International Society for Intelligence Research Annual Conference (Graz, 2014) Individual Differences in Cognitive Biases Evidence Against One-Factor Theory of Rationality Predrag Teovanović, Institute of Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade Goran Knežević, Department for Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade Lazar Stankov, Institute for Positive Psychology and Education, Australian Catholic University Cognitive Biases WHAT ARE COGNITIVE BIASES? Systematic deviations of cognitive processes’ outcomes from what is normatively considered to be rational behavior. HOW MANY COGNITIVE BIASES THERE ARE? 14 Tversky and Kahneman (1974) 53 Baron (2008) 100+ Wikipedia (2014) HOW TO CLASSIFY COGNITIVE BIASES? Tversky and Kahneman (1974): Representativeness, Availability and Anchoring Haselton, Nettle and Andrews (2005): Error Managment, Heuristics, Artificial Stanovich (2009): Focal Bias, Override Failure, Mindware Gap, Egocentric Processing Arnott (2006): Adjustment, Confidence, Memory, Statistical, Situation (...) Kahneman & Frederick (2005): Coherence Rationality and Reasoning Rationality NORMATIVE DESCRIPTIVE Individual Differences HOW DO COGNITIVE BIASES RELATE TO EACH OTHER? Stanovich and West (1998, 2000) – Positive manifold De Bruin, Parker and Fischhoff (2005, 2007) – Decision Making Competence HOW DO COGNITIVE BIASES RELATE TO INTELLIGENCE? Stanovich & West (2008) – Some biases correlate with measures of intelligence De Bruin, Parker and Fischhoff (2007) – DMC higly correlate with intelligence NORMATIVE DESCRIPTIVE Research Questions 1. Can individual differences in cognitive biases be reliably measured? 2. How do cognitive biases relate to each other? Is there single latent factor of rational behavior? 3. Can cognitive biases be reduced to gf, gc, NFC, CRT and Openness? NORMATIVE DESCRIPTIVE Cognitive Biases Anchoring Effect Belief Bias Normative Model Coherence De Bruin et Pohl al. (2007) (2004) Consistency Judgment Carter et al. (2007) Ref. Point Availability Confirmatory Logic Accuracy Overconfidence Bias Calibration Accuracy Hindsight Bias Coherence Consistency Memory Imperf. Corr. Output Eval. Probability T. Accuracy Thinking Att.Focus Base Rate Utility T. Accuracy Base Rate Neglect Sunk Cost Effect Outcome Bias Coherence OTHER CLASSIFICATIONS Thinking Baron (2008) Availability Judgment Motivational Control Illusion Judgment Imperf. Corr. Commitment Consistency Judgment Imperf. Corr. Confirmatory Tversky and Kahneman (1974): Representativeness, Availability and Anchoring Haselton, Nettle and Andrews (2005): Error Managment, Heuristics, Artificial Stanovich (2009): Focal Bias, Override Failure, Mindware Gap, Egocentric Processing Arnott (2006): Adjustment, Confidence, Memory, Statistical, Situation (...) Kahneman & Frederick (2005): Coherence Rationality and Reasoning Rationality Instruments Cognitive Biases Other Measures Anchoring Effect Raven’s Progressive Matrices (Raven, Court & Raven, 1979) Belief Bias Swaps Test (Stankov, 2000) Overconfidence Bias Three-Dimensinal Space Test (Wolf et al., 1992) Hindsight Bias Vocabulary Test (Knežević & Opačić, 2011) Base Rate Neglect Test of Analogies (Wolf et al., 1992) Sunk Cost Effect Test of Synonyms-Antonyms (Wolf et al., 1992) Outcome Bias Cognitive Reflection Test (CRT; Frederick, 2005) gf gc Openness (McCrae & Costa, 2004) Participants Need For Cognition Scale (NFC; Cacciopo et al., 1984) All measures were computer administrered in two sessions, one week apart. Participants were 243 undergraduate students (22 males; mean age 19.83, SD=1.31). They were tested in grops of approximately 20. Overall testing time was 60 minutes per session. Cognitive Biases Range M SD Cohen’s d Anchoring Effect 0–1 0.44 0.18 2.05 Cronbach’s Alpha .77 Belief Bias 0–8 4.05 2.34 2.05 .76 0 – 100 32.56 18.99 2.31 .94 Hindsight Bias 0–1 0.33 0.20 0.24 .66 Base Rate Neglect 0–1 0.78 0.22 3.58 .71 Sunk Cost Effect 0–5 2.16 1.06 2.04 .76 Outcome Bias 0–5 1.55 0.91 2.43 .83 Overconfidence Bias Note: Higher scores indicate more pronuounced biass Better than α=. 11 (Pohl, 1999) Intercorrelations of Cognitive Biases Cognitive Bias 1. Anchoring Effect 2. Belief Bias 3. Overconfidence Bias 4. Hindsight Bias 5. Base Rate Neglect 6. Sunk Cost Effect 7. Outcome Bias 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -.09 - -.09 .03 - .18 .04 -.18 - .12 .09 -.01 .12 - .16 .18 .10 .15 .17 - -.01 .20 .04 .07 .06 .06 - Factor Pattern Matrix for Seven Cognitive Bias Measures Cognitive Bias Anchoring Effect Belief Bias Overconfidence Bias Hindsight Bias Base Rate Neglect Sunk Cost Effect Outcome Bias PC Eigenvalue Variance Explained Factor 1 .34 Factor 2 .31 -.42 .50 .54 1.539 9.23% Number of Factors – PC Eignevalues Extraction Method - Maximum Likelihood Rotation Method - Direct Oblimin 1.255 8.33% Cognitive Biases and Other Measures Raven’s Matrices Swap Test 3D Space Test Vocabulary Synonyms-Antonyms Analogies Cognitive Reflection Need For Cognition Openness/Intellect ANC .03 -.08 .02 -.02 -.11 -.03 -.02 .10 .21 BLF -.15 -.22 -.19 -.10 -.12 -.19 -.17 .01 .01 OVC -.21 -.15 -.14 -.08 .00 .02 -.07 -.10 .05 HSB .05 .06 -.01 -.05 -.08 -.10 -.06 -.05 -.02 BRN -.24 -.20 -.21 -.16 -.18 -.13 -.22 -.10 -.10 R2=.10 SCE -.12 -.09 -.14 -.06 -.09 -.04 -.22 -.07 -.11 OUT -.17 -.06 -.14 .00 -.01 -.21 -.12 -.04 -.01 Intercorrelations of Other Measures 8. Raven’s Matrices 9. Swap Test 10. 3D Space Test 11. Vocabulary 12. Synonyms-Antonyms 13. Analogies 14. Cognitive Reflection 15. Need For Cognition 16. Openness/Intellect 8 .48 .52 .26 .19 .26 .25 .19 .22 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 .40 .11 .21 .28 .24 .12 .13 .21 .11 .16 .35 .18 .21 .39 .42 .10 .11 .19 .57 .07 .11 .09 .14 .14 .15 .16 .17 .58 - Factor Pattern Matrix for All Sixteen Measures Cognitive Bias Anchoring Effect Belief Bias Overconfidence Bias Hindsight Bias Base Rate Neglect Sunk Cost Effect Outcome Bias Raven’s Matrices Swap Test 3D Space Test Vocabulary Synonyms-Antonyms Analogies Cognitive Reflection Need For Cognition Openness/Intellect Gc TD Gf -.38 .64 .49 .54 .49 .72 .85 .62 .95 Bias1 .31 .54 Bias2 .44 .37 .36 .40 1. Experimental reliability of cognitive biases was confirmed 2. Most of cognitive biases showed satisfactory reliability estimates (αs>.70) 3. Intercorrelations among cognitive biases are only of small magnitude (rs<.20) Positive manifold was not observed Measurement error did not play role Two cognitive bias factors could be extracted These factors were not robust One-factor theory of rational behavior is not plausible 4. Biases are relatively independent form gc, gf and thinking dispositions Individual cognitive biases correlated lowly with these measures (rs<.20) Cognitive bias measures loaded on separate factors Bias factors were relatively independent form the gc, gf and TD factors Thank you.
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