NEWS FROM “THE M ILL” January 1-31, 2015 Watkins Mill High School 10301 Apple Ridge Road Gaithersburg, Maryland 20879 (301) 840-3959 FAX (301) 840-3980 IN THIS NEWSLETTER: Message from Mr. Krasa College and Career Center Update IB Update Athletic News PTSA & Booster News Important Dates MESSAGE FROM MR. KRASA, PRINCIPAL INTERN Happy New Year! I hope you and your families had a restful Winter Break and have entered 2015 with focus, renewed energy and commitment to our students’ success. As we start the New Year, I am proud to inform you that Watkins Mill High School, Montgomery Village and Neelsville Middle School have recently become an approved International Baccalaureate (IB) Middle Years Programme (MYP). This was made possible by our dedicated staff, committed parent involvement, and amazing student achievement. Students will now be able to begin their academic enrichment with IB curriculum during their middle school experience. It is also important to celebrate Watkins Mill as being the first high school in Maryland, forty-first school in the United States, and seventy-second school in the world to be an accredited IB MYP, an IB Diploma Programme (DP), and an IB Career Programme (CP). Next, the end of semester is rapidly approaching, with final exams administered January 12-16. A full schedule can be found here. Please be reminded students are only required to attend during the exam or make-up periods when they have an exam scheduled. However, normal bus transportation, lunch, and special services will be provided, and supervised study halls are available for students who do not have an exam and need to remain in the building. As we approach exams, classes will engage in review sessions and receive study guides over the next week. Please remember there are several opportunities for extra help, including personalized assistance with teachers before school, after school, and STEP. I am also encouraging students to take advantage of support in computer lab A200, before school beginning at 6:45am and during STEP. Please encourage your child to seek that extra help, as the staff and I are here to support our students’ success any way we can. Rec zone hours during the week of semester exams are also being adjusted. The Rec Zone will have the Media Center opened from 10am-2:10pm, Monday through Thursday. Then the cafeteria will be opened from 10am-2:10pm Monday and Wednesday, while the gym is opened from 10am-2:10pm on Tuesday and Thursday. Please note that bus transportation will only be provided at 2:10pm from Jan 12-16. The 4pm and 5pm activity buses will not be in operation during this time period. The second semester will begin with a homeroom on Wednesday, January 21 (there is no school for students on January 19-20). During homeroom on January 21, students will receive new second semester schedules. Note: it is not too late for students to enroll in an advanced class for the second semester. If you are interested in making a change to an advanced-level class, please contact your child’s counselor! News From The Mill – January 2015 Page 1 PSAT scores have arrived! PSAT Score Reports from the October administration will be distributed to students during the month of January , with an explanation on how to read the score report. There are additional resources posted on Edline and our school website, and students and parents can also view the PSAT website at for more information on reading the score report and how the scores help students with college planning. The PSAT Score Report is a valuable tool in predicting performance on the SAT and advanced level classes. College acceptances and scholarships are coming in at a rapid pace for the Class of 2015! So far, thousands of dollars in merit-based scholarships have already been reported to our Career Center. If you receive notice of any meritbased awards or scholarships—whether you intend to go to that college or not—please report it to Ms. Prochnow in the Career Center. We want to hear about all scholarships that are offered to any school that you applied to. We would like to tally all of the scholarship offers and have an accurate count. Keep those award letters coming in! On that note, I would like to congratulate seniors Lailah Berry (Kent State University) and Da’Quan Manning (Hood College), who have each won tuition scholarships to their respective college and university. As you think ahead to college planning, please check out this great YouTube video from 2011 graduate and current Harvard University student, Qaren Quartey. She has great tips. I couldn’t have said it better myself! Qaren’s advice for college planning can be found here: SENIORS: Please be sure to come to our Financial Aid “Show Me the Money” Night on Wednesday, January 7 at 7pm. Ms. Jackie Lynch, a financial aid counselor at Montgomery College, will discuss the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), Maryland state grants and the CSS Profile along with other pertinent financial aid information. Don’t miss this important event! Parents attending the workshop will get answers to their financial aid questions Please also be sure to read our College and Career News below, as well as the monthly newsletter, for up-to-date information about SAT/ACT registration, college visits, financial aid, scholarships, and more. The newsletter can also be found here: Registration for 2015-16 is underway! Got IB? Juniors and sophomores have begun registering for classes for next year, with underclassmen to follow in the coming weeks. When making decisions about course selections, please call or email appropriate staff with any questions. We expect all students to enroll in the most rigorous academic program possible, especially IB courses. Exposure and successful completion to these courses is known to have a direct correlation to college readiness, and is an enriching educational experience for the 21 st century learner. Any student, regardless of their academic profile, can be successful in advanced courses with effective effort and hard work. We also want students to make informed decisions about their elective courses, as the master schedule will be built around student interests and needs. Attention 10th grade parents: Please consider taking advantage of courses in our International Baccealureate (IB) program, or consider enrolling in the IB Diploma or IBCC Programme. Regardless of the courses you have taken, you are eligible to consider IB now! Questions? Please contact Ms. Ingram, IB Coordinator, at [email protected] or your school counselor. Why is the IB Progam ideal preparation for college, careers, and beyond? Find out here: News From The Mill – January 2015 Page 2 Emergency Planning: The safety and security of students and staff is our top priority each and every day. All MCPS schools have specific emergency response plans and drills are conducted several times throughout the year. MCPS is in the process of developing new resources for parents, students and staff about our safety and security procedures. The school district has posted a new video and other information on its Emergency Preparedness website. These resources provide details about our school safety procedures and review the different levels of response—Lockdown, Evacuation and Shelter in Place. Please take some time to learn more about our emergency procedures: Throughout the year, we routinely conduct school lockdown/shelter-in-place and reunification drills. In the event of an actual emergency, there will be a “reunification” process in which parents sign out their children, or allow an authorized relative or other person to do so. This process provides that when parents or guardians pick up a student, that identification be provided and the student signed out accurately. Please make sure that you keep your student’s emergency contact up-to-date and provide contact information for any adult who is authorized to release your child. This information can be updated on Edline or by contacting the school. Questions? Please call Ms. Taffo at 301-8403970 or email her at: [email protected]. Thank you for your support of your students and our school community. If we can ever be of assistance, please do not hesitate to email or call. A full staff directory can be found here: Sincerely, Shawn Krasa, principal intern News From The Mill – January 2015 Page 3 COLLEGE AND CAREER CENTER NEWS FINANCIAL AID WORKSHOP at Watkins Mill H.S. “Show Me The Money,” a financial aid workshop will be held at Watkins Mill High School on Wednesday, January 7, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in the Media Center in English and in the cafeteria in Spanish. This workshop is very important for parents of 12th grade college-bound students but all parents are welcome to attend. Ms. Barbara Miller, Financial Aid Director at Stevenson University, will discuss the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), Maryland state grants and the CSS Profile along with other pertinent financial aid information. Ms. Alexandra Gonzalez, financial aid outreach coordinator at Montgomery College, will present the info in Spanish. Free pizza will be served at 6:45 p.m. First come, first served. Door prizes to Bed, Bath and Beyond will be awarded. Don’t miss this important event! Parents attending the workshop will get answers to their financial aid questions TWO OPPORTUNITIES TO GET FREE HANDS ON HELP WITH THE Free Application For Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) This year, students and parents have two opportunities to get FREE hands-on help with the FAFSA on Sunday, February 8, 2015 from 2-4 pm (snow date: Feb. 15) at MC Takoma Park campus in Silver Spring or on February 26, 2015 from 4 to 6 pm at MC Germantown. (snow date March 5). COLLEGE GOAL SUNDAY is an annual event where financial aid volunteers from area colleges volunteer their time to individually help families complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Bring your 2013 or 2014 tax returns or 2014 W-2 forms, proof of residency (alien registration number) and your FAFSA PIN for assistance. For more information, Contact: Wendy Maldonado- 240-5673935 [email protected] Spanish interpreters available. College-bound Juniors should plan to take a spring ACT or SAT. Students should plan on studying 20 to 30 hours before taking a test. Test scores are used for both admission to a college/university and for merit scholarships. Watkins Mill is offering a reduced rate test prep class in conjunction with Kaplan test prep to prepare students for either the March SAT or the April ACT, both of which will be offered at WMHS. Each class consists of 10 sessions which includes six 3 hour sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5 to 8 pm and 4 practice test sessions held from 5 to 9 pm, all here at Watkins Mill. Each class is limited to just 25 students. The cost of the program is $225 for WMHS students. The regular price of the Kaplan program is $699! This is a great way for students to prepare for their college admissions tests. Registration forms can be found on the WMHS homepage. Payment can be made at the financial assistant’s office. Class begins on Tuesday, February 3 for the March 14th SAT, and on Tuesday, March 3, for the April 18th ACT. We are only able to offer one class for each test at this reduced rate. Hurry, sign up now to reserve a spot! For more info from the College/Career Center including Scholarships and Summer Opportunities visit the College/Career Center webpage at where you will also find the latest edition of the WMHS College/Career Center Newsletter. Debbie Prochnow College/Career Coordinator News From The Mill – January 2015 Page 1 ACES PROGRAM The ACES application is now open for current sophomores to apply. ACES (Achieving Collegiate Excellence and Success) is a program that provides additional support to juniors and seniors in preparation for college. The ACES Academic Coach works with 60 juniors and 60 seniors. Some of the activities include: FREE SAT/ACT class Workshops on various topics College Tours Provide assistance with college applications and the financial aid applications Students go to to apply. The chosen topic for the 250-word essay will need to be written prior to starting the application because the application cannot be saved. After submitting the application, students will receive an email to print the Program Consent Form. Print it, sign it, have a parent sign it, and return it to the ACES Academic Coach. The application is not complete until the Program Consent Form is received. Please call the Counseling Office at (301) 840-3970 for questions concerning the ACES program. Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you! Dinecia Pierre-Louis ACES Academic Coach WMHS [email protected] (301) 840-3970 NEWS FROM THE IB OFFICE ATTENTION ALL RISING 11TH GRADERS: During the first week of December Mrs. Ingram conducted class visits in 10th grade English classes to discuss next year’s course and program options with our rising 11th graders. Our discussions focused on the important decisions at hand for this group of youngsters and advice as to how to become informed regarding all the many options between now and early January when rising juniors will begin to meet with their counselors to make next year’s course selections. The topics we discussed included the specific nuances of each of our IB programs: The Diploma Program (DP) and the IB Career Program (CP) as well as the opportunities to take individual IB courses. We also discussed important items related to college readiness, including preparation for the ACT/SAT in the upcoming school year. Students are encouraged to take time now to talk with teachers of courses and programs, current students, and find out about programs they are considering for 11th-12th grades…..What’s most important is for each student to be informed about all of the options to best fit their individual interests. Students and parents are encouraged to see Mrs. Ingram if they wish to discuss either the IBDP or IBCP. Lisa Ingram, IB Coordinator [email protected] (301) 840-9375 News From The Mill – January 2015 Page 2 ATHLETIC NEWS INDOOR TRACK AND Thus far this season we are having county, region and state leading performances on the boys and girls teams. Individually for the girls, Lisa Franco is the region leader in the 500 meter dash and the 800 meter run. The girls 1600 meter relay and 3200 meter relay are top times in the state. Two standout performance so far this season were at the Prince George's County Relays where the 1600 meter and 3200 meter relays won first place. The 3200 meter relay consists of Lisa Franco, Rhoda Miller, Gianni Harper and Alyssa Rishell and the 1600 meter relay has Lisa Franco, Rhoda Miller, Marian Sankoh and Alyssa Rishell. I attached pictures from the meet. On the boys side they have region best time in the 800 meter relay that consists of Mike Bonds, Sone Penda, Edem Yevoo and Kevin Mapuku. Kevin also has the region best time in the 300 meter dash. We have two more meets in January before region and state championship meets coming up in February. Bryant Adams Indoor Track and Field Coach News From The Mill – January 2015 Page 3 A NOTE FROM OUR PTSA PRESIDENT – SUSAN YOUNG Our membership continues to grow – we’ve passed 190 members and hope to reach 200 in the New Year! We even won the Silver Award from the Montgomery County Council of PTAs (MCCPTA) for membership growth during the 20132014 school year! Thanks to those of you who have already joined our PTSA/Boosters Club. Remember, it’s never too late to join. Click here to get started!- Show your commitment to your student and our school by joining and participating -- and making a difference! And remember, if you're a parent of a senior, a PTSA membership is required for consideration for PTSA sponsored scholarships. Can you help us show our staff how much we appreciate them? During exam week in January, the PTSA will offer “pick-me-up” snacks to our wonderful staff to help them get through the long exam days. We are looking for donations of yummy snacks, such as granola bars, fruit, cookies, candy, etc. Please contact Martha Crews at [email protected] if you can help with a donation! Our next PTSA meeting will be Tuesday, February 24, 7pm in the Media Center. In the meantime, please come out to the Booster Club meetings, held on the first Monday of every month in the media center, also at 7pm. Are you on Facebook? Then be sure to visit the Watkins Mill HS PTSA/Boosters page and "like" us. It's another great way to get information out to the parents and learn about events and activities. Are you on our Yahoo listserve group? You will automatically be added when you join the PTSA, but if you'd like to start receiving communications now, please send an email to me at [email protected]. See you around the Mill! Susan Young PTSA President BOOSTER CLUB HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! Stay Tune for more exciting events happening in the New Year. SPECIAL NOTE: There will be no meeting on January 5th, 2015. Our regularly scheduled meeting will resume in February. Our next Booster Club meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 2 @ 7:00P in the Media Center, on the upper level. We invite all parents, students, and school staff interested in learning more about your Booster Club to join us. We need new Wolverine parent volunteers and leaders every year to replace graduating parents. It's through participation you will learn and continue our tradition of success. We all have a role to play in the success of our students. News From The Mill – January 2015 Page 4 Winter athletics - basketball, wrestling, swim and dive, and indoor track - continue throughout this month. Please ch eck the calendars found on the school athletic website: or http://w for schedules and locations. Come out, home or away, to cheer on the running, shooting, wrestling, swimming - Go 'Rines! If you are interested in volunteering for winter concessions, please contact Mariken Deist, [email protected]. Concessions are vital to the continued financial support of the school clubs, band and athletics. Annual Seasons Passes for all home athletic events are now available in the school finance office: Adult @ $70, Student @ $40. Winter and Spring only passes are also available. We offer a joint Family PTSA/Booster Club membership @ $30. Individual memberships are also available. Get details and join online: You can also complete the membership form found on the PTSA/Booster Club ink on the school web site: and return to the school office. **IMPORTANT** PARENT AND COMMUNITY VOLUNTEERS Please remember to send your monthly volunteer hours to our Volunteer Coordinator, Mariana Hildesheim, at [email protected]. Go ‘Rines!!! Lisa Rishell, Booster Club President Mobile: 240-888-5358 Email: [email protected] IN MEMORY OF ALICE HACOBIAN It is with great sadness that we share the news of Alice Hacobian, one of our cafeteria workers, who passed away over winter break. Ms. Hacobian has been an important part of our cafeteria staff, helping to serve students for the past 16 years. Ms. Hacobian will be deeply missed and her dedication to serving our students will always be greatly appreciated. She will always be in our thoughts and forever in our hearts. POM COMPETION It's time for the Annual Poms Competitions! Please come out and support our girls at their two competitions. First one is at Blake HS on January 10, competition starts at 2pm, doors open at 1:30 pm. Tickets are $5, you may purchase at the door, or from Coach Jordan in the health room. Second competition is our big county competition on February 14, doors open at 9:00 am Richard Montgomery HS, and tickets are $5. We really want to fill the stands and win that spirit award- Please come out and support!! News From The Mill – January 2015 Page 5 MARCH TO THE MILL SUMMER SPORTS CAMP Registration for March to the Mill 2015 is now underway. The camp grows more fun and exciting every year and we expect this year to be better than ever. We also expect this year’s camp to fill to capacity quickly, so register early. Don’t let oyur child miss out. March to the Mill is a summer sports camp where rising 3rd through 9th graders form area elementary and middle schools do a different sport every day with Watkins Mill coaches and athletes. Days are fun-filled and action-packed. Your camper will come home good and tired. The camp takes place June 15 – July 3 from 10:30 – 3:30 on the Watkins Mill campus. Cost is $95 for one session, $190 for two sessions, and $270 for three sessions. This expese qualifies for you Dependent Child Flexible Spending Account. Every camper gets a free, exclusive, limited edition tee shirt and pinnie. Rising 9th graders who have attended a previous March to the Mill are encouraged to apply to be counselors-in-training. Rising 10th through 12th graders are encouraged to apply to be counselors. Counselors receive a free tee shirt and pinnie, earn SSL hours, and have a blast! For more information or to apply to be a counselor, please contact Toni Marsh at [email protected] or 202-510-4163. Counselors MUST apply by May 1, 2015. You can also visit our website at [email protected] SENIOR AD INFORMATION: The final deadline to purchase your senior ad for the yearbook has been extended until January 30th. January 30th will be the absolute last day to purchase your senior ad to be included in the yearbook. Many parents include baby photos or senior photos in the congratulatory ad. Oftentimes friends purchase a page together to celebrate their friendship. Log on to to start creating your ad. You do not need to pay for ad unless you want to purchase it. ORDER YOUR YEARBOOK BEFORE THE COST INCREASES ON 1/31 The yearbook costs $85, but you can SAVE $10 and pay ONLY $75 if you order by January 30th. Order online to pay by credit card, check, Bill Me Later, PayPal or to take advantage of the monthly installment plan where you can make 3 payments OR return the order form and payment to Mr. Wu. Jennifer Massey – Your Jostens Representative News From The Mill – January 2015 Page 6 INTERACT CLUB The Watkins Mill High School Interact Club, a community service club facilitated by ESOL paraeducator Karla MongeSandoval, celebrated another year of service in the community with a launching ceremony on Wednesday, November 19. During the ceremony, Club members were officially recognized for their work in the community by members of the Rotary Club of Montgomery Village. Over 80 students participate in the club and have already completed 11 service activities this school year. Examples of the activities are food sorting at the Manna Food Center in Gaithersburg, coordinating runner logistics at the Rotary Club’s 5k Halloween Hustle, a shredding event, dictionary project, and warehouse set-up for Toys for Tots in Gaithersburg. So far students have been able to complete 45 SSL hours if they have participated in all the events. Caption for picture: (l to r) Interact Club officers Treasurer Cindy Bonilla, Secretary Favio Quintanilla, President Elida Vasquez Serrano, and Vice-President Karina Fernandez celebrate with staff facilitator Karla Monge-Sandoval. EARLY CHILD DEVELOPMENT LAB The E a r l y Child Development Preschool Laboratory is currently accepting applications for 2015-2016 school year. There are 12 spots available & Spots are reserved in the order the application is received. All the information is on the school website. Parents can print applications from the school website Please e-mail specific questions to Mrs. Krill at [email protected]. News From The Mill – January 2015 Page 7 EDLINE UPDATE – Contact [email protected] if you don’t have an activated Edline account. An activated Edline account will allow you to: •Check your child’s latest grades and see missing work •See the status of credits for graduation •Receive email alerts when new grades are posted •Receive emails with school or class information •View team and club activities •Email your child’s teachers •View upcoming assessments Our Watkins Mill HS website has a link on the right hand side for edline, and there is also a “how to activate my edline account guide” there as well. Here are two important url’s: BULLYING: We are also providing reminders about the swift and severe action that will be taken if students are involved in bullying, a fight, any physical aggression, theft, drugs or drug paraphernalia, or any other serious incidents. We are also encouraging students to talk to a trusted adult if there is ever a concern at school, at home, in the neighborhood, or online. The following link to MCPS Web page is provided for your ease of access to the resource. MCPS Form 230-35, Bullying, Harassment, or Intimidation Reporting Form , is available on the MCPS website at MCPS EMERGENCY INFORMATION How to Receive Emergency Information from MCPS MCPS parents can receive emergency information from the school system in a variety of ways including MCPS QuickNotes, Alert MCPS, Twitter, the MCPS website, MCPS TV, and a recorded telephone information line. Please visit for more information on how to keep in touch with Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) and stay informed in times of emergencies. HOMEWORK HOTLINE LIVE! (FREE HOMEWORK HELP) New Season of Homework Hotline Live! Homework Hotline Live! (HHL) is back for its 28th season, offering students in grades K-12 free homework assistance from MCPS teachers. Students can call, send text messages, or email questions on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 4 to 9 p.m. Questions received by phone are answered between 4 and 6 p.m.; all other questions are answered up until 9 p.m. Students can ask questions by: Calling 301-279-3234 Visiting the HHL website Sending a text message to 724-427-5445 Emailing [email protected] Posting a message to Facebook ( Posting a “tweet” to Twitter (@askHHL) Homework Hotline Live! can be viewed on MCPS-TV (Comcast 34, Verizon 36, RCN 89) and on the Web at News From The Mill – January 2015 Page 8 IMPORTANT DATES: January 1 New Year’s Day – No School for students or staff January 5 School Resumes “News From The Mill” will be Published electronically on the first day of each month through the following venues: Edline WMHS Website Announcement on Twitter If you don’t have access to a computer, a hard copy can be picked up in the main office. No Booster Club Meeting January 6 Varsity B-Ball-Wheaton at WM Boys 5:00 /Girls 7:00pm JV B-Ball-WM at Wheaton Boys 3:30/Girls 5:15pm January 7 Wrestling – Blake @ WM, Varsity 6pm/JV 7pm Financial Aid Night, Media Center (English), Cafeteria (Spanish), 7pm January 8 BOCCE - Watkins Mill @ Quince Orchard, 3pm The Wiz Auditions, Auditorium, 2:30 pm January 9 Semester 1 Exam Review Day The Wiz Auditions, Auditorium, 2:30 pm Boys BB-Ball -Einstein at Watkins Mill V 7 pm/JV 5:15 pm Girls BB-Ball - Watkins Mill at Einstein V 7 pm/JV 5:15 pm News From The Mill – January 2015 Page 9 January 10 Indoor Track - Montgomery County International, 8am Swim & Dive - Watkins Mill and Rockville at Kennedy Shriver Aquatic Center 9:15 am Pom’s Competition, Blair HS, 2pm January 12 Semester Exams for Period 1 & 2 (7:25-9:25 and 9:55-11:55) – Special Bell Schedule (No classes held) January 13 Semester Exams for Period 3 & 4 (7:25-9:25 and 9:55–11:55) – Special Bell Schedule (No classes held) January 14 Semester Exams for Period 5 & 6 (7:25-9:25 and 9:55–11:55) – Special Bell Schedule (No classes held) January 15 Semester Exams for Period 7 & Make-ups (7:25-9:25 and 9:55 – 11:55) – Special Bell Schedule (No classes held) ALL MAKE-UP EXAMS THE STUDENT MUST PRE-ARRANGE WITH THE INDIVIDUAL TEACHER!!! January 16 End of 1st Semester/ End of 2nd Marking Period Make-Up Semester Exams (7:25-9:25 and 9:55–11:55) – Special Bell Schedule (No classes held) ALL MAKE-UP EXAMS THE STUDENT MUST PRE-ARRANGE WITH THE INDIVIDUAL TEACHER!!! January 17 Swim & Dive - Clarksburg and Watkins Mill at Gaithersburg Aquatic Center 1:15 pm Bocce - Seneca Valley @ Watkins Mill, 10 am January 19 MARTIN LUTHER KING HOLIDAY – SCHOOLS AND OFFICES CLOSED January 20 Professional Day for Teachers – No School for Students Indoor Track - Montgomery County Championship, 3:30 pm January 21 2nd Semester Begins – ALTERED BELL SCHEDULE – students will receive new schedules 3rd Marking Period Begins BB-Ball JV - Watkins Mill at Northwood, Boys 3:30 pm/Girls 5:15 pm BB-Ball V - Northwood at Watkins Mill, Boys 7:00 pm/Girls 5:15 pm Financial Aid Night – Snowdate, 7pm News From The Mill – January 2015 Page 10 January 23 Varsity BB-Ball -Watkins Mill at Damascus, Boys 7:00 pm/Girls 5:15 pm JV BB-Ball - Damascus at Watkins Mill, Boys 5:15 pm/Girls 3:30 pm January 24 SAT ADMINISTERED Swim and Dive - Watkins Mill, Richard Montgomery and Northwest at Germantown Indoor Swim Center 11:30 am Wrestling, Northwood and Watkins Mill at Richard Montgomery V 2:30 pm January 26 Varsity BB-Ball, Seneca Valley at Watkins Mill Girls 5:15 pm/Boys 7:00 pm JV B-Ball, Watkins Mill at Seneca Valley, Girls 3:30 pm/Boys 5:15 pm January 27 Chipotle Fundraiser - Newspaper Club, Gaithersburg Wrestling - Damascus at Watkins Mill V 6 pm/JV 7 pm January 28 JV BB-Ball - Watkins Mill @ Rockville, Girls 3:30 pm/Boys 5:00 pm Varsity B-Ball - Rockville at Watkins Mill, V 5:15 pm/JV 7:00 pm January 29 Philharmonic Concert, Auditorium, 7pm Report Card Distribution, Altered Bell Schedule January 30 JV BB-Ball - Wheaton at Watkins Mill Girls 3:00 pm/Boys 5:15 pm Varsity BB-Ball – Watkins Mill @ Wheaton Boys 7 pm/Girls 5:15 pm January 31 Swim & Dive - Division III Diving Championship at Martin Luther King Swim Center 7:30 am - 9:30 am Wrestling - Watkins Mill at Quince Orchard V 1 pm/JV 2 pm H.S.A. Exam – Selected Students Algebra H.S.A. Exam- Select Students English H.S.A. Exam – Selected Students Athletic Key: SW = Swimming & Diving BB B = Boys Basketball BB G – Girls Basketball WR = Wrestling News From The Mill – January 2015 Page 11 IMPORTANT LINKS WMHS Website Home: Athletics: College/Career Monthly Newsletter: Calendar: Staff Directory: Edline: Edline Assistance: [email protected], [email protected] PTSA Information: Booster Club: Lunch Pre-Payments: Student Service Learning: Bullying: Free SAT/ACT Prep: News From “The Mill” will be published two times per month on the news pages of the school website and Edline; emailed to all active Edline accounts; and is available by hard copy in the main office. If you would like a copy emailed to your Inbox, please make sure that your Edline account is activated with your current email address. News From The Mill – January 2015 Page 12 January 2015 Final Exam Schedule Friday, January 9, 2015 Semester 1 Exam Review Day Regular Bell Schedule Period 1 Exam 7:25 a.m.-9:25 a.m. Period 2 Exam 9:55 a.m.-11:55 a.m. Period 3 Exam 7:25 a.m.-9:25 a.m. Period 4 Exam 9:55 a.m.-11:55 a.m. Period 5 Exam 7:25 a.m.-9:25 a.m. Period 6 Exam 9:55 a.m.-11:55 a.m. Period 7 Exam 7:25 a.m.-9:25 a.m. Make-Up Exams 9:55 a.m.-11:55 a.m. Friday, January 16, 2015 Make-Up Exams End of Semester/2nd Marking Period 7:25 a.m.-9:25 a.m. & 9:55 a.m.-11:55 a.m. Monday, January 19, 2015 No School – Martin Luther King Day Tuesday, January 20, 2015 No School – Professional Day for Teachers Monday, January 12, 2015 Tuesday, January 13, 2015 Wednesday, January 14, 2015 Thursday, January 15, 2015 SNOW/WEATHER CONTINGENCIES: Please check the Watkins Mill H.S. homepage for contingency plans in the event of weather-related delays or closings. Information is posted at: . There are no regular classes during final exam days; students will attend school only during their scheduled exams. The cafeteria will be open between exam periods. School buses run at their regularly scheduled times. Students in the building (but not taking an exam) will report to their regularly assigned teacher in the morning; following dismissal at 12:15 pm, students will be placed in a supervised study hall in the auditorium in the afternoon until busses arrive at 2:10 pm. ** NOTE: Students who miss a scheduled exam must pre-arrange a make-up exam with the individual teacher (the excuse note must be given directly to the exam teacher). ** LFI/Farms Service provided for full instructional day. Please contact your child’s teacher or counselor. Raise money for our school while you save. Raising funds for our school is as easy as using your REDcard. Designate our school through Take Charge of Education to give our kids a boost. And save 5%* every time you shop. ® REDcard REDcard TM credit debit TM Enroll at* or call 1-800-316-6142. * Subject to Take Charge of Education program rules. See or call 1-800-316-6142 for details. Some restrictions apply. See program rules in store or at for details. REDcard®: Target Debit Card, Target Credit Card, and Target® Visa® Credit Card. Subject to application approval (Target Visa Credit Card not available to new applicants). The REDcard credit cards are issued by TD Bank USA, N.A. The REDcard debit card is issued by Target Corporation. VISA is a registered trademark of VISA USA, Inc. Pat 7,562,048 and 8,117,118. ©2013 Target Brands, Inc. The Bullseye Design and Target are registered trademarks of Target Brands, Inc. 493476 Shop. Save. Fundraise. Raising funds for our school is as easy as using your REDcard. Designate our school through Take Charge of Education to give our kids a boost. And save 5%* every time you shop. ® REDcard REDcard TM credit debit TM Enroll at* or call 1-800-316-6142. * Subject to Take Charge of Education program rules. See or call 1-800-316-6142 for details. Some restrictions apply. See program rules in store or at for details. REDcard®: Target Debit Card, Target Credit Card, and Target® Visa® Credit Card. Subject to application approval (Target Visa Credit Card not available to new applicants). The REDcard credit cards are issued by TD Bank USA, N.A. The REDcard debit card is issued by Target Corporation. VISA is a registered trademark of VISA USA, Inc. Pat 7,562,048 and 8,117,118. ©2013 Target Brands, Inc. The Bullseye Design and Target are registered trademarks of Target Brands, Inc. 493476 Make every errand count for our school. Raising funds for our school is as easy as using your REDcard. Designate our school through Take Charge of Education to give our kids a boost. And save 5%* every time you shop. ® REDcard REDcard TM TM credit debit Enroll at* or call 1-800-316-6142. * Subject to Take Charge of Education program rules. See or call 1-800-316-6142 for details. Some restrictions apply. See program rules in store or at for details. REDcard®: Target Debit Card, Target Credit Card, and Target® Visa® Credit Card. Subject to application approval (Target Visa Credit Card not available to new applicants). The REDcard credit cards are issued by TD Bank USA, N.A. The REDcard debit card is issued by Target Corporation. VISA is a registered trademark of VISA USA, Inc. Pat 7,562,048 and 8,117,118. ©2013 Target Brands, Inc. The Bullseye Design and Target are registered trademarks of Target Brands, Inc. 493476 WATKINS MILL HIGH SCHOOL Dear Parents: Welcome to the start of a new school year and a year of A+ School Rewards. Starting October 3, 2014 through March 19, 2015 WATKINS MILL HIGH SCHOOL will have the opportunity to earn cash through Giant A+ School Rewards Program. All you have to do is: Log on to select CUSTOMER REGISTRATION to register online using your Giant Card OR Return this form to school with your child and include your Giant Card Number (13-DIGITS)______________________, Last Name ____________________________ and telephone number________________________ NEW THIS YEAR: If you registered your card last year, you DO NOT need to re-register this year. You can visit the website to verify correct school assignment. Also, don’t forget to encourage your friends and relatives to do the same. It could mean more Cash for our school. After you register your card, each shopping trip at Giant using your Giant Card earns CASH for our school. Each month, the amount of CASH awarded will be updated on the Giant website. You can track the amount of points you earn for our school by checking your grocery receipt and online when you create an account at Our school will receive a check at the end of the program. The money can be used for any of our school’s educational needs. Phone numbers may not be used to designate. If you do not know your 13-digit Giant CARD number, call the Card Hotline at 1-877-366-2668 and select OPTION #2 Recauda dinero para tu escuela y ahorra al mismo tiempo. Recaudar fondos para tu escuela es tan fácil como usar tu Tarjeta REDcard . Designa tu escuela con el programa Take Charge of Education y dales una gran ayuda a los niños. Además, ahorra un 5%* en cada compra. ® REDcard REDcard TM credit debit TM Regístrate en* o llama al 1-800-316-6142. * Sujeto a las reglas del programa Take Charge of Education. Visita o llama al 1-800-316-6142 para conocer los detalles. Se aplican algunas restricciones. Consulta las reglas y detalles del programa en la tienda o en REDcard®: Tarjeta de Débito Target, Tarjeta de Crédito Target y Tarjeta de Crédito Target® Visa®. Sujeto a la aprobación de la solicitud (la Tarjeta de Crédito Target Visa no está disponible para solicitudes nuevas). TD Bank USA, N.A., es la entidad emisora de la Tarjeta de Crédito REDcard. Target Corporation es la entidad emisora de la Tarjeta de Débito REDcard. VISA es una marca registrada de VISA USA, Inc., patentes 7,562,048 y 8,117,118. ©2013 Target Brands, Inc. El diseño del Tiro al Blanco y Target son marcas registradas de Target Brands, Inc. 493475 Compra. Ahorra. Recauda fondos. Recaudar fondos para tu escuela es tan fácil como usar tu Tarjeta REDcard . Designa tu escuela con el programa Take Charge of Education y dales una gran ayuda a los niños. Además, ahorra un 5%* en cada compra. ® REDcard REDcard TM credit debit TM Regístrate en* o llama al 1-800-316-6142. * Sujeto a las reglas del programa Take Charge of Education. Visita o llama al 1-800-316-6142 para conocer los detalles. Se aplican algunas restricciones. Consulta las reglas y detalles del programa en la tienda o en REDcard®: Tarjeta de Débito Target, Tarjeta de Crédito Target y Tarjeta de Crédito Target® Visa®. Sujeto a la aprobación de la solicitud (la Tarjeta de Crédito Target Visa no está disponible para solicitudes nuevas). TD Bank USA, N.A., es la entidad emisora de la Tarjeta de Crédito REDcard. Target Corporation es la entidad emisora de la Tarjeta de Débito REDcard. VISA es una marca registrada de VISA USA, Inc., patentes 7,562,048 y 8,117,118. ©2013 Target Brands, Inc. El diseño del Tiro al Blanco y Target son marcas registradas de Target Brands, Inc. 493475 Aprovecha cada compra para darle una mano a tu escuela. Recaudar fondos para tu escuela es tan fácil como usar tu Tarjeta REDcard . Designa tu escuela con el programa Take Charge of Education y dales una gran ayuda a los niños. Además, ahorra un 5%* en cada compra. ® REDcard REDcard TM TM credit debit Regístrate en* o llama al 1-800-316-6142. * Sujeto a las reglas del programa Take Charge of Education. Visita o llama al 1-800-316-6142 para conocer los detalles. Se aplican algunas restricciones. Consulta las reglas y detalles del programa en la tienda o en REDcard®: Tarjeta de Débito Target, Tarjeta de Crédito Target y Tarjeta de Crédito Target® Visa®. Sujeto a la aprobación de la solicitud (la Tarjeta de Crédito Target Visa no está disponible para solicitudes nuevas). TD Bank USA, N.A., es la entidad emisora de la Tarjeta de Crédito REDcard. Target Corporation es la entidad emisora de la Tarjeta de Débito REDcard. VISA es una marca registrada de VISA USA, Inc., patentes 7,562,048 y 8,117,118. ©2013 Target Brands, Inc. El diseño del Tiro al Blanco y Target son marcas registradas de Target Brands, Inc. 493475
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