Improved Non-dimensional Dynamic Influence Function Method Based on Tow-domain Method for Vibration Analysis of Membranes S. W. Kang Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering, Hansung University, Seoul, 136-792, Korea ([email protected]) S. N. Atluri Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of California, Irvine, 92697, USA ([email protected]) ABSTRACT This paper introduces an improved NDIF method using a subdomain method for efficiently extracting the eigenvalues and mode shapes of concave membranes with arbitrary shapes. The NDIF method (Non-dimensional Dynamic Influence Function Method), which was developed by the authors in 1999, gives highly accurate eigenvalues for membranes, plates and acoustic cavities, compared with the finite element method (FEM). However, it needs the inefficient procedure of calculating the singularity of a system matrix in the frequency range of interest for extracting eigenvalues and mode shapes. To overcome the inefficient procedure, this paper proposes a practical approach to make the system matrix equation of the concave membrane of interest into a form of algebraic eigenvalue problem. It is shown by several case studies that the proposed method has a good convergence characteristics and yields very accurate eigenvalues, compared with an exact method and FEM (ANSYS). 1. INTRODUCTION The authors developed the non-dimensional dynamic influence function method (NDIF method) for free vibration analysis of arbitrarily shaped membranes [1, 2]. Although the NDIF method has the feature that it yields highly accurate solutions compared with the finite element method [3] and the boundary element method [4, 5], the final system matrix equation of the NDIF method does not have a form of the algebraic eigenvalue problem [6] unlike the finite element method and the boundary element method. As the result, the NDIF method needs the inefficient procedure of searching values of the frequency parameter that make the system matrix singular by sweeping the frequency parameter in the range of interest. The authors introduced an improved NDIF method to eliminate the above inefficient procedure by changing the final system matrix equation in the NDIF method into a form of the algebraic eigenvalue problem [7, 8]. However, the improved NDIF method has the weak point that it does not give good solutions for concave membranes with high concavity and 1 multi-connected membranes with holes. This paper employs the sub-domain method of dividing the entire domain of a membrane into two convex sub-domains. Although the proposed method is similar to the author’s previous method [2] in employing the sub-domain approach, the two methods differ in whether the final system matrix equation has a form of the algebraic eigenvalue problem. A vast literature exists for obtaining analytical solutions of free vibration of membranes and plates having no exact solution as surveyed in the authors’ previous papers [1, 2, 7]. However, a survey of the literature performed by the authors reveals that only a very few papers of them dealt with concavely shaped membranes and plates. For example, Irie et al. [9] calculated the natural frequencies of concavely shaped hexagonal and octagonal plates with simply supported edges by using series-type solutions and later extended their work to L- shaped and I-shaped plates with clamped edges [10]. The authors proposed a sub-domain method for the free vibration analysis of a concave polygonal plate by superposing plane waves [11]. Cortinez [12] employed a subdomain method in the same manner as in the present work but dealt with only a nonhomogeneous rectangular membrane. It should be noted that the above methods [9-12] have the limitation that it is applicable only to special shapes. Recently, many researchers have studied new numerical methods for more accurate solutions of concave membranes and plates than the finite element method. For instance, Wu et al. [13] developed the local radial basis function-based quadrature method for the vibration analysis of arbitrarily shaped membranes and solved highly concave-shaped membranes without the use of any domain decomposition. Shu et al. [14] applied the two-dimensional least-square-based finite difference method for solving free vibration problems of arbitrarily shaped plates with simply supported and clamped edges. It should be noted that the above methods [13, 14] still have a limitation in accuracy owing to a large amount of numerical calculation. In this paper, a simple and practical approach, which is applicable to arbitrary shapes and offers a highly accurate solution, is proposed by extending the authors’ previous research [2, 7]. Note that the proposed method is occasionally ill-posed when too many nodes are used. On the other hand, the proposed method doesn’t consider the problem of spurious eigenvalues, which have been studied in many papers related to plate vibrations [15-24], because the spurious eigenvalues doesn’t appear in the NDIF method for fixed membranes. The authors also presented a simple scheme free from the spurious eigenvalues for free 2 vibration analysis of plates using the NDIF method [17, 18]. Young introduced the method of fundamental solutions (MFS) to avoid the spurious eigenvalues of plates by using the complex-valued kernels including the imaginary-part kernels [21]. Accordingly, this paper concentrates the practical technique for efficiently extracting eigenvalues by changing the final system matrix equation in the NDIF method into a form of the algebraic eigenvalue problem [7, 8]. Note that most of the previous papers [15-24] require the inefficient procedure for extracting eigenvalues because the determinant search method is used. 2. NON-DIMENSIONAL DYNAMIC INFLUNCE FUNCTION METHOD REVIEWED 2.1 Non-dimensional Dynamic Influence Function y infinite membrane Pi P3 P ri r P2 P1 rk x PN Pk PN 1 Figure 1 Infinite membrane with harmonic excitation points that are distributed along the fictitious contour (dotted line) with the same shape as the finite-sized membrane of interest. The Non-dimensional Dynamic Influence Function (NDIF) primarily satisfies the governing equation of the eigen-field of interest, and physically describes the displacement response of a point in an infinite domain due to a unit displacement excited at another point [1, 7]. In the case of an infinite membrane (see Figure 1), the NDIF between the excitation 3 point Pk and the response point P is given by the Bessel function of the first kind of order zero as follows [1]. NDIF = J 0 ( r rk ) , (1) in which represents a frequency parameter, r and rk denote the position vectors for Pk and P , respectively, and r rk denotes the distance between Pk and P . The NDIF satisfies the governing equation (Helmholtz equation), 2W (r ) 2W (r ) 0 , (2) where W (r ) is the transverse displacement of the finite-sized membrane depicted as the dotted line in Figure 1, / T / denotes the wavenumber in terms of the angular frequency , the uniform tension per unit length T , and the mass per unit area . Detailed illustrations on the NDIF are given in the authors’ previous paper [1]. 2.2 Non-dimensional Dynamic Influence Function Method (NDIF method) For free vibration analysis of an arbitrarily shaped membrane, of which the boundary is illustrated by the dotted line in Figure 1, N boundary points are first distributed at points P1 , P2 , , PN along the boundary depicted in an infinite membrane. Assuming that harmonic displacements of amplitudes A1 , A2 , , AN are, respectively, generated at points P1 , P2 , , PN , the total displacement response at the point P may be obtained by the sum of responses (the linear combination of NDIFs given in Eq. (1)) that have resulted from each boundary point: i.e., N W (r ) Ak J 0 ( r rk ) , (3) k 1 where Ak may be called a contribution coefficient. Eq. (3) is employed as an approximate solution for the eigen-field of the finite-sized membrane. Note that the approximate solution also satisfies the governing equation because the NDIF satisfies the governing equation. Next, the boundary condition given for the membrane is discretized at boundary points P1 , P2 , , PN as follows. W (ri ) U i , i 1, 2, , N , (4) where U i denotes a boundary displacement given in boundary point Pi . Then, applying the discrete boundary condition (Eq. (4)) to the approximate solution (Eq. (3)) gives 4 N W (ri ) Ak J 0 ( ri rk ) U i , i 1, 2, , N . (5) k 1 Finally, Eq. (5) may be written in a simple matrix form: SM ( ) A U , (6) where elements of the N N system matrix SM ( ) are given by SM ik J 0 ( ri rk ) , the contribution vector A represents the contribution strength of the NDIFs defined at each boundary point, and the displacement vector U represents the discrete boundary condition. In the case of the fixed boundary condition ( U 0 ), Eq. (6) leads to SM ( ) A 0 , (7) which is the system matrix equation of the membrane. Since the system matrix SM ( ) in Eq. (7) depends on the frequency parameter , the inefficient procedure of calculating the singularity of the system matrix in the frequency range of interest is required to obtain the eigenvalues of the membrane. In the following section, an improved theoretical formulation for the NDIF method is presented to make the system matrix independent of the frequency parameter. The improved formulation is applicable to not only convex membranes but also concave one unlike the authors’ previous method [7]. 3. IMPROVED FORMULATION 3.1 Assumed solution and boundary conditions P2(1) P3(1) P1(1) P1( 2 ) PN(11) Nc DI (1) N 11 P P3( 2 ) PN( 22) Nc c 1 P2( 2 ) PN(11) 2 PN( 22) 2 PN(11) 1 PN( 22) 1 PN(11) PN( 22) DII 2 PN( 22) 1 Figure 2 Concavely shaped membrane subdivided into two domains, D I and DII . 5 A concave membrane, illustrated as the solid line in Figure 2, is divided into the two domains, D I and DII , which have the common boundary c . The domain D I is surrounded by the fixed boundary 1 and the common boundary c . The domain DII is surrounded by the fixed boundary 2 and the common boundary c . If the NDIF method is first applied for D I , an approximate solution in D I is obtained by the linear combination of NDIFs defined at boundary points on 1 and c . As a result, the approximate solution may be, in the same manner as Eq. (3), WI (r ) N 1 Nc A k 1 (1) k J 0 ( r rk(1) ) , (8) where N1 and Nc denote the numbers of boundary points on 1 and c , respectively, Ak(1) denotes contribution coefficient for domain D I , and rk(1) denotes a position vector for the k -th boundary point for D I . The fixed boundary condition at boundary points P1(1) , P2(1) , , PN(11) on 1 may be expressed as WI (ri(1) ) 0 , i 1, 2,, N1 . (9) where ri(1) denotes the position vector for Pi (1) . Applying the boundary condition, Eq. (9), to the assumed solution, Eq. (8), gives N 1 Nc A k 1 (I ) k J 0 (Ri(,1k) ) 0 , i 1, 2, , N1 , (10) (1) (1) where Ri(,1k) ri(1) rk(1) denotes the distance between boundary points, Pi and Pk . In order to decouple from the Bessel function in Eq. (10), it is expanded in a Taylor series [25] having the number of terms of the series M as follows. M J 0 (R ) 2 j (j1) (i, k ) , (1) i ,k (11) j 0 where function (j1) (i, k ) is j(1) (i, k ) (1) j ( Ri(,1k) / 2) 2 j [( j 1)]2 . (12) Substituting Eq. (11) into Eq. (10) yields N 1 Nc k 1 M Ak(1) 2 j (j1) (i, k ) 0 , i 1, 2,, N1 , j 0 which is rearranged as follows. 6 (13) N 1 Nc M A 2j j 0 j(1) (i, k ) 0 , i 1, 2,, N1 . (1) k k 1 (14) In the same manner as Eq. (8), an approximate solution in DII is assumed as N 2 Nc A WII (r ) k 1 ( 2) k J 0 ( r rk( 2) ) , (15) where N 2 denotes the number of boundary points on 2 in Figure 2, Ak( 2 ) denotes contribution coefficient for domain DII , and rk( 2 ) denotes a position vector for the k -th boundary point for DII . If the fixed boundary condition at boundary points P1( 2) , P2( 2) , , PN( 22) on 2 , WII (ri( 2 ) ) 0 , i 1, 2, , N 2 , (16) is applied to Eq. (15), one can obtain N 2 Nc A ( 2) k k 1 J 0 (Ri(,2k) ) 0 , i 1, 2, , N 2 , (17) ( 2) ( 2) and Pk . where Ri(,2k) ri( 2) rk( 2) denotes the distance between boundary points, Pi Expanding the Bessel function in Eq. (17) in a Taylor series and rearranging yield M 2 j N 2 Nc j 0 A k 1 ( 2) k (j 2) (i, k ) 0 , i 1, 2,, N 2 , (18) where function (j 2) (i, k ) is (i, k ) ( 2) j (1) j ( Ri(,2k) / 2) 2 j [( j 1)]2 . (19) Next, continuity conditions in displacement and slope are considered on the common (1) (1) boundary c . Displacements at boundary points PN11 , PN12 , , PN(11) Nc on c may be obtained by Eq. (8) as follows. WI (r (1) N 1 i ) N 1 Nc A k 1 (1) k J 0 ( rN(11)i rk(1) ) , i 1, 2,, Nc . (20) ( 2) ( 2) Displacements at boundary points PN 21 , PN 2 2 , , PN(22) Nc on c may be obtained by Eq. (15) as follows. WII (rN( 22)i ) N 2 Nc A k 1 ( 2) k J 0 ( rN( 22)i rk( 2) ) , i 1, 2,, Nc . (21) (1) (1) Since displacements at PN11 , PN12 , , PN(11) Nc are, respectively, the same as 7 ( 2) ( 2) displacements at PN 21 , PN 2 2 , , PN(22) Nc , one can obtain, by using Eqs. (20, 21), N 1 Nc A (1) k k 1 J 0 ( r (1) N 1 i r (1) k ) N 2 Nc A ( 2) k k 1 J 0 ( rN( 22)i rk( 2) ) , i 1, 2,, Nc . (22) Expanding the two Bessel functions in Eq. (22) in a Taylor series and rearranging yield M 2 j N 1 Nc M Ak(1) (j1) ( N1 i, k ) 2 j j 0 k 1 j 0 N 2 Nc A k 1 ( 2) k (j 2 ) ( N 2 i, k ) , i 1, 2,, Nc . (23) (1) (1) Since slopes at boundary points PN11 , PN12 , , PN(11) Nc are, respectively, the same as ( 2) ( 2) slopes at boundary points PN 21 , PN 2 2 , , PN( 22) Nc , one can obtain, by differentiating Eq. (22), N 2 Nc (1) (1) J ( r r ) Ak( 2) ( 2) J 0 ( rN( 22)i rk( 2 ) ) , 0 N 1 i k (1) n N 1i n N 2i k 1 N 1 Nc k 1 Ak(1) (24) i 1, 2,, Nc , (1) ( 2) (1) ( 2) where nN1i and nN 2i denote the normal directions from points PN1i and PN 2i on c , respectively. Eq. (24) is rewritten as N 1 Nc A k 1 (1) k J 1 (R (1) N 1 i , k ) R N(11)i ,k n N(11) i N 2 Nc A k 1 ( 2) k J 1 (R ( 2) N 2i ,k ) R N( 22)i ,k n N( 22) i , (25) i 1, 2,, Nc . The Bessel functions in Eq. (25) are expanded in a Taylor series as follow. J 1 ( R M (a) Na i , k ) j 0 (a) 1 2 j (1) j ( R Na i , k / 2) ( j 1)( j 2) , (26) where a 1 or 2 . Substituting Eq. (26) into Eq. (25) leads to N 1 Nc M A 2j j 0 k 1 M (j1) ( N1 i, k ) 2 j (1) k N 2 Nc j 0 A k 1 (j 2 ) ( N 2 i, k ) , ( 2) k (27) i 1, 2,, Nc , where (j1) ( N1 i, k ) and (j 2 ) ( N 2 i, k ) are given by (j a ) ( Na i, k ) (a) 1 2 j (a) R Na (1) j ( R Na i , k / 2) i ,k ( j 1)( j 2) (a) n Na i . (28) 3.2 System matrix equation and eigenvalues Eqs. (14, 18, 23, 27) may be expressed in simple matrix equations, respectively: (Φ (01) Φ1(1) 2 Φ (21) M Φ (M1) ) A (1) 0 , 8 (29) (Φ (02 ) Φ1( 2 ) 2 Φ (22) M Φ (M2 ) ) A ( 2) 0 , (30) ˆ (1) Φ ˆ (1) 2 Φ ˆ (1) M Φ ˆ (1) ) A (1) (Φ 0 1 2 M , ( 2) ( 2) 2 ˆ ( 2) ˆ ˆ ˆ ( 2) ) A ( 2) (Φ 0 Φ1 Φ 2 M Φ M (31) (Ψ (01) Ψ 1(1) 2 Ψ (21) M Ψ (M1) ) A (1) . (Ψ (02 ) Ψ 1( 2) 2 Ψ (22 ) M Ψ (M2 ) ) A ( 2) (32) ˆ (1) , In Eqs. (29-32), the i -th row and k -th column element of matrices Φ (j1) , Φ (j2 ) , Φ j ˆ ( 2) , Ψ (1) , and Ψ ( 2 ) are given by (1) (i, k ) , ( 2) (i, k ) , (1) ( N1 i, k ) , ( 2) ( N 2 i, k ) , Φ j j j j j j j (j1) ( N1 i, k ) and (j 2 ) ( N 2 i, k ) , respectively. Eqs. (29-32) may be merged in a single matrix equation as follows. A (1) ( Q 0 Q1 Q 2 Q M ) ( 2) 0 , A (33) Φ (j1) 0 Φ (j2 ) 0 Q j ˆ (1) ˆ ( 2) . Φ j Φ j (1) ( 2) Ψ j Ψ j (34) M 2 where matrix Q j is Note that Eq. (33) is called the higher order polynomial eigenvalue problem [26]. Eq. (33) may be changed into a linear matrix equation as follows. SML B SMR B , (35) where the system metrics SML and SMR are given, using the diagonal matrix I , by 0 0 SM L Q 0 I 0 0 I Q1 Q2 I 0 0 , SM R 0 I 0 Q M 1 0 0 I 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 Q M 0 0 (36, 37) and the vector B is given by where A A (1) A ( 2 ) . B A A 2 A M 1 A. (38) Finally, multiplying Eq. (35) by the inverse matrix of SMR yields SM R1 SM L B B , which may be expressed as the algebraic eigenvalue problem 9 (39) SM B B , (40) SM SM R1 SM L . (41) where the system matrix is given by Note that the system matrix SM in Eq. (40) is independent of the frequency parameter . As the result, the eigenvalues of the membrane of interest can simply be extracted from Eq. (40) without the inefficient procedure required in the original NDIF method [2]. 4. CASE STUDIES The validity of the proposed method is shown through numerical tests of circular, rectangular, and highly concave membranes. For each case, the eigenvalues obtained by the proposed method are compared with those computed by the exact solution and FEM (ANSYS). 4.1 Circular membrane The proposed method is first applied to a circular membrane of unit radius where the exact solution [27] is known. As shown in Figure 3, the membrane is intentionally divided into two domains D I and DII for the proposed method. The boundary of each domain is discretized with 12 boundary point and as the result 24 boundary points are used for the membrane. (1) ( 2) P2(1) P1 P1 P5(1) DI P12(1) P12( 2 ) P11(1) P11( 2 ) P10(1) P10( 2 ) P2( 2) DII P5( 2 ) ( 2) P8(1) P (1) P ( 2 ) P8 9 9 Figure 3 Circular membrane divided two domains using 24 boundary points. 10 Table 1 Eigenvalues of the circular membrane obtained by the proposed method, the exact method, and FEM (parenthesized values denote errors (%) with respect to the exact method). Proposed method (24 points) FEM (ANSYS) M 12 M 16 Exact 3668 M 20 method [27] nodes 2378 nodes 1024 nodes 1 2.405 (0.00) 2.405 (0.00) 2.405 (0.00) 2.405 2.405 (0.00) 2.406 (0.05) 2.417 (0.50) 2 3.832 (0.00) 3.832 (0.00) 3.832 (0.00) 3.832 3.833 (0.04) 3.835 (0.07) 3.851 (0.50) 3 None 5.135 (0.02) 5.136 (0.00) 5.136 5.139 (0.05) 5.141 (0.10) 5.174 (0.74) 4 None 5.520 (0.00) 5.520 (0.00) 5.520 5.528 (0.14) 5.535 (0.27) 5.552 (0.58) 5 None 6.390 (0.16) 6.380 (0.00) 6.380 6.386 (0.10) 6.390 (0.16) 6.461 (1.27) 6 None None 7.016 (0.00) 7.016 7.029 (0.19) 7.040 (0.35) 7.059 (0.61) No. Eigenvalues obtained by the proposed method using M 12 , M 16 , and M 20 are presented in Table 1, which also shows the eigenvalues given by the exact method [27] and FEM (ANSYS). In Table 1, it may be said that the eigenvalues by the proposed method in the case of M 20 converge accurately to those by the exact method. Furthermore, it should be noted in Table 1 that the proposed method using only 24 boundary points yields more accurate eigenvalues than FEM (ANSYS) using 3668 nodes. In addition, the i th natural frequency f i of the membrane can be calculated from i 2 f i / T where i is the i th eigenvalue in Table 1, is the mass per unit area, and T is the uniform tension per unit length. On the other hand, the accuracy of an eigenvalue obtained by the proposed method can be verified by plotting its mode shape, which is omitted in the paper. If the plotted mode shape doesn’t satisfy exactly the given boundary condition (the fixed boundary condition), it may be said that the eigenvalue isn’t accurate and larger number of nodes and series functions are required to improve its accuracy. 11 P1(1) P1(2) P2(1) P7(1) DI P16(1) P16(2) P15(1) P15(2) P14(1) P14(2) P12(1) ( 2) P13(1) P13 P2(2) DII P7(2) P12(2) Figure 4 Rectangular membrane divided two domains using 32 boundary points. 4.2 Rectangular membrane As shown in Figure 4, a rectangular membrane with dimensions 1.2m 0.9m is divided into two domains of the boundaries are discretized with 16 points, respectively. In Table 2, Table 2 Eigenvalues of the rectangular membrane obtained by the proposed method, the exact method, and FEM (parenthesized values denote errors (%) with respect to the exact method). Proposed method (32 points) FEM (ANSYS) M 12 M 16 Exact 2806 M 20 method [27] nodes 1813 nodes 1089 nodes 1 4.363 (0.00) 4.363 (0.00) 4.363 (0.00) 4.363 4.364 (0.03) 4.364 (0.03) 4.365 (0.05) 2 6.293 (0.00) 6.293 (0.00) 6.293 (0.00) 6.293 6.295 (0.03) 6.296 (0.06) 6.301 (0.13) 3 7.458 (0.03) 7.456 (0.00) 7.456 (0.00) 7.456 7.461 (0.07) 7.464 (0.11) 7.467 (0.15) 4 None 8.595 (0.00) 8.595 (0.00) 8.595 8.602 (0.08) 8.606 (0.13) 8.621 (0.30) 5 None 8.727 (0.00) 8.727 (0.00) 8.727 8.732 (0.06) 8.736 (0.10) 8.741 (0.16) 6 None 10.51 (0.00) 10.51 (0.00) 10.51 10.518 (0.07) 10.523 (0.13) 10.54 (0.29) No. 12 eigenvalues obtained by the proposed method for M 12 , M 16 , and M 20 are compared with eigenvalues obtained by the exact method [27] and FEM (ANSYS). In Table 2, it may be observed that only the first three eigenvalues are obtained for M 12 but the first six eigenvalues are successfully obtained when M increases (for M 16 and M 20 ) and fully converge to eigenvalues given by the exact method. 0.2 m P6(1) P6( 2 ) P2( 2 ) P2(1) DI P10(1) P1(1) P1( 2 ) P16(1) P16( 2 ) (1) 15 ( 2) 15 P P13(1) 0.45 m DII P10( 2 ) P P14(1) P14( 2 ) P13( 2 ) Figure 5 Highly concave membrane divided two domains using 32 boundary points. 4.3 Highly concave membrane Figure 5 shows a 1.2m 0.9m rectangular membrane with a V-shaped notch. The membrane is divided into two domains to apply the proposed method. Each domain is discretized with 16 boundary points as shown in Figure 5. Eigenvalues obtained by the proposed method and FEM (ANSYS) are summarized in Table 3 where it is shown that eigenvalues by the proposed method fully converge for M 16 . Since the current membrane has no exact solution, eigenvalues by the proposed method are compared with those by FEM. It may be observed in Table 3 that the five eigenvalues except the first eigenvalue by the proposed method has very small differences within 0.81% with respect to FEM using 1701 nodes. Interestingly, it is noticed that the first eigenvalues by the proposed method and FEM have relatively large difference. The reason why this difference happens will be revealed in a future study. 13 Table 3 Eigenvalues of the highly concave membrane obtained by the proposed method and FEM (parenthesized values denote differences (%) with respect to FEM). Proposed method (32 points) No. 1701 nodes 5.71 FEM (ANSYS) 976 451 nodes nodes 5.72 5.74 M 12 M 16 M 20 1 5.89 (3.15) 5.89 (3.15) 5.89 (3.15) 2 6.41 (0.16) 6.41 (0.16) 6.41 (0.16) 6.42 6.43 6.44 3 8.19 (0.24) 8.19 (0.24) 8.19 (0.24) 8.17 8.18 8.21 4 None 8.88 (0.23) 8.88 (0.23) 8.89 8.90 8.92 5 None 9.95 (0.81) 9.95 (0.81) 9.87 9.89 9.94 6 None 11.23 (0.71) 11.23 (0.71) 11.31 11.34 11.43 5. CONCLUSION A practical, improved NDIF method for the free vibration analysis of concave membranes with arbitrary shapes was proposed in the paper. It was revealed that the proposed method yields much more accurate eigenvalues, which converge to exact values for membranes having exact solutions, than FEM using a large number of nodes. On the other hand, the proposed method cannot be directly applied to a multiply connected membrane because it divides the region of the membrane of interest into only two regions. In order to overcome this weak point, an extended way of dividing the region of the membrane into more than two regions will be developed in future research. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This research was financially supported by Hansung University. REFERENCES [1] S. W. Kang, J. M. Lee, and Y. J. Kang 1999 Journal of Sound and Vibration 221, 117-132. 14 Vibration analysis of arbitrarily shaped membranes using non-dimensional dynamic influence function. [2] S. W. Kang and J. M. 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