints – ING Bank N.V., pobočka zahraničnej banky, Jesenského 4/C, 811 02 Bratislava, the Slovak republic. Client Services Desk Business Hours Business Days Contact details Website SWIFT BIC Available to the Client at the Bank’s premises and on the Bank’s Internet site Mondays – Fridays (excluding bank holiday and other public holiday) ING Bank N.V., pobočka zahraničnej banky Jesenského 4/C 811 04 Bratislava Slovakia Bank’s Internet site www.ingcommercialbanking.sk, www.ing.sk and www.ingbank.sk INGBSKBX Client services desk Telephone Number Fax E-mail +421 2 5934 6555, +421 2 5934 6666 +421 2 5293 1222 [email protected] Contact details in case of loss, theft, misappropriation or unauthorized use of a Payment instrument: Contact details ING Bank N.V., pobočka zahraničnej banky Jesenského 4/C 811 04 Bratislava Slovakia Telephone Number +421 2 5934 6555, +421 2 5934 6666 Fax +421 2 5293 1222 E-mail [email protected] Tariffs and Conditions for Payment Services February 2015 13 Want to know more about ING? Visit www.ingcb.com or contact your local ING Office Tariffs and Conditions for Payment Services February 2015 14
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