ANU COLLEGE OF ASIA & THE PACIFIC Australian Centre on China in the World Draft Schedule: Taiwan: The View from the South Conference 南望: 台灣研討會, 6 – 9 January 2015 6 January 2015 (Tuesday) 6.00pm - 7.30pm Keynote Address #1, Dr Lung Ying-tai, Minister of Culture, ROC (Taiwan) 7 January 2015 (Wednesday) 9.00am - 10.30am Keynote Address #2: 'Was the Qing’s Ruling Policy towards Taiwan Negativistic (1683-1875)?', Professor Huang Fu-san, Founding Director, Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica 10.30am - 11.00am 11.00am - 12.30pm A. Heritages Morning Tea Panel Discussion #1 (4 concurrent sessions) ‘Shared Heritages: Taiwan and the Monsoon Region’, Dr David Blundell, National Chengchi University, Taiwan ‘Politics and Poetics: Intangible Cultural Heritage in Taiwan’, Dr Yujie Zhu, The Australian National University, Australia ‘Pe̍h-oē-jī as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Taiwan’, Professor Wi-vun Taiffalo Chiung, National Chengkung University, Taiwan ‘Taiwan’s Trade Policy and International Space’, Mr Charles Finny, Saunders Unsworth Government Relations Consultants ‘Cooperation Without Harmony: Why Taiwan-Indonesia Economic Cooperation Arrangement is Difficult to Achieve?’, Rangga Aditaya, National Chengchi University, Taiwan B. Trades C. Religion ‘The Transnational Goddess Down Under: An Exploration of the Religiosity & Diaspora of Mazu in Australia’, Ms Nien-Ting Lee, The University of Queensland, Australia ‘Migration and the proliferation of harvest festivals among the Austronesianspeaking Amis of Taiwan’, Dr Shu-Ling Yeh, National Taitung University, Australia D. Cinema Terry Hu's Creation of Krishnamurti as a 'New Age Buddhist'', Mr Paul Farrelly, The Australian National University, Australia ‘From Avengers to Desperate Wives: History, Politics, and Female Agency at the Rise and Fall of Taiwan Pulp (1980s-1990s)’, Ms Ting-Wu Cho, New York University, USA ‘Between a common past and a fragmented modernity: the producer role in film and television co-production between Taiwan and China’, Mr Stefano Centini, Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales (INALCO), France ‘Rainbow Taiwan on the Silver Screen’, Dr Christopher Rea, The University of British Columbia, Canada 12.30pm - 1.30pm CRICOS Provider Number 00120C Lunch 1 ANU COLLEGE OF ASIA & THE PACIFIC Australian Centre on China in the World 1.30pm - 3.00pm Keynote Address #3, Professor Wu Shiouh-guang, Chairman, CDIB Partners Investment Holding Corp. 3.00pm - 3.30pm 3.30pm - 5.00pm A. Afternoon Tea Panel Discussion #2 N/A B. Asia Pacific/US ‘Obama’s pivot to Asia and the roles of American epistemic community’, Mr Wen-Ti Sung, The Australian National University, Australia ‘Taiwan and the Pacific Islands: Exploring the Green/Blue Possibilities’, Mr Fabrizio Bozzato, Tamkang University, Taiwan C. Taiwan Society D. Unbroken Chain: Translations and Translators between China and Taiwan 6.00pm - 6.15pm 6.15pm - 8.30pm 8.30pm - 9.00pm CRICOS Provider Number 00120C ‘Space for Taiwan in Asian Economic Regionalism?’, Dr Jason Young, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand ‘Dutchification, Hokkienization and Taiwanization? A critical review on the contemporary Taiwanese interpretations of the local history, based on the case of Dutch Princess of Eight Treasures’, Dr Peter Kang, National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan ‘Taiwanese Identity in the Lee Teng-hui Era’, Dr Shiho Maehara, National Taiwan University, Taiwan ‘The Impact of Globalization on Social Structure in Taiwan’, Ruey-Ming Tsay, Tunghai University, Taiwan ‘A Hybrid Translation from Two Source Texts — Looking for Identity in Colonial Taiwan’, Dr Hung-shu Chen, University of Taipei, Taiwan ‘On the Flying Dutchman – Exiled Translators in Taiwan in the 1950s’, Professor Sharon Tzu-yun Lai, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan ‘(Un)Necessary Back Translation in Taiwan – Stories beyond Translated Words’, Mr Oscar Chun-hung Lin, Fu-Jen Catholic University, Taiwan Short interview with Director Tsai Ming-liang by Ms Linda Jaivin Stray Dogs film screening Q&A with Director Tsai Ming-liang moderated by Ms Linda Jaivin 2 ANU COLLEGE OF ASIA & THE PACIFIC Australian Centre on China in the World 8 January 2015 (Thursday) 9.00am - 10.30am 10.30am - 11.00am 11.00am - 12.30pm Keynote Address #4: 'The roles of middle class and civil society in Taiwan's post-war democratization experiences', Professor Michael Hsiao Hsin-huang, Director, Insittute of Sociology, Academia Sinica Morning Tea Panel Discussion #3 ‘People of the Central Taiwan Highlands: Insights from Archaeology’, Dr Ling-yu Hung, Indiana University, USA A. Aboriginal history ‘Changing Social Status and Social Stratification in Plains Aborigines Society during 19th Century: A Case Study of Fan tun System in Central & Northern Taiwan’, Dr Li-wan Hung, Academia Sinica, Taiwan ‘Protection of Aboriginal Land Rights in Taiwan During the Early to Mid-Qing Period’, Ms Ruiping Ye, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand ‘Taipei 2030: Greater China's Global City?’, Dr Salvatore Babones, The University of Sydney, Australia B. China/Taiwan ‘China’s Ongoing Influence on Taiwan’s Media’, Dr Chien-Jung Hsu, National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan ‘Buying Its Way In--New Tact in China's Unification Strategy towards Taiwan’, Professor Parris H. Chang, Taiwan Institute for Political, Economic and Strategic Studies, Taiwan ‘Tzu-Chi’s Buddhist Environmental Practices in Taiwan: A Field Analysis’, Dr Chia-Luen Chen, Hungkuang University, Taiwan C. Religion ‘The Presbyterian Church in Taiwan and identity through Romanisation’, Dr Stuart Vogel, Independent Researcher, New Zealand ‘Ancestor Veneration and Christian Church - A Case Study in the History of the Christian Mission in Chinese Context’, Professor Chi-Rong Chen, Aletheia University ‘Love Stories, or the Political Economy of Love, Sex and Marriage: A Study of Yang Qingchu’s Fiction’, Dr Shr-tzung Shie, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan D. Gender & Literature ‘Sexualized Body and Nativist Consciousness: Gender Politics and Nationhood in Li Ang’s Novels’, Dr Chialan Sharon Wang, Wenzhou-Kean University, PRC ‘In Quest of the Absent Father: Family, History and the Mainlander Identity in Hao Yuxiang’s Nilu (The Inn)’, Dr Phyllis Yu-ting Huang, Monash University, Australia 12.30pm - 1.30pm CRICOS Provider Number 00120C Lunch 3 ANU COLLEGE OF ASIA & THE PACIFIC Australian Centre on China in the World 1.30pm - 3.00pm Keynote Address #6: 'Taiwan is not China: Aborigines, Colonial Rulers and Democratisation in the History of the Beautiful Island', Professor Bruce Jacobs, Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, Cultures and Linguistics, Monash University 3.00pm - 3.30pm 3.30pm - 5.00pm Afternoon Tea Panel Discussion #4 A. Misc. Japan Echoes. B. Strait Crossing: The Transformation and Transgression of Art from Taiwan ‘Reliving the Past: The Narrative Themes of Repetition and Continuity in Japan-Taiwan News’, Dr Jens Sejrup, Lund University, Sweden ‘From extension to flourishing – a case study of bacteriology in Taiwan’, Dr Chia-san Shen, Academia Sinica, Taiwan ‘The Usage of Aura: Chinese Photographer Long Chin-shang’s Composite Photography and the Diasporic Aesthetics’, Professor Hsin-Tien Liao, National Taiwan University of Arts, Taiwan ‘Modernity and Modern Painting: Postwar Ink Art in Taiwan’, Dr An-yi Pan, Cornell University, USA ‘The rise of China and the politics of identity and representation in contemporary art from Taiwan’, Dr Sophie McIntyre, The Australian National University, Australia ‘Mediated Representations of Taiwan's Anti-media Monopoly Movement’, Ms Shiau Ching Wong, The University of Melbourne, Australia C. Social Movements ‘Recover from “Betrayal”: Local Anti-Nuclear Movements and Party Politics in Taiwan, 1980-2013’, Dr Shuge Wei, The Australian National University, Australia ‘Public Space, Social Media and Student Activism in Contemporary Taiwan’, Ms Rowena Ebsworth, The Australian National University, Australia D. Films 6.00pm - 6.15pm 6.15pm - 7.00pm 7.00pm - 7.30pm CRICOS Provider Number 00120C ‘Realism as Praxis in Postcolonial Taiwan Cinema’, Ms Anita Wen-Shin Chang, University of California at Santa Cruz, USA ‘The Melodrama of Taiwanese Modernity: The Case of Xin Qi’s Life and Work’, Dr Zhen Zhang, New York University, USA Short interview with Director Tsai Ming-liang by Ms Linda Jaivin on two short films No Form and The Skywalk is Gone film screenings Q&A with Director Tsai Ming-liang moderated by Ms Linda Jaivin 4 ANU COLLEGE OF ASIA & THE PACIFIC Australian Centre on China in the World 9 January 2015 (Friday) Keynote Address #7, Dr Francis Yi-hua Kan, 8.30am - 10.00am Adivsor, National Security Council 10.00am - 10.15am 10.15am - 11.45am A. Transnational Interactions Morning Tea Panel Discussion #5 Transnational cultural flow through tea: the view from the table of Taiwanese tea artists', Dr Jinghong Zhang, The Australian National University, Australia ‘‘Free China’ and innovation of organizations: Taiwan’s effect on reshaping Chinese communities in Sydney and Melbourne from 1954 to 1972’, Dr Mei-fen Kuo, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia Taiwan Experience and the Cinese Education Movement in Malaysia', Dr Ming-Chee Ang, Lund University, Sweden B. Music ‘An imaginary Taiwan from a composer in China - a case study of Taiwan Bangzi Opera’, Dr Ming-hui Ma, Nanhua University, Taiwan ‘Taiwanese Female Musicians and their Image and Life’, Dr Li-ming Pan, University of Nottingham, UK ‘After "Shoka" (School Songs): the Institutionalization and Objectification of Taiwanese Aboriginal Contemporary Music’, Dr Chun-bin Chen, Taipei National University of the Arts, Taiwan C. Marriage/Family ‘The reformulated meaning of family and home for Taiwanese expatriates in Vietnam’, Ms Ching-Ying Tien, The Australian National University, Australia ‘Marriage Fraud in Taiwan’, Dr Wei-hua Wu, Taiwan Miaoli District Court, Taiwan ‘Sightlines from the South: Performance, Sub-empire and Female Minor Transnationalism’, Dr Peilin Liang, National University of Singapore, Singapore D. Literature ‘Chih-Yuan Chen’s Picture Books: Hybridity, Nostalgia and Translation’, Dr Shih-Wen Sue Chen, Deakin University, Australia ‘Informal Politics and Minor Literature: The Taiwan Tanka Association’s Poetry of Witness’, Dr Dean Anthony Brink, Tamkang University, Taiwan ‘A Study of The Re-entry Intellectuals Depicted in Novels by Qiong Yao in the 1960th to 80th’, Dr Ta-Tao Chen, Tamkang University, Taiwan 11.45am - 12.30pm 12.30pm - 2.00pm Lunch Keynote Address #8: 'Art, violence and memories: Retelling the story of the beautiful island', Dr Mark Harrison, Senior Lecturer, School of Humanities, University of Tasmania 2.00pm - 2.15pm 2.15pm - 3.45pm A. Place Afternoon Tea Panel Disucssion #6 ‘Cultural Neighbourhood Spirit: the view from Taiwanese Traditional Courtyard Housing’, Ms Janelee Li, University of Canberra, Taiwan CRICOS Provider Number 00120C 5 ANU COLLEGE OF ASIA & THE PACIFIC Australian Centre on China in the World ‘Expecting a museum belonging to us: the interaction between public sector and local community’, Ms Tzu-Yu Chiu, The Australian National University, Australia Politics of the Street Names: Divergence between the North and South in Taiwan', Dr Wenchuan Huang, National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan B. AIDS Discourses/Queer Studies ‘In Seeking Recognition for a Complete Existence: The Everyday Conflicts Brought from the Global AIDS Discourses to Taiwanese’, Mr Yi-Tsun Chen, The Australian National University, Australia ‘Party Drugs and Queer Feelings: The Cultural Politics of Pharmakon(毒/ C. Psychoanalysis 藥)Represented from Popular Taiwanese Gay Novels’, Mr Meng-Che Ray Tsai, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan ‘Harm Reduction Policy in Taiwan: Trajectories and Frictions’, Dr Jia-shin Chen, National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan ‘Between Racialization and World Citizenship: The Transnationality of Psychiatric Epidemiological Studies in Early Postwar Taiwan’, Dr Harry Yi-Jui Wu, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore D. Literature ‘Constructing Local Knowledge in Psychiatric Care - An Introduction to Clinics Without Walls in Taiwan’, Dr Jen-yu Peng, Academia Sinica, Taiwan The Wu Feng Story: Told and Retold', Dr Magnus Fiskesjö, Cornell University, USA ‘The Post-Digital in Taiwan’s Contemporary Poetry Scene’, Dr Brian Skerratt, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong ‘‘Australia receiving the legacy of Lin Yutang 林語堂: The role of My Country 3.45pm - 4.30pm CRICOS Provider Number 00120C and My People 吾國與吾民 (1935) and the Importance of Living 生活的藝術 (1937) in Jørn Utzon’s design for the Sydney Opera House (1956-66)’’, Dr Chen-Yu Chiu, Aalto University, Finland Conference close 6
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