Programme - AnimalChange

Training Course Programme
Livestock and Climate Change
12th-14th January 2015, Dakar
Monday, 12th January
Opening ceremony
Speech by the Director General of ISRA
Speech by Michel Doreau, on behalf of AnimalChange project
Speech by Anne Mottet, on behalf of FAO
Speech by Denis Depommier, on behalf of CIRAD
Speech by the Minister of Animal Husbandry and Production
Speech by the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development
Coffee break
Climate change and its interaction with livestock
Philippe Lecomte (CIRAD), Anne Mottet (FAO), Aminata Ndiaye (UCAD),
Michel Doreau (INRA)
Climate change: a reality and a major issue for Africa (AN) 30 min
The future for animal productions in Africa, and the contribution of Africa
to GHG emissions (AM) 30 min
Introduction to Animal Change and other international programmes (PL) 15 min
Overview of mutual impacts of livestock and climate change (PL) 30 min
14 :45-16 :30
The context of West and North Africa farming systems
Tamsir Diop (ISRA), Taher Srairi (IAV Rabat), Naziha Atti (INRAT Tunis)
Production and farming systems in West Africa; characterization and
trends for the future (TD) 30 min
Production and farming systems for cattle in North Africa (TS) 30 min
Production and farming systems for small ruminants in North Africa, in
relation with pastures (NA) 30 min
How to alleviate thermal stress in ruminants (MD) 15 min
Coffee break
17:00 – 18:30
Mitigation strategies – methane
Diego Morgavi, Michel Doreau (INRA)
Principles of enteric fermentation and ways to alleviate (DM) 30 min
Impact of feeds and supplements, of level of production and of animal
management on the production of methane. Specificities of tropical areas
(DM, MD) 1 h
From 19:00
Welcome reception and social evening
Tuesday, 13th January
Bases for the improvement of pasture management
Katja Klumpp (INRA), Abubeker Hassen (Univ. Pretoria), Philippe
Lecomte (CIRAD)
Principles of grass growth; complementarity between species (AH) 30 min
Carbon storage by soils: principles (KK) 30 min
First elements on carbon storage by soils in tropical areas (PL) 30 min
Coffee break
10:30 – 12:30
Optimization of pasture management: from theory to practice
Silvia Silvestri (ILRI), Abubaker Hassen (Univ. Pretoria), Katja Klumpp
(INRA), Marcia Stienezen (WUR)
Mitigation strategies : temporary grasslands, intensive fertilisation (eg.
timing, quantity) and irrigation (KK) 30 min
Adaptation strategies : legumes in intercropping (AH) 30 min
Exploring synergies between mitigation and adaptation (SS) 30 min
How to discuss pasture management practices with local farmers (MS)
30 min
12:30 – 14:30
14:30 – 18:30
Techniques for measurement of GHG emissions
Katja Klumpp, Michel Doreau, Paul Robin (INRA), Habibou Assouma
Techniques for enteric methane measurements or prediction (MD) 30 min
The eddy covariance (carbon flux) method (KK) 30 min
Technical practices : In situ soil and biomass sampling for C and N
measurements (KK, HA) 2 h
Measurements of GHG emissions on pasture (KK) and indoors (PR) 30 min
Discussion: which methods can be used in West and North Africa, in
laboratories and on pasture 30 min
From 19:00
Dinner (free)
Wednesday, 14th January
Manure management
Paul Robin (INRA), Mélanie Blanchard (CIRAD)
Principles of emissions from housing, storage and grazing (PR) 30 min
Carbon – nitrogen cycle : general concepts (PR) and the case of African
pastoral and agropastoral areas (MB) 30 min
Value and use of manure in tropical and arid areas (MB) 30 min
Coffee break
Manure management (continued)
Mélanie Blanchard (CIRAD), Paul Robin (INRA)
Mitigation options: general options (PR) and options for West and North
Africa (MB) 1 h
General discussion on manure management 30 min
12.00 – 14.00
14.00 – 15.30
The global approach of GHG and other environmental impacts
at national or system level
Anne Mottet (FAO), Philippe Lecomte (CIRAD)
Why the need of inventories, how to make an inventory of GHG emissions
for the UNFCCC? (AM) 1 h
Differences between Tier 1 and Tier 2: case studies (PL) 30 min
Coffee break
The global approach of GHG and other environmental impacts
at national or system level (continued)
Silvia Silvestri (ILRI), Anne Mottet (FAO)
The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), a standard tool available to account for all
emissions from the cradle to the grave of the product (AM) 45 min
A conceptual framework for addressing economics aspects of environmental
footprint of value chains (SS) 45 min
Discussion : how to get reliable data in West and North Africa 30 min
From 19:00
Dinner and Social Evening