INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS PUBLISHING Eur. J. Phys. 28 (2007) 85–91 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS doi:10.1088/0143-0807/28/1/009 Estimating p–n diode bulk parameters, bandgap energy and absolute zero by a simple experiment R O Ocaya and F B Dejene Department of Physics, University of the Free State, Private Bag X13, Phuthaditjhaba 9866, South Africa E-mail: [email protected] Received 19 September 2006, in final form 31 October 2006 Published 27 November 2006 Online at Abstract This paper presents a straightforward but interesting experimental method for p–n diode characterization. The method differs substantially from many approaches in diode characterization by offering much tighter control over the temperature and current variables. The method allows the determination of important diode constants such as temperature coefficient of voltage, bandgap and indicates the existence of a unique temperature, hypothesized to be absolute zero, at which the voltage–temperature characteristics of the diode converge under different constant diode currents. 1. Introduction The current I flowing through a p–n diode at applied voltage V and junction temperature T is given by the well-known Shockley equation: I = I0 [exp(qV /nkT ) − 1] (1) where I0 is the reverse saturation current that is known to depend on temperature, k is Boltzmann’s constant, q is the electronic charge, n is a diode-dependent ideality factor (typically 1.9 ± 0.02 for silicon diodes) and T is the absolute temperature. More appropriately equation (1) has the form Eg [exp(qV /nkT ) − 1] (2) I = In exp − kT where In is a constant that depends on the geometry and doping densities of the material of the diode. Eg is the bandgap of the semiconductor [1–3]. The form of In is described in section 2. When the p–n diode is introduced to students the reverse saturation current is not normally written as a function of temperature. This rather innocent simplification c 2007 IOP Publishing Ltd Printed in the UK 0143-0807/07/010085+07$30.00 85 86 R O Ocaya and F B Dejene leads to an understatement of a useful property of the diode: its voltage–temperature response under constant current. As this paper shall show, by maintaining diode current constant and varying diode temperature, it is possible to obtain a set of plots of V versus T for different constant currents that indicate a temperature convergence near or at absolute zero. This approach differs substantially from most taken in the evaluation of diodes by undergraduates that do little beyond attaining the ‘accepted shape’ of the I–V characteristic with questionable temperature constancy. Furthermore, this experiment allows the deduction of the bandgap of the semiconductor as an added bonus. 1.1. A note on bandgap The electrical conductivity of all materials, whether insulators, semiconductors or conductors, can be explained in terms of the difference in energy between the valence band and the conduction band; this difference or bandgap is large in insulators and relatively small in semiconductors. In good conductors there is an overlap of the valence and conduction bands. The variation of the bandgap of silicon with temperature has been studied widely, resulting in a number of experiment-based approximations. According to [2] Eg (T ) = Eg (0) − αT 2 β +T (3) where Eg (0) is the bandgap at 0 K. The fitting parameters are α = 0.473 meV K−1 and β = 636 K. Another, earlier approximation of the variation of bandgap with temperature is given in [4]. The literature states that Eg (0) = 1.17 eV. It may be argued that the 0 K bandgap is itself an estimate because although 0 K has been closely approached, it has not yet been reached. It is also known that doping density and impurities affect bandgap. For example, [5] presents a detailed theoretical study of many-body effects in heavily doped silicon and gallium arsenide at 0 K. They find that heavy doping generally leads to bandgap narrowing. Similarly, [6] quantifies the bandgap narrowing as approximately 40 meV for a one order of magnitude change in doping concentration. The bandgaps were determined by both electrical measurements and spectroscopy. 1.2. Experimental details The gist of the experiment is the variation of diode temperature while measuring diode voltage under constant current. The method used by the authors is the controlled heating of an electrically insulated p–n diode in a water bath. The diode temperature is monitored on an appropriately mounted thermometer as the water is heated from near zero to boiling point. The experimental set-up with the 1N4148 diode is described in detail in [7]. The availability of a current source capable of outputting any constant current from 0 to 1500 µA may be the only hurdle, but one that can nonetheless be overcome. The bias current should be at maximum 1.5 mA to prevent self-heating as well as to keep the diode within its exponential region of the I–V characteristic. Suitable current sources are described in [7, 8]. 1.3. The theory: V –T response, I constant After a rather messy differentiation of equation (2) with respect to T under the assumption that I is constant, one gets dV qV q qV T − 1 = 0. (4) exp − V + Eg exp n nkT dT nkT Absolute zero and bandgap by a p–n diode experiment 87 Figure 1. Temperature dependence of I0 under the constant diode current for the experimental current extremes. The plots show a Pearson’s coefficient of linearity, R 2 ≈ 1. Subject to the approximation qV qV − 1 ≈ exp , exp nkT nkT equation (4) reduces to V =T dV n + Eg dT q ≡ mT + C, where m= dV dT and C= n Eg . q (5) By substituting equation (5) into Shockley’s equation and solving for m it can be shown that dV ≈ η ln I + ρ dT where η = nk/q and ρ = nk ln In /q are constants. This shows that m depends only on the forward diode current. Therefore if the diode current is constant, then the temperature coefficient is essentially constant. This result is indicated by experiment [7]. m= 2. Results and analysis The experiment was carried out for diode currents of 100, 400, 800 and 1500 µA. For each current, the diode temperature was varied from 0 to 95 ◦ C (boiling point in the locality). The diode voltage was recorded at suitable intervals. 2.1. Determination of the reverse saturation current At a given diode current, I0 can be calculated at the point (T , V ) using equation (1). Thus for each constant diode current a new data table can be built up for the points (T , I0 ). Figure 1 shows the combined plot of the natural logarithm of I0 versus the reciprocal of absolute T for 88 R O Ocaya and F B Dejene the four currents mentioned above. Figure 1 implies that ln I0 (T ) = a + b. T (6) A linear fit of figure 1 gives a = 7506 ± 77 A K, b = 5.69 ± 0.24 A. It is easy to show that equation (2) can then be written as qV 7506 exp −1 . (7) I (V , T ) = 295.9 exp − T nkT A quick check shows that equation (7) reproduces all the experimentally obtained I, V , T data with n = 1.90. Note that in a standard form, written in terms of current densities [9], the total current density is Eg qV exp −1 (8) JTOT = J∞ exp − kT nkT where J∞ is temperature independent and is given by J∞ = 2qD Nc Nv × l Nh (9) where D is the diffusion constant, l is the length, and Nc , Nv and Nh are carrier concentrations. 2.2. Calculating the bandgap Comparing equations (7) and (8) implies that Eg 7506 = . kT T (10) This gives Eg = 1.04 ± 0.02 eV for the diode, placing the value within the range of silicon (1.03–1.17) eV for 0 < T 600 K [2]. In addition, In = 295.9 = J∞ γ , where γ is a determinable constant that depends on the cross-sectional area of the diode junction. 2.3. Predicted responses The diode voltage at a given forward current and temperature can be calculated by rearranging the terms of equation (7) for V . Using the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet program, equation (7) was solved for varying temperature and different constant currents. This gives rise to figure 2, which predicts the voltage response of the diode for some temperatures between 11 K and 600 K. It is interesting to note that at or near absolute zero the diode goes from being almost ideal with a forward drop of about 1.23 V to being Ohmic (purely resistive), where the forward current is directly proportional to the diode voltage. There are two models that explain the transition to Ohmic behaviour in an extrinsic semiconductor. One model is based on the classical approach of the Drudes law [10]; the other model is quantum mechanical, and assumes a free-electron Fermi gas [5]. Figure 3 shows the predicted V –T response for a current of 100 µA for temperatures between 11 K and 600 K in steps of 20 K. The spreadsheet program was not able to calculate the diode voltage for lower temperatures. Note that above about 450 K the response becomes nonlinear. In the linear portion of the graph the predicted gradient is −2.41 mV K−1 , a value that is found to agree with the literature value [7, 11]. Absolute zero and bandgap by a p–n diode experiment 89 Figure 2. Predicted behaviour of the 1N4148 diode at different temperatures. Figure 3. V –T behaviour of the 1N4148 diode for a 100 µA forward current showing a gradient of −2.41 mV K−1 . 2.4. Convergence of the V –T characteristic It is hypothesized in this paper that there is a temperature at which the V –T characteristic converges. In order to explore the idea further the different V –T behaviours at different constant currents were plotted on the same graph and then extrapolated backwards using Excel as shown in figure 4. By using the 100, 400 and 800 µA curves, it can be calculated under the assumptions of continued linearity to 0 K that the estimate of absolute zero is 0 K. It is known that near 0 K practical cryogenic diode sensors exhibit a sudden rise in the magnitude of the gradient of the V–T characteristic. It is thought that this upturn arises from carrier freeze-out, the influence of impurity conduction and increase in Ohmic behaviour [12]. However, the fact that the extrapolated curves themselves appear to converge under the assumptions of continued constancy of gradient is in itself interesting. 2.4.1. Silicon diodes below 10 K. Equation (3) is a commonly used approximation for the variation of bandgap with temperature. Figure 5 shows the effect of the temperatureinduced bandgap variation on the V –T characteristic at the 100 µA diode current. It is clear from the plot that even though the approximation represented by equation (3) describes a 2.4.2. The effect of bandgap variation. 90 R O Ocaya and F B Dejene Figure 4. Extrapolated plots of V –T , I = constant for (a) 11–600 K, (b) extended plot for 0–10 K showing convergence at 0 K to VD = 1.228 V. Figure 5. Graph showing the effect on the V –T characteristic of a temperature-induced variation of bandgap, Eg (T ), at the 100 µA bias current. parabolic variation of Eg with T, the overall effect on the plot is simply an increase in the temperature coefficient of voltage (steeper graph). The linearity is maintained. 3. Discussion and conclusions Undergraduate experiments that characterize the I–V response of the p–n diode tend to understate the role that temperature plays in the reverse current of the diode. With current, voltage and temperature tightly controlled, this paper shows that some interesting temperaturerelated facts emerge about the simple p–n diode. By writing the reverse saturation current I0 as a function of temperature the paper highlights a more experimentally interesting form of Shockley’s equation. The equation is found to correctly predict the temperature coefficient of forward voltage at different currents and reproduces the familiar I–V behaviour at different temperatures. In addition, it suggests the convergence of the V –T characteristic at 0 K. The equations also show that near absolute zero the diode exhibits near zero resistance and near ideal behaviour with a mean diode voltage of 1.23 ± 0.01 V; the experimentally determined Absolute zero and bandgap by a p–n diode experiment 91 bandgap energy is Eg = 1.04 ± 0.02 eV. At high temperatures, Ohmic behaviour is predicted as expected for diodes as shown in figure 2 for some temperatures between 11 K and 600 K. The paper rationalizes the constants in the equations in terms of the bulk properties of the material of the diode and bandgap energy. Finally, it may be one of very few experiments to indicate absolute zero by convergence implications without the use of gas laws. In this regard it makes a significant contribution particularly for undergraduate teaching. 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