GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN Prequalification of Constructors for INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT WORK OF SECTOR I-15, ISLAMABAD December 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Submission of Applications Pre-Qualification Criteria Joint Venture (JV) Updating Prequalification Information Other Factors Annexures Check List (1) INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANTS 1 Submission of Applications 1.1 Applications for pre-qualification (one original and two copy) must be received in sealed envelope to be delivered by hand or through registered mail to:Deputy Director I-15 Room No. 11, Plot No. 03 Block –IV, G-7 Markaz Capital Development Authority (CDA) Islamabad not later than December 31, 2014 during office hours and be clearly marked “Application for Pre-qualification for Infrastructure Development Work of Sector I-15 Project, Islamabad”. 1.2 The name and mailing address of the Applicant shall be clearly marked on left hand of the envelope. 1.3 The applications shall be prepared in the English language. Information in any other language shall be accompanied by its translation in English duly endorsed by the authorized translator or the concerned Embassy. 1.4 The Applicants must respond to all questions and provide complete information as advised in this document. Any lapse to provide essential information may result in disqualification of the Applicant. 1.5 The clarification meeting will not be held. The prospective Applicants may request clarification about the project and the evaluation criteria in writing but not later than 7 (seven) days before the last date for submission of Proposal. Seeking this clarification shall not form the basis for any extension of time for submission of prequalification document. 1.6 Firms/Constructors duly registered in the relevant specialties with the Pakistan Engineering Council having valid license in Category C-A and above (having project Code CE-01, CE-02 & CE-09), are only eligible for prequalification. 1.7 Submission of Applications should be in the attached formats and in the sequence as prescribed in the Pre-qualification Document only. 1.8 The entire Pre-qualification document submitted by the firms shall be properly numbered, stamped and duly signed by their Authorized representative. 1.9 Only pre-qualified firms/constructors under this procedure will be invited to bid. 1.10 Incomplete applications or applications received after the due date shall not be entertained. (2) 2 Pre-Qualification Criteria 2.1 General 2.1.1 Pre-qualification will be based on the criteria given in succeeding paras 2.2 to 2.5 regarding the Applicant’s Financial Soundness, General Experience, Personnel Capabilities and Equipment Capabilities as demonstrated by the Applicant’s responses in the forms attached to this document. The Employer (CDA) reserves the right to waive minor deviations, if these do not materially affect the capability of an applicant to perform the contract. Sub-contractor’s experience and resources shall not be taken into account in determining the Applicant’s compliance with the qualifying criteria. However, Joint Venture experience & resources shall be considered. Following criteria has been adopted for prequalification of constructors: Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Category Relevant Experience Personnel Capabilities Equipment Capabilities Financial Soundness Total: 2.1.2 Weightage/Marks 35 15 20 30 100 Prequalification status shall be decided on the basis of Pass/Fail approach. The applicant firm must secure at least 50% marks in each category. Firms/constructors passing the minimum criteria of overall 70% shall be considered pre-qualified. In case, the firm is involved in any litigation, the details/updated status shall be provided. Any firm involved in litigation and in case majority of decisions went against that firm or if the firm is blacklisted by any Govt./SemiGovt./Autonomous body, shall be disqualified. In case any submission provided by the firm before bidding and thereafter are found to be incorrect, the Contract awarded to it may be considered for termination. Affidavit on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/- duly notarized regarding non black listing and non-bankruptcy shall be provided. Provisions listed in above and also in the Advertisement Notice are mandatory to be complied with prior to scrutiny of documents. 2.2 Relevant Experience Credit Marks for work experience shall be awarded on the basis of following criteria. (3) Sr. No. a) Description Marks Assigned Projects of similar nature* and complexity completed over last 10 years. 25 The contractor shall submit the Performance as well as Completion certificates from the previous clients Explanation for Marks Obtained Full Marks are given if the contractor has completed at least 3 projects of similar nature* in last ten years. Alternatively, individual components will only be considered for three projects completed as per their weightages and minimum cost limits prescribed*. • For less than 3 projects completed use the following weightage. 25x (A/3) A = No of projects of similar nature Completed in last ten years b) Projects of similar nature and complexity in hand. The contractor shall submit the Letter of Acceptance/ Award from the concerned clients. 10 Full Marks are given if the contractor has 3 projects of similar nature * or more in hand. Alternatively, individual components will only be considered for three projects in hand as per their weightages and minimum cost limits as prescribed*. • For less than 3 projects in-hand use the following weightage. 10x (A/3) A = No of projects of similar nature In-hand. 35 Total Marks Allocated NOTE: Projects data on specified format A-4 for completed projects duly supported with the Completion certificates and A-5-1 for projects in hand, duly supported with the letter(s) of Award/Acceptance by the concerned Employer will only be considered for marking. (4) * Projects of similar nature and complexity shall be categorized as under: Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Project Component Minimum Cost of single individual Component / Project (Rs.) Infrastructure Development Work 3650 Million for Housing Schemes (All components mentioned at S. No. 2 to 4 hereunder) Road including Allied Works and 2500 Million Storm water Drainage system Water Supply and Sewerage Work 900 Million Bridges and similar nature of works 250 Million Weightage One Similar Project 68% Project 25% Project 07% Project Note: Works at S. No. 2 to 4 could be independent Projects or components executed with Govt./Semi-Govt./Autonomous body, shall be only considered. However, for Serial No. 1 Private Housing Scheme will be considered with the condition that the said Housing scheme has been approved & developed as per NOC granted by any Govt./SemiGovt./Autonomous body (NOC and approved Layout Plan & verification of development and completion certificate by the concerned Government Body is mandatory to be attached along with the completion certificate of the executed housing scheme). 2.3 Personnel Capabilities Credit Marks shall be awarded under this category using the following criteria: Sr. No. Description Maximum Criteria for Evaluation Points i) Professional/Graduate Engineers Strength of Engineers (3 Marks) Registered with PEC: • 3 Marks will be given if the total a) Number of Engineers no. of Professional/Registered i) 6 Civil Engr. Engineers registered with PEC are 3 06 nos. or above • No marks will be given if the number of Professional/ Registered Engineers is less than three. • For less than 6 Nos. and more than 3 Nos. of BSC Engineers (Professional/Registered) registered with PEC marks will be given as per formula; = (A/6) x3 (5) A = Number of Engineers b) Experience of Engineers in number of years The firms have to provide valid PEC registration certificate, CVs and affidavit from the Engineers for permanent employment with the firm along with pay slips for last six months or any other valid proof of employment. 7 Experience (10-Marks): • 5 Marks will be given if the individual experience of at least 3 no. of B.Sc Engineers (Professional Engineer-Civil) is equal to 20 years or above. • 2 Marks will be given if the individual experience of at least 3 no. of B.Sc Engineers is between 05 to 20 years. The required information has to be as per specified format A-6, A-7 and A-7-1 of this document. Sr. No. Description ii) Maximum Criteria for Evaluation Points Number of Diploma Engineers in Strength of Associate Engineers Employment of the Firm (2 Marks) a) Minimum number of Associate Engineers • 2 Marks will be given if the total 2 i) 8 DAE Civil no. of Associate Engineers (DAE) are 08 nos. • No marks will be given if the number of Associate Engineers (DAE) is less than four (5). • If the number of Associate Engineers of any discipline is 5-8 than only one (1) mark will be given. b) Experience of Associate Engineers in number of Years. The firm has to provide DAE certificates, CVs and affidavit from the Associate Engrs. for permanent employment with the firm along with pay slips for last six months or any other valid proof of employment. 3 Experience (3-Marks) : • 2 Marks will be given if the individual experience of at least 04 no. of Associates Engineers (DAECivil) is equal to 15 years or above. • 1 Mark will be given if the individual experience of at least 04 no. of Associates Engineers (DAE) is between 5 to 15 years. The details to be provided as per specified format A-7 & A-7-2 of this document. Sub-total: (6) 15 2.4 Equipment Capabilities Credit Marks shall be granted on the basis of the following criteria for various kinds of equipment relevant to the Project: Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Equipment Type and Min. Maximum Criteria for Evaluation Characteristics Requirement Marks Vibratory/Static Road 3 10 • Marks for an equipment Rollers type shall be pro-rated. Sheep Foot Roller 3 10 Total Marks = Motor Graders 4 10 (Marks Obtained/150) * 20 Front End Loaders 4 10 Excavators 4 10 Dump Trucks 10 10 Tractor with Trolley 10 10 Tractors + Front Blade 5 10 Water Bowser 5 10 Concrete Batching Plant 1 10 (30M3/H) Concrete Pump 1 10 Bulldozer (D8 or 4 10 equivalent) Concrete Transit Mixers 5 10 Scaffolding 1,500 M 10 Shuttering 2,000 SM 10 Compressor 300 CFM 1 10 Bitumen Sprayer 250 litre 1 10 Diesel Generator 1 10 Tripod & Chain Pully 1 10 (20)T Based on above formula. Sub-total: 20 190 The applicant shall furnish a statement giving present deployment of the equipment, such as project location or machine yard, both in Pakistan. Marks will be awarded only for owned / leased equipment (proof to be attached/ provided by the contractor). (7) 2.5 Financial Soundness Credit Marks shall be awarded on the basis of the following criteria: Sr. No. a) Description Available Bank Credit Line (Bank letter/certificate shall be directly addressed to Project Director I-15 CDA, Islamabad) Marks Assigned 10 Criteria for Marks Obtained • • 5 Marks are given if the available bank credit line limit is equal to Rs. 500 Million. For limit less than Rs. 500 Million and up to Rs.250 million, following weightage will be used 5 x (A/500) • • A= Available Bank Credit Line Limit • Full Marks are given in case of limit is Rs. 1000 million or more. Marks shall be awarded against original Bank letter as specified. • b) Average Annual Turnover in last 3 years evaluated through firm’s Income Tax returns, bank statements and Audited Balance Sheet by Chartered Accountant for the last three years is to be attached). • 15 • • • (8) For limit less than Rs. 250 million no marks shall be awarded. For the limit more than Rs. 500 million but less than Rs. 1000 million following weightage will be used 5 + (A/1000) x 5 9 Marks are given if the available average Annual Turnover for last three years is equal to Rs. 2500 Million. If the available average Annual Turnover for last three years is less than Rs. 2500 million and more than Rs. 1500 million following weightage will be used; 9 x (A/2500) If the available average Annual Turnover more than Rs. 2500 million but less than Rs. 4000 million following weightage will be used; 9+ (A/4000) x6 No marks shall be given in case average Annual Turnover is less than Rs. 1500 million. • A= Full Marks are given in case of limit is Rs. 4000 million or more. Average Annual Turnover in last three years. The details not supported with the Income Tax Returns, Bank Statements and Audited Balance sheets by Chartered Accountant for the last three years shall lead to deduction of marks in this category. c) General Experience of Civil works in various government / semi government departments. • Full Marks are given in case the firm is established since 25 years or more. • 2.5 marks will be given in case if the firm is established from 10 years or more (upto 25 years). • No marks will be given to the firms established during last 10 years. 5 Total Marks Allocated 30 Note: Affidavit on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/- duly notarized regarding non black listing and non-bankruptcy shall be provided. Non-compliance shall lead to disqualification of the firm. 3 Joint Venture (JV) 3.1 Joint Venture must comply with the following requirements:a) Following are minimum qualification requirements:i) The lead partner shall meet not less than 50 percent of all qualifying criteria given in paras 2 and 4 heretofore. ii) Each of the partners shall meet not less than 40 percent of all the qualifying criteria given in paras 2 and 4 heretofore. iii) The lead firm of the JV must be a Pakistani firm having established office in Pakistan and must be registered in Category CA and above with Pakistan Engineering Council. (9) 4 In case the JV is with a foreign firm as partner, the JV must be registered with Pakistan Engineering Council, before submission of bids. The foreign firm must provide certificate / authorization by respective Embassy in Pakistan. v) The joint venture must collectively satisfy the criteria of paras 2 and 3, for which purpose the relevant figures for each of the partners shall be added together as per their sharing weightages / liabilities in accordance with their JV Agreement to arrive at the JV’s total capacity. Individual members must satisfy each of the requirements of paras 4 and 5 heretofore. b) Any change in a prequalified JV after prequalification, shall be valid reason for the employer to disqualify the JV. c) Bid shall be signed by all members in the JV so as to legally bind all partners, jointly and severally, and bid shall be submitted with a copy of the JV agreement taking the joint and several liabilities/responsibilities with respect to the contract. 3.2 The prequalification of a JV does not necessarily prequalify any of its partners individually or as a partner in any other JV. 3.3 The Applicant (including all members of a JV) must not be associated, nor have been associated in the past, with the consultant or any other entity that has prepared the design, specifications, and other prequalification and bidding documents for the project, or was proposed as Engineer for the contract, over the last five years. Any such association may result in disqualification of the Applicant. 3.4 The applicant firm can apply/participate in the Pre-qualification process either independently or as a lead partner/minor partner of one (01) Joint venture only. 3.5 Incase a Joint Venture with a foreign firm is pre-qualified; the bidding documents shall be issued only after receipt of valid registration of this JV with the Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC). Updating Prequalification Information 4.1 5 iv) Bidders shall be required to update the financial, personnel and equipment information used for prequalification at the time of submitting their bids, to confirm their continued compliance with the qualification criteria and verification of the information provided at the time of prequalification. A bid shall be rejected if the Applicant’s qualification thresholds are no longer met at the time of bidding. Other Factors 5.1 The Employer reserves the right to:a) Amend the scope and value of any contract(s) to be bid, in which event the bidder(s) will only bid among those prequalified bidders who meet (10) the requirements of the contract(s) as amended. b) Reject or accept any application; and c) Cancel the prequalification process and reject all applications. (11) Annex-A Letter of Application [Letterhead paper of the Applicant, or partner responsible for a joint venture, including full postal address, telephone no.,fax no., telex no., cable and email address] Date:................................ To: Project Director I-15 Project Office # 13, Plot No.03, Block IV Sector G-7 Markaz Capital Development Authority (CDA) Islamabad Sir, 1. Being duly authorized to represent and act on behalf of................................... (hereinafter “the Applicant”), and having reviewed and fully understood all the prequalification information provided, the undersigned hereby apply to be prequalified as a bidder for the “Infrastructure Development Works of Sector I-15 Project, Islamabad.” 2. Attached to this letter are copies of original documents defining: (a) The Applicant's legal status; (b) The principal place of business; and (c) The place of incorporation (for applicants who are corporations); or the place of registration and the nationality of the owners (for applicants who are partnerships or individually-owned firms). 3. Capital Development Authority (CDA) and its authorized representatives are hereby authorized to conduct any inquiries or investigations to verify the statements, documents, and information submitted in connection with this application, and to seek clarification from our bankers and clients regarding any financial and technical aspects. This Letter of Application will also serve as authorization to any individual or authorized representative of any institution referred to in the supporting information, to provide such information deemed necessary and requested by yourselves or the authorized representative to verify statements and information provided in this application, or with regard to the resources, experience, and competence of the Applicant. 4. Capital Development Authority (CDA) and its authorized representatives may contact the following persons for further information, if needed. (12) General and Managerial Inquiries Contact 1 Telephone 1 Contact 2 Telephone 2 Personnel Inquiries Contact 1 Telephone 1 Contact 2 Telephone 2 Technical Inquiries Contact 1 Telephone 1 Contact 2 Telephone 2 Financial Inquiries 5. Contact 1 Telephone 1 Contact 2 Telephone 2 This application is made with the full understanding that: (a) Bids by prequalified applicants will be subject to verification of all information submitted for prequalification at the time of bidding; (b) Capital Development Authority (CDA) reserves the right to: (i) amend the scope and value of any contract under this project; in such event bids will only be called from prequalified bidders who meet the revised requirements; and (ii) reject or accept any application, cancel the prequalification process, and reject applications; and (c) Capital Development Authority (CDA) shall not be liable for any such actions and shall be under no obligation to inform the Applicant of the grounds for actions at 5(b) here above. (d) Capital Development Authority (CDA) shall not be liable for consequence of, and shall be under no obligation to inform the applicant of the grounds for, actions taken under Para 5(b) here above. Applicants who are not joint ventures should delete Para 6&7 and initial the deletions. (13) 6. Appended to this application, we give details of the participation of each party, including capital contribution and profit/loss agreements, to the joint venture or association. We also specify the financial commitment in terms of the percentage of the value of the (each) contract, and the responsibilities for execution of the (each) contract. 7. We confirm that in the event that we bid, that bid as well as any resulting contract will be. 8. (a) Signed so as to legally bind all partners, jointly and severally; and (b) Submitted with a Joint Venture agreement accepting the joint and several liability of all partners in the event the contract is awarded to us. The undersigned declare that the statements made and the information provided in the duly completed application are complete, true, and correct in every detail. Signed Signed Name Name For and on behalf of (name of Applicant or lead partner of a joint venture) with company (s) seal. For and on behalf of (name and signature of other partners of the joint venture) with company (s) seal. Note: • For applications by joint ventures, all the information requested in the prequalification documents is to be provided for the joint venture and for each party to the joint venture separately. The lead partner should be clearly identified. Each partner in the joint venture shall sign the letter. (14) Application Form A-1 Page___ of ____Pages General Information All individual firms and each partner of a joint venture applying for prequalification are requested to complete the information in this form. Nationality information is also to be provided for foreign owners or applicants who are forming part of the Joint Ventures as required under the PEC Bye-Laws as a Partnership/Joint Venture. Where the Applicant proposes to use named subcontractors for critical components of the works, or for work contents in excess of 10 percent of the value of the whole works, the following information should also be supplied for the specialist subcontractor(s). 1. Name of Firm 2. Head Office Address 3. Telephone Contact Person: Name: Title: 4. Fax Telex 5. Place of Incorporation/Registration Year of incorporation/registration NATIONALITY OF OWNERS NAME NATIONALITY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (15) Application Form A-2 Page___ of ____Pages Joint Venture Summary Names of all Partners of a Joint Venture 1. Lead Partner 2. Partner 3. Partner 4. Partner 5. Partner 6. Partner Total value of annual construction turnover, in terms of work billed to clients and as reflected in their Income Tax statements/Audited Balance Sheets, Annual Turnover Data (Construction only; Equivalent in Pak Rupees, Millions) Partner Form A-2 Page No. YEARS 2010-11 2011-12 1. Lead Partner 2. Partner 3. Partner 4. Partner Total: (16) 2012-13 Application Form A-3 Page___ of ____Pages Particular Experience Record Name of Applicant or partner of a joint venture To prequalify, the Applicant shall be required to pass the specified requirements applicable to this form, as set out in the : Instructions to Applicants”. On a separate page, using the format of Application Form A-4, each applicant or partner of a Joint Venture is required to list all contracts of a similar nature and complexity to the contract for which the Applicant wishes to qualify, undertaken during the last ten years. The information is to be summarized, using Application Form A-4, for each contract completed or under execution by the Applicant or by each partner of a Joint Venture. Where the Applicant proposes to use named subcontractor(s) for critical components of the works, or for work contents in excess of 10 percent of the value of the whole works, the information in the afore-mentioned forms should also be supplied for each specialist subcontractor. (17) Application Form A-4 Page___ of ____Pages Details of Contracts of Similar Nature and Complexity (Completed Projects in Last 10 Years) Name of Applicant or partner of a joint venture Use a separate sheet for each contract. 1. Name of Contract Country 2. Name of Employer 3. Employer Address .................................................................................................................... 4. Nature of works and special features relevant to the contract for which the Applicant wishes to prequalify .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... 5. Contract Role (Tick One) (a) Sole Contractor 6. (b) Sub- Contractor Value of the total contract (in specified currencies) at completion, or at date of award for current contract Currency…………. Currency…………… 7. Equivalent in Pak/Rs. 8. Date of Award 9. Date of Completion 10. Contract Duration (Years and Months) _____Years 11. (c) Partner in a Joint Venture Currency……………………. _______Months Specified Requirements .............................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................. * Completion certificates of each work are mandatory to be attached. • Certificate is also required from the firms showing that no liquidity damages have been imposed by the employer on the project referred in PQ documents. (18) Application Form A-5 Page___ of ____Pages Summary Sheet: Current Contract Commitments/Works in Progress Name of Applicant or partner of a joint venture Applicants and each partner to an application should provide information on their current commitments on all contracts that have been awarded, or for which a letter of intent or acceptance has been received, or for contracts approaching completion, but for which substantial Completion Certificate has yet to be issued. Name of Contract Original Contract Price (Pak Rs. Million) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (19) Value of Outstanding work (Equivalent Pak Rs. Millions) Estimated Completion Date Application Form A-5-1 Page___ of ____Pages Details of Contracts of Similar Nature and Complexity (Projects in Hand) Name of Applicant or partner of a joint venture Use a separate sheet for each contract. 1. Name of Contract Country 2. Name of Employer (Govt. / Semi-Government / Autonomous bodies and authorities only) 3. Employer Address & Contact Details .................................................................................................................... 4. Nature of works and special features relevant to the contract for which the Applicant wishes to prequalify .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... 5. Contract Role (Tick One) (a) Sole Contractor 6. (b) Sub- Contractor Value of the total contract (in specified currencies) at completion, or at date of award for current contract Currency…………. Currency…………… 7. Equivalent in Pak/Rs. 8. Date of Award 9. Date of Completion 10. Contract Duration (Years and Months) _____Years 11. (c) Partner in a Joint Venture Currency……………………. _______Months Specified Requirements .............................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................. • Letter of Acceptance/Award of each work are mandatory to be attached. (20) Application Form A-6 Page___ of ____Pages Personnel Capabilities Name of Applicant For specific positions essential to contract implementation, Applicants should provide the names of at least two candidates qualified to meet the specified requirements stated for each position. The data on their experience should be supplied on separate sheets using one Form for each candidate (Application Form A-7). 1. Title of Position Name of Prime Candidate Name of Alternate Candidate 2. Title of Position Name of Prime Candidate Name of Alternate Candidate 3. Title of Position Name of Prime Candidate Name of Alternate Candidate 4. Title of Position Name of Prime Candidate Name of Alternate Candidate (21) Application Form A-7 Page___ of ____Pages Candidate Summary (For Engineers & Associate Engineers (DAE)) Name of Applicant Position Candidate [Tick appropriate one] Prime Candidate information 1. Name of Candidate Alternate 2. Date of Birth 3. Professional Qualification Present employment 4. Name of employer Address of employer Telephone Contact (manager/personnel officer) Fax Telex Job title of candidate Years with present employer Summarize professional experience over the last 20 years for Graduate Engrs. and 15 years for DAE, in reverse chronological order. Indicate particular technical and managerial experience relevant to the Project. Month/ Dates/Years From Company / Project / Position / Relevant technical and management experience To (22) Application Form A-7-1 Page___ of ____Pages UNDERTAKING BY PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER I ……………………………………………………………………………, adult, resident of ……………………………………………………………………….. do hereby solemnly declare as under:1. That I am registered as a ……………………………………………… and a certificate of registration bearing No. …………….………………. dated ……………………. has been issued by the Pakistan Engineering Council which has been renewed upto …………………………. 2. That I am presently employed on regular/fulltime basis with …………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………….. since ………………………………………………………… and presently hold the position of ……………………………………….. I further state that I am not employed on any other assignment with any other private firm, government agency, office or bureau of any other consulting engineer. 3. That I have enclosed with this undertaking my following document:a. Copy of National Identity Card b. Copy of PEC Registration Card (Renewed) c. Curriculum vitae as per Form A-7 d. Copy of appointment letter of the Firm/Company e. Proof of monthly salary received from the firm 4. That I have not ever incurred any disqualification in any manner under the Pakistan Engineering Council Act and Bye-laws. (if in the past any disqualification was incurred please mention material detail). 5. That the contents of the above mentioned undertaking are true to the best of my knowledge, belief and information received and nothing has been concealed therefrom. __________________________ DEPONENT (Name/Signature) I.D.CARD NO._______________________ DATE: _______________________ PLACE: _______________________ (23) Application Form A-7-2 Page___ of ____Pages UNDERTAKING BY ASSOCIATE ENGINEER (DAE) I ……………………………………………………………………………, adult, resident of ……………………………………………………………………….. do hereby solemnly declare as under:1. That I am presently employed on regular/fulltime basis with …………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………….. since ………………………………………………………… and presently hold the position of ……………………………………….. I further state that I am not employed on any other assignment with any other private firm, government agency, office or bureau of any other consulting engineer. 2. That I have enclosed with this undertaking my following document:a. Copy of National Identity Card b. Curriculum vitae as per Form A-7 c. Copy of appointment letter of the Firm/Company d. Proof of monthly salary received from the firm 3. That the contents of the above mentioned undertaking are true to the best of my knowledge, belief and information received and nothing has been concealed therefrom. __________________________ DEPONENT (Name/Signature) I.D.CARD NO._______________________ DATE: _______________________ PLACE: _______________________ (24) Application Form A-8 Page___ of ____Pages Equipment Capabilities Name of Applicant The Applicant shall provide adequate information to demonstrate clearly that he has the capability to meet the requirements for each and all items of equipment listed in the Instructions to Applicants. A separate Form shall be prepared for each item of equipment listed or for alternative equipment proposed by the Applicant. Item of Equipment Equipment information Current status 1. Name of manufacturer 2. Model and power rating 3. Capacity 4. Year of manufacture 5. Current location 6. Details of current commitments Source 7. Indicate source of the equipment Owned Rented Leased CDA reserves the right to inspect the equipment of the contractor/firm/JV at the locations mentioned hereinabove at the cost of applicant. Marks will be awarded only for owned and leased equipment. Lease Agreements to be provided for equipment not in ownership of the firm. Registration Books of owned equipments to be provided. (25) Application Form A-9 Page___ of ____Pages Financial Capability Name of Applicant or Partner of a Joint Venture Applicants, including each partner of a joint venture, should provide financial information to demonstrate that they meet the requirements stated in the Instructions to Applicants. Each applicant or partner of a joint venture must fill-in this form. If necessary, use separate sheets to provide complete banker information. A copy of the audited balance sheets should be attached. Name of banker Banker Address of banker Telephone Contact name and title Fax Telex Summarize actual assets and liabilities in Pak Rupees (Equivalent at the current rate of exchange at the end of each year) for the previous three years, based upon known commitments, projected assets and liabilities in pak Rupees equivalent for the next two years. Financial information Pak Rs. or equivalent Actual: previous three year in 1 2 Projected: next two years 3 1. Total assets 2. Current assets 3. Total liabilities 4. Current liabilities 5. Profits before taxes 6. Profits after taxes (26) 4 5 Specific proposed sources of financing to meet the cash flow of the Project, net of current commitments. Amount (Pak Rs. or equivalent) Source of financing 1. 2. 3. 4. Attach audited financial statements for the last three years (for individual applicant or each partner of joint venture). Also attach firm’s bank statement for the last three years. Firms owned by individuals, and partnerships, may submit their balance sheets certified by a registered accountant, and supported by copies of tax returns, if audits are not required by the laws of their countries of origin in case of foreign firms. (27) Application Form A-10 Page___ of ____Pages Financial Capability (Annual Turnover) Name of Applicant or partner of a joint venture All individual firms and all partners of a joint venture are requested to complete the information in this form. The information supplied should be the annual turnover of the Applicant (or each member of a joint venture). Use a separate sheet for each partner of a joint venture. Annual Turnover (Construction only) Year Turnover (in actual currency) Equivalent Rupees in Million. 2010-11. 2011-12 2012-13 Note: The firms/ constructors shall provide bank statements along with Income Tax Statements and audited financial statements for the last 03 years for evaluation of their Average Annual Turnover. (28) Application Form A-11 Page _____ of ____ Pages Banks Lines of Credit Letter {Banks letter pad to be used} Dated: To Whom It May Concern This is certified that M/s (name and address of Applicant) are maintaining their Account(s) with us to our entire satisfaction. Upon award of the Contract for “INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT WORK OF SECTOR I-15, ISLAMABAD” to (name of Applicant), We will provide credit facilities up to Rs._____________ Million for the execution of the works during the Contract period. Authorized Signature Note: The above specimen shall be on original Bank letter Head and to be issued by a scheduled bank in Pakistan or a foreign bank duly counter-guaranteed by a scheduled bank in Pakistan. (29) Application Form A-12 Page___ of ____Pages Litigation History Name of Applicant or Partner of a Joint Venture Applicants, including each of the partners of a joint venture, should provide information on any history of litigation or arbitration resulting from contracts executed or currently under execution. A separate sheet should be used for each partner of joint venture. Year Name of client, cause of litigation, and matter in dispute (30) Disputed amount (current value Pak Rs. or equivalent) Award FOR or AGAINST Applicant Check List 7. Sr. No. Check List Item 1 Valid PEC Certificate for the Year 2014 2 Pre-qualification submission is properly numbered, signed and stamped 3 Affidavit on Non-Judicial Stamp paper for blacklisting and bankruptcy 4 Applicants legal status 5 Principal place of business 6 Place of incorporation or Registration 7 Application Form A-1, General Information 8 Application Form A-2, Joint Venture Summary 9 Application Form A-3, Particular Experience Record 10 Application Form A-4, Details of Contracts of Similar Nature and Complexity completed in last ten (10) years 11 Application Form A-5, Current Contract Commitments/Works in hand 12 Application Form A-5-1, Contracts of Similar Nature and Complexity in hand 13 Application Form A-6, Personnel Capabilities 14 15 16 17 18 19 Yes Application Form A-7, Candidate Summary Application Form A-7-1, Affidavit by the Engineer Application Form A-7-2, Affidavit by the Associate Engineer (DAE) Application Form A-8, Equipment Capabilities Application Form A-9, Financial Capability Application Form A-10, Financial Capability (Annual Turn Over) No Remarks Mandatory Non-compliance shall lead to deduction of three (03) marks Joint Venture Agreement is Mandatory Completion Certificates of works by the Employer are mandatory Letter of Acceptance/Award by the Employer are mandatory. List all required Engineers/Associate Engineers employed with the firm Relevant details along with complete CV to be provided In original signed by Each Engineer In original signed by Each Associate Engineer (DAE) Relevant details along with Lease agreements to be provided for equipment not in ownership of firm. Provide last three years bank statements, Income Tax returns and Audited financial statements by a registered (31) 20 Application Form A-11, Banks lines of Credit letter 21 Application Form A-12, Litigation History Any Other Information 22 Chartered Accountant On original Bank letter Head issued by a scheduled bank in Pakistan or a foreign bank duly counter-guaranteed by a scheduled bank in Pakistan is mandatory for marks. (32)
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