Oct 3, 1933. ' l ,929,1 12 A. E. HANSEN ' ELEvAToR FÓR TRUCKS ,Filed Nov. 24. 1931 - 3 sheè'ts-sneet 1 -` Nm w w» \ nä Il . n i ä . n n . à '_ 3mm i ê‘ìw Jïrl‘hz'lrEHamen' fA ¿M Ä. _ oct. 3, 1933. A. E. HANSEN ELEVATOR FOR TRUCKS Filed NOV. 24. 1931 5 7' ‘ 55' lf2 3 90A ‘l yL__90 ì V’ 'î 5 (22 Y ? I n n* l* 22 \ l âme/nto@ .Hr?hUrLHanœn A 4 @wf/„Wal y ~ 1,929,112 Patented Oct. 3,- 1933' Í UNITED lSTATES PATENT OFFICE 1,929,112 ELEVATOR FOR TRUCKS Arthur E. Hansen, Seattle, Wash., ‘as'signor to Young Iron'Works, Seattle, Wash., a corpora tion of Washington Application November 24, 1931 ` Serial No. 577,042 12 claims. wi.' 214-17) ' My invention relates in general to trucks, and used for other purposes-_for instance, as a dumpA more part‘cularly to a device for elevating heavy truck. - It is a further object to provide an elevating truck,---that is, the bottom of the truck body-to platform for use in such a connection, the eiïec tive area of which may be increased at will. 5 that level. packages from a level ~ below the bed of the With present-day trucks, largely equipped with _ The above stated objects are not exclusive of pneumatic tires in order that they may travel at others, and such other objects may be ascertained good speed, it becomes necessary to place the body as this specification progresses, and from a study . of the truck well above the ground. It is diffi of the drawings. My invention comprises the novel parts and the 05 cult for workmen to raise heavy packages-for instance, large barrels of ilour, bales of cotton, novel combination and arrangement thereof, as or shipping cases-_upon such trucks, and consid shown in the accompanying drawings, described erable time and effort is required in accomplish in the speciñcation, and as will be more particu ing that end. Workmen object to using such larly pointed out by the claims which terminate ` ' ‘ 70 15 trucks, with the result that other equipment is the same. In the accompanying drawings I have Shown l used if available, with consequent~ loss of eili ciency, time, and investment. - my invention embodied in forms which are now - It is an object of my invention to provide a preferred by me. device, preferably built into the truck or sup Figure 1 is a side elevation of the rear end 20 ported upon its chassis or beneath the body, by of a truck, illustrating my elevating device ass-o 75 means of which such loads may be lifted, pref ciated therewith. Figure 2 is a rear view of the truck and elevat erably by power means, from any lower level for instance, the ground level-to a level' with the ing device, showing the elevator platform up bottom of the truck body, so that the boxes need raised in the position of an end gate. Figure 3 is a view similar .to Figure 2, showing 80 25 only be rolled or trucked upon the elevating plat- _ form, to be elevated in place upon the platform to the elevator platform in its lowered position. Figure 4 is a- longitudinal vertical section a level with the truck body, and then rolled or hand- trucked into position on the truck body. through the elevator platform, shown with the By 'such means a single workman may load a extension platform extended, the view being sub 30 large number of heavy packages in a short space stantially along the lineA 4-4-oi Figure 5, and 85 of time. As a result of a test, a single workman Figure 5 is a transverse vertical section substan loaded sixteen barrels of oil, each weighing 675 tially on the line 5-5 of Figure 4. Figure 6 is a side elevation of the control handle, pounds, in twenty minutes,'a total considerably and the indicating means associated therewith. Figure '7 is a longitudinal vertical section plish the result indicated by means of simple ap- I through the rear end of a truck, illustrating a paratus, preferably one which is adapted to the slightly modified form of my invention, and Fig employment of a hydraulic power or hoist unit, ure 8 is a rear end view of the same, correspond whereby the same may be easily and suitably ing substantially to Figure 3. 40 controlled at all stages oi' the operation,- and may The invention is capable of employment in 95 automatically be stopped at the two extreme po connection with various types of trucks, and I sitions by means now commonly available. have illustrated a conventional truck chassis 9 It is a further object so to design the elevating supported upon and driven by the rear wheels mechanism that there will be no undue peak oi.' 90, and carrying a body 91 supported upon cross 10o 45 stress during the elevating operation, no passing 92. Such a body may have the sides 93, through a dead center, and whereby there will holstersy 'be no tendency for parts to sag and to drop the the end being preferably left open. in excess of five tons. ' It is a further object of my invention to accom load. - Supported beneath the body 9l-for instance, It is a further object to devise an elevating upon brackets 20~bolted or riveted to the real'> 50 platform for use in such a connection which is end of the chassis 9-is a lifting arm or arms 2. 105 , so constructed and mounted that it may- also be The number employed is largely immaterial, employed as an end gate for the truck body; an though in order to balance the stresses it is pref associated object is to devise mechanism capable erable that two be employed, one at each side. -oi’ use as an elevator andas an end gate, with However, since the two sides are identical, a de 55 out detracting from the ability of the truck to be scription of one side alone will sumce. Simi- lli) 2-. Í . 1,929,112 larly, each arm may be furcated, as illustrated, to lower it, or to hold it immovable in any given to distribute the lifting stresses. l position. This control handle may be located in >At its forward end this lifting arm is pivotally a convenient position .on the truck body, for supported, being secured, for instance, upon thev instance, adjacent its rear end, where the oper transverse shaft 21. The rear ends of these arms ator can watch the load as it is being elevated. 80 2 are pivotally connected, for example, through - In -order to avoid overtaxing the springs and the medium of the transverse pin 22, to a plat to relieve any detrimental strain on the chassis form member 1. I prefer, for reasons that will during the operation of the elevator, when heavy appear hereafter, that the connection be not a loads are concentrated at its rear end, it may be 10 direct one, but rather that the platform 1 be desirable to employ a leg 7 which may be pivot 85 pivotally supported upon the cross rod 22, which ally supported from the chassis to swing down rod is supported by the swinging end of the into a position where it will nearly or quite con ‘ tact with the ground, thereby to support a por Preferably there is also pivotally supported tion of the load, and which may be swung up 15 upon the cross rod 22 an upright bar 3. The plat ward and held, for instance, in clips '11, when the 90 form 1, distant from the pivot 22, may be braced truck is travelling. and supported from the upper end of the up It may be desirable to load large bulky packages right bar 3 in any suitable manner, for instance, which require more area than is available in the by the limit chain 31. _ ' height of the average end gate, and the platform In order to maintain this bar- 3 upright, and 1 therefore may have associated with it an ex 20 _to guide the bar 3 and the platform -1 for move tension platform 10, which is slidably mounted ment through positions always parallel to any to be extended laterally. Downwardly turned arm 2. given initial position, I employ an arm 4 which flanges on the extension platform 10 may rest is pivoted at 4l immediately above the shaft 21 upon ledges 12 at the sides of the elevating plat and at 42 upon the bar 3. _ The spacing between the axes at 21 and 41 is substantially the same as the spacing between the axes 22 and 42,»where by the arms 2 and 4 constitute in effect a pair „ of parallel links. The pivot at 41 may be upon so a transverse member 44 which is supported from the chassis 9'. The pivot 22 may occupy a position substan tially at the end of the truck body, so that the platform 1 may swing as an ordinary tail gate. 35 The chain 31 limits its downward swinging to a form 1. A stiifening member 13 forms an in ward stop for the extension platform l0, and brackets 14, engageable by a downwardly turned 100 flange l5 upon the extension platform serve as outward limiting stops. The ribs 11, incidental ly, serve to stiifen not only the extension platform 105 10 but the elevating platform 1. Either the ele vating platform 1, if the extension platform is not used, or the latter, may be provided with an inclined apron 16 facilitating the wheeling of hand trucks or dollies thereupon. 110 horizontal position, and permits it to'swing up Figures 7 and 8'illustrate a modified form, one ward into a substantially vertical position, where adapted for light work and for hand operation. it will be suitably secured in a manner common The circular segmental member 5' herein takes l - A in connection with tail gates. ' Provision may be the form of a gear, and meshing therewith is a 40 made, if desired, for letting go the chain 31 gear pinion 51’ operable by a crank handle 53'. 115 altogether, so that the end gate may swing com pletely down. A dog 56’ engageable with a ratchet wheel 57’ serves to hold the elevating mechanism at any The Ámanner of swinging the lifting arm 2 and desired point. Any suitable brake mechanism its parallel link, thel arm 4, is largely immaterial. (not shown) may be used to retard downward However, it makes for simplification to employ movement of the platform. a circular segmental member 5 which may' be In this form the circular segmental member 5' made up of two plates spaced by suitable spread is- formed integral with the lifting arm 2', and ers and bolts, illustrated at 50, whereby there is the construction is thereby simpliñed. The ex formed a substantially circular segmental groove tension platform 10’ is rudimentary only, since it 50 to receive a ñexible member such as the chain will not ordinarily be desirable to carry large 125 or cable 51. The member 5 is secured upon the >shaft 21, and will be shaped to avoid contact with parts of the chassis and like members. The ist cable 51 is connected to the piston rod 52'of a hydraulic power unit, generallyindicated at 53. This is mounted upon the chassis or be neath the body, forV instance, by the pivotal mounting at 54 (see Figure 1), and there is nor mally incorporated in such a unit a pump 55 controlled by a valve 56. Suitable power means 75 and bulky loads on light equipment such as is illustrated in connection with this form. ' ' It is believed that the operation of the device is obvious. The platform l may be dropped to any desired position, for instance, to the ground 13") level, and while in this position may have placed upon it the load which is to be elevated to the truck body 91. Now the power mechanism is brought into play, causing the lifting arm 2 to rise, and it will be observed that it rises sub 135 stantially from a point where the rod 22 is 38° below the shaft 21 to a point where it is 38° above it. Such angles, it will be understood, are illus trative only. .The parallel link 4 maintains the bar 3 upright and the platform 1, braced there 140 to drive the pump 55', from the truck’s motor, are indicated generally lat 57. In order to control the position of the valve 56, and thereby thedirection of movement of the piston rod 42, the valve lever 58 maybe con nected to a suitable control lever 6 carried upon from, horizontal, and because the pivots of these the shaft 60, upon which shaft is secured a lever parallel links are disposed one above the other, 61 connected by a link 62 to the valve lever 58. the four pivots never come into alignment, and Movement of the control lever 6 over` a quadrant consequently there is no position where the load 63 (see Figure 6) gives corresponding movement passes dead center, nor increases considerably 14o to the valve lever 58, and the quadrant may be with respect to other. positions. When the load marked as is indicated at Figure 6 with suitable has reached the level of the truck body, the plat indications to designate positions in which the form 1 abuts the rear end of the truck, and the pump will cause movement of the power mecha load may be pushed, rolled, or wheeled off the nism in a direction to elevate the platform 1, platform and onto the truck body. 150 3. 1,929,119 If at any time the operator desires to hold the platform 1 at a position it has attained, whether the lowered position, the upper position, or any intermediate position, he may accomplish this by suitably positioning the control handle 6, as has been explained. By suitable arrangement of the power hook-up and the automatic stop or by pass usually incorporated in hoist pumps, the platform will be made to stop automatically in 10 the two extreme positions. When the load is finally in place, the plat form 1 being in its upper position, may be moved to its upraised position, where it stands verti cally, and being secured in this position it acts said links'and to raise the platform from a hori zontal position, below the pivots beneath the body, through parallel positions to an upper posi tion above such pivots, and substantially level 15 as a tail gate to prevent loss of the load. a point spaced above said shaft, and pìvotally connected by its other end to said platform ata point spaced above the pivot connection thereto Inci with the body. Í 5. In combination with a truck body, an ele vator platform, a lifting arm pivotally connected by one ,end to said platform, a transverse rock shaft to which the other end of said' arm is se cured, a circular segmental member likewise secured to said shaft, means to apply a force act ing tangentially lto said segmental member to rock said shaft, thereby to lift said platform, and a second arm pìvotally supported by one end at dentally, being thus upraised, there is no possi bility of the extension platform 10 being ex tended, and the apron 16, if provided .on the of the flrst arm a distance equal to the spacing of extension platform, may be sufficiently with their opposite ends. . 20 drawn that it will not be subject to damage. 6. In combination with a truck body- and wheels 95 If theuoperator wishes to drop the tailgate out supporting the same a given distance above the ` of the way he lets go the chains 31, and accom ground level, and overhanging the wheels, an ele plishes his end without disturbing the power vator platform, two parallel links, each having. onev end pìvotally mounted at points spaced one What I claim as my invention is: above the other, and beneath the body, the other l. In combination with a truck body, an end of said parallel links being connected to the mechanism. 25 elevator platform, an upright bar to the lower end of which said platform is pìvotally connected, and means extending between the bar and plat 30 form to limit the latter’s downward swing to sub stantially a horizontal position, two parallel links of equal length each having one end pìvotally mounted at points beneath the' body, spaced one above the other, the other end of said links be 35 ing pìvotally connected with the upright bar at points spaced substantially the same as the spacing of the first points, and likewise disposed elevator platform at points likewise spaced one above the other for movement of the platform, said pivots being so located, with respect to the ground level and body level, -that the platform is guided for movement from a position at ground 105 level and outwardly of the body’s overhang, up-` wardly through horizontal positions always `outward of the body’s overhang, to the body level, in prolongation of the body. _ 110 7. In combination with a truck body and wheels supporting the same a given distance one above the other, and means to swing said above the ground level, and overhanging the parallel links to raise the bar and platform, the wheels, an elevator platform, a lifting arm piv 40 latter through horizontal positions, from the 45 50 (30l 75 y otally supported beneath the body and at a level 115 ground level to the level of and abutting the midway between ground level and the body level, end of the body. . a parallel link pìvotally supported at a point 2. In combination with a truck body, an ele vator platform, an upright bar to the lower end spaced above the pivot of thelifting arm, the of which said platform is pìvotally connected, swinging ends of said arm and said link being piv collapsible brace means connecting the upper end otally_ connected to the elevator platform at 120 of the bar and the platform outwardly of such points likewise spaced one above the> other, and not lower than the plane of the platform itself, pivot to limit the downward movement of the and means to raise the platform through a path platform, whereby the platform may swing rela tive to the bar between horizontal and vertical prescribed by the lifting arm and link, from a positions, two parallel links each pìvotally sup position at ground level and outside the overhang 125 ported at one end at points spaced beneath the of the body, through horizontal positions to .the _ body, and each pìvotally connected at its other body level, in prolongation of the body. 8. In combination with a truck body, two equal end to said bar at spaced points,l thereby to re strain the bar for movement through positions parallel links pivoted each by one end therebe always parallel to an initial position, and means neath at points spaced one above the other and 130 exte?dingrearwardly, one of said links having to elevate said bar. 3. In combination with a truck body, an up~ an arm projectingforwardly of its pivot, an ele right bar, parallel links pìvotally connected re vator platform, the rear ends of the parallel links spectively to points spaced along said bar and to being pivoted to said platform at points spaced similarly spaced points beneath the body, an one above another, the lower point being substan 135 elevator platform swingably supported from said tially in the plane of the platform, and means dis bar along an axis coinciding with the connection posed beneath the truck body to apply a force to thereto of one of said links, means extending the said forwardly projecting arm to swing Isaid between the bar and platform to limit the latter’s links, thereby to- raise the platform from a hori downward swing _to a substantially horizontal zontal position, substantially at ground level, 140 position, and means to raise said platform from a through parallel positions to an upper position, substantially level with the body. lowered position to the body level. 9. In combination with a truck body, two equal 4. In combination with a truck body, two equal parallel links pivoted each by one end therebe parallel links pivoted each by one end therebe neath at points spaced one above the other and neath at points spaced one above the other and 145 extending rearwardly, an elevator platform to extending rearwardly, an elevator platform, which the rear ends of the parallel links are piv means extending wholly above the level of the oted at spaced points one of which is disposed platform to support the same, the rear ends of above the platform, and means to apply a force said parallel links being pivoted to the platform to the forward end of a'link, thereby to swing supporting >means at points spaced one above 150 1,929,112 another, and means to swing said links, thereby to stantially midway between the ground level and raise the platform from a horizontal position, the body level, and plvotally connected by its substantially at ground level, through parallel other end- to the platform, means to swing said positions to an upper position substantially level with the body, the pivot points of the parallel links beneath the body being so located, with re spect to the ground and body levels, that in move ment between such levels the forward edge of the arm to raise the platform to an upraised position at the body level, and a link pivoted above the lifting arm at the platform, and likewise plvotally supported above the first-mentioned pivot of the lifting arm, to maintain the platform substan platform is never forward of the rear end of the tially level throughout its raising. 10 body. 12. In combination with a truck body, an ele 10. In combination with a truck body and vator platform having associated with it a sup-v 85 wheels, two parallel links each having one end porting member extending upward at its forward plvotally mounted at points beneath the body edge,> a lifting arm pivotally supported beneath -spaced one above the other, and one having an the truck substantially midway between the level 15 arm extending forward of such pivot, an elevator of the body and the normal ground level, and 90 platform to which the >other ends of said parallel engaged with saidrplatforg/i, a link pivoted be links are plvotally connected at points likewise spaced one above the other, and neither of which is lower than the general plane of the platform, 20 whereby the platform may rest upon the ground at the normal level whereon the wheels rest, and means disposedbeneath the truck body to apply a force to said forwardly extending arm to raise the platform through a path prescribed by said 25 neath the truck body and above the pivot of the lifting arm, and extending parallel to the lifting arm to engage said upwardly extending support ing member, at a point which is above the point 95 of engagement of the lifting arm, and at nearly the level of the pivot of the lifting arm when the platform is lowered to normal ground'ïlevel, and means to swing said lifting arm to move the platform from a lowered position through hori 100 11. In combination with a truck body, an ele zontal positions to an upper position, at body level vator platform, a lifting arm pivotally supported and in rearward prolongation thereof. by one end at a point b‘eneath the body and sub ARTHUR E. HANSEN. parallel links. ' . 105 35 il@ 115 E20 50 l25 5.5 130 60 135 65 i140 70 145 75 150
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