From by guest on December 29, 2014. For personal use only. Chemosensitivity of Lymphocytes From Patients With B-Cell Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia to Chlorambucil, Fludarabine, and Camptothecin Analogs By Robert Silber, Barbara Degar, Dan Costin, Elizabeth W. Newcornb, Mathew Mani, Carl R. Rosenberg, Laura Morse, John C. Drygas, Zoe N. Canellakis, and Milan Potrnesil Chemosensitivity of B lymphocytes, obtained from 65 patients with B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL), Rai stages 0 through IV, was determined using theMTT assay. The results were expressed by the drug concentration required for 50% inhibition of cell viability The cytotoxicwith that of i t y ofchlorambucil (CLB) wascompared fludarabine and the DNA topoisomerase I inhibitors, camptothecin, 9-aminocamptothecin, 10.1 l-methylenedioxy-20(S)-camptothecin (10.11-MDC) and 9-amino-l0,llmethylenedioxy-20(S)-campthothecin(9-A-lO.Il-MDC). and topotecan. Considerable heterogeneity in sensitivity t o CLB was observed, with a median ICw of 40.5 pmol/L in untreated patients. B-CLL cells from patients treated with CLB had a significantly higher median ICw of 86.0 pmol/L ( P < .01). Untreated as well as CLB-treated patients were divided into two subsets. For the purpose of thisstudy, B-CLL lymphocytes with an ICsoCLB of less than 61.0 p m o l / t were designated as "sensitive," and those with an ICso CLB of 261.0 pmol/L weredesignated as "resistant." After baseline assays, 15 untreated patientsreceived CLB; after treatment, the ICsoincreased in B-CLL lymphocytes from 13 of 15 patients. The response t o CLB treatment, determined by its by the Eastern effect on theabsolute lymphocyte count and Cooperative Oncology Group clinical criteria, was signifi- cantly better in patients whose lymphocyteshad anICw CLB of less than 61.0 pmol/L before therapy ( P < .01).B-CLL lymphocytes also had a variable degree of sensitivityin vitro t o each of the other drugs. There was significant cross-resistance between CLB and fludarabine ( P < 0.01 1. Whereas only 29% of CLB-resistant B-lymphocyte specimens obtained from individual patients were sensitive t o fludarabine in vitro, 52% and 67% of CLB-resistant lymphocyte samples were sensitive t o 10.11-MDC and 9-A-10,11-MDC, respectively. We have previously reported thatp53 gene mutations were associated with aggressive B-CLL and a poor prognosis. B lymphocytes from seven patients with these mutations were resistant t o CLB, and five of six were resistant t o fludarabine. Lymphocytes from four ofseven were resistant to10,11-MDC, and three of four were resistant t o 9-A10,Il-MDC. This study implies that theMTT assay may be useful in identifying subsets of CLL patients resistant t o conventional chemotherapy. However, definitive conclusions can not be drawn in view of the small number of patients studied prospectively. In addition, these resultssuggest the potential of camptothecin-based therapy for patients unresponsive t o standard treatment. 0 1994 by The Americsn Societyof Hematology. C HRONIC LYMPHOCYTIC leukemia (CLL) is an inMTT assay correlated well with the dye exclusion method.* These earlier studies evaluated the efficacy of CLB, as comcurable clonal disease with a variable response to therapy.' Until recently, standard treatment had been chlorambucil pared with other drugs, and its synergism with interferon.'.' Using the MTT assay, in this report, we present longitudinal (CLB) with or without corticosteroids. Over the last decade, three nucleoside analogs, pentostatin, fludarabine, and 2'chloro- studies with patients whose lymphocytes showedvarying degrees of sensitivity to CLB. Our results show a concordeoxyadenosine, have become available for treatment of CLL. dance between the in vitro response to CLB and the effect Among these, fludarabine has been most widely used?-' Anin vitro assay predicting the clinical response to a of therapy on the patient's clinical and absolute lymphocyte particular agent would be of value in the selection of drugs count (ALC) response. In the present study, we also progide data that compare with which to treat CLL. To this end, several studies have the cytotoxicity of fludarabine, camptothecin (CPT), and sevdetermined chemosensitivity using a dye exclusion method eral of its analogs with that of CLB in CLL B lymphocytes. to measure cell ~iability.~.' More recently, a viability assay The CPTs are inhibitors of DNA topoisomerase I." Among that depends on the enzymatic reduction of 3-(4,5 dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide ( M P ) to these drugs, 9-aminocamptothecin (9-AC) and 10,ll -methylenedioxy-20(S)-camptothecin(10,l l-MDC)showed an unMTT formazan has beentested in CLL. Results with the precedented effectiveness against various resistant human cancers carried as xenografts by immunodeficient mice.""3 From the Departments of Medicine, Radiology, and Pathology, In phase I1 studies, the analog 7-ethyl-l0-[4-(l-piperidyl)-I New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY. piperidyll-carbonyloxycamptothecin showed substantial acSubmitted March 18, 1994; accepted July 13, 1994. tivity against a variety of carcinomas, as well as against nonSupported by US Public Health Service Grants No. CA 50529, Hodgkin's lymphoma and acute Several CPTs CA 54484, CA 56/29, and T32 HL 07151,by the Marcia Slater are undergoing preclinical screening, and some are already Society for Research in Leukemia, and bythe Harry and Gussie Wallerstein Foundation. D.C. was a Fellow of the American Cancer in clinical trials.13"*We now show that 10,ll-MDC and 9Society. amino- 10, I l-methylenedioxy-20(S)-campthothecin(9-AAddress reprint requests to Robert Silber, MD, Duke University 10,ll-MDC) are effective in killing B-cell CLL (B-CLL) B Medical Center, Box 3250, Durham, NC 27710. lymphocytes in vitro.'"'" The publication costsof this article were defrayed in part by page We have previously documented that the presence of mucharge payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked tations in the p53 gene had anadverse effect on the prognosis "advertisement" in accordance with 18 U.S.C. section 1734 solely to of CLL2'; the present study reports the correlation between indicate this fact. these mutations and chemosensitivity to fludarabine, 10,ll0 1994 by The American Society of Hematology. MDC, and 9-A- IO, 1 1"DC. 0006-4971/94/88410-0024$3.00/0 3440 Blood, Vol 84, No 10 (November 15). 1994: pp 3440-3446 From by guest on December 29, 2014. For personal use only. DRUG RESISTANCE IN 3441 B-CLL I Our results indicate that the "IT assay may be a valid predictor of the clinical response to CLB. In addition, the CPTs were found to be more cytotoxic than fludarabine to CLB-resistant B-CLL lymphocytes in vitro. 1 0 300 0 0 n MATERIALS AND METHODS Patient population. A total of 65 patients withB-CLL seen at the New York University Medical Center (New York, NY) were studied. The diagnosis of B-CLL required the demonstration of at least 5 X 103/pL monoclonal B lymphocytes positive for CD5, CD19, and CD20. The disease was staged according to Rai et al." The patient distribution was as follows: 18 patients, stage 0; 24, stage I; 17, stage II; 5, stage 111; and 1 stage IV. The patients were divided into untreated and treated groups. The untreated group consisted of 43 patients who had never received treatment and 3 patients who hadbeen treated more than 1 year before this study. The treated group consisted of 34 patients, 15 of whom were originally included in the untreated patient group. In addition to earlier CLB treatment with or without prednisone, 9 patients had received cyclophosphamide; 5 , fludarabine; 2, etoposide or pentostatin; and single patients received either vincristine, mitoxantrone, or CHOP (cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, prednisone). Responses were evaluated according to the criteria of the EST 2480 Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) protocol.'.23 Lymphocyte isolation. Heparinized blood was obtained from consenting patients. Mononuclear cells were isolated by centrifugation on Ficoll-Hypaque gradients (PH Pharmacia, Uppsala, Sweden); T lymphocytes were removed by sheep erythrocyte rosette formation, and monocytes were depleted by adherence to Falcon plastic dishes (Fisher, Springfield, NJ). Enrichment of B lymphocytes was assessed byflow cytometry with anti-CD5, anti-CD19, and antiCD20 antisera. Purity of greater than 95% B-CLL B lymphocytes with fewer than 2% T lymphocytes, as determined by flow cytometry with anti-CD3, was obtained by this procedure. Tissue culture. A T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia line RPMI 8402 and its CPT-K5 subline, which is resistant to CPT- 11I s were obtained from Dr T. Andoh (Aichi Cancer Center Research Institute, Nagoya, Japan) and grown as a cell suspension in RPMI 1640-10% heat-inactivated fetal calf serum at 37°C in 95% air/5% COz. The culture medium contained 100 U/mL penicillin G-sodium, 100 pg/mL streptomycin sulfate, 0.25 pg/mL amphotericin, 2 gm/ L sodium bicarbonate, and 1% L-glutamine (GIBCO, Grand Island, NY). Drugs. CLB was purchased from Sigma (St Louis, MO), and fludarabine was provided by the Division of Cancer Treatment (National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD) and purchased from Berlex Laboratories (Alameda, CA); topotecan was supplied by SmithKline Beecham (King of Prussia, PA). CPT and the analogs 9-AC, 10,llMDC, and 9-A-10,ll-MDC were obtained from Dr Monroe C. Wall (Research Triangle Institute, Research Triangle Park, NC). Stock solutions of CLB in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO; Sigma) and fludarabine in RPMI 1640 (GIBCO) were prepared fresh for each experiment; stock solutions of the CPTs in DMSO (1.0 to 6.0 mom) were stored at -20°C. When needed, stock solutions were diluted with RPMI 1640. The final maximum concentration of DMSO in all studies was less than 0.035 mom. Drug concentrations for the camptothecins were established spectrophotometrically. The following millimolar extinction coefficients were used: 10,ll-MDC AJS3, 37.3; 9-A-10,ll-MDC A382. 24.0. M ~ a ~ s a B y lymphocytes . ~ ~ ~ ~(2.5 X 105/well)or tissue culture cells (2.0 X 104/well)were cultured in round-bottom microtiter plates in RPMI 1640-10% fetal calf serum in the presence of drugs or controls containing the equivalent amounts of DMSO in a final volume of 100 pL. At 72 hours, 25 pL of MTT (Sigma; 2 mg/mL 0 T 3 U 250 0 OD 0 0 0 0 0 0 B0 0 0 cn I I "-S0-0 0 000 00 0 6 0 8A B Fig1.Comparison of CL6 chemosensitivity of B lymphocytes from 46 untreated (A) and 34 treated (B) patients. The median IC, for the entire group was 61.0 pmol/L i--4 B;lymphocytes with an IC, less than 61.0 pmollL were designated as sensitive, and those with an IC, 2 61.0 pmollL were designated as resistant. phosphate-buffered saline) was added for an additional 3 hours. The precipitated MTT formazan was dissolved in 100 pL of isopropanol: 1 N HCl (24:l). After 30 minutes of incubation at 37"C, the A570 was measured on a MultiWell Plate Reader (Dynatech MC 600; Dynatech Laboratories, Inc, Chantilly, M).Viability was expressed as the ratio of A570 drug-treatedcontrol sample. Cells from all patients were studied on multiple occasions, ranging from 4 to 25 times. Statistical a n a l y s i ~ . ~Comparison ~.~~ between patient samples was assessed by Fisher's exact test for nominal variables and by a nonparametric test of serial randomness. P values in all analyses were two-tailed. The SAS system was used for all statistical calculations. RESULTS Correlation of MTT assay results with response to CLB treatment. The drug concentration required for 50% inhibition of cell viability (ICs0) of CLB in B lymphocytes from untreated patients ranged from 7 to 275 pmoVL. The median ICs0 in this group (Fig 1A) was 40.5 p m o n (n = 46), whereas cells from patients who were treated with CLB or with CLB and prednisone (Fig 1B) within 12 months before the "IT assay had ahigher median ICs0value of 86.0 pmol/ L (n = 34; P < .01). Inboth the treated and untreated groups, the preparation used in the MTT assay contained more than 90%CD5+ B lymphocytes. No correlation was found between ICs0 and Rai stage. The median ICs0 CLBfor the total (treated and untreated) patient group was 61.0 pmol/L (n = 80;see Fig 1 [----I). A nonparametric test showed no evidence against randomness either in the less than 61 .O pmol/L or the 2 6 1.O p m o L subset. However, this test of serial randomness was significantly positive for the pooled data (P < .005), suggesting From by guest on December 29, 2014. For personal use only. SILBER ET AL 3442 the presence of two runs (clumps), one at the low and the other at the high range of ICsovalues. Based on this analysis, B lymphocytes with ICso CLB less than 61.0 pmol/L were designated as “sensitive,” and those with ICs0CLB 261.0 pmoVL were designated as “resistant” within the context of this study. Fifteen patients were entered into a prospective study to correlate the pretreatment ICs0 CLB with the decrease in ALCand clinical response. The baseline pretherapy and maximal posttherapy ICs0values for 15 previously untreated patients were determined (Fig 2). The median posttherapy ICso was 5 times the median baseline pretreatment value, with an increase in ICs0 of up to 20-fold after therapy. The increase was observed as early as 2 weeks and as late as 3 months after therapy was instituted. With a maximal followup time of 2 years, the ICso remained elevated in 9 of 13 surviving patients. Among the 46 untreated patients on whom serial assays were performed over a 2-year period, we noted 10 instances of fluctuations in ICs0 (data not shown). The effect of therapy on the clinical response and ALC is shown in Table 1. Eleven patients whose lymphocytes had an ICso less than 61.0 p m o m during baseline studies all had a partial clinical remission and showed a greater than 70% decrease in ALC after therapy. In contrast, of the 4 patients whose lymphocytes hadan ICs0 2 61.0 pmoVL, l had no response, 1 had a partial remission, and 2 had disease progression. The difference in partial remissions between the two groups is also significant by Fisher’s exact test (P < .009). The difference inALC decrease between these two groups was significant (P < .001) as determined by a randomized test. The pattern of response to treatment is illustrated in sequential studies with B lymphocytes in 6 of the patients over a span of 16 to 30 months Fig 3).Lymphocytes from patients no. 2, 3, 5 , and 7 had ICso CLB values determined immediately pretherapy, which placed them into the sensitive group. / 300 3 -J 0 3 200 3 0 -I I us 100 0 0 Pretreatment Post-treatment Fig 2. Effect of treatment on CLB sensitivity. The IC, was determined in 15 patienta before treatment with .ither CLB or CLB and prednisone. The poattreatment value shown was the maximal observed after therapy. During treatment, there was a rapid increase in IC50concomitant with a decrease in ALC. The change was noted as early as within 1 week (patient no. 2) and as late as 6 months (patient no. 5). Beyond the observation ofan increase in ICso, the small number of patients hampers further correlation between therapy andICso oscillations. Lymphocytes from patients no. 13 and 15 had pretreatment IC5” CLB values that placed them in the resistant group. With therapy these also showed an increase in ICsoand a decrease in ALC, but the ALC remained greater than 60 X 103/pL. Comparison of CLB, jludarabine, and the camptothecins. The chemosensitivity of lymphocytes from treated and untreated patients to fludarabine, lO,ll-MDC, and 9-A-10,llMDC is shown (Fig 4). The selected limits of sensitivity for each drug (Fig 4 [---I) were defined as the mean IC50plus 2 SD. As with CLB, lymphocytes with an ICsovalue above these limits were defined as resistant. The ICs0 values for each drug are shown for cells sensitive to CLB (ICso< 61 .O pmoVL) and CLB resistant (ICs0 2 61.0 pmoVL). The ICso for fludarabine ranged from 6 to greater than 100 pmoVL; the ICso for CLB-sensitive was lower than that of the CLBresistant group (Fig 4A; P .01). As for CLB, a nonparametric test of serial randomness applied to pooled data was significantly positive (P < .01) suggesting the presence of two runs with a clustering of lower and higher IC50s. For 10,ll-MDC (ICs0, 0.10 to greater than 1.0 pmol/L) and 9-A-10,l l-MDC(ICso,0.03 to greater than 1.O pmol/L), there were no significant differences (P > .05) between the subsets of CLB-sensitive and CLB-resistant B lymphocytes (Fig 4B and C), and there was no evidence against randomness of ICso distribution. Among the CLB-sensitive cells, there is a cluster with low ICso values. Clusters were also observed with fludarabine in cells from 23 of 33 patients, as well as with 10,ll-MDC in 17 of 24 patients, and with 9-A-10,ll-MDC in 22 of 23 patients. CLB-resistant lymphocytes from 13 of 23 patients were sensitive to 10,llMDC, and 10 of15 were sensitive to 9-A-10,ll-MDC. In contrast only 7 of 24 CLB-resistant lymphocyte preparations were sensitive to fludarabine. When compared with 10,l l-MDC and 9-A10, 11-MDC, equitoxic concentrations were generally higher for CPT (N = 5), 9-AC (N = 19), and topotecan (N = 1 l), with median ICs0 values of approximately 1.0 pmol/L, 1.0 pmoVL, and 1.6 pmol/L, respectively. There was no difference in median ICso values for B-CLL lymphocytes between treated and untreated patients. CPT-sensitive and CPT-resistant tissue-culture lines were used as controls for drug sensitivity. The parent RPM1 8402 line was sensitive to 10,ll-MDC and 9-A-10,ll-MDC (Fig 4), whereas the CPT-K5 subline showed resistance to these drugs. Relationship of drug resistance to p53 mutations. In an earlier study, we reported the relationship between CLB resistance and p53 gene mutations in B-CLL lymphocytes.*’ Chemosensitivity of B lymphocytes to fludarabine and the CPTs was compared with that of CLB and correlated with the presence of p53 mutations. Lymphocytes with these mutations from all 7 patients were resistant to CLB, and 5 of 6 were resistant to fludarabine (Table 2). Lymphocytes from From by guest on December 29, 2014. For personal use only. DRUG RESISTANCE IN B-CLL 3443 Table 1. Effect of Therapy on Response Chlorambucil Patient No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Rai Stage Ill II II II I II II II II I I II I 111 II Therapy 497 63 44 76 82 133 265 115 82 41 55 41 262 25 190 93 87 77 80 93 92 84 73 74 90 82 85 0 0 49 8 11 13 17 19 23 28 34 38 41 54 66 103 112 124 12 15 20 2 6 3 5 2 >9 7 1 2 2 1 2 PlJ PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR CLB CLB CLB + PRED CLB CLB CLB CLB + PRED CLB + PRED CLB CLB CLB + PRED CLB CLB f PRED CLB CLB f PRED ICm Avg Pretreatment I C , Ratio: Pretreatment Maximal % Decrease in ALC ALC lxlO'/ ECOG Clinical Response PR PR DP DP NR PosVPre Abbreviations: PRED, prednisone; PR, partial response; NR, no response; DP, disease progression; ECOG, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group. 4 of 7 patients were resistant to 10,11-MDC, and 3 of 4 were resistant to 9-A-10,ll-MDC. Chemosensitivity of B lymphocytes without p53 mutations from 39 patients was also analyzed in terms of CLB resistance.Amongthe 19 patients with CLB-sensitive lymphocytes, 15 of 17 tested were also sensitive to fludarabine, 14 of 17 were sensitive to 10,11-MDC, and 15 of 15 were sensitive to 9-A-10,ll-MDC. Among the 20 patients with CLB-resistant lymphocytes, 6 of 18 tested weresensitive to fludarabine, 9 of 16 were sensitive ' YL.4 OO Fig 3. Effect of therapyon IC, CLB and ALC in 6 representative patients. Patients no. 2,3,5, and 7 from Table 1 had B lymphocytes with pretreatment IC, CLB values in the sensitive range, and patients no. 13 and 15hadpretreatment IC, CLB values in the resistant range. Pa2, 3, and 5 were tients no. treated with CLB; patients no.7, 13,and15 ( 1 - 1 ) weretreated with CLB andpredniaone.Patient no. 13 wasalsotreated with fludarabine ( 1 = I). mr S l0 1s 20 I P H W ' 6 TIME (months) 10 1s TIME (months) 10 1 From by guest on December 29, 2014. For personal use only. 3444 SILBER ET AL 0 0 0 0 0 0 o.8 8 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 """ 51 0.2 9 11 <61 0 S 1 261 e61 261 IC,, CHLORAMBUCIL (PM) Fig 4. Chemosensitivity of B lymphocytes from untreated patients.I& values for fludarabine, (A); 10.11-MDC, (B); and S-A-10.1l-MDC. (C). in the text {---I. Tissueculture linesused were RPhV 8402 Sensitive and resistant lymphocyte demareationlimits are designated as described (A)and CPT-K!5 ( + 1. Results obtained with these lines validatethe MlT assay for the camptothecins. to 10,11-MDC, and 9 of 1 1 were sensitive to 9-A-10, 1 I-MDC. DISCUSSION The MTT assay has been used to predict the response to therapyz9and to investigate drug resistance in relapsed acute le~kemia.2~. O ' The assay has been less widely applied to the lymphoid malignancies, including CLL.*' In this report, we establish a positive correlation between in vitro chemosensitivity to CLB and a favorable response to treatment in BCLL. We have also investigated the in vitro cross-resistance of CLB to fludarabine as well as to CPT and its analogs, a new class of anticancer agents. Three findings withCLB emerge from this study. The first is the marked heterogeneity in the in vitro sensitivity to CLB and the other drugs investi- Table 2. Relationship of Chemosensitivity to Lymphocyte p53 Mutations Fludarabine p53 Mutations Present CLB-resistant (n = 71 Not found CLB-resistant (n = 20) CLB-sensitive In = 19) 10.11-MDC 9-A-10.11-MDC Resistant Sensitive Resistant Sensitive Resistant Sensitive 5 1 4 3 3 1 12 6 7 9 2 9 2 15 3 14 0 15 p53 Mutations were detected as previously described." Chemosensitivity of B lymphocytes was assayed as describd under Materials and Methods. Data in table refer to number of patients who were studied. gated. Cells from the majority of untreated patients are sensitive to CLB, whereas cells from about one third of the cases are consistently more resistant to this drug. This may reflect a manifestation of de novo resistance, a commonand serious problem in chemotherapy. The second is the positive correlation between the in vitro chemosensitivity of CLL B lymphocytes and the patients' response to CLB treatment. The wellrecognized variable therapeutic efficacy of CLB may be the in vivo counterpart of the heterogeneity in cytotoxicity observed in vitro. Further studies with a larger number of patients will be required to determine if the MTT assay has a predictive value in the treatment of B-CLL. A third finding documents the effect of therapy on the CLB. When cells from treated patients were compared with cells from patients who had not received CLB, the medianIC5O CLB of the former group was significantly higher than the median ICsoof the latter. The possibility was considered that the higher IC50 in patients needing treatment merely reflected a more advanced disease stage rather than a consequence of CLB therapy. Contrary to this concept is the lack of correlation between Rai stage and IC50.Further evidence against this interpretation is the relatively rapid increase in ICm CLB observed after therapy that was not noted in untreated patients. The CLB resistance observed in vitro after treatment occurred in the leukemic CD5+ B lymphocytes. The increase in ICso was not caused by the presence of T cells or monocytes, because T-cell depletion was complete and monocyte contamination was below 1%. Although some of the 15 patients studied prospectively received prednisone as well as CLB, the effect of therapy on IC50 wasthe same in patients From by guest on December 29, 2014. For personal use only. DRUGRESISTANCE IN B-CLL receiving CLB alone as in those who were also treated with prednisone. The increase in IC50 most likely stems from the killing of sensitive lymphocytes by CLB, with selection of a resistant subpopulation. The increase observed in IC5,, in some cases appears reversible, despite continued therapy. The fluctuations in ICs0 observed in about one fifth of the untreated patients indicate that factors other than CLB therapy can cause changes in drug resistance that are reflected in the ICs0. We think it is not an artifact of the assay. The nature of these factors remains unclear. In the second part of the study, the in vitro effects of fludarabine and the CPTs were evaluated. The results with fludarabine showed considerable cross-resistance with CLB. A clinical response to fludarabine in CLB-resistant patients is amply documented. In contrast, our findings of crossresistance in vitro is consistent with the clinical observation that fludarabine does not prolong the survival of patients resistant to CLB (and predni~one).~’ Our in vitro results differ from those of others who, using another chemosensitivity assay, find no concordance in cross-resistance between CLB and fludarabine.6 We have previously reported the association between p53 gene mutations and CLB resistance in CLL lymphocytes.” The present work shows that resistance to fludarabine and the CPTs also occurs commonly in lymphocytes with a mutated p53 gene. Our study also reports the effects of CPT and several of its analogs on CLL lymphocytes. Among these agents, all topoisomerase I inhibitors, two analogs, 10,ll-MDC and 9A-lO,ll-MDC, showed the greatest activity against CLL lymphocytes. The first of these agents introduces a greater number of breaks into CLL lymphocyte DNA than do CPT or 9-AC.32In addition, when CLL lymphocytes are incubated with IO,ll-MDC, the amount of cell-associated drug is higher and its retention in the lactone form is greater than that observed with CPT or 9-AC.19.33 These differences may not be solely responsible for the greater cytotoxicity of 10,ll-MDC and 9-A-10,ll-MDC. Although it is tempting to suggest that the greater cytotoxicity is caused by the increased number of breaks induced by these compounds in CLL lymphocytes, the underlying mechanisms for cell killing by these agents remains not completely understood. The extreme S-phase cytotoxicity of CPT has been extensively documented. In the “collision” model, the interaction between the advancing DNA replication fork and the topoisomerase I-CPT-cleavable complex results in a doublestrand DNA break.34This event, which triggers S-phasespecific cell killing and G2-phase cell cycle arrest, may be responsible for the highly selective killing of the S-phase cells; however, it cannot solely account for the impressive cytotoxicity to quiescent B-CLL lymphocytes, which are largely arrested at the Go to G, phase of the cell cycle. Additional processes may be involved.34 CLB an is alkylating agent. Fludarabine, a DNA elongation terminator, is a DNA ligase inhibit~r.~’ The CPT analogs, 10,ll-MDC and 9-A-10,11 MDC, are DNA topoisomerase I inhibitors. The reason for the occurrence of cross-resistance to these agents that have different mechanisms of action remains unknown. A common explanation 3445 may reside in the cell’s ability to repair DNA damage caused by chemotherapeutic agents. 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For personal use only. 1994 84: 3440-3446 Chemosensitivity of lymphocytes from patients with B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia to chlorambucil, fludarabine, and camptothecin analogs R Silber, B Degar, D Costin, EW Newcomb, M Mani, CR Rosenberg, L Morse, JC Drygas, ZN Canellakis and M Potmesil Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved.
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