The Herald January 2015 The Newsletter of Elim Lutheran Church A Message from the Council President “W e are Family” a song written by Sister Sledge in 1979 became the theme song of baseball’s World Se- ries Champions, the Pittsburgh Pirates in the same year, but it could also be the definition of Elim in 2015. The spirit of Elim is ever present – it is manifested in the “sharing of the peace”, in the participation of congregants in Elim’s many activities and in the personal lives of its people. It is a shared belief based on love and the conviction that we are doing God’s work, enjoying each other’s company and fulfilling personal needs. Elim Lutheran Church ELCA 5911 E. Hillcrest Dr Port Orchard, WA Mailing Address:: P.O. Box 456 Manchester, WA 98353 360-871-0602 Email: elimlutheran Website: www.elimlutheranpo. net Pastor In Transition Council President Peter Kreidler Editor Katie Thomassen To illustrate, by way of contrast, I recently lost a close personal friend. He and his wife attended our wedding in 1970, He and I taught together for 30 years at South Kitsap High School and the four of us enjoyed six wonderful trips together over the years. But when his wife died in 2008 he never recovered. He became increasingly distant, discontinued his healthy activities of running and golf, failed to develop new relationships and when confronted with medical and psychological problems did not adequately Continued on next page Together in Christ Doing God’s Work, Using God’s Gifts, Sharing God’s Love. Continued from previous page respond. The death of my friend was and is sad but it is also a testament to why Elim is important. Being actively involved at Elim, building relationships with others and having goals that call for sacrifice and dedication creates a sense of esprit de corps. Fulfillment comes from interaction with others and achieving goals that improve the lives of others whether here at Elim, locally or globally. Every Sunday reinforces positive attributes of ethics, love and loyalty that are essential for a healthy lifestyle. Associating and working with like minded people creates strong bonds. Adversity, when it strikes, is shared. We are Family. By analogy it is interesting to note the comments of Seahawk (yes Heide – Go Hawks!) players last Sunday after securing the number one seed in the National Football Conference leading to the Super Bowl. Time and again players spoke of hard work, dedication, love for each other, sacrificing individual goals for team goals and each player doing their assignment in order to achieve team success. That same commitment is evident at Elim as a quick look at the “Elim Ministries” attests. For anyone not actively involved there is a great deal of satisfaction derived from working with others in achieving goals and meeting the needs of Elim here and abroad. For Robin and me, Elim is a second family. There are so many great friends that we would never have known, or developed strong ties with, without Elim. So it is true – Elim is a family, a faith family with strong personal ties. We are united and bonded together in unselfish service to God and the world community and, at the same time, fulfilling personal needs. Respectfully, Peter Kreidler S tarting with the New Year, Adult Forum will be meeting at 9 am Sunday, January 4th in the Adult Forum room for coffee and discussion on the topic of prayer. The What, When, Why, Where, and How do we pray will be explored. Its depths will be mined. Its many facets studied. Over the course of the study, featured books to be discussed will be Prayer, the Great Adventure by David Jeremiah and A Book of Uncommon Prayer by Brian Doyle. Prayer should not be a last resort in our life journey, but our first. It should be our preparation, our help along the way and part of our final destination. It is the foundation that connects us to God and each other, edifying ourselves and honing us to be a blessing to others. Prayer is a journey of adventure in its many forms, gathering treasures that enrich our lives and the lives of others. For in prayer we discover we are not alone, we are loved. Through the jeweled facets of prayer, the crowning glory of God is created and the foundations of the City of God, the Church, is connected and built. We are the treasure, “the joy that was before him”. Prayer is a gift of God, of our Christ Jesus. Emmanuel, God is with us. Sue Anna Tucker Adult Forum Facilitator Annual Reports It is that time of year when all church reports must be submitted for the Annual Meeting on January 25th. Please submit your reports to the office no later than January 11. This will give the secretary ample time to compile all the reports. If at all possible, submit an email report attached as a Microsoft Word or Excel document. Thanksgiving Eve Update Final Talley $891 raised by auction $350 of matching funds by Thrivent = $1241 divided by Helpline and Lifecare food banks. AS WELL AS $400 raised for Children of the Nations Fund Elim Church Call Committee Members If ∗ David Armstrong Nobi Kawasaki Gerry Lyman Cheri Svensson Melodie Cummings ∗ Bob Fisher ∗ Lynne Ayers ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ you have questions regarding the on going search for Elim’s new pastor, please feel free to ask one of the above committee members directly. There is much that cannot be shared in regards to the applicants, but in regards to the methods and procedures there is no bad question! Remember, asking never hurts, but assuming can! Lutheran Church Women of Elim (LCWE) LCWE wishes to thank the congregation of Elim and Thrivent Financial members for the support with the Christmas food baskets. You helped to feed fifteen families! Plus, provide Christmas gifts to twenty children! Also, Socks for the Homeless was a success! You donated: 203 pairs of socks 4 pairs of gloves 14 undergarments These items were given to the Salvation Army and Coffee Oasis. Thank you, The Lutheran Church Women of Elim A New Year’s Resolution... Put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. Ephesians 4:24 A Happy Birthday and many happy returns to these loved ones who have birthdays in January: Karen Plummer, 5th Janice Kvinsland 9th Diane Hubert, 12th Nancy Lyman, 19th Bonnie Dempewolf, 21st Avis Rill, 26th Did we miss your birthday? Contact the office to be sure we have your birthday in our records. Epiphany To Crown Him with Many Crowns Epiphany, Epiphany, sound, sound of the Father’s Voice Echoes throughout infinity the response to pure Love’s choice: Baptism of His only Son, baptized to the death of death. To reside in God’s Holy Son, Holy Spirit brought His Breath! The Holy Three began the Plan conceived before Time began, To bring the New Creation’s Span to come forth as One New Man Then, by the spear thrust in his side, His lifeblood would thus depart To bring formation of His Bride from His heart, His broken heart. Then He, the firstborn of the dead would gather His retinue, Who’d long looked to the blood He’d shed, they’d see Him crowned as His due. From crown of thorns that was our shame Golden crowns would then proceed. To this end the anointing came Upon David’s Royal Seed. Written Saturday 12/27/14 By Sarah Linda Stanley Adult Forum 9 am Third Sunday after Epiphany 25 26 AA 6pm Deadline for Elim Herald! Elim Reading Group Text Study 10 28 Waterman’s Circle Bible Study 29 Port of Waterman Adult Forum 9 am Worship 10 am 27 Waterman’s Circle Bible Study 11:30am Men’s Gathering Text Study 10 am Choir Prac. 19 Family Kitchen 18 22 Bible Study 11:30am 21 Worship & Music Text Study 10 am Elim Reading Grp Waterman’s Cir7am cle Council Mtg 6pm Admin Mtg 7 pm 15 14 Waterman’s Circle Bible Study 11:30am 30 23 16 9 2 1 8 Fri Thu 13 Men’s Gathering 7am Text Study 10 am 7 Wed 20 Annual Reports DUE 12 6 Tue Second Sunday after Epiphany Adult Forum 9 am 11 Epiphany Adult Forum 9 am AA 6pm 5 4 Second Sunday of Christmas Mon Sun JANUARY 2015 31 24 Memorial for Lydia Simonson 17 WWGPAA 10 Men’s Breakfast 8 am 3 Sat Elim Ministries In the spirit of Christas it is with much gatitde that Council wishes to acknowledge those who do so much to make Elim a war, loving and spirit filled place worship and iendship. If you wish to share the fn please use the following in deciding where you might want to ser!e. Worship and Music Sunday Worship Music Lent and Advent Wed Choir Bell Choir Altar Guild Servant Hands Myrna, Eleanor, Peggy, Lynne and Dorothy Peggy Bagby Myrna Robinson Eleanor Ross Myrna Robinson Stephanie Armstrong Maureen Jarrett, Barb Hahn and Diane Hubert Evangelism and Social Ministry Family Kitchen Food Baskets Food Bank Collection Christmas gifts (needy) Outreach (shut-ins) Habitat for Humanity Letters of Appreciation Transportation Cub and Boy Scouts Nobi Kawasaki Melodie Cummings Nobi and Fran Melodie Cummings Jim Christianson and Melodie Cummings Bob Fisher Edith Lammermann Susan Schultheis, Melodie, Diane Smullin, and Mary Beslagic Dave Smyth Fellowship Elim Women (WELCA) Elim’s Mens Prayer Breakfast Book Club Quilting Circle Church Banners Melodie Cummings Ray Pardo Dave Smyth, Ray, Peter, Bob Fisher, David Armstrong Melodie, Sue Anna, Margaret, Diane S., Sandra Bratcher, Zora, Sarah Linda and Maureen Myrna Robinson and Barb Hahn Stewardship Annual Stewardship Sunday Counters Spaghetti Feed Peter Kreidler and Ray Pardo Fran Olin Tony, Ernie, Bert, Peter, Ray, Gary, Mary, John, Maureen Christian Education Sunday School Christmas Play Adult Forum Weekly Bible Study Vacation Bible School Myrna Robinson and Yoli Pardo Yoli Pardo Ray Pardo, Dave Smyth and David Armstrong David Armstrong Myrna Robinson Property Property Comm. Chair Building Projects Outdoor Enhancement Sound System Surveillance System Bert Jarrett Bert, Ernie and Tony Barb Hahn Dave Smyth Ray Pardo Elim Staff Pastor Secretary Sexton Pianist Organist Choir Director Bookkeeper TBD (to be determined) Katie Thomassen Tony Anelli Peggy Bagby Lynne Ayers Eleanor Ross Sharon Miles Elim Council Officers Members Peter (Pres), Ray (VP), Sue Anna(Sec), Raelene (Treas),Financial Sec. Barb Merriman Myrna, Brian Lyman, Barb Hahn and Pastor Administration Officers Ray (Pres), Peter (VP), Bert (Prop), Raelene (Treas), Sue Anna (Sec) andPastor Endowment Officers Members Sue Anna Tucker Susan Schultheis (Chair), Ray (Sec) Herb Walmach, Cheri Svensson, David Armstrong Call Committee Chair Members David Armstrong Nobi Kawasaki, Bob Fisher, Gerry Lyman, Melodie Cummings, Cheri Svensson, Lynne Ayers Please Take Time Throughout the Week to Pray "And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints" (Ephesians 6:18). Please continue to pray for these loved ones: Mary Lavender, J ane Whitney, The Cookus Family, Alice Thuring, Dave Smyth, Karen Plummer, Lawrence Newland, The Peterson family, Bonnie Dempewolf, Laurene Carlson, Lydia Simonson, Lisa Acheson, Karlee Acheson, Margaret Camstra, Kalyn Benton and Family, Dorothy Smith, Jesse Brown, Roddick, Robin Schultz, Barb Merriman, Michelle Swanson, Barb Hahn, Julia Stephenson, Fran Blackstock, Peggy Bagby, Al & Evelyn Moore, Sandy Bratcher, Bert & Maureen Jarrett, Jose Greco, Teri Nelson, Laverne Murley, Bill Kavanaugh, Linda Jacobs, Anna & Kirsten Strand, Cheri Riehl, Sandy Rust, Margaret Kvinsland, Fred Walls, Joe Finden, Renate Slach, Jerry Edwards, Sharon Ripley, Don Smullin, Dick Fuller, Terri Stevens, Ruth Rognile, Ryan Pardo, Claudia Robinson, George Neal, Erika Tucker, Brent Bagby, Glory Berglund, Stacy, Teresa Becker, Betty Rubino, Heather Newman, Patrick, Jeffrey, Diana Buckner, Camille Kucinski, Kairyn Paine, Wilma Eads, Bev T., Michael & Velma Thompson, Barbara, Lois Hall, Susan & Mike Zeller, Marsha Meech, Kathy Nelson, Cindy and Sandy Edwards. “Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. ” Philippians 4:6 History of Tithes and Offerings October 2014 10/5 November 2014 December 2014 $3,574 11/2 $3,361 12/7 $6,028 10/10 $2,248 11/9 $1,752 12/14 $3,639 10/19 $4,875 11/16 $4,225 12/21 $2,608 10/26 $1,806 11/23 $2,449 12/24 N/A 11/30 $1609 12/28 N/A $12,503 $ 11,787 $ 12,275+ Simply Giving Tithes $200 Simply Giving Tithes $200 Simply Giving Tithes $200 Thoughts on a New Year. (not necessarily helpful ones...but thoughts all the same) Financial Page Elim Lutheran Church, ELCA PO BOX 456 Manchester WA 98353 God’s Peace and Abiding Love to: “Then they came to Elim...and they camped there by the water.” Exodus 15:27 Office Hours and Other Contact Information Elim’s office is open from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm, Monday through Friday. Deadline for Sunday announcements is noon on Wednesdays. Monday mornings the staff will be in a meeting from 9:30 am - 10:30 am. Feel free to leave a message and we will return your call as soon as possible.
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