)0202 حتليل الدوائر الكهربائية (كهر كلية اهلندسة- جامعة سلمان بن عبد العزيز أمحد مصطفى حشني.د قشم اهلندسة الكهربائية Chapter # 6 Frequency Analysis 1. Introduction The transfer function H(ω) (also called the network function) is a useful analytical tool for finding the frequency response of a circuit. In fact, the frequency response of a circuit is the plot of the circuit’s transfer function H(ω) versus ω, with ω varying from ω = 0 to ω →∞. A transfer function is the frequency-dependent ratio of an output to an input. In general, a linear network can be represented by the block diagram shown in Fig.1. Fig. 1, Representation of a linear network. Chapter Six: Frequency Analysis By Dr. Ahmed Mustafa Hussein EE2020 Page 1 )0202 حتليل الدوائر الكهربائية (كهر كلية اهلندسة- جامعة سلمان بن عبد العزيز أمحد مصطفى حشني.د قشم اهلندسة الكهربائية Since the input and output can be either voltage or current at any place in the circuit, there are four possible transfer functions: Being a complex quantity, H(ω) has a magnitude H(ω) and a phase φ; that is, H(ω) = H(ω) φ. Example (1): For the RC circuit in Fig. 2, obtain the transfer function Vo/Vs and its frequency response. Let vs = Vm cos ωt. Fig. 2 The circuit T.F. can be obtained as: The magnitude and phase of the T.F. are given as: Chapter Six: Frequency Analysis By Dr. Ahmed Mustafa Hussein EE2020 Page 2 )0202 حتليل الدوائر الكهربائية (كهر كلية اهلندسة- جامعة سلمان بن عبد العزيز أمحد مصطفى حشني.د قشم اهلندسة الكهربائية Where, To plot the circuit frequency response, we draw the magnitude and phase at different values of frequencies as given in the following table: Then the response is as shown below: Obtaining the frequency response from the transfer function by substituting the value of (ω) directly in the system transfer function is a tedious task. The frequency range required in frequency response is often so wide that it is inconvenient to use a linear scale for the frequency axis. Also, there is a more systematic way of locating the important features of the magnitude and phase plots of the transfer function. For these Chapter Six: Frequency Analysis By Dr. Ahmed Mustafa Hussein EE2020 Page 3 )0202 حتليل الدوائر الكهربائية (كهر كلية اهلندسة- جامعة سلمان بن عبد العزيز أمحد مصطفى حشني.د قشم اهلندسة الكهربائية reasons, it has become standard practice to use a logarithmic scale for the frequency axis and a linear scale in each of the separate plots of magnitude and phase. Such semi-logarithmic plots of the transfer function—known as Bode plots—have become the industry standard. Bode plots contain the same information as the non-logarithmic plots, but they are much easier to construct. The transfer function H(s) can be expressed as: ( ) | | In Bode plots, the magnitude is plotted in Decibels (dB) versus frequency. The dB quantity can be obtained as: Moreover, the phase angle (φ) is plotted versus frequency. Both magnitude and phase plots are made on semi-log graph paper. 2. Bode Plots A transfer function may be written in terms of factors that have real and imaginary parts such as: ( ) ( ) ( ( ){ ){ ( ) } ( ) } this is called the Bode (Standard) form of the system transfer function that may contain seven different factors: Bode gain K Pole at origin ( ) and/or zero at origin ( ) Real pole ( ) and/or real zero ( ) Chapter Six: Frequency Analysis By Dr. Ahmed Mustafa Hussein EE2020 Page 4 )0202 حتليل الدوائر الكهربائية (كهر كلية اهلندسة- جامعة سلمان بن عبد العزيز أمحد مصطفى حشني.د قشم اهلندسة الكهربائية Quadratic pole { ( ( ) } and/or quadratic zero { ) } In constructing a Bode plot, we plot each factor separately and then combine them graphically. The factors can be considered one at a time and then combined additively because of the logarithms involved. For this mathematical convenience of the logarithm, Bode plots is considered as a powerful engineering tool. In the following subsections, we will make straight-line plots of the factors listed above. These straight-line plots known as asymptotic (approximate) Bode plots. 2.1 Bode Gain For the gain K, there are two cases: K is +ve and less than one: the magnitude 20 log K is negative and the phase is 0◦; K is +ve and greater than one: the magnitude 20 log K is positive and the phase is 0◦; K is -ve: the magnitude remain 20 log K is negative and the phase is ±180◦; Both of the magnitude and phase are constant with frequency. Thus the magnitude and phase plots of the gain are shown in Fig.3. Fig. 3, Magnitude and phase plots of Bode gain 2.2 Zero at origin For the zero (jω) at the origin, the magnitude is 20 log10 ω and the phase is 90◦. These are plotted in Fig. 4, where we notice that the magnitude is represented by a straight line with slope of 20 dB/decade and intersect the 0dB line at ω=1 and extended to Chapter Six: Frequency Analysis By Dr. Ahmed Mustafa Hussein EE2020 Page 5 )0202 حتليل الدوائر الكهربائية (كهر كلية اهلندسة- جامعة سلمان بن عبد العزيز أمحد مصطفى حشني.د قشم اهلندسة الكهربائية intersect the vertical axis. But the phase is represented by straight line parallel to horizontal axis with constant value at 90. ونمذه1 = ω ديسبل لكل ديكاد ويمر بخط الصفر ديسيبل عنذ02 القيمة تمثل بخط مستقيم ميلو ω درجة وتمثل بخط مستقيم مىازي لمحىر02 أما الساوية فقيمتها ثابتة عنذ Fig. 4, Magnitude and phase plots of zero at origin In general, for multiple zeros at origin (jω)N, where N is an integer, the magnitude plot will have a slope of (20×N) dB/decade. But the phase is (90×N) degrees. 2.3 Pole at origin For the pole (jω)-1 at the origin, the magnitude is -20 log10 ω and the phase is -90◦. These are plotted in Fig. 5, where we notice that the magnitude is represented by a straight line with slope of -20 dB/decade and intersect the 0dB line at ω=1 and extended to intersect the vertical axis. But the phase is represented by straight line parallel to horizontal axis with constant value at -90. ونمذه1 = ω ديسبل لكل ديكيذ ويمر بخط الصفر ديسيبل عنذ-02 القيمة تمثل بخط مستقيم ميلو ω درجة وتمثل بخط مستقيم مىازي لمحىر-02 أما الساوية فقيمتها ثابتة عنذ In general, for multiple poles at origin (jω)-N, where N is an integer, the magnitude plot will have a slope of - (20×N) dB/decade. But the phase is - (90×N) degrees. Fig. 5, Magnitude and phase plots of pole at origin Chapter Six: Frequency Analysis By Dr. Ahmed Mustafa Hussein EE2020 Page 6 )0202 حتليل الدوائر الكهربائية (كهر كلية اهلندسة- جامعة سلمان بن عبد العزيز أمحد مصطفى حشني.د قشم اهلندسة الكهربائية 2.4 Real Zero The magnitude of a real zero ( is obtained from | ) is obtained from |, and the phase ( ). We notice that: | - For small values of ω, the magnitude is - For large values of ω, the magnitude is | | | | | From the above two points, we can approximate the magnitude of real zero by two straight lines ( at ω 0 : a straight line with zero slope with zero magnitude) and (at ω ∞ : a straight line with slope 20 dB/decade). At the frequency ω = z1 where the two asymptotic lines meet is called the corner frequency. Thus the approximate magnitude plot is shown in Fig. 6. The actual plot for real zero is also shown in that figure. Notice that the approximate plot is close to the actual plot except at the corner frequency, where ω = z1 and the deviation is | | √ . والنمذهz1 = ω ديسبل لكل ديكيذ ويمر بخط الصفر ديسيبل عنذ+02 القيمة تمثل بخط مستقيم ميلو ونصل بينهما بخط مستقيم02 = ) الساوية10Z1( ثم ديكيذ بعذ،) الساوية = صفرz1/10( ديكيذ قبل:الساوية درجة لكل ديكيذ54 ليكىن ميل الخط Fig. 6, Magnitude and phase plots of real zero The phase angle of real zero that given as ( ) is represented as a straight-line approximation, φ = 0 for ω ≤ z1/10, φ = 45◦for ω = z1, and φ = 90◦ for ω ≥ 10z1 as shown in Fig. 6. The straight line has a slope of 45 per decade. Chapter Six: Frequency Analysis By Dr. Ahmed Mustafa Hussein EE2020 Page 7 )0202 حتليل الدوائر الكهربائية (كهر كلية اهلندسة- جامعة سلمان بن عبد العزيز أمحد مصطفى حشني.د قشم اهلندسة الكهربائية 2.5 Real Pole The magnitude of a real pole ( ) is obtained from | |, and the ( ). We notice that: phase is obtained from | - For small values of ω, the magnitude is | | - For large values of ω, the magnitude is | | | From the above two points, we can approximate the magnitude of real pole by two straight lines ( at ω 0 : a straight line is with zero slope and zero magnitude) and (at ω ∞ : the straight line is with slope -20 dB/decade). At the frequency ω = p1 where the two asymptotic lines meet is called the corner frequency. Thus the approximate magnitude plot is shown in Fig. 7. The actual plot for real pole is also shown in that figure. Notice that the approximate plot is close to the actual plot except at ω = p1, the deviation is | | √ . والنمذهp1 = ω ديسبل لكل ديكيذ ويمر بخط الصفر ديسيبل عنذ-02 القيمة تمثل بخط مستقيم ميلو The phase angle of real pole that given as ( ) is represented as a straight-line approximation, φ = 0 for ω ≤ p1/10, φ = -45◦for ω = p1, and φ = -90◦ for ω ≥ 10p1 as shown in Fig. 7. The straight line has a slope of -45 per decade. ونصل بينهما بخط مستقيم02- = ) الساوية10p1( ثم ديكيذ بعذ،) الساوية = صفرp1/10( ديكيذ قبل:الساوية درجة لكل ديكيذ-54 ليكىن ميل الخط Chapter Six: Frequency Analysis By Dr. Ahmed Mustafa Hussein EE2020 Page 8 )0202 حتليل الدوائر الكهربائية (كهر كلية اهلندسة- جامعة سلمان بن عبد العزيز أمحد مصطفى حشني.د قشم اهلندسة الكهربائية Fig. 7, Magnitude and phase plots of real pole 2.6 Quadratic Zero The magnitude of a quadratic zero { ( | | ( ) | ( |( ) | ) } is obtained as ) | |( )| Thus, the amplitude plot consists of two straight asymptotic lines: one with zero slope for ω < ωn and the other one with slope −40 dB/decade for ω > ωn, with ωn as the corner frequency. Figure 8 shows the approximate and actual amplitude plots. Note that the actual plot depends on the damping ratio ξ2 as well as the corner frequency ωn. The significant peaking in the neighborhood of the corner frequency should be added to the straight-line approximation if a high level of accuracy is desired. However, we will use the straight-line approximation for the sake of simplicity. The phase plot is a straight line with a slope of 90◦ per decade starting at ωn/10 and ending at 10ωn, as shown in Fig. 8. We see again that the difference between the actual plot and the straight-line plot is due to the damping factor. Chapter Six: Frequency Analysis By Dr. Ahmed Mustafa Hussein EE2020 Page 9 )0202 حتليل الدوائر الكهربائية (كهر كلية اهلندسة- جامعة سلمان بن عبد العزيز أمحد مصطفى حشني.د قشم اهلندسة الكهربائية Fig. 8, Magnitude and phase plots of quadratic zero For the quadratic pole { ( ) } the plots shown in Fig. 6 are inverted because the magnitude plot has a slope of -40 dB/decade while the phase plot has a slope of -90◦ per decade. 3. Stability Analysis Using Bode Plots The gain crossover frequency g is defined as the frequency at which the total magnitude equals 0 dB. Therefore, its value can be determined from the intersection of the total magnitude line with the 0 dB line as shown in Fig. 9. On the other hand, the phase crossover frequency p is defined as the frequency at which the total phase equals -180. Therefore, its value can be determined from the intersection of the total phase line with the -180 line as shown in Fig. 9. Chapter Six: Frequency Analysis By Dr. Ahmed Mustafa Hussein EE2020 Page 10 )0202 حتليل الدوائر الكهربائية (كهر كلية اهلندسة- جامعة سلمان بن عبد العزيز أمحد مصطفى حشني.د قشم اهلندسة الكهربائية Fig. 9, Gain and Phase Margins The system Gain Margin GM in dB can be determined by calculating the total magnitude at = p. Also, he system Phase Margin PM in degrees can be determined by calculating the total phase at = g. 4. Plotting Bode Plots Using Matlab To specify the frequency range for Bode plots, use the command: >> logspace(d1,d2) This generate 50 points logarithmically equally spaced between 10d1 and 10d2. For example, if we need Bode plot starts at 0.1 rad/sec and finish at 100 rad/sec, enter the command: >> logspace(-1,2) If we need to change the number of points between d1 and d2 rather than 50, use the command: >> logspace(d1,d2,n) Chapter Six: Frequency Analysis By Dr. Ahmed Mustafa Hussein EE2020 Page 11 )0202 حتليل الدوائر الكهربائية (كهر كلية اهلندسة- جامعة سلمان بن عبد العزيز أمحد مصطفى حشني.د قشم اهلندسة الكهربائية where n is the number of points to be generated. For example, to generate 100 points between 1 rad/sec and 1000 rad/sec, use: >> W=logspace(0,3,100) To draw the Bode plot, we use the command >> bode(num,den,W) Suppose we need to draw the Bode plot for the control system: ( ) ( ) ( )( ) So we write the following Matlab code The magnitude and phase plots are as shown below in Fig. 10, and it is clear that this is an unstable system. Fig. 10, Magnitude and phase plots Chapter Six: Frequency Analysis By Dr. Ahmed Mustafa Hussein EE2020 Page 12 )0202 حتليل الدوائر الكهربائية (كهر كلية اهلندسة- جامعة سلمان بن عبد العزيز أمحد مصطفى حشني.د قشم اهلندسة الكهربائية Example: Construct the Bode blot for the transfer function: ( ) ( ( )( ) )( ) Then calculate the gain and phase crossover frequency. 5. Series Resonance The concept of resonance applies in several areas of science and engineering. Resonance occurs in any system that has a complex conjugate pair of poles; it is the cause of oscillations of stored energy from one form to another. It is the phenomenon that allows frequency discrimination in communications networks. Resonance occurs in any circuit that has at least one inductor and one capacitor. Consider the series RLC circuit shown in Fig. 11. Chapter Six: Frequency Analysis By Dr. Ahmed Mustafa Hussein EE2020 Page 13 )0202 حتليل الدوائر الكهربائية (كهر كلية اهلندسة- جامعة سلمان بن عبد العزيز أمحد مصطفى حشني.د قشم اهلندسة الكهربائية From the above equations for inductive reactance, if the Frequency is increased the overall inductive reactance would also increase. As the frequency approaches infinity the inductors reactance would also increase towards infinity with the circuit element acting like an open circuit. The same is also true for the capacitive reactance formula above but in reverse. If the Frequency is increased the overall capacitive reactance would decrease. As the frequency approaches infinity the capacitors reactance would reduce to zero causing the circuit element to act like a perfect conductor of 0Ω’s (short circuit). Chapter Six: Frequency Analysis By Dr. Ahmed Mustafa Hussein EE2020 Page 14 )0202 حتليل الدوائر الكهربائية (كهر كلية اهلندسة- جامعة سلمان بن عبد العزيز أمحد مصطفى حشني.د قشم اهلندسة الكهربائية But as the frequency approaches zero or DC level, the capacitors reactance would rapidly increase up to infinity causing it to act like a very large resistance acting like an open circuit condition. This means then that capacitive reactance is ―Inversely proportional‖ to frequency for any given value of capacitance and this shown below: At a higher frequency XL is high and at a low frequency XC is high. Then there must be a frequency point were the value of XL is the same as the value of XC and there is. If we now place the curve for inductive reactance on top of the curve for capacitive reactance so that both curves are on the same axes, the point of intersection will give us the series resonance frequency point, ( ƒ0 or ω0 ) as shown below. Chapter Six: Frequency Analysis By Dr. Ahmed Mustafa Hussein EE2020 Page 15 )0202 حتليل الدوائر الكهربائية (كهر كلية اهلندسة- جامعة سلمان بن عبد العزيز أمحد مصطفى حشني.د قشم اهلندسة الكهربائية The input impedance is We can see then that at resonance, the two reactances cancel each other out thereby making a series LC combination act as a short circuit with the only opposition to current flow in a series resonance circuit being the resistance, R. i.e. Z = R. Therefore at resonance the impedance of the series circuit is at its minimum value and equal only to the resistance, R of the circuit. The circuit impedance at resonance is called the ―dynamic impedance‖ of the circuit and depending upon the frequency, XC (typically at high frequencies) or XL (typically at low frequencies) will dominate either side of resonance as shown below. Chapter Six: Frequency Analysis By Dr. Ahmed Mustafa Hussein EE2020 Page 16 )0202 حتليل الدوائر الكهربائية (كهر كلية اهلندسة- جامعة سلمان بن عبد العزيز أمحد مصطفى حشني.د قشم اهلندسة الكهربائية Since the current flowing through a series resonance circuit is the product of voltage divided by impedance, at resonance the impedance, Z is at its minimum value, ( =R ). Therefore, the circuit current at this frequency will be at its maximum value of V/R as shown below. The current angle (φ) is changing according to the frequency. When ω = 0, the impedance is pure capacitive and (φ) is +90. When ω→∞, the impedance is pure inductive and (φ) is – 90. At resonance the current angle is 0 as shown below: The circuit power factor (p.f.) can be obtained by taking the cosine of angle (φ) as shown below: Chapter Six: Frequency Analysis By Dr. Ahmed Mustafa Hussein EE2020 Page 17 )0202 حتليل الدوائر الكهربائية (كهر كلية اهلندسة- جامعة سلمان بن عبد العزيز أمحد مصطفى حشني.د قشم اهلندسة الكهربائية At specific frequency before resonant frequency, the current waveform leads the voltage waveform by certain angle (θ). Also, at specific frequency after resonant frequency, the current waveform lags the voltage waveform by certain angle (θ). But at resonant frequency, both current and voltage waveforms are in phase as shown: If the series RLC circuit is driven by a variable frequency at a constant voltage, then the magnitude of the current, I is proportional to the impedance, Z, therefore at resonance the power absorbed by the circuit must be at its maximum value as P = I2Z. If we now adjust the frequency until the average power absorbed by the resistor in the series resonance circuit is half that of its maximum value at resonance, we produce two frequency points called the half-power frequencies which are -3dB down from maximum, taking 0dB as the maximum current reference. These -3dB points give us a current value that is 70.7% of its maximum resonant value which is defined as: 0.5( I2 R ) = (0.707 x I)2 R Then the point corresponding to the lower frequency at half the power is called the ―lower cut-off frequency‖, labeled ƒ1 with the point corresponding to the upper Chapter Six: Frequency Analysis By Dr. Ahmed Mustafa Hussein EE2020 Page 18 )0202 حتليل الدوائر الكهربائية (كهر كلية اهلندسة- جامعة سلمان بن عبد العزيز أمحد مصطفى حشني.د قشم اهلندسة الكهربائية frequency at half power being called the ―upper cut-off frequency‖, labeled ƒ2. The distance between these two points, i.e. ( ƒ2 – ƒ1 ) is called the Bandwidth, (BW) and is the range of frequencies over which at least half of the maximum power and current is provided as shown. The frequency response of the circuits current magnitude above, relates to the ―sharpness‖ of the resonance in a series resonance circuit. The sharpness of the peak is measured quantitatively and is called the Quality factor, Q of the circuit. As shown in figure below, at small resistance the BW is small and the quality factor is high. As the circuit resistance increases, the BW is increased and the quality factor is decreased. This mean the quality factor is inversely proportional with the bandwidth: Chapter Six: Frequency Analysis By Dr. Ahmed Mustafa Hussein EE2020 Page 19 )0202 حتليل الدوائر الكهربائية (كهر كلية اهلندسة- جامعة سلمان بن عبد العزيز أمحد مصطفى حشني.د قشم اهلندسة الكهربائية The quality factor relates the maximum or peak energy stored in the circuit (the reactance) to the energy dissipated (the resistance) during each cycle of. This means: Note that at resonance: The inductor voltage and capacitor voltage can be much more than the source voltage. At half-power, the circuit impedance (Z) equals √2 Solving for ω, A resonant circuit is designed to operate at or near its resonant frequency. It is said to be a high-Q circuit when its quality factor is equal to or greater than 10. For high-Q circuits (Q ≥ 10), the half-power frequencies are, for all practical purposes, symmetrical around the resonant frequency and can be approximated as: We see that a resonant circuit is characterized by five related parameters: the two halfpower frequencies ω1 and ω2, the resonant frequency ω0, the bandwidth B, and the quality factor Q. Chapter Six: Frequency Analysis By Dr. Ahmed Mustafa Hussein EE2020 Page 20 )0202 حتليل الدوائر الكهربائية (كهر كلية اهلندسة- جامعة سلمان بن عبد العزيز أمحد مصطفى حشني.د قشم اهلندسة الكهربائية Example: A series RLC circuit produced a resonant curve with half-power frequencies of 432 Hz and 454 Hz. If Q = 20, a) What is the resonant frequency (f0) of the circuit? b) What is the bandwidth (B)? c) If the inductance is hundred times the capacitance, determine the circuit resistance, inductance and capacitance. f1 = 432 Hz, f2 = 454 Hz, and Q = 20 B = f2 - f1 = 454 - 432 = 22 Hz B = 2 (22) = 138.23 rad/s ## o = B×Q = 138.23×20 = 2764.6 rad/s ## Since L = 100 C Also √ √ L = 100 ×36.62×10-6 = 3.62 mH Since B = R/L R = B×L = 138.23×3.62×10-3 = 0.5 Ω Example: A series RLC circuit has a mid-band admittance of 25 ×10 −3 S, quality factor of 80 and a resonant frequency of 200 k rad/s. Calculate the values of R, L and C. Find the bandwidth and the half-power frequencies. Y at resonance = 1/R = 0.025 S R = 1/0.025 = 40 Ω Chapter Six: Frequency Analysis By Dr. Ahmed Mustafa Hussein EE2020 Page 21 )0202 حتليل الدوائر الكهربائية (كهر كلية اهلندسة- جامعة سلمان بن عبد العزيز أمحد مصطفى حشني.د قشم اهلندسة الكهربائية Resonant frequency (ω0) = 200000 rad/s Quality factor (Q) = 80 Then the bandwidth can be obtained as B = ω0 / Q = 200000/80 = 2500 rad/s ## the half power frequencies ω1 and ω2 can be obtained from ω1 = ω0 - B/2 = 200000 - 1250 = 198750 rad/s ### ω1 = ω0 + B/2 = 200000 + 1250 = 201250 rad/s ### Since B = R/L Then L = R/B = 40/2500 = 0.016 H ### Also Q = 1/( ω0RC) Then C = 1/( ω0RQ) = 1/(200000*40*80) = 1.5625*10-9 F = 1.5625 nF ## as check √ √ Example: In an electronic device, a series circuit is employed that has a resistance of 100 , a capacitive reactance of 5 k, and an inductive reactance of 300 when used at 2 MHz. Find the resonant frequency and bandwidth, half power frequency, and the quality factor of the circuit. C = 15.9155 pF L = 23.87 H √ Chapter Six: Frequency Analysis By Dr. Ahmed Mustafa Hussein EE2020 Page 22 )0202 حتليل الدوائر الكهربائية (كهر كلية اهلندسة- جامعة سلمان بن عبد العزيز أمحد مصطفى حشني.د قشم اهلندسة الكهربائية Since Q > 10 6. Parallel Resonance A parallel circuit containing a resistance, R, an inductance, L and a capacitance, C will produce a parallel resonance (also called anti-resonance) circuit when the resultant current through the parallel combination is in phase with the supply voltage. At resonance there will be a large circulating current between the inductor and the capacitor due to the energy of the oscillations, and then parallel circuits produce current resonance. The circuit admittance is given by: Chapter Six: Frequency Analysis By Dr. Ahmed Mustafa Hussein EE2020 Page 23 )0202 حتليل الدوائر الكهربائية (كهر كلية اهلندسة- جامعة سلمان بن عبد العزيز أمحد مصطفى حشني.د قشم اهلندسة الكهربائية Resonance occurs when the imaginary part of Y is zero: Chapter Six: Frequency Analysis By Dr. Ahmed Mustafa Hussein EE2020 Page 24 )0202 حتليل الدوائر الكهربائية (كهر كلية اهلندسة- جامعة سلمان بن عبد العزيز أمحد مصطفى حشني.د قشم اهلندسة الكهربائية If we replace We can obtain the all equations for parallel resonance. Example: A parallel resonance circuit has a resistance of 2 k Ω and half-power frequencies of 86 kHz and 90 kHz: (a) Design the appropriate capacitance and inductance for that condition, (b) Determine the resonant frequency (c) Calculate the bandwidth and the quality factor R = 2000 Ω f1 = 86000 Hz ω1 = 540.3539 krad/s f2 = 90000 Hz ω2 = 565.4867 krad/s B = f2 - f1 = 90 - 86 = 4 kHz = 25.1327 krad/s For parallel resonance, Chapter Six: Frequency Analysis By Dr. Ahmed Mustafa Hussein EE2020 Page 25 جامعة سلمان بن عبد العزيز -كلية اهلندسة حتليل الدوائر الكهربائية (كهر )0202 قشم اهلندسة الكهربائية د .أمحد مصطفى حشني √ Page 26 EE2020 By Dr. Ahmed Mustafa Hussein √ Chapter Six: Frequency Analysis
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