MNRC 2015 Poster Titles - Missouri Natural Resources Conference

MNRC 2015 Poster Titles
Title: Cover Crops for Soil Health, Livestock, and Wildlife
Authors: Todd R. Higgins, Ph.D. and James Caldwell, Ph.D.
Title: Germination rates of Callirhoe bushii and Lespedeza cuneata under future climate conditions in Missouri
Authors: Derick Asahl, Lyndsey Downing, Marietta Mears, Erin Skornia, Kirsten Stephan
Title: Seasonal Sex Ratio Variation of Gray Bats (Myotis grisecens) Near a Hibernaculum in Southwest Missouri
Authors: Dana Green, Lynn Robbins
Title: Fifteen years of landscape-scale prescribed fire: effects on ground flora in the Missouri Ozarks
Authors: Calvin J. Maginel, Benjamin O. Knapp, Rose-Marie Muzika, Elizabeth K. Olsen, Aaron Stevenson
Title: The Effects of Thinning and Prescribed Burning on Fuel Loads in the Missouri Ozarks
Authors: Grayson Bauer, Dr. Benjamin Knapp, Dr. John Kabrick, and Keith Grabner
Title: Deploying Tablets for Natural Resource Data Collection
Authors: Phillip H. Marley,, Craig Scroggins, and Joe Satwell
Title: Managing and Deploying Geocaches on MDC Areas
Authors: Phillip H. Marley
Title: Determining Habitat Change Using Object-Based Image Classification and Historic Aerial Photography
Authors: Kyle Peterson, Phillip H. Marley, and Vic Bogosian
Title: Cartographic Design and Workflow of the Wild Mammals of Missouri 3rd Revised Edition
Authors: Phillip H. Marley, Debby Fantz, and Dr. Vicki Jackson
Title: Trophic interactions and the efficacy of the milfoil weevil (Euhrychiopsis lecontei) as a biocontrol of Eurasian
water-milfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum)
Authors: Maxson, Kristopher A., Havel, John E., and Knight, Susan
Title: Utilizing A Multi-agency Cooperative to Implement Feral Swine Eradication in Missouri
Authors: Brad Jump and Alan Leary
Title: Outreach in Missouri’s Correctional Institutions: Fostering Natural Resource Appreciation Through the Introduction
of Municipal Solid Waste Management Programs
Authors: Hannah S. Rogers, and Scott P. Chenault
Title: What did that location actually cost?
Authors: Clinton Prenger, Phillip H. Marley and Jeff Beringer
Title: Sampling efficiency of visual .25 meter2 quadrat method for freshwater mussel density estimates in the Meramec
River Basin, Missouri
Authors: Schrum, Matthew C., and Amanda E. Rosenberger
Title: Distribution and prevalence of raccoon roundworm (Baylisascaris procyonis) in northwest Missouri: Preliminary
Authors: Mitch Bembrick, Baily Bryan, Adam Burkart, Cary D. Chevalier, Bridgette French-Harbison, Cody Phillips, and
Dan Roberton
Title: Home ranges of urban raccoons (Procyon lotor) in northwest Missouri during summer
Authors: Mitch Bembrick, Baily Bryan, Adam Burkart, Cary D. Chevalier, Bridgette French-Harbison, Erin Patton, Cody
Phillips, and Dan Roberton
Title: Studies on the microhabitat preference for the potential tick vectors of vertebrate pathogens in northwest
Authors: David Ashley, Corey Ricklefs, Joe Filley, Alek Ferbert
Title: Hydrilla: Treatment Options for Missouri Stands
Authors: Kara Tvedt, and Nathan Recktenwald
Title: Finding Hydrilla-Methods for Detecting a Silent Invader
Authors: Ashton Stamper, and Kara Tvedt
Title: Bottomland hardwood management: Determining the effectiveness of past silvacultural treatments implemented
to increase oak species regeneration
Authors: Rives, Robert, Benjamin O. Knapp, and Matthew G. Olson
Title: Composition and growth of forest regeneration following two silvicultural prescriptions in the Missouri Ozarks
Authors: Good, Guerric T., Knapp, Benjamin, O., Larsen, David R., Kabrick, John, M.
Title: Bat survey of Thousand Hills State Park, Kirksville Missouri, with emphasis on documenting the presence of the
Northern Long-eared Bat (Myotis septentrionalis)
Authors: Casey Zimmerman, Dr. Victoria Jackson
Title: Monitoring Oak-Hickory Forest Mortality with Biological Inventories in Central Missouri
Authors: Adam W. Halley, Jason A. Hubbart, Stephen G. Pallardy, and Lianhong Gu
Title: Does isoprene play a role in the marcescence of oaks in Missouri?
Authors: Csengele Barta, Sandra Pithcher, Derek Payne, Jasmine Stalker, Derek Hulett, Jesse Green, Charmaine Banez,
Dawn Drake
Title: Interactions among invasive species in Midwestern lakes: a mesocosm experiment
Authors: Adrienne Gremberling, and John Havel
Title: Peregrine Falcon Recovery Efforts in Missouri
Authors: Joe DeBold and Luke Miller
Title: Anthropogenic Influence on American Black Bear (Ursus americanus) Diet in Western Ozark Mountains in Eastern
Authors: Joe Conner, Victoria Jackson, Sue Fairbanks
Title: An overview of bird banding at the Bull Shoals Field Station
Authors: Kelsey Rumley, and Janice Schnake Greeene
Title: Assessing Environmental Drivers of Fish Community Structure
Authors: Ethan R. Kleekamp and Craig P. Paukert
Title: Applied Learning through professional internships: My summer internship with Missouri Ozark Forest Ecosystem
Project-Bird Crew as an example of learning incorporating academic and profession development
Authors: Steve Brown
Title: Blood serum chemistry and hematology in field-fresh mourning doves (Zenaida macroura) in northwest Missouri
during summer
Authors: Mitch Bembrick, Bailey Bryan, Adam Burkart, Cary D. Chevalier, Bridgette French-Harbison, Erin Patton, Cody
Phillips, and Dan Roberton
Title: Summer resting site selection by male raccoons (Procyon lotor) in an urban habitat in Northwest Missouri
Authors: Mitch Bembrick, Bailey Bryan, Adam Burkart, Cary D. Chevalier, Bridgette French-Harbison, Cody Phillips, and
Dan Roberton
Title: Radar Love: Using Radar to Discover new Gray Bat (Myotis grisecens) Locations in Southwest Missouri
Authors: Kevin Hedgpeth, Drew Albert, Cheyenne Gerdes, Rhonda L. Rimer
Title: Mowing as a Management Tool in Rehabilitating Giant Cane (Arundinaria gigantean)
Authors: Richard Nesslar, Margret Anderson, James Zaczek
Title: Riverbluff Cave: Evidence of Plant Life by Determination of Enzymes
Authors: Lancelot Nelson, Bei Chu, and Frieda Eivazi
Title: Life History of the Freckled Crayfish Cambarus maculatus in tow Missouri Streams
Authors: Westoff, Jacob, Robert DiStefano, Catlin Ames, and Amanda Rosenberger
Title: Correlation of eDNA and other molecular signals with the presence of Asian carp eggs and larvae: an early
detection tool
Authors: Cari-Ann Hayer, Duane Chapman, Catherine A. Richter, Amy George
Title: Effects of Seasonal Water Temperatures on Catch Rates and Habitat Selectivity of Pallid Sturgeon
Authors: Adam McDaniel, Darby Niswonger, and Kyle Winders
Title: Assessing National Recruitment Constraints on Asian Carp in River Reaches of Varying Abundance Gradients:
Guidelines for Control
Authors: Cari-Ann Hayer, Duane C. Chapman, and Curt G. Byrd
Title: Kansas City’s Zebra Mussel Containment Program for Private Lakes
Authors: Jake Allman, and Kaila Schmidt
Title: Electronic Data Collection for Fisheries Surveys
Authors: Jake Allman
Title: Seasonal circadian rhythm shift and lunar chronobiology of the nine-banded armadillo (Dasyous novemcinctus)
Authors: Eric Green, Dana M. Green, and Dr. Lynn Robbins
Title: Residential education: impacts on long-term knowledge, attitudes, and environmental behavior
Authors: Catherine Combs and Janice Greene
Title: Nesting Success and Parental Behavior of the Prothonotary Warbler (Protonotaria citrea) in SOunthwestern
Authors: Kathryn Silverly, and Janice Greene
Title: Effects of Tall Grass Prairie Restoration on Bird Community Composition
Authors: Jordon A. Piercefield, Adrian E. Andrei, and Erin Skornia
Title: Applied Learning through professional internships: My summer internship at Ha Ha Tonka State Park as an
example of learning incorporating academic and professional development
Authors: Virginia Williams
Title: Investigating Soil Carbon, Nitrogen and Respiration across an Urban to Forested Gradient in Mid-Missouri
Authors: Beaven, Katlin R., Jason A. Hubbart, and Kirsten Stephan
Title: A Stream Physical Habitat Assessment in an Urbanizing Watershed of the Central U.S.A.
Authors: Lynne Hooper, Jason A Hubbart
Title: Spring Emergence and Breeding Trends of the Western Massasauga Rattlesnake (Sistrus catenatus tergeminus) at
Squaw Creek National Wildlife Refuge, Missouri
Authors: Jordon Meyer, Darrin Welchert
Title: Research in Progress: Habitat Selection by State Endangered Blanding’s Turtle (Emydoidea blandingii) in Squaw
Creek National Wildlife Refuge
Authors: Jordon Meyer, Darrin Welchert, Dr. Mark Mills, Adam Shore
Title: Using habitat, climate, and competitive interactions to predict co-occurring smallmouth bass and largemouth bass
in the Ozark National Scenic Riverways
Authors: Jacob M. Schwoerer, Hope R. Dodd, and Craig P. Paulert
Title: Improving Mechanistic Understanding of the Role of Woody Roots in Erosion Prevention and Stream Bank
Authors: Michael L. Hogan, and Jason A. Hubbart
Title: A Bryophyte Survey of Orchid Valley Natural Area Finds Five New Species for Missouri
Authors: Holmberg, Nels J., and John J. Atwood
Title: Differences in accuracy of external shell aging techniques for sculptured vs. non-sculptured freshwater mussels
Authors: Andrew R. Glen, Leslie K. Crawford, Matthew C. Schrum, and Amanda Rosenberger
Title: Assessment of Available Missouri Ecological Flow Data
Authors: Tracy-Smith, Emily, Blanchard Paul, Combes Matt, Lobb Del, Paukert, Craig, Persinger, Jason
Title: Habitat Use by the Southern Flying Squirrel (Glaucomys Volans) in Bluff Forests of Southwestern Illinois
Authors: Dunham, Loren N., Richard L. Essner Jr., and Peter R. Minchin
Title: Preliminary results of acoustical bat monitoring on Squaw Creek National Wildlife Refuge, Northwestern Missouri
Authors: Darrin M. Welchert, Jordon Meyer, and Catherine Gaume
Title: Comparison of Catch-rates and Age-composition of Juvenile Sturgeon within three Side Channels and the
Mainstem of the Lower Missouri River
Authors: Ames, Catlin, Larry McGallagher, and Ashley White
Title: Cover Crop Planting Date Study: Bradford Research Center Efforts To compare Agronomic Traits and Wildlife
Authors: Meg Volt, Tim Reinbolt, Ray Wright
Title: The affects of the urban gradient on avian populations
Authors: Skornia, Erin E., Jordon Piercefield, Adrian Andrei, and Jason Hubbart
Title: Valles Mines Lead and Zinc Mine Reclamation and Bat Gating Project
Authors: Greg Snellen, Shauna Marquardt, Anthony Elliot, Shelly Coalatskie