Brain Research Reviews 40 (2002) 223–229 / locate / brainresrev Review Spinal plasticity mediated by postsynaptic L-type Ca 21 channels Jean-Franc¸ois Perrier, Aidas Alaburda, Jørn Hounsgaard* Department of Medical Physiology, Panum Institute, University of Copenhagen, Blegdamsvej 3, DK 2200 Copenhagen N, Denmark Abstract In the spinal cord, motoneurons and specific subgroups of interneurons express L-type Ca 21 channels. As elsewhere, these dihydropyridine-sensitive channels mediate a slowly activating inward current in response to depolarisation and show little or no inactivation. The slow kinetics for activation and deactivation provide voltage-sensitive properties in a time range from hundreds of milliseconds to tens of seconds and lead to plateau potentials, bistability and wind-up in neurons in both sensory and motor networks. This slow dynamics is in part due to facilitation of L-type Ca 21 channels by depolarisation. The voltage sensitivity of L-type Ca 21 channels is also regulated by a range of metabotropic transmitter receptors. Up-regulation is mediated by receptors for glutamate, acetylcholine, noradrenaline and serotonin in motoneurons and by receptors for glutamate and substance P in plateau-generating dorsal horn interneurons. In both cell types, L-type Ca 21 channels are down-regulated by activation of GABA B receptors. In this way, metabotropic regulation in cells expressing L-type Ca 21 channels provides mechanisms for flexible adjustment of excitability and of the contribution of plateau currents to the intrinsic properties. This type of regulation also steers the magnitude and compartmental distribution of Ca 21 influx during depolarisation, thus providing a signal for local synaptic plasticity. 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: L-type Ca 21 channels; Plateau potential; Spinal cord; Motoneuron; Interneuron; Modulation Contents 1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 2. L-type Ca 21 channels............................................................................................................................................................................... 2.1. Molecular structure ......................................................................................................................................................................... 2.2. Voltage sensitivity ........................................................................................................................................................................... 2.3. Activation / deactivation kinetics ....................................................................................................................................................... 3. Postsynaptic L-type Ca 21 channels in spinal cord neurons .......................................................................................................................... 4. Non-linear electrophysiological properties of spinal cord neurons mediated by L-type Ca 21 channels ............................................................ 4.1. Boosting of remote dendritic synapses .............................................................................................................................................. 4.2. Plateau potentials and bistability....................................................................................................................................................... 4.3. Depolarisation-induced facilitation of L-channels: wind-up, warm-up, delayed activation and hysteresis................................................ 4.4. Modulation ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 5. L-type Ca 21 channels and spinal plasticity ................................................................................................................................................ Acknowledgements ...................................................................................................................................................................................... References................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1. Introduction A careful balance between stability and flexibility is the hallmark of spinal function. It seems likely that most neurons in the spinal cord are part of networks for final processing of motor commands or for early sensory *Corresponding author. Tel.: 145-35-327-559; fax: 145-35-327-555. E-mail address: [email protected] (J. Hounsgaard). 223 224 224 224 224 224 224 224 226 226 227 228 228 228 processing of somatosensory information, or both. The faithful sensory representation of the external world and reliable execution of motor behaviour are fundamental features of spinal function, conserved over long periods of time. This suggests a high degree of constancy in crucial signalling properties in most spinal neurons. At the same time, spinal networks meet rapidly changing functional needs with remarkable flexibility and continuously adapt and adjust signalling properties over a wide functional 0165-0173 / 02 / $ – see front matter 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S0165-0173( 02 )00204-7 224 J.-F. Perrier et al. / Brain Research Reviews 40 (2002) 223–229 range. A way to achieve stability and flexibility would be regulation by transient changes from a preserved ground state. Here, we review data suggesting that postsynaptic L-type Ca 21 channels mediating plateau potentials provide a mechanism for regulation of this kind. Plateau potentials have been described in spinal motoneurons from adult terrestrial vertebrates in all species tested, including turtle [20], cat [2,7,14,24], mouse [4] and frog [28]. Their presence has also been suggested in human motoneurons [6,12,21]. In addition, plateau potentials are found in certain classes of spinal interneurons, including ventral horn interneurons [19] and deep dorsal horn interneurons in the turtle [34,35] and deep dorsal horn interneurons in the rat [27]. For technical reasons, the involvement of L-type Ca 21 channels has only been demonstrated in in vitro preparations. In motoneurons and interneurons in the adult spinal cord, plateau potentials are blocked by dihydropyridine antagonists of L-type Ca 21 channels [4,19,20,27,34,35,39]. 2. L-type Ca 21 channels 2.1. Molecular structure L-type Ca 21 channels belong to the voltage-gated Ca 21 channel family. Like other voltage-gated Ca 21 channels, the L-type Ca 21 channel is a hetero-oligomeric complex of a pore forming a1 subunit, which can be of type S, C, D or F (a1S, a1C, a1D or a1F), associated with four accessory subunits (a2, b, g, d) [11]. Only the C and the D type of a1 subunits are expressed in the central nervous system [5]. The channels formed by these subunits were recently renamed Ca V 1.2 and Ca V 1.3 [11]. Pharmacologically, the L-type Ca 21 channels are separated from the other Ca 21 channels by their sensitivity to dihydropyridines, Ca V 1.2 being approximately 10 times more sensitive than Ca V 1.3 [23]. 2.2. Voltage sensitivity Classically, L-type Ca 21 channels are classified among the high voltage-gated Ca 21 channels, i.e. channels open at voltages positive to 210 mV [13]. It was recently shown, however, that the L-type Ca 21 channel, formed with the a1D subunit (Ca V 1.3), activates at negative potentials (around 245 mV), while the channel formed with the a1C subunit (Ca V 1.2) activates at positive potentials [23]. rather than brief depolarisations such as a single action potential in a neuron. L-type Ca 21 channels are also distinguished by the slow rate of inactivation. This property makes them good candidates for a persistent inward current. 3. Postsynaptic L-type Ca 21 channels in spinal cord neurons Motoneurons and interneurons in the spinal cord express both C- and D-type L-channels [4,41]. Two noticeable general characteristics for plateau potentials in spinal neurons have helped to assess the relative importance of these channel subtypes. While L-type Ca 21 channels are classified as high threshold, it was immediately noted that dihydropyridine-sensitive plateau potentials in spinal neurons were activated by moderate depolarisations from the resting membrane potential [20,34,35] as was the underlying persistent inward current [39]. This suggested that plateau potentials were generated by low-threshold L-type Ca 21 channels [35]. Secondly, as originally reported by Hounsgaard and Mintz [20], although the selectivity of dihydropyridines is high, the sensitivity is relatively low. These observations, which have been confirmed by subsequent studies in mammals [4,27], are in remarkably good agreement with the properties of cloned human Ca V 1.3 channels (L-channels expressing the a1D subunit) expressed in tsA-201 cells [23]. For plateau potentials in spinal neurons [35,39] and for expressed Ca V 1.3 channels [23] the threshold for activation was 245 mV and the sensitivity to dihydropyridines was in the micromolar rather than the submicromolar range that characterises Ca V 1.2. The idea that the persistent inward current and plateau potentials are generated by Ca V 1.3 is supported by the differential immunohistochemical localisation of a1C and a1D subunits in motoneurons. While the a1C subunit is expressed in cell bodies and proximal dendrites, a1D subunits are also expressed in dendrites, as shown in the mouse [4] and subsequently confirmed in the turtle (Simon et al., unpublished; see Fig. 1). This is in agreement with the finding that plateau potentials in turtle motoneurons can be evoked by selective depolarisation of distal dendrites [9,17]. The spatial distribution of the persistent inward current generator is important because it strongly influences its functional manifestation [1]. 2.3. Activation /deactivation kinetics The activation kinetics of L-type Ca 21 channels recorded in dissociated neurons is relatively slow. The macroscopic L-current needs more than 7 ms to reach 90% of its maximal value, which is more than twice as long as for non-L-type channels [26]. For this reason, L-type Ca 21 channels respond to sustained or repeated depolarisation 4. Non-linear electrophysiological properties of spinal cord neurons mediated by L-type Ca 21 channels 4.1. Boosting of remote dendritic synapses The voltage-dependent contribution of L-type Ca 21 channels to the postsynaptic response is illustrated by J.-F. Perrier et al. / Brain Research Reviews 40 (2002) 223–229 225 Fig. 1. Distribution of the a1D subunit of L-type Ca 21 channels in the ventral horn of the spinal cord of the turtle. The a1D subunit was labelled by a specific antibody (Alomone, Israel) revealed by a secondary antibody coupled to FITC. The membranes of large cells of the ventral horn from the spinal cord of the turtle (i.e. presumed motoneurons) are fluorescent. The labelling is present both on the soma and the dendrites (Den). Picture provided by Simon, Perrier and Hounsgaard (article in preparation). recordings from plateau-generating interneurons in the dorsal horn [34,35]. In the experiment illustrated in Fig. 2, a single stimulus applied to the ipsilateral segmental dorsal root evoked a long lasting burst of spikes at rest. This response was reduced in vigour and duration when evoked at more hyperpolarized holding potentials in the postsynaptic cell or after application of nifedipine. In functional terms, this conditional, voltage-sensitive contribution of plateau potentials to the postsynaptic response can regulate the threshold, sensitivity and receptive field size dynamically with the level of L-channel activation [36]. In the spinal motor system the issue of synaptic amplification by a persistent inward current has received particular attention in experiments on cat motoneurons [3,25,32]. 226 J.-F. Perrier et al. / Brain Research Reviews 40 (2002) 223–229 Fig. 2. Examples of responses involving L-type Ca 21 channels. (A) Stimulation of the ipsilateral dorsal root elicited a plateau potential in a dorsal horn interneuron of the spinal cord of the adult turtle. Hyperpolarization gradually shortened the synaptically induced response (recording adapted from Ref. [35], Fig. 3C). (B) Repetitive depolarising current pulses of constant amplitude induced a warm-up / wind-up of the response. (C) Plateau potential induced by a depolarising current pulse. (D) In another motoneuron, a current pulse induced bistability that could be turned off by a negative current pulse. Recordings (B), (C) and (D) obtained from different motoneurons, after blocking of fast synaptic transmission with CNQX, AP5 and Strychnine. 4.2. Plateau potentials and bistability In analogy with the crucial role of plateau potentials in rhythm generation in the stomatogastric ganglion of the lobster [33], it was shown that plateau potentials mediated by calcium channels could act as a mechanism for bistability in spinal motoneurons [15,20]. Because of their slow kinetics and lack of inactivation, L-type Ca 21 channels generate a steady, voltage-activated persistent inward current during a maintained depolarisation. In spinal cord neurons expressing L-type Ca 21 channels, the persistent inward current is often, once activated, of sufficient amplitude to support plateau potentials that outlast the stimulus for seconds (Fig. 2C) and may reach the level of stable depolarisation, from which resetting requires an active hyperpolarization (Fig. 2D). This means that plateau-generating neurons can be in two stable, but functionally different, states. The activation threshold for plateau potentials may be lower than the threshold for action potentials and therefore contribute to the depolarising envelope that underlies neuronal firing, or higher than the threshold for action potentials, in which case it contributes to the modulation of discharge frequency (for review, see Ref. [22]). 4.3. Depolarisation-induced facilitation of L-channels: wind-up, warm-up, delayed activation and hysteresis It was originally thought that delayed activation, late acceleration in firing frequency during long lasting depolarisations and hysteresis of firing during ramp depolarisations were due to slow activation of the channel underlying the persistent inward current. It was obvious, however, that the kinetics was unusually slow and complex. More detailed analysis of plateau-generating dorsal horn neurons revealed a mechanism involving a slow, depolarisationinduced facilitation of L-type Ca 21 channels [34,35]. In these experiments, it was first noted that classical wind-up was not only observed for the response to repeated primary afferent synaptic input, but also for the response to a repeated depolarising current pulse injected through the recording electrode. Both types of wind-up were voltage dependent and dihydropyridine sensitive, implicating Ltype Ca 21 channels. Interestingly, the gradual increase in the response to repeated depolarising current pulses did not depend on cumulative depolarisation of the membrane potential during the interval between stimuli. For this reason we suggested that the underlying mechanism, which we termed warm-up, was due to depolarisation-induced facilitation of L-type Ca 21 channels [34]. The simplest scheme to explain the warm-up phenomenon is a voltagedependent transition between two closed states of the L-type Ca 21 channels, an unwilling state with a high activation threshold and a willing state with a low activation threshold [8]. Depolarisation-induced facilitation of L-type Ca 21 channels is also the cause of the wind-up and warm-up phenomena expressed by spinal motoneurons [39]. These experiments revealed that the L-type Ca 21 J.-F. Perrier et al. / Brain Research Reviews 40 (2002) 223–229 current, during repeated depolarising commands in voltage clamp, winds up at the same rate as activation of the L-type Ca 21 current during a maintained depolarising command. This result is important because it suggests that warm-up is not only mediating wind-up, but is also responsible for the delayed activation of plateau potentials and therefore the mechanism for the characteristic hysteresis in firing frequency during ramp depolarisations in neurons expressing plateau potentials [16,18]. This interpretation is confirmed by the finding that the I–V relation during a triangular depolarising command ramp shows a parallel hysteresis with an identical time course [39]. Both the hysteresis in the I–V relation in current clamp and the I–V relation in voltage clamp is mediated by low-threshold L-type Ca 21 channels [16,39]. 4.4. Modulation In spinal motoneurons of the turtle, acetylcholine, glutamate and serotonin all promote plateau potentials by directly facilitating L-type Ca 21 channels [16,40]. Pharmacological analyses have shown that group I metabotropic glutamate receptors mediate the effect of glutamate [10,40] and 5-HT 2 receptors the facilitation by serotonin [29,30]. Interestingly, these receptor types, as well as subclasses of muscarinic receptors, exert their action via the phospholipase C (PLC), diacylglycerol, inositol trisphosphate (IP3 ) pathway, which leads to the release of calcium from intracellular stores. The fact that a transient increase in the intracellular calcium concentration facilitates plateau potentials and that this effect disappears when intracellular Ca 21 is chelated with BAPTA [31] suggests that the different modulators facilitating L-type Ca 21 channels all converge on the IP3 pathway. Blockade of calmodulin 227 (CaM) also prevents the facilitation of the calcium current by intracellular calcium [31]. This result is compatible with the recent finding that Ca 21 / CaM facilitates the L-type Ca 21 channels expressing the a1C subunit [42,43]. It is possible, but not yet shown, that Ca 21 / CaM also regulates Ca V 1.3. Our current hypothesis for the modulation of L-type Ca 21 channels is summarized in Fig. 3. This hypothetical pathway is interesting, because it suggests that, if intracellular calcium mediates the metabotropic facilitation of the L-channels, then it also provides a mechanism for wind-up. During a depolarisation that reaches the threshold for the L-type Ca 21 channels, Ca 21 influx through a few open channels may facilitate Lchannels in the region, which would increase their probability of opening during continued or renewed depolarisation. This positive feedback mechanism is suggested to gradually propagate facilitation throughout the dendritic tree. The immediate buffering of free Ca 21 may explain the slow rate of spread. This scenario also explains why the time constant for delayed activation and wind-up (1–5 s) is much slower than the time constant for activation of expressed Ca V 1.3 (in the range of ms [23,26]). These possibilities need experimental evaluation. The postsynaptic properties mediated by L-type Ca 21 channels in motoneurons are depressed by activation of GABA B receptors [40]. Neither the postsynaptic pathways nor the identity of the presynaptic GABAergic neurons have been identified. In dorsal horn neurons expressing L-type Ca 21 channels, metabotropic facilitation is mediated by group I metabotropic glutamate receptors and NK-1 tachykinin receptors, both glutamate and substance P being released from primary afferents [37]. As in motoneurons, metabotropic facilitation of L-type Fig. 3. Hypothetical intracellular pathways modulating L-type Ca 21 channels in motoneurons. Glutamate, serotonin and muscarine up-regulate L-type Ca 21 channels by activating the phospholipase C (PLC), diacylglycerol, inositol trisphosphate (IP3 ) pathway, which leads to the release of calcium from intracellular stores. GABA B receptor activation down-regulates L-type Ca 21 channels via an unknown pathway. 228 J.-F. Perrier et al. / Brain Research Reviews 40 (2002) 223–229 Ca 21 channels is counteracted by activation of GABA B receptors. Neither the presynaptic origin nor the intracellular pathway postsynaptically of down-regulation of Lchannels by GABA is known [38]. Metabotropic facilitation of Ca V 1.3 can be induced by synaptically released transmitters [10,37]. 5. L-type Ca 21 channels and spinal plasticity In adult terrestrial vertebrates, mammalian and nonmammalian, L-type Ca 21 channels are expressed by particular cell types in the spinal sensori-motor network. They provide distinct non-linear conversions of synaptic input to axonal output. Several features suggest a major role in spinal motor function. The unusually slow kinetics is well adapted to provide the driving potential for the firing patterns that regulate the muscle activity of posture and locomotion. This arguably reduces the computational load on the premotor network [8]. Motor behaviour is the concerted action of hundreds of muscles. The relative contribution of any particular muscle to different motor behaviours varies over the full scale from none to maximal involvement. The metabotropic synaptic regulation of Ltype Ca 21 channels [10] provides a mechanism for changing the excitability of motoneurons so that the recruitment order among functional pools of motoneurons can be adjusted to match their relative involvement in particular motor acts. The fact that both the spinal [10] and supraspinal [14] pathways converge on the metabotropic regulation of L-type Ca 21 channels in motoneurons provides a mechanism for conditioning the final motor output by a wide variety of signals from multiple independent origins. It is conceivable that this type of short-term functional plasticity also plays a role during ongoing motor behaviour. Recent experiments in humans [6] show that sustained activation of primary afferents from a muscle leads to a dramatic recruitment of force over a timescale of tens of seconds. The origin has been attributed to increased activity in the motoneurons supplying the muscle due to induction of plateau potentials. This is compatible with metabotropic facilitation of L-type Ca 21 channels in motoneurons [10]. If so, the most likely pathway is activation of mGluRI receptors on motoneurons by glutamate released from the stimulated primary afferents. These findings pose the intriguing possibility that primary afferents provide ionotropic and metabotropic synaptic input in parallel to motoneurons, a mechanism already demonstrated for the regulation of L-type Ca 21 channels in deep dorsal horn neurons [37]. Arguments for the involvement of L-type Ca 21 channels in early sensory processing are less compelling. The interneurons in the deep dorsal horn expressing L-type Ca 21 channels are monosynaptically innervated by myelinated and unmyelinated dorsal root afferents [34,35]. Based on the finding that wind-up is an intrinsic property of these cells they have been suggested to be ‘‘wide dynamic range neurons’’ [27,35]. The possible function of L-type Ca 21 channels and their metabotropic regulation in these cells has been discussed elsewhere [36]. The study of postsynaptic properties mediated by L-type Ca 21 channels in spinal neurons has revealed mechanisms that may provide functional plasticity on a time scale from hundreds of milliseconds to tens of seconds. It remains to be seen if this plasticity also involves mechanisms activated by focal Ca 21 influx in dendrites controlled by metabotropically regulated L-channels [9]. It is also an open question if the expression of L-type Ca 21 channels is regulated and a contributing factor to functional plasticity in the spinal cord. Acknowledgements This work was kindly funded by the European Union, the Danish MRC, The Lundbeck Foundation, The NovoNordisk Foundation and The Foundation Agnes and Poul Friis. J.-F. Perrier is supported by a grant from the Danish MRC. References [1] A. Baginskas, A. Gutman, J. Hounsgaard, N. Svirskiene, G. Svirskis, Semi-quantitative theory of bistable dendrites with windup, in: R.R. Poznanski (Ed.), Modeling in the Neurosciences. 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