Issue No. 170 x 4169 WELLINGTON: THURSDAY, 9 DECEMBER 2010 CONTENTS COMMERCIAL Charitable Trusts Notices ........................................... None Bankruptcy Notices ...................................................... 4170 Friendly Societies and Credit Unions Notices ........... None Company Notices — Incorporated Societies Notices.................................... None Appointment and Release of Receivers / Managers ....... 4172 General Notices............................................................. 4190 Appointment and Release of Liquidators ....................... 4173 GOVERNMENT Appointment and Release of Administrators..................None Vice Regal...................................................................... 4191 Meetings and Last Dates by Which to Prove Debts or Claims ..............................................None Parliamentary Notices................................................. None Removals........................................................................ 4181 Authorities and Other Agencies of State Notices ....... 4197 Cessation of Business in New Zealand .......................... 4185 Land Notices.................................................................. 4198 Applications for Winding Up / Liquidations.................. 4186 Regulation Summary.................................................... 4205 Partnership Notices ........................................................None General Section............................................................. 4206 Other...............................................................................None Deadlines ....................................................................... 4209 Land Transfer / Joint Family Homes Notices ............ 4190 Index .............................................................................. 4210 Departmental Notices ......................................... 4192, 4209 USING THE GAZETTE The New Zealand Gazette, the official newspaper of the Government of New Zealand, is published weekly on Thursday. Publishing time is 4.00pm. Closing time for lodgement of notices under the Companies, Partnership, Insolvency and Land Transfer Acts is 12.00 midday on Monday (except where that day is a public holiday, in which case the deadline will be 12.00 midday on the last working day of the preceding week). All other notices must be lodged at the New Zealand Gazette office by 12.00 midday, Tuesday, in the week of publication. Notices are accepted for publication in the next available issue, unless otherwise specified. Notices may be submitted by email, facsimile or post. Dates and proper names should be shown clearly. A covering instruction setting out requirements should accompany all notices, but the New Zealand Gazette reserves the right to apply its in-house style. Notices for publication and related correspondence should be addressed to New Zealand Gazette Department of Internal Affairs PO Box 805 Wellington 6140 Telephone: (04) 470 2930 / (04) 470 2938 Facsimile: (04) 470 2932 Email: [email protected] 4170 NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 170 Cancelled Notices Notices cancelled after being accepted for publication will be subject to a charge of $55.00 to cover setting up and deleting costs. The deadline for cancelling notices is 12.00 midday on Wednesdays. Advertising Rates The following rate applies for the insertion of all notices in the New Zealand Gazette: 50c per word/number. Customers will be invoiced in accordance with standard commercial practices. Advertising rates are not negotiable. All rates shown are inclusive of GST. Other editions of the New Zealand Gazette Customs Edition – Published weekly on Tuesday. Special Editions, Professional & Trade Lists and Supplements – Published as and when required. 9 DECEMBER 2010 Availability New Zealand Gazette editions and a search-by-notice facility are available on the website All editions are also available on subscription from the New Zealand Gazette Office, Department of Internal Affairs, PO Box 805, Wellington 6140 (telephone: (04) 470 2930), or over the counter at Bennetts Government Bookshop, corner of Lambton Quay and Bowen Street, Wellington. Copyright ¤ The New Zealand Gazette is subject to Crown copyright. For more information visit Bankruptcy Notices Bankruptcies The official assignee advises the following bankruptcies: Ansell, Susan Mary, 120 Maher Street, Tisbury, Invercargill – 29 November 2010. Barrett, Heather Louise, 38 Church Street, Oxford – 29 November 2010. Baughan, Janette Wendy, 150 McGregors Road, Linwood, Christchurch – 29 November 2010. Bauman, Robert John, 248 Wakapuaka Road, RD 1, Nelson – 30 November 2010. Biddle, Stephen Shaun, 21 Miro Street, RD 1, Huntly – 26 November 2010. Bidesi, Rajendra, 50 Nuneaton Drive, Flat Bush, Auckland – 2 December 2010. Burrell, Terri-Anne, 21 Campbell Street, Waiuku – 30 November 2010. Burt, Kelly Anne, 78 Hargood Street, Woolston, Christchurch – 26 November 2010. Costello, Lee Ruth, 14D Falls View Road, Haruru – 29 November 2010. Denny, Debora, 13K Ryan Place, Manukau, Auckland – 30 November 2010. Edmonds, Anthony Richard, 66A Kiwi Esplanade, Mangere Bridge, Manukau – 26 November 2010. Elliott, Eric Paul Edward, 66 Maupuia Road, Maupuia, Wellington – 29 November 2010. Elson, Mark Philip, 4/418 Hereford Street, Linwood, Christchurch – 29 November 2010. Everard, Martin Richard, 4/180 McLeod Road, Te Atatu South, Waitakere – 29 November 2010. Fairey, Tracy Anne, 44A Clifton Road, Herne Bay, Auckland – 30 November 2010. Farr, Rachael Faith (also known as Pennalligen, Rachael Faith), 658 Ormandy Road, RD 8, Whangarei – 30 November 2010. Gibson, Neville, 7/58 Wattle Tree Road, Armadale, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia – 24 November 2010. Giles, Graeme Thomas, 1027 Coatesville-Riverhead Highway, Riverhead, Auckland – 2 December 2010. Golding, Gary John, 61 Niven Street, Avondale, Christchurch – 30 November 2010. Harding, Melissa Claire, 8 Yarrayne Road, Nerang, Queensland, Australia – 30 November 2010. Henderson, David Ian, Suite 58, The Heritage, 98 Worcester Street, Christchurch Central, Christchurch – 29 November 2010. Hewgill, Robert John, 21/13 Laidlaw Way, East Tamaki, Manukau – 30 November 2010. Hickford, Gregory Stuart, 688 Harrisville Road, Pukekohe – 30 November 2010. Inger-Bolstad, Kevin Noel Marcus (also known as Bolstad, Kevin Noel Marcus), 40 Kiwitea Street, Sandringham, Auckland – 26 November 2010. Ivory, Mandy Elizabeth, 838 Paekakariki Hill Road, RD 1, Porirua – 1 December 2010. King, Geoffrey Kenneth, 6 Browns Road, Dunsandel – 29 November 2010. Kite, Roger John, 4/180 Mcleod Road, Te Atatu South, Waitakere – 29 November 2010. Lange, Ricky Robert Peter Leslie, 78 Hargood Street, Woolston, Christchurch – 29 November 2010. Lyons, Philip Trevor, 14 Mercury Court, Rototuna North, Hamilton – 30 November 2010. McGilligan, Peiter Bryan, 167 Thomson Street, Tinwald, Ashburton – 30 November 2010. Munday, Toni Dawn, 21 Clyde Carr Crescent, Waimataitai, Timaru – 1 December 2010. Murray, Michael David, 1378 State Highway 29, RD 1, Tauranga – 29 November 2010. Norkett, Gail Louise, 15 Oceanview Terrace, Tirohanga, Lower Hutt – 30 November 2010. Oates, Anna Marie (also known as Miller, Anna Marie and Woolley, Anna Marie), 54 Paget Drive, Woodend – 30 November 2010. Oates, Glenn, 54 Paget Drive, Woodend – 30 November 2010. O’Neill, Simon, 65 Clovelly Road, Bucklands Beach, Auckland – 30 November 2010. Paterson, Fiona Joy, 34048 Albany Highway, Narrikup, Western Australia, Australia – 30 November 2010. Rees, Michael Francis, 64 Hillsborough Road, Hillsborough, Auckland – 30 November 2010. 9 DECEMBER 2010 NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 170 Revell, Scott William, 3639 Cambridge Road, Cambridge – 2 December 2010. Richardson, Bruce Henry, 6/30 Whitmore Street, Edgeware, Christchurch – 29 November 2010. Rodgers, Glenn Andrew, 9 Settlers Crescent, Woolston, Christchurch – 29 November 2010. Searle, Elizabeth Mary, 35 Pitt Road West, RD 22, Geraldine – 2 December 2010. Seath, Anna (also known as Kalpakis, Anna), 41 Meadowvale Drive, Levin – 1 December 2010. Sharp, Peter Bernard Christopher Paul, 42 Strathnaver Drive, RD 31, Levin – 29 November 2010. Sharp, Vicky Louise (also known as Wilson, Vicky Louise and Neal, Vicky Louise), 42 Strathnaver Drive, RD 31, Levin – 29 November 2010. Shaw, Ian Garnett, 63 Amreins Road, RD 2, Henderson – 26 November 2010. Stack, Edmond John, 3/35 Sanders Avenue, Takapuna, Auckland – 2 December 2010. Toh, Boon Keat, 3 Harbour Lights Close, West Harbour, Auckland – 2 December 2010. Torrey, Jason Victor, 7 Owen Street, Palmerston North – 26 November 2010. Walker, Timothy McAlpine (also known as Adams, Timothy McAlpine), 28 Burns Street, Mataura – 2 December 2010. Warren, Sheree Ann (also known as McCallum, Sheree Ann), 2 Aztec Place, Conifer Grove, Takanini – 30 November 2010. Williams, Barry, Auckland – 2 December 2010. Wilson, Terrence John, 21A Roys Road, Weymouth, Manukau – 29 November 2010. Young, Graham Arthur, 28 Silkwood Grove, Totara Heights, Auckland – 30 November 2010. OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE. Private Bag 4714, Christchurch Mail Centre, Christchurch 8140. Freephone: 0508 467 658. Website: ba9340 No Asset Procedures The official assignee advises the following no asset procedures: Ballantyne, Harry Francis Junior, 109 Busby Road, RD 1, Katikati – 26 November 2010. Ballantyne, Susan Huhuna Elizabeth Matthews, 109 Busby Road, RD 1, Katikati – 26 November 2010. Bannister, Darcy James, 11 Moores Valley Road, RD 1, Wainuiomata – 2 December 2010. Blacklock, Sophia Margaret, 457C High Street, Motueka – 29 November 2010. Booker, Stacey (also known as Chapman, Stacey), 70A Carnoustie Drive, Wattle Downs, Auckland – 1 December 2010. Bourke, Rex, 49 Chapel Street, Greymouth – 26 November 2010. Bunn, Christina Angela, 52 Merton Street, Trentham, Upper Hutt – 1 December 2010. Burton, Elaine Lynette, 217 North Street, West End, Timaru – 2 December 2010. Butler, Ryan Stuart, 68B Hospital Road, Witherlea, Blenheim – 1 December 2010. Cochrane, Aden Timothy, 68B Pretoria Street, Hutt Central, Lower Hutt – 2 December 2010. 4171 Ensor-Smith, Kyle, 97/1 Arran Road, Browns Bay, North Shore City – 30 November 2010. Fergusson, Lynette Ann, 35C Glade Avenue, Richmond, Christchurch – 26 November 2010. Gollop, Nikki Lee, 111 Bamborough Street, Richmond, Invercargill – 30 November 2010. Gordon, Joellene Elise, 401 Halswell Road, Halswell, Christchurch – 30 November 2010. Greenbank, Brenda Patricia, 907 Eaton Road, St Leonards, Hastings – 2 December 2010. Hallmond, Sylvester James, 21B Byron Road, Enderley, Hamilton – 26 November 2010. Holdsworth, Michelle, 12 Staincross Street, Green Bay, Auckland – 1 December 2010. Jesen, Jacqueline Anne, 592 Ngunguru Road, RD 3, Whangarei – 26 November 2010. Jones, Carol Ann, 17 Matai Street, Otangarei, Whangarei – 30 November 2010. Keogh, Natalie Rose, 54 Crawford Avenue, Mangere Bridge, Manukau – 29 November 2010. Lepaio, Filotoatasi (also known as Lepaio, Tasi and Turi, Tasi), 25 Sutherland Street, Tamatea, Napier – 26 November 2010. Lynch, Nicola Ann (also known as Lynch-Reeves, Nicola Ann), 211 Talbot Street, Geraldine – 1 December 2010. McAlister, Toni, 2 Waihi Road, Hawera – 1 December 2010. Mill, Te Rangi Maria Molly, 23 Russell Road, Marewa, Napier – 2 December 2010. Mortensen, Nikki Temara (also known as Auison, Nikki Temara), 411A Jervois Street, Mayfair, Hastings – 30 November 2010. Ngau, Tangi Rodney, 9 Crieff Place, Te Atatu, Auckland – 1 December 2010. Nielsen, Theresa Thea, 77 Simpson Road, Ranui, Waitakere – 1 December 2010. Orr, Dale Steven (also known as Orr, Steven), 34 Park Avenue, Masterton – 1 December 2010. Page, Lalita Marie, 4 Glen Place, Mosgiel – 29 November 2010. Percival, Robert, 36 Conclusion Street, Ascot Park, Porirua – 30 November 2010. Rayner, Christy Alexandra, 6 Grange Settlement Road, Temuka – 29 November 2010. Robertson, Janice Blanche, 445 Sunnyside Road, Sunnyvale, Auckland – 1 December 2010. Robins, Laura Ann, 15 Tamarisk Place, Parklands, Christchurch – 1 December 2010. Ryder, Rebekah Ann, 15 College Street, Masterton – 2 December 2010. Salt, Desiree Marie, 44 Newmark Street, Bishopdale, Christchurch – 30 November 2010. Semisi, Fuarosa, 55 Cartier Crescent, Flaxmere, Hastings – 2 December 2010. Seymour, Nathan Samuel, 1109 Papamoa Beach Road, Papamoa Beach, Papamoa – 30 November 2010. Simmonds, Noel Kenneth, 20 Thompson Road, Bluff Hill, Napier – 1 December 2010. Stephenson, Brooke Santana, 81 Barraud Street, Dannevirke – 26 November 2010. Travis, Michael Richard, 550 Kaueranga Valley Road, RD 2, Thames – 30 November 2010. Treymane, Wayne Stanley, 125 Dillon Road, RD 3, Cambridge – 26 November 2010. 4172 NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 170 Van Ree, Samantha Marie, 78 Ararino Street, Trentham, Upper Hutt – 26 November 2010. Waterreus-Wharepapa, Cody Phillip Pauro, 52 Taharangi Street, Koutu, Rotorua – 30 November 2010. Zephyr, Angela Margaret, 2/97 Beresford Street, Bayswater, Auckland – 26 November 2010. 9 DECEMBER 2010 OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE. Private Bag 4714, Christchurch Mail Centre, Christchurch 8140. Freephone: 0508 467 658. Website: ba9341 Company Notices APPOINTMENT AND RELEASE OF RECEIVERS / MANAGERS PROPERTY PROJECTS 10 LIMITED (in receivership) Notice of Resignation of Receivers of Earnings and Notice of Appointment of Receivers and Managers The Receiverships Act 1993 Registered Office: Levels 9 and 11, 45 Queen Street, Auckland. Notice is hereby given that on 1 December 2010, Gareth Russel Hoole and Kevin David Pitfield resigned as receivers of earnings of PROPERTY PROJECTS 10 LIMITED (in receivership) from its property situated at 1192 Hinemoa Street, Rotorua. Further notice is hereby given, pursuant to section 8(1)(b) of the Receiverships Act 1993, that on 1 December 2010, Gareth Russel Hoole and Andrew David Turner were appointed joint and several receivers and managers over the entire property at 1192 Hinemoa Street, Rotorua. Dated this 2nd day of December 2010. GARETH RUSSEL HOOLE and ANDREW DAVID TURNER, Receivers and Managers. Address and Telephone Number to Which Enquiries May be Directed by Creditors or Members During Business Hours: Staples Rodway Limited, Chartered Accountants, PO Box 3899, Auckland. Telephone: (09) 309 0463. Note: Any creditor claiming a security interest in assets of the above-named company should immediately provide details to the receivers and managers. ar9258 MANHATTAN INTERNATIONAL LIMITED (in receivership and in liquidation) Notice of Appointment of Receivers and Managers Pursuant to Section 8(1) of the Receiverships Act 1993 Notice is hereby given that on 26 November 2010, Andrew John MacKay and Aaron Douglas Walsh, chartered accountants of Auckland, were appointed joint and several receivers and managers of the property of MANHATTAN INTERNATIONAL LIMITED under the powers contained in a general security agreement dated the 9th day of May 2006, given by that company. The Property in Receivership is: All of the company’s undertaking, property and assets. The Offices of the Receivers and Managers are at: Corporate Finance Limited, Level 15, AMP Centre, 29 Customs Street West, Auckland 1010. Dated this 30th day of November 2010. A. J. MCKAY, Receiver and Manager. ar9305 ar9332 ALPINE CHOPPERS LIMITED and ALPINE CHOPPERS NZ LIMITED (both in receivership) EQUITABLE MORTGAGES LIMITED Notice of Appointment of Receivers and Managers Pursuant to Section 8 of the Receiverships Act 1993 Notice is hereby given that Rodney Gane Pardington, chartered accountant, and Henry David Levin, insolvency practitioner, both of Auckland, were appointed as receivers and managers of the property of EQUITABLE MORTGAGES LIMITED on 29 November 2010 under the powers contained in a trust deed dated the 15th day of May 1998 (as amended). The receivers and managers have been appointed in respect of all the company’s present and future undertaking, property and assets, whatsoever and wheresoever, including its uncalled, or called but unpaid, capital. The Offices of the Receivers and Managers are at: Deloitte, Level 18, Deloitte Centre, 80 Queen Street, Auckland 1010. Postal Address: Private Bag 115033, Shortland Street, Auckland 1140. Telephone: (09) 303 0700. Facsimile: (09) 303 0701. Dated this 29th day of November 2010. RODNEY GANE PARDINGTON, Receiver and Manager (personal liability excluded). Notice of Appointment of Receivers and Managers Pursuant to Section 8(1) of the Receiverships Act 1993 Stephen John Tubbs, chartered accountant, and Colin Anthony Gower, insolvency practitioner, both of Christchurch, were appointed joint and several receivers and managers of ALPINE CHOPPERS LIMITED and ALPINE CHOPPERS NZ LIMITED on 1 December 2010 under the terms of a general security agreement giving the holder a secured charge over the whole of the assets of the companies. The Property in Receivership is: All of the companies’ present and after-acquired property. The Receivers and Managers’ Office Address is: BDO Christchurch, Level 6, 148 Victoria Street, Christchurch 8013. The Receivers and Managers’ Postal Address and Contact Details Are: BDO Christchurch, PO Box 246, Christchurch 8140. Telephone: (03) 379 5155. Facsimile: (03) 353 5526. Email: [email protected] Dated this 1st day of December 2010. STEPHEN J. TUBBS, Joint Receiver and Manager. ar9331 9 DECEMBER 2010 NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 170 SEDMEC LIMITED (in receivership) Notice of Receivership Ceasing Pursuant to Section 29 of the Receiverships Act 1993 Presented by: Colin Anthony Gower, BDO Christchurch, Chartered Accountants, PO Box 246, Christchurch 8140. We, Stephen John Tubbs and Colin Anthony Gower, hereby give notice that the receivership of the income of the property of SEDMEC LIMITED ceased on 30 November 2010. Dated this 30th day of November 2010. COLIN ANTHONY GOWER, Receiver. ar9313 4173 INTERBAKE MANAGEMENT LIMITED (in receivership) Notice of Ceasing to Act as Receiver Pursuant to Section 29 of the Receiverships Act 1993 Company No.: 462954 I, Joseph Richard Tristan Dean, chartered accountant of Hayes Knight NZ Limited, Auckland, give notice that I ceased to act as receiver for INTERBAKE MANAGEMENT LIMITED on 22 October 2010. Dated this 30th day of November 2010. JOSEPH RICHARD TRISTAN DEAN, Receiver. ar9265 APPOINTMENT AND RELEASE OF LIQUIDATORS Appointment of Liquidator The official assignee advises the following liquidations: 29 November 2010 C.H. JOHNSTON BUILDERS LIMITED. 2 December 2010 MANHATTAN PROPERTIES LIMITED. OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE. Private Bag 4714, Christchurch Mail Centre, Christchurch 8140. Freephone: 0508 467 658. Website: al9342 HEREFORD STREET TRUSTEES LIMITED, HARGEST TRUSTEES LIMITED and WINGNUT LIMITED (all in liquidation) Notice of Appointment of Liquidator Notice is hereby given, pursuant to section 255(2) of the Companies Act 1993, that by way of entry in the minute book of each company in accordance with section 122 of the Companies Act 1993, John Michael Gilbert was appointed liquidator of the companies on the date and time below: 25 November 2010 HEREFORD STREET TRUSTEES LIMITED (in liquidation) at 4.00pm. HARGEST TRUSTEES LIMITED (in liquidation) at 4.00pm. WINGNUT LIMITED (in liquidation) at 4.00pm. TOUR MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED (in liquidation) Notice of Appointment of Liquidator Notice is hereby given, pursuant to section 255(2) of the Companies Act 1993, that, by way of entry in the minute book of the company in accordance with section 122 of the Companies Act 1993, John Michael Gilbert was appointed liquidator of the company on the date and time below: 1 December 2010 TOUR MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED (in liquidation) at 2.06pm. Notice to Creditors to Claim The liquidator does hereby fix 30 December 2010 as the day on or before which the creditors of the company are to make their claims and to establish any priority their claims may have, under section 312 of the Companies Act 1993, or to be excluded from the benefit of any distribution made before their claims are made or, as the case may be, from objecting to any distribution. J. M. GILBERT, Liquidator. Address of Liquidator: C/o C & C Strategic Limited, Private Bag 47927, Ponsonby, Auckland. Telephone: (09) 376 7506. Facsimile: (09) 376 6441. al9378 MANAKU CLEANING SERVICES LIMITED (formerly UNIQUE SERVICES REDLINE 2009 LIMITED) (in liquidation) Notice to Creditors to Claim The liquidator does hereby fix 30 December 2010 as the day on or before which the creditors of the companies are to make their claims and to establish any priority their claims may have, under section 312 of the Companies Act 1993, or to be excluded from the benefit of any distribution made before their claims are made or, as the case may be, from objecting to any distribution. J. M. GILBERT, Liquidator. Address of Liquidator: C/o C & C Strategic Limited, Private Bag 47927, Ponsonby, Auckland. Telephone: (09) 376 7506. Facsimile: (09) 376 6441. Note: A certificate of solvency has been signed by the director for each company. Notice of Appointment of Liquidators Pursuant to Section 255(2) of the Companies Act 1993 Christine Margaret Dunphy and Jessica Jane Redican were appointed jointly and severally as liquidators of the company pursuant to a special resolution of shareholders entered into the company’s minute book, under section 241(2)(a) of the Companies Act 1993, on the date and time below: 27 November 2010 MANAKU CLEANING SERVICES LIMITED (in liquidation) at 2.33pm. Dated at Wellington this 29th day of November 2010. CHRIS DUNPHY, Liquidator. Address for Service: Shephard Dunphy Limited, Level 2, Zephyr House, 82 Willis Street, Wellington. Telephone: (04) 473 6747. Facsimile: (04) 473 6748. Postal Address for Service: Shephard Dunphy Limited, PO Box 11793, Wellington. For Enquiries Contact: Jessica Redican. al9315 al9246 4174 NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 170 LEGACY DEVELOPMENTS (2003) LIMITED, LEGACY DEVELOPMENTS (2004) LIMITED and LEGACY DEVELOPMENTS (2006) LIMITED (all in liquidation) Notice of Appointment of Liquidator Pursuant to Section 255(2)(a) of the Companies Act 1993 Take notice that I, C. A. Johnson, insolvency practitioner of Auckland, have been appointed liquidator of the companies by resolutions of the shareholders on the date and times below: 29 November 2010 LEGACY DEVELOPMENTS (2003) LIMITED (in liquidation) at 11.01am. LEGACY DEVELOPMENTS (2004) LIMITED (in liquidation) at 11.02am. LEGACY DEVELOPMENTS (2006) LIMITED (in liquidation) at 11.03am. Notice to Creditors to Prove Debts or Claims Notice is hereby given that the liquidator fixes 14 January 2011 as the day on or before which the creditors of the companies are to prove their debts or claims and to establish any title they may have to priority, under section 312 of the Companies Act 1993, or to be excluded from the benefit of any distribution made before the debts are proved or, as the case may be, from objecting to any distribution. Creditors and Shareholders of the Companies May Direct Enquiries During Normal Business Hours to: C. A. Johnson, Accountant & Insolvency Practitioner, PO Box 33171, Takapuna, Auckland 0740. Telephone: (09) 377 5536. Facsimile: (09) 377 5537. al9231 WILLOWBROOK ESTATES LIMITED (in liquidation) Notice of Appointment of Liquidators Pursuant to Section 241(2)(c) of the Companies Act 1993 David Stuart Vance and Grant Stephen Jarrold, chartered accountants, were appointed liquidators jointly and severally of the company by the High Court at Christchurch on the date and time below: 29 November 2010 WILLOWBROOK ESTATES LIMITED (in liquidation) at 10.40am. Notice to Creditors to Lodge Claims The liquidators have fixed 17 January 2011 as the last day for creditors to make their claims and establish any priority their claims may have. Creditors who have not made a claim at the date a distribution is declared will be excluded from the benefit of that distribution and those creditors may not object to that distribution. Enquiries for information relating to the liquidation may be made to Logan Nicholls at Deloitte, Level 16, Deloitte House, 10 Brandon Street, Wellington 6011. Postal Address: PO Box 1990, Wellington 6140. Telephone: (04) 472 1677. Facsimile: (04) 472 8023. DAVID STUART VANCE, Liquidator. Note: Any creditors claiming a security interest in respect of the above-named company should provide details to the liquidators urgently. al9311 9 DECEMBER 2010 EASTON INVESTMENTS LIMITED and SCENIC INVESTMENTS LIMITED (both in liquidation) Notice of Appointment of Liquidator The Companies Act 1993 Robert John Willis, of CST Nexia Limited, Chartered Accountants, was appointed liquidator of the companies, pursuant to section 241(2)(a), on 30 November 2010 at the times specified below: EASTON INVESTMENTS LIMITED (in liquidation) at 12.00 midday. SCENIC INVESTMENTS LIMITED (in liquidation) at 12.00 midday. Notice to Creditors to Prove Debts or Claims Notice is given that the liquidator fixes 31 December 2010 as the day on or before which the creditors of the companies are to make their claims and to establish any priority their claims may have, under section 312, or to be excluded from the benefit of any distribution made before the claims are made or, as the case may be, from objecting to the distribution. Notice of Intention to Remove Application to remove the above-named companies will be made to the Registrar, pursuant to section 318(1)(e), on the grounds that the documents referred to in section 257(1)(a) will be sent to the Registrar after 22 working days from the date of this notice. Objections to remove, under section 321, must be delivered to the Registrar within that period. Dated this 1st day of December 2010. ROBERT JOHN WILLIS, Liquidator. The Address and Telephone Number to Which, During Normal Business Hours, Enquiries May be Directed by a Creditor or Member: CST Nexia Limited, Chartered Accountants, PO Box 76261, Manukau, Auckland 2241. Telephone: (09) 262 2595. Explanation: These solvent companies were placed into liquidation, having ceased trading, and have no assets and liabilities of significance. The shareholders have resolved to liquidate the companies. al9317 TRIPLE H DRAINAGE LIMITED and CAFE CUBA TRUSTEE LIMITED (both in liquidation) (“the companies”) Notice of Appointment of Liquidators Craig Alexander Sanson, insolvency practitioner, and John Howard Ross Fisk, chartered accountant, both of Wellington, were appointed joint and several liquidators of the companies by the High Court, pursuant to section 241(2)(c) of the Companies Act 1993, on 2 December 2010 at the times stated below: TRIPLE H DRAINAGE LIMITED (in liquidation) at 10.40am. CAFE CUBA TRUSTEE LIMITED (in liquidation) at 10.43am. Notice to Creditors to Claim We fix 2 March 2011 as the day by which the creditors of the companies are to make their claims and to establish any priority. Dated this 3rd day of December 2010. JOHN FISK, Liquidator. Claims and Enquiries to: C/o PricewaterhouseCoopers, 113–119 The Terrace (PO Box 243), Wellington. Telephone: (04) 462 7218. Facsimile: (04) 462 7492 (Attention: Lisa Buchanan). al9348 9 DECEMBER 2010 NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 170 CLIFFORD BAY CONTRACTING LIMITED (formerly BLACK BIRCH CONTRACTING LIMITED) (in liquidation) Notice of Appointment of Liquidators and Notice to Creditors to Claim Grant Edward Burns, chartered accountant of Auckland, and Craig Alexander Sanson, insolvency practitioner of Wellington, were appointed joint and several liquidators of CLIFFORD BAY CONTRACTING LIMITED by the High Court, pursuant to section 241(2)(c) of the Companies Act 1993, on 1 December 2010 at 10.28am. We fix 17 January 2011 as the day by which the creditors of the company are to make their claims and to establish any priority. Dated this 1st day of December 2010. GRANT EDWARD BURNS, Liquidator. Claims and Enquiries to: CLIFFORD BAY CONTRACTING LIMITED (in liquidation), c/o PricewaterhouseCoopers, 188 Quay Street (Private Bag 92162), Auckland. Telephone: (09) 355 8000. Facsimile: (09) 355 8013. Attention: Gregory Spooner. al9300 MOONSTAR HOSPITALITY LIMITED (in liquidation) Notice of Appointment of Liquidators and Notice to Creditors to Claim Grant Edward Burns and Richard Dale Agnew, chartered accountants of Auckland, were appointed joint and several liquidators of MOONSTAR HOSPITALITY LIMITED by the High Court, pursuant to section 241(2)(c) of the Companies Act 1993, on 1 December 2010 at 10.33am. We fix 17 January 2011 as the day by which the creditors of the company are to make their claims and to establish any priority. Dated this 1st day of December 2010. GRANT EDWARD BURNS, Liquidator. Claims and Enquiries to: MOONSTAR HOSPITALITY LIMITED (in liquidation), c/o PricewaterhouseCoopers, 188 Quay Street (Private Bag 92162), Auckland. Telephone: (09) 355 8000. Facsimile: (09) 355 8013. Attention: Meeta Bhikha. al9299 SPORTS TURF LIMITED (formerly SOUTHWEST GREENS NEW ZEALAND LIMITED) (in liquidation) Public Notice of Appointment of Liquidator Pursuant to Section 3, 255(2)(a) of the Companies Act 1993 On 15 November 2010, it was resolved, pursuant to section 241(2)(a) of the Companies Act 1993, that SPORTS TURF LIMITED be liquidated and that Manisha Kesha, chartered accountant of Auckland, be appointed liquidator for this purpose. The liquidation commenced on 15 November 2010. Notice to Creditors to Prove Debts or Claims Pursuant to Section 312 of the Companies Act 1993 Notice is given that the liquidator of SPORTS TURF LIMITED has confirmed 31 January 2011 as the day on or before which the creditors of the company are to make their claims and to establish any priority their claims may have, under section 312 of the Companies Act 1993, or to be excluded from the benefit of any distribution made before 4175 their claims are made or, as the case may be, from objecting to the distribution. Creditors and shareholders may direct enquiries to me during normal business hours at the address and contact numbers stated below. Dated this 3rd day of December 2010. MANISHA KESHA, Liquidator. Address for Service: SME Financial Limited, Ground Floor, 6 Boston Road, Mt Eden, Auckland. Telephone: (09) 366 7025. Facsimile: (09) 309 2460. al9371 DEADLOCK DAVE LIMITED (in liquidation) Notice of Appointment of Liquidators Pursuant to Section 255(2)(a) of the Companies Act 1993 Arron Leslie Heath and Michael Lamacraft, insolvency practitioners, were appointed joint and several liquidators of DEADLOCK DAVE LIMITED (in liquidation) on 1 December 2010 at 9.00am, pursuant to section 241(2)(a) of the Companies Act 1993. Notice to Creditors to Prove Debts or Claims Notice is given that the liquidators of DEADLOCK DAVE LIMITED (in liquidation) fix 15 January 2011 as the day on or before which the creditors of the company are to make their claims and to establish any priority their claims may have, under section 312 of the Companies Act 1993, or to be excluded from the benefit of any distribution made before their claims are made or, as the case may be, from objecting to any distribution. Security Interests Suppliers who have a security interest in goods or assets supplied should contact the liquidators immediately. Dated this 1st day of December 2010. M. LAMACRAFT, Liquidator. The Address and Contact Numbers to Which, During Normal Business Hours, Enquiries May be Directed by a Creditor or Member: Meltzer Mason Heath, Chartered Accountants, PO Box 6302, Wellesley Street, Auckland 1141. Telephone: (09) 357 6150. Facsimile: (09) 357 6152. Enquiries to: Mike Lamacraft. al9286 TE ANAU HOTEL HOLDINGS LIMITED (in liquidation) Notice of Appointment of Liquidators Pursuant to Section 255(2)(a) of the Companies Act 1993 Arron Leslie Heath and Michael Lamacraft, insolvency practitioners, were appointed joint and several liquidators of TE ANAU HOTEL HOLDINGS LIMITED (in liquidation) on 29 November 2010 at 10.00am, pursuant to section 241(2)(a) of the Companies Act 1993. Notice to Creditors to Prove Debts or Claims Notice is given that the liquidators of TE ANAU HOTEL HOLDINGS LIMITED (in liquidation) fix 24 December 2010 as the day on or before which the creditors of the company are to make their claims and to establish any priority their claims may have, under section 312 of the Companies Act 1993, or to be excluded from the benefit of any distribution made before their claims are made or, as the case may be, from objecting to any distribution. Dated this 30th day of November 2010. A. L. HEATH, Liquidator. The Address and Contact Numbers to Which, During Normal Business Hours, Enquiries May be Directed by 4176 NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 170 a Creditor or Member: Meltzer Mason Heath, Chartered Accountants, PO Box 6302, Wellesley Street, Auckland 1141. Telephone: (09) 357 6150. Facsimile: (09) 357 6152. Enquiries to: Arron Heath. al9272 WATKINSON & ROSS ROOFING LIMITED (in liquidation) Notice of Appointment of Liquidators Pursuant to Section 255(2)(a) of the Companies Act 1993 Karen Betty Mason and Jeffrey Philip Meltzer, insolvency practitioners, were appointed joint and several liquidators of WATKINSON & ROSS ROOFING LIMITED (in liquidation) on 30 November 2010 at 10.00am, pursuant to section 241(2)(a) of the Companies Act 1993. Notice to Creditors to Prove Debts or Claims Notice is given that the liquidators of WATKINSON & ROSS ROOFING LIMITED (in liquidation) fix 21 January 2011 as the day on or before which the creditors of the company are to make their claims and to establish any priority their claims may have, under section 312 of the Companies Act 1993, or to be excluded from the benefit of any distribution made before their claims are made or, as the case may be, from objecting to any distribution. Dated this 3rd day of December 2010. K. B. MASON, Liquidator. The Address and Contact Numbers to Which, During Normal Business Hours, Enquiries May be Directed by a Creditor or Member: Meltzer Mason Heath, Chartered Accountants, PO Box 6302, Wellesley Street, Auckland 1141. Telephone: (09) 357 6150. Facsimile: (09) 357 6152. Enquiries to: Karen Mason. al9364 THUNDERBIRDSAFETY LIMITED (in liquidation) Notice of Appointment of Liquidator Pursuant to Section 3, 255(2)(a) of the Companies Act 1993 On 3 December 2010 at 1.17pm, pursuant to section 241 of the Companies Act 1993, it was resolved by special resolution of the shareholder that THUNDERBIRDSAFETY LIMITED be liquidated and that Christopher Robert Ross Horton be appointed liquidator. Notice to Creditors to Prove Debts or Claims Notice is given that the liquidator fixes 28 January 2011 as the day on or before which the creditors of the company are to make their claims and establish any priority their claims may have, under section 312 of the Companies Act 1993, or to be excluded from the benefit of any distribution made before their claims are made or, as the case may be, from objecting to any distribution. C. R. R. HORTON, Liquidator. Creditors and Members May Direct Enquiries to the Liquidator at: Chris Horton Associates Limited, PO Box 1725, Shortland Street, Auckland 1140. Telephone: (09) 379 2222. Email: [email protected] al9357 KAAT LIMITED (in liquidation) Notice of Appointment of Liquidator Pursuant to Section 3, 255(2)(a) of the Companies Act 1993 On 3 December 2010 at 11.03am, pursuant to section 241 of the Companies Act 1993, it was resolved by order of the 9 DECEMBER 2010 High Court that KAAT LIMITED be liquidated and that Christopher Robert Ross Horton be appointed liquidator. Notice to Creditors to Prove Debts or Claims Notice is given that the liquidator fixes 4 March 2011 as the day on or before which the creditors of the company are to make their claims and establish any priority their claims may have, under section 312 of the Companies Act 1993, or to be excluded from the benefit of any distribution made before their claims are made or, as the case may be, from objecting to any distribution. C. R. R. HORTON, Liquidator. Creditors and Members May Direct Enquiries to the Liquidator at: Chris Horton Associates Limited, PO Box 1725, Shortland Street, Auckland 1140. Telephone: (09) 379 2222. Email: [email protected] al9358 HARRIMAN SIGNS LIMITED (in liquidation) Notice of Appointment of Liquidator Pursuant to Section 255(2)(a) of the Companies Act 1993 Notice is hereby given that the liquidation of HARRIMAN SIGNS LIMITED (in liquidation) commenced on 29 November 2010 at 5.20pm when the members appointed Murray G. Allott, chartered accountant of Christchurch, as liquidator, in accordance with section 241(2)(a) of the Companies Act 1993, by the passing of a special resolution by entry in the company minute book. Notice of Meeting of Creditors Pursuant to section 245 of the Companies Act 1993, the liquidator will dispense with the meeting of creditors in order to keep costs to a minimum and maximise returns to creditors. Notice to Creditors to Lodge Claims Pursuant to Regulation 12(2) of the Companies Act 1993 Liquidation Regulations 1994 The liquidator hereby fixes 17 January 2011 as the last day for creditors to make their claims and establish any priority their claims may have. Creditors who have not made a claim at the date a distribution is declared will be excluded from the benefit of that distribution and those creditors may not object to that distribution. Any enquiries by creditors or shareholders may be directed to the liquidator. MURRAY G. ALLOTT, Liquidator. Address of Liquidator: Level 1, 22 Dorset Street, Christchurch 8013. Postal Address: PO Box 29432, Christchurch 8540. Telephone: (03) 365 1028. Facsimile: (03) 365 6400. Email: [email protected] Note: Any creditors claiming a security interest in respect of this company should provide details to the liquidator urgently. al9273 WOODCOAT LIMITED (formerly EASTWOOD CONSTRUCTION SOUTHERN LIMITED) (in liquidation) Notice of Appointment of Liquidator Pursuant to Section 255(2)(a) of the Companies Act 1993 Notice is hereby given that the liquidation of WOODCOAT LIMITED (in liquidation) commenced on 29 November 2010 at 10.46am when Murray G. Allott, chartered accountant of Christchurch, was appointed as liquidator, in accordance with section 241(2)(c) of the Companies Act 1993, by order of the High Court at Christchurch. 9 DECEMBER 2010 NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 170 Notice of Meeting of Creditors Pursuant to section 245 of the Companies Act 1993, the liquidator will dispense with the meeting of creditors in order to keep costs to a minimum and maximise returns to creditors. Notice to Creditors to Lodge Claims Pursuant to Regulation 12(2) of the Companies Act 1993 Liquidation Regulations 1994 The liquidator hereby fixes 17 January 2011 as the last day for creditors to make their claims and establish any priority their claims may have. Creditors who have not made a claim at the date a distribution is declared will be excluded from the benefit of that distribution and those creditors may not object to that distribution. Any enquiries by creditors or shareholders may be directed to the liquidator. MURRAY G. ALLOTT, Liquidator. Address of Liquidator: Level 1, 22 Dorset Street, Christchurch 8013. Postal Address: PO Box 29432, Christchurch 8540. Telephone: (03) 365 1028. Facsimile: (03) 365 6400. Email: [email protected] Note: Any creditors claiming a security interest in respect of this company should provide details to the liquidator urgently. al9254 OLD MONEY FAMILY TRUST LIMITED (in liquidation) Notice of Appointment of Liquidator and Notice to Creditors to Prove Debts or Claims Notice is hereby given that, in accordance with section 241(2)(c) of the Companies Act 1993, the High Court at Hamilton, on 17 May 2010 at 11.35am, appointed Iain McLennan, insolvency practitioner of Auckland, as liquidator of the above-named company. The undersigned does hereby fix 14 January 2011 as the day on or before which the creditors of the company are to prove their debts or claims and to establish any title they may have to priority, under section 312 of the Companies Act 1993, or to be excluded from the benefit of any distribution made before the debts are proved or, as the case may be, from objecting to the distribution. IAIN MCLENNAN, Liquidator. Date of Liquidation: 17 May 2010. Address of Liquidator: Iain McLennan, PO Box 6092, Wellesley Street, Auckland 1141. Telephone: (09) 303 0506. Facsimile: (09) 303 0508. al9316 NGAKURU FARMS LIMITED (in liquidation) Notice of Appointment of Liquidators and Notice to Creditors to Prove Debts or Claims Notice is hereby given that, in accordance with section 241(2)(a) of the Companies Act 1993, the shareholders of the above-named company, on 17 November 2010 at 4.42pm, appointed Boris van Delden and Peri Micaela Finnigan, insolvency practitioners of Auckland, jointly and severally as liquidators of the above-named company. The undersigned does hereby fix Friday 14 January 2011 as the day on or before which the creditors of the company are to prove their debts or claims and to establish any title they may have to priority, under section 312 of the Companies Act 1993, or to be excluded from the benefit of any distribution made before the debts are proved or, as the case may be, from objecting to the distribution. 4177 BORIS VAN DELDEN, Liquidator. Date of Liquidation: 17 November 2010. Address of Liquidators: McDonald Vague, PO Box 6092, Wellesley Street, Auckland 1141. Telephone: (09) 303 0506. Facsimile: (09) 303 0508. Website: Enquiries to: Ben Francis. Telephone: (09) 969 1515. al9251 SANTA BARBARA PROJECT MANAGEMENT LIMITED Notice of Appointment of Liquidators and Notice to Creditors to Prove Debts or Claims Notice is hereby given that, in accordance with section 241(2)(c) of the Companies Act 1993, on 3 December 2010 at 10.09am, Simon Dalton, chartered certified accountant, and Paul Graham Sargison, chartered accountant, both of Auckland, were appointed liquidators of the company by the High Court. The undersigned does hereby fix 10 January 2011 as the day on or before which the creditors of the company are to prove their debts or claims and to establish any title they may have to priority, under section 312 of the Companies Act 1993, or to be excluded from the benefit of any distribution made before the debts are proved or, as the case may be, from objecting to the distribution. S. DALTON, Joint Liquidator. Enquiries to: Gerry Rea Partners, PO Box 3015, Auckland. Telephone: (09) 377 3099. Facsimile: (09) 377 3098. al9363 DOT NET LIMITED Notice of Appointment of Liquidators and Notice to Creditors to Prove Debts or Claims Notice is hereby given that, in accordance with section 241 of the Companies Act 1993, the shareholders of the above-named company, on 30 November 2010 at 2.45pm, appointed Simon Dalton, chartered certified accountant, and Paul Graham Sargison, chartered accountant, both of Auckland, as liquidators. The undersigned does hereby fix 5 January 2011 as the day on or before which the creditors of the company are to prove their debts or claims and to establish any title they may have to priority, under section 312 of the Companies Act 1993, or to be excluded from the benefit of any distribution made before the debts are proved or, as the case may be, from objecting to the distribution. S. DALTON, Joint Liquidator. Enquiries to: Gerry Rea Partners, PO Box 3015, Auckland. Telephone: (09) 377 3099. Facsimile: (09) 377 3098. al9278 WRCC LIMITED (in receivership and in liquidation) Notice of Appointment of Liquidators Pursuant to Section 255(2)(a) of the Companies Act 1993 Dennis Clifford Parsons and Katherine Louise Kenealy were appointed joint and several liquidators of WRCC LIMITED (in receivership and in liquidation) on 30 November 2010 at 3.15am. D. C. PARSONS, Liquidator. Address for Service: Indepth Forensic Limited, PO Box 278, Hamilton. Telephone: (07) 957 8674. Website: al9322 4178 NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 170 I & L INVESTMENTS LIMITED (in liquidation) Notice of Appointment of Liquidators Pursuant to Section 255(2)(a) of the Companies Act 1993 Dennis Clifford Parsons and Katherine Louise Kenealy were appointed joint and several liquidators of I & L INVESTMENTS LIMITED (in liquidation) on 3 December 2010 at 11.07am. D. C. PARSONS, Liquidator. Address for Service: Indepth Forensic Limited, PO Box 278, Hamilton. Telephone: (07) 957 8674. Website: al9351 MANSFIELD GROUP LIMITED (in liquidation) Notice of Appointment of Liquidators Take notice that MANSFIELD GROUP LIMITED (in liquidation) was ordered by the High Court at Christchurch, pursuant to section 241(2)(c) of the Companies Act 1993, on 29 November 2010 to be put into liquidation. Iain Andrew Nellies and Wayne John Deuchrass were appointed liquidators jointly and severally. The liquidation commenced on 29 November 2010 at 10.37am. Creditors may make enquiries to the liquidators, whose address is c/o Insolvency Management Limited, Level 1, 148 Victoria Street (PO Box 13401), Christchurch. al9398 9 DECEMBER 2010 CANTERBURY ELECTRICAL LIMITED (in liquidation) Notice of Appointment of Liquidators Take notice that CANTERBURY ELECTRICAL LIMITED (in liquidation) resolved, pursuant to section 241(2)(a) of the Companies Act 1993, on 29 November 2010 to be put into liquidation. Wayne John Deuchrass and Iain Andrew Nellies were appointed liquidators jointly and severally. The liquidation commenced on 29 November 2010 at 10.00am. Creditors may make enquiries to the liquidators, whose address is c/o Insolvency Management Limited, Level 1, 148 Victoria Street (PO Box 13401), Christchurch. al9397 CANTERBURY GAS LIMITED (in liquidation) Notice of Appointment of Liquidators Take notice that CANTERBURY GAS LIMITED (in liquidation) resolved, pursuant to section 241(2)(a) of the Companies Act 1993, on 29 November 2010 to be put into liquidation. Wayne John Deuchrass and Iain Andrew Nellies were appointed liquidators jointly and severally. The liquidation commenced on 29 November 2010 at 10.00am. Creditors may make enquiries to the liquidators, whose address is c/o Insolvency Management Limited, Level 1, 148 Victoria Street (PO Box 13401), Christchurch. al9396 MALVERN FARM LIMITED (in liquidation) Notice of Appointment of Liquidators Take notice that MALVERN FARM LIMITED (in liquidation) was ordered by the High Court at Christchurch, pursuant to section 241(2)(c) of the Companies Act 1993, on 29 November 2010 to be put into liquidation. Iain Andrew Nellies and Wayne John Deuchrass were appointed liquidators jointly and severally. The liquidation commenced on 29 November 2010 at 10.47am. Creditors may make enquiries to the liquidators, whose address is c/o Insolvency Management Limited, Level 1, 148 Victoria Street (PO Box 13401), Christchurch. al9399 HI TECH PANEL & PAINT (2006) LIMITED (in liquidation) Notice of Appointment of Liquidators Take notice that HI TECH PANEL & PAINT (2006) LIMITED (in liquidation) resolved, pursuant to section 241(2)(a) of the Companies Act 1993, on 30 November 2010 to be put into liquidation. Wayne John Deuchrass and Iain Andrew Nellies were appointed liquidators jointly and severally. The liquidation commenced on 30 November 2010 at 5.00pm. Creditors may make enquiries to the liquidators, whose address is c/o Insolvency Management Limited, Level 1, 148 Victoria Street (PO Box 13401), Christchurch. al9401 HIGH TORQUE DIESELS LIMITED (in liquidation) Notice of Appointment of Liquidators Take notice that HIGH TORQUE DIESELS LIMITED (in liquidation) was ordered by the High Court at Christchurch, pursuant to section 241(2)(c) of the Companies Act 1993, on 29 November 2010 to be put into liquidation. Iain Andrew Nellies and Wayne John Deuchrass were appointed liquidators jointly and severally. The liquidation commenced on 29 November 2010 at 10.51am. Creditors may make enquiries to the liquidators, whose address is c/o Insolvency Management Limited, Level 1, 148 Victoria Street (PO Box 13401), Christchurch. al9400 WELD BUILDERS LIMITED (in liquidation) Public Notice of Appointment of Liquidator Pursuant to Section 3, 255(2)(a) of the Companies Act 1993 Company No.: 1785055 Notice is hereby given that on 3 December 2010, it was resolved, pursuant to section 241(2)(a) of the Companies Act 1993, that WELD BUILDERS LIMITED be liquidated and that Sinclair Richardson, chartered accountant of Richardson Bennett Limited, Palmerston North, be appointed liquidator for this purpose This liquidation commenced on 3 December 2010 at 4.00pm. Notice to Creditors to Prove Debts or Claims Notice is also given that the liquidator hereby fixes 14 January 2011 as the day on or before which the creditors of WELD BUILDERS LIMITED (in liquidation) are to 9 DECEMBER 2010 NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 170 make their claims and to establish any priority their claims may have under section 312 of the Companies Act 1993. Creditors and shareholders may direct enquiries to me during normal business hours at the address and contact numbers stated below. Dated this 9th day of December 2010. SINCLAIR RICHARDSON, Liquidator. Address for Service: Richardson Bennett Limited, PO Box 141, Palmerston North 4440. Telephone: (06) 356 5511. Facsimile: (06) 356 5522. al9368 SOW’S EAR LIMITED (in liquidation) Notice of Appointment of Liquidator Pursuant to Section 255(2)(a) of the Companies Act 1993 John David Naylor, chartered accountant of Palmerston North, was appointed as liquidator of SOW’S EAR LIMITED by special resolution of the shareholders on 1 December 2010 at 1.00pm, the date and time that the liquidation commenced. Dated this 1st day of December 2010. JOHN DAVID NAYLOR. Creditors and Shareholders May Direct Enquiries to: Suzanne Best, Naylor Lawrence & Associates Limited, 200 Broadway Avenue, Palmerston North 4410. Postal Address: PO Box 648, Palmerston North 4440. Telephone: (06) 357 0640. Facsimile: (06) 358 9105. Note: The company is solvent and the liquidation is the result of the cessation of the business. al9356 WORKING IN VISAS LIMITED (in liquidation) Public Notice of Appointment of Liquidator Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to section 241(2)(a) of the Companies Act 1993, Robin M. Seal, chartered accountant of Walker Wayland Auckland Limited, was appointed liquidator of WORKING IN VISAS LIMITED. The liquidation commenced on 2 December 2010 at 3.50pm. Notice of Meeting of Creditors It is not proposed to hold any creditors’ meeting, pursuant to section 243 of the Companies Act 1993, for the reasons outlined in our first report to the Registrar. However, in accordance with section 314 of the Companies Act 1993, a creditor or shareholder may request the liquidator to call a meeting of creditors or shareholders at any time in the course of the liquidation to vote on a proposal that a liquidation committee be appointed to act with the liquidator. This request must be in writing. Notice to Creditors to Prove Debts or Claims Notice is also given that the liquidator hereby fixes 17 January 2011 as the day on or before which the creditors of the company are to make their claims and to establish any priority their claims may have under section 312 of the Companies Act 1993. Enquiries may be directed by a creditor or shareholder of the company during normal business hours to Walker Wayland Auckland Limited, Level 7, 53 Fort Street, Auckland. Telephone: (09) 968 4440. Facsimile: (09) 309 9042. Dated this 3rd day of December 2010. ROBIN M. SEAL, Liquidator. Address for Service: Walker Wayland Auckland Limited, PO Box 2175, Auckland 1140. al9339 4179 THE HEADS LIMITED (in liquidation) Notice of Appointment of Liquidator Pursuant to Section 255(2)(a) of the Companies Act 1993 Take notice that I, John Robert Buchanan, insolvency practitioner of Auckland, have been appointed liquidator of THE HEADS LIMITED (in liquidation). The liquidation commenced on 29 November 2010 at 2.45pm. Notice to Creditors to Prove Debts or Claims Notice is hereby given that the liquidator fixes 4 February 2011 as the day on or before which the creditors of the company are to prove their debts or claims and to establish any title they may have to priority, under section 312 of the Companies Act 1993, or to be excluded from the benefit of any distribution made before the debts are proved or, as the case may be, from objecting to the distribution. Creditors and shareholders of the company may direct enquiries during normal business hours to the office as below. Address of Liquidator: Northside Insolvency Limited, PO Box 102061, North Shore, North Shore City 0745. Telephone: (09) 443 8172. Facsimile: (09) 444 1988. al9333 BELL EQUITIES LIMITED (in liquidation) (“the company”) Notice of Appointment of Liquidator Pursuant to Section 255(2)(a) of the Companies Act 1993 Company No.: 1522371 Robert Clyde Clarke, of Auckland, was appointed as liquidator of the company by special resolution of the shareholders on 30 November 2010 at 4.00pm, the date and time that the liquidation commenced. Notice to Creditors to Claim Notice is given that as liquidator of the company, I fix 24 December 2010 as the day on or before which the creditors of the company are to make their claims and to establish any priority their claims may have, under section 312 of the Companies Act 1993, or to be excluded from the benefit of any distribution made before the debts are claimed or, as the case may be, from objecting to the distribution. Dated this 30th day of November 2010. ROBERT CLYDE CLARKE, Liquidator. Creditors and Shareholders May Direct Enquiries to: Robert Clyde Clarke, PO Box 26105, Epsom, Auckland 1344. Telephone: (021) 777 812. Note: The company is solvent and the liquidation is a result of the restructuring of the affairs of the shareholders. al9277 PF CONTRACTING LIMITED (formerly PREMIER FENCING LIMITED) (in liquidation) Notice of Appointment of Liquidator The Companies Act 1993 Kevin John Gilligan, insolvency practitioner of Auckland, was appointed liquidator of the above-named company, pursuant to section 241(2)(a) of the Act, on 1 December 2010 at 7.10am. Notice to Creditors to Prove Debts or Claims Notice is given that the liquidator fixes 5 January 2011 as the date on or before which the creditors of the company are to make their claims and to establish any priority their claims may have, under section 312 of the Act, or to be 4180 NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 170 excluded from the benefit of any distribution made before the claims are made or, as the case may be, from objecting to the distribution. Dated this 1st day of December 2010. KEVIN J. GILLIGAN, Liquidator. Creditors May Direct Their Enquiries to the Liquidator at: PO Box 26022, Epsom, Auckland 1344. Telephone: (09) 834 4486. Facsimile: (09) 834 4990. Email: [email protected] al9291 FINCHLEE INVESTMENTS LIMITED (in liquidation) Notice of Appointment of Liquidator Pursuant to Section 255(2)(a) of the Companies Act 1993 Notice is hereby given that on 24 November 2010, the High Court, pursuant to section 241(2)(c) of the Companies Act 1993 (“the Act”), ordered that FINCHLEE INVESTMENTS LIMITED be liquidated and that Andrew David Marsh, barrister and solicitor of Christchurch, be appointed liquidator for the purpose. The liquidation commenced on 24 November 2010 at 10.16am. Notice of Meeting of Creditors Pursuant to section 245 of the Act, the liquidator will dispense with the meeting of creditors to keep costs to a minimum having regard to the circumstances of the company. Any creditor requiring a meeting to be called must give notice in writing to the liquidator within 10 working days of the date of publication of this notice. Notice to Creditors to Lodge Claims Pursuant to Regulation 12(2) of the Companies Act 1993 Liquidation Regulations 1994 The liquidator fixes 31 January 2011 as the date on or before which the creditors of the company must make their claims and establish any priority their claims may have under section 312 of the Act. Creditors and shareholders may direct enquiries to the liquidator during normal business hours at the address and contact numbers stated below. ANDREW D. MARSH, Liquidator. Address of Liquidator: Level 4, 227 Cambridge Terrace, Christchurch. Telephone: (03) 377 4470. Facsimile: (03) 365 1616. al9365 MILLENNIUM MICROBES LIMITED (“the company”) Public Notice of Appointment of Liquidator Pursuant to Section 255(2)(a) of the Companies Act 1993 On 2 December 2010 at Auckland, it was resolved by the shareholders of the company that Rowan Kingstone, chartered accountant, of KDB Chartered Accountants Limited, Auckland, be appointed liquidator of the company with immediate effect. Creditors and shareholders of the company may direct enquiries to the liquidator during normal business hours at the address and contact numbers stated below. Dated this 2nd day of December 2010. ROWAN KINGSTONE, Liquidator. Address for Service: KDB Chartered Accountants Limited, Level 2, 123 Carlton Gore Road, Newmarket, Auckland. Telephone: (09) 524 0791. Facsimile: (09) 524 0271. al9310 9 DECEMBER 2010 NORTHLAND CONCEPT DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED (in liquidation) Notice of Appointment of Liquidators Notice is given, pursuant to section 255(2) of the Companies Act 1993, that by way of entry in the minute book of the company in accordance with section 122 of the Companies Act 1993, Craig Andrew Young and Raymond Gordon Burgess were appointed liquidators of the company on 30 November 2010. The liquidation commenced on 30 November 2010 at 10.00am. Notice of Meeting of Creditors Notice is given that, as provided in section 245(1) of the Companies Act 1993, no meeting of creditors will be held, having regard to the cost of holding a meeting and the likely result of the liquidation, unless requested in writing by a creditor in accordance with section 245(1)(b)(iii). Notice to Creditors to Prove Debts or Claims The liquidators hereby fix 14 January 2011 as the day on or before which the creditors of the company are to make their claims and to establish any priority their claims may have, under section 312 of the Companies Act 1993, or to be excluded from the benefit of any distribution made before their claims are made or, as the case may be, from objecting to any distribution. Address of Liquidators: Restructuring Services Limited, PO Box 87340, Meadowbank, Auckland 1742. Telephone: (09) 525 7236. Facsimile: (09) 525 1824. al9276 THE FILLING STATION 2010 LIMITED (in liquidation) Notice of Appointment of Liquidator Pursuant to Section 255(2)(a) of the Companies Act 1993 Company No.: 2411008 Geoff Falloon, chartered accountant of Biz Rescue Limited, was appointed liquidator of the above-named company on 7 December 2010 at 2.00pm. Meeting of Creditors A meeting of creditors will be held on Friday 17 December 2010 at 9.30am at the Trafalgar Street Hall (formerly the Aged Concern Hall) by the Maitai River on Trafalgar Street, Nelson. Purpose of Meeting 1. Consider the liquidator’s statement of affairs. 2. Confirm or otherwise the appointment of Geoff Falloon as liquidator. 3. Consider whether or not to appoint a liquidation committee. 4. Other. Note – Proxies To attend and vote, those trading as a company or partnership will need to be appointed as the company or partnership proxy. Proxy/voting forms have been sent to all creditors. The signed forms are required to be in the hands of the liquidator by 5.00pm on Thursday 16 December 2010. Notice to Creditors to Lodge Claims The liquidator has fixed 20 January 2011 as the last day for creditors to make their claims and establish any priority their claims may have. Creditors who have not made a claim at that date, and a distribution is declared, will be excluded from the benefit of that distribution and may not object to that distribution. 9 DECEMBER 2010 NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 170 Enquiries for information relating to this liquidation should be made to Geoff Falloon, Biz Rescue Limited, PO Box 27, Nelson. Telephone: (027) 332 6759. Dated this 8th day of December 2010. GEOFF FALLOON, Liquidator. al9459 CANAAN PRODUCTIONS LIMITED (in liquidation) Notice of Appointment of Liquidators and Notice to Creditors to Prove Debts or Claims Steven Khov and Peter Drennan, insolvency practitioners, were appointed joint and several liquidators of CANAAN PRODUCTIONS LIMITED on 25 November 2010 at 9.45am, pursuant to section 241(2)(a) of the Companies Act 1993. The liquidators fix 14 December 2010 as the day on or before which the creditors of the company are to prove their debts or claims and to establish any title they may have to priority, under section 312 of the Companies Act 1993, or to be excluded from the benefit of any distribution made before the debts are proved or, as the case may be, from objecting to the distribution. Dated this 29th day of November 2010. STEVEN KHOV and PETER DRENNAN, Joint Liquidators. Address of Liquidators: Waterstone Insolvency, PO Box 352, Shortland Street, Auckland 1140. Freephone: 0800CLOSED. Facsimile: 0800FAXWSI. al9245 PETFOOD VENTURES LIMITED (in liquidation) Notice of Appointment of Liquidators and Notice to Creditors to Claim Pursuant to Section 255(2)(a) of the Companies Act 1993 David Donald Crichton and Keiran Anne Horne, chartered accountants of HFK Limited, were appointed liquidators of the above-named company by order of the High Court on 29 November 2010 at 10.43am. The liquidators fix 5 January 2011 as the day on or before which the creditors of the company are able to make their 4181 claims and to establish any priority their claims may have, under section 312 of the Companies Act 1993, or to be excluded from the benefit of any distribution made before their claims are made or, as the case may be, from objecting to any distribution. Any creditor holding a security interest over the assets of this company should urgently contact the liquidator. Further information and creditor claim forms are available on our website Enquiries may be directed during normal business hours to Geoff Brown at HFK Limited, 567 Wairakei Road (PO Box 39100), Christchurch, or telephone (03) 352 9189. K. A. HORNE, Liquidator. al9196 KING COUNTRY EARTH COMPACTION LIMITED (in liquidation) Notice of Appointment of Liquidator and Notice to Creditors to Prove Debts or Claims Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to section 241(2)(a) of the Companies Act 1993, the undersigned was appointed liquidator of the above-named company by a special resolution of the shareholders. The directors have resolved that the company will be able to pay its debts and a copy of the resolution has been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The liquidation commenced on 29 November 2010 at 11.00am. The liquidator does hereby fix 23 December 2010 as the day on or before which the creditors of the company are to prove their debts or claims and to establish any priority their claims may have, under section 312 of the Companies Act 1993, or to be excluded from the benefit of any distribution made before their claims are made or, as the case may be, from objecting to the distribution. SONYA JANE ELMIGER, Liquidator. Address for Service: Blackburn Group LP, Chartered Accountants, PO Box 966, Taupo 3351. Telephone: (07) 376 0092. Facsimile: (07) 378 2044. Email: [email protected] al9294 REMOVALS A1 ELECTRICAL SPECIALISTS (2004) LIMITED, BRYANT ANTENNAS BOP LIMITED, CAMARONI FISHING TOURS LIMITED, HARLEY LOGGING LIMITED, KAY HOLMES FLOWERS (WAIKATO) LIMITED, MAGGOF CATERING LIMITED and SPIRIT WIRELESS LIMITED (all in liquidation) Notice of Intention to Remove Companies From the Register Pursuant to Section 320(2) of the Companies Act 1993 Registered Offices: RHB Chartered Accountants Limited, Level 1, The Hub, 525 Cameron Road, Tauranga 3110. Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to section 318(1)(e) of the Companies Act 1993, the Registrar will be removing the above-named companies from the Register on the grounds that the joint and several liquidators have completed their duties. The liquidators have delivered the documents referred to in section 257 of the Companies Act 1993 to the Registrar. Any objection to the removals, under section 321 of the Companies Act 1993, must be delivered to the Registrar by 7 January 2011. KENNETH PETER BROWN and ROBBIE JAMES NEILSON, Joint Liquidators. ds9327 MCTAGGART CONSTRUCTION LIMITED, 1042827 LIMITED (formerly COUNTRY LIFE LIMITED), CAMPBELL MACGREGOR PROPERTIES LIMITED, MACGREGOR MILK SUPPLIES LIMITED, TSSL LIMITED, LINK ENGINEERING (2003) LIMITED and O & B EQUIPMENT (2001) LIMITED (all in liquidation) Notice of Intention to Remove Companies From the Register The liquidations of the above-named companies have been completed and the final reports and statements of receipts and payments have been sent to the Registrar, pursuant to section 257 of the Companies Act 1993, together with 4182 NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 170 9 DECEMBER 2010 requests that the companies be removed from the Register pursuant to section 318(1)(e) of the Companies Act 1993. Any objection to the removals, under section 321 of the Act, must be delivered to the Registrar within 20 working days of the date of this notice. Dated this 30th day of November 2010. DAVID VANCE, Liquidator. liquidations, it is intended to remove the companies from the New Zealand Register. Any objection to the removals, pursuant to section 321 of the Companies Act 1993, must be delivered to the Registrar no later than 14 January 2011. Dated the 30th day of November 2010. RHYS JAMES CAIN, Liquidator. ds9279 ds9269 BANKS TRANSPORT (2006) LIMITED, BECKING & KHAN HOLDINGS LIMITED, P C RAVENHALL LIMITED and TRISTYLE INTERNATIONAL LIMITED (all in liquidation) PAGES PAINT CENTRE TIMARU LIMITED (in liquidation) Notice of Intention to Remove the Above-named Companies From the Register Pursuant to Section 320(2) of the Companies Act 1993 Registered Offices: Reynolds and Associates Limited, 108 Rockfield Road, Penrose, Auckland. Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to section 318(1)(e) of the Companies Act 1993, the Registrar will be removing the above-named companies from the Register on the grounds that the liquidators have completed their duties. The liquidators have delivered the documents referred to in section 257 of the Companies Act 1993 to the Registrar. Any objections to the removals, under section 321 of the Companies Act 1993, must be delivered to the Registrar within 20 working days after the date of this notice. GRANT BRUCE REYNOLDS, Liquidator. ds9336 R.B. & S.J. AITKEN LIMITED (in liquidation) Notice of Intention to Remove Company From the Register Notice is hereby given of the intention to remove the above-named company from the Register of Companies, pursuant to section 318(1)(e) of the Companies Act 1993, on the grounds of the delivery of the final liquidation documents to the Registrar in accordance with section 257(1)(a) of the Act. Any objection to the removal, pursuant to section 321 of the Act, must be lodged with the Registrar no later than 29 December 2010. Dated this 26th day of November 2010. KEVIN GILLIGAN, Liquidator. Address of Liquidator: PO Box 26022, Epsom, Auckland 1344. ds9264 OA INVESTMENTS LIMITED (trading as City Winery and Cheese Factory), STATUS CONSULTING LIMITED, NZN RICCARTON LIMITED, INNOVATIVE CLEANING SOLUTIONS LIMITED and HELVETIAS’ CAFE & BAR LIMITED (all in liquidation) Notice of Intention to Remove Companies From the Register Pursuant to Section 320 of the Companies Act 1993 We, Rhys James Cain and Malcolm Grant Hollis, liquidators of the above-named companies, hereby give notice that, pursuant to section 318(1)(e) of the Companies Act 1993 and having filed with the Registrar our final reports on the Notice of Intention to Remove Company From the Register Pursuant to Section 320 of the Companies Act 1993 We, Malcolm Grant Hollis and Rhys James Cain, liquidators of the company, hereby give notice that, pursuant to section 318(1)(e) of the Companies Act 1993 (“the Act”) and having filed with the Registrar our final report on the liquidation, it is intended to remove the company from the New Zealand Register. Any objection to the removal, pursuant to section 321 of the Act, must be delivered to the Registrar no later than 14 January 2011. Dated this 29th day of November 2010. RHYS JAMES CAIN, Liquidator. ds9319 APPLIED IMAGING SUPPLIES PTY LIMITED (in liquidation), ATWORK MARKETING PTY LIMITED (in liquidation) and C1 SHOPPINGMALL COMPANY LIMITED (in liquidation) Notice of Intention to Remove Companies From the Register In the matter of the Companies Act 1993, and in the matter of the above-named companies: Notice is hereby given, pursuant to section 318 of the Companies Act 1993 (“the Act”), that: (a) It is intended that the above-named companies be removed from the Register, under section 318(1)(e) of the Act, on the grounds that the duties of the liquidator have been completed and the liquidator has sent to the Registrar the documents referred to in section 257(1)(a) of the Act. (b) Any objection to the removals, under section 321 of the Act, must be lodged with the Registrar together with the grounds for such an objection no later than 14 January 2011. Dated at Auckland this 25th day of November 2010. CURTIS J. MOUNTFORT, Liquidator. Any Enquiries Should be Directed to the Registrar or to: Mountfort & Associates Limited, Chartered Accountants, PO Box 38910, Howick, Manukau 2145. Telephone: (09) 533 2058. Facsimile: (09) 533 2057. ds9244 CITE SOLUTIONS LIMITED and SDA COMMUNICATIONS LIMITED (both in liquidation) Notice of Intention to Remove Companies From the Register In the matter of the Companies Act 1993, and in the matter of the above-named companies: 9 DECEMBER 2010 NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 170 Notice is hereby given, in pursuance of section 320 of the Companies Act 1993 (“the Act”), that: (a) It is intended that the above-named companies be removed from the Register, under section 318(1)(e) of the Act, on the grounds that the duties of the liquidator have been completed and the liquidator has sent to the Registrar the documents referred to in section 257(1)(a) of the Act. (b) Any objection to the removals, under section 321 of the Act, must be lodged with the Registrar together with the grounds for such objection no later than 23 December 2010. Dated at Auckland this 30th day of November 2010. BORIS VAN DELDEN, Liquidator. Address of Liquidator and Address for Service of Companies: McDonald Vague, Insolvency Specialists, Level 4, 143 Nelson Street, Auckland 1010. Postal Address: PO Box 6092, Wellesley Street, Auckland 1141. Website: ds9361 G CHONG LIMITED and SUPERSTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT LIMITED (both in liquidation) Notice of Intention to Remove Companies From the Register Pursuant to Section 320 of the Companies Act 1993 The liquidations of these companies have been completed and I have filed my final reports on the liquidations with the Registrar of Companies, along with a request that the companies be removed from the Register, pursuant to section 318(1)(e) of the Companies Act 1993. Any objection to the removals, pursuant to section 321 of the Companies Act 1993, must be delivered to the Registrar no later than 24 December 2010. Dated this 22nd day of November 2010. TERRY BASTION, Liquidator. ds9261 B DENT GLOBAL LIMITED (in liquidation) Public Notice of Intention to Remove Company From the Register Pursuant to Section 320(4) of the Companies Act 1993 I intend to apply to have the above-named company removed from the New Zealand Company Register pursuant to section 318(1)(e) of the Companies Act 1993. I have delivered the documents referred to in section 257(1)(a) of the Act to the Registrar of Companies, thereby completing the liquidation pursuant to section 249 of the Act. Unless written objection to the removal, pursuant to section 321 of the Act, is delivered to the Registrar of Companies by 13 January 2011, the Registrar will remove the company from the Register. DAVID BERNARD ROBINSON, Liquidator. 4183 Registrar, pursuant to sections 317(1)(e) and 256 of the Companies Act 1993, on the grounds that the liquidation has been completed and the documents referred to in section 257(1)(a) have been sent to the Registrar. The date by which an objection, under section 321 of the Companies Act 1993, to the removal must be delivered to the Registrar is 14 January 2011. Dated this 2nd day of December 2010. STEPHEN LAWRENCE, Joint and Several Liquidator. Address of the Liquidators: PKF Corporate Recovery & Insolvency (Auckland) Limited, Level 3, Chancery Building, 48 Courthouse Lane, Auckland 1010. Postal Address: PO Box 3678, Auckland 1140. ds9394 HANNAH STREET GARAGE LIMITED (in liquidation) (“the company”) Notice of Intention to Remove Company From the Register Pursuant to Section 320 of the Companies Act 1993 Brian Mayo-Smith and Andrew James Bethell, joint liquidators of the company, whose registered office is situated at BDO Auckland, Level 8, 120 Albert Street, Auckland, hereby give notice that, pursuant to section 318(1)(e) of the Companies Act 1993 and having filed with the Registrar our final report on the liquidation, it is intended to remove the company from the New Zealand Register. Any objection to the removal, pursuant to section 321 of the Companies Act 1993, must be delivered to the Registrar no later than 11 January 2011. Dated this 30th day of November 2010. ANDREW BETHELL, Joint Liquidator. ds9260 MGM & H LIMITED (formerly trading as Document Imaging Solutions Limited) (in liquidation) Notice of Intention to Remove Company From the Register Pursuant to Section 320 of the Companies Act 1993 John Palairet and Jeff Hart. joint liquidators of MGM & H LIMITED (in liquidation), hereby give notice that, pursuant to section 318(1)(e) of the Companies Act 1993 and having filed with the Registrar our final report on the liquidation, it is intended to remove the company from the New Zealand Register. Any objection to the removal, pursuant to section 321 of the Companies Act 1993, must be delivered to the Registrar no later than 31 December 2010. Dated this 30th day of November 2010. JOHN PALAIRET, Joint Liquidator. Email: [email protected] ds9288 ds9367 KINGSVIEW PROPERTY AND DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LIMITED (in liquidation) Notice of Intention to Remove the Above-named Company From the Register Pursuant to Section 320(2) of the Companies Act 1993 Notice is hereby given that we intend to remove the above-named company and requests for the destruction of all its remaining books and records will be made to the OSCAR BROWN LIMITED (in liquidation) Public Notice of Intention to Apply for Removal of the Above-named Company From the Register Public notice is given that, pursuant to section 318(1)(e) of the Companies Act 1993, the Registrar of Companies will remove OSCAR BROWN LIMITED (in liquidation), whose registered office is situated at 161 Manukau Road, Epsom, Auckland, from the New Zealand Register on the grounds that the documents referred to in section 257(1)(a) 4184 NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 170 of the Companies Act 1993 have been sent or delivered to the Registrar of Companies, thereby completing the liquidation pursuant to section 249 of the Act. Unless, pursuant to section 321 of the Act, written objection to the removal is delivered to the Registrar by 4 February 2011 (being a date not less than 20 working days after the date of this notice), the Registrar is obliged to remove the company from the Register. Dated at Auckland this 2nd day of December 2010. KIRAN DUTT, Liquidator. Address for Service: PO Box 9687, Newmarket, Auckland 1149. Telephone: (09) 630 3808. Facsimile: (09) 630 3970. ds9370 BROOKLYN PROPERTIES LIMITED (in liquidation) Notice of Intention to Apply for Removal of the Above-named Company From the Register Pursuant to Section 320(2) of the Companies Act 1993 Company No.: 1809680 Address of Registered Office: WHK, 20 Oxford Street, Richmond, Nelson. Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to section 318(1)(e) of the Companies Act 1993, the Registrar will be removing the above-named company from the Register on the grounds that the liquidator has completed his duties. The liquidator has delivered the documents referred to in section 257 of the Companies Act 1993 to the Registrar. Any objection to the removal, under section 321 of the Companies Act 1993, must be delivered to the Registrar by 21 January 2011. Dated this 3rd day of December 2010. GRANT MEIKLE, Liquidator. ds9350 ROTORUA TYRES LIMITED (in liquidation) Notice of Intention to Remove Company From the Register Pursuant to Section 320 of the Companies Act 1993 I, Anthony Charles Harris, liquidator of the above-named company, hereby give notice that, pursuant to section 318(1)(e) of the Companies Act 1993 and having filed with the Registrar my final report on the liquidation, it is intended to remove the company from the New Zealand Register. Any objection to the removal, pursuant to section 321 of the Companies Act 1993, must be delivered to the Registrar no later than 14 January 2011. Dated this 1st day of December 2010. ANTHONY CHARLES HARRIS, Liquidator. ds9314 QUALITY PRINT SERVICE LIMITED (in liquidation) Notice of Intention to Remove Company From the Register Pursuant to Section 320 of the Companies Act 1993 We, Arron Leslie Heath and Michael Lamacraft, liquidators of QUALITY PRINT SERVICE LIMITED (in liquidation), whose registered office is situated at Level 16, 7 City Road, Auckland, hereby give notice that, pursuant to section 318(1)(e) of the Companies Act 1993 and having filed with the Registrar our final report on the liquidation, it is intended to remove the company from the New Zealand Register. 9 DECEMBER 2010 Any objection to the removal, pursuant to section 321 of the Companies Act 1993, must be delivered to the Registrar of Companies no later than 15 February 2011. Dated this 3rd day of December 2010. M. LAMACRAFT, Liquidator. Address of Liquidators: Meltzer Mason Heath, Level 16, 7 City Road, Auckland 1010. Postal Address: PO Box 6302, Wellesley Street, Auckland 1141. ds9343 FOREIGN IMPORTS LIMITED (in liquidation) Notice of Intention to Remove Company From the Register We, David Donald Crichton and Keiran Anne Horne, liquidators of the above-named company, hereby give notice that, pursuant to section 318(1)(e) of the Companies Act 1993 and having filed with the Registrar our final report on the liquidation, it is intended to remove the company from the New Zealand Register. Any objection to the removal, pursuant to section 321 of the Companies Act 1993, must be delivered to the Registrar no later than 5 January 2011. Dated this 26th day of November 2010. K. A. HORNE, Liquidator. ds9262 GLOBAL HOSPITALITY LIMITED (in liquidation) Notice of Intention to Remove Company From the Register We, David Donald Crichton and Keiran Anne Horne, liquidators of the above-named company, hereby give notice that, pursuant to section 318(1)(e) of the Companies Act 1993 and having filed with the Registrar our final report on the liquidation, it is intended to remove the company from the New Zealand Register. Any objection to the removal, pursuant to section 321 of the Companies Act 1993, must be delivered to the Registrar no later than 5 January 2011. Dated this 26th day of November 2010. K. A. HORNE, Liquidator. ds9263 A & J GOWER LIMITED (in liquidation) Notice of Intention to Remove Company From the Register We, David Donald Crichton and Keiran Anne Horne, liquidators of the above-named company, hereby give notice that, pursuant to section 318(1)(e) of the Companies Act 1993 and having filed with the Registrar our final report on the liquidation, it is intended to remove the company from the New Zealand Register. Any objection to the removal, pursuant to section 321 of the Companies Act 1993, must be delivered to the Registrar no later than 5 January 2011. Dated this 29th day of November 2010. K. A. HORNE, Liquidator. ds9282 WARWICK MEWS LIMITED (in liquidation) Notice of Intention to Remove Company From the Register We, David Donald Crichton and Keiran Anne Horne, liquidators of the above-named company, hereby give notice that, pursuant to section 318(1)(e) of the Companies Act 9 DECEMBER 2010 NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 170 1993 and having filed with the Registrar our final report on the liquidation, it is intended to remove the company from the New Zealand Register. Any objection to the removal, pursuant to section 321 of the Companies Act 1993, must be delivered to the Registrar no later than 5 January 2011. Dated this 29th day of November 2010. K. A. HORNE, Liquidator. ds9283 KINCAID LODGE LIMITED (in liquidation) Notice of Intention to Apply for Removal of the Above-named Company From the Register Pursuant to Section 320(2) of the Companies Act 1993 Company No.: 1889065 I have concluded the liquidation of the above-named company and hereby give notice in accordance with section 318(1)(e)(i) of the Companies Act 1993. I have filed my final report and consequently the company is to be removed from the Register. Notice is given that unless written objection to the removal of the company is sent or delivered to the Registrar, pursuant to section 321 of the Act, within 20 working days, the Registrar may remove the company from the Register. Dated at Christchurch this 30th day of November 2010. RICHARD INESON, Liquidator. ds9290 BEARINGPOINT NEW ZEALAND LIMITED (in liquidation) Notice of Intention to Apply for Removal of Company From the Register Pursuant to Section 320(2) of the Companies Act 1993 We, Richard Grant Simpson and David Ian Ruscoe, liquidators of BEARINGPOINT NEW ZEALAND LIMITED (in liquidation), whose registered office is 4185 situated at Level 13, AXA Centre, 80 The Terrace, Wellington, hereby give notice that, pursuant to section 318(1)(e) of the Companies Act 1993 and having filed with the Registrar of Companies our final report on the liquidation in terms of section 257 of the Act, it is intended to remove the company from the New Zealand Register. Any objection to the removal, pursuant to section 321 of the Companies Act 1993, must be delivered to the Registrar of Companies no later than 12 January 2011. Dated this 1st day of December 2010. DAVID RUSCOE, Liquidator. Address of Liquidators: Grant Thornton New Zealand Limited, Level 13, AXA Centre, 80 The Terrace (PO Box 10712), Wellington. ds9330 NZ RIGGING SERVICES LIMITED (in liquidation) Notice of Intention to Remove Company From the Register Pursuant to Section 320 of the Companies Act 1993 I, Dennis Clifford Parsons, insolvency practitioner of Hamilton, liquidator of NZ RIGGING SERVICES LIMITED (in liquidation), hereby give notice that, pursuant to section 318(1)(e) of the Companies Act 1993 and having filed with the Registrar my final report on the liquidation, it is intended to remove the company from the New Zealand Register. Any objection to the removal, pursuant to section 321 of the Companies Act 1993, must be delivered to the Registrar no later than 21 January 2011. Dated this 2nd day of December 2010. D. C. PARSONS, Liquidator. Address for Service: Indepth Forensic Limited, Insolvency Practitioners, PO Box 278, Hamilton. Telephone: (07) 957 8674. Facsimile: (07) 957 8677. Contact for Enquiries: Colin Sanderson. ds9321 CESSATION OF BUSINESS IN NEW ZEALAND AUSTRALIAN FEATHER MILLS PTY LTD Public Notice of Intention to Cease Carrying on Business in New Zealand Pursuant to Section 341(1) of the Companies Act 1993 AUSTRALIAN FEATHER MILLS PTY LTD hereby gives notice that it intends to cease carrying on business in New Zealand after three months from the date this notice. Dated this 29th day of November 2010. Companies Act 1993, not earlier than three months from the date of publication of this notice. GOLDMAN SACHS & PARTNERS AUSTRALIA CAPITAL MARKETS LIMITED will continue to carry on business in Australia from its registered office at Level 17, 101 Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria 3000, Australia. cb9395 cb9255 COMBINED INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA (“the company”) GOLDMAN SACHS & PARTNERS AUSTRALIA CAPITAL MARKETS LIMITED Notice of Intention to Cease to Carry on Business in New Zealand Pursuant to section 341(1) of the Companies Act 1993, the company gives notice that, after the expiration of three months from the date of this notice, the company intends to cease to carry on business in New Zealand. Dated this 29th day of November 2010. Signed for COMBINED INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA by: CARLYLE NAGLE. Notice by Overseas Company of Intention to Cease to Carry on Business in New Zealand Pursuant to Section 341 of the Companies Act 1993 GOLDMAN SACHS & PARTNERS AUSTRALIA CAPITAL MARKETS LIMITED hereby gives notice, pursuant to section 341(1)(a) of the Companies Act 1993, that it intends to cease to carry on business in New Zealand and to apply to the Registrar of Companies for removal from the Overseas Register, pursuant to section 341(1)(b) of the cb9268 4186 NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 170 9 DECEMBER 2010 APPLICATIONS FOR WINDING UP / LIQUIDATIONS Advertisement of Application for Putting Company into Liquidation CIV-2010-418-145 This document notifies you that: 1. On 19 October 2010, an application for putting KARAMEA QUARRY & CONCRETE LIMITED into liquidation was filed in the High Court at Greymouth. The application is to be heard by the High Court at Greymouth on Wednesday 22 December 2010 at 10.00am. 2. A person, other than the defendant company, who wants to appear at the hearing of the application must file an appearance not later than the second working day before that day. 3. The plaintiff is Thomas Matthew Brydon Johnston, whose address for service is at the offices of Harmans Lawyers, Level 19, PricewaterhouseCoopers Centre, 119 Armagh Street, Christchurch. Postal Address: PO Box 13151, Christchurch 8141. Note: You may obtain further information from the registry of the Court or from the plaintiff or the plaintiff’s solicitor. Dated this 7th day of December 2010. G. K. RIACH, Solicitor for Plaintiff. aw9429 Advertisement of Application for Putting Company into Liquidation CIV-2010-404-7195 This document notifies you that: 1. On 9 November 2010, an application for putting SMG PROPERTIES LIMITED into liquidation by the High Court was filed in the High Court at Auckland. The application is to be heard by the High Court at Auckland on 28 January 2011 at 10.45am. 2. A person, other than the defendant company, who wants to appear at the hearing of the application must file an appearance not later than the second working day before that day. 3. The plaintiff is Precision Stone Limited, whose address for service is care of Saunders Robinson Brown, Solicitors, Level 4, 227 Cambridge Terrace, Christchurch. Note: You may obtain further information from the registry of the Court or from the plaintiff or the plaintiff’s solicitor. Dated this 6th day of December 2010. D. J. DOYLE, Solicitor for Plaintiff. aw9393 Advertisement of Application for Putting Company into Liquidation CIV-2010-404-7493 This document notifies you that: 1. On 15 November 2010, an application for putting HEAT PUMPS & VENTILATION LIMITED into liquidation was filed in the High Court at Auckland. The application is to be heard by the High Court at Auckland on Friday 28 January 2011 at 10.00am. 2. A person, other than the defendant company, who wants to appear at the hearing of the application must file an appearance not later than the second working day before that day. 3. The plaintiff is Alround Sheetmetals Limited, whose address for service is at DMG Solicitors, Level 3, 12 Kent Street, Newmarket, Auckland 1023. Note: You may obtain further information from the registry of the Court or from the plaintiff or the plaintiff’s solicitor. Dated this 6th day of December 2010. DENNIS M. GRAHAM, Solicitor for Plaintiff. aw9404 Advertisement of Application for Putting Company into Liquidation CIV-2010-425-553 Notice is hereby given that: 1. On Monday 1 November 2010, an application for putting TOTAL EARTH LIMITED into liquidation was filed in the High Court at Invercargill. The application is to be heard by the High Court at Invercargill on Wednesday 9 February 2011 at 10.00am. 2. A person, other than the defendant company, who wants to appear at the hearing of the application must file an appearance not later than the second working day before that day. 3. The plaintiff is the Otago Regional Council, whose address for service is at the offices of Ross Dowling Marquet Griffin, Solicitors, 2nd Floor, Savoy Building, 50 Princes Street, Dunedin. Note: You may obtain further information from the registry of the Court or from the plaintiff or the plaintiff’s solicitor. Dated this 1st day of December 2010. NATHAN MACKAY LAWS, Solicitor for Plaintiff. aw9312 Advertisement of Application for Putting Company into Liquidation CIV-2010-485-2184 This document notifies you that: 1. On 3 November 2010, an application for putting PPA LIMITED into liquidation was filed in the High Court at Wellington. The application is to be heard by the High Court at Wellington on Tuesday 25 January 2011 at 10.00am. 2. A person, other than the defendant company, who wants to appear at the hearing of the application must file an appearance not later than the second working day before that day. 3. The plaintiff is Gillespie Young Watson, whose address for service is at the offices of Guy & Toby Manktelow, Level 3, AA Building, 29 Waterloo Road (PO Box 31265), Lower Hutt. Note: You may obtain further information from the registry of the Court or from the plaintiff or the plaintiff’s solicitor. Dated this 30th day of November 2010. G. W. D. MANKTELOW, Solicitor for Plaintiff. aw9275 Advertisement of Application for Putting Company into Liquidation CIV-2010-488-666 This document notifies you that: 1. On 22 October 2010, an application for putting KIWI CABS NEW ZEALAND LIMITED (trading as Kiwi Carlton Cabs (Whangarei)) into liquidation was filed in the High Court at Whangarei. The application is to be heard by the High Court at Whangarei on 21 February 2011 at 10.00am. 9 DECEMBER 2010 NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 170 2. A person, other than the defendant company, who wants to appear at the hearing of the application must file an appearance not later than the second working day before that day. 3. The plaintiff is Cardlink Software Limited, whose address for service is at Credit Consultants Debt Services NZ Limited, Level 3, 3–9 Church Street (PO Box 213 or DX SX10069), Wellington. Telephone: (04) 470 5972. Note: You may obtain further information from the registry of the Court or from the plaintiff or the plaintiff’s solicitor. Dated this 1st day of December 2010. DIANNE S. LESTER, Solicitor for Plaintiff. aw9285 Advertisement of Application for Putting Company into Liquidation CIV-2010-488-698 This document notifies you that: 1. On 9 November 2010, an application for putting NORTHLAND HOMEBASED CHILDCARE SERVICES N.Z. LIMITED (formerly NORTHLAND HOMEBASED CHILDCARE SERVICES LIMITED) into liquidation was filed in the High Court at Whangarei. The application is to be heard by the High Court at Whangarei on 21 February 2011 at 10.00am. 2. A person, other than the defendant company, who wants to appear at the hearing of the application must file an appearance not later than the second working day before that day. 3. The plaintiff is Fuji Xerox New Zealand Limited, whose address for service is at Credit Consultants Debt Services NZ Limited, Level 3, 3–9 Church Street (PO Box 213 or DX SX10069), Wellington. Telephone: (04) 470 5972. Note: You may obtain further information from the registry of the Court or from the plaintiff or the plaintiff’s solicitor. Dated this 1st day of December 2010. DIANNE S. LESTER, Solicitor for Plaintiff. aw9284 Advertisement of Application for Putting Company into Liquidation CIV-2010-404-7453 This document notifies you that: 1. On 14 November 2010, an application for putting GULF PLUMBING LIMITED into liquidation was filed in the High Court at Auckland. The application is to be heard by the High Court at Auckland on 4 February 2011 at 10.00am. 2. A person, other than the defendant company, who wants to appear at the hearing of the application must file an appearance not later than the second working day before that day. 3. The plaintiff is Plumbing World Limited, whose address for service is at Credit Consultants Debt Services NZ Limited, Level 3, 3–9 Church Street (PO Box 213 or DX SX10069), Wellington. Telephone: (04) 470 5972. Note: You may obtain further information from the registry of the Court or from the plaintiff or the plaintiff’s solicitor. Dated this 3rd day of December 2010. DIANNE S. LESTER, Solicitor for Plaintiff. aw9349 4187 Advertisement of Application for Putting Company into Liquidation CIV-2010-404-7489 This document notifies you that: 1. On 8 November 2010, an application for putting PRO-INSTALLATIONS (CENTRAL) LIMITED (in receivership) into liquidation was filed in the High Court at Auckland. The application is to be heard by the High Court at Auckland on Friday 28 January 2011 at 10.45am. 2. A person, other than the defendant company, who wants to appear at the hearing of the application must file an appearance not later than the second working day before that day. 3. The plaintiff is the Commissioner of Inland Revenue, whose address for service is Inland Revenue Department, Legal and Technical Services, 17 Putney Way, Manukau 2104. Postal Address: PO Box 76198, Manukau City, Manukau 2241. Telephone: (09) 985 7163. Facsimile: (09) 985 9473. Note: You may obtain further information from the registry of the Court or from the plaintiff’s solicitor, Susan Lesley Law, contact details as noted above. Dated this 6th day of December 2010. SUSAN LESLEY LAW, Solicitor for Plaintiff. aw9360 Advertisement of Application for Putting Company into Liquidation CIV-2010-416-260 This document notifies you that: 1. On 11 October 2010, an application for putting MAXWELL CONTRACTORS LIMITED into liquidation was filed in the High Court at Gisborne. The application is to be heard by the High Court at Gisborne on Tuesday 15 February 2011 at 10.00am. 2. A person, other than the defendant company, who wants to appear at the hearing of the application must file an appearance not later than the second working day before that day. 3. The plaintiff is the Commissioner of Inland Revenue, whose address for service is Inland Revenue Department, Legal and Technical Services, 1 Bryce Street (PO Box 432), Hamilton. Telephone: (07) 959 0260. Facsimile: (07) 959 7614. Note: You may obtain further information from the registry of the Court or from the plaintiff by contacting C. D. Astrella on telephone (07) 959 0225 in the first instance or the plaintiff’s solicitor, A. Reimer-Reeder, contact details as noted above. Dated this 6th day of December 2010. A. REIMER-REEDER, Solicitor for Plaintiff. aw9386 Advertisement of Application for Putting Company into Liquidation CIV-2010-416-261 This document notifies you that: 1. On 26 October 2010, an application for putting RELIC HOLDINGS LIMITED into liquidation was filed in the High Court at Gisborne. The application is to be heard by the High Court at Gisborne on Tuesday 15 February 2011 at 10.00am. 4188 NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 170 2. A person, other than the defendant company, who wants to appear at the hearing of the application must file an appearance not later than the second working day before that day. 3. The plaintiff is the Commissioner of Inland Revenue, whose address for service is Inland Revenue Department, Legal and Technical Services, 1 Bryce Street (PO Box 432), Hamilton. Telephone: (07) 959 0260. Facsimile: (07) 959 7614. Note: You may obtain further information from the registry of the Court or from the plaintiff by contacting C. D. Astrella on telephone (07) 959 0225 in the first instance or the plaintiff’s solicitor, A. Reimer-Reeder, contact details as noted above. Dated this 6th day of December 2010. A. REIMER-REEDER, Solicitor for Plaintiff. aw9385 Advertisement of Application for Putting Company into Liquidation CIV-2010-416-262 This document notifies you that: 1. On 26 October 2010, an application for putting ROCKFORTE FINANCE LIMITED (in receivership) into liquidation was filed in the High Court at Gisborne. The application is to be heard by the High Court at Gisborne on Tuesday 15 February 2011 at 10.00am. 2. A person, other than the defendant company, who wants to appear at the hearing of the application must file an appearance not later than the second working day before that day. 3. The plaintiff is the Commissioner of Inland Revenue, whose address for service is Inland Revenue Department, Legal and Technical Services, 1 Bryce Street (PO Box 432), Hamilton. Telephone: (07) 959 0260. Facsimile: (07) 959 7614. Note: You may obtain further information from the registry of the Court or from the plaintiff by contacting C. D. Astrella on telephone (07) 959 0225 in the first instance or the plaintiff’s solicitor, A. Reimer-Reeder, contact details as noted above. Dated this 6th day of December 2010. A. REIMER-REEDER, Solicitor for Plaintiff. aw9391 Advertisement of Application for Putting Company into Liquidation CIV-2010-416-263 This document notifies you that: 1. On 26 October 2010, an application for putting GISBORNE AUTO COURT SERVICE CENTRE (2006) LIMITED into liquidation was filed in the High Court at Gisborne. The application is to be heard by the High Court at Gisborne on Tuesday 15 February 2011 at 10.00am. 2. A person, other than the defendant company, who wants to appear at the hearing of the application must file an appearance not later than the second working day before that day. 3. The plaintiff is the Commissioner of Inland Revenue, whose address for service is Inland Revenue Department, Legal and Technical Services, 1 Bryce Street (PO Box 432), Hamilton. Telephone: (07) 959 0260. Facsimile: (07) 959 7614. 9 DECEMBER 2010 Note: You may obtain further information from the registry of the Court or from the plaintiff by contacting C. D. Astrella on telephone (07) 959 0225 in the first instance or the plaintiff’s solicitor, A. Reimer-Reeder, contact details as noted above. Dated this 6th day of December 2010. A. REIMER-REEDER, Solicitor for Plaintiff. aw9382 Advertisement of Application for Putting Company into Liquidation CIV-2010-416-264 This document notifies you that: 1. On 26 October 2010, an application for putting AUTO COURT HOLDINGS LIMITED (formerly GISBORNE AUTO COURT (2006) LIMITED) into liquidation was filed in the High Court at Gisborne. The application is to be heard by the High Court at Gisborne on Tuesday 15 February 2011 at 10.00am. 2. A person, other than the defendant company, who wants to appear at the hearing of the application must file an appearance not later than the second working day before that day. 3. The plaintiff is the Commissioner of Inland Revenue, whose address for service is Inland Revenue Department, Legal and Technical Services, 1 Bryce Street (PO Box 432), Hamilton. Telephone: (07) 959 0260. Facsimile: (07) 959 7614. Note: You may obtain further information from the registry of the Court or from the plaintiff by contacting C. D. Astrella on telephone (07) 959 0225 in the first instance or the plaintiff’s solicitor, A. Reimer-Reeder, contact details as noted above. Dated this 6th day of December 2010. A. REIMER-REEDER, Solicitor for Plaintiff. aw9392 Advertisement of Application for Putting Company into Liquidation CIV-2010-416-265 This document notifies you that: 1. On 26 October 2010, an application for putting ASSET HIRE LIMITED into liquidation was filed in the High Court at Gisborne. The application is to be heard by the High Court at Gisborne on Tuesday 15 February 2011 at 10.00am. 2. A person, other than the defendant company, who wants to appear at the hearing of the application must file an appearance not later than the second working day before that day. 3. The plaintiff is the Commissioner of Inland Revenue, whose address for service is Inland Revenue Department, Legal and Technical Services, 1 Bryce Street (PO Box 432), Hamilton. Telephone: (07) 959 0260. Facsimile: (07) 959 7614. Note: You may obtain further information from the registry of the Court or from the plaintiff by contacting C. D. Astrella on telephone (07) 959 0225 in the first instance or the plaintiff’s solicitor, A. Reimer-Reeder, contact details as noted above. Dated this 6th day of December 2010. A. REIMER-REEDER, Solicitor for Plaintiff. aw9390 9 DECEMBER 2010 NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 170 Advertisement of Application for Putting Company into Liquidation CIV-2010-416-266 This document notifies you that: 1. On 26 October 2010, an application for putting TOLAGA BAY GARAGE (2007) LIMITED into liquidation was filed in the High Court at Gisborne. The application is to be heard by the High Court at Gisborne on Tuesday 15 February 2011 at 10.00am. 2. A person, other than the defendant company, who wants to appear at the hearing of the application must file an appearance not later than the second working day before that day. 3. The plaintiff is the Commissioner of Inland Revenue, whose address for service is Inland Revenue Department, Legal and Technical Services, 1 Bryce Street (PO Box 432), Hamilton. Telephone: (07) 959 0260. Facsimile: (07) 959 7614. Note: You may obtain further information from the registry of the Court or from the plaintiff by contacting C. D. Astrella on telephone (07) 959 0225 in the first instance or the plaintiff’s solicitor, A. Reimer-Reeder, contact details as noted above. Dated this 6th day of December 2010. A. REIMER-REEDER, Solicitor for Plaintiff. aw9384 Advertisement of Application for Putting Company into Liquidation CIV-2010-416-267 This document notifies you that: 1. On 26 October 2010, an application for putting GISBORNE MORTGAGE AND FINANCE LIMITED into liquidation was filed in the High Court at Gisborne. The application is to be heard by the High Court at Gisborne on Tuesday 15 February 2011 at 10.00am. 2. A person, other than the defendant company, who wants to appear at the hearing of the application must file an appearance not later than the second working day before that day. 3. The plaintiff is the Commissioner of Inland Revenue, whose address for service is Inland Revenue Department, Legal and Technical Services, 1 Bryce Street (PO Box 432), Hamilton. Telephone: (07) 959 0260. Facsimile: (07) 959 7614. Note: You may obtain further information from the registry of the Court or from the plaintiff by contacting C. D. Astrella on telephone (07) 959 0225 in the first instance or the plaintiff’s solicitor, A. Reimer-Reeder, contact details as noted above. Dated this 6th day of December 2010. A. REIMER-REEDER, Solicitor for Plaintiff. aw9389 Advertisement of Application for Putting Company into Liquidation CIV-2010-416-268 This document notifies you that: 1. On 26 October 2010, an application for putting PESETA HOLDINGS LIMITED into liquidation was filed in the High Court at Gisborne. The application is to be heard by the High Court at Gisborne on Tuesday 15 February 2011 at 10.00am. 4189 2. A person, other than the defendant company, who wants to appear at the hearing of the application must file an appearance not later than the second working day before that day. 3. The plaintiff is the Commissioner of Inland Revenue, whose address for service is Inland Revenue Department, Legal and Technical Services, 1 Bryce Street (PO Box 432), Hamilton. Telephone: (07) 959 0260. Facsimile: (07) 959 7614. Note: You may obtain further information from the registry of the Court or from the plaintiff by contacting C. D. Astrella on telephone (07) 959 0225 in the first instance or the plaintiff’s solicitor, A. Reimer-Reeder, contact details as noted above. Dated this 6th day of December 2010. A. REIMER-REEDER, Solicitor for Plaintiff. aw9387 Advertisement of Application for Putting Company into Liquidation CIV-2010-416-269 This document notifies you that: 1. On 26 October 2010, an application for putting FORIN INVESTMENTS LIMITED into liquidation was filed in the High Court at Gisborne. The application is to be heard by the High Court at Gisborne on Tuesday 15 February 2011 at 10.00am. 2. A person, other than the defendant company, who wants to appear at the hearing of the application must file an appearance not later than the second working day before that day. 3. The plaintiff is the Commissioner of Inland Revenue, whose address for service is Inland Revenue Department, Legal and Technical Services, 1 Bryce Street (PO Box 432), Hamilton. Telephone: (07) 959 0260. Facsimile: (07) 959 7614. Note: You may obtain further information from the registry of the Court or from the plaintiff by contacting C. D. Astrella on telephone (07) 959 0225 in the first instance or the plaintiff’s solicitor, A. Reimer-Reeder, contact details as noted above. Dated this 6th day of December 2010. A. REIMER-REEDER, Solicitor for Plaintiff. aw9388 Advertisement of Application for Putting Company into Liquidation CIV-2010-416-270 This document notifies you that: 1. On 26 October 2010, an application for putting REGO INVESTMENTS LIMITED into liquidation was filed in the High Court at Gisborne. The application is to be heard by the High Court at Gisborne on Tuesday 15 February 2011 at 10.00am. 2. A person, other than the defendant company, who wants to appear at the hearing of the application must file an appearance not later than the second working day before that day. 3. The plaintiff is the Commissioner of Inland Revenue, whose address for service is Inland Revenue Department, Legal and Technical Services, 1 Bryce Street (PO Box 432), Hamilton. Telephone: (07) 959 0260. Facsimile: (07) 959 7614. Note: You may obtain further information from the registry of the Court or from the plaintiff by contacting C. D. Astrella on telephone (07) 959 0225 in the first 4190 NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 170 instance or the plaintiff’s solicitor, A. Reimer-Reeder, contact details as noted above. Dated this 6th day of December 2010. A. REIMER-REEDER, Solicitor for Plaintiff. aw9383 Advertisement of Application for Putting Company into Liquidation CIV-2010-406-236 This document notifies you that: 1. On 14 October 2010, an application for putting GATEWAY TAXIS PICTON LIMITED into liquidation was filed in the High Court at Blenheim. The application is to be heard by the High Court at Blenheim on Wednesday 9 February 2011 at 10.00am. 9 DECEMBER 2010 2. A person, other than the defendant company, who wants to appear at the hearing of the application must file an appearance not later than the second working day before that day. 3. The plaintiff is the Commissioner of Inland Revenue, whose address for service is Inland Revenue Department, Legal and Technical Services, 1st Floor Reception, 224 Cashel Street (PO Box 1782), Christchurch 8140. Telephone: (03) 968 0809. Facsimile: (03) 977 9853. Note: You may obtain further information from the registry of the Court or from the plaintiff’s solicitor, Julia Beech, contact details as noted above. Dated this 30th day of November 2010. JULIA BEECH, Solicitor for Plaintiff. aw9266 Land Transfer Act / Joint Family Homes Act Notices Land Transfer Act Notice I hereby give notice of an application lodged with me for the issue of Computer Freehold Registers to the below-named applicants, pursuant to section 3 of the Land Transfer Amendment Act 1963, for the land described below. Such Computer Freehold Registers may be issued and existing estates and interests determined unless caveat forbidding that is lodged with me on or before 9 February 2011. Application: 8601523.1. Applicants: Laurence Barry Naylor and Elaine Isobel Broderick, c/o Downie Stewart Solicitors, PO Box 1345, Dunedin 9054. Description of the Land: An estate in fee simple in 2942 square metres, more or less, being Lots 1–3 DP 436974, being all of the land contained in Computer Freehold Registers OT214/90 and OT214/92 and part of the land contained in Computer Freehold Register OT214/93, Otago Land District. Circumstances: The registered proprietors of the above-mentioned land are Elizabeth Jane Heavey (Computer Freehold Registers OT214/90 and OT214/92) and William White (Computer Freehold Register OT214/93) and the land is situated at the corner of Chatham Street and Greenwich Street, and Nore Street, Waihola. Dated at the Christchurch Office of Land Information New Zealand this 2nd day of December 2010. H. E. FRISBY, for Registrar-General of Land. lt9320 General Notices Notice of Entry into Possession of Mortgaged Goods Notice of Entry into Possession of Mortgaged Goods Gough Finance Limited (“the mortgagee”) gives notice, pursuant to section 156 of the Property Law Act 2007, that on 24 November 2010, it entered into possession of property subject to a security agreement dated as below. The secured property is described as: In the matter of section 156 of the Property Law Act 2007, and in the matter of the mortgage over goods (the equipment finance loan agreement dated the 29th day of September 2006) (“the mortgage”) over the following mortgaged goods (“the collateral”): 2003 Mitsubishi Canter FE122F4 Curtainsider Truck, Registration No. MAGOOZ, VIN JLAFE649F0KN40135: Notice is hereby given that on 30 November 2010, Westpac New Zealand Limited (“the mortgagee”) entered into possession of the collateral following the failure of the mortgagor, Magoo Freight Limited, to comply with the terms of the mortgage. The registered office of the mortgagee is Level 15, PricewaterhouseCoopers Tower, 188 Quay Street, Auckland. Communications regarding the collateral may be addressed to Anthony Harper Lawyers, Level 9, HSBC Tower, Caterpillar 3406C Engine, S/N 04TB09783 (22 January 2008). The address of the mortgagee for communication relating to these goods is 24–26 Amyes Road, Hornby, Christchurch 8042. Postal Address: PO Box 16168, Hornby, Christchurch 8441. Dated at Christchurch this 2nd day of December 2010. Signed by: STEPHEN ANTON FRAYLE, on Behalf of the Mortgagee. gn9334 9 DECEMBER 2010 NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 170 62 Worcester Boulevard, Christchurch, or PO Box 2646, Christchurch 8140. C. R. VINNELL, Solicitor for the Mortgagee. gn9270 Notice of Entry into Possession of Mortgaged Land In the matter of section 156 of the Property Law Act 2007, and in the matter of mortgage 6129546.2 (North Auckland Land Registry), Identifier NA65A/559 (“the mortgage”): TEA Custodians (Pacific) Limited (“the mortgagee” under the mortgage) hereby gives notice that it has entered into possession of the mortgaged land described below with effect from 29 November 2010. The description of the mortgaged land is an estate in fee simple comprising 615 square metres, being legal description Lot 1 DP 114386 and the property known as 77 Tautari Street, Orakei. The address to which communications relating to the mortgaged land may be addressed is TEA Custodians (Pacific) Limited, c/o Gibson Sheat Lawyers, Private Bag 31905, Lower Hutt 5040. Facsimile: (04) 569 4874. Enquiries to: Rose Syms. Email: [email protected] Signed and dated at Lower Hutt this 3rd day of December 2010. GIBSON SHEAT, on Behalf of TEA Custodians (Pacific) Limited. Note: This notice is given by the solicitors for the mortgagee at the offices of Gibson Sheat Lawyers, Level 3, 1 Margaret Street, Lower Hutt. Documents may be: (a) posted to the solicitor at Gibson Sheat Lawyers, Private Bag 31905, Lower Hutt 5040; or (b) left for the solicitor at the document exchange for direction to Gibson Sheat Lawyers, DX RP42008; or (c) transmitted to the solicitor by facsimile to Gibson Sheat Lawyers. Facsimile: (04) 569 1571. gn9359 Notice of Entry into Possession of Mortgaged Land In the matter of section 156 of the Property Law Act 2007, and in the matter of mortgage 6655218.1 (Wellington Land Registry), Identifier WNE4/1121 (“the mortgage”): TEA Custodians (Pacific) Limited (“the mortgagee” under the mortgage) hereby gives notice that it has entered into possession of the mortgaged land described below with effect from 29 November 2010. The description of the mortgaged land is a property having legal description Lot 6 DP 27704, being the property known as 3 Cook Street, Levin. 4191 The address to which communications relating to the mortgaged land may be addressed is TEA Custodians (Pacific) Limited, c/o Gibson Sheat Lawyers, Private Bag 31905, Lower Hutt 5040. Facsimile: (04) 569 4874. Enquiries to: Rose Syms. Email: [email protected] Signed and dated at Lower Hutt this 3rd day of December 2010. GIBSON SHEAT, on Behalf of TEA Custodians (Pacific) Limited. Note: This notice is given by the solicitors for the mortgagee at the offices of Gibson Sheat Lawyers, Level 3, 1 Margaret Street, Lower Hutt. Documents may be: (a) posted to the solicitor at Gibson Sheat Lawyers, Private Bag 31905, Lower Hutt 5040; or (b) left for the solicitor at the document exchange for direction to Gibson Sheat Lawyers, DX RP42008; or (c) transmitted to the solicitor by facsimile to Gibson Sheat Lawyers. Facsimile: (04) 569 1571. gn9355 Notice of Entry into Possession of Mortgaged Land In the matter of section 156 of the Property Law Act 2007, and in the matter of mortgage 7350136.2 (Canterbury Land Registry), Identifier CB12A/602 (“the mortgage”): GE Custodians (“the mortgagee” under the mortgage) hereby gives notice that it has entered into possession of the mortgaged land described below with effect from 2 December 2010. The description of the mortgaged land is 3/36 Edward Avenue, Edgeware, Christchurch, being all of the land comprised and described in certificate of title CB12A/602. The address to which communications relating to the mortgaged land may be addressed is GE Custodians, c/o Gibson Sheat Lawyers, Level 3, 1 Margaret Street, Lower Hutt 5040. Facsimile: (04) 569 0301. Enquiries to: Paula Campbell. Email: [email protected] Signed and dated at Lower Hutt this 2nd day of December 2010. GIBSON SHEAT, on Behalf of GE Custodians. Note: This notice is given by the solicitors for the mortgagee at the offices of Gibson Sheat Lawyers, Level 3, 1 Margaret Street, Lower Hutt. Documents may be: (a) posted to the solicitor at Gibson Sheat Lawyers, Private Bag 31905, Lower Hutt 5040; or (b) left for the solicitor at the document exchange for direction to Gibson Sheat Lawyers, DX RP42008; or (c) transmitted to the solicitor by facsimile to Gibson Sheat Lawyers. Facsimile: (04) 569 1571. gn9337 Vice Regal Cabinet Office Retention of the Title ‘The Honourable’ His Excellency the Governor-General of New Zealand, acting under delegated authority from Her Majesty The Queen, has approved the retention of the title “The Honourable” by Dr Richard Westwood Worth, OBE on his retirement as a Member of the Executive Council. Dated at Wellington this 26th day of October 2010. vr8447 4192 NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 170 Retention of the Title ‘The Honourable’ His Excellency the Governor-General of New Zealand, acting under delegated authority from Her Majesty The Queen, has approved the retention of the title “The Honourable” by: Sir John Hugh Williams, KNZM in recognition of his service as a Judge of the High Court of New Zealand. Dated at Wellington this 1st day of November 2010. vr9058 Member of Executive Council Appointed Her Excellency the Administrator of the Government has been pleased to appoint The Honourable Patricia Hekia Parata to be a member of the Executive Council of New Zealand. 9 DECEMBER 2010 Dated at Wellington this 8th day of December 2010. By Command: REBECCA KITTERIDGE, Clerk of the Executive Council. vr9464 Appointment of Minister Her Excellency the Administrator of the Government has been pleased to appoint The Honourable Patricia Hekia Parata to the Offices of Minister for Ethnic Affairs and Minister of Women’s Affairs. Dated at Wellington this 8th day of December 2010. By Command: REBECCA KITTERIDGE, Clerk of the Executive Council. vr9463 Departmental Notices Agriculture and Forestry It is also effective against lungworm, tapeworms, adult liver fluke, nasal bot and itch mite. Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines Act 1997 Notice of Application to Register a Trade Name Product (Notice No. 241) Maree Zinzley, Senior Manager (Approvals Operations) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) (New Zealand Food Safety), acting under delegated authority from the Director-General of MAF, gives notice, under section 14(1) of the Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines Act 1997 (“the Act”), that the following application has been made to register a trade name product under section 9(1) of the Act: Trade Name: Troika Drench for Sheep Mineralised Combination Reference: A010598 Active Ingredients and Concentrations: Any person may make a written submission to the director-general concerning this application. Under sections 16 and 17 of the Act, a written submission: (a) must state in full the reasons for making the submission; and (b) may state any decision sought on that application; and (c) must be received by the director-general no later than 30 working days after the date of notification in the New Zealand Gazette. Under section 18 of the Act, a copy of every submission will be forwarded to the applicant for the applicant’s information. The following address is: (a) where submissions on this application are to be sent; and (b) where requests for copies of the public information relating to the application can be sent; and Levamisole hydrochloride 40.0g/L (c) where public information relating to the application can be viewed; and Albendazole 25.0g/L (d) the director-general’s address for service: Abamectin 1.0g/L ACVM Group, New Zealand Food Safety (Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry), Level 5, South Tower, 68–86 Jervois Quay, Wellington 6011. Postal Address: PO Box 2835, Wellington 6140. Iodine 1.0mg/mL Cobalt 0.2mg/mL Copper 2.1mg/mL Zinc 0.6mg/mL Selenium 0.5mg/mL Formulation Type: Aqueous suspension General Use Claims: For the treatment and control in sheep of susceptible gastrointestinal roundworms (including strains with single or dual resistance to macrocyclic lactones, benzimidazoles, levamisole or closantel, and strains of Haemonchus contortus with emerging resistance to closantel). The applicant’s address for service is: Jurox New Zealand Limited, 8 Kordel Place, East Tamaki, Auckland 1111. Postal Address: Jurox Pty Limited, 85 Gardiner Road, Rutherford, New South Wales 2320, Australia. Dated at Wellington this 1st day of December 2010. MAREE ZINZLEY, Senior Manager (Approvals Operations) (acting under delegated authority), Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (New Zealand Food Safety). go9301 9 DECEMBER 2010 NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 170 Building and Housing Chartered Professional Engineers of New Zealand Act 2002 Appointment/reappointment to the Chartered Professional Engineers Council Pursuant to section 49 of the Chartered Professional Engineers of New Zealand Act 2002, His Excellency the Governor-General of New Zealand has been pleased to appoint Dr Arthur Joseph O’Leary and reappoint Andrew Hazelton as members of the Chartered Professional Engineers Council for terms of three years commencing on 30 October 2010. Dated at Wellington this 16th day of October 2010. HON MAURICE WILLIAMSON, Minister for Building and Construction. go9306 Electricity Act 1992 Appointment/reappointment to the Electrical Workers Registration Board Pursuant to section 150 of the Electricity Act 1992, I am pleased to appoint Shane Christopher Dolan as a member of the Electrical Workers Registration Board for a two-year term commencing on 25 October 2010; and reappoint Penelope Jane Mudford as a member of the Electrical Workers Registration Board for a three-year term commencing on 25 October 2010. Dated at Wellington this 15th day of October 2010. HON MAURICE WILLIAMSON, Minister for Building and Construction. go9307 Engineering Associates Act 1961 4193 and appoints Grant Benvenuti Garrett Glynn as members of the Engineering Associates Registration Board for two-year terms commencing on 25 October 2010. Dated this 15th day of October 2010. HON MAURICE WILLIAMSON, Minister for Building and Construction. go9308 Registered Architects Act 2005 Reappointment to the New Zealand Registered Architects Board Pursuant to section 52 of the Registered Architects Act 2005, His Excellency the Governor-General of New Zealand has been pleased to reappoint Marshall Thomas Cook as a member of the New Zealand Registered Architects Board for a term of three years commencing on 19 December 2010. Dated at Wellington this 16th day of October 2010. HON MAURICE WILLIAMSON, Minister for Building and Construction. go9309 Christchurch City Council Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002 Declaration of State of Local Emergency Pursuant to section 68 of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002, I, Robert John Parker, declare that a state of local emergency exists in Christchurch City owing to earthquake. This state of local emergency came into force at 9.33am on Saturday 4 September 2010. This state of local emergency expires at 12.00 midday on Monday 6 September 2010. Declared By: Robert John Parker. Designation: Mayor, Christchurch City Council. Time and Date of Declaration: 9.33am on 4 September 2010. Reappointments/appointments to the Engineering Associates Registration Board go9323 Pursuant to section 3 of the Engineering Associates Act 1961, the Minister for Building and Construction hereby reappoints Dr Robin Dunlop as chair of the Engineering Associates Registration Board for a two-year term commencing on 25 October 2010; and reappoints Faye Barbara Lillian Johnstone Wendy Louise Steadman Graeme Denis Wells Anthony David Blackler Malcolm Bruce Wheeler Raymond William Grant Declaration of State of Local Emergency Pursuant to section 68 of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002, I, Robert John Parker, declare that a state of local emergency exists in Christchurch City owing to earthquake. This state of local emergency comes into force at 12.00 midday on Monday 6 September 2010. This state of local emergency expires at 12.00 midday on Wednesday 8 September 2010. Declared By: Robert John Parker. Designation: Mayor, Christchurch City Council. Time and Date of Declaration: 6.30am on 6 September 2010. go9324 4194 NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 170 Declaration Extending State of Local Emergency Pursuant to section 71 of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002, I, Robert John Parker, extend the state of local emergency declared in respect of Christchurch City owing to earthquake from 12.00 midday on Wednesday 8 September 2010 until 12.00 midday on Wednesday 15 September 2010. Declared By: Robert John Parker. Designation: Mayor, Christchurch City Council. Time and Date of Declaration: 8.00am on 8 September 2010. go9325 9 DECEMBER 2010 SmartGate is an alternative and voluntary mechanism to primary line processing by a Customs officer. Eligible persons are over 18 years of age with a New Zealand or Australian e-Passport. Under the designated border processing law outlined in section 274A(7) of the Customs and Excise Act 1996, SmartGate uses the electronic information in the e-Passport and facial recognition technology to perform the customs and immigration checks that are usually conducted by a Customs officer. Dated this 1st day of December 2010. MARTYN JOHN DUNNE, Comptroller of Customs. go9328 Declaration Extending State of Local Emergency Pursuant to section 71 of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002, I, Robert John Parker, extend the state of local emergency declared in respect of Christchurch City owing to earthquake from 12.00 midday on Wednesday 15 September 2010 until 12.00 midday on Thursday 16 September 2010. Declared By: Robert John Parker. Designation: Mayor, Christchurch City Council. Time and Date of Declaration: 10.00pm on 14 September 2010. go9326 Conservation Reserves Act 1977 Appointment to the Wanganui Racecourse Reserve Pursuant to the Reserves Act 1977, and to a delegation from the Minister of Conservation, the Conservation Support Manager of the Whanganui Conservancy of the Department of Conservation hereby appoints Michael Christopher Hos to be a member of the board of trustees constituted under the Wanganui and Rangitikei Racecourses Act 1862, Province of Wellington, Session IX, No. 9, in place of H. G. Higgie. Dated at Wanganui this 25th day of November 2010. NICOLA ETHERIDGE, Conservation Support Manager. (DOC SBM 17) go9092 Customs Customs and Excise Act 1996 Arrangement for Use of an Automated Electronic System Pursuant to section 274B(1) of the Customs and Excise Act 1996, I, Martyn John Dunne, hereby publish details of the automated electronic system known as SmartGate. SmartGate is a border processing mechanism (comprising of a kiosk and gate sited at international airports) for eligible persons. Education Education Act 1989 Alternative Constitution for the Board of Trustees of Opononi Area School (11) Pursuant to section 105A of the Education Act 1989, I hereby approve the following constitution for the Board of Trustees of Opononi Area School: The principal; up to four persons appointed by the Minister of Education; two parent representatives; and one staff representative. The appointment of a trustee may be for a term not exceeding three years. Sections 96, 97, 101, 104 and 105 of the Education Act 1989 will apply in respect of the board. For the first elections of parent representatives and a staff representative, a returning officer will be appointed by the commissioner. All trustees will take office when the current commissioner’s appointment ends. This notice takes effect the day after the date of its publication. Dated at Wellington this 24th day of November 2010. HON ANNE TOLLEY, Minister of Education. go9289 Lake Taupo Christian School (1139) Board of Trustees By-Election Invalidation Notice Pursuant to clauses 9(3) and 9(3A) of the Sixth Schedule to the Education Act 1989, and acting with authority delegated by the Minister of Education, I declare invalid the by-election for the Lake Taupo Christian School Board of Trustees and require a new election to be held on 25 March 2011. This notice takes effect the day after its notification in the New Zealand Gazette. Dated at Wellington this 6th day of December 2010. JEREMY WOOD, Group Manager, Education, Curriculum and Performance. go9422 9 DECEMBER 2010 NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 170 Education (Early Childhood Centres) Regulations 1998 Environment Cancellation of Licence for an Early Childhood Centre Waste Minimisation Act 2008 Pursuant to Regulation 12(1)(d)(iii) of the Education (Early Childhood Centres) Regulations 1998, and acting under authority delegated by the Secretary for Education, I hereby cancel the licence dated 1 September 2005, which was granted under those Regulations to Tracy Hayes in respect of Nga Whare Maha Te Kohanga Reo (20323) (K02B020), situated at 103 College Road, Northcote, Auckland. This notice shall take effect the day after the date of its notification in the New Zealand Gazette. JILLY TYLER, Acting Senior Manager, Implementation Planning, Early Childhood Education. go9267 Private Schools Conditional Integration Act 1975 Supplementary Integration Agreement Pursuant to section 10 of the Private Schools Conditional Integration Act 1975, notice is given that a supplementary integration agreement has been signed between the Minister of Education on behalf of Her Majesty The Queen, acting through the Group Manager, Education, Curriculum and Performance, Ministry of Education, pursuant to delegated authority, and the proprietor of the following school: KingsWay School, Orewa (432). The said supplementary integration agreement was executed on 12 November 2010. A copy of the supplementary integration agreement is available for inspection without charge by any member of the public via the following email address: [email protected] Dated at Wellington this 12th day of November 2010. JEREMY WOOD, Group Manager, Education, Curriculum and Performance. go9362 Integration Agreement Pursuant to section 10 of the Private Schools Conditional Integration Act 1975, notice is given that an integration agreement has been signed between the Minister of Education on behalf of Her Majesty The Queen, acting through the Group Manager, Education, Curriculum and Performance, Ministry of Education, pursuant to delegated authority, and the proprietor of the following school: Zayed College for Girls, Mangere, Auckland. The said integration agreement was executed on 30 November 2010. A copy of the integration agreement is available for inspection without charge by any member of the public by emailing the national office of the Ministry of Education at [email protected] Dated at Wellington this 30th day of November 2010. JEREMY WOOD, Group Manager, Education, Curriculum and Performance, Ministry of Education. go9295 4195 Call for Waste Advisory Board Nominations Pursuant to section 93 of the Waste Minimisation Act 2008 (“the Act”), the Minister for the Environment is seeking nominations for potential Waste Advisory Board members. Up to two of the eight seats may be filled as two of the board members’ terms are due to end in February 2011. The function of the board is to provide advice, upon request, to the Minister for the Environment, including advice on: products to be declared a “priority product” under the Act (for which an accredited product stewardship scheme will be required); guidelines about the contents and expected effects of product stewardship schemes for priority products; accrediting a product stewardship scheme not consistent with published guidelines; regulations prohibiting the sale of a priority product except in accordance with an accredited scheme; regulations in relation to products, materials and waste; criteria for approving funding of a project from waste disposal levy funds; reviewing the effectiveness of the waste disposal levy; regulations in relation to the imposition or rate of the waste disposal levy; and regulations in relation to records, information, and reports. In appointing board members, the Minister must consider the need for the board to have available from its members, knowledge, skill and experience relating to: the Waste Minimisation Act 2008; matters that are likely to come before the board; community projects for waste minimisation; industry, including the commercial waste industry; local government; and tikanga Mori. It is also desired that board members have knowledge and experience in one or more of: product stewardship; product life-cycle analysis; scientific or technical expertise in the environmental harm of waste from end-of-life products; major waste streams in New Zealand; international best practice in waste minimisation; and organisational governance, strategic planning, senior leadership, or board membership. The term of the appointment is three years, or any shorter term stated in the notice of appointment. Board members are entitled to fees as set by the Minister and reimbursement for actual and reasonable expenses. Please forward nominations to the address below, and include the following information: An outline of the reasons for the nomination; a summary of the relevant knowledge, skills and experience of the nominee; advice on whether the nominee has agreed to their nomination; the nominee’s CV and contact details; and contact details for three referees. 4196 NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 170 CVs should include all information as is found on the Cabinet Appointments and Honours Committee CV template available for download at All nominations will be forwarded to the Minister for the Environment for consideration. Nominations close at 5.00pm on 16 January 2011. For further information, refer to the Ministry for the Environment website at or contact the Business and Communities Team at the Ministry for the Environment on telephone (04) 439 7400 or email [email protected] Nominations can be emailed to [email protected] or posted to Waste Advisory Board nominations, Ministry for the Environment, PO Box 10362, Wellington 6143. go9415 Fisheries Fisheries (Satellite Vessel Monitoring) Regulations 1993 Notification of the Issue of Fisheries Satellite Vessel Monitoring Circular on 7 December 2010 (No. F570) A circular titled “Minimum Standards for Automatic Location Communicators” was issued on 7 December 2010 under Regulation 4(1) of the Fisheries (Satellite Vessel Monitoring) Regulations 1993. The circular specifies the minimum standards and requirements applying in respect of automatic location communicators. A list of the general requirements found in the standard is provided below while a full description of these requirements can be found in the circular itself: Position Reporting Internal Storage – Position Logs Power On/Off Messages Two-way Messaging Fit for Purpose Security Coverage A copy of the circular may be obtained from FishServe (Commercial Fisheries Services Limited) at Level 4, Feltex House, 156 Victoria Street, Wellington, or online from the FishServe website or from the Ministry of Fisheries’ Fisheries Communication Centre (FCC) at 40 Bouverie Street (PO Box 38090), Petone, or under the FCC heading of the Ministry’s website FAY HOLDOM, National Manager Field Operations Strategy. go9430 9 DECEMBER 2010 Health Human Assisted Reproductive Technology Act 2004 Guidelines Issued to the Ethics Committee on Assisted Reproductive Technology Pursuant to sections 35 and 36 of the Human Assisted Reproductive Technology Act 2004 (“the HART Act”), the Advisory Committee on Assisted Reproductive Technology (ACART) has issued Guidelines on the Creation and Use, For Reproductive Purposes, of an Embryo created from Donated Eggs in conjunction with Donated Sperm to the Ethics Committee on Assisted Reproductive Technology (ECART), to come into effect from 13 December 2010. In addition, ACART has updated the preamble of the Guidelines on Donation of Eggs or Sperm between Certain Family Members, issued to ECART on 22 November 2007 and published in the New Zealand Gazette, 29 November 2007, No. 130, page 3375; New Zealand Gazette, 13 November 2008, No. 175, page 4522; and New Zealand Gazette, 13 August 2009, No. 119, page 2725. The updated preamble no longer refers to the use of donated eggs in conjunction with donated sperm. Pursuant to section 36(2) of the HART Act, the new and updated guidelines are available online at Copies are also available from the ACART Secretariat at PO Box 5013, Wellington 6145. Telephone: (04) 816 3931. Email: [email protected] Dated at Palmerston North this 9th day of December 2010. SYLVIA RUMBALL, Chair, Advisory Committee on Assisted Reproductive Technology. go9428 Selwyn District Council Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002 Declaration of State of Local Emergency Pursuant to section 68 of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002, I, Kelvin John Coe, declare that a state of local emergency exists in Selwyn District owing to earthquake. This state of local emergency came into force on Saturday 4 September 2010 at 10.00am with this state of local emergency to be reviewed daily at 10.00am. Declared By: Kelvin John Coe. Designation: Mayor, Selwyn District Council. Time and Date of Declaration: 10.00am on Saturday 4 September 2010. go9296 Declaration Extending State of Local Emergency Pursuant to section 71 of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002, I, Kelvin John Coe, extend the state of local emergency declared on Saturday 4 September 2010, for Selwyn District, owing to earthquake, expires with 9 DECEMBER 2010 NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 170 the commencement of the 7th day after the date on which this declaration is made. Declared By: Kelvin John Coe. Designation: Mayor, Selwyn District Council. Time and Date of Declaration: 10.00am on Thursday 9 September 2010. go9297 Declaration Extending State of Local Emergency Pursuant to section 71 of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002, I, Kelvin John Coe, extend the state of local emergency declared on Saturday 4 September 2010, for Selwyn District, owing to earthquake, to expire on Thursday 16 September 2010 at 12.00 midday. Declared By: Kelvin John Coe. Designation: Mayor, Selwyn District Council. Time and Date of Declaration: 10.00am on Tuesday 14 September 2010. 4197 Public Finance Act 1989 Notice of Publication of Financial Statements of the Government of New Zealand Pursuant to section 31B of the Public Finance Act 1989, the Minister of Finance gives notice of the publication of the financial statements of the Government of New Zealand for: the four months ended 31 October 2010, on 6 December 2010. Copies of these financial statements are available: for inspection free of charge at the National Library of New Zealand, Auckland City Library, Wellington Public Library and Canterbury Public Library; for purchase at branches of Bennetts bookshops; and through the internet at go9298 Dated at Wellington this 6th day of December 2010. The Treasury HON SIMON WILLIAM ENGLISH, Minister of Finance. go9335 Crown Entities Act 2004 Transport Notice of Approval Given Pursuant to Section 160(3) of the Crown Entities Act 2004 Pursuant to section 160(3) of the Crown Entities Act 2004, I, Jane Katharine Meares, Treasury Solicitor, hereby give notice that on 17 November 2010, The Honourable Simon William English, Minister of Finance, and The Honourable Steven Leonard Joyce, Minister of Transport, gave approval (subject to Cabinet agreement to establish a new appropriation) under section 160(1)(b) of the Crown Entities Act 2004, in relation to section 162 of that Act, for the New Zealand Transport Agency to borrow up to $250 million for the purpose of managing cash flow variations between hypothecated revenue inflows and expenditure outflows of the National Land Transport Fund. Dated at Wellington this 3rd day of December 2010. JANE KATHARINE MEARES, Treasury Solicitor. go9427 Maritime Transport Act 1994 Reappointment of the Maritime Appeal Authority Pursuant to section 82 of the Maritime Transport Act 1994, the Minister of Transport is pleased to reappoint Garry Leslie Evans as the Maritime Appeal Authority for a term of three years commencing on 1 January 2011 and expiring on 31 December 2013. Dated at Wellington this 23rd day of November 2010. HON STEVEN JOYCE, Minister of Transport. go9425 Authorities and Other Agencies of State Notices Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand Civil Aviation Act 1990 Civil Aviation Rule Part 95—Instrument Flight Procedures – Registration Pursuant to Civil Aviation Rule Part 95.55, the following amendment was designated with effect from 13 January 2011— The following ATS terminal route is amended: Wellington (Non-RNAV) SID Civil Aviation Rule Part 95—Instrument Flight Procedures – Registration Pursuant to Civil Aviation Rule Part 95.55, the following amendments were designated with effect from 10 February 2011— The following ATS route is amended: H491 The following ATS terminal route is amended: Takaka RNAV (GNSS) RWY18 The following IFR significant route is established: PIKAV 4198 NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 170 Copies of these amendments are available for viewing at (NZ Air Navigation Register) and at Aviation House, 10 Hutt Road, Lower Hutt, or on application to the Aeronautical Service Unit, CAA, PO Box 31441, Lower Hutt 5040. Dated at Petone this 6th day of December 2010. MICHAEL JOHN HAINES, Manager Aeronautical Services, Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand. 9 DECEMBER 2010 Environmental Risk Management Authority of New Zealand Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996 au9419 Notice of Approval of Code of Practice Pursuant to section 4I of the Electoral Act 1993, the Electoral Commission hereby appoints Mark Gregory Lawson, electoral official to be deputy member for the Chief Electoral Officer of the Electoral Commission for the period 25 November 2010 to 25 August 2015. Resolved by the Electoral Commission on the 25th day of November 2010. HON SIR HUGH WILLIAMS QC, Chair, and ROBERT PEDEN, Chief Electoral Officer. Pursuant to section 79(5) of the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996 (“HSNO Act”), the Environmental Risk Management Authority of New Zealand advises that it approved on 15 October 2010, the Code of Practice Non Refillable cylinders BS EN 12205: 2001. This code has been developed by Galpro Stylex Limited and provides an approved design standard for the manufacture or import of non-refillable containers under Regulation 25(a)(ii) of the Hazardous Substances (Compressed Gases) Regulations 2004. Pursuant to section 80(1) of the HSNO Act, this code may be inspected on request at the Wellington office of the Environmental Risk Management Authority of New Zealand, Level 1, BP House, 20 Customhouse Quay, Wellington. Pursuant to section 80(1)(b) of the HSNO Act, the code can be purchased from Galpro Stylex Limited, PO Box 58557, Botany, Manukau, Auckland 2163, or by email [email protected] or downloaded from the website ROB FORLONG, Chief Executive, ERMA New Zealand. au9473 au9318 Electoral Commission Electoral Act 1993 Appointment of Deputy Chief Electoral Officer of the Electoral Commission Land Notices Conservation Act 1987 Authorisation of the Exchange of Stewardship Area for Other Land Declaring Land to be Held for Conservation Purposes Under the Conservation Act 1987, the Conservator, West Coast Conservancy of the Department of Conservation, authorises the exchange of the stewardship area described in the First Schedule for the land described in the Second Schedule. Under section 7(1A) of the Conservation Act 1987, the Community Relations Manager, West Coast Conservancy of the Department of Conservation, hereby declares that the land described in the Schedule below is held for conservation purposes and it shall thereafter be so held. Westland Land District—Grey District First Schedule Area m2 8093 Schedule Description Rural Section 3738. Second Schedule Area m2 8093 Westland Land District—Grey District Description Rural Section 3738. Area ha 10.8340 Dated at Hokitika this 6th day of December 2010. CHRIS HICKFORD. Description Part Rural Section 2032 being Part Computer Freehold Register WS3B/1213 (new Lot 1 DP 437839). Dated at Hokitika this 6th day of December 2010. MIKE SLATER. (DOC PAL-06-11-36) ln9410 (DOC HK PAL-06-11-36) ln9426 9 DECEMBER 2010 NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 170 Public Works Act 1981 Land Taken for Road and for the Functioning Indirectly of a Road (State Highway 3 Tauranga Eastern Link Motorway)—Western Bay of Plenty District and Tauranga City ANAND SATYANAND, Governor-General A Proclamation Pursuant to the Public Works Act 1981, I, The Right Honourable Sir Anand Satyanand, Governor-General of New Zealand, hereby declare: (a) The land described in the First Schedule to be taken for road; (b) The land described in the Second Schedule to be taken for the functioning indirectly of a road (segregation strip) and to vest in the Crown on the 14th day after the date of the publication of this Proclamation in the New Zealand Gazette. South Auckland Land Registry—Western Bay of Plenty District and Tauranga City First Schedule Area Description ha 7.5271 Part Lot 5 DP 331121 (part Computer Freehold Register 128043); shown as Section 1 on SO 428937. Second Schedule Area Description ha 0.0170 Part Lot 5 DP 331121 (part Computer Freehold Register 128043); shown as Section 2 on SO 428937. 0.0166 Part Lot 5 DP 331121 (part Computer Freehold Register 128043); shown as Section 3 on SO 428937. Given under the hand of His Excellency the GovernorGeneral of New Zealand and issued under the Seal of New Zealand this 23rd day of November 2010. [L.S.] HON MAURICE WILLIAMSON, Minister for Land Information. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! (LINZ CPC/2006/11674) ln9281 Land Acquired for Road—389–488 Dominion Road, Balmoral, Auckland Council Pursuant to section 20 of the Public Works Act 1981, and to a delegation from the Minister for Land Information, Stephen Robert Gilbert, Land Information New Zealand, declares that, an agreement to that effect having been entered into, the land described in the Schedule to this notice is hereby acquired for road and shall vest in the Auckland Council on the date of publication hereof in the New Zealand Gazette. North Auckland Land District—Auckland Council Schedule Area Description m2 23 Part Lot 99 DP 3260; shown as Section 1 on SO 435551 (part Computer Freehold Register NA47A/1138). 4199 23 Part Lot 96 DP 3260; shown as Section 3 on SO 435551 (part Computer Freehold Register NA106/253). 27 Part Lot 1 DP 27471; shown as Section 1 on SO 435705 (part Computer Freehold Register NA2095/80). 27 Part Lot 2 DP 27471; shown as Section 3 on SO 435705 (part Computer Freehold Register NA719/233). 55 Part Lots 3 and 4 DP 27471; shown as Section 5 on SO 435705 (part Computer Freehold Register NA697/153). 8 Part Lot 6 DP 27471; shown as Section 9 on SO 435705 (part Composite Computer Registers NA65B/704, NA65B/706, NA65B/707, NA65B/708, NA81A/371 and NA83C/21). 34 Part Lots 2, 3 and 4 DP 35504; shown as Section 11 on SO 435705 (part Computer Freehold Register NA1967/68). 36 Part Lot 3 DP 4293; shown as Section 13 on SO 435705 (part Computer Freehold Register NA188/227). 37 Part Lot 2 DP 21099; shown as Section 15 on SO 435705 (part Computer Freehold Register NA47A/291). Dated at Christchurch this 30th day of November 2010. S. R. GILBERT, for the Minister for Land Information. (LINZ CPC/2005/10974) ln9412 Acquisition of Land for Reserve— Crown Road, Taupo Pursuant to section 20 of the Public Works Act 1981, and to a delegation from the Minister for Land Information, Stephen Robert Gilbert, Land Information New Zealand, declares that, an agreement to that effect having been entered into, the land described in the Schedule to this notice is hereby acquired as local purpose (plantation) reserve and vested in the Taupo District Council on the date of publication hereof in the New Zealand Gazette, subject to the Reserves Act 1977 and subject also to section 3 of the Petroleum Act 1937, section 8 of the Atomic Energy Act 1945, section 3 of the Geothermal Energy Act 1953, sections 6 and 8 of the Mining Act 1971, sections 5 and 261 of the Coal Mines Act 1979, Part IVA of the Conservation Act 1987, section 27B of the State-Owned Enterprises Act 1986, geothermal and other rights in favour of Contact Energy Limited created by Instrument B406416.4 and an encumbrance to Contact Energy Limited created by Instrument B406416.5. South Auckland Land District—Taupo District Schedule Area Description m2 135 Section 409, Block II, Tauhara Survey District (part Computer Freehold Register 500507). Dated at Christchurch this 30th day of November 2010. S. R. GILBERT, for the Minister for Land Information. (LINZ CPC/2007/12455) ln9380 Land Declared Road—State Highway 1, Hilton Highway, Timaru District Pursuant to section 114 of the Public Works Act 1981, and to a delegation from the Minister for Land Information, Stephen Robert Gilbert, Land Information New Zealand, 4200 NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 170 declares the land described in the Schedule to this notice to be road which, pursuant to section 5 of the Land Transport Management Act 2003, forms part of State Highway 1 and shall vest in the Crown on the date of publication hereof in the New Zealand Gazette. Canterbury Land District—Timaru District Schedule Land Declared Road Area Description m2 74 Part Lot 1 DP 62159; shown as Section 2 on SO 395556 (part Computer Freehold Register CB37C/724). Dated at Christchurch this 2nd day of December 2010. S. R. GILBERT, for the Minister for Land Information. (LINZ CPC/2006/11743) ln9405 Easement Acquired for Motorway Purposes— May Road, Mt Roskill, Auckland Council Pursuant to sections 20(1) and 28 of the Public Works Act 1981, and to a delegation from the Minister for Land Information, Kerry McPhail, Land Information New Zealand, declares that, pursuant to an agreement to that effect having been entered into, the easement in gross described in the First Schedule to this notice is acquired over the land of Foodstuffs (Auckland) Limited (“the Owner”) on the terms and conditions described in the Second Schedule to this notice and shall vest in the Crown for motorway purposes (“the Crown”) on the date of publication hereof in the New Zealand Gazette. North Auckland Land District—Auckland Council First Schedule Easement to be Acquired 1. Interpretation: “Maintenance Easement Area” means that part of the land in Certificate of Title NA49C/239 (North Auckland Land Registry); marked “A” on SO 436238, and that part of the land in Computer Freehold Register NA1A/1098; marked “B” on SO 436238. 2. The Crown shall have a maintenance and access easement over the Maintenance Easement Area for the purposes of erecting, maintaining and replacing the May Road Retaining Walls, together with the additional rights and powers and subject to the terms and conditions of the maintenance easement set out below. Second Schedule Terms and Conditions 3. The provisions relating to rights of way in Schedule 4 of the Land Transfer Regulations 2002 implied herein as if set out in full, except where inconsistent with any conditions contained in this agreement in which case the conditions contained in this agreement shall prevail. 4. The Crown may, for the purpose of exercising any right or complying with any obligation of the Crown under this agreement in relation to the maintenance and access easement: (a) enter the Maintenance Easement Area at any time with or without agents, consultants, servants, contractors and workmen with all necessary tools, implements, machinery, vehicles or equipment; and (b) remain on the Maintenance Easement Area for such time as is necessary for the purpose of exercising such right or performing such obligation. 9 DECEMBER 2010 5. In exercising any rights under clause 4, the Crown shall: (a) cause as little damage, disturbance, inconvenience and interruption to the Maintenance Easement Area and to the use of the Maintenance Easement Area as is reasonably necessary; and (b) forthwith make good any damage done to the Maintenance Easement Area and to any occupier of the Maintenance Easement Area including any damage done to any property of an occupier of the Maintenance Easement Area. 6. To ensure that the Crown can maintain the May Road Retaining Walls, the Owner covenants with the Crown that it will not build or erect any structures or other improvements on the Maintenance Easement Area without first obtaining the written consent of the Crown. The Crown shall be entitled to withhold such consent if, in the Crown’s reasonable opinion, such building, structure or improvement will or might have the effect of obstructing the Crown’s access to the May Road Retaining Walls or will or may significantly increase the Crown’s cost of maintaining the May Road Retaining Walls. 7. The Owner shall repair, maintain and keep in good order, condition and repair the Maintenance Easement Area. The costs of such maintenance shall be borne by the Owner. For the avoidance of doubt, the Crown shall not be liable for the cost of maintaining any part of the Maintenance Easement Area other than the May Road Retaining Walls. 8. (a) If the Owner fails to maintain the Maintenance Easement Area as required under this agreement, and such failure to maintain the easement area may affect the structural integrity of the May Road Retaining Walls or result in additional maintenance costs to the Crown, then the Crown shall serve written notice on the Owner requiring the Owner to complete the maintenance works within seven days from the service of the notice. (b) If the Owner does not complete the maintenance works before expiration of the notice, the Crown shall be entitled to undertake such maintenance works and recover the costs of so doing from the Owner as a liquidated debt. 9. The Crown shall be responsible for its costs for the maintenance of the May Road Retaining Walls. 10. The grant of the maintenance and access easements shall be in perpetuity. The Owner shall have no power whether express or implied to determine the maintenance and access easements for breach of a provision herein. 11. The Owner shall not do any act, which impedes, interferes with or restricts the rights of the Crown and other authorised persons in relation to the maintenance and access easements. 12. The following provisions will apply to all disputes in relation to the maintenance and access easements or to any of the rights and obligations contained herein. (a) Any dispute which may arise between the parties concerning the interpretation of the maintenance and access easement or relating to any other matter arising under the agreement or this Schedule will be actively and in good faith negotiated by the parties with a view to a speedy resolution of such disputes. (b) If the parties cannot resolve a dispute within 15 business days of any dispute arising then, unless otherwise expressly provided in the agreement or this Schedule, they will, without prejudice to any other right, explore whether such dispute can be resolved by agreement between them using informal 9 DECEMBER 2010 NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 170 dispute resolution techniques such as mediation. The rules governing any such technique if adopted will be agreed between the parties or as selected by the organisation known as “LEADR” (Lawyers Engaged in Alternative Dispute Resolution). (c) If the parties cannot agree on any dispute resolution technique within a further 15 business days of any dispute being considered for referral by both parties to any informal dispute resolution technique under Clause 12(b), then the dispute shall be settled by reference to arbitration. Except, as otherwise expressly provided in this easement, the reference shall be to a single arbitrator if one can be agreed upon, or to two arbitrators (one to be appointed by each party) and their umpire (appointed by them prior to their arbitration), such arbitration to be carried out in accordance with the Arbitration Act 1996 and the substantive law of New Zealand. (d) The parties will co-operate to ensure the expeditious conduct of any arbitration. In particular, each party will comply with any reasonable time limits sought by the other for settling terms of reference, interlocutory matters and generally all steps preliminary and incidental to the hearing and determination of the proceedings. 13. Any notice given, or required to be given, by either of the parties shall be in writing, and shall be deemed to be duly given in accordance with section 152 of the Property Law Act 1952. Dated at Wellington this 29th day of November 2010. K. MCPHAIL, for the Minister for Land Information. (LINZ CPC/2001/7254) ln9369 Land Acquired for the Functioning Indirectly of a Road (Walkway)—State Highway 20, Mt Roskill, Auckland Council Pursuant to section 20(1) of the Public Works Act 1981, and to a delegation from the Minister for Land Information, Kerry McPhail, Land Information New Zealand, declares that, pursuant to an agreement to that effect having been entered into, the land described in the Schedule to this notice is acquired for the functioning indirectly of a road (walkway) and vested in the Crown on the date of publication hereof in the New Zealand Gazette. North Auckland Land District—Auckland Council Schedule Land Acquired for the Functioning Indirectly of a Road (Walkway) Area Description m2 2849 Part Lot 7 DP 36008 (part Computer Freehold Register NA4C/662); shown as Section 6 on SO 421305. 32 Part Lot 6 DP 36008 (part Computer Freehold Register NA4C/662); shown as Section 9 on SO 421305. 752 Part Lot 8 DP 52447 (part Computer Freehold Register NA4C/662); shown as Section 13 on SO 421305. 83 Part Lot 6 DP 36008 (part Computer Freehold Register NA4C/662); shown as Section 69 on SO 421305. 2762 Part Lot 3 DP 18183 (part Computer Freehold Register NA1A/1097); shown as Section 14 on SO 421305. 4201 Dated at Wellington this 29th day of November 2010. K. MCPHAIL, for the Minister for Land Information. (LINZ CPC/2001/7526, CPC/1998/1140) ln9377 Land Acquired for the Functioning Indirectly of a Road—State Highway 20, Mt Roskill, Auckland Council Pursuant to section 20(1) of the Public Works Act 1981, and to a delegation from the Minister for Land Information, Kerry McPhail, Land Information New Zealand, declares that, pursuant to an agreement to that effect having been entered into, the land described in the Schedule to this notice is acquired for the functioning indirectly of a road and vested in the Crown on the date of publication hereof in the New Zealand Gazette. North Auckland Land District—Auckland Council Schedule Land Acquired for the Functioning Indirectly of a Road Area Description m2 14 Part Lot 2 DP 18183 (part Computer Freehold Register NA1A/1097); shown as Section 61 on SO 421305. Dated at Wellington this 29th day of November 2010. K. MCPHAIL, for the Minister for Land Information. (LINZ CPC/1998/1140) ln9372 Land Acquired for the Functioning Indirectly of a Road (Segregation Strip)—State Highway 20, Mt Roskill, Auckland Council Pursuant to section 20(1) of the Public Works Act 1981, and to a delegation from the Minister for Land Information, Kerry McPhail, Land Information New Zealand, declares that, pursuant to an agreement to that effect having been entered into, the land described in the Schedule to this notice is acquired for the functioning indirectly of a road (segregation strip) and vested in the Crown on the date of publication hereof in the New Zealand Gazette. North Auckland Land District—Auckland Council Schedule Land Acquired for the Functioning Indirectly of a Road (Segregation Strip) Area Description m2 62 Part Lot 7 DP 36008 (part Computer Freehold Register NA4C/662); shown as Section 57 on SO 421305. 20 Part Lot 8 DP 52447 (part Computer Freehold Register NA4C/662); shown as Section 59 on SO 421305. Dated at Wellington this 29th day of November 2010. K. MCPHAIL, for the Minister for Land Information. (LINZ CPC/2001/7526) ln9373 Land Acquired for Use in Connection With a Road —State Highway 20, Mt Roskill, Auckland Council Pursuant to section 20(1) of the Public Works Act 1981, and to a delegation from the Minister for Land Information, Kerry McPhail, Land Information New Zealand, declares that, pursuant to an agreement to that effect having been entered into, the land described in the Schedule to this 4202 NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 170 notice is acquired for use in connection with a road and vested in the Crown on the date of publication hereof in the New Zealand Gazette. North Auckland Land District—Auckland Council Schedule Land Acquired for Use in Connection With a Road Area Description m2 88 Part Lot 7 DP 36008 (part Computer Freehold Register NA4C/662); shown as Section 54 on SO 421305. 381 Part Lot 7 DP 36008 (part Computer Freehold Register NA4C/662); shown as Section 55 on SO 421305. 317 Part Lot 8 DP 52447 (part Computer Freehold Register NA4C/662); shown as Section 58 on SO 421305. Dated at Wellington this 29th day of November 2010. K. MCPHAIL, for the Minister for Land Information. (LINZ CPC/2001/7526) ln9376 Land Taken as Severance and Amalgamated— May Road, Mt Roskill, Auckland Council Pursuant to section 119 of the Public Works Act 1981, and to a delegation from the Minister for Land Information, Kerry McPhail, Land Information New Zealand, declares the land described in the Schedule to this notice to be taken as severance and shall be amalgamated with the land in Computer Freehold Register NA49C/239 on the date of publication hereof in the New Zealand Gazette. North Auckland Land District—Auckland Council Schedule Land Severed and Amalgamated Area Description m2 500 Part Lot 2 DP 18183 (part Computer Freehold Register NA1A/1097); shown as Section 60 on SO 421305. Dated at Wellington this 29th day of November 2010. K. MCPHAIL, for the Minister for Land Information. (LINZ CPC/2001/7524, CPC/1998/1140) ln9374 Land Taken for Road—State Highway 20, Mt Roskill, Auckland Council Pursuant to section 114 of the Public Works Act 1981, and to a delegation from the Minister for Land Information, Kerry McPhail, Land Information New Zealand, declares the land described in the Schedule to this notice to be road which, pursuant to section 5 of the Land Transport Management Act 2003, forms part of State Highway 20 and shall vest in the Crown on the date of publication hereof in the New Zealand Gazette. North Auckland Land District—Auckland Council Schedule Land Taken for Road Area Description m2 323 Part Lot 7 DP 36008 (part Computer Freehold Register NA4C/662); shown as Section 7 on SO 421305. 9 DECEMBER 2010 2984 Part Lot 6 DP 36008 (part Computer Freehold Register NA4C/662); shown as Section 8 on SO 421305. 6894 Part Lot 7 DP 36008 (part Computer Freehold Register NA4C/662); shown as Section 10 on SO 421305. 2851 Part Lot 8 DP 52447 (part Computer Freehold Register NA4C/662); shown as Section 12 on SO 421305. 2 Part Lot 7 DP 36008 (part Computer Freehold Register NA4C/662); shown as Section 68 on SO 421305. 2406 Part Lot 3 DP 18183 (part Computer Freehold Register NA1A/1097); shown as Section 15 on SO 421305. Dated at Wellington this 29th day of November 2010. K. MCPHAIL, for the Minister for Land Information. (LINZ CPC/2001/7526, CPC/1998/1140) ln9375 Land Acquired for Road—390 Riddell Road, Glendowie, Auckland Council Pursuant to section 20 of the Public Works Act 1981, and to a delegation from the Minister for Land Information, Kerry McPhail, Land Information New Zealand, declares that, an agreement to that effect having been entered into, the land described in the Schedule to this notice is hereby acquired for road and shall vest in the Auckland Council on the date of publication hereof in the New Zealand Gazette. North Auckland Land District—Auckland Council Schedule Area Description m2 20 Part Lot 35 DP 17139 and Part Lot 16 DP 45504; shown as Section 1 on SO 435053 (part Computer Freehold Register NA2C/856). Dated at Wellington this 2nd day of December 2010. K. MCPHAIL, for the Minister for Land Information. (LINZ CPC/2005/10974) ln9413 Land Acquired for Road—151 Dominion Road, Mt Eden, Auckland Council Pursuant to section 20 of the Public Works Act 1981, and to a delegation from the Minister for Land Information, Kerry McPhail, Land Information New Zealand, declares that, an agreement to that effect having been entered into, the land described in the Schedule to this notice is hereby acquired for road and shall vest in the Auckland Council on the date of publication hereof in the New Zealand Gazette. North Auckland Land District—Auckland Council Schedule Area Description m2 44 Part Lot 157 DP 196; shown as Section 5 on SO 436055 (part Computer Freehold Register NA338/1). Dated at Wellington this 2nd day of December 2010. K. MCPHAIL, for the Minister for Land Information. (LINZ CPC/2005/10974) ln9414 9 DECEMBER 2010 NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 170 Land Acquired for Road—84 Goodall Street, Hillsborough, Auckland Council Pursuant to section 20 of the Public Works Act 1981, and to a delegation from the Minister for Land Information, R. J. Sutherland, Land Information New Zealand, declares that, an agreement to that effect having been entered into, the land described in the Schedule to this notice is hereby acquired for road and shall vest in the Auckland Council on the date of publication hereof in the New Zealand Gazette. North Auckland Land District—Auckland Council Schedule Area Description m2 105 Part Lot 1 DP 18966; shown as Section 1 on SO 420000 (part Computer Freehold Register NA24B/94). Dated at Auckland this 2nd day of December 2010. R. J. SUTHERLAND, for the Minister for Land Information. (LINZ CPC/2005/10880) ln9379 Road Stopped and Amalgamated—Waimate North, Far North Pursuant to the Public Works Act 1981, to a delegation from the Minister for Land Information, Ronald Alistair Jolly, Land Information New Zealand: (a) Pursuant to section 116, declares the portion of road described in the First Schedule to this notice to be stopped and, pursuant to section 120(3), amalgamated with the land in Computer Freehold Register NA1067/184. (b) Pursuant to section 117, declares the land described in the Second Schedule to this notice to be vested in Lawrence Stanley Chappell and, pursuant to section 120(3), amalgamated with the land in Computer Freehold Register NA1067/184. North Auckland Land District—Far North District First Schedule Road Stopped and Amalgamated Area Description m2 5009 Adjoining or passing through Allotment 5 Old Land Claim 48; shown as Section 4 on SO 70543 (part Computer Freehold Register NA1067/184 – limited as to parcels). Second Schedule Severance to be Amalgamated Area Description m2 2799 Part Old Land Claim 48; shown as Section 3 on SO 70543 (part New Zealand Gazette, 23 September 2010, No. 124, page 3305). Dated at Wellington this 30th day of November 2010. R. A. JOLLY, for the Minister for Land Information. (LINZ CPC/2005/10885) ln9280 Service Lane Stopped—Coventry Lane, Newmarket, Auckland Council Pursuant to section 116 of the Public Works Act 1981, and to a delegation from the Minister for Land Information, Ronald Alistair Jolly, Land Information New Zealand, declares the service lane adjoining or passing through the land described in the Schedule to this notice to be stopped 4203 and shall vest in the Auckland Council on the date of publication hereof in the New Zealand Gazette. North Auckland Land District—Auckland Council Schedule Area Description m2 941 Lot 7 DP 3639, Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5 DP 26282, Part Lot 3 DP 28262, and Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 DP 29883; shown as Section 1 on SO 433163. Dated at Wellington this 2nd day of December 2010. R. A. JOLLY, for the Minister for Land Information. (LINZ CPC/2005/10974) ln9353 Land Declared Limited Access Road and Land Set Apart for the Functioning Indirectly of a Road (Segregation Strip)—State Highway 1 Te Rapa Bypass, Avalon Drive, Hamilton City Pursuant to the Public Works Act 1981, and to a delegation from the Minister for Land Information, Ronald Alistair Jolly, Land Information New Zealand: (a) Pursuant to section 114, declares the land described in the First Schedule to this notice to be road which, pursuant to section 88(2) of the Government Roading Powers Act 1989, becomes road, limited access road and State highway and shall remain vested in the Crown; (b) Pursuant to section 52, declares the land described in the Second Schedule to this notice to be set apart for the functioning indirectly of a road (segregation strip) and shall remain vested in the Crown on the date of publication hereof in the New Zealand Gazette. South Auckland Land District—Hamilton City First Schedule Land to be Declared Road, Limited Access Road and State Highway Area Description m2 423 Part Lot 9 DPS 18124; shown as Section 3 on SO 416563 (part Computer Freehold Register SA50A/962). 1181 Part Lot 1 DPS 20841; shown as Section 7 on SO 416563 (part Computer Freehold Register SA50A/962). 151 Part Lot 1 DPS 18032; shown as Section 13 on SO 416563 (part Computer Freehold Register SA50C/200). 147 Part Lot 7 DPS 11752; shown as Section 37 on SO 416563 (part Computer Freehold Register SA50C/200). Second Schedule Land Set Apart for the Functioning Indirectly of a Road (Segregation Strip) Area Description m2 2 Part Lot 9 DPS 18124; shown as Section 2 on SO 416563 (part Computer Freehold Register SA50A/962). 5 Part Lot 1 DPS 20841; shown as Section 6 on SO 416563 (part Computer Freehold Register SA50A/962). 2 Part Lot 1 DPS 18032; shown as Section 12 on SO 416563 (part Computer Freehold Register SA50C/200). 4204 NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 170 3 Part Lot 7 DPS 11752; shown as Section 14 on SO 416563 (part Computer Freehold Register SA50C/200). Dated at Wellington this 19th day of November 2010. R. A. JOLLY, for the Minister for Land Information. (LINZ CPC/2007/12087, CPC/2007/12089) ln9406 Land Declared Road—State Highway 3, Duddings Lake Northbound Passing Lane, Rangitikei District Pursuant to section 114 of the Public Works Act 1981, and to a delegation from the Minister for Land Information, Ronald Alistair Jolly, Land Information New Zealand, declares the land described in the Schedule to this notice to be road which, pursuant to section 88 of the Government Roading Powers Act 1989, becomes road, limited access road and State highway and shall vest in the Crown on the date of publication hereof in the New Zealand Gazette. Wellington Land District—Rangitikei District Schedule Land Declared as Road Area Description m2 290 Part Section 91 Turakina District; shown as Section 1 on SO 428612 (part Computer Freehold Register WN592/35). 2011 Part Section 46 Turakina District and bordered green DP 9556; shown as Section 2 on SO 428612 (part Computer Freehold Register WN410/105). Dated at Wellington this 24th day of November 2010. R. A. JOLLY, for the Minister for Land Information. (LINZ CPC/2010/15713) ln9304 Land Declared Road—State Highway 73, Christchurch Southern Motorway, Jerrold Street, Christchurch City Pursuant to section 114 of the Public Works Act 1981, and to a delegation from the Minister for Land Information, Ronald Alistair Jolly, Land Information New Zealand, declares the land described in the Schedule to this notice to be road which, pursuant to section 5 of the Land Transport Management Act 2003, forms part of State Highway 73 and shall vest in the Crown on the date of publication hereof in the New Zealand Gazette. Canterbury Land District—Christchurch City Schedule Land Declared Road Area Description ha 2.3549 Part Lot 1 DP 42294 (balance Computer Freehold Register CB21B/952). 0.2582 Part Lot 1 DP 42294; marked “Q” on SO 16527 (part Gazette Notice A174719.1). 0.1601 Part Lot 1 DP 42295; marked “I” on SO 16505 (part Gazette Notice A174719.1). 0.0242 Part Lot 2 DP 42295; marked “F” on SO 16504 (balance Gazette Notice A174719.1). 0.0553 Lot 1 DP 8335 (Computer Freehold Register CB40B/19). 0.1100 Lot 3 DP 42294 (balance Gazette Notices 211634.1 and 95864.1). 9 DECEMBER 2010 0.0751 Part Lot 4 DP 8335 (Computer Freehold Register CB412/53). 0.0202 Part Lot 5 DP 8335 (Computer Freehold Register CB16B/572). 0.1859 Part Lot 1 DP 42295; marked “K” on SO 16505 (balance Gazette Notices 900630, 927155 and 211634.1). 0.0043 Part Lot 52 DP 8335; marked “E” on SO 16504 (all Gazette Notice A174719.3). 0.3357 Rural Section 42209; marked “F” on SO 16561 (Computer Freehold Register CB28B/949). Dated at Wellington this 29th day of November 2010. R. A. JOLLY, for the Minister for Land Information. (LINZ CPC/2010/15110) ln9303 Land Acquired for Road—289–295 Great South Road, Greenlane, Auckland Council Pursuant to section 20 of the Public Works Act 1981, and to a delegation from the Minister for Land Information, Trevor Knowles, Land Information New Zealand, declares that, an agreement to that effect having been entered into, the land described in the Schedule to this notice is hereby acquired for road and shall vest in the Auckland Council on the date of publication hereof in the New Zealand Gazette. North Auckland Land District—Auckland Council Schedule Area Description m2 22 Part Lot 2 DP 66304; shown as Section 21 on SO 389192 (part Computer Freehold Register NA26C/1284). 60 Part Lot 1 DP 66304; shown as Section 22 on SO 389192 (part Computer Freehold Register NA31A/838). Dated at Wellington this 1st day of December 2010. T. KNOWLES, for the Minister for Land Information. (LINZ CPC/2005/10880) ln9352 Reserves Act 1977 Revocation of Appointment to Control and Manage a Reserve Under the Reserves Act 1977, the Conservation Support Manager for the Northland Conservancy of the Department of Conservation hereby revokes the appointment of the Far North District Council to control and manage the recreation reserve described in the Schedule. North Auckland Land District—Far North District Schedule Area Description ha 36.3711 Section 27 Block V Rangaunu Survey District (SO 39569) (part New Zealand Gazette, 2 May 1957, No. 35, page 766). Dated at Whangarei this 6th day of December 2010. H. A. AIKMAN. (DOC PAR-01-02-78) ln9423 9 DECEMBER 2010 NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 170 4205 Vesting a Reserve in the Selwyn District Council Te Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993 Under the Reserves Act 1977, the Community Relations Manager for the Canterbury Conservancy of the Department of Conservation vests the reserves described in the Schedule in the Selwyn District Council in trust for recreation purposes. Recommendation Setting Apart General Land as a Mori Reservation Canterbury Land District—Selwyn District Schedule Area Description ha 0.8250 Rural Section 41606 (part Computer Freehold Register CB42A/11) (part New Zealand Gazette, 22 May 1986, No. 78, page 2229). 0.1224 Rural Section 42054 (part Computer Freehold Register CB42A/11) (part New Zealand Gazette, 22 May 1986, No. 78, page 2229). 4.0468 Reserve 4200 (part Computer Freehold Register CB42A/11) (part New Zealand Gazette, 22 May 1986, No. 78, page 2229). Dated at Christchurch this 2nd day of December 2010. CHERYL COLLEY, Community Relations Manager. (DOC DO PAR-02-12) ln9329 Classification of Reserve—Ocean Road, Whangamata, Thames–Coromandel District Pursuant to the Reserves Act 1977, and to a delegation from the Minister of Conservation, the Thames-Coromandel District Council hereby classifies the reserve described in the Schedule hereto as recreation reserve, subject to the provisions of the said Act. South Auckland Land District—Thames-Coromandel District Schedule Area Description ha 3.7691 Part Section 10, Block XVI, Tairua Survey District, being all DP 23645 (all Computer Freehold Register SA644/111). Dated at Thames this 22nd day of November 2010. STEPHEN JOHN TE KAIAPA RURU, Chief Executive, Thames-Coromandel District Council. (TCDC 7092-418) ln9381 Pursuant to section 338(1)(a) of Te Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993, on the recommendation of the Mori Land Court, the general land described in the Schedule hereto is hereby set apart as a Mori reservation for the purpose of an urup for the common use and benefit of the current landowners including beneficial owners, their spouses, children and future issue or descendants of the current landowners. South Auckland Land District Schedule Part of that piece of land situated in the South Auckland Land District and described as follows: Area Description ha 0.2505 Waikarakia 4C1 on ML 422082, being part (more or of the land described in Computer Freehold less) Register SA5A/851; known as Waikarakia 2A and 4C Blocks. Dated at Wellington this 16th day of November 2010. LEITH COMER, Chief Executive. Ministry of Mori Development. (MLC HO 2/3/1/3; DO Appln A20100003743) ln9293 Setting Land Apart as a Mori Reservation Pursuant to section 338(1) of Te Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993, on the recommendation of the Mori Land Court, the Mori freehold land described in the Schedule hereto is hereby set apart as a Mori reservation for the purpose of an urup for the common use and benefit of Te Puea (Manuel) Rangihuna and her descendants. Gisborne Land District Schedule Part of Waihuka A3 situated in Block VIII Mangaoporo Survey District and described as follows: Area Land Information Mori Land Court m2 New Zealand Appellation Reference 506 Waihuka A3 416443 Dated at Wellington this 16th day of November 2010. LEITH COMER, Chief Executive. Ministry of Mori Development. (MLC HO 2/3/1/5; DO Appln A20090015206) ln9292 Regulation Summary Notice Under the Acts and Regulations Publication Act 1989 Pursuant to the Acts and Regulations Publication Act 1989, notice is hereby given of the making of Regulations as under: Serial Date of Authority for Enactment Title or Subject-matter Retail Number Enactment Fisheries Act 1996 Fisheries (Remaining Cost Recovery Settlement 2010/452 16/11/10 $2.47 Balance) Notice 2010 2010/453 7/12/10 $2.71 Securities Act 1978 Securities Act (Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited—Australian Bank Accounts) Exemption Notice 2010 4206 NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 170 9 DECEMBER 2010 Postage and Packaging Charge: Mail Orders If two or more copies are ordered, the remittance should cover the cash price and the maximum charge for the total value of purchases as follows: Total Value of Purchases Maximum Charge $12.00 and less $1.79 p&p $12.01 to $30.00 $3.57 p&p $30.01 and greater $5.62 p&p Copies can be bought or ordered by mail from Legislation Direct, PO Box 12418, Thorndon, Wellington 6144. Please quote title and serial numbers. Prices for quantities supplied on application. Copies are also available over the counter at the following locations: Bennetts Bookshops: Bowen House, corner of Lambton Quay and Bowen Street (PO Box 5334), Wellington; University of Waikato, Gate 5 Hillcrest Road (PO Box 13066), Hamilton. Whitcoulls: 38–42 Broadway Avenue (PO Box 1820), Palmerston North; 111 Cashel Street (Private Bag 4735), Christchurch; 143 George Street (PO Box 5847), Dunedin. Borders: 291–297 Queen Street, Auckland. rs9460 General Section Accounting Standards Review Board Financial Reporting Act 1993 Approval of NZ IFRS 9 Financial Instruments (2010) (Notice No. 120) Notice is hereby given, pursuant to section 29 of the Financial Reporting Act 1993 (“the Act”), that the Accounting Standards Review Board has approved the New Zealand Equivalent to International Financial Reporting Standard 9 Financial Instruments (2010) (NZ IFRS 9 (2010)), which has been submitted to it by the Financial Reporting Standards Board of the New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants (“Institute”). NZ IFRS 9 Financial Instruments (2010) is: to apply to all reporting entities and groups, the Crown and all departments, Offices of Parliament and Crown entities, and all local authorities (each of which is defined in the Act) other than where expressly exempted by its terms, the terms of any other approved financial reporting standard or by law; to apply to annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2013; and a Regulation for the purposes of the Regulations (Disallowance) Act 1989. Earlier application of NZ IFRS 9 Financial Instruments (2010) is permitted. If an entity applies this standard from an earlier date, it shall disclose that fact. If an entity elects to apply NZ IFRS 9 (2010) early, it must apply all of the requirements in this NZ IFRS at the same time. Copies of NZ IFRS 9 Financial Instruments (2010) may be inspected free of charge at the offices of the New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants, Level 7, 50 Customhouse Quay (PO Box 11342), Wellington, and 12–16 Nicholls Lane, Parnell (PO Box 3334), Auckland. Copies are also available on the Institute’s website Dated this 30th day of November 2010. KEVIN SIMPKINS, Chairman, Accounting Standards Review Board. gs9346 Approval of Disclosures—Transfers of Financial Assets (Amendments to NZ IFRS 7) (Notice No. 121) Notice is hereby given, pursuant to section 29 of the Financial Reporting Act 1993 (“the Act”), that the Accounting Standards Review Board has approved Disclosures – Transfers of Financial Assets (Amendments to NZ IFRS 7), which has been submitted to it by the Financial Reporting Standards Board of the New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants (“Institute”). Disclosures – Transfers of Financial Assets is: to apply to all reporting entities and groups, the Crown and all departments, Offices of Parliament and Crown entities, and all local authorities (each of which is defined in the Act) other than where expressly exempted by its terms, the terms of any other approved financial reporting standard or by law; 9 DECEMBER 2010 NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 170 4207 to apply to annual periods beginning on or after 1 July 2011; and a Regulation for the purposes of the Regulations (Disallowance) Act 1989. Earlier application of Disclosures – Transfers of Financial Assets is permitted. If an entity applies those amendments to NZ IFRS 7 from an earlier date, it shall disclose that fact. An entity need not provide the disclosures required by those amendments for any period presented that begins before the date of initial application of the amendments. Copies of Disclosures – Transfers of Financial Assets may be inspected free of charge at the offices of the New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants, Level 7, 50 Customhouse Quay (PO Box 11342), Wellington, and 12–16 Nicholls Lane, Parnell (PO Box 3334), Auckland. Copies are also available on the Institute’s website Dated this 30th day of November 2010. KEVIN SIMPKINS, Chairman, Accounting Standards Review Board. gs9347 Chiropractic Board Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 200 Chiropractic Board (Fees) Notice No. 1, 2011 Pursuant to section 130 of the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003, the following notice is given. Notice 1. Title and commencement—(1) This notice may be cited as the Chiropractic (Fees) Notice No. 1, 2010. (2) This notice comes into force on 1 February 2011 and applies to fees payable in respect of applications relating to the period on and after 1 February 2011. (3) This notice revokes and replaces all previous Chiropractors (Fees) Notices published in the New Zealand Gazette. 2. Fees—The Chiropractic Board sets the following fees, payable to the board, specified in the attached Schedule. 3. Tax—Each fee is inclusive of goods and services tax. Schedule Fees Payable Application for registration from an applicant who holds a prescribed qualification, including TTMR applications and qualifications that have been accepted by the board under section 15(2) of the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003 Application for an initial annual practising certificate between 1 April and 30 November Application for an initial annual practising certificate between 1 December and 31 March Application for renewal of an annual practising certificate between 1 February and 31 March Application for renewal of an expired annual practising certificate within 3 years of expiry Application for renewal of an expired annual practising certificate 3 or more years after expiry Application to sit the board’s competence examination Application for administrative reconsidering of results Application to discuss results/further examination with examiner Application for administrative remarking of examination Application for appeal of examination result Application for and renewal of maintenance of registration for non-practising practitioners Certificate of registration Certificate of good standing Copy of Register Dated at Wellington this 6th day of December 2010. DEBBY RAMSAY, Registrar and Manager, Chiropractic Board. gs9409 $ 153.00 1,124.00 408.00 1,124.00 1,226.00 1,277.00 3,066.00 408.00 306.00 408.00 408.00 150.00 30.00 50.00 50.00 4208 NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 170 Christchurch International Airport Limited Airport Authorities (Airport Companies Information Disclosure) Regulations 1999 Disclosure Financial Statements for Christchurch International Airport Limited—For the Year Ended 30 June 2010 Pursuant to the Airport Authorities (Airport Companies Information Disclosure) Regulations 1999 (“Regulations”), Christchurch International Airport Limited (“company”) confirms that: 1. the Disclosure Financial Statements in respect of the financial year ended 30 June 2010 have been completed and audited in compliance with the Regulations. 2. these statements are available to be inspected at and/or copies can be obtained from: the company offices situated at 1st Floor, Maui Building, 530–544 Memorial Avenue, Christchurch; and/or the company on request by Telephone: (03) 358 5029. Facsimile: (03) 353 7730. Dated this 30th day of November 2010. ANDREW SOUNESS, Financial Controller. gs9302 Medical Radiation Technologists Board Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003 Notice Replacing Prescribed Scopes of Practice and Related Qualifications Pursuant to sections 11 and 12 of the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003 (“the Act”), the following notice is given. This notice replaces all previous scopes of practice notices of the Medical Radiation Technologists Board (“the Board”). Scopes of Practice Pursuant to section 11(1) of the Act, the Board specifies eight scopes of practice within the profession of medical radiation technology as follows: 1. Scope of Practice – Diagnostic Imaging – General Practises Diagnostic Imaging – General: Involves the use of ionising radiation to gain a diagnostic image for evaluation. 2. Scope of Practice – Radiation Therapist Practises Radiation Therapy: Involves the use of treatment planning systems, ionising radiation and radionuclides for radiation treatment planning and delivery. 3. Scope of Practice – Nuclear Medicine Technologist Practises Diagnostic Imaging – Nuclear Medicine: Involves the use of radionuclides to gain a diagnostic image for evaluation. 9 DECEMBER 2010 4. Scope of Practice – Sonographer Practises Diagnostic Imaging – Ultrasound: Involves the use of ultrasound waves to gain a diagnostic image for evaluation. 5. Scope of Practice – Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technologist Practises Diagnostic Imaging – Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Involves the use of magnetic resonance to gain a diagnostic image for evaluation. 6. Scope of Practice – Trainee Nuclear Medicine Technologist Undertaking training in an approved medical radiation technology programme in nuclear medicine imaging. 7. Scope of Practice – Trainee Sonographer Undertaking postgraduate training in an approved medical radiation technology programme in ultrasound. 8. Scope of Practice – Trainee Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technologist Undertaking postgraduate training in an approved medical radiation technology programme in magnetic resonance imaging. Qualifications Prescribed for Registration Pursuant to section 12 of the Act, the following qualifications are prescribed for registration as a medical radiation technologist: 1. Diagnostic Imaging – General A New Zealand degree in medical diagnostic imaging approved by the Board, or a course of training, examinations and work experience that in the opinion of the Board is sufficient for registration in diagnostic imaging – general. 2. Radiation Therapy A New Zealand degree in radiation therapy approved by the Board, or a course of training, examinations and work experience that in the opinion of the Board is sufficient for registration as a radiation therapist. 3. Diagnostic Imaging – Nuclear Medicine A degree in nuclear medicine approved by the Board and 3360 hours of clinical experience in nuclear medicine, or a course of training, examinations and work experience that in the opinion of the Board is sufficient for registration as a nuclear medicine technologist. 4. Diagnostic Imaging – Ultrasound A degree in diagnostic imaging or health science approved by the Board and a postgraduate qualification in Ultrasound approved by the Board, or a course of training, examinations and work experience that in the opinion of the Board is sufficient for registration as a sonographer. If the post graduate diploma in ultrasound does not contain a clinical component, there is also a requirement to complete 3360 clinical hours and undergo a registration examination assessment (REA). 5. Diagnostic Imaging – Magnetic Resonance Imaging A degree in diagnostic imaging approved by the Board and a postgraduate qualification in magnetic resonance imaging approved by the Board, or a course of training, examinations and relevant work experience that in the opinion of the Board is sufficient for registration as a magnetic resonance imaging technologist. If the post graduate diploma in magnetic resonance imaging does not contain a clinical component, there is also a requirement to complete 3360 clinical hours and undergo a registration examination assessment (REA). 9 DECEMBER 2010 NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 170 Pursuant to section 12 of the Act, the following qualifications are prescribed for registration as a trainee medical radiation technologist: 6. Trainee Nuclear Medicine Technologist 7. Trainee Sonographer 8. Trainee Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technologist A degree in diagnostic imaging approved by the Board and enrolment in an approved course of training in nuclear medicine, ultrasound or magnetic resonance 4209 imaging, or a degree in health sciences that in the opinion of the Board is sufficient for registration in a training scope of practice, and enrolment in an approved course of training in nuclear medicine, ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging. Dated at Wellington this 1st day of December 2010. MARY DOYLE, Registrar, Medical Radiation Technologists Board. gs9354 Departmental Notices Agriculture and Forestry Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines Act 1997 Notice of Application to Register a Trade Name Product (Notice No. 242) Maree Zinzley, Senior Manager (Approvals Operations) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) (New Zealand Food Safety), acting under delegated authority from the Director-General of MAF, gives notice, under section 14(1) of the Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines Act 1997 (“the Act”), that the following application has been made to register a trade name product under section 9(1) of the Act: Trade Name: Rally Reference: P008361 Active Ingredients and Concentrations: Part A – Fenbuconazole 750g/kg Part B – Myclobutanil 400g/kg Formulation Type: Wettable powder General Use Claim: A fungicide for the control of black spot (apple scab) and powdery mildew on pipfruit. Any person may make a written submission to the director-general concerning this application. Under sections 16 and 17 of the Act, a written submission: (a) must state in full the reasons for making the submission; and (b) may state any decision sought on that application; and (c) must be received by the director-general no later than 30 working days after the date of notification in the New Zealand Gazette. Under section 18 of the Act, a copy of every submission will be forwarded to the applicant for the applicant’s information. The following address is: (a) where submissions on this application are to be sent; and (b) where requests for copies of the public information relating to the application can be sent; and (c) where public information relating to the application can be viewed; and (d) the director-general’s address for service: ACVM Group, New Zealand Food Safety (Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry), Level 5, South Tower, 68–86 Jervois Quay, Wellington 6011. Postal Address: PO Box 2835, Wellington 6140. The applicant’s address for service is: Dow AgroSciences (NZ) Limited, 89 Paritutu Road, New Plymouth 4310. Postal Address: Private Bag 2017, New Plymouth 4342. Dated at Wellington this 9th day of December 2010. MAREE ZINZLEY, Senior Manager (Approvals Operations), Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (New Zealand Food Safety) (acting under delegated authority). go9488 New Zealand Gazette 2010/2011 Deadlines Christmas Deadlines The final New Zealand Gazette edition for 2010 will be as follows: 23 December 2010 Commercial Section Notices: (Companies, Partnership, Insolvency and Land Transfer Acts) The deadline for these notices will be 12.00 midday on Monday 20 December 2010. All other notices must be lodged at the New Zealand Gazette office by 12.00 midday on Tuesday 21 December 2010. Note: It would be appreciated if material for this edition was delivered as early as possible. 4210 NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 170 9 DECEMBER 2010 New Year Deadlines The first New Zealand Gazette edition for 2011 will be as follows: 13 January 2011 Commercial Section Notices: (Companies, Partnership, Insolvency and Land Transfer Acts) The deadline for these notices will be 12.00 midday on Monday 10 January 2011. All other notices must be lodged at the New Zealand Gazette office by 12.00 midday on Tuesday 11 January 2011. Note: It would be appreciated if material for this edition was delivered as early as possible. d2010 Index A Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines Act— Trade name products Registration Applications: 4192, 4209 Airport Authorities (Airport Companies Information Regulations— Financial statements available Christchurch International Airport Ltd.: 4208 Disclosure) B Bankruptcy Notices— Bankruptcies: 4170 No asset procedures: 4171 C Chartered Professional Engineers of New Zealand Act— Appointments/reappointments Chartered Professional Engineers Council: 4193 Civil Aviation Act— Civil Aviation Rules Instrument flight procedures – registration: 4197 Civil Defence Emergency Management Act— State of local emergencies Declarations Christchurch City: 4193 Selwyn District: 4196 Extensions Christchurch City: 4194 Selwyn District: 4196, 4197 Companies Act— Cessation of business in New Zealand AUSTRALIAN FEATHER MILLS PTY LTD: 4185 COMBINED INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA: 4185 GOLDMAN SACHS & PARTNERS AUSTRALIA CAPITAL MARKETS LIMITED: 4185 Removals 1042827 LTD.: 4181 A & J GOWER LTD.: 4184 A1 ELECTRICAL SPECIALISTS (2004) LTD.: 4181 APPLIED IMAGING SUPPLIES PTY LTD.: 4182 ATWORK MARKETING PTY LTD.: 4182 B DENT GLOBAL LTD.: 4183 BANKS TRANSPORT (2006) LTD.: 4182 BEARINGPOINT NEW ZEALAND LTD.: 4185 BECKING & KHAN HOLDINGS LTD.: 4182 BROOKLYN PROPERTIES LTD.: 4184 BRYANT ANTENNAS BOP LTD.: 4181 C1 SHOPPINGMALL COMPANY LTD.: 4182 CAMARONI FISHING TOURS LTD.: 4181 CAMPBELL MACGREGOR PROPERTIES LTD.: 4181 CITE SOLUTIONS LTD.: 4182 EASTON INVESTMENTS LTD.: 4174 FOREIGN IMPORTS LTD.: 4184 G CHONG LTD.: 4183 GLOBAL HOSPITALITY LTD.: 4184 HANNAH STREET GARAGE LTD.: 4183 HARLEY LOGGING LTD.: 4181 HELVETIAS’ CAFE & BAR LTD.: 4182 INNOVATIVE CLEANING SOLUTIONS LTD.: 4182 KAY HOLMES FLOWERS (WAIKATO) LTD.: 4181 KINCAID LODGE LTD.: 4185 KINGSVIEW PROPERTY AND DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LTD.: 4183 LINK ENGINEERING (2003) LTD.: 4181 MACGREGOR MILK SUPPLIES LTD.: 4181 MAGGOF CATERING LTD.: 4181 MCTAGGART CONSTRUCTION LTD.: 4181 MGM & H LTD.: 4183 NZ RIGGING SERVICES LTD.: 4185 NZN RICCARTON LTD.: 4182 O & B EQUIPMENT (2001) LTD.: 4181 OA INVESTMENTS LTD.: 4182 OSCAR BROWN LTD.: 4183 P C RAVENHALL LTD.: 4182 PAGES PAINT CENTRE TIMARU LTD.: 4182 QUALITY PRINT SERVICE LTD.: 4184 R.B. & S.J. AITKEN LTD.: 4182 ROTORUA TYRES LTD.: 4184 SCENIC INVESTMENTS LTD.: 4174 SDA COMMUNICATIONS LTD.: 4182 SPIRIT WIRELESS LTD.: 4181 STATUS CONSULTING LTD.: 4182 SUPERSTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT LTD.: 4183 TRISTYLE INTERNATIONAL LTD.: 4182 TSSL LTD.: 4181 WARWICK MEWS LTD.: 4184 Winding up/liquidations ASSET HIRE LTD.: 4188 AUTO COURT HOLDINGS LTD.: 4188 BELL EQUITIES LTD.: 4179 C.H. JOHNSTON BUILDERS LTD.: 4173 CAFE CUBA TRUSTEE LTD.: 4174 CANAAN PRODUCTIONS LTD.: 4181 CANTERBURY ELECTRICAL LTD.: 4178 CANTERBURY GAS LTD.: 4178 CLIFFORD BAY CONTRACTING LTD.: 4175 DEADLOCK DAVE LTD.: 4175 DOT NET LTD.: 4177 EASTON INVESTMENTS LTD.: 4174 FINCHLEE INVESTMENTS LTD.: 4180 FORIN INVESTMENTS LTD.: 4189 GATEWAY TAXIS PICTON LTD.: 4190 GISBORNE AUTO COURT SERVICE CENTRE (2006) LTD.: 4188 GISBORNE MORTGAGE AND FINANCE LTD.: 4189 GULF PLUMBING LTD.: 4187 HARGEST TRUSTEES LTD.: 4173 HARRIMAN SIGNS LTD.: 4176 HEAT PUMPS & VENTILATION LTD.: 4186 HEREFORD STREET TRUSTEES LTD.: 4173 HI TECH PANEL & PAINT (2006) LTD.: 4178 HIGH TORQUE DIESELS LTD.: 4178 I & L INVESTMENTS LTD.: 4178 KAAT LTD.: 4176 KARAMEA QUARRY & CONCRETE LTD.: 4186 KING COUNTRY EARTH COMPACTION LTD.: 4181 KIWI CABS NEW ZEALAND LTD.: 4186 LEGACY DEVELOPMENTS (2003) LTD.: 4174 LEGACY DEVELOPMENTS (2004) LTD.: 4174 LEGACY DEVELOPMENTS (2006) LTD.: 4174 MALVERN FARM LTD.: 4178 9 DECEMBER 2010 NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 170 MANAKU CLEANING SERVICES LTD.: 4173 MANHATTAN PROPERTIES LTD.: 4173 MANSFIELD GROUP LTD.: 4178 MAXWELL CONTRACTORS LTD.: 4187 MILLENNIUM MICROBES LTD.: 4180 MOONSTAR HOSPITALITY LTD.: 4175 NGAKURU FARMS LTD.: 4177 NORTHLAND CONCEPT DEVELOPMENTS LTD.: 4180 NORTHLAND HOMEBASED CHILDCARE SERVICES N.Z. LTD.: 4187 OLD MONEY FAMILY TRUST LTD.: 4177 PESETA HOLDINGS LTD.: 4189 PETFOOD VENTURES LTD.: 4181 PF CONTRACTING LTD.: 4179 PPA LTD.: 4186 PRO INSTALLATIONS (CENTRAL) LTD.: 4187 REGO INVESTMENTS LTD.: 4189 RELIC HOLDINGS LTD.: 4187 ROCKFORTE FINANCE LTD.: 4188 SANTA BARBARA PROJECT MANAGEMENT LTD.: 4177 SCENIC INVESTMENTS LTD.: 4174 SMG PROPERTIES LTD.: 4186 SOW’S EAR LTD.: 4179 SPORTS TURF LTD.: 4175 TE ANAU HOTEL HOLDINGS LTD.: 4175 THE FILLING STATION 2010 LTD.: 4180 THE HEADS LTD.: 4179 THUNDERBIRDSAFETY LTD.: 4176 TOLAGA BAY GARAGE (2007) LTD.: 4189 TOTAL EARTH LTD.: 4186 TOUR MANAGEMENT COMPANY LTD.: 4173 TRIPLE H DRAINAGE LTD.: 4174 WATKINSON & ROSS ROOFING LTD.: 4176 WELD BUILDERS LTD.: 4178 WILLOWBROOK ESTATES LTD.: 4174 WINGNUT LTD.: 4173 WOODCOAT LTD.: 4176 WORKING IN VISAS LTD.: 4179 WRCC LTD.: 4177 Conservation Act— Land notices Grey: 4198 Crown Entities Act— Approvals New Zealand Transport Agency: 4197 Customs and Excise Act— Arrangement for use of an automated electronic system: 4194 E Education (Early Childhood Centres) Regulations— Cancellation of licences Nga Whare Maha Te Kohanga Reo: 4195 Education Act— Boards of trustees election invalidations Lake Taupo Christian School: 4194 Constitution of boards of trustees Opononi Area School: 4194 Electoral Act— Appointments/reappointments Deputy Chief Electoral Officer: 4198 Electricity Act— Appointments/reappointments Electrical Workers Registration Board: 4193 Engineering Associates Act— Appointments/reappointments Engineering Associates Registration Board: 4193 F Financial Reporting Act— Approvals Amendments to NZ IFRS 7: 4206 NZ IFRS 9: 4206 Fisheries (Satellite Vessel Monitoring) Regulations— Notices Issue of fisheries satellite vessel monitoring circular: 4196 H Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act— Codes of practice Approvals Non Refillable cylinders BS EN 12205: 2001: 4198 4211 Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act— Fees Chiropractic Board: 4207 Scopes of practice, and qualifications Medical Radiation Technologists Board Replacement: 4208 Honours and Awards— Retention of the title ‘The Honourable’: 4191, 4192 Human Assisted Reproductive Technology Act— Guidelines on assisted reproductive technology Replacement 2007/3375, 2008/4522, 2009/2725: 4196 L Land Notices— Other Councils Auckland: 4202 Other Districts Taupo: 4199 Roading Cities Christchurch: 4204 Hamilton: 4203 Tauranga: 4199 Roading Councils Auckland: 4199, 4200, 4201, 4202, 4203, 4204 Roading Districts Far North: 4203 Rangitikei: 4204 Timaru: 4199 Western Bay of Plenty: 4199 Land Transfer Amendment Act— Land Registrar notices Christchurch: 4190 M Maori Land Act (Te Ture Whenua Maori Act)— Land notices Gisborne: 4205 South Auckland: 4205 Maritime Transport Act— Appointments/reappointments Maritime Appeal Authority: 4197 P Parliament— Appointments Members of Executive Council: 4192 Ministers: 4192 Private Schools Conditional Integration Act— Integration agreements Zayed College for Girls, Mangere, Auckland: 4195 Supplementary integration agreements KingsWay School, Orewa: 4195 Property Law Act— Entry into possession of mortgaged goods/land/property: 4190, 4191 Public Finance Act— Publication of financial statements of the Government of New Zealand: 4197 R Receiverships Act— Appointment and release of receivers and managers ALPINE CHOPPERS LTD.: 4172 ALPINE CHOPPERS NZ LTD.: 4172 EQUITABLE MORTGAGES LTD.: 4172 INTERBAKE MANAGEMENT LTD.: 4173 MANHATTAN INTERNATIONAL LTD.: 4172 PROPERTY PROJECTS 10 LTD.: 4172 SEDMEC LTD.: 4173 Registered Architects Act— Appointments/reappointments New Zealand Registered Architects Board: 4193 Regulations (Acts and Regulations Publication Act)— Fisheries (Remaining Cost Recovery Settlement Balance) Notice 2010 (SR 2010/452): 4205 Securities Act (Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited— Australian Bank Accounts) Exemption Notice 2010 (SR 2010/453): 4205 Reserves Act— Appointments/reappointments Wanganui Racecourse Reserve: 4194 4212 Land notices Far North Revocation 1957/766: 4204 Selwyn: 4205 Thames-Coromandel: 4205 PUBLISHED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS PRINTED BY BLUE STAR GROUP NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, No. 170 9 DECEMBER 2010 W Waste Minimisation Act— Nominations Waste Advisory Board: 4195 ISSN 0111-5650 ISSN 1177-8415 Price $6.00 (inc. GST)
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