1 Approach to Medicine, the Patient, and the Medical Profession: Medicine as a Learned and Humane Profession, Lee Goldman and Dennis Ausiello 2 Bioethics in the Practice of Medicine, Ezekiel J. Emanuel 3 Care of Dying Patients and Their Families, J. Andrew Billings 4 Cultural Context of Medicine, Victoria M.Taylor 5 Socioeconomic Issues in Medicine, Steven A. Schroeder Section II: Principles of Evaluation and Management 6 Approach to the Patient: History and Physical Examination, David L. Simel 7 Approach to the Patient with Abnormal Vital Signs, David L. Schriger 8 Statistical Interpretation of Data, Thomas B. Newman and Charles E. McCulloch 9 Using Data for Clinical Decisions, Thomas H. Lee 10 Measuring Health and Health Care, Stephan D. Fihn 11 Quality of Care and Safety of Patients, Robert M. Wachter Principles of Preventive Health Care, Steven H. Woolf The Periodic Health Examination, David Atkins Physical Activity, David M. Buchner Violence and Injury, Susan B. Sorenson Immunization, Walter A. Orenstein Principles of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Mark R. Cullen 18 Radiation Injury, Arthur C. Upton 19 Bioterrorism, John G. Bartleff 20 Chronic Poisoning: Trace Metals and Others, Michael A. McGuigan 12 13 14 15 16 17 o n IV: Aging and Geriatric Medidna 1W Epidemiology of Aging: Implications of the Aging of 35 Antithrombotic Therapy, Jack Hirsh and Sam Schulman 36 Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 3 Section VI: Genetics 6 11 16 20 I 22 23 24 25 26 r Section V: Clinical Pharmacoloqy 27 Principles of Drug Therapy, Robert B. Diasio 28 Pain, Mitchell B. Max 29 Biology of Addiction, Steven E. Hyman 30 Tobacco, Neal L. Benowitz 31 Alcohol Abuse and Dependence, Patrick G. O'Connor 32 Drug Abuse and Dependence, Jefrey H. Samet 33 lmmunosuppressing Drugs, Including Corticosteroids, Grant kt! Cannon 34 Prostaglandins, Aspirin, and Related Compounds, Garret A. FitzGerald 37 Principles of Genetics: Overview of the Paradigm of Genetic Contribution to Health and Disease, Bruce R. Korf 38 Genetic Risk Assessment, Margretta R. Seashore 39 Single-Gene and Chromosomal Disorders, Judith G. Hall 40 The Inherited Basis of Common Diseases, David Altshuler 41 Cell and Gene Therapy, Karl Skorecki and Inflammation 34 40 45 51 57 59 64 67 70 85 90 97 102 I 21 Society, Linda l! Fried Biology of Aging, George M. Martin Common Clinical Sequelae of Aging, Kenneth L. Minaker Urinary Incontinence, Joseph G. Ouslander Neuropsychiatric Aspects of Aging, Sharon K. Inouye Delirium and Other Mental Status Problems in the Older Patient, Sharon K. Inouye 197 113 116 119 125 128 131 151 159 162 167 174 182 189 Jiirg J. Goronzy and Cornelia M. Weyand 43 The Major Histocompatibility Complex, Peter K. Gregersen 44 Mechanisms of Immune-Mediated Tissue Injury, Jane E. Salmon 45 Mechanisms of lnflammation and Tissue Repair, Gary S. Firestein 46 Transplantation Immunology, Megan Sykes 47 Complement in Health and Disease, David R. Karp and K Michael Holers 249 260 266 270 277 1 I Section VIII: Cardiovascular Disease 48 Approach to the Patient with Possible Cardiovascular Disease, Lee Goldman 49 Epidemiology of Cardiovascular Disease, Michael H. Criqui 50 Cardiac Function and Circulatory Control, Daniel Burkhoff and Myron L. Weisfeldt 51 Radiology of the Heart, Murray G. Baron 52 Electrocardiography, Leonard Ganr and Edward Curtiss 53 Echocardiography, Catherine M. Otto 54 Nuclear Cardiology and Computed Tomography, George A. Beller and Christopher M. Kramer 55 Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Warren J. Manning 56 Catheterization and Angiography, David l! Faron 57 Heart Failure: Pathophysiology and Diagnosis, Barry M. Massie 58 Heart Failure: Management and Prognosis, John J. V McMurray and Marc A. Pfeffer 59 Diseases of the Myocardium and Endocardium, William McKenna 60 Principles of Electrophysiology, Hugh Calkins 61 Approach to the Patient with Suspected Arrhythmia, Jefrey E. Olgin 62 Approach to Cardiac Arrest and Life-Threatening Arrhythmias, Robert J. Myerburg and Agustin Castellanos 63 Cardiac Arrhythmias with Supraventricular Origin, Masood Akhtar 291 301 305 312 320 327 335 338 341 345 354 372 390 394 40 1 405 vi 5 Contents 64 Ventricular Arrhythmias, Bruce B: k p p z n 65 Electrophysiologic lnterventiqhal ~ro~ed'h'res and. Surgery, Fred Morady .66 Arterial Hypertension. Rpnald G 't" : *i~ 67 Pulmonary Hypertension; Robyn / . * ~ f % 68 Congenital Heart Disea$+m Addt$An'a$e J. Marelli 69 Atherosclerosis, Thrombasis, an&f34cu?ar,\~i~logy, .. Valentin Fuster i,; 70 Angina Pectoris, Pierre 'T35@ot&.* t. :~,.,-3 . 71 Acute Coronary S y n d r o m e : ~ ~5 l ~ ~~ d Non-ST Segment Elevation Myocariinfarction, David D. Waters 72 ST Segment Elevation Acute Myocardial Infarction and Complications of Myocardial Infarction, Jefiey L. Anderson 73 Percutaneous Coronary Interventions, Paul S. Teirstein 74 Surgical Treatment of Coronary Artery Disease, Bruce W Lytle 75 Valvular Heart Disease, Blase A. Carabello 76 Infective Endocarditis, Vance G. Fowler, Jr., and Arnold S. Buyer 77 Pericardial Disease, Warren J. Manning 78 Diseases of the Aorta, Eric M. Isselbacher 79 Atherosclerotic Peripheral Arterial Disease, William R. Hratt 80 Other Peripheral Arterial Diseases, Jefiey W Olin 81 Peripheral Venous Daease, Jeffrey Ginsberg 82 Cardiac Transplantation, Marie11 Jessu- 110 Disorders Due to Heat and Cold, William Winkenwerder and Michael N. Sawka 111 Acute Poisoning, Marsha D. Ford 112 Electric Injuly, Basil A. Pruirt, Jr. 113 Medical Aspects of Trauma and Bum Care, Robert H. Demling and Jonathan D. Gates 114 Rhabdomyolysis, Francis G. O'Connor and Patricia A. Dewter & 83 Aprlvdch to the Patient with Respiratory D i s e k , Monica Kraft 84 lmaging in Pulmonary Disease, Paul Stark 85 Respiratory Structure and Function: Mechanisms and Testing, Herbert X Reynolds 86 Disorders of Ventilatory Control, Steven A. Shea and David l? White 87 Asthma, Jefiey M. Drazen 88 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonaly Disease, Nzcholas Anthonisen 89 Cystic Fibrosis, Michael J. Welsh 90 Bronchiectasis, Atelectasis, Cysts, and Localized Lung Disorders, Alan E Barker 91 Alveolar Filling Disorders, Stephanie M. Levine 92 Interstitial Lung Disease, Ganesh Raghu 93 Occupational Pulmonaly Disorders, Jonathan M. Samet 94 Physical and Chemical Injuries of the Lung, Davrd C. Christrani 95 Sarcoidosis, Steven E. Weinberger 96 Acute Bronchitis and Tracheitis, Richard P. Wenzel 97 Overview of Pneumonia, Andrew H. Limper 98 Lung Abscess, Sydney M. Finegold 99 Pulmonary Embolism, Victor E Tapson 100 Diseases of the Diaphragm, Chest Wall, Pleura, and Mediastinum, Bartolome R. Celli 101 Obstructive Sleep Apnea-Hypopnea Syndrome, Robert C. Basner 102 Surgical Approach to Lung Disease, John J. Reilly, Jr., 115 Approach to the Patient with Renal Disease, Hasan Bazari 116 Structure and Function of the Kidneys, C. Craig Tisher 117 Disorders of Sodium and Water Homeostasis, Karl Skorecki and Dennis Ausiello 118 Potassium Disorders, Julian L. Seifter 119 Acid-Base Disorders, Julian L. Seifter 120 Disorders of Magnesium and Phosphorus, Alan S. L Yu 121 Acute Kidney Injury, Bruce A. Molitoris 122 Glomerular Disorders and Nephrotic Syndromes, Gerald B. Appel 123 Tubulointerstitial Diseases, Eric G. Neilson 124 Obstructive Uropathy, Mark L. Zeidel 125 Diabetes and the Kidney, Raymond C. Harris 126 Vascular Disorders of the Kidney, Thomas D. DuBose, Jr., and Renato M. Santos 127 Nephrolithiasis, Gary C. Curhan 128 Cystic Kidney Diseases, M. Arnin Arnaout 129 Hereditary Nephropathies and Abnormalities of the Urinary Tract, Lisa M. Guay- Woodford 130 Benign Prostate Disease and Prostatitis, Michael J. Barry and Mary McNaughton-Collins 131 Chronic Kidney Disease, William E. Mitch 132 Renal Osteodystrophy, Keith A. Hruska 133 Treatment of Irreversible Renal Failure, Nina Tolkoff-Rubin 619 627 631 636 640 653 658 667 672 674 685 688 697 705 7n9 ral Care N 103 Approach to the Patient in a Critical Care Setting, Deborah J. Cook 104 Respiratory Monitoring in Critical Care, John M. Luce 105 Acute Respiratory Failure, Leonard D. Hudson and Arthur S. Slutsky 106 Mechanical Ventilation, Arthur S. Slutsky and Leonard D. Hudson 107 Approach to the Patient with Shock, Joseph E. Parrillo 108 Cardiogenic Shock, David R. Holmes, Jr. 109 Shock Syndromes Related to Sepsis, James A. Russell 717 719 134 Approach to the Patient with Gastrointestinal Disease, Deborah D. Proctor 135 Diagnostic Imaging Procedures in Gastroenterology, Perry J. Pickhardt 136 Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, Pankaj Jay Pasricha 137 Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage and Occult Gastrointestinal Bleeding, David J. Bjorkman 138 Disorders of Gastrointestinal Motility, Michael Camilleri 139 Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders: Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Dyspepsia, and Noncardiac Chest Pain, Nicholas J. Talley 140 Diseases of the Esophagus, Roy C. Orlando 141 Acid Peptic Disease: Epidemiology and Pathobiology, Ernst J. Kuipers and Martin J. Blaser 142 Acid Peptic Disease: Clinical Manifestations, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prognosis, luan-R. Malagelada, Ernst J. Kuipers, and Martin 1. Blaser 143 Approach to the Patient with Diarrhea and Malabsorption, Carol E. Semrad and Don W Powell 144 Inflammatory Bowel Disease, William E: Stenson 145 Inflammatory and Anatomic Diseases of the Intestine, Peritoneum, Mesentery, and Omenturn, Charlene Prather 146 Vascular Diseases of the Gastrointestinal Tract, Stephen Crane Hauser 147 Pancreatitis, Chung Owyang 148 Diseases of the Rectum and Anus, Heidi N-'---I 1 763 768 788 790 798 805 813 820 839 847 ; 859 862 1 1 866 876 882 887 891 897 903 I 910 916 92 1 931 936 951 956 970 977 983 990 998 1009 1013 1019 1042 m !f m Section XIII: Diseases of the Liver, Gartutauud, and Bile Ducts 149 Approach to the Patient with Liver Disease, Nora K Bergasa 150 Approach to the Patient with Jaundice or Abnormal Liver Test Results, Paul D. Berk and Kevin M. Korenblat 1 1087 Contents P '- I i '1 I 1 )I 151 Acute Viral Hepatitis, Jay H.Hoofiagle 152 Chronic Hepatitis, Jay H Hoofiagle 153 Toxin- and Drug-Induced Liver Disease, William M. Lee 154 Inherited and Metabolic Hepatic Disorders, Kris K Kowdley 155 Bacterial, Parasitic, Fungal, and Granulomatous Liver Diseases, Brent A. Neuschwander-Tetri 156 Alcoholic and Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis, Anna Mae Diehl 157 Cirrhosis and Its Sequelae, Guadalupe Garcia-Tsao 158 Hepatic Failure and Liver Transplantation, Emmet B. Keeffe 159 Diseases of the Gallbladder and Bile Ducts, Nezam H. Afdhal 191 Cancer Prevention, Scott M. Lippman and Waun Ki Hong 192 Principles of Cancer Therapy, Michael C. Perry 193 Myelodysplastic Syndrome, D. Gary Gilliland and Alan E List 194 The Acute Leukemias, Frederick R. Appelbaum 195 The Chronic Leukemias, Hagop Kantarjian and Susan O'Brien 196 Non-Hodgkin's Lymphomas, Philip J. Bierman, Nancy Harris, and James 0.Amitage 197 Hodgkin's Lymphoma, Joseph M. Connors 198 Plasma Cell Disorders, S. Vincent Rajkumar and Robert A. Kyle 199 Tumors of the Central Nervous System and lntracranial Hypertension and Hypotension, Lisa M. DeAngelis 200 Head and Neck Cancer, Marshall Posner 201 Lung Cancer and Other Pulmonary Neoplasms, David S. Eftinger 202 Neoplasms of the Stomach, Anil K.Rustgi 203 Neoplasms of the Large and Small Intestine, Raymond N. DuBois 204 Pancreatic Cancer, Margaret Tempero and Randall Brand 205 Pancreatic Endocrine Tumors, Robert 1: Jensen 206 Liver and Biliary Tract Tumors, Lewis R. Roberts 207 Tumors of the Kidney, Bladder, Ureters, and Renal Pelvis, Dean E Bajorin 208 Breast Cancer and Differential Diagnosis of Benign Lesions, Hyman B. Muss 209 Gynecologic Cancers, Kelly L. Molpus and Howard M! Jones III 210 Testicular Cancer, Lawrence H. Einhorn 211 Prostate Cancer, Eric J. Small 212 Bone Tumors: Primary and Metastatic Bone Lesions, Laurence H.Baker 213 Sarcomas of Soft Tissue, Karen Antman 214 Melanoma and Nonmelanoma Skin Cancers, Lynn Schuchter and Michael Ming 215 Cancer of Unknown Primary Origin, John D. Hainsworth and E Anthony Greco !ction XIV: Hematologic Diseases I I? '. 1 .C : ' ,I ! ' r I 160 Hematopoiesis and Hematopoietic Growth Factors, Peter J. Quesenberry 161 The Peripheral Blood Smear, James R. Newland 162 Approach to the Anemias, Kenneth S. Zuckerman 163 Microcytic and Hypochromic Anemias, Gordon D. Ginder 164 Autoimmune and lntravascular Hemolytic Anemias, Robert S. Schwartz 165 Hemolytic Anemias: Red Cell Membrane and Metabolic Defects, David E. Golan 166 Hemoglobinopathies: The Thalassemias, Griffin P. Rodgers 167 Sickle Cell Disease and Associated Hemoglobinopathies, Martin H. Steinberg 168 Methemoglobinemias and Unstable Hemoglobins, Ronald L. Nagel 169 Nonhemolytic Normochromic, Normocytic Anemias, Ayalew Tefferi 170 Megaloblastic Anemias, A b k C. Antony 171 Aplastic Anemia and Related Disorders, Hugo Castro-Malaspina and Richard J. O'Reilly 172 Polycythemias, Ayalew Teferi 173 Leukopenia and Leukocytosis, Grover C. Bagby, Jr. 174 Approach to the Patient with Lymphadenopathy and : Splenomegaly, James 0.Armitage 175 Disorders of Phagocyte Function, Michael Glogauer 176 Eosinophilic Syndromes, Marc E. Rothenberg 177 Myeloproliferative Disorders: Essential Thrombocythemia and Primary Myelofibrosis, Ayalew Tefferi 178 Approach to the Patient with Bleeding and Thrombosis, Andrew I. Schafer 179 Hemorrhagic Disorders: Abnormalities of Platelet and Vascular Function, Robert McMillan 180 Hemorrhagic Disorders: Coagulation Factor Deficiencies, Craig M. Kessler 181 Hemorrhagic Disorders: Disseminated lntravascular Coagulation, Liver Failure, and Vitamin K Deficiency, Andrew I. Schafer 182 Thrombotic Disorders: HypercoagulableStates, Andrew I. Schafer 183 Transfusion Medicine, Lawrence T. Goodnough 184 Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation, lulie M. Vose and Steven Z. Pavletic 186 Genetics ofcancer, Raju S. K.Chaganti 187 Biology of Cancer, Jefiey A. Moscow and Kenneth H. Cowan 188 Endocrine Manifestations of Tumors: "Ectopic" Hormone Production, Robert E Gagel 189 Paraneoplastic Syndromes and Other Non-neoplastic Effects of Cancer, Hope S. Rugo 190 Cancer Biomarkers, Anna D. Barker I 116 Approach to Inborn Errors of Metabolis..., Louis J. Elms II 217 Disorders of Lipid Metabolism, Clay E Semenkovich 218 Galactosemia, Louis I. Elsas II 219 Glycogen Storage Diseases, Joseph I. Wolfsdorf 220 Disorders of Fructose Metabolism, Beat Steinmann 221 Primary Hyperoxaluria, Richard E. Hillman 222 Disorders of Purine and Pyrimidine Metabolism, Michael S. Hershfield 223 Lysosomal Storage Diseases, Margaret M. McGovern and Robert J. Desnuk 224 Disorders of Phenylalanine and Tyrosine Metabolism, Stephen D. Cederbaum 225 The Hyperprolinemias and Hydroxyprolinemia, James M. Phang 226 Diseases of the Urea Cycle, Stephen D. Cederbaum 227 Branched-Chain Aminoacidurias, Louis J. Elsas II 228 Homocystinuria and Hyperhomocysteinemia, Bruce A. Barshop 229 The Por~hvrias.Karl E. Anderson 230 ~ilson'; disease, Stephen G. Kaler 231 Iron Overload (Hemochromatosis), Bruc 1340 1345 1349 1353 1363 232 Nutrition's Interface with Health and Disease, Douglas C. Heimburger 233 Nutritional Assessment, Bruce R. Bistrian 234 Protein-Energy Malnutrition, Samuel Klein 235 Enteral Nutrition, John L. Rombeau 236 Parenteral Nutrition, Alexander Wilmer and Greet Van den Berghe 1539 1546 1555 1558 1561 1563 1564 1569 1573 1576 1577 1580 1582 1585 viii 5 Contents 237 Vitamins, Trace Minerals, and Other Micronutrients, Joel B. Mason 238 Eating Disorders, Marsha D. Marcus 240 Principles of Endocrinology, Gordon N. Gill and David R. Clemmons 241 Neuroendocrinology and the Neuroendocrine System, Mark E. Molitch 242 Anterior Pituitary, Mark E. Molitch 243 Posterior Pituitary, Joseph G. Verbalis 244 Thyroid, Paul Ladenson and Matthew Kim 245 Adrenal Cortex, Lynnette K. Nieman 246 Adrenal Medulla, Catecholamines, and Pheochromocytoma, William F. Young, Jr. 247 Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus, Silvio E. lnzucchi and Robert S. Sherwin 248 Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Silvio E. Inzucchi and Robert S. Sherwin 249 HypoglycemiaIPancreatic Islet Cell Disorders, Robert A. Rizza and F. John Service 250 Polyglandular Disorders, Henry M. Kronenberg 251 Multipleorgan Syndromes: Carcinoid Syndrome, Kenneth R. Hande 252 Disorders of Sexual Differentiation, Pm.n C. White 253 The Testis and Male Sexual Function, Ronald S. Swerdloff and Christina Wang iection XIX: Women's Health 254 Approach to Women's Health, Janet B. Henrich 255 Ovaries and Development, Robert W Rebar and Gregory E Erickson 256 Menstrual Cycle and Fertility, Robert W Rebar and Gregory E Erickson 257 Contraception, Daniel R. Mishell, Jr. 258 Management of Neoplastic Diseases during Pregnancy, Edward C. Grendys, Jr. 259 Pregnancy: Hypertension and Other Common Medical Problems, Diane L. Elliot 260 Human lmmunodeficiency Virus in Pregnancy, Stephen A. Spector 261 Hirsutism, Ricardo Azziz 262 Menopause, Deborah Grady and Elizabeth Barrett-Connor kction XX: Direas- of Born and Mineral Metabolism Mineral and Bone Homeostasis, Murray I. Favus Osteoporosis, Clifford Rosen Osteomalacia and Rickets, Marc K. Drezner The Parathyroid Glands, Hypercalcemia, and Hypocalcemia, John J. Wysolmerski and Karl L. Insogna 267 Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma and Calcitonin, Leonard J. Dejftos and Robert E Gage1 268 Paget's Disease of Bone, G. David Roodman 269 Osteonecrosis, Osteosclerosis/Hyperostosis, and Other Disorders of Bone, Michael P. Whyte 263 264 265 266 70-Apprc to the Patient with Allergic Disease, Stephen I. Wmserman 271 Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases, Mark Ballow 272 Allergic Rhinitis and Sinusitis, Larry Borish 273 Urticaria and Angioedema, Stephen C. Dreskin 274 Systemic Anaphylaxis, Food Allergy, and Insect Sting Allergy, Lawrence B. Schwartz 275 Drug Allergy, Leslie C. Grammer 276 Mastocytosis, Cem Akin I Section XXII: Rheumatic Disease 277 Approach to the Patient with Rheumatic Disease, William P. Arend and George V Lawry 278 Laboratory Testing in the Rheumatic Diseases, David S. Pisetsky 279 Imaging Studies in the Rheumatic Diseases, Lynne S. Steinbach 280 Connective Tissue Structure and Function, Richard F. Loeser 281 Inherited Diseases of Connective Tissue, Reed E. Pyeritz 282 The Systemic Autoinflammatory Diseases, Daniel L. Kastner 283 Osteoarthritis, Nancy E. Lane and Thomas J. Schnitzer 284 Bursitis, Tendinitis, and Other Periarticular Disorders, and Sports Medicine, Joseph J. Biundo 285 Rheumatoid Arthritis, James R O'Dell 286 The Spondyloarthropathies, Robert D. Inman 287 Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Mary K. Crow 288 Scleroderma (Systemic Sclerosis), Fredrick M. Wigley 289 Sjogren's Syndrome, Stanley Naguwa and M. Eric Gershwin 290 Polymyositis and Dermatomyositis, Frederick W Miller 291 The Systemic Vasculitides, John H.Stone 292 Polymyalgia Rheumatica and Temporal Arteritis, Stephen A. Paget and Robert F. Spiera 293 Infections of Bursae, Joints, and Bones, 11 Luis R. Espinoza 294 Crystal Deposition Diseases, Robert Terkeltaub 295 Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Robert M. Bennett 2% The Amyloidoses, Joel N. Buxbaum 297 Systemic Diseases in Which Arthritis Is a Feature, Sterling G. West 298 Multifocal Fibrosclerosis, Wilmer L. Sibbitt, Jr. 299 Surgical Treatment of Joint Diseases, Victor M. Goldberg and Matthew J. Kraay 1 Section XXIII: Infectious Diseases 300 Introduction to Microbial Disease: Host-Pathogen Interactions, W Michael Scheld 301 Principles of Anti-infective Therapy, George M. Eliopoulos 302 Approach to Fever or Suspected lnfection in the Normal Host, James Leggetf 303 Approach to Fever and Suspected lnfection in the Compromised Host, Lowell S. Young 304 Prevention and Control of Hospital-Acquired Infections, David K. Henderson and Neil Fishman 305 Approach to the Patient with Suspected Enteric Infection, Herbert L. DuPont 306 Approach to the Patient with Urinary Tract Infection, S. Ragnar Norrby 307 Approach to the Patient with a Sexually Transmitted Disease, Michael E Rein 308 Approach to the Patient before and after Travel, Paul M. Arguin 309 Antibacterial Therapy, William A. Craig 310 Staphylococcal Infections, Gordon L. Archer 311 Pneumococcal Pneumonia, Lionel A. Mandell 312 Streptococcal Infections, Dennis L. Stevens 313 Rheumatic Fever, Alan L. Bisno 314 Enterococcal Infections, Eli N. Perencevich and Trish M. Per1 315 Diphtheria and Other Colynebacteria Infections, Roland W Sutter 316 Listeriosis, Bennett Lorber 317 Anthrax, Daniel R. Lucey 318 Elysipelothrix Infections, Annette C. Reboli 319 Clostridial Infections, John G. Bartlett 'I I Contents i 1 320 Diseases Caused by Non-Spore-Forming Anaerobic Bacteria, Ellie J. C. Goldstein 321 Meningococcal Infections, Michael A. Apicella 322 Gonococcal Infections, H. Hunter Handsfield and P Frederick Sparling 323 Haemophilus and Moraxella Infections, Michael S. Simberkoff 324 Chancroid, Edward W Hook LII 325 Cholera and Other Vibrio Infections, Eduardo Gotuzzo and Carlos Seas 326 Campylobacter Infections, Ban Mishu Allos and Martin J. Blaser 327 Escherichia Enteric Infections, Richard L. Guerrant 328 Pseudomonas and Related Gram-Negative Bacillary Infections, Gerald B. Pier 329 Salmonella lnfections (Including Typhoid Fever), Keith S. Kaye and Donald Kaye 330 Shigellosis, Marcia B. Goldberg 331 Brucellosis, Robert A. Salata 332 Tularemia and Other Francisella Infections, William Schafier 333 Plague and Other Yersinia Infections, finneth L. Gage 334 Whooping Cough and Other Bordetella Infections, Erik L. Hewlett 335 Legionella Infections, Paul H. Edelstein 33.6 Disease Caused by Bartonella Species, Craig J. Hoesley and David A. Relman 337 Granuloma lnguinale (Donovanosis), Edward W Hook ZII 338 Mycoplasma Infections, Stephen G. Baum 339 Diseases Caused by Chlamydiae, Robert C. Brunham 340 Syphilis, Edward W Hook III 341 Nonsyphilitic Treponematoses, Edward W Hook III 342 Lyme Disease, Stephen E. Malawista and Linda K. Bockenstedt 343 Relapsing Fever and Other Borrelia Infections, William A. Petri, Jr. 344 Leptospirosis, Albert I. KO 345 Tuberculosis, Michael D. Iseman 346 The Nontuberculous Mycobacteria, Steven M. Holland 347 Leprosy (Hansen's Disease), Joel D. Ernst 348 Rickettsioses, Didier Raoult 349 Zoonoses, Stuart Lwin 350 Actinomycosis, Itzhak Brook 351 Nocardiosis, Frederick S. Southwick 352 Systemic Antifungal Agents, David A. Stevens 353 Histoplasmosis, Carol A. K a u f i a n 354 Coccidioidomycosis, John N. Galgiani 355 Blastomycosis, Carol A. Kaufjhan 356 Paracoccidioidomycosis, Carol A, Kaufman 357 Cryptococcosis, Carol A. Kaufjhan 358 Sporotrichosis, Carol A. K a u f i a n 359 Candidiasis, Carol A. K a u f i a n 360 Aspergillosis, David A. Stevens 361 Mucormycosis, David A. Stevens 362 Pneumocystis Pneumonia, Judith E. Feinberg 363 Mycetoma, Dimitrios P. Kontoyiannis 364 Dematiaceous Fungal Infections, Peter G. Pappas 365 Antiparasitic Therapy, Richard D. Pearson 366 Malaria, Donald J. Krogstad 367 African Trypanosomiasis (Sleeping Sickness), Thomas C. Quinn 368 American Trypanosomiasis (Chagas' Disease), Franklin A. Neva 369 Leishmaniasis, Selma M. B. Jeronimo, Anastacio de Queiroz Sousa, and Richard D. Pearson 370 Toxoplasmosis, Oliver Liesenfeld 371 Cryptosporidiosis, Beth D. Kirkpatrick and Cynthia L. Sears 372 Giardiasis, Cynthia L. Sears 373 Amebiasis, Frederick L. Schuster and Carol A. Glaser 374 Babesiosis and Other Protozoan Diseases, Richard D. Pearson 375 Cestode Infections, Charles H. King 376 Schistosomiasis (Bilharziasis), Edgar M. Carvalho and Aldo A. M. Lima 377 Liver, Intestinal, and Lung Fluke Infections, Adel A. E Mahmoud 378 Nematode Infections, James W Kazura 379 Filariasis, David 0. Freedman 380 Arthropods and Leeches, David Schlossberg 381 Venomous Snake Bites, G. Ralph Corey, James 0. Armitage, and Steven A. Seqert 382 Venoms and Poisons from Marine Organisms, Jay W Fox 383 Antiviral Therapy (Non-HIV), John H. Beige1 and Frederick G. Hayden 384 The Common Cold, J. Owen Hendley 385 Respiratory Syncytial Virus, Edward E. Walsh 386 Parainfluenza Viral Disease, Edward E. Walsh 387 Influenza, Frederick G. Hayden 388 Adenovirus Diseases, John J. Treanor 389 Coronaviruses, Larry J. Anderson 390 Measles (Rubeola Virus Infection), Philip A. Brunell 391 Rubella (German Measles), Philip A. Brunell 392 Mumps, John W Gnann, Jr. 393 Cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr Virus, and Slow Virus lnfections of the Central Nervous System, Joseph R. Berger and Avindra Nath 394 B19 Parvovirus, Neal S. Young 395 Smallpox, Monkeypox, and Other Poxvirus Infections, Inger K. Damon 396 Papillomavirus, John M.Douglas, Jr. 397 Herpes Simplex Virus Infections, Richard J. Whitley 398 Varicella (Chickenpox, Shingles), Philip A. Brunell 399 Cytomegalovirus, W Lawrence Drew 400 Epstein-Barr Virus Infection, Robert T Schooley 401 Retroviruses Other than Human lmmunodeficiency Virus, William A. Blattner 402 Enterovirus Infections, John E Modlin 403 Rotaviruses, Noroviruses, and Other Gastrointestinal Viruses, Albert Z. Kapikian 404 Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers, Michael Bell 405 Arthropod-Borne Viruses Causing Fever and Rash Syndromes, Stanley J. Naides 406 Arthropod-Borne Viruses Affecting the Central lervous System, Thomas l? Bleck IbF' (, ix j 1 2340 2333 2343 2345 2346 2347 2349 2350 2353 2357 2359 2366 2368 2370 2375 I fi 408 409 410 41 1 412 2380 2383 413 2387 2394 414 2399 2402 2404 415 416 2409 J Section XXIV: Human lmmunodeficiency Virus and the Acquired lmmunodeficiency Syndrome Immunodeficiency Syndrome: A Global Overview, Peter Pio t Immunopathogenesis of Human lmmunodeficiency Virus Infection, Paul E. Sax and Bruce D. Walker Biology of Human lmmunodeficiency Viruses, George M. Shaw Epidemiology of Human lmmunodeficiency Virus Infection and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, Thomas C. Quinn Prevention of Human lmmunodeficiency Virus Infection, Carlos de1 Rio Treatment of Human lmmunodeficiency Virus Infection and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, Henry Masur, Letha Healey, and Colleen Hadigan Gastrointestinal Manifestations of Human lmmunodeficiency Virus and Acquired lmmunodeficiency Syndrome, John G. Bartlett Pulmonary Manifestations of Human lmmunodeficiency Virus Infection and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, Laurence Huang Skin Manifestations in Patients with Human ImmunodeficiencyVirus Infection, Toby Maurer Hematology and Oncology in Patients with Human ImmunodeficiencyVirus Infection, Paul A. Volberding 2553 2554 2557 2561 2567 2571 2582 2585 2597 2601 x Contents 417 Neurologic Complications of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection, Joseph R. Berger and Avindra Nath 2607 445 Autonomic Disorders and Their Management, Clifford B. Super 446 Peripheral Neuropathies, Michael E. Shy 447 Muscle Diseases, Richard J. Barohn 448 Disorders of Neuromuscular Transmission, Angela Vincent and John Newsom-Davis k 418 Approach to the Patient with Neurologic Disease, Robert C. Griggs, Ralph E Jbzefowicz, and Michael J. Aminoff 419 Radiologic Imaging Procedures, David Hackney 420 Psychiatric Disorders in Medical Practice, Randolph B. Schiffer 421 Headaches and Other Head Pain, E Michael Cutrer and Michael A. Moskowih 422 Traumatic Brain Injury and Spinal Cord Injury, Geofiey S. F. Ling 423 Mechanical and Other Lesions of the Spine, Nerve Roots, and Spinal Cord, Michael J. Aminoff 424 Regional Cerebral Dysfunction: Higher Mental Functions, David S. Knopman 425 Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias, David S. Knopman 426 Seizures and Epilepsy, Susan S. Spencer 427 Syncope, Roger l? Simon 428 Coma and Disorders of Arousal, Roger l? Simon 429 Disorders of Sleep, Mark N ! Mahowald 430 Approach to Cerebrovascular Diseases, Justin A. Zivin 431 Ischemic Cerebrovascular Disease, Justin A. Zivin 432 Hemorrhagic Cerebrovascular Disease, Justin A. Zivin 433 Parkinsonism, Anthony Lung 434 Other Movement Disorders, Anthony Lang 435 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Other Motor Neuron Diseases, Eva L. Feldman 436 Multiple Sclerosis and Demyelinating Conditions of the Central Nervous System, Peter A. Calabresi 437 Meningitis: Bacterial, Viral, and Other, Morton N. Swartz 438 Brain Abscess and Parameningeal Infections, Avindra Nath 439 Acute Viral Encephalitis, Avindra Nath and Joseph R. Berger 440 Poliomyelitis, Avindra Nath and Joseph R. Berger 441 Rabies, Avindra Nath and Joseph R. Berger 442 Prion Diseases, Martin Zeidler 443 Nutrition- and Alcohol-Related Neurologic Disorders, John C. M. Brust 444 Congenital, Developmental, and Neurocutaneous Disorders, A. James Barkovich and Ruben I. Kuzniecky 2615 2623 2628 2639 2646 2651 2667 2676 2687 2691 2696 2701 2719 2726 2734 2794 2802 2817 2834 1 Section XXVI: Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Diseases - ' p p p p p p 449 Diseases of the Visual System, Aaron Fay 450 Neuro-ophthalmology, Robert W Baloh 451 Diseases of the Mouth and Salivary Glands, Troy E. Daniels 452 Approach to the Patient with Nose, Sinus, and Ear Disorders, Andrew H. Murr 453 Smell and Taste, Robert W Baloh 454 Hearing and Equilibrium, Robert W Baloh 455 Throat Disorders, Thomas A. Tami 2845 2861 Principles of Medical Consultation, Gerald W Smetana Preoperative Evaluation, Steven L. Cohn Overview of Anesthesia, Jeanine l? Wiener-Kronish Postoperative Care and Complications, Donald Redelmeier 460 Medical Consultation in Psychiatry, Peter Manu 2895 2897 2904 456 457 458 459 2867 2875 2880 2881 2888 2907 2912 461 Structure and Function of the Skin, David A. Norris 462 Examination of the Skin and Approach to Diagnosing Skin Diseases, Cheryl A. Armstrong 463 Principles of Therapy, Victoria E! Werth 464 Eaemas, Photodermatoses, Papulosquamous (Including Fungal) Diseases, and Figurate Erythemas, Henry W Lim 465 Macular, Papular, Vesiculobullous, and Pustular Diseases, Neil J. Korman 466 Urticaria, Drug Hypersensitivity Rashes, Nodules and Tumors, and Atrophic Diseases, Madeleine Duvic 467 Infections, Hyper- and Hypopigmentation, Regional Dermatology, and Distinctive Lesions in Black Skin, Jean Bolognia 2919 2785 Reference Intervals and Laboratory Values, Ronald J. Elin 298: 2789 Index 2997 2742 2746 2754 277, 2777 2780 2782 2784 2925 2932 2937 2946 2957 2970 l
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