THE IDLEWILD Welcome to Our Community of Faith! CHIMES A NEWSLETTER FOR THE CONGREGATION AND FRIENDS OF IDLEWILD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN MEMPHIS DECEMBER 2014 Prayer Vigil for Human Rights is December 3 Please join us for a candlelit prayer vigil in the garth at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 3. We will be lifting prayers for neighbors near and far whose human rights are questioned, mistreated or denied. We stand firm in faith that we are all entitled to these God-given rights. Where it affects one child of God, it affects every child of God. (December 6 is Human Rights Day.) Children are Encouraged to Participate in the Early Christmas Eve Service PRAYER VIGIL FOR HUMAN RIGHTS December 3 12:30 p.m. - Garth WEDNESDAYS IN ADVENT December 3, 10, 17 Noon - Worship 12:30 p.m. - Luncheon This year’s Family-Friendly Christmas Eve service at 3:00 p.m. is called “Christmas: A Family Album.” There will be giant picture portraits (created by Lee Anne Roehm) and children dressed as Jesus’ family, beginning with the creation of Adam and Eve, Abraham and Sarah and on to King David. Other pictures include the Angel Gabriel, the Holy Family, the Wise Men and all of us today. All children are encouraged to wear angel, shepherd or wise man costumes from home to the service. There will also be simple costume headpieces available at the church. The Cherub Choir will sing and the children will lead this service. The Cherubs will sing during the prelude (starting about 2:55), and the service will end before 3:45. There will be nursery care available, but babies and toddlers are very welcome in the service. There are three Christmas Eve services, at 3:00, 5:00 and 11:00 p.m. Childcare is available at 3:00 and 5:00. See the back page for details. CHRISTMAS EVE 3:00 p.m. FAMILY-FRIENDLY SERVICE 5:00 p.m. LESSONS & CAROLS Wednesday Noon Advent Services Each week during Advent, a noontime service is held in the Trippeer Chapel. Meaningful holiday stories from church members add to worship and prayer as we prepare for the coming of the Christ Child. The service is at 12:00 each Wednesday (Dec. 3, 10, 17), followed by a light lunch at 12:30. All are welcome! 11:00 p.m. YOUTH-LED SERVICE See the back page for complete information about Christmas Eve services. Your Advent Calendar Is Inside! Servants with Glad and Generous Hearts, a special Advent calendar, is inside the Chimes. Each day has an activity and a very short prayer. On Advent Sundays, those who have participated in the week’s activities can put stars on a tree outside the sanctuary. Pull out the calendar, post it in your home, and create a more generous Advent for yourself and others. December 21 is Waffle Sunday On December 21, gather in the T.K. Young Room for waffles, juice and coffee. Jim Eikner will read The Christmas Story. It’s a holiday treat for adults, youth and children (1st-5th grades). Kindergarteners (PK/JR/SK) will have regular classes and Cherub Choir that day. Cherub Choir will sing in the 11:00 service. Children’s Holiday Sunday Schedules Sunday, Dec. 21 – Children in 1st-5th grades will attend the Waffle Sunday gathering. Primary Choir will not meet. Kindergarteners (PK/JR/SK) have regular classes. Cherub Choir sings at 11:00. Sunday, Dec. 28 – Children’s crafts in the T.K. Young Room. No classes or choirs. Sunday, Jan. 4 – Classes combined: PK/JR/SK in Room 203W; elementary children in 310E. No choirs. Sunday, Jan. 11 – Regular classes and choir rehearsals resume. More Than A Meal on Christmas Day More Than A Meal is ALWAYS held on Thursdays, including Christmas and New Year’s Day. Worship at 5:00, dinner at 5:30, no cost — and all are welcome! Order Poinsettias for the Sanctuary Christmas poinsettias will be in the sanctuary on Sunday, December 21, and names will be printed in the bulletin. Individual acknowledgements cannot be sent. Order deadline is December 15. Pick up an order form at church, or order poinsettias at (There’s a $3.50 processing fee for online orders.) IDLEWILD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (USA) The Mission of Idlewild Presbyterian Church is to pursue, personify, and practice as Presbyterians the good news of reconciliation and salvation in Christ through worship, education, fellowship, and outreach. DEADLINE FOR THE JANUARY 2015 CHIMES IS DECEMBER 11 The Idlewild Chimes is a publication of Idlewild Presbyterian Church (USA), 1750 Union Ave., Memphis TN 38104. The newsletter is published monthly September– June to inform members and friends of church programs, news and events. The Chimes is online in News and Events at Editor: Ginny Moore, [email protected]. 2 1750 Union Memphis TN 38104 Office 901-726-4681 Fax 725-4535 Recreation 725-4165 Children’s Center 725-7941 For staff phones and e-mails call 726-4681 or visit IDLEWILD’S MINISTERIAL AND PROGRAM STAFF Stephen R. Montgomery Pastor Anne H.K. Apple Associate Pastor for Pastoral Care and Evangelism Margaret Burnett Associate Pastor for Outreach Ministry Elizabeth Gayle Walker Associate Pastor for Adult Ministry Denton McLellan Parish Associate Corinne Nienhuis Parish Assistant Stephen R. Haynes Theologian in Residence Barry Oliver Director of Music Ministry Ashley Gordon Director of Recreation Ministry Elizabeth Houston Director of Children’s Ministry Frank Kelly Director of Youth Ministry Tanzy Johnson Interim Children’s Center Director Cheryl Ward Kindergarten Director Betty Anne Wilson Chief Administrative Officer We Need a Little Advent Rejoicing “Oh we need a little Advent, right this very minute…” Oops. That’s not how the lyrics go, do they? The ones in which we sing ... “Haul out the holly, put up the tree before my spirit falls again. I may be rushing things, but deck the halls again now. For we need a little Christmas Right this very minute.” A nice, uplifting, secular bit of Christmas cheer. But as for me, I need a little Advent now — right this very minute. For if Christmas is a celebration of the invasion of earth by Almighty God, then the church’s new year begins by anticipating that divine invasion. Advent — from a Latin word meaning “to approach,” or “to come,” is the season in which we prepare for the coming of God into the world. I need some time to be alert to the awareness that in every circumstance, there is the possibility of the presence and power of God. In our new hymnbook there are 25 hymns for Advent. (Yes, I counted them!) Every one of them speaks of divine grace bursting forth in a dark world. While Christmas may take us tenderly to the manger in Bethlehem, Advent dares us to imagine a cosmic transformation of the created order and of our broken and hopeless world. A letter to the congregation from Pastor Steve Montgomery “O Come, desire of nations, bind all peoples in one heart and mind. Bid envy, strife and discord cease…” Does anyone expect that to happen anytime soon? “Fill the whole world with heaven’s peace.” And before we can catch our breath, the chorus resounds with the answer to the prayer: “Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel!” I need a little Advent like that right now. Whether looking at the radical terrorist groups that seem to get more and more evil each day; or the widening gap between rich and poor in our own country; or the number of new diagnoses of cancer, ALS, Alzheimer’s and other diseases from people I know and love, I need to be reminded of C.S. Lewis’ words that he spoke to college students at Oxford, England, on the eve of World War II: “The permanent condition of human life is that there is no real security to be found in life, but only with God.” You know how it is. You get all settled in, you feel safe and sure that everything is set, and then the invasion comes. An unexpected illness. The marriage falls apart. The job is lost. The only sure and certain reality is that in every changing circumstance, in every loss and in every time of risk, we will never be abandoned by God. So I hope you will sing the Advent hymns with me this season. I hope you will come to each Sunday as we light one candle, and then another in anticipation. And I hope you will live with courage and not fear, expectantly and not with cynicism. For as someone much wiser than I said: “You cannot prove the promises of God in advance, but if you live them, they turn out to be true, every one.” “Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.” Yes, indeed. I need that. 3 We Give in Gratitude for His Coming by Mary Lou McCaa “…with glad and generous hearts” (Acts 2:46) That phrase sounds like it might be about Christmas, doesn’t it? Now that I think about it, it expresses exactly why Christians celebrate: we are so glad God generously came to be with us, we can’t help but be generous ourselves — to our family and friends, to organizations and charities and to our church. Idlewild is where I publically affirm my faith in the God who lived among us, Jesus Christ. Idlewild is where I am aligned with you, my fellow believers, in deep gratitude for His coming. And so, how can I do any less than pledge my life and my resources to Him with a glad and generous heart. The Global Market was a great success! Your purchases help support craftsmen and their families around the world. Thank you! ALL 2014 CONTRIBUTIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY NOON ON DECEMBER 31 2014 contributions are due by noon December 31 Gifts of securities must be transferred by December 31 Electronic transfer forms due December 17 All contributions—whether in cash or securities—must be received by noon on Tuesday, December 31, 2014 in order to be reported as 2014 contributions. Cash and securities that are being delivered to the church must be at the church by noon Tuesday, December 31. For gifts of securities, the IRS requires that the donor must instruct his or her broker to irrevocably transfer the securities to Idlewild’s account; this must be done by the end of the day on Tuesday, December 31. The value of the donation will be the mean between the high and the low trading prices on the day of transfer or day of delivery, whichever is applicable. The transfer of securities can be a very simple task, but in some cases may take longer than expected—so it’s best to make your gifts early. If you choose to use electronic transfer for your pledge, you must fill out a new form each year. The deadline for submitting the form for your 2015 pledge electronic transfer is Wednesday, December 17. Forms are available in the church office. If you need more information contact Tonya Moses at 726-4681 or [email protected]. CHURCH OFFICES WILL BE CLOSED DECEMBER 25-26 4 Winter Weather Whenever public schools are closed due to inclement weather, Idlewild classes, dinners and meetings will be cancelled. For questions about specific groups, please check with your committee chair, group leader or contact person. More Than A Meal is held on Thursdays — including Christmas Day — regardless of the weather. Worship at 5:00, dinner at 5:30. No cost. Everyone is welcome. Notes & News Christmas Eve is a joyous time for all who open their hearts and minds to our loving Creator. Let us allow the true meaning of Christmas to stir up love within us. Create a Subway Art Panel for Your Home Create a work of art! On Thursday, December 11, there will be a two-hour class at Me & Mrs. Jones in Cooper Young. Learn the basics of using chalk paint & soft wax as well as stenciling as you create a subway art panel to take home. Choose from a variety designs — “subway stops” from several different cities, an inspirational stencil, or a thanksgiving design — to put on a 12 x 18” wooden panel, plus learn some favorite distressed paint technique to use on your furniture too. The two-hour class starts at 6:00. Cost is $45. Limited to 8 participants. Contact Ashley Gordon, 726-4681 or [email protected]. Breakfast forum is on Wednesday, Dec. 17. All men are invited—bring a friend! Arrive early for the free continental breakfast at 6:30. The program starts at 6:45, and at 7:15 a full breakfast buffet ($5) is served. Lenten lectionary groups are inspirational, as individuals gather in members’ homes to read scripture for each week’s worship services and explore the Christian faith. Planning is currently underway for this coming winter’s groups. (Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on February 18.) Watch for details. Do We Have Your 2015 Pledge? If you haven’t turned in your 2015 pledge, please do it now. The annual budget is finalized in December and has to be based upon pledges received. A pledge, made prayerfully and with full consideration of one’s resources, helps prevent financial stress and makes the church perform more effectively. Pledge at giving — OR — Mail a pledge card to the church, or drop one in the offering plate — OR — Send an email with name, address and pledge amount to [email protected]. Micah’s Missionaries and Small Samaritans packed Christmas gift bags for children in Douglas, Arizona and Agua Prieta, Mexico. Advent Traditions In early church history Advent began as a time of repentance. It served as preparation for Epiphany, which was the second most popular day for baptisms (after Pentecost). Common traditions during the Advent season, including wreaths and candles, add to the anticipation of Jesus’ birth. Another tradition is to leave the manger empty when you set up your nativity scene; during Christmas morning celebrations, you can place the newborn baby Jesus in his “bed.” 5 Special Events Chris Williams is studying at McCormick Seminary in Chicago, where he is also serving as the Director of the AmeriCorps Chaplaincy for the McCormick Theological Seminary Center for Faith and Service. Nov 30 ........... 1st Sunday of Advent Dec 2 .............. PW Circles Dec 3 .............. Advent Service & Lunch Dec 3 .............. Prayer Vigil for Human Rights Dec 4 .............. Trezevant Communion Dec 7 .............. First Sunday Lunch Dec 7 .............. BASIC Christmas Party Dec 8 .............. Vision Council Dec 10............. Advent Service & Lunch Dec 14 ............. Youth Selling Soup Dec 14 ............. Compassionate Friends Service Dec 16 ............. Daycare Christmas Program Dec 17 ............. Breakfast Forum Dec 17 ............. Advent Service & Lunch Dec 18 ............. Kindergarten Christmas Program Dec 21 ............. Waffle Sunday Dec 21 ............. Young Adult Christmas Party Dec 21 ............. Christmas Joy Offering Dec 24 ............ 3pm Family-Friendly Service Dec 24 ............ 5pm Lessons & Carols Dec 24 ............ 11pm Youth-led Service Dec 25 ............ Christmas Day Dec 25 ............ More Than A Meal Dec 25-26 ....... Offices Closed Dec 28 ............ Gay-Straight Fellowship Dec 31 ............. Noon Contributions Deadline Jan 1 ............... New Year’s Day Jan 1-2 ............ Offices Closed Alex Chambers is currently working on a doctorate degree in religion at Vanderbilt University. Committee Meetings Brittany Barbee is serving as our intern for young adult ministry. She recently sat for the LSAT, and is exploring possibilities for a dual degree in law and theology. These meetings were scheduled as of Nov. 17. Please check with your committee chair or the church office if you have questions. Our Ministry Inquirers and Candidates Idlewild currently has several inquirers and candidates under the care of the Session and the Presbytery of the Mid-South’s Committee on Preparation for Ministry (CPM). Inquiry is a time of discernment about preparing for ordained ministry. Inquirers from our congregation are Chris Williams, Alex Chambers, and Brittany Barbee. Candidacy is the focused time of preparing for ordination and includes several steps including sitting for ordination exams in the areas of worship and sacraments, theology, exegesis, and theology; participating in clinical pastoral education; and going through a psychological examination process. Candidates from our congregation are Lucy Catherine Strong, Matt Whittington, and Eric Osborne. Lucy Catherine Strong will be ordained as a teaching elder in February. Idlewild will host this Service of Ordination for the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta on February 22, as part of the 11:00 worship service. Currently, Lucy Catherine is serving as a U-KIRK Presbyterian Ministry Chaplain at Agnes Scott College. She and her partner, Sarah, will celebrate a blessing of their civil union on April 18 at Central Presbyterian Church in Atlanta. Matt Whittington received news that he passed his ordination exams this fall. He will sit for the exegesis exam in early winter. Matt is set to graduate from Columbia Seminary in May 2015. Matt and his partner, Bethany, will be married in Chattanooga on April 10. Eric Osborne, the nephew of Jeff and Nancy Thompson, is currently serving as a lawyer. 6 Dec 3 ...... Outreach Leadership Team .. 8:30am Dec 3 ...... Budget & Finance ................5:30pm Dec 4 ...... COM.................................. 11:00am Dec 4 ...... Adopt-A-School .................. 1:00pm Dec 7 ...... Diaconate ........................... 12:15pm Dec 8 ...... Congregational Care ......... 6:00pm Dec 10..... Budget & Finance ................5:30pm Dec 14 ..... Community Support.......... 12:30pm Dec 16 ..... PW Coordinating Team .... 10:00am Dec 16 ..... PW Bible Moderators .......... 1:00pm Dec 17 ..... Session.................................7:30pm Please remain mindful of keeping your pledge payment current. Thank you! Transitions in Our Church Family “The mystery of the humanity of Christ, that he sunk himself into our flesh, is beyond all human understanding.” –Martin Luther CELEBRATION OF BAPTISM Bernie Says “Thanks!” May Kathleen Webb On November 9, Bernie MacKinnon was honored for his 15 years of service as our security guard. Each morning Bernie greets all the preschool and kindergarten children and their parents by name, making their day brighter and their welcome warm. At the reception, he was presented with a big book of notes, cards, and pictures drawn by the children. Bernie sends a special thank you to the congregation and staff: daughter of Andrew & Erin Webb Anna Honig Witte to join in December NEW MEMBERS Natalie Hoepp by letter of transfer Daisy Laird by affirmation of faith Colton Popp by reaffirmation of faith “Thanks to your thoughtfulness, last Sunday will resonate for the rest of my life, and I will always be grateful. I have never doubted that this is a special place.” David Ruch by letter of transfer Linda Scholl by letter of transfer Leah Scruggs by reaffirmation of faith Don & Lisa Street by letter of transfer WEDDINGS Margaret Louise Cannon and Stuart Douglas Finlay November 1, 2014 DISMISSED Elizabeth Tilghman McFadden to Shady Grove Presbyterian Church Anna Bryden Teekell to Saint Mary’s Episcopal Church, Middlesboro, Kentucky REMOVED FROM ROLL Hugh Crafton David Moore Pontius Larrie Rodriguez Rod Rodriguez Erin Schmertz William Smertz Memorials SUZANNE BAKER Dr. and Mrs. Tom Grizzard Mr. & Mrs. Henry T.V. Miller Meredith Pritchartt Donn & Faye Southern GRIFF BURR Kate Wellford Pritchard FRED IVY Jo Ann Acuff Julia Allen Lucille Amis Carol Beachey & Don Voth Regina Benson Terry & Carol Bishop Bede Burr Margaret Carloss James P. Cole & Suzanne Henley Skip & Faye Daniel Adrienne Davis Barbara Denley Dr. & Mrs. Richard L. Dixon William C. Douglas Jim Eikner George D. Eubanks Anne & Joseph Fisher Camille & William Gotten The Grymes Family Wil & Sally Hergenrader Ruth Daly Ivy Mackie S. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Jones Lynn Jones Florence Leffler Dr. & Mrs. Robert R. Llewellyn Dr. & Mrs. William E. Long Gordon McIntyre, III Janet McIntyre Dorothy Bryce Morton Terry Nelson Buddy Nix Phyllis Nofzinger Ruth P. Owen Frances C. Perkins Deborah Pittman William L. Pritchard Shirley S. Prothro Jean & Gene Reynolds Maizie Rhea Celia Ridley Jane Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Schroeder Donn & Faye Southern Beth Simpson Larry & Shari Tucker Judge & Mrs. Harry W. Wellford Mrs. Johnny White Page & Gail Williamson Grace Willingham Mydelle Wilson VIRGINIA KLETTNER Kate Wellford Pritchard CLAUDE McCORD Julia Allen Cannon & Company, PC Margaret Carloss James P. Cole & Suzanne Henley Community Foundation of Greater Memphis Bill & Peggy Douglas Jim Eikner Alan & Minna Glenn Mary Catherine Grymes Larry J. Hardy Jean L. James Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Jones Lucy Carrington Jones Nancy & Herman Kohlmeyer Florence Leffler Dianne & Dick Magevney Frances C. Perkins Kate Wellford Pritchard Jean & Gene Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Schroeder Shari and Larry Tucker Eugenia Weathersby Judge and Mrs. Harry W. Wellford Tom Williams World Cataract Foundation JANET NIX Wil & Sally Hergenrader EARLE WRENN Perre Magness Honoraria DR. JOE HAWES John & Glenda O’Connor BERNIE MacKINNON Jody Hunter BARRY OLIVER Idlewild Adult Choir 7 THE IDLEWILD CHIMES IDLEWILD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1750 UNION AVENUE MEMPHIS TENNESSEE 38104 Celebrating the Nativity of Jesus Christ Gather with us on Christmas Eve as we welcome the Christ Child with three beautiful services in the sanctuary. Nursery care available at the 3:00 and 5:00 services. Children are always welcome in worship! 3:00-3:45 p.m. Family-Friendly Service Everyone is invited to this happy celebration of the birth of Jesus! Children are encouraged to come dressed as angels, shepherds or wise men. (Simple head pieces will be available at the church.) There will be a time for all little ones to come forward and participate. Nursery care is available, but babies are very welcome! Read more about the service on page 1. 5:00 p.m. Traditional Lessons & Carols The Sanctuary is alight with candles and joyful music! The choir presents beautiful choral literatures of Christmas amidst traditional Bible lessons and well-known carols. All ages are welcome to attend this inspiring service. Nursery care available. 11:00 p.m. Youth-led Candlelit Communion Service Music, readings and celebration of the Lord’s Supper lead to the joyous lighting of candles at midnight. This festive service is led by clergy and members of our senior high fellowship group. All ages are welcome to attend. No childcare available.
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