EOC, LAA2, or GEE 2014-2015 Graduation Waiver Application Timelines Requested Periods Submission Deadlines Spring 2015 Wednesday January 21, 2015 Summer 2015 Wednesday June 3, 2015 All application packets should be mailed or securely emailed to: Attention: Megan Miron Louisiana Department of Education, IDEA Services 1201 North Third Street Baton Rouge, LA 70802 [email protected] Please contact Megan by telephone at (225) 342-3452 or by email if you have any questions. WAIVER APPLICATION KIT CHECKLIST Instructions: Each application should be submitted in an individual folder with a pre-identified label that includes the student’s name, school, and LEA. The information in the chart below should be submitted for each waiver request. Student’s Name: Waiver Requested: School: EOC or LAA2 or GEE (check two test if applicable; however, GEE and EOC are not an eligible testing combination) REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION 1. A copy of the official student transcript 2. A copy of the most recent triennial reevaluation report (If a waiver of evaluation has been granted, a copy of the most recent official evaluation report must also be submitted.) 3. Copy of the LEAP Alternate Assessment Level 2, (LAA2) participation criteria sheet (LAA2 students only) 4. Evidence of participation in remediation activities (Remediation activities may include participation in tutoring, remediation provided by the LEA, or by a private entity. Evidence of remediation should be submitted as part of this process). 5. Statement of extenuating circumstances, if applicable. (A statement of extenuating circumstances should only be submitted if the student has not participated in any remediation activities.) 6. Has the student transferred from out-of-state schools, nonpublic schools, or approved home study schools? 7. Did the student passed two of the three end-of-course test in any of the following categories? English or English III Algebra I or Geometry Biology or American History 8. Local Education Agency Assurance and Student Data Spreadsheet (The LEA Superintendent or Designee must provide a signature certifying and assuring that each student is currently attending school in the LEA and has met the age requirements, 18 years old, under IDEA). ATTACHED Yes No N/A 2014-2015 Student Application Assurance Data Sheet Instructions: Pursuant to the graduation exit examination waivers list all students applying for waivers in the 12th grade that have participated th in either EOC, LAA2, and/ or GEE assessment who are eligible for graduation. Please do not submit an application for any student in the 11 grade unless he or she is anticipating graduating during the current 2014-2015 school year and have fulfilled all graduation requirements to include a minimum of 23 Carnegie units by the end of this current school year. Local Education Agency: Type of Waiver Requested EOC, LAA2, GEE Student’s Name (Last, First Name) DOB Current Grade School Currently Attending Contact Person for Waiver Requests Contact Person Email Address Contact Person Telephone Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Assurance Statement: The local education agency certifies and assures that information submitted in the above chart is true and correct. The LEA further assures that each student whose name appears in conjunction with this waiver process has met the necessary requirements for an End of Course , Graduation Exit Examination or Louisiana LEAP Alternate Assessment, Level 2 waiver application request under the criteria set forth in Bulletin 741, §2319B regarding waiver of a required graduation examination component. Superintendent or Designee Signature: Superintendent or Designee Printed Name/Title: Date 2014-2015 Student Application Assurance Data Sheet Local Education Agency: Type of Waiver Requested EOC, LAA2, GEE Student’s Name (Last, First Name) DOB Current Grade School Currently Attending Contact Person for Waiver Requests Contact Person Email Address Contact Person Telephone Number 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Assurance Statement: The local education agency certifies and assures that information submitted in the above chart is true and correct. The LEA further assures that each student whose name appears in conjunction with this waiver process has met the necessary requirements for an End of Course, Graduation Exit Examination or Louisiana Alternate Assessment, Level 2 waiver application request under the criteria set forth in Bulletin 741, §2319B regarding waiver of a required graduation examination component. Superintendent or Designee Signature Superintendent or Designee Printed Name/Title: Date
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