FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: File No. ____________________ Associated concurrent applications: Development Application Form Subdivision (property within ALR), including Boundary Realignment Non-Farm Use NOTE: Ensure ALC approval has been granted prior to submitting any subsequent development applications. Exclusion Townhouse Development Permit – Form & Character (FC) All Other Residential With Environmental Development Permit? (EF) Yes No Commercial/Mixed Use Industrial With Agricultural Development Permit? (EF) Yes No Minor DP Amendment Façade Upgrade Only Agricultural Land Commission (AA) Development Permit – Environmental (EP) Minor Amendment Standard Tree Felling Only Development Permit – Agricultural (EP) Development Variance Permit (VP) Land Use Contract Official Community Plan Amendment *Please note that consistent with Council Resolution E008-2008, Community Amenity Contributions may be required related to the proposed variance Use or Density Change (FC) Discharge (FC) Amendment or discharge for Secondary Suite (RA) Concurrent with Building Permit Application? Yes No Concurrent with Rezoning Current OCP Designation: ________________________________________________________________ Proposed OCP Designation: ________________________________________________________________ Rezoning Map Amendment (RZ) Current Zoning: ________________________________________________________________ Proposed Zoning: ______________________________________________________________ Rezoning Text Amendment (RT) Subdivision (SD) Subdivision - Other (SC) Standard or Bareland Strata (including Boundary Realignment not in ALR) Boundary Realignment within ALR Strata Conversion (including previously occupied buildings) Form P Phased Strata (original Sub. File No.__________) Leasehold Airspace Strata Approval Consolidation (if into more than 1 lot) Other (please specify): OTHER APPLICATIONS Covenant Amendment/Release (PN) Release of Covenant Amendment to Covenant Heritage Alteration Permit (FC) Liquor Licence Temporary Use Permit (TP) New Liquor Licence Change of Hours Structural Changes Increase Occupant Load Commercial Industrial Form No. PL-500 (Revised: December 23, 2014) Page 2 of 9 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION FORM 2. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUIRED Complete the applicable section(s) below. This information is required to enable staff to calculate your development application fees. No further information is required for the application types not listed below. DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Façade Upgrade: provide Building Permit Value as per Marshall Swift: ____________ Commercial / Industrial: Total Floor Area (m ): ____________ Townhouse: No. of Units: ____________ All Other Residential (Apartments): Floor Area (m ): ____________ Environmental DP: Site Size (ha): ____________ 2 2 No. of Units: ____________ DEVELOPMENT VARIANCE PERMIT Existing Zone:____________________________________ Yes OFFICE USE ONLY: Proposed Zone (if applicable):____________________________________ Total No. of Properties Involved: ____________________________________ Total No. of Variances Proposed:____________________________________ No Check AMANDA for violations to determine if additional fee is required LAND USE CONTRACT AMENDMENT Site size (ha): ____________ If Multi-Residential, Total No. of Units: ____________ REZONING If Rezoning to RR, CR, SR or an RS zone: Site Size (ha): ____________ If Rezoning to any zone allowing multi-family residential use greater than 60 unit/ha; 2 Total Floor Area (m ____________ If Rezoning to all RM zones with density of 60 units/ha or less; and RH1: No. of Units: ____________ If Rezoning to all Industrial zones: Site Size (m ): ____________ If Rezoning to Comprehensive Development zone: - No. of Residential Units Permitted: ____________ 2 2 - Non-Residential Floor Area Permitted (m ): ____________ TEXT AMENDMENT Is the Text Amendment a Site Specific Amendment? Yes No SUBDIVISION Standard, bareland strata, boundary realignments (ALR): - No. of Additional Lots Proposed: ____________ - Total No. of Lots in Subdivision____________ Strata Conversion: No. of Units: ____________ 3. FEES Development Permit Fee: $…………………… Rezoning Fee: $ …………………… Subdivision Fee: $ …………………… Other Development Application Fees: $ …………………… Additional Administration Fees (Corporate Search, LTO Documents): $ …………………… TOTAL APPLICATION FEES: $ POTENTIAL FURTHER FEES: Corporate Search Fee: $20 per search Land Title Office Document Retrieval: $15 per document Administrative Change: $300 Supplemental Mailout Fees (if the public notification mailout exceeds the 100 letter threshold): $2 per letter New Public Hearing Fee: $800 Form No. PL-500 (Revised: December 23, 2014) Page 3 of 9 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION FORM 4. PROPERTY List all properties involved. If insufficient space, please attach a separate sheet. A title search for each property involved must be submitted with this application, as well as copies of all covenants, easements and rightsof-way registered on the subject property(ies). A $15 fee per document search will be required at the time of application if the application does not include copies of all non-financial charges registered on the title of the subject property(ies). CIVIC ADDRESS: PID: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: CIVIC ADDRESS: PID: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: CIVIC ADDRESS: PID: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 5. APPLICANT For information regarding the collection and use of personal information provided with this application, see item 10 (page 9). NAME(S): COMPANY (IF APPLICABLE): MAILING ADDRESS: POSTAL CODE: PHONE: : CELL: EMAIL: 6. REGISTERED OWNER(S) List all registered owners as they appear on title (if insufficient space, please attach a separate sheet). If registered owner is an incorporated company or society, a BC Company Summary must accompany this application. The City also requires written confirmation of the company’s authorized signatory(ies) either by way of confirmation on the company’s letterhead, or an excerpt from the company’s Articles of Incorporation, which sets out authorized signatory permissions. NAME: PHONE: ADDRESS: EMAIL: NAME: PHONE: ADDRESS: EMAIL: NAME: PHONE: ADDRESS: EMAIL: Form No. PL-500 (Revised: December 23, 2014) Page 4 of 9 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION FORM 7. LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION This section must be completed if the Registered Owner is not the Applicant OR if there are more than one Registered Owner and not all of the Registered Owners are signing as Applicants, then those Registered Owners who are not signing as Applicants must provide their written approval for the Applicant(s) acting on their behalf by signing this Letter of Authorization. I/We, (List all of the Registered Owners - attach additional sheets if necessary) (the "Owner"), own the lands described within this applicant form listed under Section 4. and confirm the appointment of (agent's name, mailing address and phone number) as agent with respect to this Development Application (Form No. PL-500) (the "Application") regarding the lands described in Section 4. It is understood, that: 1. the City of Abbotsford shall deal exclusively with the above-noted agent with respect to all matters pertaining to the Application and is under no obligation to communicate with the Owner or any other person; 2. the above-noted agent has authority to make all necessary arrangements with the City of Abbotsford, to perform all matters and to take all necessary proceedings with respect the Application; and 3. a written letter from the Owner is required to cancel this appointment and an Administrative Change Fee will be required. 4. If the owner is a corporation or society, the signature located below is an authorized signatory of the corporation/society. By signing this authorization/application, I hereby agree that all information, including personal information, contained on this document including all attachments may be made available to the public. If Incorporated Company or Registered Society is a Registered Owner, then complete the signature block below. If more than one Company/Society, attach additional signature pages as required. Signature of Witness Name of Corporation/Society By its Authorized Signatory(ies) Print Name of Witness Phone: Signature of Authorized Signatory Print Name: Print Name: Date: If Registered Owners are individual persons, then complete the signature block below. If more than two individual owners, attach additional signature pages as required. ALL REGISTERED OWNERS MUST SIGN THIS AUTHORIZATION: Signature of Witness Print Name of Witness Signature of Owner Print Name: Date: Phone: Signature of Owner Print Name: Date: Form No. PL-500 (Revised: December 23, 2014) Page 5 of 9 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION FORM 8. SITE PROFILE QUESTIONNAIRE New Provincial provisions for contaminated sites have created a system to screen for potentially contaminated sites using Site Profile Forms. Towards complying with Provincial requirements, this questionnaire is to be completed and submitted with all Development Permit, Development Variance Permit, Rezoning, Site-Specific Text Amendment, LUC Amendment/Discharge and Subdivision applications. City Staff will review the questionnaire and determine whether a Site Profile Form must be completed. Should you require any further information or clarification please contact Planning Services at 604-864-5510 or the Ministry of Environment at 1-604-582-5200 a) SITE INFORMATION Civic Address _______________________________________________________________________________ Legal Description ____________________________________________________________________________ b) PRELIMINARY USE ASSESSMENT Please indicate if there is currently or to the best of your knowledge if there has previously been any use or activity listed below. You must tick "Yes" or "No" for each purpose or activity listed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Purpose or Activity A. Chemical industries and activities adhesives manufacturing or wholesale bulk storage chemical manufacturing or wholesale bulk storage explosives or ammunition manufacturing or wholesale bulk storage fire retardant manufacturing or wholesale bulk storage fertilizer manufacturing or wholesale bulk storage ink or dye manufacturing or wholesale bulk storage leather or hides tanning paint, lacquer or varnish manufacturing, formulation, recycling or wholesale bulk storage pharmaceutical products, or controlled substances as defined in the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (Canada), manufacturing or operations plastic products (foam or expanded plastic products) manufacturing textile dying pesticide manufacturing, formulation or wholesale bulk storage resin or plastic monomer manufacturing, formulation or wholesale bulk storage B. Electrical equipment industries and activities battery (lead acid or other) manufacturing or wholesale bulk storage communications stations using or storing equipment that contains PCBs electrical equipment manufacturing, refurbishing or wholesale bulk storage electrical transmission or distribution substations electronic equipment manufacturing transformer oil manufacture, processing or wholesale bulk storage electrical power generating operations fuelled by coal or petroleum hydrocarbons and supplying electricity to a community or commercial or industrial operation C. Metal smelting, processing or finishing industries and activities foundries or scrap metal smelting galvanizing metal plating or finishing metal salvage operations nonferrous metal smelting or refining welding or machine shops (repair of fabrication) D. Mining, milling or related industries and activities asbestos mining, milling, wholesale bulk storage or shipping coal coke manufacture, wholesale bulk storage or shipping coal or lignite mining, milling, wholesale bulk storage or shipping milling reagent manufacture, wholesale bulk storage or shipping. nonferrous metal concentrate wholesale bulk storage or shipping nonferrous metal mining or milling E. Miscellaneous industries, operations or activities appliance, equipment or engine repair, reconditioning, cleaning or salvage ash deposit from boilers, incinerators, or other thermal facilities asphalt tar roofing manufacture, wholesale storage and distribution coal gasification (manufactured gas production) medical, chemical, radiological or biological laboratories rifle or pistol firing ranges road salt storage facilities measuring instruments (containing mercury) manufacture, repair or wholesale bulk storage dry cleaning facilities or operations and dry cleaning chemical storage sites which have been or likely have been contaminated by substances migrating from other properties controlled substances, as defined in the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (Canada), manufacturing or operations F. Petroleum and natural gas drilling, production, processing, retailing and distribution petroleum or natural gas drilling petroleum or natural gas production facilities natural gas processing petroleum coke manufacture, wholesale bulk storage or shipping petroleum product, other than compressed gas, dispensing facilities, including service stations and card locks petroleum, natural gas or sulphur pipeline rights of way excluding rights of way for pipelines used to distribute natural gas to consumers in a community petroleum product, other than compressed gas, or produced water storage in above ground or underground tanks petroleum product, other than compressed gas, wholesale bulk storage or distribution petroleum refining wholesale bulk storage or shipping solvent manufacturing or wholesale bulk storage sulphur handling, processing or wholesale bulk storage and distribution YES NO Form No. PL-500 (Revised: December 23, 2014) Page 6 of 9 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION FORM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Purpose or Activity G. Transportation industries, operations and related activities aircraft maintenance, cleaning or salvage automotive, truck, bus, subway or other motor vehicle repair, salvage or wrecking bulk commodity storage or shipping (e.g. coal) dry docks, ship building or boat repair and maintenance, including paint removal from hulls marine equipment salvage rail car or locomotive maintenance, cleaning, salvage or related uses including railyards truck, rail or marine bulk freight handling H. Waste disposal and recycling operations and activities antifreeze bulk storage or recycling barrel, drum or tank reconditioning or salvage battery (lead acid or other) recycling biomedical waste disposal bulk manure stockpiling and high rate land application or disposal (nonfarm applications only) construction demolition material, including without limitation asphalt and concrete, landfilling contaminated soil storage, treatment or disposal dredged waste disposal drycleaning waste disposal electrical equipment recycling industrial waste lagoons or impoundments industrial waste storage, recycling or landfilling industrial woodwaste (log yard waste, hogfuel) disposal mine tailings waste disposal municipal waste storage, recycling, composting or landfilling organic or petroleum material landspreading (landfarming) sandblasting waste disposal septic tank pumpage storage or disposal sewage lagoons or impoundments hazardous waste storage, treatment or disposal sludge drying or composting street or yard snow removal dumping waste oil reprocessing, recycling or bulk storage wire reclaiming operations I. Wood, pulp and paper products and related industries and activities particle board manufacturing pulp mill operations pulp and paper manufacturing treated wood storage at the site of treatment veneer or plywood manufacturing wafer board manufacturing wood treatment (antisapstain or preservation) wood treatment chemical manufacturing, wholesale bulk storage sawmills YES NO c) EXEMPTION REVIEW (complete this section if you answered “yes” to any activity above) Under certain circumstances, you may be exempt from applying for a site profile even if you answer "yes" in the previous section. Please review and indicate if any of the following apply: 1. 2. Exemptions Related to the Site A Site Profile that is on file at the Site Registry contains all current information about areas on the site. Please state filing date and file reference number used by Ministry of Environment: The Regional Manager at the Ministry of Environment has already made a decision in regards to contamination or rehabilitation, such as approval in principle, certificate of compliance, etc. Please attach any correspondence from the Ministry or state the type and the date of the decision, and the Ministry of Environment file reference number: 3. The site is a Wide Area Site designated by the Regional Manager and an approved remediation plan applies. Please elaborate: 4. The site has been determined by the Regional Manager at the Ministry of Environment to be contaminated, provided there is no additional or new contamination following such a determination. Please state the date of this determination and Ministry of Environment file reference number: The site was satisfactorily remediated before April 1, 1997, there is no change in use or activities, and there is no new site contamination. Please provide written confirmation of satisfactory remediation status and Ministry of Environment file reference number. Exemptions Related to the Application The subdivision application is for a Statutory Right-of-way of the Land Title Act. 5. 1. 2. YES NO YES NO The development permit or variance permit application will not result in construction or involve disturbance or excavation of soil. Please elaborate on the purpose of the application. Attach a separate sheet if required. If you answer ‘yes’ to any purpose or activity in section b) and no exemption applies in section c), you must also submit a completed provincial Site Profile Schedule 1 form and the $100 Environmental Site Profile Fee. d) SIGNATURE The person completing this questionnaire states that the above information is true, based on the person's current knowledge as of the date completed Name _____________________________________________ Company ______________________________________ Address _________________________City _____________________ Province __________ Postal Code _____________ Phone _________________________ Fax _________________________ Email _________________________ Signature ____________________________________ Date ____________________________ Date Received: :_____________ File Reference:_______________ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Clerk’s Initials:______ □ Site Profile Form & $100 Fee Required □ No Site Profile Form Required - Kept on File and Ack. Letter Sent Form No. PL-500 (Revised: December 23, 2014) Page 7 of 9 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION FORM 9. REQUIRED APPLICATION DOCUMENTATION (must be submitted in hard copy format unless otherwise specified) Use the check boxes to indicate the required documents included in your application. Items Required for ALL applications: Fully completed Development Application Form Application fees Title search(es) (retrieved within the last 30 days) Hard-copies of any covenants, easements and rights-of-way registered on title Letter of Authorization (page 4 of this form) (if applicable). LLetter on Company Letterhead to confirm the authorized signatory’s authority to sign on the company’s behalf, if their name does not appear on the BC Company Summary (if property owner is an incorporated company or society). BC Company Summary (retrieved within the last 30 days) (if property owner is an incorporated company or society). Letter of Intent outlining the proposal in full (background including justification/rationale for any proposed variances). Note: Additional information may be required for staff review and requested in conjunction with the first review comments, such as but not limited to a Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) report from a CPTED practitioner for Development Permit applications, a Preliminary Lot Grading Plan, an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan. Additional Items Required: APPLICATION TYPE Agricultural Land Commission (Exclusion, Inclusion, Use or Subdivision) Development Permit - Form & Character Development Permit - Environmental Development Permit - Protection of Agriculture Development Variance Permit Heritage Alteration Permit Liquor Licence (new or amendment) Land Use Contract Use or Density change or Discharge Land Use Contract – Amendment/Discharge for Secondary Suite OCP Amendment Rezoning Map Amendment Rezoning Text Amendment (site specific) Subdivision: Standard Strata Conversion Phased Strata Form P (4 copies)/Form P Amendment Consolidation (more than 1 lot upon approval) Lot Line Adjustment (Non-ALR) Temporary Use Permit REQUIRED ITEMS B,D,M,N A,C,D,E,F,G,H,I A,C,D,G,I,Q,R,S A,F,G B,C A,G,H,I A,H,O A,C,I B A,D,I,J A,C,D,G,I A,C A,C,D,G,I,R A,C,H,K A,C,L A,L A,C,G,I A,C,G,I A,P A. Site Plan* prepared by a professional consultant One (1) full-size and two (2) 11"x17" paper prints, plus an electronic copy B. Site Sketch outlining the proposal (Ideally a sketch plan done by a surveyor but hand-drawn sketch is acceptable. minimum one 8 ½” x 11” paper print) C. Site Profile Questionnaire (pages 5 & 6 of this form). If you answer ‘yes’ to any purpose or activity in section b) and no exemption applies in section c), you must also submit a completed provincial Site Profile Schedule 1 form and the $100 Environmental Site Profile Fee. A link to the Site Profile form is available on the City’s website D. Context Plan* outlining the proposed site plan overlaid on an air photo image including the surrounding properties. E. Coloured Building Elevations* F. Landscape Plan* G. Arborist Report, including Tree Survey* (excluding streamside protection or undevelopable areas), Tree condition Assessment (including identifying hazardous trees and those exempted due to being located within municipal roadways) and Tree Removal and Replacement Plan Note: if no trees exist on the property(ies), you must provide written confirmation within the letter of intent. H. Floor Plans* I. If a watercourse is present within 50 meters of the proposed development, a Fish Habitat Assessment report completed in accordance with the Streamside Protection Bylaw, that includes a Site Survey prepared by a B.C. Land Surveyor showing the location of the high water mark, top-of-bank, and City of Abbotsford Streamside Protection Bylaw Streamside Protection and Enhancement Area (SPEA) as determined by a Qualified Environmental Professional (QEP).** J. Reports and plans detailing the proposal, demonstrating its feasibility and assessing its impact from a traffic and servicing perspective with necessary plans and written reasons justifying the OCP amendment.** Form No. PL-500 (Revised: December 23, 2014) DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION FORM Page 8 of 9 K. As per section 242 of the Strata property Act any Strata Conversion for an existing building must submit a report on the following: Life expectancy of the building The projected major increases in maintenance costs due to the condition of the building Assurance from a Professional Engineer that the Building meets minimum health and safety requirements; Assurance from a Professional Engineer that any remedial work will be designed, certified, and supervised by a Professional Engineer with expertize on the relevant discipline for the remedial work; and Zoning Compliance report. Additionally, for a proposed Multi-family strata conversion the requirements as outlined within Development Services Policy No. 400-2-09 must also be provided.** L. Proposed phasing boundaries superimposed on a site plan showing all proposed buildings, driveways, parking areas and areas of each phase. Ensure that all limited common property for each unit is fully located within the phase under application.* M. Two (2) original copies of "ALC's Application by Land Owner" and all supporting documents noted within (homesite severance proposals to include Intention to Sell Acknowledgement form).** N. ALC Exclusion Documentation, confirmation of newspaper ad, notification of neighbours, and on-site signage.** O. Copy of Liquor Control & Licensing Branch (LCLB) Licence Application signed by Director of Development Planning, together with floor plan of existing establishment with layout of seating.** P. If proposing truck parking temporary use permit, Truck Parking configuration and truck parking templates plan outlining total number of proposed truck parking spaces.* Q. Wildlife Habitat Assessment Report**, prepared by a Qualified Environmental Professional (QEP) that identifies significant, rare or unique vegetation, wildlife and wildlife habitat, and that establishes site-specific mitigation measures regarding watercourses and environmental protection areas, management of stormwater runoff, to minimize disturbance to that which has been identified within the report. Note: if no vegetation, wildlife or wildlife habitat exists, you must provide a letter from a QEP to this effect. R. Geotechnical Report, if the site contains slopes in excess of 20% or other hazardous conditions, assessing the natural hazards and the potential for landslip, rockfall, slope failure, debris flow, debris flood or flooding, or other hazard (as relevant to the site), and assesses the impact of the proposed development on or by such natural hazard conditions, confirming that the land can be safely used for the intended purpose.** S. Preliminary Lot Grading Plan, signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer licensed to practice in B.C., outlining the existing and proposed grades (including details on retaining walls), significant trees (as defined by the Tree Protection Bylaw), outlining streamside setback areas (if applicable), the proposed site plan/lot layout plan superimposed on the plan, and providing selected cross-sections through the lands.* *One (1) full-size and two (2) 11"x17" paper prints, plus an electronic copy. Electronic versions of plans will be accepted as a PDF via email to [email protected], CD or flash drive. If multiple concurrent applications are proposed, one additional 11”x17” copy of the plans will be required for each additional application. ** One (1) hardcopy plus an electronic copy to be provided. Electronic versions of plans will be accepted as a PDF via e-mail to [email protected], CD or flash drive. Form No. PL-500 (Revised: December 23, 2014) Page 9 of 9 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION FORM 10. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF NOTICE OF COLLECTION OF PERSONAL INFORMATION I/We have attached to this development application form the attachments required as noted in Section 9, along with the required application fee, and hereby agree to submit further information deemed necessary for processing this application. I/We understand that for each occasion on which I/We initiate a change to this application, an administrative change fee of $300 is payable at the time the change is filed. Personal information collected on this form is collected for the purpose of processing this application and for administration and enforcement. The personal information is collected under the authority of the Local Government Act, the City's bylaws and Section 26 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. It will not be used or disclosed other than for the purpose for which it was collected, except with the consent of the individual whom the information is about or otherwise in accordance with law. If you have any questions about this collection and use of your personal information, contact the Information and Privacy Coordinator at 604-864-5575 or [email protected] City of Abbotsford, 32315 South Fraser Way, Abbotsford BC V2T 1W7. By signing this application I hereby agree that all information, including personal information, contained on this document including all attachments may be made available to the public. Signature of Applicant Date Signature of Applicant Date Applications will be accepted between the hours of 8:30 am - 4:00 pm Please allow 15-30 minutes to process the application. If paying by cash, debit or credit card, additional time will be required Incomplete applications will not be accepted. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ► If application is incomplete, indicate reason(s) and return to applicant: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ► If application is complete, then assign file number and date stamp all documents: Date Stamp: Received by:__________________________ Form No. PL-500 (Revised: December 23, 2014) Zoning Amendment to: Fee Refundable Portion ** All Agricultural zones $2,000 + $200 Sign Deposit $800 + $200 Sign Deposit All RR and RS Zones $2,700 + $200 per ha + $200 Sign Deposit $800 + $200 Sign Deposit $2,700 + $25 per unit permitted + $200 Sign Deposit $800 + $200 Sign Deposit All RM Zones with density of 60 units per ha or less, and RH1 2 All RM Zones, except as otherwise noted $2,700 + $0.20 per m of floor area permitted + $200 Sign Deposit All Commercial Zones $2,700 + $0.30 per m of site area + $200 Sign Deposit All Industrial Zones $2,700 + $0.15 per m of site area + $200 Sign Deposit $800 + $200 Sign Deposit All Institutional Zones $2,700 + $200 Sign Deposit $800 + $200 Sign Deposit All Comprehensive Development Zones $3,500 + $25 per residential unit permitted 2 + $0.20 per m of non-residential floor area permitted + $200 Sign Deposit $800 + $200 Sign Deposit $800 + $200 Sign Deposit 2 $800 + $200 Sign Deposit 2 All LUC Amendments dealing with Use or Density: $2,700 + $200 per ha + $200 Sign Deposit $800 + $200 Sign Deposit $2,700 + $25 per unit permitted + $200 Sign Deposit $800 + $200 Sign Deposit One/Two – unit Residential Use Multi-Residential Units Commercial $2,700 + $0.30 per m of site area + $200 Sign Deposit Industrial $2,700 + $0.15 per m of site area + $200 Sign Deposit Accessory Secondary Suite Residential $950 Text Amendments to Zoning Bylaw $2,200 + $200 Sign Deposit if site specific amendment New Public Hearing Fee $800 2 $800 + $200 Sign Deposit 2 $800 + $200 Sign Deposit $400 $800 + $200 Sign Deposit if applicable N/A ** A $800 refund will apply if the application does not proceed to Bylaw. The $200 sign deposit will be returned once the file is closed and if the sign is removed within 15 days of the closure of the file. NOTE: If your application requires a public notification mailout, and it exceeds the 100 letter threshold, additional fees will be invoiced (see ‘Supplemental Mailout Fees'). Permit Type Fee Refundable Portion * Form and Character Development Permit Commercial & Mixed Use Façade Upgrading Only Building Permit Value: o Up to $5,000 o $5,001 - $10,000 o Over $10,000 2 $2,300 + $0.23 per m of floor area proposed $170 $345 $1,030 nil nil $300 * 2 Industrial Townhouse $300 * $1,600 + $0.25 per m of floor area proposed $300 * $2,000 + $25 per unit proposed $300 * $300 * 2 Multi-family except Townhouse $2,300 + $0.12 per m of floor area proposed $1,600 + $170 per ha to a maximum of $3,500 $300 * Environmental Development Permit for Tree Felling Only $1,030 $300 * Minor Amendment of Development Permit $1,030 $300 * Protection of Agriculture Development Permit $1,030 $300 * Environmental Development Permit (Standard) Protection of Agriculture Development Permit with Form and Character and/or Environmental Development Permit Form and Character Development Permit with Environmental Development Permit Development Variance Permit – Agricultural, RR & RS zones, except where construction was initiated without a valid Building Permit issued by the City; cost per one variance on one property Development Variance Permit – Comprehensive Development zones Form and Character DP fee and/or Environmental DP fee (i.e. no charge for Protection of Agriculture Development Permit) N/A Form and Character Fee + $1,600 $300 * $900 $400 ** See Planning Staff See Planning Staff All other zones; cost per one variance on one property $1,200 For construction initiated without a valid Building Permit issued by the City $1,800 $900 ** Cost per additional variance requested, including each additional property variance applies to $150 N/A * Refunded if no appeal ** Refunded if application does not proceed to a Council Hearing $400 ** Fee Refundable Portion * $200 N/A Temporary Use Permit $2,000 $300 * Temporary Use Permit Renewal $1,000 N/A $950 $400 ** As per Schedule “E” of Development Application and Service Fee Bylaw, 2010 N/A Permit Type Development Variance Permit Extension Land Use Contract Amendment dealing with matters other than Use or Density Landscape Inspection Fee * Refunded if no appeal ** Refunded if application does not proceed to a Council Hearing Subdivision Fee Refundable Portion $1,650 + $75 per lot to be created N/A Preliminary Letter of Approval Extension Fee $370 N/A Final Plan Examination or Plan Resigning $50 N/A Boundary Realignment in ALR, 3 parcels or less $1,000 N/A Boundary Realignment in ALR, 4 parcels or more $1,500 N/A Consolidation and minor lot line adjustments outside of ALR $500 N/A Strata Conversion – 3 units or less $900 N/A $1,700 N/A Form “P” Approval $600 N/A Form “P” Amendment Approval $200 N/A Phased Strata Plan Approval $200 N/A $1,000 N/A $500 N/A Standard & Bareland Strata Subdivision Strata Conversion – 4 units or more (including conversion of previously occupied buildings) Airspace Strata Approval Leasehold OCP Amendment Fees All Categories Zoning Bylaw Amendment with Official Community Plan Amendment Fee Refundable Portion $2,200 $400 * $1,100 + Zoning Amendment Fee $800 * * Refunded if application does not proceed to Bylaw Others Fee Administrative Change $300 Board of Variance $400 Heritage Alteration Permit: Heritage Alteration Permit (if examined by the Director of Planning or reviewed by the Clayburn Village Community Heritage Commission) Heritage Alteration Permit Minor Heritage Alteration Permit, if determined to be an application for a minor alteration pursuant to subsection 4[3] of the Heritage Alteration Permit Application Procedures Bylaw No. 21596 Administrative Change after filing application $250 $625 ($300 may be refunded, if not approved in principle by City Council) $60 $60 Land Use Information Letters: Single Family (per property) $130 Other $350 Others Fee Liquor Licensing: Liquor Primary License Amendment (change to existing license, increased seating capacity, patio endorsement, hours of operation) Food Primary License Amendment (extension of liquor service hours past midnight, or for patron participation entertainment) $1200 Liquor License Occupant Load Determination (for existing buildings) $260 Liquor Primary License - New (includes transfer of a license) Preliminary Report to Council (exclusive of Rezoning) $1,200 (exclusive of rezoning) $1200 *Liquor License Reports are exclusive of rezoning or OCP amendment requirements and costs. Second Dwelling Applications: Accessory Family Residential Use $600 Accessory Full-time Employee Residential Use $600 Accessory Seasonal Employee Residential Use $860 Environmental Site Profile (If required to be sent to Ministry of Environment) Supportive Recovery Use (Maximum 10 residents) Corporate Searches, per search $100 $1,000 $20 Others Land Title Office Document Retrieval, per document Housing Agreement Fee $15 $1,000 Habitat Review Panel Streamside Protection Bylaw, 2005 Variance Approvals (includes HRP inspection fee) $500 Covenant Preparation & Registration $350 Covenant Amendments $150 Development Agreement Preparation & Registration $500 Supplemental Mailout Fees: Additional Letters (over 100), each Agricultural Land Commission: Exclusion Subdivision or Use within ALR $2 $670 ($300 ALC portion refunded if not forwarded) $670 ($300 ALC portion refunded if not forwarded) This summary of fees is for convenience only. Reference should be made to Development Application Procedures Bylaw, 1999; Board of Variance Bylaw, 2007; Development Application and Service Fee Bylaw, 2010 for definitive interpretations. All dimensions and area are to be shown in metric (ha) and where FAR is 2 2 required in m . (1 ha = 10,000 m ) updated March 26 2012 Charges By DCC Area as per Map M-580 DEVELOPMENT COST CHARGES SUMMARY Bylaw #1983-2010 bylaw #1812-2008 amended July 13 2009 CITY DCC CHARGES Applicable Areas as per Map M-580 RURAL RESIDENTIAL URBAN RESIDENTIAL ULDR1 <5 DU/ha 2 per m GFA JAMES ROADS DRAINAGE SEWER WATER PARKS A,B,C,E,F A,B,C A,B,C,D A,B A,B,C,D,E,F $19.05 $0.00 *capped at $7,142/DU $0.00 $0.00 WASTEWATER A,B,C,D $15.30 $0.00 *capped at $7,956/DU SD 34 Bylaw #15 JOINT WATER SCHOOL SITE ACQUISITION A,D,E all residential uses A B C $444.00 * per DU $13.45 per dwelling unit $14,312.00 $1,417.00 $2,181.00 $798.00 $10,913.00 $4,178.00 $7,394.00 $444.00 $41,637.00 $34,243.00 $33,445.00 ULDR2 5.1 - 10 DU/ha per dwelling unit $13,094.00 $797.00 $1,996.00 $730.00 $9,984.00 $3,822.00 $6,765.00 $444.00 $37,632.00 $30,867.00 $30,137.00 ULDR3 10.1 to 12 DU/ha per dwelling unit $12,180.00 $812.00 $1,856.00 $679.00 $9,288.00 $3,556.00 $6,293.00 $444.00 $35,108.00 $28,815.00 $28,136.00 ULDR4 12.1 to 14 DU/ha per dwelling unit $10,962.00 $759.00 $1,671.00 $611.00 $8,359.00 $3,200.00 $5,663.00 $444.00 $31,669.00 $26,006.00 $25,395.00 ULDR5 14.1 to 16 DU/ha per dwelling unit $9,744.00 $664.00 $1,485.00 $543.00 $7,430.00 $2,845.00 $5,034.00 $444.00 $28,189.00 $23,155.00 $22,612.00 ULDR6 16.1 to 20 DU/ha per dwelling unit $8,831.00 $639.00 $1,346.00 $493.00 $6,733.00 $2,578.00 $4,562.00 $444.00 $25,626.00 $21,064.00 $20,571.00 ULDR7 >20 DU/ha per dwelling unit $3,933.00 $399.00 $7,613.00 $512.00 $1,160.00 $425.00 $5,805.00 $2,222.00 $22,069.00 * per DU MEDIUM DENSITY 17 to 45 DU/ha per m2 GFA 2 U/Ha /DU 1 to 20 $444.00 *includes SSAC $18,136.00 *includes SSAC $36.39 $3.10 $5.94 $2.17 $29.62 $11.38 $20.07 21 to 50 $399.00 $108.67 $88.60 $86.43 $355.00 $116.23 per m GFA $46.76 $5.10 $8.12 $2.98 $40.69 $15.56 $27.57 $146.78 $119.21 CONGREGATE CARE per m2 GFA $23.39 $4.21 $8.08 $2.96 $0.00 $15.47 $27.46 126 to 200 $311.00 $81.57 $54.11 $51.15 201+ $266.00 *plus SSAC *plus SSAC *plus SSAC $73.14 $16,823.00 $2.51 $0.70 $0.00 $4.81 $6.40 *per developed GSA $87.56 $80.46 +$16,823.00per GSA $47.80 $34.35 *plus SSAC *plus SSAC $79.54 $73.14 $113,361.00 $74,411.00 $45.11 $41.44 +$16,823.00per GSA INDUSTRIAL per ha GSA $74,411.00 $15,938.00 $14,773.00 $3,151.00 $0.00 $28,297.00 $38,950.00 $175,520.00 INSTITUTIONAL per m2 GFA $41.44 $2.02 $1.39 $0.47 $0.00 $2.67 $3.67 $51.66 GREENHOUSE AGRICULTURAL per m2 GFA $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $6.72 $6.72 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2.24 $2.24 GENERAL AGRICULTURAL 2 per m GFA $133,419.00 $47.99 F $17,711.00 HIGH DENSITY >45 DU/ha per m2 GFA E *includes SSAC 51 to 125 COMMERCIAL D $47.52 $7.73
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