Oct. 11, 1932. B. F. RANDEL 4 1,882,253 MEANS AND METHOD OF REFRIGERATION Filed April 29. 1930 2 Sheets-Sheet 1 Oct-l1, - B, F_ RANDEL ' 1,882,253 MEANS AND METHOD OF REFRIGERATION Filed April 29. 1930 2 Sheets-Sheet 2 1,882,253‘ Patented Oct. 11, 1932 v' UNITED‘ STATES OFFICE BO FOLKE RANDEL, OF SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA MEANS AND METHOD OF REFRIGERATION Application ?led April 29, 1930. Serial No. 448,276. My invention relates to means and method by the cooling water, and the evaporation of of refrigeration and the object is to devise ammonia in the‘evaporator will absorb heat, an absorption method and an apparatus the evaporator thus functioning as a means suitable to carry out this method. The meth to‘ produce refrigeration. ‘ 5 od is based upon the principle of absorption In \Fig. 2, ‘I illustrate in diagrammatic of a gas in a liquid and'the accompanying form an apparatus wherein the above prin generation of heat. According to this prin- , ciple is applied, the operation being contin ciple, during the absorption of agas in a liquid, heat is generated, and this heat equals 10 the heat absorbed during the separation of the said gas from the said liquid. To apply the above principle, I connect two vessels, one which may be called an evap orator and another which may be called an 15 absorber. In the absorber, I cause absorp tion of a, gas in a liquid, and in the evapo rator I cause separation from or evaporation of a gas out of a' liquid. In the absorber, uous. The illustration is diagrammatic and ' the apparatus may be constructed in many different ways, the diiferent parts being 1 standard conventional articles now used in refrigerating apparatus of the absorption type. I include in my invention any and all arrangements of an apparatus wherein my method may be carried out. I include any i and all ‘means and methods to produce the necessary heat energy to operate my appa~ ratus and any and all means and methods heat is generated, and in the evaporator to produce cooling of such parts as‘ require 20 heat is absorbed. . Y > “ cooling. _ ' The accompanying drawings are purely a In‘ the illustration, l is the generator diagrammatic and no attempts have been heated by flame 1a. Ifit is assumed that 70 made to show’ apparatus in detail. Each part the mediums used are ammonia and water, is conventional and may be constructed in and that the generator is ?lled with a rich ' 25 many ‘different ways. / Fig. 1 of the accompanying drawings fur solution, then by applying sufficient heat to 75 thepgenerator, the ammonia may be entirely, ther illustratethe principle upon which my or nearly so, separated from the water. invention is based. In this Fig. 1, A is the ' The liberated‘ammonia vapor will pass up generator,‘ partially ?lled -with a concen wards, carrying the water along through 30 trated solution of a gas absorbed in a liquid. pipe 2, vapor and liquid discharging into 80 Assume this solution _to be ammonia in receiver 3. ‘ By maintaining su?iciently high - water. temperature, the water will be kept separate “ Generator A connects with the absorber from the ammonia vapor in this receiver, B. This absorber is, surrounded by’ cooling the Water passingdownwards While the am 35. jacket D, allowing for cooling water to enter monia‘vapor will continue through pipe 8 95 ' at E and to discharge at F. ‘ to ?rst absorber 9. The vapor is cooled dur With a certain ‘concentration of ammonia ing the passage through pipe 8 by air or in water in'the evaporator A, the space-above the liquid surface, including the absorber, water as desired. 7. ' ' The water is cooled in cooler 4, passing 40 will be ?lled with ammonia vapor under a through coil‘5 enclosed in said cooler. From 90 certain pressure, corresponding to the tem this cooler, the water continues in two direc perature. If now, through pipe O, a" stream tions; through pipe 6 to second absorber '14, of water is permitted to enter the absorber and through pipe 7 to ?rst absorber 9.. The B, the ammonia: vapor present will be ab ?ow is created by the raising of the water 45._sorbed. The absorption of such vapor will level in receiverB. . cause a lowering of the vapor pressure in the In'the absorber 9, the down?owing water evaporator, which in turn‘ will cause evapo meets the up?owing ammonia vapor and ab ration of ammonia from ‘the solution.‘ ' ' ‘The absorption of ammonia in the ab ‘ sorbs same, ‘forming a“ rich solution at the lower part of this absorber. Ba?ie plates 9a 50 sorber will generate heat, which is removed will assist to break up the water into a ?ne 95 2 1,882,253 spray and the cooling water in cooling jacket so that the heat may be applied at ordinary 10 will remove the heat generated, this cool room temperature. The only other require ing water entering through 10a and discharg ment now will be that the temperature of the 5 ing through 10?). r cooling water shall be lower than the room The rich solution formed in absorber 9 temperature so that heat units may be re 70 passes through pipe 11 into evaporator 12. moved by this water. _ The actual heat ab This evaporator is ?tted with baf?e plates 12a sorbed by any ordinary refrigeration method to assist in breaking up the down-?owing is the heat absorbed by the cooling water in 10 rich solution. , , a conventional condenser. Nomatter what The second absorber 14 is surrounded by heat is given the medium in a compressor or 75 jacket 15, allowing for cooling by Water, the in a generator, it is the heat removed by the cooling water entering at ‘15a and discharg cooling medium which later is realized by ing at 156. Absorber 14 is also ?tted with absorption of heat in an evaporator. It is therefore not contrary to known laws ba?les 14a to break up the down-?owing wa 15_ ter entering through pipe 6. and practice to devise a refrigeration machine 80 The rich solution entering evaporator > where no compressor‘ is used nor any heat ap through pipe 11 from ?rst absorber 9 will plied by such means as a ?ame, electric cur create a certain ammonia vapor pressure, the rent, or steam, but‘ where the entire reliance ammonia vapor ?lling evaporator 12, con is laid upon removal of heat in a condenser 20 nection 13 and second absorber 14. This or in an absorber by‘ the cooling medium. vapor pressure will be a function of tempera I may use in my apparatus sulphur dioxide ture and concentration of solution coming and ether. I may use pressures to allow from absorber 9. - -Now, when water enters through pipe 6 25 into the space ?lled with ammonia vapor, an vaporization in the generator. In Fig. 3 I illustrate in diagrammatic form a modi?cation of my apparatus. Similar absorption will take place, and with this ab— notations in Fig. 3 refer to similar‘ parts as sorption a lowering. of the ammonia vapor shown in Fig. 2. pressure. WVith this lowering of ammonia In modi?cation, Fig. 3, I heat the medium 80 35 vapor pressure, further evaporation of am 90 sui?ciently high to vaporize not only the monia from the rich solution coming from gaseous medium but also part of the liquid absorber 9 will occur, as this solution falls medium. Space above liquid in 3 is therefore downwards into evaporator. The solution a mixture of vapors which may be assumed to reaching the lower ‘end of the evaporator will be ammonia and water vapors. In cooling be changed to a weak solution, this change. this mixture in absorber 9, the condensed wa taking place gradually as the liquid passes ter Will absorb ammonia vapors, forming a 95 100 very highly concentrated solution, which then In the absorber, an opposite effect takes issues in 12 through perforated funnel 126. place, in that the water entering through pipe In this case I do not need water injection downwards. 40 ' . 6 will gradually increase in concentration, sov in 9 and have therefore eliminated vconnec- . that the liquid in the lower end of same'ab tion 7. Water entering through funnel 146 ios sorber will be rich solution. in 14 will be practically pure water, the tem The absorption will generate heat and the‘ perature being maintained in 3 to keep the There is thus generated being equal to the amount absorbed. an ideal condition for heat transfer; with a By removing the heat generated in absorber very highly concentrated solution entering 14, the evaporator 12 will act as a refriger into '12 and nearly pure water entering into ating element, it being understood that re frigeration means removal of heat to a tem Having thus described my invention, what perature below that of the available cooling I claim as new and desire to secure by Letters evaporation will absorb heat, the amount ‘ ammonia out of the liquid. 45 14. 50 water or air andnot necessarily the reduction Patent is: of the temperature to a point 01' freezing a liquid to a solid form. 55 ~ - . ~ 110 \ . ' 1. A process of refrigeration consisting of, by the application of heat, separating a gas; 115' [The rich solution from absorber 14 passes in solution with a liquid from said liquid; through pipe 16 and mixes with weak solu reabsorbing the separated gas into part of tion from evaporator 12 passing through pipe the liquid, forming a highly concentrated so, 120 17, the mixture passing through pipe 18 back lution; introducing said concentrated solu to generator 1. tion into a space and introducing the balance ‘ In Fig. 2 and the above description, I show of the liquid into another space in communi and describe application of heat to the gen cation with the ?rst-mentioned space, the in 60 erator 1 by a ?ame 1a, and I have also men troduction of the liquid in the said second 125 tioned that the heating means may be devised space by the absorption of the said gas con 4 tained therein' creating a reduction. of pres _I may arrange the apparatus and employ sure su?icient to cause separation of said gas in many ways. 65 certain mediums where the heat necessary for from said concentrated solution in said ?rst vaporization in a generator is sufficiently low space. ' 336 R _ 1,882,283 3 . 2. That improvement in the. art of refrig bringing same in contact with a similar but 4 eration employing a solution of a gas in a li- less concentrated solution. quid as medium, by the application of heat _ 7. In a refrigerating apparatus, a boiler vaporizing part of said solution forming a and heating means ‘in connection with said mixture of vapors on one hand and a weak. boiler said ‘heating means causing vaporiza 70 ened solution on the other ‘hand, changing tion of a part of a solution of a gas in a liquid 5 . said mixture ofyapors into a highly concen-v forming a mixture of gas and vapor, a. con-._ trated, solution by condensation and reab ~denser and’ communication means ‘between m sorption, then bringing said highly 'ooncen-, said condenser and said boiler, said condenser trated solution into the presence of the weak causing condensation of said vapor and ab ened solution in such a manner as to cause . sorption of said gas into said condensate evaporation of the absorbed gas outoof the forming a rich\ solution, an evaporati highly concentrated solution and absorption chamber andan absorption chamber, ‘com? of said evaporated gas into said weakened munication means between said evaporating solution with accompanied absorption‘ and chamber and said absorption chamber, means 15 generation of heat. I - ' ~ 80 ‘to transfer said rich solution from said con -3. In a refrigerating‘apparatus, a'closed' denser .to said evaporating chamber and and sealed circulating system containing a means to transfer the balance of the solution refrigerating medium consisting of a solution from said boiler to said absorption chamber of a gas in a liquid, "said apparatus including and further means to transfer solutions from _ 85 a generator adapted to be heated ' whereby, said evaporating chamber and said absorp-‘ ?rst, said gas is separated from the liquid; tion chamber back to said boiler. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto'set a second, a portion of said liquid is vaporized, a condenser for condensing said vapor and my hand at San Diego, California, this 24th reabsorbing said gas forming a rich solution, day" of March, 1930. a cooler for reducing the temperature of the . BO FOLKEI RANDEL.‘ 90 ’ balance of said liquid remaining in said gen erator, an evaporator to receive said rich solu tion and an absorber to receive said liquid after cooling, said evaporator and said (ab 80 95 .sorber being in comunication in such a man ner as to permit vapors evaporated from the rich solution in said evaporator to be absorbed in the liquid in said absorber forming a weak ' ened solution in the‘ former and a strength ened solution in the ‘latter, and means to-bring the said solutions back to said generator. a 4. A method of refrigeration, by the appli cation of heat vaporizing a gas from a solu 40 tion of gas a liquid forming a weak- ‘ 105 ened solution, absorbing said gas into part of said weakened solution forming a rlch solution, injecting said remaining weakened 45 solution into a space in communication with another space into which- other space said rich solution is injected, thus causing evap oration of the absorbed gas and absorption P-of the evaporated gas in an endeavor to equalize the concentrations and form equili brium between the two interconnected spaces. 5. In a methodof refrigeration utilizing solutions of gases in liquids as mediums, by the application of heat separating the gas from the solution and vaporizing part of the liquid forming a mixture of gas ‘and vapor, I10 115 120 then condensing said vapor‘ and reabsorbm . ing said gas in said condensate forming a highly concentrated solution. 60 6. A method of refrigeration, forming a maximum concentrated solution of a gas in a liquid by condensing vapors of the liquid in the presence of the said gas in predeter mined volume proportions, then separating ‘ said absorbed gas from said solutions by 125
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