Executive summary Strategic guidelines 2012-2015 Executive summary Strategic guidelines 2012-2015 AUTHORITIES President of the Nation Dr. Cristina Fernández de Kirchner Minister of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation Dr. Lino Barañao Secretary of Planning and Policies in Science, Technology and Productive Innovation Dr. Ruth Ladenheim Secretary of Scientific and Technological Coordination Dr. Alejandro Ceccatto Executive Coordinator of the Scientific and Technological Cabinet Dr. Alejandro Mentaberry Undersecretary for Administrative Coordination Dr. Rodolfo Blasco Undersecretary for Policies in Science, Technology and Productive Innovation B.Sc. Fernando Peirano Undersecretary for Studies and Planning B.Sc. Jorge Robbio Undersecretary for Institutional Assessment Dr. María Cristina Cambiaggio Undersecretary for Institutional Coordination Dr. Sergio Matheos Secretary General of the Federal Council for Science and Technology Mr. Hugo De Vido Chairman of the National Agency for Scientific and Technological Promotion Dr. Armando Bertranou National Directress of International Relations Agr. Eng. Águeda Suárez Porto de Menvielle Executive summary · Innovative Argentina 2020 · 3 INNOVATIVE ARGENTINA 2020 PLAN GENERAL COORDINATION National Directorate of Policies and Planning Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation B.Sc. Ana Pereyra Technical counterpart Latin American School of Social Sciences (FLACSO) Dr. Miguel Lengyel COORDINATION OF THE WORKING TABLES B.Sc. Maria Guillermina D’Onofrio, Dr. Valentina Delich, B.Sc. Patricia Esper, Eng. Oscar Galante, B.Sc. Marcela Gregori, Dr. Vanessa Lowenstein, Dr. Alejandro Mentaberry, Dr. Jaime Moragues; B.Sc. Alejandra Piermarini, Dr. Osvaldo Podhajcer, AG Eng.. Emilio Velasco. TECHNICAL TEAM OF THE MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND PRODUCTIVE INNOVATION B.Sc. Claudio Alfaraz; B.Sc. Rita Contreras, B.Sc. Luis Forciniti; Eng Mi Ra Kim, B.Sc. Paula Podhajcer; B.Sc. Mariana Rutitzky; B.Sc. Verónica Sendra. TECHNICAL TEAM FLACSO B.Sc. Carlos Aggio; Dr. Valentina Delich; B.Sc. Darío Milesi; Dr. Valentin Thury Cornejo; Dr. Jorge Walter. MANAGEMENT TEAM Prof. Erica Carrizo; B.Sc. Josefina Hoses Echeveste; Dr. Nicolas Morenfeld; B.Sc. Betiana Ridel; Susana Bravo (Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation); Mariana Kopp (FLACSO). SPECIAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Members of the Advisory Committee of the Plan, whose contributions have improved this document: Prof. Mario Albornoz, Dr. Dora Barrancos, Dr. Esteban Brignole, Dr. Eduardo Charreau, B.Sc. Juan Carlos Del Bello, B.Sc.Gustavo Lugones, B.Sc. Marta Novick and Eng Carlos Pallotti. To B.Sc. Gabriela Trupia for the support given to the development of the plan during her office as the head of the Undersecretariat for Policies in Science, Technology and Productive Innovation. To Dr. Alejandro Mentaberry for his useful comments made to this executive summary of the Plan. To all those who have given their time and effort to contribute to the success of the development process of this Plan. To the readers of this Plan, which will undoubtedly contribute to disseminate their content and be part of the building a plural and inclusive policy for science, technology and innovation. IMPLEMENTATION TABLES AND PROGRAMMING ACTIVITIES 2012-2015 The development of the programming phase 2012-2015, the implementation of the Working Tables and the preparation of this executive summary has been conducted under the coordination of B.Sc. Fernando Peirano, Undersecretary for Policies in Science, Technology and Innovation and the technical direction of B.Sc. Ana Pereyra, National Directress of Policies and Planning. 4 · Executive summary · Innovative Argentina 2020 CONTENTS 6 FOREWORd 8 PRESENTATION 10 INTRODUCTION 12 INTERVENTION STRATEGIES AND OBJECTIVES 18 PLANNING METHODOLOGY 22 FOCUSING TO PROMOTE ARGENTINE DEVELOPMENT 29 ADVANCES IN TARGETING STRATEGY 34 NEXT STEPS 36 LIST OF ACRONYMS Executive summary · Innovative Argentina 2020 · 5 “... Those who will generate wealth are, undoubtedly, those who work in science and technology. This will be the great source of wealth creation in the XXI century ... “ Dr. Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, June 22, 2011 6 · Executive summary · Innovative Argentina 2020 Picture: María Silvina Soto Foreword The planning activity is a core responsibility of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation and aims at establishing long-term goals for defining a horizon of national development, planned for the next generations of Argentines. The guidelines of the National Plan for Science, Technology and Innovation arise from the experience during these years in office. This experience allowed us to accomplish a comprehensive survey of the needs and capabilities of the Argentine Scientific System and build a foundation to propose a country model where science and technology constitute the driving force for economic development and social inclusion. This plan includes several components. One of them, aims at strengthening the scientific and technological system. In this sense, we intend to continue the on-going work that resulted in an increase in the number of researchers, building tens of thousands of square meters for universities across the country, repatriation of scientists and improving wage conditions. This strengthening was imperative to address actions in which knowledge generation is coupled with solving needs and increasing the productivity of different chains. That’s why this plan has a highly federal component, on the one hand, and is deeply democratic, on the other hand, since the aims were established after consultations with all sectors, not only in defining the priorities, but through several implementing tables to determine concrete actions to be carried out to achieve the objectives. From the consolidation of the proposed policies in science, technology and innovation (STI) and the new and broad space open for us to intervene, we strongly believe that this Plan will determine a persistent course to ensure that the major changes occurred in the science of our country constitute a cornerstone for Argentine growth. Dr. Lino Barañao Minister of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation of the Nation A distinguishing feature of this plan- over previous versions- is that it has incorporated the concept of Strategic Socio Productive Cores (NSPE). This explains the close association that must exist between the scientific system and local needs. For a long time in our history, scientific and technological activities were highly concentrated in large cities and had as main objective the production of knowledge and the country’s integration into the international scientific community. These objectives were necessary to advance the understanding of fundamental phenomena, but today it is urgent to include the different realities of the country through their regions, historically excluded from the benefit of the investment that the society committed to promote science and technology. Executive summary · Innovative Argentina 2020 · 7 PRESENTATION STI is a source of constant changes, opportunities and challenges. Accompanied by increasing budgets, the dynamism of the scientific and technological sector is reflected in the research and development agendas. Discoveries, applications, patents and publications, are multiplied, costs are decreased and the speed of information processing is increased. Similarly, the challenges are becoming more complex: tackling problems associated with the availability of goods and services (water, energy, food) and health of aging populations or for those groups exposed to poverty or new diseases. In short, change is the cornerstone of scientific research and is increasingly aimed at finding solutions to the problems posed by the complex relationship between nature and society. In our country, for almost a decade, the State decided to position itself as a key player and coordinator 8 · Executive summary · Innovative Argentina 2020 of the development and implementation of social and economic policies, while setting priorities and allocating significant resources for this purpose. The new paradigm replaced the neoliberal conception of the absent state that left the citizens and the country abandoned to their fate and subject to the laws of the free market and private decisions. With the creation of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation, scientific knowledge was placed at the level of socioproductive sectors relevant to our country and instituted a major capital agency for the design and implementation of policies in this field. Since 2003, we have managed to prioritize and strengthen the scientific and technological basis trying to articulate a STI system capable of solving social and productive issues and achieve a more productive Picture: Peichoto Myriam matrix of technological intensity. In this context, it is worth noting the recognition of the traditional quality of our researchers and technologists with a policy of human resources development seeking to promote careers in science, excellence in training and professional hierarchy. The National Plan for Science, Technology and Innovation, entitled “Innovative Argentina 2020”, announces the State’s efforts to promote inclusive development and value creation in Argentina production from STI. It is an objective of fundamental importance, whose achievement is faced for the first time in a consistent and coordinated way with the overall objectives of industrialization and development. the Plan, the product of the first stage of the planning process, is available on the website of the Ministry. 1 Our Government is committed to the citizens: to follow a path towards inclusive and sustainable development, encouraging the creation of quality jobs and improving the standard of living of its inhabitants. Innovative Argentina 2020 is the roadmap that will highlight the steps to be followed to make science and technology serve the needs of all Argentines. Dr. Ruth Ladenheim Secretary of Planning and Policies in Science, Technology and Productive Innovation This Plan is the result of a development process that involved the active participation of stakeholders in the productive sector and NGOs, scientists, technologists, members of our Ministry and related ministries. The main challenge was to identify new ways while maintaining spaces of flexibility to respond to the dynamism of the sector, the country, the region and the world. Consistent with this, the planning will continue to develop through the Implementation Tables (IT) of the 34 NSPE identified so far. These tables work in establishing consensus to achieve the desired scenarios. The courses of action will be reflected in operational plans that will guide the funding implementation, define new lines of scientific research and allow tracking and evaluation of the undertaken actions. Today we present an executive summary of the first stage of the National Plan for Science, Technology and Innovation. This publication aims to show, through a fast and friendly reading, the major directions in scientific and technological policy as well as the progress made by the IT in 2012. The full version of 1 www.mincyt.gob.ar Executive summary · Innovative Argentina 2020 · 9 INTRODUCTION The Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation presented the National Plan for Science, Technology and Innovation “Innovative Argentina 2020” that integrates a broader movement, promoted by the Office of the President, for restoring state planning to build a shared vision of the country for the next decade. Thus, the Ministry participates in the challenge of envisioning a scenario for 2020, characterized by better indicators of quality of life, productive competitiveness, social inclusion and environmental sustainability. As from 2003, Argentina began a rebuilding process and it was from the state and its policies that the emergence of the country in crisis was attended. The state regained control capacity along with other tools that allowed actions to guide social and economic processes in the general interest and for the benefit of all the Argentines. Recovering planning actions is part of this process and represents an important qualitative step that strengthens the state as a central actor in development. Argentina, in the last decade, has been characterized by a process of strong economic growth that allowed implementing social inclusion policies that guaranteed access to basic rights to large sections of the population previously marginalized and started a process of national industrialization. The National Science, Technology and Innovation (SNCTI) accompanied this process with a marked improvement of traditional indicators. The budget for science and technology activities increased by 937% between 2003 and 2012, while launching policies to meet social demands and productive framework to boost production innovation and public-private partnerships. 2 National Budget Bureau. 10 · Executive summary · Innovative Argentina 2020 The Ministry will use this document as a roadmap for its action for a short and medium term, as a guiding framework for midterm priorities for other public and private actors of the SNCTI. In the short term, the implementation agenda will emphasize identifying courses of action (development tools, human resources, infrastructure, definition of thematic priorities) to guide the implementation of policies to generate socio-productive in certain sectors of society and the economy. HUMAN RESOURCES IN R & D 2003-2010 100,000 92,201 90,000 80,000 73,558 70,000 60,000 55,635 50,000 40,000 39,393 59,150 42,454 62,543 45,361 79,391 83,211 67,856 65,761 53,187 49,359 56,987 59,683 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Total job posts Total number of full time jobs posts Note: includes researchers, fellows, technical and support staff Source: Science and Technology Indicators - Year 2010 INVESTMENT IN RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AS % OF GDP 2003-2010 0.70% 0.60% 0.60% 0.49% 0.50% 0.44% 0.40% 0.51% 0.62% 0.52% 0.46% 0.41% 0.30% 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Source: Science and Techonology Indicators - Year 2010 Executive summary · Innovative Argentina 2020 · 11 Picture: Yáñez María Julia INTERVENTION STRATEGIES AND OBJECTIVES 12 · Executive summary · Innovative Argentina 2020 Innovative Argentina 2020 sets out the main policy lines to respond effectively to the challenges of building a modern society. The general aim of the Plan is to boost inclusive and sustainable productive innovation, based on the expansion, progress and the full utilization of the scientific and technological capabilities of our country, thus promoting a quantum leap in terms of economic growth, including improvement of social and living conditions of the population. The Ministry, through the Plan, implemented two intervention strategies: institutional development of SNCTI and targeting. They represent, on the one hand, the explicit formalization of the guidelines on which the Ministry has been working over the last few years and, on the other hand, it implies a broad consensus reached among experts in the country on STI’s main strengths and weaknesses of the SNCTI as well as the assessments of relevant actors in this field gathered through the consultation process undertaken for the preparation of this Plan. INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT The strategy aims at developing the SNCTI at the institutional level to continue strengthening the science and technology base and support for scientific and technological activities and to improve the articulation and coordination of the actors in the SNCTI in order to generate greater complementarities, reduce contradictions and optimize resource utilization. TARGETING The aim of the targeting strategy is to address policy efforts towards producing significant impacts on social and productive sectors of our country through the support of the CTI. Thus, it seeks to promote a virtuous dynamic interaction between knowledgegenerating institutions and potential beneficiaries of the scientific and technological advances, that is, between the different stakeholders involved in the process of social and productive innovation. OUTSTANDING SCIENTIFIC TRADITION Bernardo A. Houssay Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine (1947) Hispanic Physician and physiologist, received the Nobel prize, in 1947 together with the Cori spouses, for his discoveries about the influence of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland in the distribution of glucose in the body, which studies allowed new advances in the treatment of diabetes. Luis F. Leloir Nobel Prize Chemistry (1970) In 1932 he obtained his medical degree at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). His findings on nucleotide-sugars, essential compounds in the metabolic processes of carbohydrates, earned him the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1970. César Milstein Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine (1984) Degree in Chemistry (UBA). In 1984 he shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with Niels K. Jerne and Georges JF Köhler, for his discovery of the principle governing the production of monoclonal antibodies and his theories on the development and control of the immune system. Executive summary · Innovative Argentina 2020 · 13 Ph: CONICET STRENGTHENING THE SCIENTIFICTECHNOLOGICAL BASE In order to continue investing in the development of national scientific and technological basis will seek to achieve the following goals: 1. Increasing scientific basis to strengthen basic research capabilities and aimed at socioproductive priorities. Therefore, a new system of incentives and evaluation criteria will be reviewed and formulated and the training of managers specialized in technology transfer and innovation management resources will be promoted. Also, the admission of fellows and researchers focus on developing strategic priorities and seek to increase the repatriation, reintegration and settlement of researchers. Emphasis will be placed on the federalization of human resources by prioritizing 25% of CONICET positions in regions of the country with little scientific and technological development and by increasing the admission of the staff to the institution at a rate of 10% annually. 941 Scientists and technologists repatriated as of September 2012 A second phase of the National Infrastructure plan is scheduled with public works valued in $ 500 million, adding to the $ 460 million invested 2009 and 2012. 2. Increase funding for science and technology projects. Funding will be sought to strengthen basic and applied research to promote federalization, coordinate projects involving large networks, international cooperation and projects tackling priorities identified in the NSPE. Also, the availability of building infrastructure, equipment and working conditions is essential for strengthening scientific and technological base. New technology platforms will be added to provide high quality services to researchers and the productive sector. OUSTANDING SCIENTISTS TODAY Dr. Esteban Brignole Research of Argentina 2009 He holds a degree in Chemical Engineering from the Universidad Nacional del Sur (UNS) and a PhD in Engineering from the Technical University of Denmark. He is Senior Researcher at CONICET and Professor Emeritus of the UNS. His vast scientific activity is focused on the thermodynamics of the processes that made original contributions recognized internationally. Dr. Alberto R. Kornblihtt Research of Argentina 2010 Doctor in Chemistry (UBA) with postdoctoral studies at the University of Oxford. Senior Researcher of CONICET and Plenary Lecturer at the School of Natural Sciences (UBA). His research area is molecular biology genetics, working on mechanisms that make each of the human genes are able to produce more than one protein. 14 · Executive summary · Innovative Argentina 2020 Dr. Roberto Williams Research of Argentina 2011 He holds a PhD in Chemistry (UNLP) and has completed postgraduate studies in France. Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering, School of Engineering (UNMdeP). Since 1995, he is Senior Research Fellow of CONICET. He created the Research Institute of Materials Science and Technology. He specializes in plastics technology. Between 2008 and 2011 were carried over 1,731million pesos to fund research and development projects, modernization of equipment, infrastructure improvements, and the addition of human resources, among others, through the National Agency for Science and Technology. 3. Increase the information available for scientific and technological research. Actions conducted in this area cover the development and/or improvement of databases, conducting diagnostic studies, prospective and technological surveillance in General Purpose Technologies and NSPE identified in the Plan and the expansion and strengthening of STI indicators system to generate information related to its dynamics. This also implies operationalizing and strengthening CVar (unified standardized national register of the curricular data of scientific and technological staff who works in Argentine institutions), strengthening the Electronic Library that currently has more than 11,000 scientific journals -technical and more than 9,000 books available to researchers through several institutions of the SNCTI and promote the establishment of an interoperable network of digital repositories to ensure open access to scientific and technological production . 4. Promoting careers in science and technology, especially in children and young people, to increase scientific vocations and social appropriation of knowledge. With this objective TecTV launched the first public channel for the dissemination of science, technology and national industry, produced and broadcast entirely in digital quality. The involvement of the Ministry in Tecnopolis, the Mega Exposition of Science, Art and Technology, is also part of the initiatives taken in this regard. It also carries out activities such as “Dale OK”, competition for creating animations and digital games to encourage learning programming concepts in secondary school students or the National Week of Science in workshops and discussions with experts are organized, as well as courses, guided tours of laboratories, experiments and photographic exhibitions, among others. The first edition of Tecnopolis was visited by more than 4 million and a half people and was open to the public between July and November 2011. The fair aimed at disseminating scientific and technological knowledge and promoting scientific careers. In this connection, the Ministry developed and coordinated more than 14 spaces in which the public could experience the world of science and technology. In July 2012, the second edition of Tecnopolis opened under the slogan “Power to transform”. In the two weeks that coincided with the winter holidays the 10 parks of the Fair were visited by more than 1 million people. 5. Regulatory frameworks. Reviewing the regulatory framework of SNCTI. Aims at promoting good practices in technology transfer and intellectual property management and creating a Centre for Innovation Management to establish an institutional framework to guide and accompany the country’s several innovative processes from generation to commercialization. Executive summary · Innovative Argentina 2020 · 15 DRIVING INNOVATION IN THE PRODUCTIVE SECTOR, FOR SOCIAL INCLUSION AND STRENGTHENING THE STATE In order to further strengthen the national innovation system will continue to expand and improve the scientific and technological capabilities and encourage the development of new applications, products and services in order to bolster the manufacturing sector, promote social inclusion and empower State. Ph: pharmADN 1. Promoting innovation through public-private cooperation. The National Plan for Science, Technology and Innovation places a strong emphasis in public-private coordination, seeking to create more robust and dynamic relationships that allow the flow of scientific and technological knowledge in the field of production. The core idea behind this concept is that the public and private sectors behave in different but complementary ways. In this sense, it will continue to promote the establishment of public-private partnerships for innovation in strategic sectors and general purpose technologies (GPT), this will expand initiatives to support Small and Medium Enterprises, promote the creation of new technology based companies, strengthen Liaison and Technology Transfer Offices and develop a platform to cope with technological demands. A octubre de 2012, se aprobó la conformación de 42 consorcios público-privados con más de $389 millones adjudicados y más de $365 millones de contraparte. 2. Encourage innovation in more Argentine companies. This will continue to support 3 companies in their process of innovation and technological development by funding and strengthening projects to promote innovation targeting priority sectors: agribusiness, petrochemicals, capital goods and health, among others. Tax incentives will be reviewed as part of the promotion of STI, a certification system for innovation companies will be implemented, and the provision of technological services in parks, poles and industrial districts will be promoted and funded. More than 20 financing tools available to promote research and development in small and medium enterprises, promoting the creation of new technology-based companies and encouraging the incorporation of technology in production processes.. 3. Promoting innovation for sustainable development. Research and development applied to mitigation and adaptation of climate change will be encouraged. Diversification of the Energetic Matrix will be promoted by driving the development of technologies for the use of solar, wind and biomass energy. Development of technologies focused on biodiversity conservation and ecosystem preservation -water, air and soil quality- will be promoted. Also, restoration of degraded environments through new technologies will be encouraged. 4. Harness innovation for a better quality of life for all Argentines. The Ministry will seek to deepen the implementation of management models for science and technology involving stakeholders in the resolution of problems relating to the improvement of their living conditions through the provision of certain goods and services. In this sense, we encourage the use of traditional knowledge and application of new technologies to obtain better yields in domestic production (e.g. use of fine camelid fibre, phytomedicine Biotecnología, Nanotecnología y Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones. 16 · Executive summary · Innovative Argentina 2020 Ph: Ministerio de Ciencia and design applied to craftwork). It will also provide further promotion to the development of technologies for the disabled, to improve access to drinking water and food. Finally, the development and popularization of information and communications technology to reduce the digital gap will also be encouraged. 5. Apply innovation to strengthen the state. New applications, products, services and technical resources that generate science and technology, or that arise from innovation, can also strengthen state capacities to promote and guide the economic and social development of Argentina. The Ministry will work in facilitating the identification of these needs and opportunities, by gathering scientific and technological groups to develop applied solutions and leveraging the promotional tools and human resources training for the implementation of projects envisaged to renew the tools available for state management and enable the design of increasingly sophisticated and effective public policies. The Ministry called public-private partnerships to submit projects to develop and implement technologies in the production chain of fine camelid fibre, establishing procedures that optimize resources, increase productivity and innovation in the products and/or processes, in conditions sustainable use and environmental protection in the production sector of lower income and/or social vulnerability. Our country shows levels of public investment in R&D similar to those of some developed countries, reaching 0.46% of its GDP. Our challenge for 2020 is to increase private investment. Japan(2007) South Korea (2007) USA (2007) Germany (2006) China (2006) Canada (2007) United Kingdom (2006) Spain (2006) Companies Brazil (2008) Government Sector Russia (2007) Argentina (2009) 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Executive summary · Innovative Argentina 2020 · 3 17 Picture: Ahumada Alvarez Ariel Octavio PLANNING METHODOLOY 18 · Executive summary · Innovative Argentina 2020 EThe Plan was developed through a methodology whose distinctive feature was its participatory nature. The main focus of the Plan was that the institutional and individual stakeholders involved in the SNCTI become actively engaged in identifying problems and opportunities to promote scientific and technological development and innovation, as well as in defining intervention priorities. In this sense, the creation of this document was the result of three concurrent elements: capacity planning of the technical teams of the Ministry supported by the experience gained during more than a decade of work in this area, the government will to transform the social and productive matrix from the process initiated in 2003 and the valuable participation of more than 290 specialists from the public sector (national and provincial), the private sector and social organizations. The formulation process had three stages. The first one, mainly of a preparatory nature, aiming at background checking, designing problem and opportunities diagnosis and preliminary identification of priority work in STI. The second stage opened the participatory methodology through the organization of three types of Working Tables: • Transversal tables, gathered around the hinge pins and policy instruments, regulatory frameworks and human resources, convened members of the scientific community, from several areas of policy-making and private sector representatives to identify the major weaknesses, strengths and priorities to be addressed in the SNCTI. • Sectorial tables, one for each selected sectoragribusiness, environment and sustainable development, social development, energy, industry and health-, gathered officials, experts and members of the productive sector for the main purpose of defining the objectives and sectorial priorities, to move forward in the identification of the main NSPE and advance towards identifying opportunities and developing concrete proposals for specific intervention in the Plan. • Tables for General Purpose Technologies (GPT) brought together experts in biotechnology, nanotechnology and information technology and communications (ICT), who addressed -based on the previous work of the sectorial tables- the identification of the priority crosscuttings of sectorial activities with GPT. The results of the Working Tables were an important input to establish opportunities for intervention and identify specific needs in terms of the transverse axes of the Plan. The third stage of the development process of the Plan continued to develop consultations and validation with priority fields of the SNCTI. In this regard, discussion meetings were held on the results of the Working Groups with the representatives from the provinces through the Federal Council for Science and Technology (COFECYT) and institutions of science and technology through the Interinstitutional Council on Science and Technology (CICYT). These two areas generated additional contributions relevant to the identification of priorities for intervention and policy guidance. At this stage the Advisory Committee of the Plan, composed of recognized experts in the field of STI policy formulation, offered suggestions and recommendations. Once these steps were fulfilled, the Plan was subject to public consultation through the website of the Ministry. Pursuant to Act No. 25.467 of Science, Technology and Innovation, the Plan addresses the short-term needs by establishing strategic guidelines for 2012-2015. This is a set of priorities that will guide the actions of the Ministry during the Government administration in office. The planning stage continues, supported by the officers of the Implementation Plan and ongoing prospective studies, and provides us with the outline of the 2020 vision promoted by the Office of the President and submitted “Argentina Innovative 2020” Plan. Executive summary · Innovative Argentina 2020 · 19 IMPLEMENTATION TABLES The planning process continues with programming step implemented by the IT. These tables set out the actions, outcomes and indicators to guide STI policies and shall focus on the application of the instruments to promote activities and to the development of new capabilities. These guidelines are based on a structured consultation process involving local representatives from the public sector, chambers and companies related to different productive activities and representatives of SNCTI institutions. The program culminates with the preparation of Operational Plans (OP) for each of the NSPE and transversal themes that structure the main proposals in the two intervention strategies that establishes the Plan. Each IT has three methodological steps: METHODOLOGICAL STEP 1 DIAGNOSIS, PROBLEMS, CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES. It focuses on developing a “map” of the current situation of the NSPE, through identifying their strengths and weaknesses. This will define the issues, challenges and opportunities for technological achievement and/or improvement. Thus, there will be a starting point for the design of strategies to be developed and, from which strategies, the courses of actions to be implemented will be outlined. METHODOLOGICAL STEP 2 COURSES OF ACTION, RESULTS, INSTRUMENTS, ACTORS. This stage defines operational tools and stakeholders involved in the implementation of the outlined courses of action for the identified problems, challenges or opportunities, the corresponding courses of action, expected results. 20 · Executive summary · Innovative Argentina 2020 METHODOLOGICAL STEP 3 OPERATIONAL PLANS: VISION 2020/PROGRAMMING 2015 The Planning Group of the Ministry, in consultation with the coordinators of the IT, shall focus on the design of the OP with the inputs of each table. The OP for each NSPE and transversal themes will guide the implementation of funds, define new lines of scientific research and technological development. Besides, this methodology will enable the monitoring and evaluation of the undertaken actions. FORMULATION PROCESS PREPARATORY WORKING TABLES · Background checking · Opportunities and problem diagnosis · Preliminary identification of priority working lines in science, technology and innovation · Transversal Tables · Sectorial Tables · Tables focused on General Purpose Technologies · Provinces (COFECYT) · Consulting Committee of the Plan · Science and Technology · Public consultation Bodies (CICYT) CONSULT AND VALIDATION STRATEGIC AGENDA PROGRAMMING PROCESS: IMPLEMENTATION TABLES METHODOLOGICAL STEP 1 Diagnosis, problems, challenges and opportunities METHODOLOGICAL STEP 2 Courses of action, results, instruments, actors METHODOLOGICAL STEP 3 Operational Plans: roadmaps 2020 and programming actions 2015 PRIORITIES FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF INSTRUMENTS Executive summary · Innovative Argentina 2020 · 21 Picture: Gonzalez Cynthia FOCUSING TO PROMOTE ARGENTINE DEVELOPMENT 22 · Executive summary · Innovative Argentina 2020 Strategic Socio Productive Cores combine the use of the potential offered by general purpose technologies in different socio-productive sectors and certain territorial environments, in order to generate significant gains in productive competitiveness, thus improving the quality of life of the population and positioning in terms of emerging technologies and technological developments expected in the medium and long-term. A. Agroindustry Advances in science and technology, especially biotechnology, ICT and nanotechnology, new opportunities to transform livestock farming activity in Argentina. Innovation and knowledge can overcome false dilemmas while generating the conditions needed to develop more diversified and sustainable productive schemes supply, encourage the offer of specialized service and increase the provider’s network. In this direction, Argentina will continue to strengthen its leading position as a producer of food and other products from agriculture with more value in origin and a greater number of job posts. Ph: Familia Zuccardi In order to strengthen the development process of Argentina, the Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation has decided to focus its interventions on those topics where science and technology have brought about new opportunities, not yet fully exploited, and where the results of the public policies can generate significant transformations to federalize the impact of innovation. The application of these criteria allowed us to establish actions on six major themes (agribusiness, environment and sustainable development, social development, energy, industry and health) and identify thirty-four NSPE to streamline the working capacity of the SNCTI. The following NSPE have been identified: 1. Crop improvement and seed production. Adding value to grains by means of genetic improvement to create a strong domestic seed industry that caters to higher and secondary crops and generate exports with highertechnology content. 2. Food Processing. Adding value and quality to commodities derived from food chains of fine fruits, pork, protein and enriched flour, and aquaculture, seeking to increase the domestic market, strengthening and enhancing regional development and volumes export. 3. Biorefineries: bioenergy, polymers and chemicals. Development of pilot scale bioprocess that enable primary and secondary processing of existing biomass in the southern regions of the province of Buenos Aires, NEA, NOA and the Centre of our country in order to obtain bioproducts for different industrial uses within a framework of energy efficiency. 4. Agricultural machinery and food processing. Technological strengthening of the local production of agricultural machinery from the introduction of new materials and paints. Developments designed to promote precision agriculture and conquer new market niches. 5a. Traditional animal production. Value adding to traditional animal primary production based on beef, poultry and sheep cattle (Meat, milk, eggs, wool, etc..) by improving breeding, balanced nutrition, behaviour and welfare in confinement, use of by-products and wastes, environmental pollution management of soil and water, animal Executive summary · Innovative Argentina 2020 · 23 5b. Non-traditional animal production. Development of substitutes for beef from animals from local productions. Development of products, such as fibres, leather and dairy products. 6. Production and processing of fruit and vegetable products. Developing knowledge and technologies for pest control. Expansion and increased crop yields. Adaptation to international requirements traceability, quality and safety. Development of food products for consumption or gourmet specialties, among others. 7. Production and processing of forest resources. Strengthening the timber industry and related activities, including the production of pulp, laminates, chemicals and new materials for packaging, and the generation of bioenergy from waste-use timber. 8. Production and processing of ocean resources. Increased knowledge of Argentine marine resources from the standpoint of productivity while ion perspective while but deep commitment to sustainable activities. Activities include the development of processes to add value to the catch and the promotion of mariculture. B. ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT The promotion of production and employment should be based on the principles of environmental care and quality of life of the population. Scientific knowledge and the appropriation of accurate technologies are essential tools to preserve and ensure the rational use of the abundant natural resources available in Argentina. Ph: Pablo L. Manetti health, safety, quality and processing/stability of primary products. The following NSPE have been prioritized: 9. Capture, storage and availability systems for environmental data availability. Development of domestic software to generate physical and biological data, monitoring and evaluation of the behaviour of natural and manmade systems, harmonization of science and technology databases and development of remote and land sensing and continuous recorders of physical and biological data. The result will be a national digital cartographic map. 10. Water Resources. Incorporating technologies to develop systems for water purification and treatment of domestic, urban and industrial waste waters.. Reducing water consumption in industries and agriculture. Technologies for remediation of soils contaminated by saline or agrochemical pollutants. 11. Remediation of degraded environments. Remediation of environments damaged by human intervention, in particular soils subject to oil activities and other productive activities. Recovery of soils to support native forests and mountains subject to overgrazing. 24 · Executive summary · Innovative Argentina 2020 13. Recycling different waste streams. Incorporation of new technological developments and processes for the treatment and generation of new uses of waste to mitigate the problem of disposal areas. 14. Adapting to climate change in urban environments. Reducing the negative impacts of prolonged drought or excess water. Adaptation of individual and collective construction types to avoid temperature increases and greenhouse gas emissions. Development of new forms of communication channels during extraordinary events and logistic mechanisms for relocation of populations, among other purposes. 15. Economic assessment, measurement and evaluation of ecosystem services. Development of models and systems using ICTs to transform the values associated with the natural resource intangibility of simple commodities to royalties, by gaining added value as national heritage. C. SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT The consolidation of a national model based on inclusive development requires the contribution of science and technology to improve living conditions of the population. The concept of inclusive innovation structure actions to guide the development and use of scientific, technological and production innovation aimed at social development. With the addition of this priority area of the Plan, the Ministry intends to guide innovation toward applications that directly affect the well-being and social inclusion, by empowering citizens to exercise their rights, while generating quality employment, improving supply chains in the regional and social economy, and increasing environmental care. ampliación de la efectiva titularidad de los derechos ciudadanos, la generación de trabajo de calidad, la mejora de cadenas productivas en la economía social y regional, y el cuidado del medio ambiente. Ph: Ministerio de Ciencia 12. Reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs). Reducing emissions of greenhouse gases by replacing existing technologies with other with lower emission rates, particularly in power plants, farming and industry. The NSPE identified are the following: 16. Social economy and local development for inclusive innovation. Development and use of technologies for the generation of products and production systems, with inclusive socioproductive purposes, aimed at the satisfaction of rights and access to goods and services, participation in decision-making processes and distribution and ensuring access and right to decent work. 17. Habitat. Improving the conditions and quality of life of the population through the development of innovations in water and energy consumption and production, social housing (adapted to regional and climatic characteristics of each region) and design, planning and development of urban and rural spaces. 18. Technology for the Disabled. Development of components, innovation and design of equipment and devices for improving the conditions of assistance to people with different kinds of disabilities. D. ENERGY Energy is a strategic resource for the socioproductive development of a country. Argentina can take advantage of the wide array of renewable and non-renewable sources, and of the technological advances that allow an increasingly efficient use. There is a longstanding national tradition in this field, with examples such as former Research Laboratories of Technological Assets YPF and the Atomic Energy Executive summary · Innovative Argentina 2020 · 25 Commission, that constitute a base of support and inspiration to drive new advances. hydrocarbons in addressing the challenges arising from the innovative extraction processes for oil and gas. Ph: CONICET E. INDUSTRY Further work is based on the following NSPE: 19. Harnessing solar energy. Thermal use of solar energy for the generation of fluids at low (60-100 ° C), medium (100-150 ° C) and high temperatures (150-350 ° C). The generation at low and medium temperature allows the replacement of gas consumption for domestic hot water and heating for residential, commercial and public use, as well as certain industrial use. Industry consists of a set of heterogeneous sectors whose activity is based on the transformation of raw materials and semi-processed goods. There is a growing number of Argentine companies that have placed innovation and knowledge in the backbone of their business. From an appropriate partnership scheme involving R&D public institutions, the private sector could further boost its development. There is considerable scope for many industrial sectors to transform their products and processes to compete in the field of high end goods and services, by conquering market segments where costs lose prevalence over other attributes such as design, quality and capacity to address specific needs. Thus, through investment, productive activity becomes a dynamic factor capable of substituting imports, creating jobs and building a process of economic development with social inclusion. 21. Alternative of energy crops and processes for the production of second generation biofuels. Harnessing low-value plants or crops for human consumption and industrial waste products for the production of second-generation biofuels and biogas. 22. Rational use of energy. Development of systems, equipment and materials designed to reduce energy consumption in areas as diverse as industry, transmission and distribution of electricity, as well as in daily life. 23. Technologies for oil and gas. Development of technologies, equipment and materials to acquire new skills in the production of 26 · Executive summary · Innovative Argentina 2020 Ph: COTAGRO 20. Distributed power generation (smart grid). ). Improvements in the efficiency of the networks, their operation, intelligent management and environmental effects and introduction of the issue of the use of renewable energies and distributed generation. The prioritized NSPE are:: 24. Auto parts. Promote innovations in the field of metallurgy and metalworking in general and aluminium and magnesium in particular. Development of auto parts based on nanocomposites of lighter weight and better mechanical properties. It will focus on the incorporation of new technologies and forming foundry materials. Support will also be provided for the development of nanostructured 25. Transformation of natural resources in industrial products with high added value. . Includes activities such as the use of deposits of copper, gold and silver as a medium for electrical-electronic industry. The use of clays to develop nanoclays based nanocomposites will be enhanced. Also, lithium deposits for the production of high purity basic material for manufacturing lithium batteries will be exploited. 26. Electronic components. Designing highly complex integrated national circuits, thus initiating a path of import substitution, providing support for an industry based on a very high level of technology and large external technological dependence. Incorporation of micro and nanofabrication technologies to support the development of semiconductors in the country. Promotion of research and development of flexible electronics by incorporating them in most electronic devices. Development of encapsulation technologies and testing of micro and nanoelectronics. equipment. Incorporation of 27. Medical technology for the development of equipment for medical examination and treatment, including analysis and disposable devices called Lab-on-a-Chip. It will aim at strengthening the production of instrumental promoting compliance with technical standards and the development of high quality material related to the medical supply industry. It will seek to coordinate efforts with national companies in the sector, in order to generate a progressive import substitution. F. HEALTH Argentina has an international longstanding tradition in Biomedicine, and a high academic level which places it in a privileged position among countries with similar levels of economic development. It also has an ever-expanding pharmaceutical industry that is focused on e productive patterns incorporating innovative achievements of advanced technologies. In this context, the country is able to produce major advances in the care of the population health by ensuring equal access to these rights, and to achieve greater integration into the world market. Ph: Horton Ariel magnetic materials in electric motors. The prioritized NSPE are the following one: 28. Biosimilars. Innovation and application of technologies for the development of biological products, including monoclonal antibodies from the use of new cell lines, processes and analytical methods. 29. Infectious Diseases. Technological development and innovation for the production of diagnostic kits, vaccines and treatment with a focus on infectious diseases which are neglected or relevant to our country. 30. Chronic complex diseases, with multigenic components and associated to adults. Developing technologies for early diagnosis and drugs for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and other diseases associated with metabolic syndrome and type II diabetes, cardiovascular disease, etc. 31. Tissue bioengineering or regenerative medicine. Repair or replace of all or part of organs or tissues such as bone, skin, cartilage, heart valves, etc. 32. Phytomedicine. Development of herbal products, cosmetics and nutraceuticals from species that have shown biological activity and strengthening technological bioprospecting capacities to search for new active principles. Executive summary · Innovative Argentina 2020 · 27 33. Technological platforms. Development units supporting research equipped with the latest technology and staffed to offer highly specialized services to support scientific research and technological development, targeting both academic institutions and industry. Strengthening Nanobiomaterials Platforms, Genomics, Stem Cells, and Bioinformatics. Creating Platforms for the Rational Drug Development, Preclinical Trials, Proteomics and Structural Biology. 34. Nanomedicine. Applications of nanotechnology to health, in particular, the development of nanoparticles for drug transport and use of nanoparticles for early detection of diseases at the scale of the cell. 28 · Executive summary · Innovative Argentina 2020 ADVANCES IN TARGETING STRATEGY 1. IMPLEMENTATION TABLES 2012 Sector Agribusiness Environment and Sustainable Development Social Development Energy Industry Implementation tables Coordinator Start month Food processing: technological developments in enriched flour, fish culture, fine fruit and pigs to improve the competitiveness of regional Cristina Añon economies and improve the food basket Argentina. April Biorefineries: study of different biomass sources. Identification of new products and process technologies for the production of bioenergy, Alejandro Mentaberry biopolymers and chemicals. March Capture systems, storage and availability of environmental data: Marcela Gregori identifying opportunities for developing new applications and equipment. July Water resources: identification of technologies and development of solutions for wastewater treatment and soil remediation. Recommendations Víctor Pochat to expand the water supply. July Habitat: social innovation and development of new construction techniques Leonardo and materials for homes. Enrique Ortecho September Rational use of energy: development of new sources of energy-solar, wind, biomass, and opportunities to modernize the electricity grid. Development Jaime Moragues of new equipment and systems. March Oil and gas technologies: developing scientific and technological capabilities for identification and exploitation of unconventional reservoirs. Laura Pandolfo New chemical and biotechnological resources for secondary and tertiary use of wells. Development of capital goods. November Medical equipment: opportunities to strengthen the competitiveness of the sector from new materials, hardware and software development Fernando Porta y and specialized technology services. Coordination of the purchasing and Gustavo Baruj regulatory power of the state and interaction with private investment. August Infectious diseases: promotion of public drug production and research on Stella Maris “neglected” diseases. González Cappa September Health Phytomedicine: biotech research and development for cosmetic, Cristian Desmarchelier nutraceuticals and herbal medicines from native plant varieties. Transverse April Regulatory frameworks: review of current and proposed amendments to Patricia Waisman the regulatory context in which innovation takes place in Argentina. October Human resources: analysis and proposals on key topics for the professional Guillermina D'Onofrio development of researchers.Employment opportunities for doctors, Lucas Luchilo evaluation criteria, profiles. October During the period 2013 - 2015 Implementation Tables will be organized to prepare the corresponding roadmaps for the rest of the Strategic Socio Productive Cores. Executive summary · Innovative Argentina 2020 · 29 2. ONGOING TECHNOLOGY PLATFORMS Platform for the Development of nanobiomaterials and Devices for Diagnosis and Treatment Production of nanomaterials for storage, transport, image contrast and controlled release of bioactive compounds and drugs, development of techniques and devices based on nanomaterials for diagnosis and early detection of diseases and advice and training aimed at professionals in the area of nanomedicine and diagnosis. CONICET, National Commission for Atomic Energy and National University of La Plata. Picture : Guillermo Stuarts (UNS) Argentine Genomic Technology Consortium (CATG) Sequencing entire genomes of plants, animals and microorganisms; genotyping of plants, animals and microbial populations; complete microbiomes studies; transcriptomics (molecular signatures) epigenetic (environmental relevance); sensitivity/toxicity/drug (personalized medicine) and translational medicine in general. CONICET, Fundación Instituto Leloir and National Institute of Agricultural Technology. Picture: Dr. Osvaldo Podhajcer Platform for Human reprogrammed stem cells (PLACEMA) Cellular reprogramming to be applied to the generation of in vitro models for the study of diseases, generation of cell models to test drug toxicity and studies on regenerative therapies. Leloir Institute Foundation and Foundation for Neurological Disease Control for Children (FLENI). Picture: Ariel Octavio Ahumada Alvarez Bioinformatics Center of Argentina Sequence analysis, structural modeling of biomolecules, genome annotation; quantification of trans criptomes; HPC software improvement, development of customized databases, analysis of genomes. GWAS and High Throughput Docking of molecules. University of Buenos Aires, Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Universidad Católica de Córdoba and CONICET. Picture: Dra. Verónica Becher y Dr. Hernán Dopazo SELECTED TECHNOLOGICAL PLATFORMS Area Platform Members Rational drug development Service for the discovery, design and preclinical development of drugs in Argentina - SEDIPFAR National University of Rosario CONICET National University of Cordoba Preclinical Biological Tests on laboratory animals (EBAL) National University of La Plata University of Buenos Aires CONICET Proteomics and Structural Biology Technology platform and structural biology metabolomics CONICET Leloir Institute Foundation Proteomics and Structural Biology Proteomic platform CEQUIBIEM - Center for chemical and biological studies by mass spectrometry UBA CONICET National University of La Plata 30 · Executive summary · Innovative Argentina 2020 3. 3 MAIN ONGOING INTERVENTIONS The maps below display a selection of activities and programs related to the promotional activities of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation. Like any selection, it is a partial sample of the wide range of on-going activities, while prioritizing those that stand out as being associative and constitute a direct antecedent of the activities of the NSPE work. For this reason, some projects were selected in view of the scientific and technological capabilities that had been generated or strengthened. In other situations, the economic and social impact of the results was considered. Projects that stand out for the novelty of the working methodology with which they develop have also been included. SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT/ ENERGY 2 1 SAC-D Aquarius (CABA and Cordoba) 2 Weather network (Formosa) 2 2 3 5 3 Forest Geographical Information System (Misiones) 3 1 1 Electronic instrumental for hydrology (Santiago del Estero) 1 2 Surface irrigation management strategies (La Rioja) 2 1 Multiplication of forest tree species native from the andean-patagonic area (Rio Negro) 1 3 2 PICTO San Jorge Gulf (Chubut) 1 1 Consulting: technologies for improving nitrogen use in agricultural and livestock activities and reduce associated GHG emissions (Entre Rios, Santa Fe, Santiago del Estero, Cordoba, La Pampa, San Luis, Buenos Aires) 1 1 3 Manufacturing of polyethylene film (San Juan) 1 1 Thermoelectric solar park Intihuasi (Catamarca) 2 1 4 National system for solar energy assessment (Lujan, Bs. As.) SECTORIAL FUND 5 Photovoltaic system for water pumping (Formosa) 1 Electric cluster (Bernal, Bs. As.) 1 1 4 13 1 1 1 1 2 Clean production in borate processing (Jujuy) 3 Interconnection of photovoltaic systems to the electrical network in urban environments (AMBA) 1 1 1 Elimination of cyanide in zinc electroplating (Santa Fe) 2 Renewable network with 24 h/day storage (Jujuy) 1 ANR (NON REFUNDABLE CONTRIBUTIONS) P+L 2 OTHERS 1 Magnetic materials with amorphous and nanometric structure (CABA) 2 Production of eco-bricks as alternative fuel (Neuquen) 3 Wind power generation (Salta) 1 EOR Project - Framework Agreement MinCyT - IAPG (CABA, Neuquén y San Luis) Environmental data Water resources Remediation of degradated environments Reducing emissions of greenhouse gas Waste recycling Use of solar energy Distributed electricity generation (smart grids) Rational use of energy Technologies for oil and gas Executive summary · Innovative Argentina 2020 · 31 AGROINDUSTRY/INDUSTRY 2 1 Transgenic pastures tolerant to biotic and abiotic stress (Rosario, Santa Fe) 2 Quinoa production (Cusi Cusi, Jujuy) 5 3 3 Functional genomic characterization of sunflower tolerant to biotic and abiotic stress (Rosario, Santa Fe) 2 3 3 2 4 1 Functional foods with VHH antrotavirus (Sunchales y Rosario, Santa Fe) 2 3 1 4 2 Ecowhey (Rafaela, Santa Fe) 1 3 3 3 Functional dairy (Rafaela, Santa Fe and Villa María, Córdoba) 4 Sugar industry 2020 (Tucumán) 7 5 Peanut sector 2020 (Juarez Celman y Tercero Arriba, Córdoba) 1 6 Strengthening food health authority (Viedma, Río Negro) 5 3 7 Industrialization process of raisins (San Juan) 1 Generating thermal, mechanical and electric energy from biomass (Misiones, Córdoba and Santa Fe) 1 Consulting: Technology for energy harnessing of urban 3 and agricultural waste including technologies for biogas treatment (Tucumán, Salta, Misiones, Corrientes) 6 2 PI-TEC PID OTHERS Biotechnological strategies for controlling dairy diseases 2 (CABA and Castelar and San Martín, Bs. As.) Cultivation of freshwater fish (Rosario, Santa Fe) 3 3 Traceability in livestock production systems 4 (Santiago Del Estero) Crop improvement and seed production Food processing Complementary technologies for developing fruit and vegetable 5 preserves (Formosa) Biorefineries Agricultural machinery and food processors Design, innovation and tools for wool products in small 6 businesses (Bs. As.) Technical assistance and research applied to fruit and vegetable sector (Rio Negro) 1 2 3 1 2 3 SECTORIAL FUND PROSPECTIVE STUDY Biotechnological solutions for Brucellosis in the 1 dairy sector (CABA and Castelar and San Martín, Bs. As.) 1 6 11 2 2 2 2 Improved materials and processes for biofuel production (Pampas, Tucumán and Centre of Salta) Cluster of agricultural machinery and agroparts 1 (south of Santa Fe and Southeast Cordoba) 1 2 2 8 Quality of fine fruits and strawberries (Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego) 1 1 32 2 1 3 3 1 1 Traditional and nontraditional animal production 8 Fruit and vegetable products Forestry Sector (Misiones and Corrientes northern) Forest resources Forest development models (Chubut) Transformation of natural resources in high added value products Nuevo sistema para el cultivo de álamos (Santa Cruz) Ion Lithium Batteries: development of electrode materials (La Plata, Bs. As.) Long vegetable fibres for clothing design (Formosa) Productive chain of cotton fibres (Corrientes and Chaco) Medical technology (Paraná Region - Oro Verde, Entre Ríos) 1 32 · Executive summary · Innovative Argentina 2020 Medical equipment SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT / HEALTH 1 1 Productive chain. Fine camelid fiber (Jujuy, Catamarca, Mendoza, Chubut, Río Negro y Santa Cruz) -in process- 11 2 Raisin Industry (San Juan) 3 Rescue indigenous food sources: quinoa and amaranth (Tucumán) 4 Design and production for rural weavers and spinners (Mendoza) 5 1 3 3 1 1 1 7 1 2 5 Positioning of the collective brand collective VICHINO: presentation of a safety shoes line (Santa Fe) 6 Strengthening integration and socioeconomic identity of beekeeper (Tunuyán, Mendoza) 5 2 10 7 Connects with the world: ICTs and education (Santiago del Estero) 2 1 1 6 8 Constitution of a node of design and microcredit for small business (La Plata, Bs. As.) 3 1 3 1 4 9 9 Development Centres and Horizontal ploughing services (Junín, Bs. As.) 11 10 Technologies Network for Social Inclusion in Argentina (Córdoba) 4 23 253 8 11 Consultation Protocol for the free, previous and informed consent for the indigenous peoples (Formosa, Neuquén y Buenos Aires) 11 1 Right of access to basic goods: Arsenic-free water (Chaco) 2 Solar energy in social housing (San Martín, Bs. As.) 3 Co-building of technology for wood housing (Concordia, Entre Ríos) 1 4 4 Rope pump driven by a windmill (Bariloche, Río Negro) 5 Reservoir Systems for family farming (Misiones) PAE 1 1 Integration Games for comprehensive schools (Paraná, Entre Ríos) SECTORIAL FUND OTHER 1 Technology platform for the production of recombinant protein of high molecular weight applied to human health (Santa Fe) 2 Production of monoclonal antibodies for therapeutic use (Pilar, Bs. As.) 1 3 Biotechnological platform for the production of recombinant proteins used in human health in transgenic bovine milk (CABA) 1 Method for diagnosis of infection with Trypanosoma Cruzi: neonatal screening for congenital Chagas disease (Rosario, Santa Fe y Formosa) Social economy and local development Housing 2 Multiple enzyme immunoassay test for the detection of bacterial pathogens in diarrhoea (Rosario, Santa Fe) Technology for the disabled 3 Development of a high performance competitive test for the molecular diagnosis of Chagas (CABA y Chaco) Infectious diseases 4 Validation and identification of Trypanosoma Cruzi molecules for the improvement of the diagnosis of chagas (San Martín, Bs. As.) Biosimilars Chronic diseases Phytomedicine 5 Domestic production of the MMR (La Plata, Bs. As.) 1 Alternative technique for the detection of cystic fibrosis (Corrientes) 1 Improving the essence of citronella (Misiones) 2 Aromatic plants in the basin of Los Sauces River (La Rioja) 3 Control of Varroa destructor through essential oils (San Luis) Executive summary · Innovative Argentina 2020 · 33 NEXT STEPS Following the conceptual and instrumental bases established by the National Plan for Science, Technology and Innovation, “Innovative Argentina 2020”, a working program was designed to ensure its implementation. In 2012, ten implementation tables were organized with the participation of representatives of the public and productive sector, and of institutions from the scientific and technological system. Thus, based on the first set of NSPE, the technological, scientific and productive challenges were outlined, the financial and human resources required were estimated, and a roadmap was designed to organize the actions to be developed and coordinate the participation of the different actors. These results will be presented in a document for each NSPE called “Operational Plan”. Also two working tables focused on crosscutting issues: highly qualified human resources and regulatory frameworks were convened. These working tables provided an agenda for action lines based on a participatory methodology. For 2013, it is expected to replicate the working scheme, by organizing new implementation tables and continuing the work on cross-cutting issues. This annual dynamics will enable to move gradually from the instance of indicative planning towards coordinated action programming. Strategic plans developed in recent years are relevant, not only because they help structure better sectorial or specific actions, but also as a they represent a key tool for coordination between several agencies that make of the National State, thus enhancing the ability of transformation of public policies and strengthening the systemic nature of the current growth process. In this regard, the Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation has another resource to enhance its links with the rest of the institutions that support the national innovation system, and to coordinate its actions with other departments and areas of the State. In 2012, the work done by the technical teams associated with the planning activity of several ministries has been very fruitful. We worked on the specifics of the conceptual approaches of the respective strategic plans, by comparing methodological schemes used and surveying the general and specific objectives, 34 · Executive summary · Innovative Argentina 2020 tools and resources available to implement these schemes. Undoubtedly, this is a useful tool available to expand and enhance the planning and programming capabilities of the National State, thus consolidating it as a key stakeholder in the economic and social development of Argentina “In the collective imagination, science was seen as something far away, something that had nothing to do with the daily lives of people. We are changing that paradigm, because we have begun to link actually - with resources, with results -science to the economic growth and development of the industrialization of our country. “ Dr. Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, June 22, 2011. Executive summary · Innovative Argentina 2020 · 35 LIST OF ACRONYMS CICYT Interagency Council on Science and Technology COFECYT Federal Council for Science and Technology CONICET National Council of Scientific and Technical Research CTI Science, Technology and Innovation I+D Research and Development MI Implementation Tables NEA Northeast Argentina NOA Northwest Argentina NSPE Strategic socio productive core NGOs Non-governmental organizations OP Operational Plans SNCTI National Science, Technology and Innovation Plan ICT Information Technology and Communications GPT General Purpose Technologies UNLP National University of La Plata UNS University of the South 36 · Executive summary · Innovative Argentina 2020 Executive summary · Innovative Argentina 2020 · 37
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