TargeTs and CounTermeasures LV-2 IRBM Target Maiden Mission FTG-06 LV-2 Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile (IRBM) Target: Ready for Test Payload Deployment Module (PDM) (Optional) Deploys canisters & provides scene generation; LV-2 can carry 0, 1 or 2 PDMs Avionics Control Module (ACM) Provides LV-2 avionics & post-boost attitude control Nth Stage Separation System (NSS) Separates boosters from front end Nth Stage Altitude Control System (NACS) (Optional) Allows for booster dynamics after powered flight Nth Stage Avionics Section (NAS) Houses booster avionics & mates C4SS to front end via NSS C4 Second Stage (C4SS) Includes modified raceway Interstage (IS) Mates C4FS to C4SS; stays with first stage C4 First Stage (C4FS) Includes modified raceway Aft Flare Shifts vehicle center of pressure aft OVERVIEW Supporting increasingly complex, threat-representative testing of the Ballistic Missile Defense System (BMDS) LV-2 Target 4 Next-generation threat- LV-2 Specifications Range IRBM - 3000 - 5500km representative ballistic missile target. 4 Responsiveness in 45 feet long; 72-inch diameter; representing existing and 65,000 pounds emerging threats. 4 Measurements Propulsion Increase warfighters Trident I C4 missile first- and confidence in weapon second-stage rocket motors system performance. Ground Support Equipment Common Transporter and Erector System; Launch Control Van Centralized Production and Ship-and-Shoot CONOPS 4 Efficient production with standardized components. 4 Fully integrated LV-2 target system shipped to the range, ready to launch. Single Integration Capability: Putting It All Together The Missile Defense Agency’s Targets and Countermeasures Single Integration Capability in Courtland, Alabama, centralizes LV-2 fabrication, integration, testing and shipment. This one-stop shop builds next-generation LV-2 target missiles and delivers them to test ranges with a Ship-and-Shoot concept of operations (CONOPS). Here, common components are pulled from inventory to build mission-specific targets. Completed target systems then are shipped to the test range, fully integrated and ready for launch. This simplifies integration with the test range, reduces time at the range and helps to contain the overall cost for conducting Ballistic Missile Missile Assembly Building 2: Target Vehicle Integration SInglE InTEgRATIOn CApABIlITy Home of LV-2 Defense System tests. Allows efficient receipt, assembly, integration, test and storage of targets. •Flight hardware placed in inventory until receipt of mission order. •Inventoried hardware allows quick reaction to meet mission dates. Courtland, Alabama Single Integration Capability Ship-and-Shoot CONOPS: Integrate, Test, Transport and Launch Ship-and-Shoot CONOPS means that each target vehicle is shipped, fully integrated, from the Courtland Single Integration Capability to the test range. Flight hardware is integrated and tested with live boosters, and then each completed target vehicle is transferred to a shipping container and sent to the test range ready for launch. This approach: •Reduces range time and infrastructure requirements, and simplifies target system integration at the test range. •Improves the reliability of target systems. •Helps to contain costs for tests of the Ballistic Missile Defense System. ShIp-AndShOOT COnOpS Shipping fully integrated targets to test ranges reduces timeandcostsrequiredfor tests of the Ballistic Missile Defense System Ground Support Equipment: Efficient Launch Operations Support In 2009, Lockheed Martin and its industry team delivered all of the LV-2 ground support equipment to the test range for this mission, where it completed line-of-sight testing. Ground support equipment includes the Common Transporter and Erector System, which enables the target to be rapidly positioned for launch, and the Launch Control Van, which supports launch command, control, communications and operations. gROund SuppORT EquIpMEnT Program Milestones 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Achieved 97% success rate in 33 out of 34 Lockheed Martin target missions from 1996 to 2009. Stringent quality standards yield reliable targets with best value. Current LV-2 Production Status • Continuing target vehicle hardware production with hardware being delivered for integration or placed into inventory for future missions. • Transitioning from LV-2 development to production and focusing on efficiency and cost reduction. pROgRAM MIlESTOnES 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Inaugurated Single Integration Capability. november 2007 Completed component qualification testing of 72-inch launch vehicle. december 2008 Completed line-of-sight testing of LV-2 ground support equipment at the test range. May 2009 Completed mission-specific, system level testing in Courtland of LV-2 for Flight Test Ground-Based Midcourse Defense-06 (FTG-06). July 2009 Delivered LV-2 to test range for FTG-06. August 2009 LV-2 FTG-06 maiden mission. January 2010 Mission Objectives: LV-2 Target for FTG-06 Target mission objectives for the FTG-06 test include providing and launching an LV-2 target that enables the Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) system: •To demonstrate its exo-atmospheric engagement capabilities against a complex separating intermediate-range ballistic missile (IRBM) target. •To demonstrate its interceptor endgame capability for target intercept. •To demonstrate interceptor acquisition and tracking. MISSIOn OBJECTIVES ‘‘ Previously, we have been testing the gmd system against a north Korean-type scenario. This next test... is more of a head-on shot like you would use defending against an Iranian shot into the united states. ‘‘ Lt. Gen. Patrick J. O'Reilly Director, U.S. Missile Defense Agency Mission Events: LV-2 Target for FTG-06 •Liftoff Meck Island •Booster Staging Events •Payload Payload Deployments •Target Target Delivery Vehicle Disposal 70 60 50 TDV Target delivery elivery Vehicle RTS rreagan eagan Test site VAFB Vandenberg airir Force Base GBI ground-Based round-Based Interceptor MDIOC missile issile defense efense Integration and operations Center LM DEN Lockheed martin denver enver ISDL 40 TdV maneuver to RV separation attitude ● ● 30 Stage 2 Burnout TdV maneuver(s) RV Separation to generate scene attitude ● Stage 1 Burnout; Stage 2 Ignition 20 ● RTS: lV-2 10 140 notional Intercept point ● ● Integrated systems ystems development Laboratory 150 160 ✛ 170 180 -170 -160 -150 MISSIOn EVEnTS The LV-2 target will be launched from Meck Island at the Ronald Reagan Ballistic Missile Defense Test Site in the Marshall Islands. The GMD Ground Based Interceptor will be launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California and will destroy the LV-2 target over the north central Pacific Ocean. lM dEn (ISdl dl) VAFB: ✛ gBI -130 -120 ✛ ✛ MdIOC IOC -110 -100 -90 -80 -70 launch team members have an average of 18 years of “LV-2 launch experience and a combined total of 124 launches.”” John Holly, Major General (ret) Vice President, Lockheed Martin Missile Defense Systems The Targets and Countermeasures Program Lockheed Martin performs Targets and Countermeasures program management, design and systems engineering in Huntsville, Alabama; Denver, Colorado; Sunnyvale, California; and integration in Courtland, Alabama. The U.S. Missile Defense Agency’s Targets and Countermeasures directorate oversees the design, development, manufacture and integration of threat-representative, reliable, and cost-effective ballistic missile targets and countermeasures for the Ballistic Missile Defense System test and assessment program. The program also executes pre and post-test data reduction and identifies target characterization activities necessary to support the Agency’s test objectives. Sunnyvale, California pROgRAM denver, Colorado huntsville, Alabama Courtland, Alabama Industry Team: LV-2 Target for FTG-06 Subcontractors to Lockheed Martin (LM) Space Systems Company: aerojet arde applied Companies aTK | Bacchus a aTK | elkton a aTK | PsI a Ball aerospace Battelle Booz allen Hamilton Coleman Conax Florida delta microwave drs Technologies dynetics ecliptic ensign Bickford g&H Technologies ge Fanuc Haign Farr Herley Hi shear Honeywell ITT Corporation IW microwave L3 Cincinnati electronics Corporation InduSTRy TEAM L3 narda West L3 Telemetry east LaBarge Lm Information systems & global services Lm simulations & Training support Lm uK InsYs orbital sciences Corporation Quintron Pacific scientific | Chandler Pacific scientific | Hollister Pacific scientific | Valencia Process Fab Inc. sCoT Inc. space and missile defense Technologies sparta stanford mu space Vector Corporation Taber Teledyne Brown Toyon ukroboronservice united Launch alliance universal Propulsion Company (uPCo) Vacco Vacco Wintec nOTES Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company Missile Defense Systems 4800 Bradford Drive Huntsville, AL 35805 (256) 722-4066
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