North Florida Botanical Society 4700 SW 58th Drive Gainesville, Florida 32608 Return Service Requested 2015 Bamboo Sale Bamboo Gift Certificates Are Now Available! KANAPAHA BOTANICAL GARDENS’ 33rd Annual Bamboo Sale January & February 2015 KANAPAHA BOTANICAL GARDENS’ ANNUAL WINTER BAMBOO SALE The bamboo garden at Kanapaha Botanical Gardens hosts the state’s largest public collection of bamboo species. When surplus is available, it is offered for sale on a ‘dug-to-order’ basis to generate income for the Gardens, a nonprofit facility. Growth Forms There are 2 basic bamboo growth forms. Clumping bamboos grow as expanding clumps of densely packed canes, whereas running bamboos send out long underground ‘runners’ and develop thickets. Both make excellent visual screens. The spread of running bamboos can be curbed by subterranean barriers or, more simply, the removal of unwanted shoots (which are edible in many species) when they appear each spring. Because they are tropical, clumping bamboos suffer more damage than running bamboos, when exposed to temperatures below 15 degrees F, but they are not normally killed. All bamboos listed are cold-hardy and (except in extremely severe winters) evergreen. bamboos belonging to the genus Bambusa grow from a rhizome system that annually produces new canes at the immediate outer margin of the dense stand to produce an expanding clump. Because they spread more slowly and because they are so visually impenetrable, many homeowners prefer them for visual screening as well as visual accents in the landscape. CLUMPING BAMBOOS, like the elegant White Bamboo, Phyllostachys nigra ‘Henon,’ produce loose thickets or “bamboo forests” that can be walked through. Their rhizome systems grow in all directions and intermittently send up shoots to produce this effect. They are potentially invasive but can be limited by subterranean barriers (concrete, heavy plastic liner, etc.) two feet deep or, more simply, by annually mowing down unwanted shoots when they emerge. RU N N I N G BA M B O O S , Growth Habits For approximately 10 months annually, almost no growth occurs in the above-ground portion of the plant as it puts its energy into rhizome growth. Then, during the 2-month ‘shoot season,’ new and larger canes emerge, often with phenomenal speed (almost 2 inches per hour in one species) that makes bamboo the fastest growing of all vascular plants. Running bamboos produce their shoots in early spring; clumpers shoot in the summer. Individual canes live for an average of 5 to ten years and attain maximum strength (for construction purposes) at ‘middle age.’ Transporting Bamboo It is the responsibility of the buyer to cover their bamboo with a tarp during transport. BAMBOO NOT COVERED DURING TRANSPORT MAY BE KILLED! Transplanting Bamboo When transplanting bamboos, it is important to keep the rhizome system moist and to prune off the upper portion of the canes (above the 4th branch-bearing node; we will provide this service when digging bamboos for sale). It is helpful to enrich the planting site with peat or composted organic matter to enhance the soil’s capacity for moisture retention. Transplanted bamboos should be watered regularly for the first 3 months to ensure successful establishment. All species sold during our annual winter bamboo sale will tolerate some shade but grow best on sun/shade mix. A detailed planting and maintenance guide will be provided with each order. Buying Bamboo Bamboos likely seem expensive to those unfamiliar with their propagation. The cost is attributable to both demand and the fact that most species cannot be readily propagated from cuttings and seeds are rarely produced (once every 120 years in one species we display). Thus, propagation is accomplished by digging and cutting apart the woody rhizome system, a process akin to dismantling a subterranean network of twoby-fours. Because this sort of propagation is labor intensive, prices are higher than for nursery-grown species and almost no nurseries stock them. Please keep in mind that it is the rhizome system (“root ball”) that you are paying for. Because we sell locally, we keep the canes attached so buyers have something to look at right away; but the “soul” of a bamboo plant is its subterranean rhizome network that will send aloft new canes each shoot season. K A NA PA H A B OTA N IC A L G A R DE N S ’ 3 * Size (gal.) Indicates the capacity of a standard nursery pot into which the rhizome mass (“root ball”) would be potted if sold as nurs ** NA = Not Available. Clumping Bamboos 5 gal* 15 gal 20 gal FERNLEAF BAMBOO (Bambusa multiplex ‘Fernleaf ’) is a CLUMPING bamboo whose tiny ornate leaves are suggestive of fern fronds, making it an outstanding accent plant. Grows to a height of 20 feet in sun/bright shade. Very limited! 100.00 NA** NA CHINESE GODDESS (Bambusa multiplex ‘Rivieorum’) Very diminutive cultivar of the CLUMPING Hedge Bamboo. Solid pencil-thin canes only 8 ‘-12’ tall bearing delicate leaves. Sun/bright shade. 55.00 NA NA GOLDEN GODDESS (Bambusa multiplex ‘Golden Goddess’) is a medium size version of the larger hedge bamboo. It attains a mature height of 15’. Excellent visual screen in sun/bright shade. NA 60.00 NA HEDGE BAMBOO (Bambusa multiplex) is the horticultural standard for visual screening. A CLUMPING bamboo for sun/bright shade. Grows to height of 30 feet. NA 55.00 NA STRIPESTEM BAMBOO (Bambusa multiplex ‘A lphonse Karr’) is a beautiful CLUMPING bamboo whose golden yellow canes bear green pinstripes. Grows to 30 ‘ and prefers sun/bright shade. NA 60.00 NA SILVERSTRIPE BAMBOO (Bambusa multiplex ‘Silverstripe’) Similar to hedge bamboo with one notable exception: Its new spring leaves have an abundance of longitudinal white stripes; these become less distinct as the growing season progresses. This CLUMPING bamboo grows to 30 feet and grows best in sun or bright shade. NA 60.00 NA GRACEFUL BAMBOO (Bambusa textilis ‘gracilis’) is a slightly smaller version of Wong Chuk Bamboo for use in more limited spaces. Perfectly straight 2” diameter canes to 40’; lower third of canes devoid of branches. This is one of the cold-hardiest of the giant species. Sun/bright shade. NA NA 275.00 WONG CHUK (Bambusa textilis ‘Kanapaha’) is an elegant giant CLUMPING bamboo in a class of its own. Perfectly straight 3” canes to 50’; lower third of canes devoid of braches. This is the cold-hardiest of the giant species. Sun/bright shade. NA NA 265.00 BLUE BAMBOO (Bambusa chugii) is a giant CLUMPING bamboo whose canes have a dense white powder coating that gives them a bluish cast. 40' with 2.5' diameter canes; no leaves or branches on the lower portions. Sun. Limited quantities. NA NA 385.00 BUDDHA’S BELLY BAMBOO (Bambusa ventricosa) is a giant CLUMPING bamboo whose canes are slightly zig-zagged at the base; its crowns bear foliage in such profusion as to resemble giant green ostrich plumes. Grows to 55 feet with 3” thick-walled canes. Sun. NA NA 185.00 3 rd A N N UA L W I N T E R BA M B O O S A L E sery stock. In fact, all plants are sold bare root with the “root ball” bagged in plastic and approximately 1/2 of each cane clipped. 5 gal* 15 gal 20 gal STRIPESTEM BUDDHA’S BELLY BAMBOO (Bambusa ventricosa ‘Kimmei,’) Is a giant CLUMPING bamboo like the Buddhas Belly Bamboo , but has yellow canes bearing dark green stripes. 55’ with 3” canes. Sun. Limited quanities. NA NA 185.00 SEA BREEZE BAMBOO (Bambusa malingensis) has no accepted common name but makes an impressive visual screen in sun/bright shade. It is a large CLUMPING bamboo (50 feet or more) NA whose canes may attain a diameter of 3 inches. Limited quantities. NA 185.00 Running Bamboo s 5 gal* 15 gal 20 gal BLACK BAMBOO (Phyllostachys nigra) is a RUNNING species that is considered by many NA to be the world’s most beautiful bamboo. Mature canes are jet black. 20’. Sun/bright shade. Quantity limited. 115.00 NA WHITE BAMBOO (Phyllostachys nigra var henonis) is a RUNNING species that grows to NA around 40’. Canes have a powder white coating. Sun/bright shade. 120.00 NA Bamboo is dug fresh and not sold in pots Bamboo will survive indefinitely in pots, but you will see little growth of the plant over long time periods. Keeping bamboo in pots stunts its growth and the canes will never achieve their maximum size. This is mainly caused by the fact that bamboo needs a lot of space and soil to send out new rhizomes and shoots, something that is not readily achieved in pots. The net effect of bamboo in pots over time can be a network of tiny fibrous roots that have grown in but no real large substantial roots needed to really allow the bamboo species to quickly take off once planted in the ground. Bamboo from Kanapaha is dug fresh after it is ordered, directly from the parent plant. Most canes on the plant will be the maximum size diameter for the bamboo species mirrored by a large corresponding rhizome system attached. Our 15 and 20 gallon sizes are about as heavy as you can lift with no extra dirt or weight surrounding the root system. What you are really paying for with bamboo is the rhizome (root system), that is the "soul" of the plant that will send aloft new canes for years to follow.' HOW TO ORDER BAMBOO Orders for bamboo may be phoned in to 352-372-4981. Buyers will be advised of the date orders will be ready for pickup. Payment is needed when plants are ordered and no refunds will be issued after the plants have been dug. Since demand for some species may exceed availability, orders are prioritized by date of scheduled pick up. The Bamboo Sale is in January and February only. The last day for ordering bamboo is February 23rd and the last day for picking up bamboo is March 1st. Order early. Supplies are limited! FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Why do bamboos excel as visual screening? The plants most commonly utilized for visual screening are evergreen shrubs bearing densely packed leaves. As shrubs grow upward, they produce most new leaves at the top of the plant and this leaf cover tends to shade out leaves below. The effect is a “leggy” plant; one with vegetation clustered at the top and exposed branches below. Through time, the leggy portion constitutes more and more of the plant making it possible to see through the lower portion of what was once an effective visual screen. With bamboos, it is the stems (canes) themselves that provide the bulk of the low screening with foliage providing screening above. The appearance of new canes each season increases the plant’s effectiveness as a visual screen. Because the canes of clumping bamboos are more closely spaced, many prefer them. Still, a running bamboo will provide the same screening effect in time, though more space is required. Both will produce about the same number of canes annually, but they are more widely spaced in running species. If bamboos are so fast growing, why is mine just sitting there? Even though bamboos are, overall, relatively fast growing plants, their reputation derives from the rate of elongation of individaul canes - not from the number of canes produced. This important distinction is at the root of a misunderstanding that sometimes leads to unrealistic expectations on the part of first time buyers. Bamboos only produce new shoots during a roughly 2-month “shoot season” once each year. This is in early spring for running species and mid summer for clumping types. Even though newly dug running bamboos will mount an effort to produce new canes when we dig them each winter, they put most of their energy into recovery from the digging and transplanting process and usually produce relatively small canes. The first year effort of clumping types will be a bit more rewarding, but even they are still recovering in midsummer when their shoot season begins. The first substantial showing for either type will come during their second year and the response thereafter is so impressive that you'll soon forget any disappointment you experienced the first year. Bamboos are one of a number of plants for which there is an applicable adage: “The first year they sleep, the second they creep and the third they leap,” except that the leaping often begins the second year. How far apart should bamboo clumps be spaced for visual screening? This depends on which variety of bamboo is involved, since larger varieties expand more quickly than smaller types. For visual closure within 3 years, we recommend the following spacing of clumps for the types of clumping bamboos we are offering: Buddha’s Belly, Wong Chuk ---8 feet. Graceful, Blue --- 6 feet. Hedge, Silverstripe, Stripestem ---4 feet. Golden Goddess---3 feet. Chinese Goddess, Fernleaf ---2 feet. Can the bamboo clumps be subdivided at the time of purchase? This is not advisable since we custom dig each clump to try to insure each has enough rhizome mass (root ball) to survive and subsequently thrive. We recommend waiting at least three years before dividing bamboo clumps. How far away from a fence, building or other structure should a bamboo plant or screen be planted? This is not a question that can be answered generically. Bamboo clumps continue to expand --more slowly with age--- throughout their lifetimes. Thus, a Hedge Bamboo planted eight feet away from a fence will eventually reach the fence, but not as quickly as one planted six feet away. Larger varities fill in more quickly and smaller types more slowly. The question is better rephrased: How many years of maintenance-free bamboo screening do I want before the prospect of controlling rhizome growth in the space separating the bamboo and wall? Replacement Policy Fernleaf Bamboo has leaves that are elegant, tiny and closely spaced, giving its branches a fernlike appearance. Wong Chuk (Royal) Bamboo, Bambusa textilis ‘Kanapaha’, is an exceptionally beautiful giant clumping bamboo because the lower halves of its huge canes are naturally unbranched. It is also known as Weaver’s Bamboo because its thin walled canes are easily split into strips that can be woven into baskets and other products. It along with Graceful Bamboo is the most cold-hardy of the giant species being sold. In general, we will replace bamboo that has died within 6 months of the date of pick up provided buyer provides receipt of purchase and returns the entire dead specimen. Bamboo that dies after February will be replaced the following year since we only dig bamboo during its optimal transplanting time in January and February. However, decisions regarding replacement are made on a case-by-case basis to insure that Kanapaha Botanical Gardens is the party at fault. We are not responsible for the replacement of plants that, for example, are not adequately covered/protected during transport and prior to planting, planted outside of their suitable biological living range or that show signs of obvious neglect. Kanapaha's staff is skilled in the selection and excavation of the clumps we sell and survival is nearly 100% if the plants receive proper care. Therefore, we will not assume responsibility in situations where a large proportion of a bamboo order dies, as this suggests they received inadequate care after purchase. We sell bamboos that grow well in north Florida under normal weather conditions and cannot be held responsible for losses caused by extreme and unusual weather events or other natural phenomena beyond our control such as running bamboos dying back after flowering or ornamental varieties of bamboo reverting back to their original form. BAMBOO WORKSHOP Kanapaha Botanical Gardens annually offers a bamboo workshop to acquaint homeowners with the bamboos. This workshop includes an introduction to Kanapaha’s bamboo collection and information on the cultivation, propagation, and landscape utilization of bamboo species in North Florida. You are invited to this year’s workshop. Saturday, January 24th 1:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Admission: Free for Members. Regular Admission Fee for Non-Members. ($7 adult, $3.50 ages 6-13 plus tax) To register or for more information, call 352 372-4981. Bamboo workshop Gift Certificates available! Delivery & Planting Pre-arrange to get your bamboo delivered and planted for you! Call us at 372-4981 if you would like to arrange this service. • • • • $80 for delivery within a 20 mile radius of Kanapaha for up to 10 clumps per load. $50 more for each additional 20 miles. Restrictions do apply, please inquire. $20 to plant a 20 gal bamboo plant. $10 to plant a 5 or 15 gallon bamboo plant. Bamboo Gift Certficates are now available!
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