Single Light Lockrail 4 Light Cedar Size Clear Cedar Size Clear 2040 x 1220 $495 2340 x 1220 NA 2040 x 1020 $409 2340 x 1020 $446 2040 x 920 $376 2340 x 920 $414 2040 x 820 $338 2340 x 820 $373 2040 x 720 $328 2340 x 720 $361 2040 x 620 $316 2340 x 620 $349 2040 x 410 $314 2340 x 410 $345 price per door. obscure glass (non stock) + 40% Size Cedar 2040 x 820 x 40 $357 2040 x 720 x 40 $349 2040 x 620 x 40 $342 price per door obscure glass (non stock) + 40% Size Cedar 2040 x 820 x 40 $353 2040 x 720 x 40 $342 2040 x 620 x 40 $332 price per door obscure glass (non stock) + 40% Panelled Fixed Blade Storm Shutter 8 Light White Size Cedar Primed ALL STOCK 2040 x 820 x 40 $371 $408 2040 xLEADLIGHTS 720 x 40 $364 $400 TRIPLE 2040 xARE 620 x 40 $357 $393 price per door GLAZED obscure glass (non stock) + 30% 10 Light Conservatory Size Cedar Size Cedar 2040 x 820 x 40 $858* 2040 x 820 x 40 $393 2040 x 720 x 40 $846* 2040 x 720 x 40 $386 2040 x 620 x 40 $834* 2040 x 620 x 40 $378 clear glazed price per door obscure glass (non stock) + 30% White Primed $944* $931* $917* pre-primed white or sikkens additional 10% 40mm thick stainless steel powder coated satin black. doors presealed sikkens Size Cedar 2040 x 820 x 40 $557 2040 x 720 x 40 $501 2040 x 620 x 40 $443 extra for back glazing for use as bushfire shutter + 20% Vista Door Size Cedar 2040 x 820 x 50 $832 2040 x 720 x 50 $805 2040 x 620 x 50 $778 doors presealed sikkens the french door range Full Fixed Blade Storm Shutter white primed stock if available additional 5% cedar grain finish venetian blinds sealed within double glazed safety glass not suitable for heavy weather or unprotected sun exposure woodworkers french doors + shutters Stealshield Doors Size Cedar Size Cedar Size Cedar 2040 x1020 $588 2340 x1020 $671 2040 x 620 x 40 $428 2040 x 920 $554 2340 x 920 $636 2040 x 820 $517 2340 x 820 $600 2040 x 720 $486 2340 x 720 $569 2040 x 620 $450 2340 x 620 $533 2040 x1220 $667 with central horizontal joint in mesh Victorian Single Light White Size Cedar Primed 2040 x 620 x 40 $338 $382 2040 x 540 x 40 $331 $364 2040 x 420 x 40 $328 $361 price per door obscure glass (non stock) + 18% Victorian Twin Light White Size Cedar Primed 2040 x 620 x 40 $338 $382 2040 x 540 x 40 $331 $364 price per door obscure glass (non stock) + 18% Hopscotch White Size Cedar Primed 2040 x 620 x 40 $390 $429 price per door obscure glass (non stock) + 18% other glazing options P.O.A. Coathanger all prices Size Cedar INCLUDE 2040 x 620 x 40 $412 price per door obscure glass (non stock) + 18% other glazing options P.O.A. putty glazed Woodworkers has the widest range of stock french door designs and sizes available in Australia. Many of the designs are offered with a selection of pre primed finishes and glass choices. The range includes the innovative vista privacy door and our unique stealshield doors to provide security against intruder and bushfire attack. GST Gallery Margin Light 15 Bevel Glazed Size Cedar 2040 x 620 x 40 $402 price per door obscure glass (non stock) + 18% other glazing options P.O.A. Size Maple Cedar 2040 x 820 x 40 $544* $769 18 Bevel glazed 2340 x 820 x 40 $603* $840 includes clear bevelled glass * if available & while stocks last enquire if other services are available with your door choice. • prepriming white or clear sikkens prior to glazing extra 10% prepriming not available for preglazed units • lock and flush bolt morticing for woodworkers hardware 11 woodworkers bottom roller multifolds VISTA BIFOLDS INSECT SCREEN $3900 NA NA $3675 NA NA $3562 $3374 $4551 $3378 $3289 $4333 $3316 $3202 $4240 • 1 locking & 1 non-locking flush bolt fitted • extra for 1 x flush pull if multifold opens in $50 fitted (fig 8) • no door furniture included for “flapper door”. Frame Width (Door Width) 3139mm (1020mm) $3519* 2839mm (920mm) $3367* 2539mm (820mm) $3202 2239mm (720mm) $3122 1939mm (620mm) $3037 INCLUDING INSECT SCREEN VISTA BIFOLDS INSECT SCREEN $5158 NA NA $4947 NA NA $4536 $4809 $6143 $4434 $4674 $5986 $4219 $4539 $5721 • 1 locking & 1 non-locking flush bolt fitted • no door furniture included for “flapper door”. • extra for 1 x flush pull if multifold opens in $50 fitted (fig 8) Hardware option 2 Bifold door kit rebated ALL PRICES INCLUDE GST • no door furniture included for “flapper door”. INSECT SCREEN VISTA BIFOLDS VISTA BIFOLDS INCLUDING INSECT SCREEN $6864 NA NA $6615 NA NA $6173 $6609 $8242 $6023 $6429 $8020 $5650 $6250 $7584 • 2 locking & 2 non-locking flush bolts fitted • extra for 2 x flush pulls if multifold opens in $100 fitted (fig 8) FOUR DOOR MULTI-FOLD - ALL LEFT OR ALL RIGHT 2100mm INCLUDING No additional locking hardware required VISTA BIFOLDS INCLUDING VISTA INSECT INSECT Frame Width (Door Width) BIFOLDS SCREEN SCREEN 4165mm (1020mm) $4869* $6763 NA NA 3765mm (920mm) $4600* $6449 NA NA 3365mm (820mm) $4426 $6059 $6385 $8018 2965mm (720mm) $4279 $5870 $6206 $7797 2565mm (620mm) $4195 $5529 $6030 $7364 • 2 locking & 2 non-locking flush bolts fitted • extra for 2 x flush pulls if multifold opens in $100 fitted (fig 8) FOUR DOOR MULTI-FOLD - 3 ONE WAY- 1 FLAPPER INCLUDING Hardware option 2 Bifold door kit rebated VISTA BIFOLDS INCLUDING VISTA INSECT INSECT Frame Width (Door Width) BIFOLDS SCREEN SCREEN 4150mm (1020mm) $4608* $6502 NA NA 3750mm (920mm) $4380* $6229 NA NA 3350mm (820mm) $4170 $5803 $6167 $7800 2950mm (720mm) $4060 $5651 $6016 $7607 2550mm (620mm) $3941 $5275 $5808 $7142 • 2 locking & 2 non-locking flush bolts fitted • extra for 1 x flush pull if multifold opens in $50 fitted (fig 8) Prices shown are for single light doors only. Other stock doors are available with a surcharge enquire if other services are available with your joinery choice. • prepriming white or clear sikkens prior to glazing extra 10% prepriming not available for preglazed units INCLUDING INSECT SCREEN VISTA BIFOLDS INSECT SCREEN NA NA NA NA NA NA $7096 $7743 $9573 $6719 $7518 $9131 $6597 $7293 $8932 Hardware option 2 Bifold door kit rebated Frame Width (Door Width) 5199mm (1020mm) $5949* 4699mm (920mm) $5688* 4199mm (820mm) $5401 3699mm (720mm) $5220 3199mm (620mm) $5072 INCLUDING INSECT SCREEN VISTA BIFOLDS VISTA BIFOLDS INCLUDING NO ADVERTISED DISCOUNTS APPLY TO THESE ITEMS THREE DOOR MULTI-FOLD WITH FLAPPER DOOR available 3 left OR 3 right TOP HUNG HARDWARE 3 x 820mm DOORS OPEN OUT INSECT SCREEN $8508 NA NA $8135 NA NA $7295 $7896 $9790 $6833 $7671 $9284 $6711 $7448 $9087 available mid 2014 • 2 locking & 2 non-locking flush bolts fitted • extra for 2 x flush pulls if multifold opens in $100 fitted (fig 8) VISTA BIFOLDS INCLUDING INSECT INSECT VISTA Frame Width (Door Width) SCREEN SCREEN BIFOLDS 6199mm (1020mm) $6816* $9828 NA NA 5599mm (920mm) $6501* $9215 NA NA 4999mm (820mm) $6204 $8851 $9167 $11814 4399mm (720mm) $6035 $7935 $8936 $10836 3799mm (620mm) $5853 $7702 $8692 $10541 • 3 locking & 3 non-locking flush bolts fitted • extra for 2 x flush pulls if multifold opens in $100 fitted (fig 8) • no door furniture included for “flapper door”. • For logistics it is recommended multi-fold systems over 3600mm in width are disassembled and flat packed. A BSA registered sub-contractor can be arranged for the purchaser by Woodworkers, if required, to re-assemble and fix at an additional cost. • Final adjustments may be necessary by installer after frame is installed. A service fee will apply if Woodworkers is required to provide onsite adjustment. • Delivery is not included, but can be arranged using a one driver courier. The purchaser must allow for four or more strong people to off load at the destination. * SPECIAL PRICES WHILE STOCKS LAST • 2 locking & 2 non-locking flush bolts fitted • extra for 2 x flush pulls if multifold opens in $100 fitted (fig 8) INCLUDING 2100mm 2100mm No additional locking hardware required INCLUDING Frame Width (Door Width) 5185mm (1020mm) $5792* 4685mm (920mm) $5532* 4185mm (820mm) $5266 3685mm (720mm) $5106 3185mm (620mm) $4958 VISTA BIFOLDS INCLUDING SIX DOOR MULTI-FOLD - 5 LEFT OR RIGHT - 1 FLAPPER FOUR DOOR MULTI-FOLD - 2 LEFT - 2 RIGHT Frame Width (Door Width) 4165mm (1020mm) $4970* 3765mm (920mm) $4766* 3365mm (820mm) $4540 2965mm (720mm) $4432 2565mm (620mm) $4316 red cedar • framed + hung • clear glazed FIVE DOOR MULTI-FOLD - 3 ONE WAY - 2 THE OTHER VISTA BIFOLDS INCLUDING 2100mm 2100mm Hardware option 1 Bifold door kit one way • no door furniture included for “flapper door” 16 Hardware option 1 Bifold door kit one way 2100mm 2100mm Frame Width (Door Width) 2119mm (1020mm) $2590* 1919mm (920mm) $2493* 1719mm (820mm) $2385 1519mm (720mm) $2334 1319mm (620mm) $2278 INSECT SCREEN VISTA BIFOLDS INCLUDING THREE DOOR MULTI-FOLD - ALL LEFT - ALL RIGHT 2100mm stock external bottom roller multifolds Insect screens are quoted as a single screen only. Dual screens can be supplied for centrally opening units at additional cost. P.O.A No additional locking hardware required INCLUDING NEW PRODUCT FIVE DOOR MULTI-FOLD - ALL LEFT OR ALL RIGHT TWO DOOR MULTI-FOLD - LEFT OR RIGHT ALL BIFOLDS AVAILABLE PREPRIMED CLEAR OIL OR WHITE PRIMER AT ADDITIONAL 10% COST TOPHUNG PREPRIMED MULTIFOLD SPECIALS Only single light available in 920mm and 1020mm Maximum insect screen width is 4500mm. When wider than this size, the frame has to have 2 screens opening right & left. Unsuitable for larger all one way multifolds Frame Size 2170 high x 2539 width $1930 insect screen extra $1235 clear oil primed, silver hardware, 2 dropbolts fitted (1 keyed 1 non keyed) no lock on flapper door FOUR DOOR MULTI-FOLD WITH FLAPPER DOOR available 3 left 1 right OR 3 right 1 left TOP HUNG HARDWARE 4 x 820mm DOORS OPEN OUT available mid 2014 Standard frame height 2100mm - Overheight frame height 2400mm Overheight bifolds are available ex-stock in single light doors only, at 4% above listed prices, which includes 190mm top flush bolts. Extended drop bolts (500mm) extra $50 each NOTE: Bottom roller hardware is available only in satin silver finish • As multi-fold hardware systems evolve, joinery sizes may vary slightly. • • • • Verify extremities of frame before framing up. Flush bolts (half keyed), clear glass, seals, premium running gear included. Prices subject to stock availability and cost change during the currency of this flyer. Multi-fold door systems are warranted to open out only. Height is measured from underside of sill to top of frame Vista multifolds are not suitable for heavy weather exposure. Overhang protection from direct sun and rain water is essential NOTE: Insect screens are Black BRIO pleated screens rated to 28km/hr. Frame depth 190mm required for integrated screens. Disassembly for transport not permitted. Bottom roller bifolds are slightly more expensive than top roller systems but are ideal where the lintel over an opening is inadequate to carry the additional weight. They are particularly suitable for extra wide applications or glass wall designs requiring minimal exposed structure Frame Size 2170 high x 3350 width $2550 insect screen extra $1511 clear oil primed, silver hardware, 4 dropbolts fitted (2 keyed 2 non keyed) no lock on flapper door COMPLIANT WITH AUST. STANDARD AS2047 Our stock prehung bifold doors will save you 25% !!! woodworkers overhead track multifold doors Frame Width (Door Width) 2119mm (1020mm) $2122* 1919mm (920mm) $2032* 1719mm (820mm) $1932 1519mm (720mm) $1884 1319mm (620mm) $1832 INCLUDING INSECT SCREEN VISTA BIFOLDS VISTA BIFOLDS INCLUDING INSECT SCREEN $3334 NA NA $3127 NA NA $3021 $2847 $3936 $2851 $2768 $3744 $2793 $2688 $3649 Hardware option 1 Bifold door kit one way 2170mm Insect screens are quoted as a single screen only. Dual screens can be supplied for centrally opening units at additional cost. P.O.A No additional locking hardware required 2170mm DOORS FIVE DOOR MULTI-FOLD - ALL LEFT OR ALL RIGHT TWO DOOR MULTI-FOLD - LEFT OR RIGHT ALL BIFOLDS AVAILABLE PREPRIMED CLEAR OIL OR WHITE PRIMER AT ADDITIONAL 10% COST • 1 locking & 1 non-locking flush bolt fitted • extra for 1 x flush pull if multifold opens in $50 fitted (fig 8) • no door furniture included for “flapper door”. THREE DOOR MULTI-FOLD - ALL LEFT - ALL RIGHT Hardware option 1 Bifold door kit one way Frame Width (Door Width) 3139mm (1020mm) $2871* 2839mm (920mm) $2731* 2539mm (820mm) $2578 2239mm (720mm) $2504 1939mm (620mm) $2425 INSECT SCREEN VISTA BIFOLDS $4361 NA NA $4203 NA NA $3813 $4066 $5301 $3719 $3941 $5156 $3520 $3816 $4911 • 1 locking & 1 non-locking flush bolt fitted • no door furniture included for “flapper door”. • extra for 1 x flush pull if multifold opens in $50 fitted (fig 8) +7% +3% ALL PRICES INCLUDE GST Frame Width (Door Width) 4165mm (1020mm) $4055* 3765mm (920mm) $3866* 3365mm (820mm) $3657 2965mm (720mm) $3557 2565mm (620mm) $3449 No additional locking hardware required INCLUDING INSECT SCREEN VISTA BIFOLDS VISTA BIFOLDS INCLUDING INSECT SCREEN $5809 NA NA $5578 NA NA $5169 $5572 $7084 $5029 $5406 $6878 $4684 $5240 $6475 • 2 locking & 2 non-locking flush bolts fitted • extra for 2 x flush pulls if multifold opens in $100 fitted (fig 8) 10 light lockrail +3% +3% FOUR DOOR MULTI-FOLD - ALL LEFT OR ALL RIGHT 2170mm No additional locking hardware required VISTA BIFOLDS INCLUDING VISTA INSECT INSECT Frame Width (Door Width) BIFOLDS SCREEN SCREEN 4165mm (1020mm) $3958* $5712 NA NA 3765mm (920mm) $3709* $5421 NA NA 3365mm (820mm) $3548 $5060 $5362 $6874 2965mm (720mm) $3412 $4884 $5196 $6668 2565mm (620mm) $3334 $4569 $5033 $6268 • 2 locking & 2 non-locking flush bolts fitted • extra for 2 x flush pulls if multifold opens in $100 fitted (fig 8) victorian twin FOUR DOOR MULTI-FOLD - 3 ONE WAY- 1 FLAPPER INCLUDING +9% +12% 2170mm Only available 620mm wide INCLUDING victorian single Hardware option 2 Bifold door kit rebated • no door furniture included for “flapper door” hopscotch coathanger Hardware option 2 Bifold door kit rebated • no door furniture included for “flapper door”. VISTA BIFOLDS INCLUDING VISTA INSECT INSECT Frame Width (Door Width) BIFOLDS SCREEN SCREEN 4150mm (1020mm) $3809* $5563 NA NA 3750mm (920mm) $3598* $5310 NA NA 3350mm (820mm) $3403 $4915 $5252 $6764 2950mm (720mm) $3301 $4773 $5086 $6558 2550mm (620mm) $3191 $4426 $4920 $6155 • 2 locking & 2 non-locking flush bolts fitted • extra for 1 x flush pull if multifold opens in $50 fitted (fig 8) Prices shown are for single light doors only. Other stock doors are available with the surcharge as stated on the left. INSECT SCREEN VISTA BIFOLDS INSECT SCREEN NA NA NA NA NA NA $5949 $6509 $8242 $5586 $6301 $7819 $5421 $6093 $7583 • 2 locking & 2 non-locking flush bolts fitted • extra for 2 x flush pulls if multifold opens in $100 fitted (fig 8) 1 2 GOLD/PVD NON TARNISHED Heritage Lever On Plate SILVER Cottage on Slim Plate Lever Handle 3 Double Cylinder Frame Width (Door Width) 5199mm (1020mm) $4851* 4699mm (920mm) $4610* 4199mm (820mm) $4344 3699mm (720mm) $4176 3199mm (620mm) $4039 INCLUDING INSECT SCREEN VISTA BIFOLDS 4 VISTA BIFOLDS INCLUDING INSECT SCREEN $7221 NA NA $6875 NA NA $6077 $6654 $8387 $5694 $6446 $7964 $5529 $6239 $7729 • 2 locking & 2 non-locking flush bolts fitted • extra for 2 x flush pulls if multifold opens in $100 fitted (fig 8) prices on orange background indicate 2 screens SIX DOOR MULTI-FOLD - 5 LEFT OR RIGHT - 1 FLAPPER FOUR DOOR MULTI-FOLD - 2 LEFT - 2 RIGHT 2170mm 4 light 8 light INSECT SCREEN INCLUDING FIVE DOOR MULTI-FOLD - 3 ONE WAY - 2 THE OTHER VISTA BIFOLDS INCLUDING 2170mm + 4% INCLUDING INCLUDING 2170mm + 2% vista see blue notes 2170mm single light Frame Width (Door Width) 5185mm (1020mm) $4703* 4685mm (920mm) $4462* 4185mm (820mm) $4216 3685mm (720mm) $4068 3185mm (620mm) $3931 hardware kit components VISTA BIFOLDS INCLUDING Hardware option 2 Bifold door kit rebated VISTA BIFOLDS INCLUDING INSECT INSECT VISTA Frame Width (Door Width) SCREEN SCREEN BIFOLDS 6199mm (1020mm) $5580* $8368 NA NA 5599mm (920mm) $5288* $7801 NA NA 4999mm (820mm) $5013 $7465 $7757 $10209 4399mm (720mm) $4857 $6611 $7543 $9297 3799mm (620mm) $4688 $6400 $7317 $9029 • 3 locking & 3 non-locking flush bolts fitted • extra for 2 x flush pulls if multifold opens in $100 fitted (fig 8) • no door furniture included for “flapper door”. • For logistics it is recommended multi-fold systems over 3600mm in width are disassembled and flat packed. A BSA registered sub-contractor can be arranged for the purchaser by Woodworkers, if required, to re-assemble and fix at an additional cost. • Final adjustments may be necessary by installer after frame is installed. A service fee will apply if Woodworkers is required to provide onsite adjustment. • Delivery is not included, but can be arranged using a one driver courier. The purchaser must allow for four or more strong people to off load at the destination. * Only single light available in 920mm and 1020mm Maximum insect screen width is 4500mm. When wider than this size, the frame has to have 2 screens opening right & left. Unsuitable for larger all one way multifolds Standard frame height 2170mm - Overheight frame height 2400mm Overheight bifolds are available ex-stock in single light doors only, at 7% above listed prices, which includes 190mm top flush bolts. Extended drop bolts (500mm) extra $50 each Self draining aluminium sill option available at an additional cost of $118 per metre (overall height reduces 6mm) • As multi-fold hardware systems evolve, joinery sizes may vary slightly. • • • • Verify extremities of frame before framing up. Flush bolts (half keyed), clear glass, seals, premium running gear included. Prices subject to stock availability and cost change during the currency of this flyer. Multi-fold door systems are warranted to open out only. The system can be hung to open in but does not carry a weatherproof warranty. Height is measured from underside of sill to top of frame Vista multifolds are not suitable for heavy weather exposure. Overhang protection from direct sun and rain water is essential 48cc Mortice Lock 5 6 Magnetic Stop Rebated 48cc Mortice Lock 7 8 Extented Striker Plate Flush Pull for other hardware options refer our separate hardware catalogue woodworkers bifold hardware kits will save you money stock external multifolds OUR STOCK FRENCH Itemised list for each hardware option Opt Item No. 1 1 Satin 1pr 1 Gold . 2 Satin 1pr 2 Gold . 2 . 1pr . 1pr 3 4 5 6 7 1 1 . 1 1 $165 1 1 . 1 1 $177 1 . 1 2 . $162 1 . 1 2 . $173 Also available in black. Refer page 31 for more details NOTE: Insect screens are Black BRIO Note: pleated screens rated to 28km/hr. Frame depth 190mm required for Woodworkers can also custom integrated screens. Disassembly build multifold doors to any size for transport not permitted. or style to suit your application. Woodworkers overhead track bifolds are supplied framed and hung on premium stainless steel or gold hardware complete with all flush drop bolts and weather seals. Integral insect screens can be factory installed and in locations where privacy and sun control is also essential, our unique vista doors with double glazed venetian blind inserts provide the ultimate solution. french door bifold + slider video 17 woodworkers hinge off hinge folding doors HINGE OFF HINGE CONCERTINA ACTION DOORS es ils Price Incl. GST Price (with insect screen) Hinge off hinge systems are not technically equivalent to overhead track bifold systems. They are prone to sag over time and are more susceptible to problems from movement in the surrounding floors or walls. Purchasers are cautioned that the bottom roller system minimises rather than eliminates sag. Frame Size Price Incl. GST Price (with insect screen) With concertina action the centre door opens inwards on the outer door and the pair swing 180° to park against the side wall. IMPORTANT INFORMATION Three Doors Four Doors JAMB WIDTH: STANDARD 140mm, INSECT SCREEN 190mm Frame Size er sea l ath s stai n es s el steel h ge s in 1 roller fitted under the door hung from the jamb. All necessary flush bolts and flush pulls fitted Victorian Single Light Folding Doors illustrated. Rol standard frame 140 x 32mm ler d We use stainless s a il et steel spring loaded rollers mortised into the underside of each door hung from the jamb to provide support & stability. Folding Action bifolds offer the flexibility of having the centre pair of doors open out independently as French Two Doors doors for day to day use without having to resort to the full bifold action. They are weathertight and stow neatly in the open position against the side walls but require flush Three Doors hardware fittings & larger more obtrusive jamb hinges more prone to sag over time. JAMB WIDTH: STANDARD 140mm INSECT SCREEN 190mm With folding action the centre door opens out over the outer door & the pair then swing180° to park against the side wall. $1659 $1617 $1520 $2658 $2616 $2518 2100 x 2221 2100 x 1921 2100 x 1291 $2413 $2350 $2282 $3747 $3515 $3307 2100 x 2944 2100 x 2544 2100 x 1704 $3121 $3028 Price (with insect screen) $4905 $4509 $4223 2040 x 720 2040 x 620 2040 x 410 Door Price $328 Frame Size Price (with insect screen) Frame Size Price Incl. GST Frame Size $345 $361 2400 x 1512 2400 x 1312 2400 x 892 $1697 $1655 $1646 $2763 $2722 $2713 2400 x 2221 2400 x 1921 2400 x 1291 $2451 $2388 $2319 $3879 $3635 $3427 2400 x 2944 2400 x 2544 2400 x 1704 $3245 $3159 $3066 $5062 $4644 $4345 Gallery Margin Light Coathanger Hopscotch Victorian Single $331 $316 $314 2100 x 1500 2100 x 1300 2100 x 879 $1796 $1748 $1746 $2847 $2800 $2795 2100 x 2208 2100 x 1908 2100 x 1278 $2582 $2509 $2439 $3962 $3716 $3499 2100 x 2918 2100 x 2518 2100 x 1678 Price Incl. GST $3307 $3212 $3118 Price (with insect screen) $5005 $4599 $4315 2340 x 720 2340 x 620 2340 x 410 $345 $349 $331 $390 $412 $402 2100 x 1312 2100 x 1152 2100 x 1312 2100 x 1312 2100x 1312 $1623 $1601 $1738 $1787 $1768 $2619 $2598 $2736 $2784 $2768 2100 x 1921 2100 x 1681 2100 x 1921 2100 x 1921 2100 x 1921 $2356 $2322 $2536 $2610 $2586 $3521 $3488 $3701 $3775 $3751 2100 x 2544 2100 x 2224 2100 x 2544 2100 x 2544 2100 x 2544 $3129 $3083 $3377 $3477 $3443 $4511 $4466 $4760 $4859 $4825 2040 x 620 2040 x 540 2040 x 620 2040 x 620 2040 x 620 $361 2400 x 1500 2400 x 1300 2400 x 879 $1833 $1786 $1776 $2958 $2911 $2901 2400 x 2208 2400 x 1908 2400 x 1278 $2619 $2549 $2479 $4096 $3839 $3613 2400 x 2918 2400 x 2518 2400 x 1678 $3346 $3252 $3158 $5163 $4736 $4438 Woodworkers hinge off hinge folding doors can be an ideal solution for smaller openings to restrictive patios and throughfares where the ability to stow the doors flat against the external wall is an advantage. Our unique integral spring loaded bottom roller supports reduce susceptibility to sag and improve stability. 18 Victorian Twin 4 Light $349 2040 x 620 2040 x 540 2040 x 620 2040 x 620 2040 x 620 insect screen prices on this page allow for retractable pleated screens. Door Size (mm) Price Incl. GST Lockrail 10 Light 8 Light $314 $3207 Price (with insect screen) Four Doors $316 2100 x 1512 2100 x 1312 2100 x 892 Price Incl. GST HINGE OFF HINGE FOLDING ACTION DOORS we $328 Frame Size 2340 x 720 2340 x 620 2340 x 410 PANELLED FRENCH DOOR SIZES rd eta We use stainless steel spring loaded rollers mortised into the underside of each door hung from the jamb to provide support & stability. 2040 x 720 2040 x 620 2040 x 410 Door Price standard frame 140 x 32mm Hinge off hinge are the solution if you,ve got a small opening to 3 m wide and need your doors to stack flat rather than at 900 overheight options available in single light only Door Size (mm) Two Doors Panelled French Door Options $331 PANELLED FRENCH DOOR SIZES GST SINGLE LIGHT OVERHEIGHT SIZES ONLY ng rolle all prices INCLUDE SINGLE LIGHT OVERHEIGHT SIZES ONLY ss steel hi le Ten light Concertina Doors illustrated. stock external multifolds n Stock French doors only available with clear glass. Other glass options can be custom made at additional cost. STANDARD HEIGHT SIZES s sta i Concertina folding doors are less prone to sag than their folding action counterparts as the jamb hinges are smaller and stronger. For day to day access one side of the bifold is used rather than the centre pair of doors. STANDARD HEIGHT SIZES er sea l ath Each hinged pair has 1 hinge handle, and 1 roller under the door hung from the jamb. All necessary flush bolts and flush pulls fitted Single Light Options Glazed Multilight Options single light cost + 4% + 7% + 3% + 2% 8 light, 10 light, lockrail & 4 light can be used (some size limitations). cost surcharge as indicated. Single Light we $331 $390 $412 $402 2100 x 1300 2100 x 1139 2100 x 1300 2100 x 1300 2100 x 1300 $1756 $1733 $1880 $1930 $1913 $2807 $2784 $2931 $2980 $2964 2100 x 1908 2100 x 1668 2100 x 1908 2100 x 1908 2100 x 1908 $2521 $2487 $2709 $2785 $2760 $3728 $3693 $3915 $3991 $3966 2100 x 2518 2100 x 2198 2100 x 2518 2100 x 2518 2100 x 2518 $3228 $3183 $3477 $3577 $3543 $4611 $4565 $4859 $4959 $4925 enquire if other services are available with your joinery choice. • prepriming white or clear sikkens prior to glazing extra 10% prepriming not available for preglazed units woodworkers sliding doors STOCK SLIDING DOORS 2 DOORS (1 SLIDING) Height x Width Door Type double glazed with enclosed venetian blind STOCK DOOR DESIGNS FOR SLIDING UNITS our range of half glazed french and provincial doors can also be used for sliders. Prices on application 1 light xxo 3 DOORS (2 SLIDING) 2095 x 1604 820mm xo 2095 x 1804 920mm xo 2095 x 2004 1020mm xo 2095 x 2404 1220mm xo 2395 x 1604 820mm xo 2395 x 1804 920mm xo 2395 x 2004 1020mm xo 185mm frame width for doors with stealshield vista Door Type 2095 x 1724 620mm xxo 2095 x 2024 720mm xxo 2095 x 2324 820mm xxo 2095 x 2624 920mm xxo 2095 x 2924 1020mm xxo 2095 x 3524 1220mm xxo 2395 x 1724 620mm xxo 2395 x 2024 720mm xxo 2395 x 2324 820mm xxo 2395 x 2624 920mm xxo NOTE: 2395 x 2924 1020mm xxo - 185mm frame - 230mm frame for Vista 300mm frame width for doors with stealshield 4 light lockrail 8 light 10 light 4 DOORS (2 SLIDING) 4 DOORS (2 SLIDING) Door Type 2095 x 2344 620mm oxxo 2095 x 2744 720mm oxxo 2095 x 3144 820mm oxxo 2095 x 3544 920mm oxxo 2095 x 3944 1020mm oxxo 2095 x 4744 1220mm oxxo 2395 x 2344 620mm oxxo 2395 x 2744 720mm oxxo 2395 x 3144 820mm oxxo 2395 x 3544 920mm oxxo 2395 x 3944 1020mm oxxo 185mm frame width for doors with stealshield on our website NOTE: - 140mm frame - 160mm frame for Vista oxo 3 DOORS (1 SLIDING) NOTE: - 140mm frame - 160mm frame for Vista Extra for Extra for stealshield brio insect 1 Light Lockrail 4 Light 8 Light 10 Light Vista screens screens $2343 $2450 $2409 $2512 $2598 $4292 $1532 $961 $2467 $2554 $2525 $2615 $2706 $4482 $1642 $967 $2583 $2661 $2645 $2719 $2810 $4672 $1742 $1089 $2815 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $1854 $1154 $3025 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $1960 $1212 $3472 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $2115 $1483 $2513 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $1708 $989 $2638 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $1818 $996 $2762 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $1917 $1121 $3006 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $2027 $1188 $3212 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $2135 $1248 panels. 220mm frame width required for Vista doors with stealshield screens extra $80 $3255 $3478 $3693 $4023 $4332 $4773 $3447 $3670 $3893 $4235 $4541 620mm 720mm 820mm 920mm 1020mm 1220mm 620mm 720mm 820mm 920mm 1020mm oxxx oxxx oxxx oxxx oxxx oxxx oxxx oxxx oxxx oxxx oxxx oxxx 4 DOORS (3 SLIDING) Extra for Extra for 4 DOORS (3 SLIDING) stealshield brio insect 1 Light Lockrail 4 Light 8 Light 10 Light Vista screens screens Height x Width Door Type recommended hardware - Sliding door OXXO kit (see pg 30 - 31 for more details) GST Prices subject to alteration and availability during currency of this publication. All prices include GST. 2095 x 2244 2095 x 2644 2095 x 3044 2095 x 3444 2095 x 3844 2095 x 4644 2395 x 2244 2395 x 2644 2395 x 3044 2395 x 3444 2395 x 3844 2 DOOR (1 SLIDING) Extra for Extra for stealshield brio insect 1 Light Lockrail 4 Light 8 Light 10 Light Vista screens screens $2104 $2184 $2153 $2230 $2295 $3828 $1832 $961 2095 x 2424 820mm oxo $1920 $1979 $1966 $2022 $2090 $3493 $1046 NA $2225 $2290 $2268 $2336 $2404 $4020 $1972 $967 2095 x 2724 920mm oxo $2094 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $1117 NA $2339 $2398 $2386 $2441 $2509 $4212 $2103 $1089 2095 x 3024 1020mm oxo $2252 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $1184 NA $2541 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $2245 $1154 2095 x 3624 1220mm oxo $2586 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $1261 NA $2726 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $2382 $1212 2395 x 2424 820mm oxo $2063 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $1144 NA $3060 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $2535 $1483 2395 x 2724 920mm oxo $2246 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $1213 NA $2246 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $2026 $989 2395 x 3024 1020mm oxo $2401 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $1282 NA $2367 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $2166 $996 185mm frame width for doors with stealshield panels. 220mm frame width required for Vista doors with stealshield screens extra $80 $2488 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $2296 $1121 $2699 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $2437 $1188 recommended hardware - Sliding door OX kit (see pg 30 - 31 for more details) $2882 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $2576 $1248 for more information on combo, bifold & slider options refer to FAQ 7 panels. 330mm frame width required for Vista doors with stealshield screens extra $80 Non-weathered sill necessary on wide frame sliders. NOTE: - 140mm frame - 160mm frame for Vista $1418 $1458 $1449 $1486 $1532 $2474 $895 NA $1534 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $951 NA $1640 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $1004 $961 $1863 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $1081 $967 $1525 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $986 NA $1647 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $1041 NA $1750 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $1095 $989 panels. 220mm frame width required for Vista doors with stealshield screens extra $80 all prices INCLUDE SLIDERS: USING STOCK DOORS X - sliding O - Fixed Allows for cedar frame, 140mm jamb, brass track, pre-hung, bead fixed clear glass. Extra for Extra for 3 DOORS (1 SLIDING) stealshield brio insect 1 Light Lockrail 4 Light 8 Light 10 Light Vista screens screens Height x Width Door Type recommended hardware - Sliding door OX kit (see pg 30 - 31 for more details) Height x Width Extra for Extra for stealshield brio insect 1 Light Lockrail 4 Light 8 Light 10 Light Vista screens screens recommended hardware - Sliding door OX kit (see pg 30 - 31 for more details) 3 DOORS (2 SLIDING) Height x Width oxxo xo sliding doors can be made from any style french door in our range or custom built to your exact sizes $3362 $3321 $3564 $3536 $3771 $3754 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $3424 $3510 POA $3626 $3717 POA $3829 $3919 POA N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A recommended hardware - Sliding door OX kit (see pg 30 -31 for more details) Woodworkers offers more design choices in sliding door units than any other manufacturer, incorporating both overwidth and overheight options for maximum flexibility. Our doors roll on adjustable stainless steel bottom rollers and brass track and can be made intruder and bushfire resistant with stealshield outer panels that provide cost effective security. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $1095 $1215 $1483 $1503 $1624 $1661 $1127 $1251 $1527 $1548 $1672 stock sliding door range STOCK JOINERY - Make,em fit , and you ll save a fair bit NOTE: - 250mm frame Insect screens supplied are BRIO black pleated screens rated to 28 km/hr enquire if other services are available with your joinery choice. • prepriming white or clear sikkens prior to glazing extra 10% prepriming not available for preglazed units • lock and flush bolt morticing for woodworkers hardware 19 french door + front door framing kits door + double hung sidelight options single light doors stock sizes are cheaper + faster but we also custom, make to any other size you d like ! FRENCH DOOR & FRONT DOOR F R A M I N G K I T S CEDAR 2040 Single 820 $253 1 pair 620 $283 1 pair 720 $297 1 pair 820 $311 CEDAR 2340 Single 820 $272 1 pair 820 $330 MAPLE 2040 Single 820 $240 1 pair 820 $296 MAPLE 2340 Single 820 $260 1 pair 820 $315 FRAMED FRENCH DOORS stock combination range 140 x 32 red cedar frame with hardwood sill door pair size width 2100 high extra for extra for 2400 high extra for BRIO Framed pair pairs of Framed pair pairs of French Doors stealshield insect French Doors stealshield doors^ not hung doors^ screens^^ not hung single light 1020 920 820 720 620 410 2100 1900 1700 1500 1300 880 $1288 $1200 $1102 # $1059 # # $1013 $962 $1218 $1095 $1396 $1387 $1148 $1095 $1310 $1315 $1072 $1095 $1205 $1241 $1008 $967 $1159 $1177 $934 $967 $1112 $1103 NA NA $1057 NA 820 720 620 1700 1500 1300 $2090 $1072 $1095 $2013 $1008 $967 $1937 $934 $967 820 720 620 1700 1500 1300 $1140 $1072 $1095 $1101 $1008 $967 $1065 $934 $967 vista NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1 light Door 1020mm 920mm 820mm 720mm 620mm 1020mm 920mm 820mm 720mm 620mm 8 light single door + single double hung D/H width Height x Width 760mm 2100 x 1818 2100 x 1718 2100 x 1618 2100 x 1518 2100 x 1418 600mm 2100 x 1658 2100 x 1558 2100 x 1458 2100 x 1358 2100 x 1258 1 light $1405 $1360 $1311 $1290 $1267 $1382 $1338 $1289 $1268 $1244 8 light NA NA $1375 $1356 $1338 NA NA $1350 $1332 $1314 single door + two double hungs Height x Width 2100 x 2546 2100 x 2446 2100 x 2346 2100 x 2246 2100 x 2146 2100 x 2226 2100 x 2126 2100 x 2026 2100 x 1926 2100 x 1826 1 light $2043 $1999 $1950 $1928 $1905 $1998 $1954 $1905 $1883 $1860 some examples of our stock combination units pair of doors + single double hung 8 light NA NA $2043 $2025 $2007 NA NA $1994 $1976 $1958 Height x Width 2100 x 2828 2100 x 2628 2100 x 2428 2100 x 2228 2100 x 2028 2100 x 2668 2100 x 2468 2100 x 2268 2100 x 2068 2100 x 1868 1 light $1927 $1838 $1740 $1698 $1651 $1904 $1816 $1718 $1675 $1629 8 light NA NA $1836 $1800 $1764 NA NA $1812 $1775 $1739 pair of doors + two double hungs Height x Width 2100 x 3556 2100 x 3356 2100 x 3156 2100 x 2956 2100 x 2756 2100 x 3236 2100 x 3036 2100 x 2836 2100 x 2636 2100 x 2436 1 light $2565 $2477 $2378 $2336 $2290 $2520 $2432 $2333 $2291 $2245 all prices INCLUDE GST 4 light 1700 1500 1300 $1132 $1072 $1095 $1087 $1008 $967 $1045 $934 $967 8 light # 820 720 620 1700 1500 1300 $1168 $1072 $1095 # $1131 $1008 $967 # $1095 $934 $967 820 720 620 1700 1500 1300 $1212 $1072 $1095 $1175 $1008 $967 $1137 $934 $967 620 540 1300 1140 620 620 620 1300 1300 1300 8 light NA NA $2505 $2469 $2432 NA NA $2456 $2419 $2383 Combos are the traditional cost effective way to get light & ventilation into your home lockrail 820 720 620 double hopscotch french doors + fixed sidelight double lockrail french doors + 2 fixed sidelights provincial 4 light door + 2 twin light fixed sidelights double gallery margin light doors + 2 fixed gallery margin french door sidelights Compare our double 8 light french doors + one prices! double hung sidelight 10 light vic single & twin light $1057 # $1025 $934 NA $967 $961 other panelled french doors $1205 $1185 $1161 $934 $934 $934 $967 $967 $967 coathanger margin light hopscotch ^ 160 x 32 frame required when stealshield added ^^ 190 x 32 frame required when brio screen added # double single light french doors + 2 single light double hung sidelights refer special offer stock units on pg 12 extra $220 for hanging 2 french doors on butt hinges or $140 for hirline hinges for more information on combo, bifold & slider options refer to FAQ 7 on our website Prices subject to alteration and availability during currency of this publication. All prices include GST. Woodworkers has the widest range of stock combination options providing a solution for almost any application. We can also custom make. Woodworkers stealshield can be added to most stock combinations where increased protection is required against intruders and insects. 20 single door + single fixture single light Kit includes: • trenched head • trenched kwilla sill • angle cut jambs • door stops • assembly screws D Door F Fixture Height x Width Cost 1020mm 1020mm 2400 x 2144 $1571 920mm 2400 x 2044 $1528 820mm 2400 x 1944 $1476 720mm 2400 x 1844 $1453 620mm 2400 x 1744 $1430 410mm 2400 x 1534 $1402 920mm 920mm 2400 x 1944 $1485 820mm 2400 x 1844 $1433 720mm 2400 x 1744 $1410 620mm 2400 x 1644 $1386 410mm 2400 x 1434 $1359 820mm 820mm 2400 x 1744 $1381 720mm 2400 x 1644 $1357 620mm 2400 x 1544 $1334 410mm 2400 x 1334 $1307 720mm 720mm 2400 x 1544 $1334 620mm 2400 x 1444 $1311 410mm 2400 x 1234 $1283 620mm 620mm 2400 x 1344 $1288 410mm 2400 x 1134 $1260 1020mm 1020mm 2100 x 2144 $1447 920mm 2100 x 2044 $1403 820mm 2100 x 1944 $1354 720mm 2100 x 1844 $1332 620mm 2100 x 1744 $1309 410mm 2100 x 1534 $1284 920mm 920mm 2100 x 1944 $1359 820mm 2100 x 1844 $1309 720mm 2100 x 1744 $1288 620mm 2100 x 1644 $1265 410mm 2100 x 1434 $1239 820mm 820mm 2100 x 1744 $1260 720mm 2100 x 1644 $1239 620mm 2100 x 1544 $1216 410mm 2100 x 1334 $1190 720mm 720mm 2100 x 1544 $1218 620mm 2100 x 1444 $1195 410mm 2100 x 1234 $1169 620mm 620mm 2100 x 1344 $1171 2100 x 1134 $1146 410mm PRICES FOR COMBINATIONS UNIT INCLUDE : hanging of windows on spiral b EXCLUDE : hanging of doors ($110 per door Woodworkers combination units requirements to BAL29 at additiona compliant screen doors. Refer with fixed sidelights multilight doors with fixed sidelights ANY OF OUR STOCK FRENCH DOORS lockrail 820mm 720mm 820mm 720mm 620mm 8 light 10 light 820mm 720mm 620mm victorian single light victorian twin light hopscotch coathanger pair of doors + single fixture pair of doors + two fixtures 820mm 720mm 620mm 820mm 720mm 620mm 720mm 620mm 620mm 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 x x x x x x 1744 1644 1544 1544 1444 1344 $1298 $1279 $1261 $1260 $1242 $1223 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 x x x x x x 2595 2395 2195 2295 2095 1995 $1904 $1866 $1829 $1846 $1810 $1792 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 x x x x x x 2555 2455 2355 2255 2155 1955 $1746 $1727 $1709 $1688 $1670 $1634 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 x x x x x x 3405 3205 3005 3005 2805 2605 $2352 $2313 $2277 $2275 $2239 $2202 820mm 720mm 620mm 720mm 620mm 620mm 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 x x x x x x 1744 1644 1544 1544 1444 1344 $1290 $1268 $1247 $1246 $1225 $1203 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 x x x x x x 2595 2395 2195 2295 2095 1995 $1892 $1848 $1805 $1825 $1783 $1762 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 x x x x x x 2555 2455 2355 2255 2155 1955 $1734 $1712 $1691 $1667 $1646 $1604 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 x x x x x x 3405 3205 3005 3005 2805 2605 $2336 $2291 $2249 $2247 $2205 $2162 820mm 720mm 620mm 720mm 620mm 620mm 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 x x x x x x 1744 1644 1544 1544 1444 1344 $1326 $1308 $1290 $1290 $1272 $1253 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 x x x x x x 2595 2395 2195 2295 2095 1995 $1946 $1910 $1873 $1891 $1855 $1837 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 x 2555 $1788 x 2455 $1770 x 2355 $1752 x 2255 $1733 x 2155 $1715 x 1955 $1679 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 x x x x x x 3405 3205 3005 3005 2805 2605 $2408 $2371 $2335 $2335 $2299 $2262 820mm 720mm 620mm 720mm 620mm 620mm 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 x x x x x x 1744 1644 1544 1544 1444 1344 $1370 $1352 $1333 $1334 $1315 $1295 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 x x x x x x 2595 2395 2195 2295 2095 1995 $2012 $1976 $1937 $1957 $1919 $1900 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 x x x x x x 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 x x x x x x 3405 3205 3005 3005 2805 2605 $2496 $2459 $2421 $2423 $2385 $2346 2555 2455 2355 2255 2155 1955 $1854 $1836 $1817 $1799 $1780 $1742 stock combination range 4 light single door + two fixtures Door Fixture Height x Width Cost Height x Width Cost Height x Width Cost Height x Width Cost 820mm 820mm 2100 x 1744 $2248 2100 x 2555 $3171 2100 x 3405 $4252 2100 x 2595 $3329 720mm 2100 x 1644 $2210 2100 x 2455 $3133 2100 x 3205 $4175 2100 x 2395 $3253 620mm 2100 x 1544 $2172 2100 x 2355 $3095 2100 x 3005 $4099 2100 x 2195 $3176 720mm 720mm 2100 x 1544 $2172 2100 x 2255 $3056 2100 x 3005 $4099 2100 x 2295 $3214 620mm 2100 x 1444 $2134 2100 x 2155 $3018 2100 x 2805 $4023 2100 x 2095 $3138 620mm 620mm 2100 x 1344 $2095 2100 x 1955 $2942 2100 x 2605 $3946 2100 x 1995 $3100 620mm TS WITH DOUBLE HUNG OR FIXED SIDELIGHTS alances, 140 x 32 cedar frame butt hinges, $70 hirline hinges), supply + installation of hardware, priming, finishing + delivery. may be able to be upgraded to meet bushfire code al cost and where necessary by the installation of external our website FAQ 26 regarding bushfire solutions vista vista weather protection required lockrail 1 light 4 light Cost Height x Width Cost Height x Width Cost 2400 x 3155 $2131 2400 x 4205 $2865 $2305 2400 x 3055 $2087 2400 x 4005 $2778 $2219 2400 x 2955 $2035 2400 x 3805 $2674 $2115 2400 x 2855 $2012 2400 x 3605 $2627 $2068 2400 x 2755 $1989 2400 x 3405 $2581 $2022 2400 x 2545 $1961 2400 x 2985 $2526 $1967 2400 x 2855 $2001 2400 x 3805 $2692 $2176 2400 x 2755 $1949 2400 x 3605 $2587 $2071 2400 x 2655 $1926 2400 x 3405 $2541 $2025 2400 x 2555 $1902 2400 x 3205 $2495 $1979 2400 x 2345 $1875 2400 x 2785 $2440 $1924 $2019 2400 x 2555 $1844 2400 x 3405 $2483 $1973 2400 x 2455 $1821 2400 x 3205 $2437 $1926 2400 x 2355 $1798 2400 x 3005 $2390 $1871 2400 x 2145 $1770 2400 x 2585 $2335 $1950 2400 x 2255 $1775 2400 x 3005 $2390 $1903 2400 x 2155 $1752 2400 x 2805 $2344 $1848 2400 x 1945 $1724 2400 x 2385 $2289 $1880 2400 x 1955 $1694 2400 x 2605 $2297 $1825 2400 x 1745 $1678 2400 x 2185 $2242 $2127 2100 x 3155 $1969 2100 x 4205 $2649 $2039 2100 x 3055 $1925 2100 x 4005 $2561 $1940 2100 x 2955 $1876 2100 x 3805 $2463 $1898 2100 x 2855 $1855 2100 x 3605 $2420 $1852 2100 x 2755 $1831 2100 x 3405 $2374 $1801 2100 x 2545 $1806 2100 x 2985 $2323 $1995 2100 x 2855 $1837 2100 x 3805 $2473 $1896 2100 x 2755 $1787 2100 x 3605 $2374 $1854 2100 x 2655 $1766 2100 x 3405 $2332 $1807 2100 x 2555 $1743 2100 x 3205 $2285 $1756 2100 x 2345 $1717 2100 x 2785 $2234 $1847 2100 x 2555 $1689 2100 x 3405 $2276 $1805 2100 x 2455 $1668 2100 x 3205 $2233 $1758 2100 x 2355 $1645 2100 x 3005 $2187 $1707 2100 x 2145 $1619 2100 x 2585 $2136 $1783 2100 x 2255 $1625 2100 x 3005 $2191 $1737 2100 x 2155 $1602 2100 x 2805 $2145 $1686 2100 x 1945 $1577 2100 x 2385 $2094 $1714 2100 x 1955 $1556 2100 x 2605 $2098 $1663 2100 x 1745 $1530 2100 x 2185 $2047 8 light x Width x 3195 x 2995 x 2795 x 2595 x 2395 x 1975 x 2895 x 2695 x 2495 x 2295 x 1875 x 2595 x 2395 x 2195 x 1775 x 2295 x 2095 x 1675 x 1995 x 1575 x 3195 x 2995 x 2795 x 2595 x 2395 x 1975 x 2895 x 2695 x 2495 x 2295 x 1875 x 2595 x 2395 x 2195 x 1775 x 2295 x 2095 x 1675 x 1995 x 1575 single door + single fixture 10 light Height 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 pair of doors + single fixture pair of doors + two fixtures panelled french doors single door + two fixtures double glazed with enclosed venetian blind CAN BE USED IN COMBO UNITS victorian single light + victorian twin light 620mm 540mm 620mm 540mm 420mm 540mm 420mm 2100 x 1344 $1215 2100 x 1995 $1780 2100 x 1264 $1199 2100 x 1835 $1748 2100 x 1144 $1183* 2100 x 1595 $1715 * NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 x 1344 $1319 2100 x 1995 $1936 2100 x 1955 $1778 2100 x 2605 $2394 2100 x 1344 $1363 2100 x 1995 $2002 2100 x 1955 $1844 2100 x 2605 $2482 hopscotch 620mm 620mm x x x x x 1955 $1622 2100 x 2605 $2186 1875 $1606 2100 x 2445 $2154 1755 $1589 * 2100 x 2205 $2121* 1715 $1574 2100 x 2285 $2122 1595 $1557 * 2100 x 2045 $2089* * only available in Victorian single light coathanger 620mm 620mm 21
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