Geometric Levy Process Pricing Model Yoshio Miyahara, Nagoya City University, Alexander Novikov, University of Technology, Sydney, Abstract We consider models for stock prices which relates to random processes with independent homogeneous increments (Levy processes). These models are arbitrage free but correspond to the incomplete nancial market. There are many dierent approaches for pricing of nancial derivatives. We consider here mainly the approach which is based on minimal relative entropy. This method is related to an utility function of exponential type and the Esscher transformation of probabilistic measures. 1 Introduction We suppose that the nancial market consists of two assets : bond Bt and stock St . We use the notation r for the spot interest rate assuming that it is a constant. Then, under the assumption of continuous compounding, the value of the bond at time t is Bt = B0 expfrtg: (1) The classical diusion model (Merton (1973) 29], Black and Scholes (1973) 6]) for the process St is dSt = St dt + StdWt (2) where Wt is a standard Wiener process, is the expected return and is the stock price volatility. The solution of this equation is St = S0 expfWt + gtg with g = ; 21 2: 1 (3) It is well-know that contrary to a Wiener process, returns of stocks (that is log(St )) are neither Gaussian, nor homogeneous and not having independent increments, see e.g. Amaral et al 2000, 1]. In spite of these empirical observations the classical diusion model remains as a reference model due to its simplicity. Trying to preserve this feature of simplicity one may keep the property of having independent homogeneous increments i.e. assuming that log(St ) is a Levy process which could be a non-Gaussian process. So, we will assume that St = S0 expfZtg where Zt is a Levy process, Z0 = 0: (4) In particular, it implies the distribution function of Zt belongs to the class of innite divisible distributions (see, e.g. Bertoin (1996) 7] or Sato (1999) 36]). Under this assumption the process Zt has the following representation Zt = Wt + Yt (5) where Wt is a standard Wiener process, Yt is a jump Levy process which is independent of Wt . The process Yt has the following representation in terms of the counting Poisson measure N (dt dx) t 0 x 2 Rnf0g generated by the jumps of Zt : Yt = bt + Z tZ 0 Rnf0g xIfjxj1g N (ds dx) + Z tZ 0 Rnf0g xIfjxj<1g N (ds dx) ; (dx)ds]: (6) Here (dx) is the so-called Levy measure which satises the following condition Z min(x2 1) (dx) < 1 (7) (see, e.g. 7] or 36]). The characteristic function of Yt is given by E exp(iuYt) = expft(iu)g where the cumulant function (iu) can be written in the form (iu) = iub + Z1 ;1 exp(iux) ; 1 ; iuxI fjxj < 1g] (dx) 2 (8) (9) (it is a variant of the so-called Levy-Khintchine formula). We will call the characteristic (2 v(dx) b) in the above representation the triplet of Zt. (Slightly dierent terminologies are used in monographs 36] and 25].) Remark 1. Chan (1999) 13] considered a stock price model in a dierent form dSt = St dt + St;dXt (10) where Xt is a Levy process (satisfying some conditions). This model is actually equivalent to the model (4) under the assumption that jumps Xt > ;1 which is necessary for positiveness of prices St : To our mind it is more convenient to work with characteristics of the process Zt from (4). Some particular cases. 1) Compound Poisson models. Yt = tc + Nt X k=1 k (11) where Nt is a homogeneous Poisson process with intensity k are iid r.v. with a distribution function (dx). Then (as well-known) (iu) = iuc + Z1 ;1 exp(iux) ; 1](dx) (12) and so (dx) = (dx) . (Here and below the letter c without or with index denotes a constant). This type of model was rstly considered e.g. by Merton (1976) 30] and then by many authors. We also mention only recent papers Andersen and Andreasen (1999) 4], and Zhou (1999) 41]. Note that in the last two papers it was supposed that k are Gaussian r.v.'s with mean and variance 12. Under this assumption it is easy to see that the process Zt can be written in a dierent form: Yt = ct + Nt ( ) + 1 Bt (13) where Bt is a standard Wiener process independent of Nt ( ) and Wt , t = Nt ( ): (14) An another natural choice is with k as a mixture of exponential distributions, e.g. in the form (dx) = (c1I (x < 0) exp(;c3 x) + c2I (x > 0) exp(;c4 x))dx (15) 3 Under this choice of (dx) the distribution of jumps of the process St is a Pareto-type which has some empirical justications (1], 34]). 2) Logstable models. The important particular case of this class of models can be given in the following form: Yt = tc + L(t) (16) where L(t) is a stable Levy process with only negative jumps , 1 < < 2. The moment-generating function of this process is given by the following simple formula E exp(zL(t) ) = exp(tCz ) z 0 (17) where the constant C > 0: From here it is easy to derive that this process has the self-similarity property that is we have the following equality by distribution L(t) ; L(s) = (t ; s)1=L(1) t s (18) Mandelbrot (1963) 28] was the rst who suggested to model log(St ) as a symmetric stable Levy process and he presented some statistical evidence for his approach (exploring, actually, a small sample size of about 2000 data points). But in his case the stock process St does not have moments and that contradicts other intensive empirical ndings (see discussion in 1]). The only case of stable Levy processes for which all moments of St are nite is given by (17). Between other related papers we mention only recent ones. Hurst et al (1999) 23] studied a very similar model but in terms of stable subordinators to a Wiener process. Carr and Wu (2000) 12] considered examples of stock prices for which the Logstable model (as in (17)) statistically better against several alternatives. The Levy measure of the stable process with moment generating function (17) has a very simple form: (dx) = cI (x < 0)jxj;(+1) dx (19) but there are no simple formulas for density of r.v. L(t) : Note this density can be calculated in terms of Fast Fourier Transformation using an analytical continuation of (17). See also Carr and Madan (1999) 11]. 3) Variance Gamma model and CGMY model. The Variance Gamma (VG) process introduced by Madan and Seneta (1990) 26] and then 4 extended in Madan et al (1998) 27]. The main feature is obtained by evaluating Brownian motion with drift at random times given by a gamma process. The gamma process t with mean rate and variance rate is the process of independent gamma increments with the density 2 t 2 exp(; x) x > 0 Ct = (20) p(x) = Ctx = ;( t ) where ;(x) is the gamma function. The VG process Yt is then dened in 2 t ;1 terms of Brownian motion with drift and the gamma process with unit mean rate = 1 as follows: Yt = t + 1Bt (21) where Bt is a standard Wiener process independent of t. The characteristic function of value Yt is t=v 2 2 ; E exp(iuYt] = 2 ; ( + iu)2 with the following relations between parameters when 1 > 0: ; = =12 2 = 2 + 2= 12 : (22) (23) It is easy to check that the VG process has also the another representation: Yt = tpos ; tneg (24) where tpos and tneg are independent gamma processes (27]). The density of Yt can be expressed in terms of the modied Bessel function of the second kind K(z) (see 27]) in the following way: p(x) = Ct Kt=;1=2 (jxj) jxjt=;1=2 exp(x) t > 0 (25) where Ct denotes a normalizing constant (here and below). There are several dierent representations of function K (z): The one of most convenient is the following (see e.g. Abramowitz (1972) 2]): K(z) = Z1 0 expf;z cosh(x)g cosh( x)dx 5 (26) The VG model has several very atractive features. To simulate the trajectories of VG processes one need only to simulate gamma and normal distribution (or, two independent gamma distributions). Also, the Levy measure has a simple form (dx) = (c1 I (x < 0) exp(;c3x) + c2I (x > 0) exp(;c4 x))jxj;1dx (27) and it is of convenience for pricing models (see Albanese et al (2001) 3]). Carr-Geman-Madan-Yor have introduced the CGMY process in 10], which is an extended process of VG process. The Levy measure of the CGMY process is ; (dx) = c Ifx<0g exp(Gx) + Ifx>0g exp(;Mx) jxj;(1+Y )dx (28) where c > 0 G 0 M 0 Y < 2. In the case that Y 0, then G > 0 and M > 0 are assumed. We mention here that the case Y = 0 is the VG process case, and the case G = M = 0 and 0 < Y < 2 is the symmetric stable process case. 4) The Hyperbolic model. The Hyperbolic model is discussed by Eberlain et al (1998) 17]. The density of the terminal value of the return ZT (up to drift term) is supposed to be the innitely divisible distribution whose density depends on four parameters ( ) and, of course, maturity T and has a form n p o p(x) = C exp ; 2 + x2 + x ;1 < x < 1 where C= p 2 ; 2 p 2K1 2 ; 2 0 j j < : (29) (30) K1(z) is the modied Bessel function of the second kind (dened above). The characteristic function of value Zt for all t 0 is (17]) ~ 1(p2 ; ( + iu)2) t=T K (31) E exp(iuZt] = ( ~ p 2 2 ) K1( ; ) where K~ (z) = K (z)z; . Note that the simple expression (29) is valid only for the terminal value ZT : Alternatively, one could assume that increments Zt+ ; Zt with some > 0 has density (29) and then check that the characteristic function of 6 value Zt is the same as in (31) but with instead of T: To calculate the density of Zt for arbitrary t one may use the Fourier transformation of the characteristic function of the process or some other integral representations. 5) Generalized Hyperbolic (GH) Model. The class of generalized hyperbolic distributions was introduced in Barndor-Nielsen and Halgreen (1977) 5]. Eberlein at al (1998) 17] considered it as the natural generalization of Hyperbolic model. According to the GH model the density of the random variable ZT (up to drift term) is p(x) = p (32) p =CT K;1=2 ( 2 + x2 )( 2 + x2);1=2 e(x) where CT = p (2 ; 2)=2 p 2;1=2 K 2 ; 2 (33) (34) and 0 j j < > 0 j j < > 0 j j if > 0 if = 0 if < 0: (35) (36) (37) Note that the distribution of the GH process, like that of the hyperbolic process, is given in the explicit form only at maturity, that is for t = T , and not for arbitrary t < T: The characteristic function of Zt for all t 0 is (17]) ~ (p2 ; ( + iu)2) t=T K (38) E exp(iu Zt] = ( ~ p 2 2 ) K( ; ) 6) Processes subordinated to the Wiener process. This type of model have the following form Zt = ct + t + 1Wt (39) where t is a non-negative Levy process (subordinator). The prove that the process Zt is a Levy process can be easily done with help of conditioning of the characteristic functions of Zt . The particular cases of this model are the Gauss-Poisson model (13) and the VG model (21). 7 The another interesting choice is when T has the Generalized Inverse Gaussian distribution with p.d.f. p(x) = CT xT=;1 expf;x= ; 2 =xg x > 0 (40) Then accordingly to 5] Zt has the generalized hyperbolic distribution with the characteristic function ~ T= (p2 ; ( + iu)2) t=T K p ) (41) E exp(iuZt] = ( ~ KT= ( 2 ; 2) where = =12 2 = 2 + 2=(12) (42) Comparing this formula with (38) one can easily see that under of this choice of T we have just the another representation for the GH model when = T : The case of VG model can be considered as the limiting case the GH model when ! 0 . Indeed, using the asymptotics K~ (z) s z;2 as z ! 0 (see 2]) we get from (38) formula (21). 8 2 Minimal Relative Entropy Martingale Measure (MEMM) and Pricing Models The models described in Chapter 1 are incomplete market models in general. Only the Brownian motion model and the simple Poisson process model are the exceptional cases. In fact, other geometric Levy process models have many equivalent martingale measures if an equivalent martingale measure exists. The pricing models for the incomplete markets are, in general, consisting of the following two parts. The rst part is the part of dening the price process of underlying assets, and the second part is the part of dening the pricing rule of options. For the second part we follows to the so-called martingale method, and we adopt the minimal entropy martingale measure (MEMM) as the suitable martingale measure among several candidate martingale measures (see 15], 19], 20], 31], etc.). Then the price of an option is given as the expectation of that option with respect to the MEMM. 2.1 Minimal Relative Entropy Martingale Measure of Geometric Levy Processes We will rst give the denition of MEMM, and then we will see the existence problem of MEMM of the geometric Levy processes. 1) MEMM Let P (S ) be the set of all equivalent martingale measures of St . De nition 1 (minimal entropy martingale measure (MEMM)) If an equivalent martingale measure P satises the following condition H (P jP ) H (QjP ) 8Q 2 P (S ) (43) where H (QjP ) is the relative entropy of Q with respect to P , which is given by the following formula R dQ Q P H (QjP ) = 1 log dP ]dQ if otherwise (44) then P is called the minimal entropy martingale measure (MEMM) of St . The basic properties of MEMM are described in x2 of 31]. For example, it is known that if the MEMM exists then it is unique. 9 There are many reasons why we adopt the MEMM as the suitable equivalent martingale measure. One of them is the fact that the MEMM is related to the utility function of exponential type (see 20]). And another one is the relations of the MEMM with the theory of large deviation (remember Sanov's Lemma). And the third one is the fact that this measure is strongly related to the Esscher transformation. 2) Existence of MEMM The existence problem of the MEMM of geometric Levy processes has been discussed in 13],33] and 21]. The most general form is given in 21]. We use the same notations as in Chapter 1. For the simplicity we assume that B0 = 1, namely the value of bond is given Bt = expfrtg: Let a Levy process Zt be given in the the following general form Zt = Wt + Yt Z Z t = Wt + bt + xIfjxj>1gNp(dsdx) + 0 Z tZ 0 Rnf0g Rnf0g xIfjxj1g N (ds dx) ; (dx)ds] (45) and consider the following conditions. Condition (C) There exists 2 R which satises the following conditions : R x (ex ;1) (dx) < 1 (C)1 (46) fx>1g e e R x (C)2 b + ( 21 + )2 + Rnf0g (ex ; 1)e (e ;1) Ifjxj>1g (dx) R ; + Rnf0g (ex ; 1)e (ex;1) ; x Ifjxj1g (dx) = r: (47) Under the above assumptions the following theorem is obtained in 21]. Theorem 1 (Fujiwara-Miyahara 21, Theorem 3.1]) Suppose that the condition (C) holds, and let P be the probability measure dened by dP = exp W ; 1 ( )2t + Z t Z (ex ; 1)I t 2 fjxj>1gNp (dsdx) dP Ft 0 Rnf0g + Z tZ 0 Rnf0g (ex ; 1)Ifjxj1gN (ds dx) ; (dx)ds] 10 ;t Z Rnf0g ; (ex ;1) e ; 1 ; (ex ; 1)Ifjxj1g (dx)]: (48) Then the probability measure P is well dened and it holds that (a)(MEMM): P is the MEMM of St. (b)(Minimal Relative Entropy): Z ; (ex ;1) 1 + 2 H (P jP ) = ;T ( 2 ) ) + (b ; r) + e ; 1 ; xIfjxj1g (dx)]: Rnf0g (49) (c)(Levy process): Zt is also a Levy process w.r.t. P , and the generating triplet (A b) of Zt under P is A = A(= 2 ) (50) x (dx) = e (e ;1) (dxZ ) (51) b = b + 2 + xIfjxj1g d( ; ): (52) Rnf0g Remark 1. If the following condition Z Rnf0g jxjIfjxj1g (dx) < 1 (53) is satised, then the generating triplet of Zt is (2 0)0 (see 36, p.39]) and Zt is expressed Zt = Wt + 0t + Z tZ 0 Rnf0g xNp(dsdx): (54) In this case, the condition (C)2 is replaced by Z 1 2 0 + ( 2 + ) + (ex ; 1)e (ex;1) (dx) = r: (55) Rnf0g and as the corollary of Theorem 1 we obtain Theorem 2 Suppose that the Levy process Zt is given by (54) . Assume that there exists a constant which satises the equation (55), and let P be the probability measure dened by dP = expW (t) ; 1 ()2 t + Z t Z (ex ; 1)N (dsdx) ; p dP Ft 2 0 Rnf0g 11 ; Z tZ Rnf0g 0 (e (ex;1) ; 1) (dx)]: (56) Then the probability measure P is well dened and it holds that (a)(MEMM): P is the MEMM of St. (b)(Minimal Relative Entropy): Z 1 + 2 (e (ex;1) ; 1) (dx)]: H (P jP ) = ;T ( 2 ) ) + (0 ; r) + Rnf0g (57) (c)(Levy process): Zt is also a Levy process w.r.t. P , and the generating triplet (A 0 )0 of Zt under P is A = A(= 2 ) (58) (ex ;1) (dx) = e (dx) (59) 2 0 = 0 + : (60) 3) Comparison of the MEMM with the MMM We see the relations of MEMM with the minimal martingale measure (MMM). The MMM was introduced by Follmer-Schweizer in 19] and has been investigated by M. Schweizer (35]), etc. Suppose that the price process is a semimartingale and represented as St = S0 + Mt + Zt 0 dhM i then the MMM P^ is the (possibly signed) measure dened by dP^ = E ; Z dM dP where E (M ) is the Doleans-Dade exponential of M . In 21, x4] it is shown that when we apply the above result to the geometric Levy process,R then we know that under the somewhat strong assumptions (for example Rnf0g (ex ; 1)2 (dx) < 1) the MMM exists and is given by dP^ = E (M^ ) dP M^ t = ^ Wt + Z tZ 0 Rnf0g (ex ; 1)N (ds dx) ; (dx)ds] 12 where r ; ^b x 2 Rnf0g (e ; 1) (dx) ^ = 2 + R Z ^b = 1 2 + b + (ex ; 1 ; xIfjxj1g) (dx): 2 Rnf0g On the other hand, it is shown in 21] that the formula (6) of Theorem 1 is represented as dP = E (M ) t dP Ft Mt = Wt + (61) Z tZ Rnf0g 0 ; (ex ;1) e ; 1 N (ds dx) ; (dx)ds]:(62) From the above results it follows that the MEMM is dierent from the MMM except the very special cases (such cases that the equivalent martingale measure is unique, namely the complete market cases). We mentions here that the MMM has the following week points when compared with the MEMM: 1)The MMM is possibly signed measure. (MEMM is a probability measure.) 2)The class of the processes to which the MMM theory is applicable is limited compared with that of the MEMM. 4) Relations with the Esscher transformation It is proved in 21] that dP = e R~t dP Ft EP e R~t ] where R~t is the return process of the discounted price process S~t = St e;rt, namely R~t = Zt 1 0 S~u; dS~u (therefore S~ = E (R~ )): This formula means that the MEMM P is obtained as the Esscher transformation by the return process R~t . 13 2.2 Pricing Models When we start from the geometric Levy process and adopt the MEMM as the special equivalent martingale measure, we call it the Geometric Levy Process & MEMM] pricing model (see 33]). We can apply the results of the previous section to the models noted in Chapter 1, and we obtain several examples of the Geometric Levy Process & MEMM] pricing model. Before we see examples we investigate the Condition (C). If the condition (C)2 has the sense then the condition (C)1 follows. So we consider the condition (C)2. Set Z 1 2 f () = b + ( 2 + ) + (ex ; 1)e (ex;1) Ifjxj>1g (dx) Rnf0g + Z Rnf0g ; x (e ; 1)e (ex;1) ; x Ifjxj1g (dx): (63) Then the condition (C)2 is equivalent to the condition that the following equation f () = r (64) has a solution. It is easy to see that f () is an increasing function of . Therefore, if f () is continuous and lim !;1 f () < r < lim !1 f () then the equation (64) has a unique solution. Note that E (St ) = S0 exp(tf (0)) (65) If one assume that f (0) r (it seems that in some cases it is really natural to assume) then the solution of (64) is non-positive. 1) Brownian Motion Model Suppose that the Levy process Zt consists of continuous part only. Then Zt is in the following form Zt = bt + Wt: This case is identical with Black-Scholes model, and equation (C)2 has a solution = ; 21 ; b;r 2 , and P is the unique risk neutral martingale measure. 2) Compound Poisson Model Suppose that the Levy process Zt is compound Poisson process and that the Levy measure (dx) is given in the form of 14 (dx) = (dx) (66) where (dx) is a probability measure on R such that (f0g) = 0, and is a positive constant. Then the equation for is 0 + Z Rnf0g (ex ; 1)e (ex;1) (dx) = r: (67) It is easy to see that this equation has a solution , then by Theorem 2 (a) the MEMM, P , exists and by Theorem 2 (c) the process Zt = logx St=S0] is also a compound Poisson process with Levy measure (dx) = e (e ;1) (dx). 3) (Brownian Motion + Compound Poisson) Model Suppose that the Levy process Zt consists of continuous part and compound Poisson part. Then the equation (13) for is Z 1 2 0 + ( 2 + ) + (ex ; 1)e (ex;1)(dx) = r: (68) (;11)nf0g Suppose that this equation has a solution , then the process Zt is also a Levy process under the MEMM P with the generating triplet (2 c (dx) 0+ 2)0 , where = Z e (ex;1) (dx) (ex ;1) (dx) e (dx) = R e (ex;1) (dx) : (69) In the above example, suppose that the Levy measure (dx) is discrete, namely in the following form (dx) = (dx) = 1 X i=1 piai (dx) pi 0 i = 1 2 : : : 1 X i=1 pi = 1: (70) Then the equation (13) is in the following form. 1 X 1 2 0 + ( 2 + ) + pi(eai ; 1)e (eai ;1) = r: i=1 4) LogStable Model 15 (71) The Levy measure (dx) of -stable (0 < < 2) distribution is (dx) = c1Ifx>0g jxj;(+1) dx + c2 Ifx<0gjxj;(+1) dx (72) where c1 and c2 are non-negative constants. In the sequel we assume that c1 > 0 c2 > 0: (73) Suppose that Zt is a stable process and its generating triplet is (0 (dx) b), where (dx) is of the form (72). By Theorem 1, if the equation f () = r has a solution , then it holds that Zt is also a Levy process w.r.t. P , and the generating triplet (A b ) of Zt under P is A = 0 (74) (ex ;1) (dx) = e (dx) (ex ;1) (ex ;1) = c1 Ifx>0g ejxj(+1) dx + c2 Ifx<0g ejxj(+1) dx Z b = b+ xIfjxj1gd( ; ): Rnf0g (75) (76) We will examine the conditions such that the equation f () = r has a solution. When the Levy measure (dx) is given by (72), the function f () is Z ;1 x (ex ;1) ( e ; 1) e f () = b + c dx 2 +c2 and Z 0 ;1 ; jxj(+1) (ex ; 1)e (ex;1) ; x) jxj(+1) ;1 Z1 x (ex ;1) ( e ; 1) e +c1 jxj(+1) dx 1 dx + c1 Z ;1 x (e ; 1) Z 1; x (e ; 1)e (ex;1) ; x) 0 jxj(+1) dx (77) Z 0 (ex ; 1 ; x) dx dx + c 2 ;1 jxj(+1) ;1 jxj(+1) Z1 x Z1 x ( e ; 1 ; x ) (e ; 1) dx +c1 dx + c1 (78) ( +1) jxj jxj(+1) 0 1 = 1: It can be proved that f () is a continuous increasing function on (;1 0) f (0) = b + c2 and that lim f () = ;1 !;1 16 (79) lim f () = 1: "0 (80) Therefore the equation f () = r has a negative solution . Thus we have obtained the following result. Proposition 1 (1) Under the assumption c1 c2 > 0, the equation f () = r has a unique solution , and the solution is negative. (2) The MEMM P is determined by , and the generating triplet (A b ) of Zt under P is given by (74), (75) and (76). As the corollary of this proposition, we obtain Corollary 1 Under the MEMM P , any moments EP jStjk ] k = 1 2 : : : of St are nite. Remark 2 Since St has nite moments of any degree under theMEMM P , if the option O satises such conditions as jOj < (ST )k , etc., then the price of O is computable as the expectation EP O]. 5) Variance Gamma Model As we have seen in Chapter 1, the variance gamma (VG) distribution has the following distribution density, p(x t) = Ct Kt=v;1=2 (jxj) jxjt=v;1=2 exp(;x) t > 0: (81) And the Levy measure is of the following form. ; (dx) = C Ifx<0g exp(;c1 jxj) + Ifx>0g exp(;c2 jxj) jxj;1dx (82) where C c1 c2 are positive constants. In this case, the condition (53) is satised, and so we can use the expressions (54) and (55). Set the left hand side of (55) as f0, namely we set f0() = 0 + Z Rnf0g (ex ; 1)e (ex;1) (dx): (83) So the equation f0 () = r is Z 0 Z1 1 1 ;c (ex ;1) ;c (ex ;1) 1 jxj x 2 jxj x f0 () = 0 + C e (e ; 1)e dx + dx jxj e (e ; 1)e ;1 jxj 0 = r: (84) It is clear that f0() = 1 if > 0: (85) 17 It can be proved that f0() is a continuous increasing function on (;1 0) and that lim f0() = ;1 lim f () = f0 (0) "0 0 (86) (87) f0(0) = 1 if c2 1 f0(0) < 1 if c2 > 1 (88) (89) !;1 and Thus we have obtained Proposition 2 (1) If c2 1, then the equation f0() = r has a unique solution , and the solution is negative. (2) If c2 > 1 and f0 (0) r, then the equation f0 () = r has a unique solution , and the solution is non-positive. (3) If c2 > 1 and f0 (0) < r, then the equation f0 () = r has no solution. (4) When the equation f0() = r has a solution , then the MEMM P exists and is determined by . The generating triplet (A 0)0 of Zt under the MEMM P is given by A = 0 (90) (ex ;1) (ex ;1) ;c jxj ;c jxj 1 2 (dx) = C Ifx<0g e jexj dx + Ifx>0g e jexj dx (91) 0 = 0: (92) Since is non-positive, the MEMM P has good properties as we have seen for the stable models in the above. 6) CGMY Model The function f () = r in the equation (C2) is f () = b + C Z ;1 x (e ; 1)e (ex;1) e;Gjxj dx (1+Y ) j x j ;1 Z 1; x Z0; x (e ; 1)e (ex;1) ; x) e;Mjxj (e ; 1)e (ex;1) ; x) e;Gjxj dx + dx + jxj(1+Y ) j xj(1+Y ) 0 ;1 Z1 x (ex ;1) e;Mjxj ( e ; 1) e + dx (93) jxj(1+Y ) 1 18 and f (0) is f (0) = b + C Z ;1 x (e ; 1)e;Gjxj dx jxj(1+Y ) Z 0 x;1 Z1 x ;Gjxj ( e ; 1 ; x ) e (e ; 1 ; x)e;Mjxj dx + dx + jxj(1+Y ) 0 jxj(1+Y ) ;1 Z1 x (e ; 1)e;Mjxj dx : + jxj(1+Y ) 1 (94) We can carry out the same argument as we have done in the above for the stable processes and the VG processes, and we obtain the following results. Proposition 3 (1) If M 1, then the equation f () = r has a unique solution , and the solution is negative. (2) If M > 1 and f (0) r, then the equation f () = r has a unique solution , and the solution is non-positive. (3) If M > 1 and f (0) < r, then the equation f () = r has no solution. (4) When the equation f () = r has a solution , then the MEMM P exists and is determined by . The generating triplet (A b ) of Zt under the MEMM P is given by A = 0 (95) x x ;Gjxj (e ;1) ;Mjxje (e ;1) (dx) = C Ifx<0g e jxje(1+Y ) dx + Ifx>0g e jxj(1+ Y ) dx (96) b = b+ Z Rnf0g xIfjxj1gd( ; ): (97) 7) Hyperbolic Model and Generalized Hyperbolic Model For the hyperbolic models and the generalized hyperbolic (GH) models, we can do the same investigation as we have done for the stable models and VG models in the above, and the results are similar to the above results. However the formulas are complicated, so we omit the details. 3 Remarks for Applications and Discussions In order to apply the GLP & MEMM] Pricing Models obtained in the previous subsection, we have to do the following three procedures. 1) Estimation of the price process and Levy measure. 2) Determination of the MEMM. 19 3) Computation of the option prices. We will give some comments on these problems brie y. 1) Estimation of the price process and Levy measure. What we need to know is the generating triplet. It is not easy to solve this problem theoretically. But if we want to solve in the sense of numerical analysis, then the FFT(Fast Fourier Transform) method seems to be very useful. 2) Determination of the MEMM P . This part is just what we have seen in x2.2. 3) Computation of the Option Prices. An option with a payo fT is a functional of the price process fSt 0 t T g, and the price of it is given as e;rT EP fT ] under the GLP & MEMM] Pricing Models. By St = S0 exp(Zt), an option is a functional of fZt 0 t T g, and Zt is a Levy process under the MEMM P . Therefore the computation problems of option prices are reduced to the computation problems of the Levy functionals. This is a subject of stochastic calculus of Levy processes, and it is not easy to solve in general. 4) Discussions. As we have mentioned above (see Corollary 1), even if the price process St does not have the nite moments under the original probability P , it may have the nite moments under the MEMM P . This property is very convenient for the computation of option prices. We think that the MEMM has some relations with the idea of the exponential hedging of 14] . In fact, in 14] the exponential hedging is discussed relating with relative entropy. References 1] Amaral, L., Plerou, V., Gopikeishnan, P., Meyer, M., and Stanly, H. (2000) The distribution of returns of stock prices. 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