T h e (Almost) B a i s Y i s r o e l S h a b b o s O b s e r v e r 5 Teves, 5775 Dec. 27, 2014 Series 3, Vol. 5, Issue 1 Parshas Vayigash Message from the Rav בס‘‘ד יחזקאל צבי גרינברג רב קהילת בית ישראל מיניאפוליס מיניסוטה The "Secret Sauce": A Sense of Responsibility and Steadfast Determination After Yaakov heard the news that Yosef was and alive and well in Mitzrayim, he gathered his family and belongings and traveled down to Mitzrayim. The Posuk tells us that “He sent Yehuda ahead to Yosef, to prepare the way for him in Goshen.” Rashi quotes from the Medrash that the reason he sent Yehuda ahead was to set up a Yeshiva for learning. Why was Yehuda chosen for this task? Shouldn’t Levi or Yissochor have been sent for this? After all, they are the two Shevatim (tribes) that we later find were entrusted with learning and teaching Torah. R’ Yaakov Galinsky answered in the name of R’ Yosef Khaneman, the Ponovizher Rov, that earlier, when Yaakov was reluctant to send Binyamin to Mitzrayim because of the danger involved, Yehuda took full responsibility to ensure that they would return home with Binyamin. How could Yehuda have accepted such a responsibility on himself when the outcome of their encounter with the Egyptian ruler was totally out of his hands? The answer is that when one is Mekabel (accepts) to do something that is proper, and he is honestly willing to do all that it takes to fulfill his undertaking, he will have the Siyata D’shmaya (Heavenly assistance) to come through and deliver on his word. That’s why it was Yehuda who was chosen to open a Yeshiva. Opening and running a Yeshiva is a very difficult, almost impossible job. Only someone with the determination that Yehuda displayed, the willingness to take something on despite the extreme difficulties involved, can be entrusted with opening a Yeshiva. R’ Zalman Sorotzkin in Aznayim L’Torah offers another answer to this question. He writes that non-observant Jews come up with many excuses to explain their lack of adherence to Torah values. Those who live in Eretz Yisrael explain that the Torah is only needed for those who live outside the Holy Land, while those living outside Eretz Yisrael claim that the Torah is only meant to be kept in Eretz Yisrael. Yosef is the symbol of the Reish Gelusa, the Torah leader of Diaspora Jewry, while Yehuda symbolizes the Jewish king in Eretz Yisrael. Yaakov was teaching his children a timeless lesson that both in Eretz Yisrael and out, the Jewish leader is obligated to set up a house of learning to serve as the guiding light for all the Jews around. That’s why Yaakov sent specifically Yehuda, and that’s also why the Torah stresses that he sent him to Yosef. The same is true concerning Tefillah (prayer): We find that it is important to designate a steady spot for one’s Tefillah. The Gemara (Brachos 6b) tells us that one who establishes a set place for his Tefillah will merit that the G-d of Avraham Avinu will assist him. We learn this from Avraham, who, early in the morning after Sedom was destroyed, stood (in prayer) in the place where he had stood (previously) before Hashem. The Rif explains that if one looks at Tefillah as a burden, then he will take care of it as soon and as quickly as he is able to, wherever he finds himself at that particular moment. If, though, Tefillah is important to a person, he will wait until he can go to a shul which is designated as a place for Tefillah, thus demonstrating that he views Tefillah as an opportunity rather than a burden. Davening Times Friday Erev Shabbos Parshas Vayigash Dec 26 Shacharis 6:43 AM & 8 AM Mincha 4:20 PM Light Candles 4:19 PM Shabbos Dec 27 Laws of Shabbos 8:15-8:30 AM –Rabbi Weinberg Shacharis 8:30 AM Latest Shema (MG”A/GR”A) 9:26/10:02 Latest Shemona Esrei (GR”A) 10:46 Following Davening– Laws of Shabbos-R’ Weinberg No BNOS / Pirchei 3:00 PM Sifrei Chafetz Chaim, – Rabbi Roberts 3:30 PM Mincha 4:00 PM Shabbos Over 5:29 PM Avos U’banim 6:35 PM Sunday Dec 28 Earliest Donning of Tallis & Tefillin Sun- Fri 6:38-6:39 Earliest Bracha on Tallis Sun-Fri 7:10-7:11 AM Shacharis 7:15 & 8:00 AM Mincha 4:25 PM Mon – Wed Dec 29-31 Shacharis 6:44 & 8 AM Mincha 4:25 PM Thurs Jan 1 Federal Holiday Asara B’ Teves Fast Begins at 6:39 AM Shacharis 7:15 & 8 AM Mincha 4:10 PM Fast ends 5:28 AM Friday Erev Shabbos Parshas Vayechi Jan 2 Shacharis 6:44 AM & 8 AM Mincha 4:25 PM Light Candles 4:25 PM Good Shabbos! WINTER BREAK LEARNING @ TA Sun 12/28 to Fri 01/02, 8:30-11:15 AM. Cost: $75 one boy, $50- 2nd brother, $30/ea additional brother. Reserve NOW by contacting Rabbi Menachem Rabenstein [email protected] or 513-546We at Bais Yisroel B”H have a wonderful place of Torah and Tefillah, where 4773. Payment required in advance. aside from the daily Minyanim there are many various adult shiurim, many programs for the children such as Shabbos afternoon learning, youth Mussaf and Mincha/Shalosh Seudos, and exciting events such as the Shabbos of Chizuk and Chanuka Extravaganza, among many others. The expenses required for upkeep of the Bais Hakenesses are great, and all who benefit from it and who appreciate the Makom Kovu’ah (set place) that is available to them for their learning and davening should also feel the Achrayus (responsibility) to contribute their share of that upkeep, whether in the form of Yizkor pledges, sponsorships, dues or other donations. The shul needs your help! If you have outstanding commitments, please redeem them as soon as you can so that the shul can continue to function smoothly and provide for the spiritual needs for our beautiful and growing Kehilla. A well-attended lecture Thursday morning by Rabbi Menachem M. Pam at the Kollel’s Federal Holiday Yarchei Kallah Breakfast & Learn. T h e (Almost) B a i s Y i s r o e l S h a b b o s O b s e r v e r Mazal Tov to: Mr. & Mrs. Eliezer Ginsberg on the birth of a daughter, Esther, and to grandparents Rabbi & Mrs. Binyamin Ginsberg. Mordechai Afenzer & Batsheva Mishlati upon their engagement, and to Rabbi Shimon Afenzer and the entire Mishpacha. Rabbi & Mrs. Binyamin Silver on the bris of their son Gavriel Yitzchak and to grandparents Mr. & Mrs. Rick Harrison and greatgrandparents Mr. & Mrs. Don Carriger. Shul Seforim Library Update B”H over the past year we have worked hard on updating the shul’s library. Thousands of dollars have been spent, thanks to a number of generous donations. Many Seforim that needed repair were nicely bound, others that were beyond repair were retired and replaced. Many new Siddurim were purchased, as well as a set of Mishnayos, 20 Artscroll Stone Chumashim, 20 Dirshu Chumashim, a large Oz V’hadar Shas and an additional smaller Shas, and also various new Seforim (mainly English language) on Chumash, Mussar, Halacha and Yomim Tovim. We hope to continue to add titles that we feel will be widely used. Anyone who would like to donate to the cause can see Rabbi Greenberg. We are close to completing our second set (large size) of Artscroll Gemara. Before we purchase the missing volumes, we are wondering if anyone has any of the following numbers that they’d wish to donate: 2, 5, 9, 12, 13, 16, 18, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 40, 47, 48, 52, 53, 58, 59, 60, 61, and 62. P.S. There are numerous volumes that have gone missing from the library. Please check your homes to see if perhaps a Sefer belonging to the shul may not have been returned. Thank you! Page 2 Helpful Halacha Highlights (Excerpted from Halacha at Mincha/Maariv) 1. After Borchu (during Birchos Krias Shema) the Halacha concerning interruptions is more stringent than during Pesukei D’zimra. 2. Between paragraphs (i.e., after Borchu before beginning Yotzer Ohr, after Yotzer Hame’oros, after Ahava Rabba, after the first paragraph of Shema and after the second) one can answer Kaddish (only until the Amen that follows Tushbichasa V’nechemasa), Kedusha (only the verses Kadosh Kadosh and Boruch Kevod) and Borchu. Some include Amen to most Brachos (except between Ahava Rabba and Shema). He should not say the first Posuk of Shema along with Tzibur (if he’s not up to there) but should just raise his voice a little with whatever he is saying. 3. In the middle of a paragraph the only Amens to answer would be for the Brachos of Hakel Hakadosh and Shema Koleinu. During Kaddish only answer Amen Yehei Shemei Rabba and the Amen that follows Tushbichasa V’nechemasa. Kedusha would be the same as mentioned in the last paragraph. Borchu may be responded to, and during the Chazzan’s repetition of Modim, only the first three words of Modim D’rabanan (“Modim Anachnu Lach”) should be said. 4. One should try to at least pause between Pesukim (rather than in mid -Posuk) to interrupt with these responses. If he cannot, he should start the Posuk again. 5. No interruptions may be made during the first Posuk of Shema and Boruch Shem. 6. One should try not to interrupt at all after starting Shira Chadasha prior to Shemona Esrei. If he knows he’ll have to respond to one of the permitted interruptions, it’s best to pause and wait before starting Shira Chadasha until after the interruption is completed. 7. One should not interrupt for anything between the end of Shema and the words Emes V’yatziv. SCENES FROM THE BAIS YISROEL CHANUKAH EXTRAVAGANZA Family Chanukah Trivia Game. Chidon Quiz w/ Rabbi Waxman. Enjoying the Refreshments! Chanukah Arts & Crafts. Bais Yisroel thanks Rabbi & Mrs. Rabenstein, Mrs. Delmoor, Mrs. Ebstein, Rabbi Kupfer, Mrs. Mayer, Mr. David Spar, Rabbi Waxman, and the Bais Yaakov & 8th grade girls for enabling this program. Yasher Koach!
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