Patented De@ Zhi, i922@ tu i Ver wml y" L 1 l i “lt n T ALPHONS lf. STEAÍ‘LÍER C0., 03? VALVE. To all 107mm ¿t muy concern .‘ Be it known that l, ALrHoNs J. llVïssiNG, .cerig is ne citizen ci the United Stat-es, residing at tion and relation oi’ l Peoria, in the county of Peoria and State oi" yn n c in my illinoisÍ have invented certain new and usc ‘ang-eme e construc 'the device. i iful improvements in Valves; and ï do here tirely obviated by removal is en (D C) constructing jt by declare that the following is a full, clear, throughout tha and exact description oi the invention, which thereof at its fd ' will enable others skilled in the art to which it appertains to malte and use the same. rí‘his invention pertains to improvements in valves. lt relates more particularly to a liest-valve 'for use in connection with tanlr to be supplied with a liquid. @ne et the objects or' the invention is the appear; .t i; tues. y T. Y A - , «I- ~. provision ci a valve tor use with a -float vany e sti uctui e ., i chamber or tank for lowl steam pressure oi’ the vali/eci. worl-z, such, for example, as used for steam wall ci' the tan.; provide Í stoi‘age battery jars, although said valve having near 29 may be adapted 'for other uses as well. Another object is to so construct a float valve whose valve-seat may be renewed with 30 35 it a ilange the waìh the / V a l; lying inside ‘het interposed between said ilanfe‘e and aid wall tor iform~ t) ing a tie‘ht joint in the customary manner. out removing the valve casing from the chamber or tank to which it is attached, and whereby, also, the valve-seat may be ad justed from outside the tanlr without de taching the structure from said tank. Other advantages and objects will appear The inner end to oit which the casing any usual. 9. carries tloate rod (ì is pivoted iter carrying' a float? not shownj said end being` biturcated for ei: herein aided by the accompanying drawing 8 to which is. end is linked which illustrates the invention in its pre depending arm 5 ample7side each by ot slotting tlw slot it is at 7,unst Figure nose lou A y »L rod all ferred form, though it is to be understood which is somewiat coinr on practice, The extended end oi” the casing 2T or that that slight changes may be made without departing from the spirit and intent of saidv outside the tank. is threaded and receives a loch-nut 'l0 by which the structure so far invention. described is secured lirmly in p a ` ’i Figure l is a longitudinal sectional ¿e 3 is provided with ration of my valve and part of a tanlr or crably the wlïiich in practice will engage the metal wall vessel to which it is attached. the tank and prevent movement o Figure 2 is a plan of a plunger or valve showing part of an adjustable member form casing especially when the tailr ' ing` a valve-seat in longitudinal section on structed ot comparatively soft meta.. aluminum. a much larger scale than in Figure l. il is a second casin f Yction screwed upon Figure 3 is an end elevation of part of the ,l haring a bore l2 the end et 580e structure shown in .Figure l. or `the latter Figure 4: is anend elevation oi' part of whos-e anis coin ides wic « ppt el’ said c , the structure also shown in Figure L and being enlarged iu Figures and 6 are end elevations of ditt lying' adiacenti ‘the section Q) weile at . _. 4 ’lierent Jforms or” valves. ‘ My purpose is to construct a so called float valve particularly adapted for use on a closed tank or vessel. or such as is employed wherein SG .Y J , 0 _ L. lÜÜ opposite end the bore is threaded to receive :i threaded member ‘ Í ff a boi i3’ ' i tending' send of such l Y k inem u bore, `e f ying the other within " end i to Create steam ni‘essure, but adapted also tor open tanlis ior various purposes. provided. with cons it has been necessary in many casesa to otherwise icted for convenient adjusi remove the entire valve casing from the ment. l5 is a lock-nut on said member i3 to section l1 'tor tank with which it is connected in order to engage the wail of the 1 ).14 (D CA neurones 2 securing the member in any desired adjust Having thus described my invention, I ment, although other means for thus secur claim: 16 is en f l. ln combination With a closed steam ing' the member may be used. suitable Íittinß' b to secure the we# melting receptacle, a valve-body secured to und extending through the Wall of the re tenteed pipe 'i7 to seid section il.. 18 isn valve consisting ot e length olf' rod, ceptacle, e valve slidable in said body7 n in this instance, hei/ing,` e recess lí) in one lient i‘nechenism operatively engaging the end to receive disc 20 of yielding mute rial such :is leather to been' against the in ner end of the member 13, or that »end there* of Within the enlarged bore oi' the sec~ tion l1. Neer its opposite end the valve is pro ing a vulve-seat et one end, seid member 70 having,- en opening extending through it and ,said sent for the passageot Water, the valve a " .oted to normally rest upon said seat, seid member adapted by threaded engagement with the body tor adjustment Within the lat ple, videdthrough with ewhich trensverse th lei/’er slot9 2i, extends. ‘tor` en _ » vulve valve, an externally threaded member hav ter with respect to the valve, and >means to Within the bore 2’ and its end iii: the member in position. having' the disc 20 clos-es the bore 18’ of the 9.. combination with e closed steam nmläing receptacle, e vulve-body section ex member i3. ln the present instance the invention is tending throughthe well of the same and 80 titted to u tenhr 'tor low pref? ure stenm wort’. having` e bore open et its ends both inside or the so celled “be-.ttery stesßamer,” en mitM und outside ot seid receptacle, a valve slid tit for rendering' flexible the compositïen o‘îÍ :ible in seid body section, '.tloat mechanism ` which storage buttery jars or cells :are con~ engaging; the valve, n second body section structed. The Weter in the steamer, the tent: .threaded upon the outer end of the'v -first l, being constantiy reduced in maling .st-cem nemed section, n tubular threaded member must be supplied steadily and Vfor this Work engraving seid second body section, the same my device is peculiarly "' in that the having. e _seat et one end to receive the valve, ineens to ñX the member in position, and n varate-r conducting section enclosing the op 9o ner Water that is its `fedtennjneretnre in smell ou Íi’ _, :ced c l to ,.neer l proper point betere being); introihiced into posite end ot the member adaptedto conduct the tank so that the '" Jhe bulk water thereto, t ie removalV ot said lest named oft Water in the teni-Itemper will not .ture be oit greatly section 'exposing the member to permitfits duced whe ‘eby the steam temperature will nd., ,isti'nent ousidethe receptacle Wit-h respect not be affected to any :ipo ecnible e 'ent'. , to seid vulve. 'that ‘e steady leed muy be maintained., sind also in order that the temperet‘ ,. ` the water may be raised, the valve llt-5 . 95 3. in combination With a receptacle to be' s'luiplicd with o. Íluid,n >tubular valve-body section entending;` throughnnd' secured to tudinei line trein i the well et“ the receptacle. e valve lyingin walls spacedofalong-_5' the bore its loi ‘il’ eitheîf' by'grcovîng it in the bore et seid tubular body and extend one or more places es §22, Figure 5, er by inggoutside the receptacie and seid body-sec flattening; it at one or more ,nieces as Fig» tion, tient mechanism Within the receptacle J. ure f6. The waiter thus Íinds e means oiY 1n gress to the tank and es the casing@ is natur elly kept quite hot the water in its passage ‘therethrough is highly heated 4betore enter ing seid tank. rllhis manner ot 'feeding the waiter is Vfound to be quite edì-.fnntegeous since cold Water high pressure cen be in troduced et e desired high temperzrtin'e. operatively engaging and controlling'- the relire, second body-section engzivg'irig'` the :first seid section outside the receptacle hous- , ing the valve its out-er end, a tubular threaded member Within and engaging seid second bodyssection having n seat at its in ner end to receive the valve, its other end extending beyond and lyingl outside the sec' `Now, since the velveesest und the seating ond body-section," and a tubular fluid carry~4 end of the valve 18 are outside the tenir and in;v section housing“ the outer end of said removed -from the heet the l'eether disc cen~ member and engaging the said second body not be damaged by such heet end, turther section. the removal et seid -winter carrying' more, any adjustments or any replacing,l ot section exposing said member. ln testimony whereof I affix my signature parts, such es seid disc, can be readily :it Atended to Without taking; down the :inner . tus. Merely the reinem-.l oi’ the ce lng sec tion lil is ell that is required Vtor this Work. And :it any time the water level in the tank 60. may be changed by adjusting' the member i3 ns Will be readily understood. 100 in presence of two Witnesses. ` ALPHONS@ d'. lWISESÍNG.L "d'vitnesses : L. M. Tr-iuimow, 'Vinnie V. CABLE?. 110 115
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