Finding out about cystic fibrosis – a guide for parents

Finding out about cystic fibrosis –
a guide for parents
Factsheet – March 2013
Finding out about
cystic fibrosis – a guide
for parents
This factsheet is intended as a guide for parents
whose child or children have been newly
diagnosed with cystic fibrosis (CF). It contains
information about cystic fibrosis and coming
to terms with a new diagnosis. It also contains
information on how cystic fibrosis affects the
body and what treatments are available, and
provides answers to some questions other
parents have asked. If you have any questions
not answered in this factsheet, you can contact
the Cystic Fibrosis Trust helpline – details are
provided on page 22. Any words appearing in
bold italic type in this factsheet are explained
in the glossary on page 20.
Published by the Cystic Fibrosis Trust with assistance from Dr James
Littlewood OBE, Dr Michael Green and Dr Wendy Stannard.
Last reviewed March 2013.
What is cystic fibrosis?
How are you feeling?
Why does my child have cystic fibrosis?
How is CF diagnosed?
How does CF affect the body? 8
Effects on the digestive system
Effects on the lungs
Physiotherapy 14
Other problems in the chest 15
When should my child see a doctor?
Immunisations 16
Can CF affect other parts of the body? 17
Some other questions parents have asked
School years 19
The future
Some facts and figures
Further information
What is cystic fibrosis?
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a genetic condition that mainly affects the lungs and
digestive system.
Normally, the liquids and mucus that line many of our organs are clear,
lubricating and helping to protect them from infection. In CF there is a fault
in a gene (the ‘CF gene’) that controls the amount and composition of fluid
lining the airways and other organs. The fluid lining the airways is reduced,
resulting in an excess of sticky secretions that are prone to infection and
difficult to cough up. In the pancreas, the sticky secretions block the flow
of digestive juices into the gut leading to impaired digestion and poor
absorption of food.
Not all children are affected in the same way or to exactly the same degree
– some are affected more and some less.
As a parent of a child with CF you will meet many people involved in the
care of children with cystic fibrosis, but you will be asked to carry out some
of the treatment yourself. To do this effectively, you will need to understand
as much as you can about the condition.
All the questions that are answered in this factsheet have been asked
by other parents coming to terms with the news that their child has
cystic fibrosis.
How are you feeling?
If you have just been told that your child has CF, this has probably come
as a considerable shock. You may well be feeling a sense of loss or grief.
These reactions are quite normal and other parents have experienced
them before you. You may find it helpful to find people to talk to about
CF, perhaps a member of the CF team at the hospital, the Cystic Fibrosis
Trust or other families. Make sure you talk to people who have up to date
knowledge of CF, because treatment has improved markedly in recent years
and out of date information could give you an entirely wrong impression.
Many parents find it difficult to believe that the diagnosis is correct,
especially if their child seems well and the diagnosis has been made
through screening in the newborn period. It is important at an early stage to
be referred to a specialist CF centre to have the diagnosis confirmed and
where CF can be fully explained. Write down questions you want to ask as
you think of them in case you forget later.
Anger and blame
When you first hear the diagnosis you may be angry, you may feel guilty or
you may want to blame somebody. Remember – no-one is to blame. These
feelings are understandable but don’t help.
Strained relationships
There can be few greater strains on a relationship than having a child
with a chronic illness which will be with him or her, and you, for life.
Make sure that you discuss everything with your partner, try to avoid
misunderstandings and don’t be frightened to seek help from others if
conflicts arise. It is much easier to be open with family members and
friends than to hide your fears and worries.
You will be given a huge amount of information and advice from various
sources – some of it will be conflicting. Cystic fibrosis is a complicated
condition and each child is affected slightly differently, so everyone’s
experience differs somewhat.
You cannot expect to know everything about cystic fibrosis immediately
and no-one expects you to. It will be a long time before you understand CF
in general and only experience will tell you exactly how it is affecting your
child. It is useful to remember that CF affects only about 1 in every 2,500
children born in this country, so some healthcare professionals will have
little experience of it – in some cases, much less than you will.
Never be afraid to ask questions and try not to be frustrated if the
person you are talking to appears to know less than you. Even among
the ‘experts’, opinions can differ quite widely about various aspects of
treatment and how important they are.
It is important that if something is worrying you, you ask someone for help.
Never wait for things to get worse.
Positive approach
It is natural to feel especially close to a child with an illness. It is important,
though, to try not to over-protect your child – remember that they are
normal children who happen to have cystic fibrosis. Consequently they
will be naughty sometimes, just the same as other children. There is no
reason to treat them differently in relation to behaviour, education or even
most physical activities. If you do treat them differently, you will not only be
doing them a disservice but may also be creating problems for yourselves
as parents in the long run. Children with CF want to be the same as other
children, not different.
The life expectancy and lifestyle for children with CF has improved beyond
recognition in recent years. With the latest advances in research, there is
every chance that new therapies will be developed to further improve the
outlook for those with cystic fibrosis.
It is important not to forget the impact there may be on any brothers and
sisters of the child with cystic fibrosis. They are just as likely to be upset
and anxious and may even feel either guilty, because they are well, or left
out because of all the attention the child with CF is receiving.
Getting help
As with all things, life is easier if there is someone or somewhere to turn to
for practical advice, emotional and financial support. That is precisely where
the CF Trust comes in. We are a source of information and experience that
parents can draw on about any aspect of life with cystic fibrosis.
Cystic fibrosis affects the whole family including brothers, sisters, aunts,
uncles, grandparents and other relatives. They are all welcome to use the
services and resources provided by the Cystic Fibrosis Trust. Contact
details are shown on the back page.
Why does my child have cystic fibrosis?
Cystic fibrosis is a genetic condition. A baby may be born with CF only if
both parents are carriers of the faulty cystic fibrosis gene. Even then both
parents having the faulty CF gene won’t automatically mean that every
baby they have will have cystic fibrosis.
As the diagram below shows, if both parents are carriers, a child has:
ƒƒ a one in four chance of being born with cystic fibrosis
ƒƒ a two in four chance of being a carrier but not having the condition
ƒƒ a one in four chance of being completely unaffected, i.e. not having
cystic fibrosis or being a carrier of the faulty cystic fibrosis gene.
cystic fibrosis
As each baby is conceived separately (apart from identical twins), the risks
are the same for each pregnancy and what happened in the last pregnancy
doesn’t increase, or decrease, the risks next time. Two carrier parents
might have several affected children, or only unaffected children, or a
mixture of both affected and unaffected children. It is impossible to predict
what will happen for any particular pregnancy, although it is possible to test
an unborn child to see if it has cystic fibrosis or not.
Most carriers of the faulty gene have no idea that they are carriers,
because they are completely healthy. Most people find out only when:
ƒƒ they have a child with CF, or
ƒƒ a close relative is affected and they are tested
ƒƒ they are identified in a screening programme during pregnancy
Genetics is a complicated subject – keep asking questions until you
are happy that you understand.
How is CF diagnosed?
Screening tests
Your child may have been unwell before CF was diagnosed, or the
diagnosis may have been made after a routine newborn screening test.
Sometimes CF is diagnosed in pregnancy, by a special antenatal test or
sometimes because a routine scan identifies a problem.
Heel-prick test
In the first week a simple heel-prick blood sample is taken from all
newborn babies (this is called the Guthrie Test). The blood sample is
tested in the laboratory for signs of several diseases. We campaigned
for CF testing to be routinely included in the Guthrie Test because late
diagnosis can result in more severe disease. Now, all newborn babies in
the UK are screened for cystic fibrosis, meaning they will be able to receive
appropriate treatment immediately, which will help to keep them healthy.
A few of the babies who are tested for CF will need a second sample
taken. This is usually because the results were borderline and need to be
confirmed. If the test is positive the child will be referred to a paediatrician
who will arrange other tests, including a sweat test and a genetic test. This
should be carried out in a specialist CF centre.
Sweat test
In the 1950s it was recognised that children with cystic fibrosis have more
salt in their sweat than normal. Some parents comment that their child
tastes salty when they kiss him or her. However, children with CF do not
sweat more than other children.
The sweat test measures the amount of salt in the sweat. There are a number
of methods for collecting sweat, none of which is painful or dangerous.
First the skin, usually on an arm or a leg, is cleaned and two discs of a
special jelly are placed on the skin a few inches apart. The discs of jelly
are connected to a battery, which passes a tiny electric current between
them – this does not hurt. After about five minutes the skin under one of
the discs should be sweating nicely. The discs are removed and the skin
is dried. A paper disc or special device (Macroduct) is put over the place
that was sweating and the new sweat produced flows into the tubing.
Collecting enough sweat for the laboratory to be able to measure the salt
level takes anything from 10 to 30 minutes. Occasionally not enough sweat
is produced and the test has to be repeated.
If the salt level is abnormally high, the child has cystic fibrosis. Sometimes
the result will be borderline, and the test may need to be repeated to be
sure of the result.
A sweat test is required in the following situations
ƒƒ When the screening tests on a newborn baby are abnormal.
ƒƒ When there are other symptoms that can indicate cystic fibrosis, such as:
ƒƒ a troublesome cough
ƒƒ repeated chest infections
ƒƒ prolonged diarrhoea/abnormal stools
ƒƒ poor weight gain
ƒƒ If your baby is born with a blocked bowel cystic fibrosis may be
suspected. Of every ten babies born with CF one is very ill in the first few
days of life with an obstruction of the bowel. There are several types of
obstruction but the most common in CF is meconium ileus. All newborn
babies have meconium in their bowel – this is the thick, black material
they pass the first time their bowels are open. In CF the meconium can
be so thick and sticky that it blocks the bowel. Babies with meconium
ileus often need an urgent operation to relieve and bypass the blockage
to allow the bowel to recover. When the baby has recovered from this, a
sweat test and genetic test will be done to see if the blockage was due to
cystic fibrosis.
ƒƒ If you have a child with CF, other children in your family should have a
sweat test and/or genetic test.
Genetic testing
Nowadays, a sample of blood or cells obtained by gently rubbing the inside
of the cheek with a little brush will be taken. These specimens are used
to look for the CF gene and can be useful if the result of the sweat test is
borderline. They are also useful for testing which members of a family may
be carriers of the CF gene but not affected by the illness themselves.
How does CF affect the body?
Because cystic fibrosis results in the production of thick, sticky mucus, the
organs which are particularly affected are those where the mucus has an
important job to do, particularly the digestive system and the lungs.
How does CF affect the digestive system?
The pancreas is a gland in the abdomen; one of the functions of the
pancreas is to produce digestive juices, or enzymes and bicarbonate,
which pass into the intestine, where they help digest and absorb the food
we eat.
In those with cystic fibrosis, the small channels down which the digestive
juices flow become blocked with sticky mucus. The enzymes then build up
in the pancreas, which becomes inflamed. This causes the formation of
cysts and fibrosis, hence the name cystic fibrosis.
The effect of cystic fibrosis on the pancreas and digestion varies from
person to person. The majority of newborn babies with CF cannot digest
milk and without treatment, fail to gain weight and have very loose stools.
At the other end of the spectrum are the 5–10% or so of people with CF
whose pancreas retains some useful function all their lives.
How can I help my child’s digestion?
It is now possible to replace most of the missing enzymes with pancreatin
– this is a general name given to all pancreatic enzyme medicines. They
come in the form of powder, granules or capsules, but for most children,
capsules are preferable. They contain many enteric coated microspheres.
The outer capsule dissolves in the stomach, releasing all the microspheres.
They then pass into the upper part of the small intestine, mixing with the
food, allowing digestion to take place. Because the microspheres are
protected from the acid in the stomach by a special coating, they are not
released in the stomach but in the upper small intestine where they are
needed to do their job. Your specialist CF centre or clinic will advise you
which preparation is appropriate for your child and how to use it best. For
infants a smaller version of microspheres called minimicrospheres (Creon
Micro) is available.
Do all babies with CF need enzymes?
A few babies do not need enzymes at first but may need them later on. It
is important to watch that their bowel function and growth remain normal.
Most babies with CF need them from birth and most will need to take them
for the rest of their lives. This is not normally a problem. It becomes routine
and children soon learn how to take them themselves.
Which type of pancreatin should my baby have?
This often depends on age. Your specialist CF centre will advise you.
How many enzymes will my child require?
This varies widely and is very much a matter of trial and error. In time,
you will be taught how to vary the dose according to the type of food your
child is having and when a change of dose may be needed. Always obtain
advice from the specialist CF centre dietitian and doctor. The enzymes
help to digest fat and protein, so meals with a lot of fat and protein need
more enzymes than low fat/low calorie meals.
What if I forget to give the enzymes?
Forgetting a single dose is not likely to be important, although your child
may have looser stools afterwards. However, if enzymes are missed
regularly, the digestion will be poor and the baby’s growth is likely to suffer.
How do I give enzymes to a baby?
Most young babies will take the microspheres removed from the capsules
or the minimicrospheres. They can be mixed with fruit puree or a little milk
and given to the baby before each feed from a teaspoon. Do not mix them
with a bottle of milk – the milk will curdle if it is in contact with the enzymes
for too long.
Are there any problems giving enzymes to a baby?
Pancreatin given in the correct dose and swallowed will do no harm at
all. However, if it stays in contact with the baby’s skin it can make it sore,
especially around the mouth and in the ‘dribble area’. A breast-feeding
mother may become sore around the nipples. It is helpful to put a little
Vaseline on the skin in these places before giving the pancreatin and to
rinse the breasts with water after the feed. It can be a good idea to use a
nipple shield to protect breasts when feeding.
Breast or bottle?
Most babies with CF thrive on breast milk. If you are able to feed yourself,
this is generally the best idea but formula milk will do just as well.
Whichever way your baby is fed, his/her weight gain will be monitored at
CF Clinic visits and should be normal. If this is not the case, a change of
milk or the addition of an extra-calorie supplement may be advised. Your
specialist CF centre and the CF dietitian will help you.
You can find more details about different types of milk and food that may
be used in the CF Trust factsheet Eating well with cystic fibrosis: A guide
for feeding infants.
Do babies need more enzymes if they are re-fed
in a short time?
There is usually no need to repeat the dose within one to two hours
of the last dose. This is especially important if the baby is being breast
fed on demand.
What about weaning?
This is the same as with any baby. If a baby appears exceptionally hungry,
weaning a little earlier than usual at approximately three months should
be advised. Remember that children with CF may need more calories than
other children to grow at the same rate. Your CF centre and dietitian will
advise you.
What if my child does not eat a meal after having
the enzymes?
Remember that your child is no different from any other; all toddlers
refuse to eat at some time (some more than others) and your child will
be the same.
However, your child has CF and toddlers with CF may not feel very hungry
when they have an infection. They will come to no harm if occasionally
nothing is eaten after a full dose of enzymes. If this happens frequently
then it may be helpful to give half the dose at the beginning of the meal
and the remainder halfway through. Nutrition is very important in CF but as
with all children, you do neither yourself nor your child a favour in the long
run if each mealtime ends in a battle because of untouched or unfinished
meals. If mealtimes are becoming difficult, talk to the staff in your CF clinic
as soon as possible. Do remember that most children go through periods
when they do not seem to eat much.
What should a child with CF eat?
In general, children with CF should eat whatever the rest of the family is
having. However, even with pancreatin a child with CF may not absorb all
the nourishment needed to grow normally, and may therefore need more
calories. So, extra calories added to meals and additional milky drinks may
be helpful. Children with CF are also encouraged to have small high calorie
snacks in between meals, not to replace meals but to supplement them.
Your CF clinic and the CF Trust factsheet on nutrition will help you (see
back cover for how to obtain a copy.)
Does my child need extra vitamins?
Children with CF do not absorb vitamins well, especially those vitamins
that are dissolved in fat (vitamins A, D and E). Your child will usually need
additional supplements of these vitamins in the form of drops or tablets
each day. This is not the same as the infant vitamin drops sometimes given
to other babies. Extra minerals, such as iron, are not usually needed.
Why is a child with CF weighed and measured so often?
It is important to be sure that a child with CF is growing well, so your CF
Clinic will plot your child’s measurements on a growth chart.
Does my child need extra salt?
In this country the answer is generally ‘no’. You may be specifically advised
to give salt supplements by your CF team and they will tell you when and
how to give them. If the weather is exceptionally hot here or if you are
going abroad to a hot climate people with CF may need extra salt.
Does CF affect the teeth?
Cystic fibrosis does not affect teeth directly, although poor nutrition may
affect the teeth’s growth. Most antibiotic medicines are now sugar-free
but a lot of the foods that are full of calories are very sweet, and therefore
although very helpful for CF, may not be so good for the teeth.
You should encourage your child to brush his or her teeth every morning
and before going to bed, where possible after eating or taking medicine –
and, of course, to visit the dentist regularly.
What about fluoride supplements?
Your dentist will tell you whether these are necessary. Do tell him or her
that your child has cystic fibrosis.
Other ways in which cystic fibrosis can affect
the digestive system
Tummy aches
Many children without cystic fibrosis have tummy aches for no apparent
reason. They usually go as quickly and as mysteriously as they come, and
children with CF will occasionally have these types of tummy aches too.
Children with CF may complain of tummy aches after a bout of coughing.
If it is happening regularly, then you should seek advice from your CF team
who may arrange further investigation or a change in pancreatin dose. If
you are worried about tummy aches, do speak to your CF doctor.
If your child has severe, acute abdominal pain, seek medical
advice immediately.
Distal Intestinal Obstruction Syndrome (DIOS) or Meconium
ileus Equivalent (MIE)
This has nothing to do with the meconium ileus seen in newborn babies
but occurs in older children and adults. The bowel becomes blocked by
sticky, mucusy motions and food, causing recurrent pain and, sometimes,
vomiting. The cause of this condition is not fully understood but it requires
investigation and treatment with special medicines which your CF centre
will tell you about.
How does CF affect the lungs?
In the lungs there are lots of tiny tubes, called bronchi. Air passes down
these tubes to reach the specialised parts (alveoli), where oxygen enters
the bloodstream and carbon dioxide leaves, to be breathed out of the body.
We all have liquid and mucus in our lungs which help them to function,
but in children with CF the mucus produced is abnormally thick due to
there being too little liquid. This can block some of the smaller airways and
this leads to infection. If not controlled, infections can lead to damage to
the lungs. In the early years infections are usually caused by viruses and
certain bacteria e.g. Staphylococcus aureus and Haemophilus influenzae.
Later on, infections are caused by other bacteria, including one called
Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Much of the damage these infections can cause
can be prevented by proper treatment, as described below.
How is the chest treated in CF?
The aim is to keep the lungs as clear of mucus and infection as possible.
There are two main ways in which this is done, both of which are important:
ƒƒ prevention and treatment of chest infections, usually with antibiotics
ƒƒ clearing the sticky mucus from the lungs by physiotherapy, breathing
exercises and regular physical exercise
Prevention and treatment of chest infections
Should my child be kept away from other children?
It is impossible to prevent your child picking up infections from other
children and adults and so there is no point in isolating him or her for that
reason. It is sensible, though, to avoid close contact with people who have
streaming colds.
Although the risk of picking up CF-related infections from other children
with cystic fibrosis is low, it is advisable to avoid contact with others
with CF where possible. Clinic attendance is important though and
necessary arrangements will have been made at the hospital to ensure
children with different infections are kept apart from each other. Your CF
team will be able to explain how they do this.
It is very important that children with CF avoid smokers; smoke particles
cling to everything and there is now good evidence that ‘passive smoking’
can affect the lungs. Those with cystic fibrosis are particularly vulnerable.
Pets are not a problem unless your child has an obvious allergy to them.
This includes horses, although it is important to avoid the stables which are
commonly contaminated with fungal spores. So children with CF can ride
horses, but should not be allowed to “muck out”.
Can antibiotics prevent chest infections?
There is increasing evidence that early, frequent, and in some cases,
continuous antibiotics can prevent or delay the lung damage in cystic
fibrosis. The staff at your specialist CF centre or clinic will discuss the most
suitable approach for your child. Whereas the general population is advised
to be cautious in the use of antibiotics, for those with CF, antibiotics on a
regular basis when necessary are invaluable.
How will coughs and colds affect my child?
All children, whether they have CF or not, suffer numerous colds in their
first few years. In children with CF the symptoms often last longer because
of the increase in lung secretions. Colds are caused by viruses and the
only cure is time, but children with CF may need antibiotics to prevent an
infection with bacteria following straight on. Extra physiotherapy is often
needed if there is a lot of extra mucus.
Are cough medicines useful?
Cough medicines suppress the cough. If a child with CF is coughing it is
important to find out what is causing it; there may be an infection which
requires antibiotic treatment. Cough medicines should not be given to
children with CF without discussing them with your specialist CF centre
first. Vaporisers and ionisers may be useful but they should not be used
instead of physiotherapy and antibiotics.
How are chest infections treated?
ƒƒ A child with a chest infection needs extra physiotherapy (longer and more
often) to clear the mucus and infected material from the lungs.
ƒƒ S/he also needs antibiotics. The doctor will decide which antibiotics to use
by knowing which bacteria are likely to be present and by taking a sputum
sample or swab. The antibiotics will usually be given by mouth as liquid
medicine, tablets or capsules. Sometimes they are inhaled as a mist from
a nebuliser or given by the intravenous route, i.e. directly into a vein.
Are any special tests needed?
If possible a sputum sample (or swab, cough swab or nasopharyngeal
aspirate [PNA or NPA] from a younger child) is taken to identify the bacteria
(if any) causing the infection. A chest X-ray and, occasionally, blood
tests, may be helpful. Older children may be asked to blow into a tube or
machine to see how much ‘puff’ they have. This is particularly useful if it is
done from time to time in-between infections, because the levels often fall
before the infection becomes obvious, enabling it to be caught early.
Will my child have to go into hospital every time s/he has a
chest infection?
Most chest infections can be treated at home but if the infection is severe
and persistent s/he may need intensive treatment, including intravenous
antibiotics. If so, s/he may need to be admitted to hospital, although with
the help and supervision of the CF nurse specialist many children can now
have intravenous antibiotics at home.
DNase (Pulmozyme®)
There is now a drug, DNase, which breaks down the sputum and makes
it thinner; this should make it much easier to clear by physiotherapy and
coughing. The drug is taken by inhalation from a nebuliser once a day. It
does not help all children but your doctor may suggest a trial of treatment if
your child has particularly thick and troublesome sputum.
Physiotherapy, breathing exercises and regular physical exercise help to
clear the sticky mucus from the lungs of someone with cystic fibrosis.
What is chest physiotherapy?
Chest physiotherapy is a way of clearing the excess mucus from the lungs.
There are different ways that chest physiotherapy can be given to your
baby or child. It is important that you learn the correct technique and your
CF Centre will advise and teach you the best method for your baby or child.
Do not be afraid to ask the physiotherapist to watch you doing it from time
to time to make sure that you are still doing it as effectively as possible
for your child’s chest. The CF Trust produces several factsheets on
physiotherapy, which are found on our website
When should I start to do physiotherapy?
You will be taught to do physiotherapy soon after your baby or child is
diagnosed as having cystic fibrosis. Your physiotherapist will advise you on
when and how to do it.
When should I do physiotherapy and for how long?
It is very important that you learn the correct form of physiotherapy soon
after the diagnosis of cystic fibrosis. How well your child is will depend on
how often you need to give your baby (or child) physiotherapy. Traditionally,
it has been carried out routinely twice a day and more often when babies/
children are unwell with a chest infection. However, nowadays many babies
and children with CF are very well and may have clear chests. Therefore, it
may not always be necessary to give twice daily treatment when they are
very well, particularly if they are very active and have plenty of exercise.
When your baby needs chest physiotherapy it is generally performed for
about ten minutes at a time, before a feed. This may need to be increased
if they are unwell. The physiotherapist at your CF centre will be able to
advise you.
Who should do the physiotherapy?
To begin with, those adults who care for the child on a daily basis should
do it, usually the parents. However, later on other relatives or friends should
learn, so that no one person becomes indispensable to the child, and that
the person who normally does it can have a break from time to time.
Breathing exercises can be introduced in the form of a game from the
age of two or three and, as the child gets older, s/he learns to do his or
her physiotherapy. From about the age of nine, most children can start
doing some physiotherapy themselves without help from the family. Most
teenagers become completely independent and only require help from time
to time.
Will physiotherapy hurt?
When it is done correctly it does not hurt, although small children may try
to avoid it by complaining that “it hurts”.
Do we need special equipment?
There are lots of different physiotherapy techniques. Some need special
devices and these are usually provided by your CF centre.
In babies and small children chest physiotherapy is usually carried out
on the adult’s lap but as they grow, if they continue to require tipping for
their treatment, a special foam wedge or supportive frame can be useful.
Your CF physiotherapist will advise you which is the best method of
chest physiotherapy for your child and whether any specialist equipment
is needed.
Will my child be able to run, play, swim etc like
other children?
Regular exercise is an important part of care for children (and adults) with
cystic fibrosis. It helps prevent deterioration of the lungs. It also improves
physical strength and is very good for keeping bones healthy.
Toddlers often like running, jumping and trampolining, all of which are
very good for them. When at school, children with CF should take part in
P.E. and games just like other children in their class and you should also
strongly encourage them to do plenty of physical exercise out of school,
such as cycling, football, swimming, tennis, etc. It is often more fun to have
company when exercising, therefore plan some of these activities with the
whole family and/or friends.
Other problems in the chest
There are several other ways in which cystic fibrosis can affect the chest.
About 30% of children with CF wheeze from time to time. This happens
when the muscles surrounding the small airways contract and cause them
to narrow slightly. They may find it more difficult to catch their breath and
sometimes have a feeling of tightness in the chest.
Wheezing responds well to the medicines used for children with asthma
such as bronchodilators and steroids. They are usually inhaled from an
inhaler device which can be easily carried around, or a nebuliser.
Haemoptysis is coughing up blood and is rare in children with cystic
fibrosis. In adults it is quite common for streaks of blood to be in the
sputum. It can be a sign of infection and you should see your CF doctor
if it occurs.
When should my child see a doctor?
The answer is a simple one – when you are worried about him or her.
Here are some useful pointers:
ƒƒ cold symptoms
ƒƒ increased or frequent cough
ƒƒ increased sputum
ƒƒ change in colour of sputum
ƒƒ breathlessness
ƒƒ fever
ƒƒ decreased or poor appetite
ƒƒ weight loss
ƒƒ tummy aches
ƒƒ frequent or loose stools
ƒƒ vomiting
ƒƒ decreased ability or unwillingness to exercise
Children with cystic fibrosis should attend a hospital specialist CF centre
or clinic. There should be someone at the hospital you can ring if you are
worried. Alternatively, you can contact your GP, who will send you to the
hospital if s/he thinks you need to go. But remember, GPs are not experts
on CF, so if you are worried, ensure you see your CF doctor. It is important
that you find out what the local arrangements are.
Although many children attend the CF clinic at their local hospital, it is
strongly recommended that all people with cystic fibrosis should have
regular contact with the staff of a specialist CF centre. You can find
details of specialist CF centres on our website
Are immunisations important?
Children with cystic fibrosis are particularly at risk from the common
childhood diseases, especially those infections which may affect the lungs.
The standard immunisation programme is designed to protect babies
from serious – and, in some cases, life-threatening – illness. Ultimately,
if every child is immunised, we will be able to eradicate these diseases
from the community, just as smallpox has virtually disappeared from
the world. However, these illnesses, such as measles, German measles,
mumps, diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, polio and other serious
infections, including meningitis caused by bacteria called Haemophilus
Influenzae Type B (HIB), will disappear only if everyone takes up the
opportunity of vaccination.
Some of these infections, such as measles and whooping cough, still
occur and may have severe and lasting effects on the lungs of children with
cystic fibrosis. They must be protected at an early stage, before they come
into regular contact with other children at nursery or school. Flu can cause
an especially nasty illness in children with CF and it is recommended that
every child over six months old is immunised against flu each year at the
beginning of the winter season. Some CF doctors recommend vaccination
against pneumococcal infection.
Children with cystic fibrosis respond just as other children to immunisation
and are no more likely to have reactions to the injections. The normal
immunisation schedule is appropriate for children who have CF and
injections should be postponed only in very exceptional circumstances
and after consultation with your specialist CF clinic. Just having a cough or
cold is not enough reason to delay having an immunisation – there are very
few medical reasons to avoid immunisation.
Please discuss the pros and cons with your specialist CF centre which
will be familiar with the latest immunisation recommendations and will
be able to give you advice on what is best for your child.
Can CF affect other parts of the body?
Yes – but this varies widely from person to person.
Ears, nose and sinuses
People with cystic fibrosis can be prone to sinusitis and hay fever, which
may need to be treated with nasal sprays or antibiotics. Some older
children and adults develop nasal polyps, which, if troublesome, may
need to be removed by a small operation.
Some people with cystic fibrosis get a kind of cirrhosis. Older children and
adults will have their liver function checked from time to time by a blood test,
as treatment is now available to prevent progression of any liver problems.
Diabetes mellitus
This develops in about 30% of adults with cystic fibrosis and results in an
abnormally high level of sugar in the blood. Treatment is usually by insulin.
Bones and joints
Some older children develop a form of arthritis, usually in one or two
large joints, such as the knee. In most cases this improves with time and
treatment. Older adolescents and adults can also be prone to osteoporosis
(thin brittle bones). As children born now with cystic fibrosis are generally
in better health than today’s adults were as children, it is not expected that
they will develop osteoporosis to the same degree that adults with CF now
experience it.
In a few children with cystic fibrosis, particularly those who are
underweight, puberty may be later than usual, but children do develop
normally in time.
Fertility, or the ability to have children, is usually normal or only slightly
reduced in women but most men with cystic fibrosis are infertile. This
means that their sexual function is entirely normal but they can seldom
father children naturally. However, recent advances in in vitro fertilisation
and aspiration of sperm have allowed some men with CF to father children
with clinical assistance.
Some other questions parents have asked
Will my GP and health visitor know about CF?
As we mentioned earlier, people in your family surgery may not have seen
many children with cystic fibrosis but the hospital CF clinic will keep them
closely informed.
What about the usual baby clinics?
If you are attending the hospital frequently, you may feel that there is no
need to attend the normal baby clinics as well. However, local baby clinics
deal with all sorts of things, including immunisations, development checks,
and hearing and vision tests. This makes them just as important but for
different reasons. It is also nice to meet other parents with young children
in your area.
Is any financial help available?
One of the benefits available from the Department for Work and Pensions
(DWP) is the Disability Living Allowance (DLA). The Cystic Fibrosis Trust or
the social worker at your CF centre will be able to advise you, providing
information on benefits and a detailed guide on how to apply for DLA, with
trained staff to advise you as to how to complete the application form,
which is rather daunting. From April 2013, for claimants aged 16 to 64
years old, the DLA will be phased out and replaced with a new disability
benefit called Personal Independence Payment (PIP). Others will continue
to claim the DLA.
For further details on when PIP may affect you, please read our guide or
contact the CF Trust helpline on 0300 373 1000.
For further information regarding the DLA, please contact the CF Trust
helpline on 0300 373 1000.
The CF Trust also provides some financial grants to families affected by
cystic fibrosis who are experiencing hardship. Details are contained in a
factsheet called A Guide to Financial Help, which also gives details of other
sources of financial help. For further details contact the CF Trust helpline
on 0300 373 1000.
What should I tell other people about my child’s
cystic fibrosis?
Only you can decide but you may wish to discuss it with your CF centre
and with other people with relevant experience. You can also call the Cystic
Fibrosis Trust helpline on 0300 373 1000. You should consider how and
when to tell any other children you may have. In general it is better not to
be secretive.
Unfortunately, some people may make unintentional, but hurtful, comments
about your child, usually out of ignorance, so it is best to be prepared.
These ignorant comments may include things like: “Isn’t he small?” “He
hasn’t grown very much.” “Fancy taking out a child with a cough like that.”
“Fancy giving a child medicine (enzymes) like that in public.”
Try to take such remarks in your stride and, if possible, be prepared with
explanations. People may also be ill-informed or years out of date in their
understanding of cystic fibrosis. They are usually willing to understand and
are, if anything, over-sympathetic when the situation is explained to them.
Will complementary medicine help?
There is no scientific evidence that any complementary medicine can do
anything to help with CF and it is essential for the future health of your child
that the conventional treatments your CF centre recommends are given
in the prescribed way. However, provided this is the case, the addition of
complementary treatments should do no harm and some families report a
benefit. Always consult your CF doctor first.
School years
Cystic fibrosis does not affect intelligence. Children with CF attend
pre-school playgroups and nurseries in just the same way as any other
children. Most children with CF attend normal schools and join in all the
normal activities. It is important that teachers and other staff in the school
know about CF; the school doctor and nurse may be able to help with this.
The details of your particular child’s treatment though, will come best from
yourself. You know your child, so talk to the school before term begins and
keep them informed of new developments or changes in treatment. This is
especially important when your child changes teacher or school. Your CF
nurse will sometimes visit your child’s school to explain the nature of cystic
fibrosis. Discuss this with the nurse if you think it might be helpful.
Most children with CF attend normal schools and join in all
normal activities.
The CF Trust publishes a range of publications to help with school
including a factsheet called School and cystic fibrosis: A guide for teachers
and parents. For further information or advice please contact the CF Trust –
details are shown on the back page of this factsheet.
Teenagers and leaving school
Adolescence is a challenging period for anyone. It is especially so for
young people with cystic fibrosis, particularly if the condition causes them
to mature later than their peers. Nevertheless, the full range of further
education and employment opportunities should be available to any young
adult with CF, depending on their intellectual and physical capabilities.
There are some occupations which are less suitable, of course, but these
considerations are for the future and decisions can be made at the time
with help from the doctor and career specialists.
The future
Only 30 years ago, the outlook for a baby born with cystic fibrosis was very
poor. Today, young adults with CF are living into their thirties, forties, and
beyond and these people are leading active and fulfilling lives.
It is likely that the quality and length of life will continue to improve as a
result of current research. New treatments which were supported by the
Cystic Fibrosis Trust, and made available over ten years ago, are now
bearing fruit.
The future is without doubt an optimistic one but, until a cure is found, we
must aim to keep every child and adult with cystic fibrosis as fit and well as
possible, to maximise both the quality and the length of their lives.
Some facts and figures
ƒƒ Cystic fibrosis was fully recognised only as recently as the 1930s.
ƒƒ In the past CF was known as ‘fibrocystic disease of the pancreas’ – the
effects of the condition on the lungs was recognised later.
ƒƒ Cystic fibrosis is one of the UK’s most common life-shortening inherited
conditions, affecting approximately 1 in every 2,500 children born – that’s
roughly five babies born with cystic fibrosis each week.
ƒƒ Almost 10,000 people in the UK have cystic fibrosis.
ƒƒ Over 95% of people with CF are Caucasian, but CF affects a number of
different ethnic groups.
ƒƒ In the 1930s children with CF didn’t live very long because there were no
antibiotics to fight chest infections. Today antibiotics, other treatments
and clinical care are more sophisticated and most children do well and
live into adulthood.
ƒƒ The part of our DNA make-up (the gene) which is responsible for cystic
fibrosis was discovered in 1989.
Alveolus (Alveoli)
The specialised part of the lung
where oxygen enters the blood and
carbon dioxide can leave.
A chemical that effects change in
some way. In CF this usually refers
to digestive enzymes which digest
food so it can be absorbed and
used by the body.
Bronchus (Bronchi)
Small airways in the lung.
A term which is used in a general
sense to mean progressive fibrous
tissue overgrowth in an organ.
Fibrous tissue is useless “gristle”
which replaces normal tissue when
it is damaged. In CF this occurs in
the lungs and pancreas.
A fluid or air filled space. In CF these
are usually in the pancreas or lung.
Distal Intestinal Obstruction
Syndrome. A blockage of the gut
which occurs in older children and
adults with cystic fibrosis.
The commonly used abbreviation
for deoxyribonucleic acid, the
principal molecule carrying genetic
information in almost all organisms.
Enteric coated
Covered with a coating
which protects against acid
in the stomach. This is useful
for pancreatin.
Every cell has thousands of
genes which are made up of DNA
(see above) and are passed on
from parent to child. Genes are
responsible for a person’s overall
health and functioning, as well as
for individual characteristics such
as eye colour and blood group.
Faulty genes cause certain genetic
diseases such as cystic fibrosis.
Genetic testing
The method of detecting certain
genes, for example tests can
determine when a person carries
the gene for cystic fibrosis.
Haemophilus influenzae
Bacteria which is a common
cause of respiratory infection
in cystic fibrosis.
Coughing up blood.
A gland which lies behind the
stomach and makes digestive
juices or enzymes and insulin.
Healthcare professionals
Doctors, nurses, physiotherapists,
dietitians, social workers and
Sometimes antibiotics or other
medicines are given into a vein
rather than by mouth. To make it
easier, a small plastic cannula (tube)
can be left in the vein so that the
drug can be put in through it rather
than by a fresh injection each time.
There is a cream available to numb
the skin before the cannula is put
in it.
Meconium ileus
An obstruction of the small
intestine at birth.
An extract of animal pancreas;
the general name for all pancreatic
Part of the treatment for
cystic fibrosis.
Per Nasal Aspirate or Naso
Pharyngeal Aspirate – a special way
of getting a sample of sputum from
a child too young to be able
to cough it up.
A small growth of mucous
membrane that can grow
on the lining of the nose.
Enzyme granules contained within
a pancreatin capsule.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
A bacterial infection which affects
the lungs.
Meconium Ileus Equivalent – See
DIOS opposite
Screening tests
Another name for CF, literally it
means that the mucus is thick or
viscid. It may be understood in
foreign countries.
An essential fluid secreted by
mucous membranes. Mucus
lubricates and protects parts of
the body particularly the lungs
and digestive system.
A small machine which converts
liquid medication to a fine mist
which can be breathed in to work
directly in the lungs.
A doctor who specialises in the
treatment of children.
A test carried out to diagnose
and treat a disease before it
causes problems.
Inflammation of the membrane
lining the facial sinuses (the air-filled
cavities in the bones surrounding
the nose).
Mucus material produced by the
cells lining the respiratory tract.
Staphylococcus aureus
A bacterial infection that can
affect the lungs.
Sweat test
The test used to diagnose
cystic fibrosis.
Further information
The Cystic Fibrosis Trust provides information about cystic fibrosis through
our factsheets, leaflets and other publications.
Most of our publications can be downloaded from our website ordered
using our online publications order form.
Alternatively, to order hard copies of our publications you can telephone
the CF Trust on 020 8464 7211.
If you would like further information about cystic fibrosis please contact:
Cystic Fibrosis Trust
11 London Road
Kent BR1 1BY
T 020 8464 7211
[email protected]
Helpline 0300 373 1000
We would welcome your feedback on this or any other of our publications.
Please email [email protected].
More factsheets available at:
© Cystic Fibrosis Trust 2013. This factsheet may be copied in whole or in part, without prior permission
being sought from the copyright holder, provided the purpose of copying is not for commercial gain and
due acknowledgement is given.
The information included in this publication is not intended to replace any advice you may receive from your
doctor or CF multidisciplinary team and it is important that you seek medical advice whenever considering
a change of treatment.
Cystic Fibrosis Trust, registered as a charity in England and Wales (1079049) and in Scotland (SC040196).
A company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales number 388213. Registered office:
11 London Road, Bromley, Kent BR1 1BY.