Edulis Nursery Galanthus List 2015 Galanthus List 201 5 Description Galanthus ‘Alison Hilary ‘ Galanthus ‘Armine’ Galanthus ‘Atkinsii’ Galanthus ‘Ballynahinch’ Galanthus ‘Bitton’ Galanthus ‘Blewbury Tart’ Galanthus ‘Blonde Inge’ Galanthus a. bortkewitschianus Galanthus ‘Brenda Troyle’ Galanthus ‘Cliff Curtis’ Galanthus ‘Colossus’ Galanthus ‘Compton Green Eye’ Galanthus ‘Curly’ Galanthus ‘Diggory’ Galanthus ‘Dionysus’ Galanthus elwesii var. elwesii Galanthus ‘Ewe’ Galanthus ‘Faint Heart’ Galanthus ‘Finchale Abbey’ Galanthus ‘G71’ Galanthus ‘Galatea’ Galanthus ‘Gold Edge’ Galanthus ‘Hyppolyta’ Available Price Distinctive upright hybrid single. Almost entirely dark green inner. February. Ht 2025 cm. Joe Sharman at Sutton Court 1996 Tall, robust, hybrid with an apical green horseshoe and basal balloon markings. Brig. & Mrs Mathias 1962 . Ht. 20-25cm Robust, tall, classic hybrid with pearshaped flowers. Narrow upright leaves. Bulks up. Forming good drifts. Jan-Feb. James Atkins 1860s. Ht. 20 cm Small, compact Irish nivalis showy, late. Feb-March Ht. 10 cm Sturdy, small, yellow-green ovary, inners broad olive-green inverted ‘U’ at apex. Early. Canon Ellacombe’s garden, Bitton Rectory, Bristol. Ht. 12cm An distinct unusual upward-facing double nivalis January. Alan Street, Blewbury 1975 A small nivalis with yellow markings on inner perianth. Green ovary. Yellow pedicel. Jan-Feb. Nicolas Top in churchyard in Cologne 1993 Distinct alpinus from Chegen, KarbardinoBalcaria, Russia. Sterile. J.J. Koss 1951. Ht. 10-15cm Vigorous, easy, honey-scented hybrid, from Sam Arnott group. Jan-Feb. 20 cm 2 £10.00 1 £7.00 20 + £5.00 per 3 bulbs 1 £5.00 SOLD OUT £6.00 2 £7.00 1 £15.00 3 £12.00 20 + Elegantly shaped, rounded flowers. Inner segments grooved, small green mark. Cliff Curtis 2003 An early tall flowerer big and bold plicatus. Broad, plicate leaves, pale median stripe. Variable narrow green ‘V’ on inner perianth. Caroline Elwes, Colesbourne 1982 NEW Robust, early hybrid. Paul Barney, Compton 2009 Large, slender hybrid, textured flowers, blue-green leaves, inner segments with pale-green ‘X’. Robust. Distinctive culed leaf. H. Ransom & Richard Nutt, Hyde Lodge 1960s A delightful & popular plicatus. Distinctive ‘seersucker’ balloon outer segments. Inner segments with light green mark. R.Steele & R. Hobbs, Wells, 1993 Ht. 16 cm Tall Greatorex double. Rounded, open flowers. Rounded outer segments, and inner segment ruff with green hearts. Early. Greatorex, Brundall, 1940s. Ht. 20 cm Tall species, with broad glaucous leaves. Elegant flowers. Inner segments with green mark at apex and base. January – March Ht 15cm NEW Elegant elwesii with broad upright glaucous leaves, and weak sinus, with solid green inner segment. Vigorous. Paul Barney, Pangbourne 2010 Ht 18 cm NEW Ballooned hybrid. Pangbourne, Paul Barney 2010 Ht 15 cm Unusual tulip-shaped flowers Barrie Carson Turner Durham 1982 Tall hybrid Greatorex double Vigorous large hybrid. Similar but earlier than Magnet. Herbert Ransom early 70s Unusual plicatus with yellow bordered leaves. Ht 18 cm Lovely short neat Greatorex double. FebMarch Greatorex, 1940s Ht 15 cm SOLD OUT £4.50 for 2 bulbs £10.00 4 £9.00 SOLD OUT 3 £16.00 1 £20.00 1 £8.00 30 + £3.50 per 5 bulbs 4 £15.00 SOLD OUT SOLD OUT 3 4 £15.00 SOLD OUT 3 £20 £15.00 £15.00 £15.00 £8.00 £6 Number ordered £ Cost Edulis Nursery Galanthus List 2015 Galanthus ‘Hedgehog’ Galanthus ikariae Galanthus ‘Ivy Cottage Green Tip’ Galanthus ‘Kite’ (syn. Maidwell ‘A’) Galanthus ‘Lady Beatrice Stanley’ Galanthus ‘Lambrook Greensleeves’ Galanthus ‘Lapwing’ Galanthus ‘Lady Elphinstone ‘ Galanthus ‘Lavinia’ Galanthus ‘Limetree’ Galanthus ‘Llo ‘n’ Green’ Galanthus nivalis ‘Lowick’ Galanthus ‘Madelaine’ Galanthus ‘Magnet’ Galanthus ‘Merlin’ Galanthus Mrs Macnamara Galanthus nivalis ssp. vernalis Galanthus ‘Peg Sharples’ Galanthus ‘Porlock No.2’ Galanthus ‘Primrose Warburg’ Galanthus ‘Pusey Green Tip’ Galanthus regina-olgae ssp. vernalis ‘Luca’ Galanthus ‘St Annes’ An unusual hybrid double with upright flowers. Neat ruff. Slender leaves. Ian Christie Ht 14 cm Attractive dark matt green leaves. Distinct large dark green mark on the inner segments. Originally from Ikaria, Greece. Ht 10 cm Unusual elwesii with broad grey-green leaves. Variable green marks to the tip of the outer segments. Michael Broadhurst Attractive elwesii often with two flowers per scape. Large outer segments. Inner segments with broad green mark. Oliver Wyatt , Maidwell Hall 1964 Ht 15 cm Erect reliable hybrid double. Narrow outer segments, with tightly packed inner segments. Richard Nutt, Sibbertoft? 1981 Ht 15 cm Short vigorous plicatus hybrid. Distinct shiny green leaves. East Lambrook Manor 1960s Ht 10cm Distinct reliable medium-sized hybrid, with long pedicel and blue-grey leaves. Xmarked inner segment. Phil Cornish, Lapworth 1997 Ht 15 cm Popular distinct double nivalis apricot yellow inners. Sir Graeme Elphinstone, Heawood Hall 1890 Ht 15 cm Tall hybrid Greatorex double. MidJanuary . Greatorex, Brundall. 1940s Ht 28 cm Vigorous hybrid, similar to G. ‘Atkinsii’. Oliver Wyatt, Maidwell Hall, Ht 18 cm Rounded French nivalis with green tipped outer segments. Usually 5 separate lines. Joe Sharman/A. Leslie, Mount Louis 1999 Ht. 11 cm A good strong Sandersii Group yellow. Yellow ovaries and inner segments. JanFeb. Cambo Estate Ht 10 cm A vigorous plicatus yellow with yellow ovaries and inner segments. Jan-Feb. Joe Sharman 2002 Ht 18 cm Vigorous old hybrid. Large flowers on tall scapes. Honey scented. James Allen pre1894 Ht 20 cm Attractive old hybrid with large outer segments and with strong green marked inner segments. Bulks up well. Jan-Feb. James Allan 1891 Ht 23 cm An early G. elwesii blue green leaf single flower. Dainty spring flowering form with silver mid-rib Rare late hybrid with long, clawed outer segments and a diffuse X on inner segments. March. Peg Sharples, Grangeover-Sands 1960s Ht 19 cm Vigorous well-shaped hybrid. George Chiswell, West Porlock One of the best Yellow plicatus hybrid. From Primrose Warburg’s garden, South Hayes, 1990s. Ht. 19 cm Attractive regular double nivalis. Outer segments often aberrant. Easy. Feb-March. Faringdon 1938 Ht 14cm. NEW Large robust & distinct r-o, with a strong silvery-midrib and well shaped flowers. January-February. Sicilian form. Ht. 16 cm Delicate hybrid, with slender outer segments and apical and basal marks on inner segments. Feb-March. St Anne’s Church, Sutton Bonington Ht 16 cm SOLD OUT £10.00 5 £8.00 SOLD OUT £7.00 1 £12.00 10 + £5.00 1 £5.00 1 £10.00 2 £7.00 2 £10.00 2 £7.00 SOLD OUT £10.00 SOLD OUT £12.00 5 £18 20 + £4.50 2 £7.50 2 £15.00 1 £5 2 £8.00 2 £8.00 10 £15 10 £3.50 15 £8.50 1 £10 Edulis Nursery Galanthus List 2015 Galanthus ‘Scharlockii’ Galanthus ‘South Hayes’ Galanthus ‘The Bride’ Galanthus ‘Tiny Tim’ Galanthus ‘Walrus’ Galanthus ‘Washfield Colesbourne’ Galanthus ‘Washfield Warham’ Galanthus ‘Wasp’ Galanthus ‘Wendy’s Gold’ Galanthus ‘Wessex Titan’ Galanthus ‘White Mischief’ Galanthus ‘White Swan’ Galanthus woronowii A distinct nivalis form with donkey-ears. February –March. Julius Scharlock, 1818 Ht 14cm Distinct hybrid probably from ‘Trym’. Flattish outer segments with variable narrow green marks. Primrose Warburg, South Hayes, 1990s Beautiful elwesii Poculiform with rounded flowers. Phil Cornish. Foxcote Farm, Gloucs 1975 Ht 15cm A small late nivalis. Narrow leaves. FebMarch. Ht 10 cm Unusual nivalis double. Long green outer segments. Inner segments tight clustered ruff. Oliver Wyatt, Maidwell Hall, 1960s Elegant hybrid with strong green inner segments. Elizabeth Strangman, Washfield Nursery 1981 Ht. 24 cm A late plicatus selection with broad leaves, and large flowers. Narrow inverted V at apex of inner segments. E A Bowles 1954 Ht 18cm Vigorous elegant hybrid with long narrow outer petals and narrow tubular inner segments with unusual markings. February. Veronica Cross, Sutton Court 1995 Ht 27 cm A vigorous yellow plicatus with broad leaves. Yellow ovary and large yellow marking on inner segments. Ester Sharman, Wandlebury Ring, 1973 Ht 15 cm NEW A giant elwesii with very large flowers and strong honey scent. Outer segments reaching 4.5 cm. Paul Barney, Ashampstead, 2011 Ht 23 cm NEW Small all-white nivalis Paul Barney, Ashampstead 2012 Elegant tall Greatorex double. Outer segments with green stripes. Greatorex, Brundall Ht 25 cm Easily distinquished species with spiny bright green leaves. Outer segments tapered. Jan-March. Vigorous. Ht 12 cm 20 + £4 1 £35.00 SOLD OUT £15 5 £4 1 £15 3 £10.00 3 £5.00 1 £15.00 3 £12.00 4 £30 1 £20 1 £8 30 + £3.50 per 3 bulbs Payment can be accepted by: BACS Account Name Paul Barney – Landscape Acc. No. 69101801 Sort Code 089299 Paypal at [email protected] Credit/Debit Card over the phone 01635-5768113/07802812781 Cheque payable to Paul Barney – Landscape (open limited cheques please) Carriage by First Class Royal Mail & packing £5 Edulis Nursery Galanthus List 2015 Name: ………………………………………………………………………… Address: ……………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… Post Code: …………………………………………………………… Phone Number: ………………………………………… Email Address: ………………………………………………. ‘White Light’ (coming soon) ‘Faint Heart’ (sold out) Edulis Nursery Galanthus List 2015 ‘Ewe’(available)
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