Our Ref: sxP2 Contact Details: (OT) / 1412010 3222 961 5 / [email protected] Bentleys THINKING AHEAD Bentleys Corporate Recovery Pty Ltd 7 January 2015 Level 9, 123 Albert Street Brisbane City QLD 4000 Australia TO THE CREDITOR AS ADDRESSED GPO Box 740 Brisbane QLD 4001 Australia ABN 44 129 017 r89 T +61 7 32229777 F +61 7 3221 9250 Dear Sir/Madam [email protected] SKYTRANS Pry LTD (ADM TNTSTRATORS APPOI NTED) bentleys,com.au A.C.N 100 751 139 ("the Company") Tracy Lee Knight and l, William John Fletcher, were appointed joint and several Administrators of the Company pursuant to Section 4364 of ihe Corporations Act 2001 ("Ihe Act") on 5 January 2015. One of the effects of our appointment is to place a moratorium on the payment of unsecured creditors' accounts in relation to trading and other debts incurred up to the date of our appointment, until creditors make a decision about the Company's future. That decision will be made at a second meeting of creditors, to be held within 30 business days following our appointment. Creditors will receive notice of that meeting in due course. ln the meantime, we are required to hold a first meeting of creditors within B business days following our appointment. ln this regard, we enclose the following: .1, Notice of Meeting of Creditors to be held at the University of Queensland Business School .19 Central Plaza One,345 Queen Street, Brisbane QLD 4000 at Executive Venue, Level 10.00 am on Thursday, 15 January 2015 (the first meeting); 2 Proof of Debt for Voting Purposes; 3 lnstrument of Proxy; 4 A Declaration of lndependence, Relevant Relationships and lndemnities for the purposes of Section 436D4 of the Act; and 5 lnformation for creditors regarding the Voluntary Administration process published by the Australian Securities and lnvestments Commission. Please note that the informal proof and proxy forms should be lodged with this office by no later than 4:00 pm on Wednesday, 14 January 2O15. {nortroN A member of Bentleys, an assoctation ol independent accountilrg firms in Austral¡a The member fìrms of the Bentleys associatim are aflilialed mly ild not in partnersh'p, Ljabilify lim¡led by a scheme approved under Profssional Stildards Legislalion ) ) ) Accountants nuditors Aovisors ln accordance with the Australian Restructuring lnsolvency and Turnaround Association of Australia guidelines a list of creditors' names and amounts is available on request. or Should you require any further information in relation to this matter, please contact (07) 3222 9615 s(ytrans ;@bris. lrcntleys. com.au. Yours faithfully Sla.ftrans Pty Ltd (Administrators Appointed) iam J Fletcher Joint and Several Administrator Encl, #1412010 FORM 5294 Paragraph 5,6,12(6) CORPORATIONS ACT 2OO1 NOTICE OF FIRST MEETING OF CREDITORS OF COMPANY UNDER ADMINISTRATION Pry LTD (ADM N TSTRATORS APPOI NTED) ACN 100 751 139 ("the Company") SKYTRANS r '1. On 5 January 2015, the Company under section 4364 appointed William John Fletcher and Tracy Lee Knight of Bentleys Corporate Recovery Pty Ltd, Level 9, '123 Albert Street, Brisbane, Queensland, as the joint and several Administrators of the Company, 2. Notice is now given that a meeting of the creditors of the Company will be held at the .19 Central Plaza One, University of Queensland Business School Executive Venue, Level 345 Queen Street, Brisbane QLD 4000 at 10:00 am on Thursday, 15 January 2015, 3. The purpose of the meeting is to determine: a. b, 4. whether to appoint a committee of creditors; and if so, who are to be the committee's members. At the meeting, creditors may also, by resolution: a. b, remove the Administrators from office; and appoint someone else as Administrator/s of the above named company, at the as follows: Teleconference facilities Australia Toll Free 1 800 558 698 +61 2 9007 3187 All Others .166 '131 Conference lD Please note that under Corporations Regulations 5,6.134: (a) A person, or the proxy or attorney of a person, who wishes to participate in the meeting by telephone must give to the administrator, not later than the secondlast working day before the day on which the meeting is to be held, written statement setting out: (i) the name of the person and of the proxy or attorney (if any); and (ii) an address to which notices to the person, pro{y or attorney may be sent; and (iii) a telephone number at which the person, proxy or attorney may be contacted; and (iv) any facsimile transmission number to which notices to the person, proxy or attorney may be sent. #1412010 (b) A person, or the proxy or attorney of a person, who participates in the meeting by telephone must pay any costs incurred by the person, pro)ry or attorney in participating and is not entitled to be reimbursed for those costs from the assets of the company. DATED this 7th day of January 2015. John Fletcher Joint and Several Administrator #1 41 201 0 FORM 535 CORPORATIONS ACT 2OO1 Subregulation 5.6.49(2) FORMAL PROOF OF DEBT OR CLA|M (GENERAL FORM) SK/TRANS PTY LTD (ADMINISTRATORS APPOINTED) ACN 100751 139 To the Administrators of Sk¡¡trans Pty Ltd (Administrators Appointed) 1. This is to state that the company was, on 5 January 2015 indebted to(2) Particulars of Date (1) and still is, justly and truly debt are: Considerationpr Amount $ GST included $ Remarks(a) 2, To my knowledge or belief the creditor has not, nor has any person by the creditor's order, had or received any manper of satisfaction or security for the sum or any part of it except for the following:t5) 3.(6)* to make this stated and that the debt, the consideration for was incurred the debt statement. I know that unsatisfied. and remains unpaid still and belief, to the best of my knowledge I am employed by the creditor and authorised in writing by the creditor 9,(61* I am the creditor's agent authorised in writing to make this statement in writing' I know that the debt was incurre,J and for the consideration stated and that the debt, to the best of my knowledge and belief, still remains unpaid and unsatisfied. DATED this day of 2015 Signature of Signatory NIIME lN BLOCK LETTERS,...!¡.,r.....!r... Occupation... Address,.,..,.. See Directions overleaf for the completion of this form #1412010 USE ONLY POD No: ADMIT - Ordinary $ Date Received: ADMIT - Preferential $ Entered into |PS/Computer: Reject $ H/Over for Consideration $ TOTAL PROOF $ Amount per RATA $ PREP B\TAUTHORISED DATEAUTHORISED #1412010 Directions Strike out whichever is inapplicable. (1) lnsert date of Courl Order in winding up by the Cout't, or date of resolution to wind up, if a voluntary winding up. (2) lnsert full name and address (including ABN) of the creditor and, iÎ applicable, the creditor's partners. lf prepared by an employee or agent of the creditor, also insert a description of the occupation of the ':rerJitor. (3) Under "Consideration" state how the debt arose, for example "goods sold and delivered to the company ..........,....u, "moneys advanced in respect of the Bill of between the dates of .,............... Exchange". (4) Under "Remarks" include details of vouchers substantiating payment' (5) lnsert particulars of all securities held. Where the securities are on the property of the company, assess the value of those securities, lf any bills or other negotiable securities are held, speciñ7 them in a schedule in the following form; Date (6) Drawer Acceptor $ 0 Amount Date Due lf proof is made by the creditor personally, strike the two (2) paragraphs numbered 3. Annexures A. lf space provided for a parlicular purpose in a form ís insufficient to contain all the required information in relation to a particular item, the information must be set out in an annexure. B. An annexure to a form must: (a) (b) i) have an identiñ/ing mark; and be endorsed with the words: "This is the annexure of fnsert number of pages) pages marked (insert an identifying mark) referred to in the (rnsert description of form) signed by me/us and dated fnserf date of signing); and (c) be signed by each person signing the form to which the document is annexed, C. The pages in an annexure must be numbered consecutively. D. lf a form has a document annexed the following particulars of the annexure must be written on the form: E (a) the identifying mark; and (b) the number of Pages. ¡\ reference to an annexure includes a document that is with a form' #1412010 FORM 532 Regulation 5.6.29 CORPORATIONS ACT 2OO1 APPOINTMENT OF PROXY GREDITORS MEETING SKYTRANS PTY LTD ISTRATORS APPOI NTED) ACN 100 751 '139 ("the Company") (ADM I N a creditor of Sþ¡trans Pty Ltd, appoint (3) ............ or in his or her absence to vote at the meeting of creditors to be held at the University of Queensland Business School ExecutiveVenue, Level 19 Central PlazaOne,345 Queen Street, Brisbane QLD 4000 at 10:00am on Thursday, 15 January 2015, or at any adjournment of that meeting (4). As either: My/our general proxy to vote at the meeting of creditors OR My/our special pro)ry to vote at the meeting of creditors and to vote in accordance with mylour instructions below (please tick as applicable): Where a special proxy is provided, he/she is directed to vote as follows (5): Against Abstain tr tr tr tr tr tr For a. That in the event that an alternative Administrator is proposed, that the existing Administrators be removed and an alternative appointee be appointed in their stead. b. That a committee of creditors be appointed. Attendance: Teleconference #1412010 Person tr day of January 2015. Dated this Signature tl (6) CERTIFICATE OF WITNESS This cer¡¡cate is to be completed only if the person giving the proxy is blind or incapable of writing. The signature of the creditor, contributory, debenture holder or member must not be witnessed by the person nominated as proxy' certify that the above instrument appoinling a proxy was completed by me in the presence of and at the request of the persón appointing the proxy and read to him or her before he or she signed or marked the instrument. Dated: Signature of Witness: Description; Place of Residence: ' Strike out if inapplicable (1 ) lf a firm, strike out "1" and set out the full name of the firm. (2) lnsert your full address. (3) lnsert the name, address and description of the person appointed. (4) lf a special proxy add the words ''to vote for'' or the words "to vote âgainst" and speciflt the particular resolution. (S) Please indicate how you would like your proxy holder to vote by ticking the appropriate box' lf left bank the pro>rry holder can vote at his/her discretion. (6) The person named at (1) should sign the form, or an appointed representative, if a firm, should sign on behalf of the #1412010 lrm stating their position within the firm. CORPORATIONS ACT 2OO1 Section 43604 Declaration of lndependence, Relevant Relationships and lndemnities SKTTRANS PTY LTD (ADMI N ISTRATO RS APPO¡ NTED) ("the ComPanY') ACN 100 751 139 entity to make declarations as to: This document requíres the practitioner/s appointed to an insolvent A. B. theír indePendence generallY; relationshiPs, including C. Practitioner' any indemnities gMen, or up-front payments rnade' to the i the circumstances of the appointment; ii any relationships with the lnsolvent and others within the previous 24 months; iii any prior professional services for the lnsolvent within the previous 24 months; iv that there are no other relationships to declare; and Fletcher, our parlners and This deelaratiorl is-.rnade in respect of Tracy Lee Knight, william John Ltd' Bentleys Chartered Corporate Recovery Pty A. Declaration of lndePendence aPPrrintment. B Declaration of RelationshiPs i Circumstances of þPointment This appointment was referred to us by BDO Australia. ir.,ãv ,"t r us work from time to with BDO Austraria "no to the Company' services provided advisory we have a professional relationship time. BDO Australla had previously Simon Wild' and his advisers Tracy Lee Knight attended one teleconference with the Director, this teleconference was to purpose of prbi to óur ãppointment as Administrators. The of action available to the possible courses consider the current c¡rcumstances of and advice' providing this Company. No remuneration was received for GXC/ A1 / 1409860v1 -& Skytrans Pty Ltd (.Admlnisüatoß aPPolnted) A.C,N 100 751 139 .l s¡î sAp. 5/01/201/ Dated:5/01 Dated: TRACY LEE JOHN FLETCHER ADMINISTRATOR NOTE: 1. If circumstances chanse, or new information ;,li,f\'I3i¿:f"î;J"i'{i{Hiilil:, next communicaÛbn as well as table a copy and C of the DIRR| is to disclose rcla Practitioner having a conflict of interest those retationshþs and understand índePendent' GXC/A1 / 1409860v1 AS IC Austreli¡n Secutities & I¡rvestmenta Commirsion INFORMATION SHEET 74 Voluntary administration: a gu¡de for creditors If a company is in fÏnancial diffrculty, it can be put into voluntary administration. in voluntary This information sheet provides general information for unsecured creditors of companies administration. Who is a creditor? is owed money You are a creditor of a company if the company owes you money. Usually, a creditor company. to the loans made or services, or provideógoods because they have An employee owed money for unpaid wages and other entitlements is a creditor' by ais g' if they succeed in a be owed money the companyi is generallY two categ o as a'contingent' charge', such as a mortgage, over some or all of the y the company. Lenders usually require a charge over sec comp A comp ¡ assets' An unsecu¡ed creditor is a creditor who does not have a charge over the company's Their outstanding entitlements-q9 usually paid Employees are If you are an employee, see ASIC's information in priority to ttr sheet tNÉO ZS emPloYees' The purpose of voluntary administrat¡on Voluntary administration is designed to resolv and o Ð s' summarises the process)' An indãpendent takes full controi of the company to try to work If it isn't possible to save the company or its business, the aim is to administer the affairs of the have received if the a \ilay that results in a better returi to creditors than they would for achieving these aims is a A mechanism had insíead been placed straight into liquidation. ;;;p""yì" ññi deed of company anangement. company's directors, after they decide that the LesJ commonly, a voluntary administrator may be r a secured creditor' administrator company is insolvent or li uppointéA by a liquidator, A voluntary lmpo rtant note: lnts information sheet contai topi It ts not exceptions or á substitute for legal advi ce Some provrsrons exceptions law the or the about information the of qualifications. This document may not contain all professional qualified a will need You your circumstances nt to releva and qualifications that arc to how the law r ctfcu mstances and to tell adviser to take into account @ (-;omm'ss'on, ltecember 2Ûi'î Australian Securities & lnvestmenl:s Page 1 ol 12 VOLUNTARY ADMINISTRATION: A GUIDE FOR CREDITORS Figure l: The voluntary adm¡n¡strat¡on process Secured cred¡tor Directors of the Board and Charge over all or substantially all of the in writing company's property By resolution Liquidator Declslon to appoint Or provisional liquidator adminlstrator Ap¡rointment of voluntary administrator . . Wlthin I þuglness days of appointment rs can vote replace the administrator create a committee of of voluntary Firct meeting of cred¡tots adm¡n¡strator* (at least 5 business days notice is reduired) crcditors Adminlstrator must invesligaÞ cornpan¡/s affa¡rs and rcpoÉ to creditos on alternatlves Witliin 25 or 30 business days of appointment of Meeting to decide company's future voluntary administrator* (at least 5 business days notice is required) Creditorc decide to return company to the control of the directorc Creditors decide to accept a deed of company arrangement Within 15 business days* Creditons decide to put the company Outcome of meetlng into liquidation Immediately Company signs a * Unless deed and deed Administrator administration begins becomes liquidator the court allows an extension of time. @ Australian Securities & lnvestments Commission, December 2008 Visit our website: www,asic. gov.au Page 2 oÍ 12 VOLUNTARY ADIttINISTRATION: A GUIDE FOR CREDITORS A company in voluntary administration may also 54 Receivership: a guidefor creditors. be in receivership: see ASIC information sheet INFO The voluntary administrator's role reports to creditors After taking control of the company, the voluntary administrator investigates and three options the on and circumstances, financial and prop"¡y, affairs on it. .otniu"V,s business, are: These cre:ditors. available tc o . control end the voluntary administration and retum the company to the directors' will pay all or part of its approve a deed of company arrangement through which the company d: Ís and then be ftee ofthose debts, or . wind up the company and appoint a liquidator' which option is in The voluntary administrator must give an opinion on each option and recommend the best interests ofcreditorson to the company's problems, In and compares the possible doing assesses outcome goes into voluntary . A creditors' meeting is usually held about five weeks after the company administrations, this In complex futwe. company's the for option th" b.rt on to decide administration meeting may be held later if the court consents' of the company and its directors. This includes the iness or sell individual assets in the lead up to the on possible offences by Another responsibilþ of the voluntary administrator is to report to ASIC people involved with the company' must act fairþ and the voluntary administrator may be appointed by the'directors, tlley Although impartially. Effect of appointment provide the company wi.th brgathing The effect of the appointment of a voluntary administrator is to is in voluntary administration: the company While resoþéd. is space while the company's future . . the company without the unsecured creditors can't begin, continue or enforce their claims against permission administrator's consent or the court's by the company, or people owners ofproperty (other than perishable property) used or occupied property their who lease sucir property to the company, can't recover ¡ charge over company excgpt in limited circumstances, secured creditors can't enforce their prop )rly ¡ . and a court application to put the company in liquidation can't be commenced, director or other person can't act a creditor holding a personal guarantee from the company's under the personal guarantee without the court's consent' Voluntary admi nistrator's liability Any debts that arise from the using or occupYing ProPertY' administration. If there are in voluntary administrator is personally liable for the advised by the voluntary should ensure you receive u purcnase order authorised in the manner administrator. @ Austra ia n secu riti es & n vestme nts I I ff#l;:i:i ri^tr:.Tli í:3: PageS oÍ 12 VOLUNTARY ADMINISTRATION: A GUIDE FOR CREDITORS The voluntary administrator must also decide whether to continue to use or occupy property owned by another party thatis held or occupied by the company at the time of their appointment. Within five business days after their appointmen! the voluntary administrator must notify the owner ofproperty whether they intend to continue to occupy or use the property. Ifthe voluntary administrator decides to continue to do so, they will be personally liable for any rent or amounts payable arising after the end ofthe five business days. Amounts that become due to employees after the date of the appointment of the voluntary administrator have a priority claim against the company's assets as a cost of the administration. However, the voluntary administrator does not become personally liable for such amounts unless the voluntary administrator adopts employees' contracts of employment or enters into new employment contractr; with them. Greditors' meetings Two meetings of creditors must be held during the voluntary administration. First creditors' meeting The voluntary administrator must call the first creditors' meeting within eight business days after the voluntary administration begins. At least five business days before the meeting, the voluntary administrator must notiry as many creditors as practical in writing and advertise the meeting. The advertisement must appear in a newspaper cìrculating in the states or territories in which the company has its registered office or canies on its business. The voluntary administrator must send to creditors, with the notice of meeting, declarations about any relationships they may have, or indemnities they have been given, to allow creditors to consider the voluntary àdministrato.'s independence and make an informed decision about whether they want to replace them with another voluntary administrator ofthe creditors' choice. The purpose of the first meeting is for creditors to decide two questions: o . whether they want to form a committee of creditors, and, if so, who will be on the committee, and whether they want the existing voluntary administrator to be removed and replaced by a voluntary administrattr of their choice. The role of a committee of creditors is to consult with the voluntary administrator about matters relevant to the voluntary administration and receive and consider rePorts from the voluntary administrator. The committee can also require the voluntary administrator to report to them about the voluntary administration. [t may also approve the vohurtary administrator's fees. A creditor who wishes to nominate an altemative voluntary administrator must approach a registered liquidator before the meeting and get a written consent from that Person that they would be prepared to aci as voluntary administrator. The proposed alternative administrator should give to the meeting decla¡ations about any relationships they may have, or indemnities they have been given. The voluntary administrator will only be replaced if the resolution to replace them is passed by the creditors at the meeting. To be eligible to vote at this meeting, you must lodge details of your debt or claim with the voluntary administrator (discussed further below). This meeting can be chaired by either the voluntary administrator or one of their senior staff. @ Australian Securities & lnvestments Commission, December 2008 Visit our website: www.asic.gov. au Page 4 of 12 VOLUNTARY ADMINISTRATION: A GUIDE FOR CRED¡TORS second cred¡tors' meet¡ng (to decide the company's future) After investigating the affairs of the company options available to ãredit-ors (outlined above), incluâi the administrator must call a second cr ãf st interests tors are "..¿itott, given the opportunity to decide the company's future' voluntary administration This meeting is usually held about five weeks after the company goes into Easter). (six weeks at Christmas and for the voluntary However, in complex voluntary administrations, often more time is needed the court can approve an circumstances, these In to creditors. position to report administrator to bi in a extension of time to hold the meeting. The voluntary administrator must chair this meeting' creditors the following In preparation for the second meeting, the voluntary administrator must send doôuments at least ¡ ¡ . business days before the meeting: a notice of meeting the voluntary administrator's report, and a statement about any proposals for a deed of company arrangement. These . . lle will be accomPanietl b1: a claim form (usually a 'proof of debt' form), and a proxy voting form. The meeting must also be advertised- or Either or both the first and second creditors' meeting may be held using telephone videoconferencing facilities. Votuntary administratof s rePort you shourd read the voluntarv administrator's report iîtiîäåi"Tf"lffiË:fü:T;i-"i'*i:iu" and the reasons for úusiness, property and affairs, an informed decision about the company's future. future of the comPany' including The report should also provide an analysis of-"ny proposals for the be available for creditors in a would what of a comparable the possible outcomes,'À *"tt liquidation. "rii.àt" ^ each of the options Finally, the report should include the voluntary administ¡at9r's opinion on of creditors' As noted interests best is in the which on available to creditors, as well as an opinion above, the options are: o . o control end the voluntary administration and return the company to the directors' approve a deed ofcompany arrangement (ifone is proposed)' or put the company into liquidation. @ Australian securities & lnvestments commission, December 2008 isit our website: www.asic.gov.au Page 5 of 12 VOLUNTARY AOMINISTRATION: A GUIDE FOR CREDITORS Vol untary adm in istrator's statem e nt about deed If there are proposals for a deed of company arrangement, the voluntary administrator must provide creditors with a statement giving enough details of each proposal to enable creditors to make an informed decision. The types of proposals allowed in a deed of company anangement are very flexible. Typically, a proposal will provide for the company to pay all or part of its debts, possibly over time, anå thenbe free of those debts. It will often provide for the company to continue trading. How these things wilt happen varies from case to case, as the terms allowed in a deed of company arrangement are ãko very flexible. The contents of a deed of company arrangement are discussed below. You should insist on being provided with as much information about the terms of the proposed deed possible, before the creditors' meeting. The minimum contents of a deed of company arrangement, discussed below, provide a guide on the information you might request if it hasn't already been as provided. You should also contact the voluntary administrator before the meeting if you believe the report to creditors does not contain sufficient information to enable you to make a decision about the company's future. Voting at a creditors' meet¡ng Tc vote at any creditors' meeting you must lodge details of your debt or claim with the voluntary -w'11 -'-,¡v'.'jr¡ yc'; w"l :. fo:-:. CalleC a. ':-¡Cf cf aC.mÍnil ,lrif¡n. Ïr,'-nlli', ^hrr l'tl ;-.';tJ ;¡.rÌ:r, -. ;r1;.lOdebt' to be completed and returned before the meeting. The chairperson of the meeting decides whether or not to accept the debt or claim for voting purposes' The chairperson may decide that a creditor does not have a valid claim or the amount of the debt cannot bJdetermined with any certainty at the date of the meeting. In this case, they may not allow the creditor to vote at all; or only to vote for a debt of $ l. This decision is only for voting purposes. It is not relevant to whether a crdditor will receive a dividend. An appeal against a decision by the chairperson to accept or reject a proofofdebt or claim for voting purposes may be made to the court within 14 days after the decision. A secured creditor is entitled to vote for the full amount of their debt without having to deduct the value of their security. Voting by proxy You may appoint a proxy to attend and vote at a meeting on your behalf. A proxy can be any person who is at least 18 years old. Creditors who are companies will have to nominate a person as proxy so that they can partiôipate in the meeting. This is done using a form sent out with the notice of meeting' The completed proxy form must be provided to the voluntary administrator before the meeting. You can fax tñe pto*y form to the voluntary administrator, but must lodge the original within 72 hours of sending the faxed copy. An electronic form of proxy may be used if the liquidator allows electronic lodgement, provided there is a way to authenticate the appointment of the proxy (e.g. by scanning and e-mailing a signature or using a digital signature). You can specify on the proxy form how the proxy is to vote on a particular resolution and the proxy must vote in accordance with that instruction. This is called a 'special proxy'. Altematively, you can leave it to the proxy to decide how to vote on each of the resolutions put before the meeting' This is called a'general proxy'. You can appoint the chairperson to represent you either through a special or general proxy' The voluntary ààministrator or one of their partners or employees must not use a general proxy to vote in favour of a resolution approving payment of the voluntary administrator's fees. @ Australian Securities & lnvestments Commission, December 2008 Visit our website: www, asic, gov.au Page 6 of 12 VOLUNTARY ADMINISTRATION: A GUIDE FOR CREDITORS Manner of voting A vote on any resolution put to a creditors' meeting may !e taken by creditors stating aloud their voting procedure called agreement oi di.ugr."*.nt, o, by a show of hands. Sometimes a more formal a'poll' is taken. passed if If voting is by show of hands or by verbally signalling agreemen!_the resolution is majority of those-presánt indicate ug.."-.nt. It is up to the chairperson to decide if this a majority has been reached. passed or lost' After the vote, the chairperson must tell those present whether the resolution has been they may hands, of a show on the chairperson is unablè to determine the outcbme of a resolution If decide to conduct a Poll. to vote' or Alternatively, a poll can be demanded by at least two people plesent who are entitled meeting. The someone wtro tlót¿s more than l0% of the votes of those entitled to vote at the poll is taken. chairperson will determine how this has If you intend to demand that a poll be taken, you must do so before, or as soon as, the chairperson deãhred the result ofa vote taken by show ofhands or voices' When a poll is conducted, a resolution is passed if: of . proxy) vote in favour more than half the number of creditors who are voting (in person or by . r: resolution, and r at the meeting vote those creditors who are owed more than half of the total debt owed to creditors in favour of the resolution. value is not This is referred to as a 'majority in number and value'. tf a majorþ in both number and vote' ç¿5[ing has ¿ chairperson the deadlock), a to as (often refened r.*tr"¿ under a poll Ghairperson's cast¡ng vote vote either in When a poll is taken and there is a deadlock, the chairperson may use their casting casting vote' their to use not decide also may favour oior against the resolution. The chairperson meeting that are The chairperson must inform the meeting, and include in the written minutes of or why they chose not to way particular in a vote f"åg.J *ittr ASIC, of the rea¡ions why thiy cast their use their casting vote. dis casting vote, vary or set as Ifyou son are a exercised th review of use their court may the resolution Votes of related cred¡tors Ifdirectors and shareholders, their spouses and relatives and other entities controlled by them are to attend and vote at creditors' meetings, including the crèditors of the company, théy *" "ãtitl"d future. meeting to decide the company's resolution is passed, or defeated, based dissatisfied with the outcome, you may fresh resolution to be vote¿ onîitnout øät"¿ met before the court will make such an order (e.g' interests of all or a class of creditors). Ifa aPP ".t @ for a st be Australian securities & lnvestments commission, December 2008 Visit our website: www,asic.gov.au PageT ol 12 VOLUNTARY ADMINISTRATION: A GUIDE FOR CREDITORS Deciding how to vote at the second meeting How you vote at the meeting on the three possible options, including any competing proposals for a deed óf company arangement, is a commercial decision based on your assessment of the company and its future prôspects, and your personal circumstances. The information provided by the voluntary administrator,-inciuding opinions expressed, will assist you. However, you are not obliged to accept the administrator's rec<,mr nendation Ifyou do not consider that you have been given enough information to decide how to vote, and particularly whether to vote for any deed proposal, you can ask for a resolution to be put to creditors ihut th" méeting be adjoumed (up to a maximum of 45 business days in total) and for the administrator to provide morõ information. You must make this request before a vote on the company's future' This resolution must be passed for the adjoumment to take place. Creditors also have the right when a deed of compariy arrangement is proposed and considered at the meeting to negotiate specific requirements into the terms of the deed, including, for example, how the deed administrator is to report to them on the progress of the deed. Any request to vary the deed proposal to include such requirements should be made before the deed proposal is voted on. lllirrutes of meeting The chairperson must prepare minutes of each meeting and a record ofthose who were present at each meeting. The minutes must be lodged with ASIC within 14 days of the meeting. A copy may be obtained from any ASIC Business Centre on payment ofthe relevant fee' Gompany returned to directors If the company is returned to the directors, they will be responsible for ensuring that the company pays its outstanding AeUtr as they fall duè. It is only in very rare circumstances that creditors will resolve to retum the company to the control of its directors. Liquidation If creditors resolve that the company go into liquidation, the voluntary administrator becomes the liquidator unless creditors vote at the second meeting to appoint a different liquidator of their choice. f"he liquidation proceeds as a creditors' voluntary liquidation with any payments of dividends to creditoìs made in the order set out lnthe Corporations Act 2001 (Corporations Act). To find out more, see ASIC information sheet INFO 45 Liquidation: a guidefor creditors. Deed of company arrangement If creditors vote for must sign the deed a proposal that the company enter a deed of company alrangement, the company 15 business days of the creditors' meeting, unless the court allows a longer *ithin time. If this doesn't happen, the company will automatically go into liquidation, with the voluntary administrator becoming the liquidator. The deed ofcompany arrangement binds all unsecured creditors, even ifthey voted against the proposal. It also binãs owneis of property, those who lease property to the company and secured ðt.àito.r, ifthey voted in favour ofthe deed. In certain circumstances, the court can also order that these people are bound by the deed even if they didn't vote for it. The deed of company anangement does not irevent a creditor who holds a personal guarantee from the company's director or another person taking action under the personal guarantee to be repaid their debt. @ Australian Securities & lnvestments Commission, December 2008 Visit our website: www.asic.gov,au Page 8 of 12 VOLUNTARY ADMINISTRATION: A GU¡DE FOR CREDITORS Contents of the deed information, ìVhatever the nature of the deed of company arïangement, it must contain certain including: ¡ o o ¡ ¡ o ¡ o the name of the deed administrator the propefy that will be used to pay creditors released the debts covered by the deed and the extent to which those debts are company arrangement the order in which the available funds will be paid to creditors (the deed of entitlements employee must ensure that employees have a priority inþayment of outstanding vary this priority) value to and number unless the eligible .åpíoy... ugr".iy a majority in both the nature and duration of any suspension of rights against the company the conditions (if any) for the deed to come into operation the conditions (ifany) forthe deedto continue inoperation, and the circumstances in which the deed terminates' åHtriîål['iî:lïeff #'ff'ff i;in'üi'llå'":"å:ïJ::í f the deed and the appointment of a committee of creditors (called a'committee of inspection'). provisions are proposed to be The voluntary administrator's report should tell you which prescribed excluded or varied and, if varied, how. Monitoring the deed ensure th I company (or others Úho have made commitments The extent of the deed administrator's ongoing commitmerit;. these unáer the deed) carries through deed' the in role will be set out that the obligations of the up promptlY with the deed payments or other actions It is the iole of the deed administiator to promised under the deed being missed. proposed and considered at the Creditors also have the right when a deed of company aÛangement is of faillre io meeisuch deadlines into the terms of the deed' second meeting to n goiiãt" "onsequences before the deed eny request tJ*.y tñ. deed propoial to include such consequences should be made proposal is voted on. payments with ASIC every six The deed administrator must lodge a detailed list of receipts and months. Varying the deed a proposed variation to the The deed administrator can call a creditors' meeting at any time to consider set out in the notice of be must iesolutions deed or a resolution to terminate the deed. The proposed meeting sent to creditorsrequest, also require the creditors owed at least 10% in value of all creditor claims can, by written happen, as those who this to for unusual deed administrator to call such a meeting. However, it is the meeting. holding and make the request must pay the costs of calling @ Australian Securities & lnvestments Gommission, December 2008 Visit our website: www'asic.gov.au Page 9 of l2 VOLUNTARY ADMINISTRATION: A GUIDE FOR CREDITORS Payment of dividends under a deed The order in which creditor claims are paid depends on the terms of the deed. Sometimes the deed proposal is for creditor claims to be paid in the same priority as in a liquidation' Other times, a different priority is proPosed. The deed must ensure employee entitlements are paid in priority to other unsecured creditors unless eligible employees have agreed to vary their priority' Before you decide how to vote at the creditors' meeting, make sure you understand how the deed will affect the priority of payment of your debt or claim' you may wish to seek independent legal advice if the deed proposes a different priority to that in a liquidation, or ifcreditors approve such a deed. Establishing your claim under a deed How debts or claims are dealt with under a deed of company arrangement depends on the deed's terms. Sometimes the deed incorporates the Corporations Act provisions for dealing with debts or claims in a liquidation. Before any dividend is paid to you for your debt or claim, you will need to give the deed administrator sufficient information tò prove-your debt. you may be required to complete a claim form(this is called ,proof of debt' in a liquidation). You should attach copies of any relevant invoices or other a suiporting documents tô ttre claim form, as yow debt or claim may be rejected if there is insufficient evidence to support it. If a creditor is a company, the claim form should be sìgned by a person authorised by the company to do so. When submitting a claim, you may ask the deed administrator to acknowledge receipt of your claim and advise if any further information is needed. steps, first contactthe deed be done promptly. should This advice. your legal own administrator. You may also wish to seek to take legal action to which time in a limited you have may Depending on the terms of the deed, If the deed administrator rejects your claim after you have t'àiien the above challenge the decision. If you have a query about the timing of the payment, discuss this with the deed administrator. How a deed comes to an end deed may come to an end because the obligations under the deed have all been fulfilled and the creditors háve been paid. Alternatively, the deed may set out certain conditions where the deed will A automatically terminate. The deed may also provide that the company wilt go into liquidation if the deed terminates due to these conditions being met. Another way for the deed to end is if the deed administrator calls a meeting of creditors, and creditors vote to end ihe deed. This may occur because it appears unlikely that the terms of the deed can be fulfilled. At the same time, creditors may be asked to vote to put the company into liquidation. The deed may also be terminated if a creditor, the company, ASIC or any other interested person applies to the court and the court is satisfied that: . creditors were provided false and misleading information on which the decision to accept the deed proposal was made o the voluntary administrator's report lefr out information that was material to the decision to accept the deed proposal @ Au strarian secu rití es & I nvestme nti :;ruf:i:l ffi :#å:Ji::: Page l0 of 12 VOLUNTARY ADMINISTRATION: A GUIDE FOR CREDITORS ¡ ¡ the deed cannot proceed without undue delay or injustice, or interests the deed is unfair or discriminatory to the interests of one or more creditors or against the whole. a as of creditors lf the court termínates the deed as a result of such an application, the company automatically goes into liquidation. Approval of administrator's fees voluntary administrator and deed administrator are entitled to be paid for the work they from available assets, before any paymenE are made to ;.tf; G"rr.rány, their fees will be paid a third party to pay arly shortfall in their fees if there aren't for ãreditors. they máy have also ur.urg"d Both a enough assets, creditors or the The fees cannot be paid until the amomt has been approved by a creditors' committee, to review the court can ask ASIC or tdministrator administrator/deed court. Creditors, the voluntary aPProved. the amount offees in a general meeting are asked to approve fees, either at a meeting of a creditors' committee or you, the same time as the give at must administrator deed or administrator of creditors, the voluntary the fees whether u åport that contains sufhcient information for you to assess If you notice of the meeting, claimed are rea.ottable. This report should be in simple language and set out: . ¡ . a description of the major tasks performed the costs of completing these tasks, and such other information that will assist in assessing the reasonableness of the fees claimed. guidefor creditors' For further information, see ASIC's information sheet INFO 85 Approvingfees: a information' more for ask calculated, were fees the how about doubt If you are in any for Apart from fees, thê ù-òluntary administrator and deed administator a¡e entitled to reimbursement does reimbursement This thei¡ administration. out carrying in have arisen that out-of-pocket expenses not usually require aPProval. Creditr¡rs' committee A creditor's committee may be formed, following a vote of creditors, to consult with the voluntary A administrator or deed administrator and receive reports on the conduct of their administration. fees' administrator's the approve creditors' committee can also be formed In a voluntary adminishation, this committee is called a 'committee of creditors' and may it is called arrangement, company deed of under a is company the while meeting. at the first creditors' a 'committee of insPection'' All creditors, including a representative of the company's employees, are entitled to stand for efficiently, the committee membershii to räpresent the interests of ail creditors. However, to operate committee should not be too large. If a creditor is a company, the creditor can nominate a director or employee to represent it on the committee. Directors and voluntary administration They must help Directors cannot use their powers while the company is in voluntary administration. a report about and records, and books com.pany's providing the the voluntary administrator, including any further as well as circumstances, financial and property, afia-irs the company's business, informaiionabout these tirat the voluntary administrator reasonably requires' @ Australian Securities & lnvestments Commission, December 2008 Visit our website: rrvww.asic.gov.au Page11 of12 VOLUNTARY ADMINISTRATION: A GU¡DE FOR CREDITORS If the company goes from voluntary administration into a deed of company arrangement' the directors' poì¡/ers depend ón the deed's terms. When the deed is completed, the directors regain full control, unless the deed provides for the company to go into liquidation on completion. If the company goes from voluntary administration or a deed of company arrangement into - liquidation, the directors cannot use their powers. If creditors resolve that the voluntary administration should end, control ofthe company goes back to the directors. Queries and complaints You should first raise any queries or complaints with the voluntary administrator or deed administrator. If this fails to resolve your concerns, including any concems about their conduct you can lodge a complaint with ASIC at www.asic.gov.ar./complain, or write to: l SIC Corrplaints PO Box 9149 TRARALGON VIC 3844 ASIC will usually not become involved in matters of commercial judgement by a voluntary administrator or deed administrator. Complaints against companies and their officers can also be made to ASIC. For other enquiries, email ASIC through [email protected], or call ASIC's Infoline on 1 300 300 630 for the c ost of a local call. To find out more For an explanation of terms used in this information sheet, see ASIC information sheet INFO 4l Insolvency: a glossary of terms. For more on extemal administration, see ASIC's related information sheets at www.asic.gov.au/insolvencyinfosheets: o ¡ ¡ . . o ¡ ¡ ¡ INFO 75 Toluntary adminis*ation: a guidefor employees INFO 45 Líquidation: ø guideþr creditors INFO 46 Liquídation: a guidefor employees INFO 54 Receivership: a guidefor creditors INFO 55 Receivership: a guideþr employees INFO 43 Insolvency: a guidefor shareholders INFO 42 Insolvency: a guidefor directors INFO 84 Independence of external qdminìstrators: a guidefor creditors INFO 85 Approvingfees: a guidefor creditors These are also available from the lnsolvency Practitioners Association (IPA) website at www.ipaa.com.au. The IPA website also contains the IPA's Code of Professional Practice for Insolvency Professionals, which applies to IPA members- @ Australian Securities & lnvestments Commission, December 2008 Visit our website: www.asic.gov.au Page 12 ol 12
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