Christ the King Catholic Church/La Iglesia Catolica de Cristo Rey 425 McCormick Street, Bossier City, Louisiana 71111 Fr. Karl Daigle, Pastor/Párroco • Fr. Rigoberto Betancurt, Parochial Vicar/Vicario Parroquial Danny LeMoine, Deacon/Diácono • Ricardo Rivera, Deacon/Diácono Mass in English: Sunday 8:00 am and 11:00 am.; Vigil Mass, Saturday 4:00 pm Weekdays: Monday – Saturday - 8:15 am Holy Days as Announced in the Bulletin. Misa en Español: Sábado 7:00 pm; Domingo 3:00 pm Entre Semana: Lunes 7:00 pm; Martes y Jueves 7:30 pm Días Obligatorios por Anunciado del BoletÍn Sacrament of Baptism: By Appointment; Bautismos: por cita con Padre Rigo Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 3-3:45 pm ; Sunday 7-7:45 am; 10-10:45 am Sacramento de la Reconciliación: Sábado 6:00-6:45 pm; Domingo 2:00-2:45 pm; Lunes 6:00-6:45 pm Church Office Food Pantry St. Vincent de Paul 221-0238 425-1669 865-7807 Oficina Comida de Emergencia Sociedad de San Vicente de Pablo Sacrament of Matrimony: Arrangements must be made at least four months in advance. Registration: We ask every family in the parish to register. Forms are in the foyer of the church. Por favor registra tu familia a la parroquia. Papeles estan en la Iglesia. Office Hours./Horas de Oficina: Monday–Friday: 8:00 am-4:30 pm (In case of emergency, call anytime) Food Pantry: Tuesday and Thursday - 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Comida de Emergencia: Martes y Jueves 9:00 am - 12:00 pm January 17-18, 2015 Saturday 4:00 pm Extraordinary Ministers of Eucharist Sunday 8:00 am Sunday 11:00 am R. Holmes K. Candler K. Landry F. Thurman R. Holmes Dea. Ricardo L. Marabella D. Blasingame J. Blasingame R. Rolinger Dea. LeMoine R. Salley A. Salley J. O’Hara J. Williams S. Jones P. Jones M. Paulsen B. Candler Cross Bearer S. Engles R.D. Buchanan J. McCalister First Server Second Srvr L. Lockard C. Hammonds R. Buchanan Nick A. Paulsen F. McCalister Ushers G. Procell B. Zirkle W. McCain Reader(s) MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, January 10, 2015, Baptism of the Lord 8:15 am †John Kramer 4:00 pm †Grace & Salvador Caccioppi, Sr, †Salvador Caccioppi Jr, †Sam Peters, Jr., †Rebecca Meshell, and †Vincent & Adalgisa. Sunday, January 11, 2015 8:00 am †Josephine & Charles Lombardino, Sr., †Ruby Maniscalco, †John Phinney, †Sam Peters, Jr., †Jacqueline Howard, and Jean Chappellie (SI). 11:00 am Parishioners of Christ the King Parish Monday, January 12, 2015 8:15 am †Parishioners of Christ the King Parish 7:00 pm Intenciones de la Comunidad Hispana Tuesday, January 13, 2015 8:15 am †Pat Guggenheim Shirley Abrams Rosalba Anderson Ira Balzrette James Boggan Mary Elizabeth Borja Lola Capauanco Clarence DeVille Bonita “Bo” Gallion Edward Higgins Rose Marsiglia Robert Mason Gina McHaffey Penny Melvin Marsha Mitchell Javier Rivera & Family Jacqueline Rockwell Jason Roussel Joseph Rouswel Marcia M. Shorey Charlene Stephenson Leonard Trotta Lynda Turnage Mary Waddle John Willett All deployed military & military families READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Heb 1:1-6; Ps 97:1, 2b, 6, 7c, 9; Mk 1:14-20 Tuesday: Heb 2:5-12; Ps 8:2ab, 5, 6-9; Mk 1:21-28 Wednesday: Heb 2:14-18; Ps 105:1-4, 6-9; Mk 1:29-39 Thursday: Heb 3:7-14; Ps 95:6-11; Mk 1:40-45 Friday: Heb 4:1-5, 11; Ps 78:3, 4bc, 6c-8; Mk 2:1-12 Saturday: Heb 4:12-16; Ps 19:8-10, 15; Mk 2:13-17 Sunday: 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19; Ps 40:2, 4, 7-10; 1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20; Jn 1:35-42 Stewardship Recap (Preliminary), Weekend of 12/28 /2014 $ 5,013.00 St. Vincent de Paul $213.00 Regular (English) Regular (Spanish) Poinsettia Offerings Christmas Offerings $ 2,678.00 $ 200.00 $ 6,297.45 (Dec 24 &25) Total 590 Attendance (Sat-Mon) 884 Christmas Attendance $14,188.45 ================================================================================================== YTD 2014-2015 _____Actual Budget Variance Parish Support (English & Spanish) $ 223,250.01 $248,983.04 $(25,733.03) Parish Center/Bldg Improvement $ 3,094.45 $ 3,304.17 $ (209.72) $ 12,800.52 $ 9,530.08 $ 3,270.44) $ 224,827.93 $251,747.39 $ (22,672.31) Stewardship Recap (Preliminary), Weekend of 1/4 /2015 $ 8,912.66 St. Vincent de Paul 374.00 Friday, January 16, 2015 8:15 am †Herman Miller $ 2,245.00 $ 295.00 $ 1,879.45 $13,332.11 Mary/Mother of God Attendance 348 Attendance 901 (Sat-Mon) ============================================================================================== Saturday, January 17, 2015 8:15 am †Parishioners of Christ the King Parish †Alice Willie, †Rose Brocato, †Mary Culotta, and †Priscilla Kramer PSR AND RCIA Classes will RESUME Sunday, January 11th, at 9:30 a.m. January January CHURCH CLEAN-UP January January Please pray for our families, relatives, and friends Regular (English) Regular (Spanish) Poinsettia Offerings Solemnity of Mary/New Year Total Thursday, January 15, 2015 8:15 am †Sofia Lopez LINEN SCHEDULE — Isaiah 55:1 Others Total Wednesday, January 14, 2015 8:15 am †William Walter 4:00 pm The Baptism of the Lord January 11, 2015 All you who are thirsty, come to the water! 11 18 14 21 - Kathleen DeLaune Mary Jackson Gallien—Kolonko Wheeler—Hunt YTD 2014-2015 Actual Budget Variance Parish Support (English & Spanish) $ 234,407.67 $258,559.31 Parish Center/Bldg Improvement 3,627.45 $ 3,431.25 Others Total 14,961.08 $ 9,896.63 $ 252,996.20 $271,887.19 $(24,151.64) $ 196.20 $ (5,064.45) $(18,890.99) Did you know that it takes approximately $11,000 a week to run the parish? I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude for your growing generosity!!! The stewardship of treasure ideally flows from our personal relationship with God. It comes from our awareness that all of our blessings and opportunities come from Him. In a spirit of thanksgiving, we respond with generosity, by seeking to support the proclamation of the Gospel within our parish family. May God bless you! Fr. Karl Bread for the Journey The Sanctuary Lamp burns January 10-16, 2015 In Memory of Leo Hickingbottom As requested by Maurreen Mayes YOUR Christ the King/St. Jude/Mary, Queen of Peace Food Pantry’s NOTE: Our Food Pantry is in need of 1 to 2 pound bags of Dried Beans and Packages of Dry Ramen Soup, and continue collecting Brown Grocery Bags. —–———————————————————–——————————————————-——–———————————————— St. Vincent de Paul Society Summary for December 2014 St. Vincent de Paul has 30 families that requested help this month. We were able to help 23 of these families, the others may be assisted next month. 6 families needed help in electric bills, $614.64; 13 families needed help with their water bills, $1,103.56; 1 family needed help with their gas bill, $100.00; 2 families with donated food from Christ the King; and donated $500 to the ICE fund. We spent $1,818.20. ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- Your Christ the King, Saint Vincent de Paul Society, thank you for your donations of $374.00, to help alleviate the needs of the poor. Friday Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Each Friday, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm in the Daily Mass Chapel. _ Happy Birthday This Week _ Saturday, Jan. 10th: Alesandro Villareal Sunday, Jan 11th: Patricia Papaneri and Hermila Vargas Monday, Jan 12th: Roy Miciotto and Felicia Salinas Tuesday, Jan 13th: Guy Adams, Rosa Elia Rojo Wednesday, Jan 14th: Alice Boudreaux Clement Thursday, Jan. 15th: Mary Ann Cadano Paulsen Friday, Jan. 16th: Ricardo Ruiz Peralta JANUARY’S SECOND COLLECTION Our Second Collection for the month of January is for the Catholic Schools in our Diocese. Please be exceptionally generous in supporting our Children and their Parents, in their heartfelt desire for a Catholic Christian education. This special collection will be taken up on January 17 and 18. Thank you in advance for your generosity. CALLING CATHOLICS HOME - We will offer a sixweek series entitled “Calling Catholics Home” beginning February 10, 2015, at the Cathedral of St. John Berchmans in the Parish Library of the Cathedral Office, at 6:30 pm. The sessions are non-practicing Catholics who are seeking answers to questions about returning to the Church. For more information, call the Cathedral Office at 221-5296. 2015 Louisiana Life March, Saturday, January 17, 2015, 10:00-12:00 Noon, LA Boardwalk to Shreveport Festival Plaza SAINTS’ Lunch Bunch will meet on Tuesday, January 27, 2015, at 12:00 p.m., in the Mini-Cafeteria, at Christ the King’s School. We will discuss “Guess who didn’t come to dinner?” Please join us for fellowship and information. Lunch will be served. Baptisms are sacred celebrations. Through the sacrament of baptism, we experience the forgiveness for Original and personal sin, receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and become part of a universal spiritual family. Even though baptisms are sacred celebrations, once the sacrament has been celebrated, we tend to forget how relevant baptism is meant to be in our daily lives. The Good News is that the sacrament of Baptism remains relevant to our daily lives until the moment we draw our last breath on this side of eternity. Through baptism, we come to personally share in the life and ministry, suffering and death, as well as the resurrection and glorification of Jesus Christ. We are baptized into the LIFE and MINISTRY of Jesus the Christ. Therefore, we are called to value what He valued, imitate His example, treat others the way He did, and follow His teachings. Our ministry of family, work, and service, is our own sharing in the ministry of Christ and provides us with the ongoing opportunities to reveal the love, mercy and healing truth of God. It is our own way of building and spreading the Kingdom of God on earth, and inviting people to taste and see the goodness of the Lord. We will experience our lives as being rich in spiritual meaning if we keep this mind. We are baptized into the SUFFERING and DEATH of Jesus the Christ. Using the sorrowful mysteries of the rosary as a guide, we all go through our own version of the agony of the garden, the scourging at the pillar, the crowning with thorns, the carrying of the cross, and the crucifixion. We experience suffering and death all along the journey of life. For example, our daily attempts to die to the unloving parts of ourselves and become the loving and generous people God calls us to be. The suffering and death that come through letting go of relationships that can no longer endure because of irreconcilable differences, or that come to end in this life because of physical death. Not to mention, that none of us can escape having to suffer through our own physical death. Yet by continually identifying with Jesus’s suffering and death, we can increasingly live through it, with a spirit of faith, hope, and love. The reason we are able to do this, is that we are also baptized into His RESSURRECTION and GLORIFICATION. Suffering and death do not have the last word. We do not have to wait to die to experience the reality of the resurrection and glorification, even though we do not experience it in its fullness or permanency until after physical death. Along the way, we may experience the power of resurrection and glorification by becoming a new creation through personal and spiritual growth, through renewed and restored personal relationships, and a renewed and growing passion for life and love. The sacrament of Baptism is spiritual reality that we are called to live daily as we strive to live in Christ and allow Christ to live, in and through us. Have a blessed week! Fr. Karl [email protected] El Bautismo del Señor 11 de enero de 2015 Todos ustedes, los que tienen sed, vengan por agua. — Isaías 55:1 FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS ESTA SEMANA Sábado 10 de Enero: Oscar Olea Chavelas; Alejandro Villarreal Tijerina; José Nohé hernández; Moy Tejeda Torres. Domingo 11 de Enero: Allen Castro Puga; Alejandro Cruz Bernal; Hermila R. Vargas; José Wilfredo Cruz Osorio. Lunes 12 de Enero: José Jesús Montes Leos; Roberto Recéndiz Pérez; Rubi H. Rojo; Alfredo Castellanos Ortiz; Alexis Marie Salas; Sara D. Vargas; Aaden Martínez Valenciana; Felicia Salinas Jaimes. Martes 13 de Enero: María Leonor M. Murphy; María de los Ángeles Juárez Rodríguez; María Paula Herrera Rojas; Justino Gómez Galicia; Ana María Marín Reyes; Leidy Lissette Pérez Quintanilla; Isela Anai Pérez Arias; Rosa Elia M. Rojo; Carmen L. Sifuentes; Juan Martín Moreno Villagómez; María Angélica G. Arreola. Miércoles 14 de Enero: Yessica Ibeth Hernández Fernández; Brayan D. Medrano; Judith Camacho Mora; Carlos Gilberto Villarreal Álvarez ; Gerardo Jiménez Sosa; Verónica A. Gómez. Jueves 15 de Enero: José Luis Carranza Claro; Óscar Iván Pablo; José Antonio Castellón; Maura A. López; Karime Moreno Grande. Viernes 16 de Enero: Sandra Patricia C. Villarreal; Paulina Vázquez Bretón; Araceli B. Elías; Marcelo Ponce Hernández. REQUIESCANT IN PACEM Sábado 10 de Enero: David Fidencio Lozano Treviño; Ana Tulia Franco; Raymundo Rojas Damián; Gonzalo López Alonso; Medarda Olvera Olvera; Brígida Chávez Morán. Domingo 11 de Enero: Teodora Suárez Flores Martes 13 de Enero: Imelda Zarazúa de Rodríguez; Anacleto Chávez Miércoles 14 de Enero: Romualdo Arias Anguiano; Paulino Espinoza Alcántara Jueves 15 de Enero: Ausencio Ramírez Paulin; Dolores Suárez Hernández; Rosa Ana Sigarán Guerrero. Viernes 16 de Enero: Evelyn Chesmudiz Morales FELIZ ANIVERSARIO DE BODAS Sábado 10 de Enero: Aniceto Velázquez y Rosa María Triana Miércoles 14 de Enero: Rubén Soto y María Guadalupe Torres Viernes 16 de Enero: Juan Juárez y Sandra Martínez; Jesús Ramírez y Martha Beatriz Martínez Oremos por nuestros enfermos María José Taylor, Ryan Úbeda, Epigmenio Garduño, and Eréndira Galicia S. Ministerios Litúrgicos Sábado 10 de Enero: Primera Lectura Enriqueta Rojas Segunda Lectura Daniel Bernabe Oraciones Florencia Velasquez Anuncios Laura Reyes Domingo 11 de Enero: Primera Lectura Rodrigo Villarreal Segunda Lectura Elvia Galvan Oraciones Gloria Villarreal Anuncios Carina Moreno Lunes 12 de Enero: Primera Lectura John Jacinto Oraciones Liliana Alvarez Anuncios Angelica Valdez Lunes: Martes: Miércoles: Jueves: Viernes: Sábado: Domingo: LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Heb 1:1-6; Sal 97 (96):1, 2b, 6, 7c, 9; Mc 1:14-20 Heb 2:5-12; Sal 8:2ab, 5, 6-9; Mc 1:21-28 Heb 2:14-18; Sal 105 (104):1-4, 6-9; Mc 1:29-39 Heb 3:7-14; Sal 95 (94):6-11; Mc 1:40-45 Heb 4:1-5, 11; Sal 78 (77):3, 4bc, 6c-8; Mc 2:1-12 Heb 4:12-16; Sal 19 (18):8-10, 15; Mc 2:13-17 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19; Sal 40 (39):2, 4, 7-10; 1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20; Jn 1:35-42 Apoyo Parroquial (Contribuiones), Diciembre 28 de 2014 Regular (Inglés) $ 5,013.00 San Vicente de Paul $213.00 Regular (Español) $ 2,678.00 Poinsettia $ 200.00 Ofrenda de Navidad $ 6,297.45 (12/24/25)Asistencia de Navidad 590 Total $ 14,188.45 Asistencia (Sabadot-Lunes) 884 ========================================================================================= Presupuesto Anual 2014-2015___Actual Presupuesto Variación Apoyo Parroquial (Inglés y Español) $ 223,250.01 $248,983.04 $(25,733.03) Obras Parroquiales: 3,094.45 $ 3,304.17 $ (209.72) Otros: Total 12,800.52 $ 9,530.08 $ 224,827.93 $251,747.39 $ (3,270.44) $(22,672.31) **************************************************************************************************************** Apoyo Parroquial (Contribuiones), Enero de 2014 Regular (Inglés) $ 8,912.66 San Vicente de Paul $374.00 Regular (Español) $ 2,245.00 Poinsettia $ 295.00 Nueve Año $ 1,879.45 (Diciembre 24/25) Asistencia 348 Total $ 13,332.11 Asistencia (Sabadot-Lunes) 901 ========================================================================================= Presupuesto Anual 2014-2015___Actual Presupuesto Variación Apoyo Parroquial (Inglés y Español) $ 234,407.67 $258,559.31 $(24,7151.64) Obras Parroquiales: 3,627.45 $ 3,431.25 $ 196.20 Otros: Total 14,961.08 $ 9,896.63 $ 252,996.20 $231,607.61 $ (5,064.45) $ (18,890.99) **************************************************************************************************************** ¿Sabías usted que se necesitan aproximadamente $11,000 semanales para e adecuado funcionamiento de las actividades parroquiales? Me gustaría expresar mi profunda gratitud por su generosidad creciente!!! La administración del tesoro idealmente fluye de nuestra relación personal con Dios. Se trata de nuestra conciencia que todas nuestras bendiciones y oportunidades provienen de él.. En un espíritu de acción de Gracias, respondemos con generosidad, tratando de apoyar la proclamación del Evangelio dentro de nuestra familia parroquial. Que Dios los bendiga! Padre Karl ************************************************************ RE-INICIACIÓN DE ACTIVIDADES MIÉRCOLES 14 DE ENERO DEL 2015 6:00-8:00 P.M. GRUPOS: “SEMILLITAS DE MOSTAZA” Y SEMILLITAS DE FE” CATECISMO Primeras Comuniones, Confirmaciones Pastoral Deportiva: Club “Sagrados Corazones” Te esperamos **************************************************************************************** Catecismo Para Primeras Comuniones para Diciembre del 2015 INSCRIPCIONES: Miércoles 14-21 y 28 de Enero 2015 REQUISITOS SIETE AÑOS CUMPLIDOS COPIA DEL CERTIFICADO DE BAUTISMO Cuota de inscripción $15.00 o $25.00 por Familia BIENVENIDOS *************************************************************************************** ATENCIÓN...ATENCIÓN...ATENCIÓN Se han Reiniciado Las Santas Misas Martes y Jueves 7:30 p.m. Capilla del Rosario PRIMER JUEVES DEL MES Misa Organizada por los Grupos Infantiles “Semillitas de Fe” y Semillitas de Mostaza” SEGUNDO JUEVES DEL MES Misa Organizada por los Grupos Juveniles “Angeles Latinos: y “Oasis” Gran ocasión para tu “Hora Santa” Te esperamos con toda tu Familia ven con nosotros a caminar ************************************************************* SEGUNDA COLECTA Segunda Colecta 17 y 18 de Enero del 2015 ayudemos generosamente a Las Escuelas Católicas de La Diócesis en su labor Educativa sobres disponibles en las cajitas de ofrendas 2014. Dios les recompense fecundamente. **************************************************************************************** CURSILLO PRE-MATRIMONIAL PRIMERA SESIÓN: “MATRIMONIO Y FE” Viernes 23 de Enero 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Sala Guadalupana Requisito esencial para Parejas que planean contraer Matrimonio este año No faltes ************************************************************* Rito de Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos (R.I.C.A.) Para personas mayores de 7 años que necesitan BAUTISMO-COMUNIÓN-CONFIRMACIÓN Domingos: 8:30 am - 10:00 am Martes: 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm Centro Parroquial “Cristo Rey” NO FALTES ************************************************************ “UNA DE MIS HORAS PARA EL DUEÑO DE TODAS LAS HORAS” PROGRAMA PARROQUIAL DEL DIEZMO PROMESA UNA HORA SEMANAL EN LA SANTA MISA UNA HORA DE MI SALARIO SEMANAL UTILIZAR LOS SOBRES PARA LAS OFRENDAS MUCHAS GRACIAS Sesenta familias de nuestra comunidad han decidido participar Personas interesadas favor solicitar materiales al Padre Rigo o a uno de los miembros de la Asociación Guadalupana en Cristo Rey ESPERAMOS TU DECISIÓN...CONFIAMOS EN TU APOYO CRISTO EL REY Y LA REINA DEL TEPEYAC TE BENDIGAN HOY Y SIEMPRE ************************************************************** “HASTA QUE LA MUERTE NOS SEPARE” Congratulaciones Salvador Magallanes y María del Refugio Hernández con motivo de su Santo Matrimonio Cristo Rey, Sábado 3 de Enero del 2015 La Sagrada Familia de Jesús, José y María Les bendiga hoy y siempre Felicitaciones Sinceras ***************************************************************************************** PASTORAL INFANTIL GRUPOS INFANTIL Y PRE-JUVENIL “Semillitas de Mostaza” y “Semillitas de Fe” Todos los Miércoles, 6:00 pm Cordial Invitacion ******************************************************* PASTORAL JUVENIL Grupos Juvenil y Jóvenes Adultos Todos los Martes “Ángeles Latinos” - 6:30-8:00 pm “Oasis” - 8:00-9:30 pm Cordial Invitación ******************************************************************** PASTORAL DE PAREJAS Todos los Martes y Viernes, 7:00 p.m., Sala de R.I.CA Encuentros y Charlas Formativas Cordial Invitación ************************************************************************************************************ ASOCIACIÓN GUADALUPANA COMISIÓN LITÚRGICA REUNIÓN MENSUAL Viernes 16 de Enero del 2015 7:00 pm, Sala Guadalupana Te esperamos ****************************************************************************************** Apostolado de La Divina Misericordia Todos los Miércoles, 6:00-8:00 pm Capilla del Rosario Te esperamos con toda tu Famila LACHLE ELECTRIC COMPANY INC. ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers AND PLUMBING Back Flow Certified Dan Rinaudo 230-8454 Joe Lachle 218-5083 Off. 742-6266 Res. 746-6929 “WE CARE” 318-747-2700 2901 Douglas Dr. Bossier City Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. 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