gy?nmnaléizw Attorney

Nov. 2 , 1926.
|_. N. PARKg;
Filed Feb. 2'7, 1926
LN 1224265,
Patented Nov. 2, 1926.
Application ?led February 27, 1926. Serial No. 91,128.
This invention relates to agitators and surrounding the central opening in which
more particularly to the hand type for use is a pendent sleeve 14 for bracing the cup
in the mixing of paint, the washing of upon the shaft and preventing the wobbling
clothes, and other kindred uses, the size of movement of the same during actuation of
the device being regulated according to the
the device.
It will be apparent that during the down
The primary object resides in the pro ~ward movement of the agitator within the
vision of an agitator having a vacuum cup fluid, the cup 18 will. be forced upwardly
movable on the handle shaft thereof and to the position shown in Figure 1. Upon
above an agitating dasher in order that the the upstroke, the cup will slide downwardly
nature of the work to be performed.
material will be additionally'agitated by and rest upon the dasher 1O producing a
suction resulting in an efficient mixing oper
suction within the ?uid which will obviously
ation as well as the extraction of dirt from cause the same to follow the cup during its
upward movement resulting in the efficient
‘With the foregoing and other objects in agitation of said fluid.
clothes or other articles being washed.
Minor changes may be made in the inven-'
better understood, the same comprises the tion wtihout departing from the spirit and
novel form, combination and arrangement scope of the appended claims.
Having thus described the invention, what
of parts, hereinafter more fully described,
shown in the accompanying drawing and I claim as newand desire to secure by
Letters Patent is :—
1. In an agitator of the character de»
In the drawing wherein like reference
characters indicate corresponding parts scribed, a handle shaft, a circular dasher
view as the nature of the invention will be ,
throughout both of the views:
member upon one end of the handle shaft
Figure 1 is a View in longitudinal section provided throughout its area with openings,
of an agitator constructed in accordance a vacuum cup slidable upon the handle shaft
adapted for rest upon the dasher at its down—
with the present invention.
Figure 2 is a section taken through the ward limit of movement and adjustable
handle shaft and looking downwardly upon means for limiting the upward movement
the vacuum cup, the same being partly bro of the cup upon said handle shaft.
2. In an agitator of the character de
ken away for more clearly disclosing the
shape of the agitating dasher member.
scribed, a handle shaft, a circular dasher
Now having particular reference to the member upon one end of the handle shaft
drawing, my novel agitator constitutes the provided throughout its area with openings,
provision of the handle shaft 5 of desirable a vacuum cup slidable upon the handle shaft
length reduced and threaded at one end to adapted for rest upon the dasher at its
provide a pin 6 in order that a cross handle downward limit of movement and adjusta 90
7 may be secured thereto through reason ble means for limiting the upward move
of a nut 8 threaded upon said pin. The op ment of the cup upon said handle shaft,
posite end of the handle shaft 5 is similarly said means comprising a collar adjustable
reduced and threaded for providing a pin upon said handle shaft.
9 upon which is arranged a circular dasher
3. In an, agitator of the character de
plate 10 provided throughout its entire area scribed, a handle shaft, a circular perforated
with circumferential rows of spaced open dasher plate detachably secured to one end
45 ings 11 to allow the fluid within which the of the handle shaft, and a semi-spherical
device is Working to pass therethrough, 'per inverted vacuum cup slidable upon the han~
~ mitting of the easy reciprocatory motion of dle shaft and adapted for rest upon the
dasher at its downward limit of movement
the agitator within said ?uid.
Adjustably arranged upon the handle and adjustable means for limiting the up
shaft 5 is a stop collar 12 while slidably ward movement ofv the cup upon the handle
mounted upon the handle shaft between the shaft.
In testimony whereof I affix my signature.
collar and dasher 10 is a substantially semi
spherical inverted metallic vacuum cup 13