January 2015 Website: www.thewilsoncentre.ca Email: [email protected] Phone: 416-340-3646 Happy New Year! Wilson Centre Special Guest Presentation Helen Kang is visiting the Wilson Centre January 5 and 6, 2015. During her visit she will talk about her PhD. Helen has a PhD in Sociology and her area of research is in the history of medical profession in Canada, particularly around professional norms. She is working with UBC Press to publish a book on her dissertation work. January 6, 2015; 12-1:30 pm Toronto General Hospital, 190 Elizabeth St., Elliott Fraser Bldg, 5th Floor Room S402 [elevators by Tim Horton’s on Elizabeth, around the WC] Creating a Professional Disposition: A historical approach Helen H Kang PhD -- Burnaby, BC The idea that physicians are, and should be, a group of professionals has not always been a societal or professional norm. Prior to the establishment of the medical profession in the nineteenth century, physicians in Canada were entrepreneurs, competing with one another as well as with other practitioners for patient patronage. In order to come together as a profession, a sense of group identity had to be forged based on what it means to be a physician and to legitimately practice medicine. Editorial writings in medical journals at this time demonstrate a need to create a professional disposition, i.e. a sense of brotherhood and of duties to the group, among physicians who were predominantly "medical men." In this presentation, we will examine the emergence of the discourse of professionalism and discuss the ways in which insights into this history can inform medical and other health professions pedagogy today. Wilson Centre Special Guest Presentation March 3, 2015 12:00-1:00 pm Toronto General Hospital, 200 Elizabeth Street, 1EN429—430 [Library Area] The dangerous pursuit of independence Glenn Regehr PhD Senior Scientist & Associate Director, Research | CHES Professor | Department of Surgery Faculty of Medicine | University of British Columbia Position: Curriculum Research Scientist, Undergraduate Medical Education & the Wilson Centre http://www.thewilsoncentre.ca/About/PositionsAvailable.aspx The Hodges Education Scholarship International Symposium (THESIS) March 12, 2015 http://www.thewilsoncentre.ca/About/Thesis2015.aspx BOOK: THE QUESTION OF COMPETENCE: Reconsidering medical education in the 21st century – http://www.thewilsoncentre.ca/About/QuestionofCompetence.aspx [email protected] 416-340-3646 Edited by Brian D Hodges and Lorelei Lingard. Foreword by M. Brownell Anderson Available at the Wilson Centre for $40, CHEQUE payable to TG&W Hosp. Foundations. WILSON CENTRE ATELIERS Education Research Workshops Atelier: Say Something – A 2-day workshop on writing and giving outstanding presentations March 5 & 6, 2015 http://www.thewilsoncentre.ca/About/AtelierHome/SaySomething.aspx Atelier: Experimental Thinking & Effective Research Design March 9-11, 2015 http://www.thewilsoncentre.ca/About/AtelierHome/ExperimentalDesign2015.aspx Atelier: Qualitative Research: An introduction October 5-8, 2015 http://www.thewilsoncentre.ca/About/AtelierHome/QualAtelierBeginner.aspx SickKids and University of Toronto Educational Journal Club – Integrating knowledge into practice RSVP: [email protected] Centre for Faculty Development Best Practice in Education Rounds (B.P.E.R) http://cfd.utoronto.ca/bper Stepping Stones - http://cfd.utoronto.ca/steppingstones New and Emerging Academic Leaders Program (NEAL)– http://cfd.utoronto.ca/neal ART- Accessible Resources for Teaching is a series of short e-modules on relevant teaching topics (e.g. providing feedback, small group facilitation, role modeling). With videos, reflection questions and resources, ART modules are designed to be completed within about 15 minutes--a great way to develop your teaching practice. www.cfd.med.utoronto.ca/programs/elearning.html Workshop -- https://cfd.utoronto.ca/workshops The First Step is the Biggest: Moving from an Idea to Action Wednesday January 7, 2015 from 1-4pm Translating an idea into a question and then into a proposal can be a daunting task. In this workshop, we will utilize collaborative teaching techniques to support individuals who are interested in, but unsure how, to take an idea for scholarly work and convert it into a compelling research question. This foundation step can then inform the selection of an appropriate methodology. This workshop is for individuals who are planning to submit a proposal for funding to an upcoming education research grant competition (e.g. Education Development Fund, CEPD Research and Development Grant, RCPSC grant) or have an idea for a scholarly project that addresses an educational need. It will be of interest to those wishing to develop or refine a research question and proposal in a collaborative environment. Location: Li Ka Shing International Healthcare Education Centre, 209 Victoria Street Space is limited and registration is required. https://cfd.utoronto.ca/workshops Questions? Jackie McCaffrey [email protected]. Helen P. Batty Awards for Excellence and Achievement in Faculty Development | 2015 Call for Applications In 2005, the CFD established awards in faculty development which recognize sustained excellence in faculty development in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, through program development and evaluation and/or teaching. Nominations are open to all faculty in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Toronto. An adjudication committee will select the winners. All winners are awarded at the annual Faculty of Medicine Educational Achievement Celebration event. The Centre for Faculty Development is now accepting nominations for the 2015 Helen P. Batty Awards for Excellence and Achievement in Faculty Development. The three categories are: Sustained Excellence in Teaching as Faculty Developer – recognizes sustained excellence in teaching faculty. Innovation in Program Development and Design – recognizes an outstanding faculty development program. Sustained Contribution to the Field of Faculty Development – recognizes an individual or group who has made an exceptional contribution in the area of faculty development. Nominations are due by Monday January 26, 2015 at 5pm. Info: http://cfd.utoronto.ca/awards/helenbatty or [email protected] or 416-864-6060 x77419) 3rd International Conference on Faculty Development in the Health Professions will be taking place from February 4-8, 2015 in conjunction with the annual Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference in Singapore. In light of the joint organization of the two conferences, a faculty development theme has been developed - "Enhancing Faculty Development at the Workplace: From Theory to Practice - Trends, Issues, Priorities, Strategies (TIPS)". More detailed conference information: http://www.med.nus.edu.sg/meu/apmec12/ Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Teaching Quick Tips: http://www.cpd.utoronto.ca/accreditation/quick-tips-for-course-directors/ Continuing Education Leadership Program (CELP) http://www.cepd.utoronto.ca/celp/ Research in Continuing Education (RICE) Rounds Information: [email protected] Centre for Interprofessional Education [IPE] Newsletter http://www.ipe.utoronto.ca/ A Certificate Course for Health Professionals, Educators & Leaders June 15-19, 2015 http://www.ipe.utoronto.ca/ Applications will be accepted by email only. Please email your application directly to the Program Administrator at: [email protected] The deadline to apply is April 3, 2015! Visit the http://ehpic.ca/ for more information, including full details on the application process and abstract requirements. WWW.HEALTH-HUMANITIES.COM for arts-based healthcare seminars/workshops/lectures at the UofT. Educational Development at UHN Network for eLearning Developers at UHN (NeD): Do you create eLearning courses at UHN? Please join UHN eLearning Centre’s newly created collaboration group, NeD. Info please contact Julie Anne Fox at [email protected] University Health Network International Centre for Education (UHN ICE) http://www.uhn.ca/Education/ICE/Pages/default.aspx UHN has aimed for “global impact” for many years now and its engagements around the world are increasing rapidly. Successful projects in Kuwait, Ethiopia, Qatar, Ukraine, Ghana and many others illustrate the important role that UHN can play in advancing healthcare, education and research around the world. In order to provide the best support to clinical programs and corporate portfolios engaged in the educational aspects of international work, UHN International and UHN Education collaborated to create the UHN International Centre for Education. This Centre will have many functions including seeking out education opportunities around the world, providing support for high-quality international education, welcoming and supporting international fellows, coordinating international observers, creating Personalized Learning Programs, developing resources to support outgoing faculty teams and incoming learners, liaising with global health organizations, connecting with the University of Toronto Health Sciences Faculties and the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, and supporting a program of research in international health and globalization. Mandy Lowe and Dr. Allan Okrainec have agreed to be Co-Directors of UHN ICE. A new team is taking shape, which will include support for global programs, international learners, business development, educational development and research. UHN ICE will be working very closely with the Temerty/Chang Telesimulation Centre and all of the portfolios in UHN Education. UHN ICE is located at TGH, Rm 3RFE-440, [email protected] The UHN Educational Development Program Working Group is pleased to be piloting, Teaching and Learning for Collaboration (developed by the Centre for Faculty Development, University of Toronto). This six-module teaching skills program is open to any UHN health care teacher from any profession or role, with the goal of enhancing participants’ skills for teaching and learning (educational development). Here is a brief overview (details attached): Module 1: Module 4: Setting the Learning Climate Managing the Teaching Session Tuesday, November 25th (2:30-4:30pm) Wednesday, March 25 2015 (1:30-3:30pm) TGH- Astella conference room (11PMB 120) TGH – GW 1-538 Module 2: Module 5: Identifying Learner Needs and Setting Objectives Checking In: Asking Effective Questions Tuesday, January 20 2015 (1:30-3:30pm) Wednesday, April 29 2015 (1:30-3:30pm) TGH – RFE 3S-439 TGH – GW 1-53 Module 3: Module 6: Making Learning Stick Giving Feedback Wednesday, February 18 2015 (1:30-3:30pm) Wednesday, May 27 2015 (1:30-3:30pm) TGH – GW 1-538 TGH – GW 1-538 To register for one or more modules (choose as many as you wish) use the following link: elearning (Course Code: UHUHED006i)Please note the capacity for each module is 25 participants, and registration is on a first come, first served basis. If you have any questions, please contact Luxmika, at [email protected]. Master of Health Science (MHSc) in Bioethics Program at the Univ of Toronto Joint Centre for Bioethics http://www.jointcentreforbioethics.ca [email protected] Dalla Lana School of Public Health -- Global Health Initiatives – www.ghd-si.utoronto.ca The Perioperative Interactive Education (PIE) http://pie.med.utoronto.ca/ Health Care, Technology & Place CIHR Strategic Research & Training Prog www.hctp.utoronto.ca Collaborative Change Leadership: A Certificate Program for Healthcare & Health Education Leaders http://ipe.utoronto.ca/about/IPE_CCL.pdf [email protected] Authentic Leadership Course http://www.trilliumteams.com/services/30/leadership-course http://www.trilliumteams.com/website/index.php?p=Register Knowledge Translation Canada - www.ktcanada.net Info: [email protected] KT Canada Nat’l Sem Series http://ktclearinghouse.ca/ktcanada/education/seminarseries End of Grant KT Course - http://ktclearinghouse.ca/ktcanada/news/sys-rev-meta-analyses-course-2012 KT Canada National Seminar Series– http://ktclearinghouse.ca/ktcanada/ [email protected] 416-864-6060 x 77526 http://ktclearinghouse.ca/ktcanada/education/seminarseries/2013 Collaborative Change Leadership: A Certificate Program for Healthcare & Health Education Leaders http://cihlc.ca/ Info: http://www.ipe.utoronto.ca/docs/Change_Course_2013_web.pdf or [email protected] Education and Teaching Awards for which educators are eligible: http://www.facmed.utoronto.ca/staff/teach/external.htm MEdSim magazine online at www.halldale.com/medsim Sarah Joel [email protected] www.halldale.com/news/medical Health Care, Technology & Place CIHR Strategic Research and Training Program www.hctp.utoronto.ca Ontario Grad Scholarship (OGS) http://www.sgs.utoronto.ca/informationfor/students/money/support/provincial.htm HCTP Seminar Series http://www.hctp.utoronto.ca/EventsSeminars.asp NEW GRADUATE DEGREE PROGRAM IN MEDICAL HUMANITIES School of Medicine & Dentistry: [email protected] WEBPAGE: Visit our website: http://www.urmc.rochester.edu/medical-humanities/ IPE-IPP Summit cpd.utoronto.ca/summit/agenda Ontario Simulation Network (SIM-one) -- http://www.sim-one.ca/events/simone-expo. SIM-One also offers courses designed for healthcare professionals who are interested in learning more about the simulation field. http://www.sim-one.ca/courses/course-listing Perspectives in Competency Assessment Join us for a day of interprofessional learning and development, featuring Dr. Cees van der Vleuten, Dr. Bob Bell, Dr. Geoff Norman, Dr. Zubin Austin, Dr. Ivy Oandasan, and others in the field of competency assessment. Topics explored will include: · Theoretical constructs and best practice in assessment · Issues and challenges faced by regulators, academics, researchers and assessors · Future trends and opportunities Date: February 5, 2015 Location: MaRS Collaboration Centre, Toronto, Canada Register now: Reserve your space online at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/perspectives-in-competencyassessment-2015-tickets-12823819389 Learn more about the event: Browse the full program and speaker details at www.perspectives2015.com th The 12 Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) & 3 International Conference on Faculty Development in the Health Professions (ICFDHP) 2015 http://www.med.nus.edu.sg/meu/apmec12/ rd Call for Papers – University of Toronto’s Health History Group The Public’s Health: A symposium on public health histories -- Friday and Saturday, March 6-7, 2015. http://torontohealthhistory.ca Information: John P.M. Court [email protected] www.camh.ca 416-535-8501, x.32159 The Public's Health: a symposium on public health histories – March 6 - 7, 2015 http://torontohealthhistory.ca Info: [email protected] Call for Proposals - 2015 Medical Education Research www.mededconference.ca Symposium https://www.proreg.ca/events/ccme/2015/abstract/login.php Creating Space V: New Directions and Critical Perspectives Arts, Humanities and the Social Sciences in the Education of Health Professionals 24-25 April 2015, Vancouver, BC [in conjunction with the Canadian Conference on Medical Education (CCME)] Call for Proposals: Creating Space is an annual meeting that explores the new and evolving use of the arts, humanities and social sciences (AHSS) in health professional education to better prepare students for clinical and academic careers. The theme of the fifth meeting is 'New Directions and Critical Perspectives'. We plan to highlight the different conceptual and theoretical frameworks informing our work and the challenges of collaborating across the disciplines of AHSS and the health professions. Proposals are due midnight PST, January 4, 2015 http://ches.med.ubc.ca/csv-en/ [email protected] Mount Sinai Psychotherapy Institute Health, Arts & Humanities Program Department of Psychiatry Narrative Healthcare Atelier & Certificate Program For inter-professional clinicians and educators May 5-8, 2015 Course Director: Allan Peterkin, MD, FCFP, FRCP Professor of Psychiatry and Family Medicine Head, Health, Arts & Humanities Program This intensive, interactive Atelier applies narrative theory and reflective practice in inter-professional patient-centred healthcare, research and education. It aims to: enliven your engagement and collaboration as clinicians and educators; support best practices as teachers and lifelong learners; transform the paradigm of your daily professional practice; and renew your commitment to the core values of humanistic healthcare. Explore and reflect critically on your identity, practices, challenges, personal and professional growth as health providers using storytelling and arts-based learning in order to improve clinical outcomes and to humanize your experiences within complex healthcare contexts. Themes related to the hidden curriculum, professionalism and relationship-centred care will be explored through visual, cinematic and literary texts including fiction, drama and poetry. FACULTY: Ronna Bloom MA, Allison Crawford MD, Bill Gayner MSW , LJ Nelles MFA, Allan Peterkin MD, Michael Roberts MD, Miriam Shuchman MD, Shelley Wall PHD Learning Goals: Analyze the principles and practices of narrative and arts-based healthcare and research. Apply best practices in narrative-based health and humanities. Utilize interpretive and evaluative skills of close reading, close listening, reflective writing and visual literacy with a view to enhance diagnosis and treatment. Employ narrative practices to creatively champion patient-centred care and reflective practice in inter-professional clinical and/or teaching settings. Participants can enroll in the Atelier only, or apply for the Certificate Program to further develop narrative medicine and health humanities programs. Certificate participants will receive individualized, longitudinal supervision on reflective writing and will be asked to author a scholarly article, and develop an evaluable action plan to incorporate narrative practice into teaching or patient care in their respective milieus. Atelier only fee: $3000 CDN; Additional fee for Certificate, by application only is $500CDN. For more information on Faculty and Programming, to enroll in the atelier, or to apply to the Certificate Program, Please contact Connie at [email protected] and visit www.health-humanities.com The Centre for Critical Qualitative Health Research (CCQHR) http://www.ccqhr.utoronto.ca ccqhr@utoronto Info: [email protected] 416-978-7545 Seminar in CQ’s At the Centre Speaker Series http://www.ccqhr.utoronto.ca Seminars take place from 12 to 1:30pm, room HS208, Health Science Building, 155 College Street. EQR Courses: http://www.ccqhr.utoronto.ca/graduate-education/about-series At the Centre Speaker Series: http://www.ccqhr.utoronto.ca/speaker-series/upcoming-speakers Winter 2015 CQ Seminars and Events : Monday, January 26, 2015 – Seminar: Reflexivity and the “acting subject”: Conceptualizing the unit of analysis in qualitative inquiry Time and Location: 12 to 1:30pm, room HS208, Health Science Building, 155 College Street, Toronto Speaker: Jay Shaw, PhD, Toronto Rehabilitation Institute-University Health Network Abstract: Researchers’ theoretical beliefs about the “acting subject” structure the process of qualitative inquiry, building analytic strategies that highlight certain elements of explanation, meaning, and behaviour over others. As such, exploring what a human is and how we go about our daily lives is a fundamental reflexive strategy across qualitative methodologies. In this presentation, I draw on a comparative case study of transitions from hospital to home in London (England) and Toronto (Canada) to elaborate the implications for qualitative inquiry of different beliefs about (a) what drives human action, and (b) how “context” plays a role in everyday practices of living. Contrasting tenets from the practice theory of Pierre Bourdieu, “posthumanist” theory of Bruno Latour, and embodied cognitive theory of George Lakoff and Mark Johnson, I highlight how each theoretical position on the “acting subject” leads to different analytic strategies. I then explain how insights from these perspectives can be reflexively brought together to inform qualitative analysis, tracing them through an example of collaborative practice from our case study of patient transitions from hospital to home. Monday, March 2, 2015 – Seminar: Rethinking Risk in Critical Qualitative Research: Ethical Implications Time and Location: 12 to 1:30pm, room HS208, Health Science Building, 155 College Street, Toronto Speakers: Judith Friedland, PhD, Professor Emerita and former chair, Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, University of Toronto Shan Mohammed, RN, PhD, Lecturer, Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto; postdoctoral fellow in psychosocial oncology, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre Elizabeth Peter, RN, PhD, Associate Professor, Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing; member of the Joint Centre for Bioethics; Academic Fellow with the Centre for Critical Qualitative Health Research, UofT Abstract: The goal of this session is to explore vulnerability and risk issues in an interactive format such that the ethical concerns of CQ researchers can be examined and ways of mitigating risk can be explored. Throughout the presentation, examples from a study that involved participants with advanced cancer will be used to illustrate ethical challenges in critical qualitative research (CQR). Standards of research ethics often do not adequately address unique issues relating to the vulnerability of research participants in CQR. There are many groups that have been labelled as vulnerable or ‘at risk’ in research, such as children, the elderly, women, prisoners, those with mental health issues and those with diminished capacity for self-determination, ethnocultural minorities and those who are institutionalized (TCPS2). These groups are commonly participants in CQR given that often one of the foci of this research is on exploring power differences. A rigid response to perceived risk, however, can be paternalistic and can ultimately result in the diminishment of autonomy of these so-called at-risk groups and even to their exclusion. In addition, the positionality of researchers using CQR approaches is such that they are often physically, politically and socially more proximate to participants than in other forms of research. Ethically this is significant because these researchers can become aware of, or at times may even increase, the vulnerabilities of participants. Conventional principles of research ethics, however, tend to be derived from ethical traditions that emphasize impartiality and universality as opposed to attentiveness and social justice, providing limited guidance for CQ researchers in these situations. Thursday, April 9, 2015 – Forum: Interdisciplinary promises versus practices in medicine: The decoupled experiences of social sciences and humanities scholars Time and Location: 12 to 2pm, room HS270, Health Science Building, 155 College Street, Toronto Speakers: Dr. Mathieu Albert, Wilson Centre, University of Toronto Dr. Elise Paradis, Wilson Centre, University of Toronto Dr. Ayelet Kuper, Wilson Centre, University of Toronto Abstract: This forum will focus on social scientists’ and humanities (SSH) scholars’ integration within the academic medical research environment. The presenters will briefly explore the results of their Canadian study and all participants will be invited to discuss their own experiences as SSH researchers working in the field of health sciences. In particular, this is an opportunity to share and learn strategies developed by colleagues to communicate the contribution of SSH scholarship regarding health issues. In their presentation, the authors will explore the three questions that guided their investigation: Do SSH scholars adapt to the medical research environment? How do they navigate their career within a culture that may be inconsistent with their own? What strategies do they use to gain legitimacy? The study builds on three concepts: decoupling, doxa, and epistemic habitus. The study is comprised of 29 semi-structured interviews with SSH scholars working in 11 faculties of medicine across Canada. For most of the participants, moving into medicine has been a challenging experience, as their research practices and views of academic excellence collided with those of medicine. In order to achieve legitimacy, more than half of our participants altered their research practices. This resulted in a dissonance between their internalized appreciation of academic excellence and their new, altered, research practices. Only six participants experienced no form of challenge or dissonance after moving into medicine. The authors conclude that the work environment for SSH scholars in faculties of medicine does not deliver on the promise of inclusiveness made by calls for interdisciplinarity in Canadian health research. Also coming this February 2015 (date to be confirmed) - Half-day workshop: Mixed Methods: What you need to know! Abstract: The Health Care, Technology and Place Program (HCTP) and the Centre for Critical Qualitative Health Research (‘CQ’) are pleased to offer the workshop ‘Mixed Methods: What you need to know!’ The session aims to provide an overview of mixed methods in health sciences research including benefits, challenges, and controversies, and strategies for success in designing and conducting mixed methods health research. More information about this workshop is coming soon. Dana Howse, Centre for Critical Qualitative Health Research (‘CQ’) Email: [email protected] Website: www.ccqhr.utoronto.ca CQ Work Study Position www.careers.utoronto.ca The Centre for Critical Qualitative Health Research (“CQ”) Essentials of Qualitative Research Course Series http://www.ccqhr.utoronto.ca/graduate-education/course-schedule Info? [email protected] http://www.ccqhr.utoronto.ca/graduate-education/about-series CQ Academic Fellow to Chair the Health Sciences Research Ethics Board (REB) http://bloomberg.nursing.utoronto.ca/news/dr-elizabeth-peter-to-chair-the-health-sciences-research-ethics-board-reb CQ Academic Fellow Appointed to the Bloorview Kids Foundation Chair in Childhood Disability Studies http://www.ccqhr.utoronto.ca/sites/default/files/Barb%20Gibson_chair%20announce_FINAL.pdf International: - http://www.qualitative-research.net/fqs/fqs-e/rubriken-e.htm Qualitative Research conference - QI2011 – www.icqi.org Qualitative Health Research (QHR) Conference - http://www.iiqm.ualberta.ca/ Current issue of the on-line European/international journal FQS is on "Participatory Qualitative Research" (http://www.qualitative-research.net/index.php/fqs/issue/view/39) NUR1024- Foundations of Qualitative Research http://www.ccqhr.utoronto.ca/graduate-education/course-descriptions - [email protected] SUMMER INST. IN QUALITATIVE RES: PUTTING THEORY TO WORK http://www.esri.mmu.ac.uk/index.php Faculty of Medicine-UoT MedEmail: http://medicine.utoronto.ca/page/medemail Faculty of Medicine Event Calendar: http://www.facmed.utoronto.ca/PageFactory.aspx?PageID=1708 Faculty of Medicine Strategic Plan White Paper: http://www.facmed.utoronto.ca/site4.aspx Faculty of Social Work-UoT: http://www.socialwork.utoronto.ca/competency Gerstein Science Information Centre http://www.library.utoronto.ca/gerstein/ Better Education for Better Outcomes [BeBo]: http://www.cepd.utoronto.ca/ CEHPEA, Centre for the Evaluation of Health Professionals Educated Abroad http://cehpea.ca/Centre for Interprofessional Education [IPE] Newsletter http://www.ipe.utoronto.ca/ Centre for Excellence in Professional Placement Learning http://www.placementlearning.org/ Continuing Education and Knowledge Translation & Exchange in the Department of Medicine http://www.deptmedicine.utoronto.ca/CEKTE Core Foundations in Education Research (CoFER) http://www.cfd.med.utoronto.ca/programs/cofer.html. Department of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation-UoT: http://www.hpme.utoronto.ca/home.htm Discovery Commons – Instructional & Information Technology for the Faculty of Medicine http://www.discoverycommons.ca http://dc.med.utoronto.ca KT Seminar Series at HPME http://www.hpme.utoronto.ca/ Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute: http://www.stmichaelshospital.com/knowledgeinstitute/index.php Master of Science in Community Health [MScCH] - Health Professions Teacher Education [HPTE] http://dfcm.med.utoronto.ca/gradstudies/programs/mscch.html Office of Interprofessional Education-UoT http://ipe.utoronto.ca/ Peter A. Silverman Centre for International Health www.mountsinai.on.ca/PASCIH Ryerson University - Master of Nursing (MN) Program http://www.ryerson.ca/graduate/programs/nursing/ SIMone Ontario Simulation Network: http://sim-one.ca/ Standardized Patient Program-UoT http://www.spp.utoronto.ca/ Surgery in Africa Monthly Reviews. www.ptolemy.ca/members Toronto Addis Ababa Academic Collaboration [TAAAC] http://www.taaac.com Toronto Addis Ababa Psychiatry Project [TAAPP] http://www.utoronto.ca/ethiopia/ The Perioperative Interactive Education (PIE) http://pie.med.utoronto.ca/ CONFERENCES American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC) https://www.aamc.org/ American Educational Research Association (AERA) http://www.aera.net/ Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) http://medicine.nus.edu.sg/meu/apmec5/index.shtml Association for the Study of Medical Education (ASME) http://www.asme.org.uk/ Association for Surgical Education Conference - www.surgicaleducation.com. Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) www.amee.org Canadian Association of Health Education (CACHE) www.cachecanada.org Canadian Leadership Institute for Medical Education (CLIME) http://www.came-acem.ca/mededconferences_clime_en.htm Canadian Patient Safety Institute www.patientsafetyinstitute.ca CCME [Canadian Conference on Medical Education]: www.mededconference.ca CME Congress www.cmecongress.org Coalition for Physician Enhancement http://www.physicianenhancement.org/ Collaborating Across Borders http://www.ipe.umn.edu/ CAME's Canadian Leadership Institute for Medical Education (CLIME) http://www.came-acem.ca/events_en.php Diagnostic Error in Medicine http://www.amia.org/meetings European Interprofessional Practice and Education Network in health and social care [EIPEN] www.eipen.eu Family & Community Medicine UofT http://www.dfcm.utoronto.ca/facultyandstaff/oes/events.htm Family Medicine Forum (FMF) http://fmf.cfpc.ca/ FDI Annual World Dental Congress www.fdicongress.org IAMSE Annual Meeting http://www.iamseconference.org Info: [email protected] ICRE (unless this falls under RCPSC) http://www.royalcollege.ca/portal/page/portal/rc/events/icre International Institute for Qualitative Methodology [IIQM] www.uofaweb.ualberta.ca/iiqm/conferences.cfm International Conference on Biomedical Science and Technology http://www.waset.org/conferences/2011/paris/icbst/index.php Interprofessional Applied Practical Teaching and Learning in the Health Professions http://dfcm.utoronto.ca/GradStudies/CTC/ClinicalTeacherCertificate.asp [email protected] Learning together to work together http://www.eipen.org/ North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) www.NAPCRG.org Ottawa Conference http://www.ottawaconference.org/ Professional and Organizational Development Network (POD) http://www.podnetwork.org/conferences.htm Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada http://rcpsc.medical.org/ Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland www.rcsi.ie Rethinking Interprofessional Education and Development: http://www.caipe.org.uk/ RIME (AAMC) https://www.aamc.org/members/gea/gea_sections/322066/2013rime-conference.html Scottish Health Informatics Programme (SHIP) Biennial Conference: http://www.scot-ship.ac.uk/conference-2011 Simulation Summit: http://rcpsc.medical.org/simulation/ Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons [SAGES] http://www.sages.org/meetings/ SIFEM – Societe Francophone d’Education Medicale http://www.sifem.net [email protected] The All Together Better Health: International Interprofessional Conf. http://www.atbh5.com.au/ 3rd Biennial Interprofessional Educational Conference - http://www.cabarizona2011.org/ Universita Ambrosiana, Department of Medical Education http://www.internationalgme.org World Organization of National Colleges, Academies and Academic Associations of General Practitioners/Family Physicians (WONCA) http://www.globalfamilydoctor.com/Conferences.aspx Funding Opportunities http://www.medresearch.utoronto.ca/fmro_whats_new.html Postdoctoral Fellow Program in Med Educ Res http://www.mcc.ca/en/awards/post_doctorate.shtml CIHR: http://www.cihr-irsc.gc.ca/e/193.html Health Care Technology and Place Doctoral and Postdoc Fellowships at UT HCTP Doctoral Fellowship competition: http://www.hctp.utoronto.ca/Doctoral.asp#TheAward HCTP Postdoctoral Fellowship competition: http://www.hctp.utoronto.ca/PostDoctoral.asp HCTP CIHR Strategic Research & Training Program. www.hctp.utoronto.ca Physician Services Incorporated: http://www.psifoundation.org/ Royal College Awards and Grants Program: http://www.royalcollege.ca/portal/page/portal/rc/awards RCPSC Faculty Development Grant http://rcpsc.medical.org/awards/faculty_e.php RCPSC/AMS CanMEDS Research and Development Grant http://rcpsc.medical.org/awards/ams_e.php Medical Education Research Grant http://rcpsc.medical.org/awards/MERG_e.php NSERC: http://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/index_eng.asp The Spencer Foundation: www.spencer.org SSHRCC: http://www.sshrc-crsh.gc.ca/home-accueil-eng.aspx Stemmler Fund: NBME: http://www.nbme.org/research/stemmler.html Canadian Institutes of Health Research: www.cihr.ca MCC grants http://mcc.ca/en/research/grants.shtml The Spencer Foundation: www.spencer.org EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT FUND (EDF) FOR INNOVATION IN EDUCATION http://www.facmed.utoronto.ca/about/governance/council/edf.htm http://admin.med.utoronto.ca/edf/ UofT Program "The Comparative Program on Health & Society" http://www.utoronto.ca/cphs/index.shtml Dr. W. Dale Dauphinee Fellowship http://www.mcc.ca/en/awards/dale_dauphinee.shtml Graduate Studies & Academic Fellowship Program Department of Family and Community Medicine Courses http://www.dfcm.utoronto.ca/prospectivelearners/currentlearners/afgslearners/AFGScourses/AF_courses.htm Certificate programs: http://www.dfcm.utoronto.ca/prospectivelearners/prosfellowsgrads/afgsprogram.htm C.O.I.L (Collaborative Online Interprofessional Learning) http://www.bridgepointhealth.ca/coil) KT Canada research stipends: Funding for research projects. http://ktclearinghouse.ca/ktcanada/news Grand Challenges Canada: Canadian Rising Stars in Global Health http://www.grandchallenges.ca/html/funding/funding.shtml Post-Grad Fellowship: http://www.healthmetricsandevaluation.org/education-training/post-graduate-fellowship NLM Funding: Advanced Informatics for Health http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-LM-11-002.html Research Net: https://www.researchnet-recherchenet.ca/rnr16/LoginServlet?language=E Medical Education Research Grant http://royalcollege.ca The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) http://www.pcori.org/funding-opportunities/ Research & International Relations (RIR) at the University of Toronto (searchable database): http://www.research.utoronto.ca/awards-honours/awards-honours-and-prizes/ Community of Science (COS), Inc. (sign up to get specific funding alerts): http://www.cos.com/ Faculty of Medicine Research Office (FMRO): http://www.medresearch.utoronto.ca/fmro_funding.html Clinician Investigator Program: http://www.utoronto.ca/cip/trainee_funding.htm This list is not exhaustive. Other sources can be found here: McGill Faculty Development Office List of Funding (list of medical education funding sources): http://www.mcgill.ca/medicinefacdev/links/funding Travelling Fellowship: There’s up to £2000 available for each of the Fellowships. Application forms: www.mededuc.com then click ‘read’ or www.theclinicalteacher.com then click ‘read’ The Health Care, Technology and Place http://www.hctp.utoronto.ca/Welcome.asp Continuing Education Research and Development Internal Grants http://www.cepd.utoronto.ca/internalgrants/ or contact [email protected]. The Arnold P. Gold Foundation Research Institute: Rigorous Reviews of Research on Humanistic Healthcare http://bit.ly/Gold_RFP Questions [email protected] Funding opportunity - 2015 Networks of Centres of Excellence Competition www.nce-rce.gc.ca or [email protected] [email protected] or 613-943-7616. Funding opportunity- The CIHR Open Operating Grant Program (OOGP) https://www.researchnet-recherchenet.ca/rnr16/search.do?fodAgency=CIHR&fodLanguage=E&view=currentOpps Travel Awards: This competition enables students, postdoctoral fellows, new investigators and knowledge users to present their own research at national and international meetings and/or conferences. https://www.researchnetrecherchenet.ca/rnr16/vwOpprtntyDtls.do?all=1&masterList=true&prog=2059&resultCount=25&sort=program&type=EXACT&view=currentOp ps&language=E Funding for Simulation-based Quality and Safety Improvement Projects SIM-one/IDEAS/CPSI Simulation for Safety & Quality Improvement Program launched! http://us1.campaign-archive2.com/?u=324f64e43ae3b9ffadf9c8f64&id=58395aba0f&e=f04d7d797d http://cpdtoronto.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=324f64e43ae3b9ffadf9c8f64&id=b8816e5cd6&e=f04d7d797d SIM-one/IDEAS/CPSI Simulation for Safety & Quality Improvement Program SIM-one in collaboration with the Improving & Driving Excellence Across Sectors (IDEAS) program and the Canadian Patient Safety Institute (CPSI) has launched its 2014 program supporting simulation research and innovation. The program focuses on advancing the use of simulation for quality and safety improvement in Ontario hospitals and other healthcare delivery agencies. A total of $47,500 (5 projects at $9,500) is available to support innovative projects that clarify and expand the role of simulation for quality and safety improvement, with funding support from the Healthcare Insurance Reciprocal of Canada (HIROC) and Accreditation Canada. Information on program goals, eligibility and application process is now available online http://cpdtoronto.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=324f64e43ae3b9ffadf9c8f64&id=49b70eda68&e=f04d7d797d http://cpdtoronto.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=324f64e43ae3b9ffadf9c8f64&id=a1f050016a&e=f04d7d797d The HoPingKong Centre for Excellence in Education and Practice (CEEP) Education Rounds 2014-2015 Toronto Western Hospital East Wing 8-841 – 12:00-1:00 PM Thursday January 22, 2015 Dr. Joan Sargeant Head and Professor, Division of Medical Education, Dalhousie University Assessment, Feedback and Coaching for Improvement in Competency-Based Education Friday February 13, 2015 Dr. Chris Watling Associate Dean, PGME, Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, Western University Cognition, Culture, and Credibility: Deconstructing Feedback in Medical Education Thursday March 26, 2015 Dr. Irene Ma Associate Professor of Medicine, University of Calgary Assessment of Bedside Technical Skills – the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Thursday April 16, 2015 Dr. Rose Hatala Associate Professor of Medicine, University of British Columbia Validity… Learn to Love the Argument Thursday May 21, 2015 Dr. Catherine Yu Assistant Professor, Faculty of Medicine and Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto Integration of a Computer-Based Simulation of DKA Management into Medical Education Thursday June 25, 2015 Celina Da Silva, RN, PhD(c) Centre for Health Science, George Brown College A Refinement strategy for a Complex High Arnold & Blema Steinberg Medical Simulation Centre at McGill University invite you to view two newly posted job announcements for a Director of Education and a Director of Research. Please contact Dr. Rajesh Aggarwal at [email protected] with any questions. Link: http://www.mcgill.ca/medsimcentre/career-opportunities Disclaimer: The American College of Surgeons is sharing this career opportunity as a service to our members. The posting of this job announcement does not indicate an endorsement or recommendation from The American College of Surgeons. Director of Research on Pediatric Education, Department of Pediatrics at the Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania and The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and the Department of Pediatrics at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania seek candidates for an Assistant, Associate, and/or Full Professor position in either the nontenure clinician-educator track or the tenure track. Track and rank will be commensurate with experience. The successful applicant will have experience in the field of educational research with outstanding qualifications as an investigator and leader in medical education research. Applicants must have a Ph.D. or equivalent degree. The Department of Pediatrics at CHOP is nationally recognized for excellence in education at the pre- and post-graduate levels and in the clinical, research, didactic and simulation settings. The Department includes 609 faculty and staff physicians in 19 divisions, 174 fellows in 31 programs and 148 residents. It provides training in pediatrics for over 160 Penn medical students yearly, as well as students and trainees from other institutions. The successful candidate will have opportunities for major interactions with the CHOP Research Institute, including partnerships with the Offices of Postdoctoral Affairs and Responsible Research Training; the Penn Masters of Medical Education Program co-sponsored by the Penn Graduate School of Education, PSOM and CHOP; and the PSOM Offices of Academic, Faculty and Resident Affairs. The goals of the position are to pursue investigator-initiated research on contemporary issues in pediatric education; facilitate research on pediatric education by other faculty in the department; consult and/or collaborate on the design, implementation and evaluation of educational interventions; contribute to the peer-reviewed literature on pediatric education; and disseminate process and outcome data related to educational interventions outside the department and institution. We seek candidates who embrace and reflect diversity in the broadest sense. The University of Pennsylvania and The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia are EOEs. Minorities/Women/Individuals with disabilities/Protected Veterans are encouraged to apply. Apply for this position online at: https://www.med.upenn.edu/apps/faculty_ad/index.php/g331/d3784 Tenure Track Position in Medical Education The Department of Community Health Sciences, Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary, invites applications for a tenure track appointment at the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor in the area of Medical Education. Successful candidates will have expertise in one or more of the following areas: • Qualitative research methods • Mixed-methods research • Learning theory and its application Research areas of interest in the faculty include innovation using distributed and e-learning, competency based medical education, educational program outcomes, assessment and technology innovation (e.g. simulation). This position offers an excellent opportunity to develop an independent research program with collaborative interactions in a multidisciplinary research environment of the Department of Community Health Sciences, including the O’Brien Institute for Public Health, the broader Cumming School of Medicine and across the continuum of medical education. As a faculty member this role includes teaching and student supervision, with time protected for research. Duties include teaching graduate level courses in the Medical Education subspecialty stream. Qualifications include a PhD or equivalent, with additional training or experience in medical education and research, 3-5 years post PhD experience in medical education, and a proven record of excellence as demonstrated by publications in relevant peer-reviewed journals and ability to compete successfully for research funding. Increasing scholarly capacity will help the University of Calgary meet its strategic goal to become one of Canada’s top five research universities by 2016, where innovative teaching and ground-breaking research go hand in hand, and where we fully engage the communities we both serve and lead. The strategy is called Eyes High, inspired by the university’s Gaelic motto, which translates as ‘I will lift up my eyes.’ The Department of Community Health Sciences is part of the Cumming School of Medicine. Calgary is a vibrant, multicultural city (population ~ 1M) near the Rocky Mountains, Banff National Park and Lake Louise. Please forward curriculum vitae, a statement of research interests, and the names and addresses of three prospective referees by January 31, 2015 to: Dr. Brenda Hemmelgarn Head, Department of Community Health Sciences University of Calgary 3280 Hospital Drive NW Calgary, AB, Canada T2N 4Z6 [email protected] All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority. The University of Calgary respects, appreciates, and encourages diversity. In this connection, at the time of your application, please answer the following questions: Are you legally entitled to work in Canada Yes/No and Are you a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada? Yes/No Position: Curriculum Research Scientist, Undergraduate Medical Education and the Wilson Centre http://www.thewilsoncentre.ca/About/PositionsAvailable.aspx Position Description: Reporting jointly to the Vice-Dean, Undergraduate Medical Education, and the Director of the Wilson Centre, the position of Curriculum Research Scientist (1.0 FTE) plays a leadership role in the advancement of curriculum design research in undergraduate medical education at University of Toronto and beyond, and plays a major role in the design, development, and evaluation of the educational curriculum of the Medical-Psychiatry Alliance http://www.psychiatry.utoronto.ca/newsannouncements/announcing-the-medical-psychiatry-alliance/ which prepares students to engage in integrated assessment, diagnosis and treatment of patients with mental and physical illness. The incumbent will develop and lead a scholarly program of research and development in the area of undergraduate medical education that will be recognized as leading in Canada and internationally. The incumbent will provide mentorship for colleagues, health professional students and graduate students working in domains related to his/her primary research program specifically. The incumbent will serve as a resource to advance curriculum-related research in undergraduate medical education, and will help to build a culture that leads to high standards for research across the faculty. He/she will play a leading role in the development and maintenance of appropriate curriculum design methodologies throughout the undergraduate medical curriculum, including quality assurance and research activities. We are currently looking for a very versatile scholar with experience in designing, leading and publishing research using a variety of research designs and methods. Area of specialty is open, but preference will be accorded to scholars with experience with health professions education research. The ideal candidate has a demonstrated ability to initiate her/his own research, and to collaborate with colleagues from different backgrounds. An ability to teach theory and methods classes within the domain of curriculum design research is a definite asset. Applicants must have a PhD in a discipline relevant to health professions education and be eligible for academic appointment to the rank of Assistant Professor or higher. The researcher in curriculum would have as a focus an important area of actual curriculum development/design at University of Toronto. The position is constructed as 75% research related to curriculum development. The remaining 25% of the individual's activity will focus on the design/refinement of the curriculum itself and its and evaluation as the 'living laboratory' for the research. Within the Undergraduate Medical Education Program the researcher will collaborate with the current evaluation research scientist and a new Faculty lead responsible for curriculum development for the medical-psychiatry alliance. In conjunction with these two persons and other senior administrators, the incumbent will be responsible for contributing to the effectiveness and ongoing improvement of all facets of curriculum development. While innovations in undergraduate education and monitoring of the impact of changes implemented are key components of this position, it is understood that the incumbent will play a high level role, linking theory to practice, evidence-base to application and data collection to analysis and research in ways that advance the field of curriculum research and practice in general. At the Wilson Centre, the incumbent will advance a rigorous scholarly program, building on the above activities in undergraduate education to develop an internationally recognized body of scholarly work, grants and publication in leading edge domains related to health professions education. 2 Duties & Responsibilities: Reporting & Support -Dean, Undergraduate Medical Education, through the Director of UME Curriculum, and the Director of the Wilson Centre in terms of productivity and scholarly accomplishments as per the terms of a Wilson Centre Scientist; participates in the rounds, research program, fellowship program and other scholarly activities of the UME Office and the Wilson Centre. graphic design, administrative and travel resources accorded to Wilson Centre Scientists. performance review with Director of UME Curriculum, Vice-Dean, Undergraduate Medical Education, and Director of the Wilson Centre. Specific Duties medical education, and focusing on the education needs of the Medical-Psychiatry Alliance investigators and graduate students regarding research programs and projects in healthcare education, and to UME academic leaders and course directors agencies. -reviewed journals and other venues as appropriate (books, book chapters, etc.) thcare education research. Education Office and the Wilson Centre, i.e. annual research day, annual ateliers, monthly education rounds, etc. des ad hoc advice to various course and curriculum committees (Preclerkship & Clerkship, the UME Curriculum Committee, Admissions, and the student curriculum evaluation Committee) d Examination and Student Assessment Committee Qualifications: etc...), with experience as researcher in an academic setting high level of proficiency in relevant research methodologies. Academic Rank: The successful candidate will be eligible for an academic rank at the University of Toronto commensurate with his or her academic record and experience. Interested persons should submit a letter of application, curriculum vitae via email to Drs. Jay Rosenfield and Nikki Woods, c/o Mariana Arteaga [email protected] by February 1, 2015.
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