t n u o c c A s u p m a C Manager 5 1 0 2 l a u n a Leadership M ! E R E H T Y E H Ola! Ciao! Bonjour! Hello, and welcome to the team! We are so excited for the year ahead, and can’t wait to see what we are going to accomplish together! This is an opportunity for you to challenge yourself and your peers, gain hands-on learning experiences, and to put your classroom knowledge to use in the real world. It is a chance to hone your presentation skills, implement strategic thinking, and perfect your sales pitch. Your role is incredibly important to the success of this program, as you are the face of Canada’s Next Top Ad Exec at your campus. You are responsible for all of the initiatives and outcomes on your campus. Although this may sound challenging, the Executive Team will be with you every step of the way! Alongside the Regional Campus Account Managers (RCAMs), we will provide you with direction and guidance as we embark on this journey together. You will also be connected to a nation-wide network of CAMs to collaborate with. We challenge you to make this year bigger, and better than last year. With strong goals in mind, we can work together to make Canada’s Next Top Ad Exec a truly national program that brings #RealWorldWins to all of our competitors, and more importantly, YOU! Again, welcome to the family - we can’t wait for the great year ahead! Cheers, Jasmine TomczakAnna Salazar Co-Chair & Chief CAM Officer CAM Director 2 s t n e t n o C Table of So... What is Canada’s Next Top Ad Exec?...............................................4 Evolution of the Program........................................................................6 You Are The Face of Top Ad Exec 2015....................................................8 Your Support Network............................................................................10 Important Dates......................................................................................11 What Can I Win?.......................................................................................12 The Scoring System.................................................................................13 3 s ’ a d a n a C Is t So... Wha Exec? Next Top Ad e and How? hen. W here W ho. W hat. W Canada’s Next Top Ad Exec (Top Ad Exec) is Canada’s largest, and richest national marketing and advertising competition. Undergraduate and MBA students who minor or major in business are challenged to create a comprehensive marketing campaign for Chevrolet Canada. The winning team is awarded the keys to their very own Chevrolet vehicles, given exclusive access to career beginnings, and crowned Canada’s Next Top Ad Execs! Not to mention, we’ve got a pretty incredible and therefore credible background: • In the past eight years, Top Ad Exec has awarded 16 vehicles, 45 internships and a grand total of $435 000 in scholarships and prizing! • We have active participation from 45 of the 52 business institutions in Canada, with 39 CAMs at 30 unique schools to date • Digital exposure on all major social networks, and print exposure through the Globe and Mail, and Strategy Magazine with a total of over 25 million media impressions to date • Supported by leading industry partners including General Motors, PepsiCo Canada, MacLaren McCann, McDonald’s Canada, Canadian Tire and many more • Offers students the unique opportunity to gain national exposure while gaining valuable real world marketing experience as they tackle real industry problems 4 s ’ a d a n a C Is t So... Wha Exec? Next Top Ad e and How? hen. W here W ho. W hat. W Students are challenged to develop an implementable solution to a business problem that Chevrolet faces. The phases are broken down as follows: Phase One Students are challenged to submit a two-page elevator pitch outlining their plan to tackle Chevrolet’s ask. The Top 25 Submissions are then selected by a panel of industry and academic judges to move on to Phase Two. Phase Two The Top 25 Teams are now challenged to submit a comprehensive report on their campaign including research, strategy and an implementation plan outlining their big idea, alongside an executive summary. The Top 10 submissions are selected to move on to the next phase, as judged by our panel of judges. Phase Three The Top 10 teams will be invited to Toronto for a two-day closing gala whereby they will present their ideas to a panel of senior industry judges. After a closing dinner gala, and two days jam packed of activities, the winning individual or team will be announced, and two winners will walk away with keys to their very own vehicles! 5 m a r g o r P e h t f o n o i t u Evol ce 2007 in s s in W ld r o lW Creatin’ #Rea With the 2015 season marking year nine of the competition, Canada’s Next Top Ad Exec has established itself as Canada’s largest Marketing and Advertising competition for students, run by students: 2007: The inaugural year, sponsored by Mitsubishi Canada, challenged students to develop an experiential marketing campaign for the Mitsubishi Lancer. Monica Lage (nee Walker), from Queen’s University, was awarded with her very own Mitsubishi Eclipse! 2008: Students were challenged to raise awareness of the Mitsubishi Canada brand using new media. Queen’s University’s Gregory Duggan and Catherine Lee were crowned the champions, and each presented with keys to their very own Mitsubishi Lancers. 2009: Volkswagen came on to the team as lead sponsor, as students were tasked with developing a marketing campaign for the Volkswagen Routan. Matt Daigle and Elizabeth-Anne McCleave, both from the University of New Brunswick MBA program, drove away in a Volkswagen Golf each. 2010: Year four saw General Motors come on board as lead sponsor, and challenged students to develop a pre-launch social media campaign for the brand new Chevy Cruze. Chevrolet was thrilled with the quality of the Top 10 finalists, such that they announced a TIE between Rachel Zimmer and Bram Warshafsky of Queen’s University, and McMaster University’s Mark Scattolon. Chevrolet awarded a total of three brand new Chevrolet Cruzes! Recently, Rachel and Bram were both named to Marketing Magazines Top 30 Under 30 for 2014 2011: Chevrolet challenged students to create a launch campaign for the Chevy Sonic to be executed on university campuses across the country. Phase One saw submissions from 32 business schools across the country, and over 170 submissions. Maya Cieszynska and Michael Holmes from the University of Alberta claimed the title of Canad’s Next Top Ad Execs, driving away in a two Chevy Sonics! 6 m a r g o r P e h t f o n o i t u Evol ce 2007 in s s in W ld r o lW Creatin’ #Rea 2012: Competitors were tasked with creating a launch campaign for the Chevrolet Spark in urban city centres. With 191 submissions from 43 business schools, Top Ad Exec also expanded their reach with 27 Campus Account Managers across the nation! In addition, year six launched a fully bilingual integration, now allowing for submissions to be written in both French and English. McMaster University’s Kailee Jamieson and Ryan Moran won the judges over, taking home Chevrolet Sparks. 2013: Chevrolet challenged students to create an integrated marketing campaign for their 2013 Chevrolet Equinox. Alyssa de Hoop and Kennedy Crawford brought Guelph University their first victory, and drove away in their brand new Chevrolet Cruzes. 2014: Year eight truly was a record breaking year, with 231 submissions from 32 universities, 38 CAMs at universities across Canada, and Chevrolet back on board, students were tasked to create a fully integrated launch program for the 2014 Corvette Stingray. A grueling judging process lead to Ryerson University MBA students Kate French and Alexander Dias driving away with their very own Chevrolet Camaros, and a record breaking 13 internships were awarded! 7 f o e c a F e h T You Are 5 1 0 2 c e x E d Top A pretty face. a t u o b a t s ju t It’s no Below is a description of your role and skills you’ll earn as a Campus Account Manager (CAM). Your Regional Campus Account Manager (RCAM) will be your main point of contact regarding your university-specific goals and objectives for the 2015 program year. What is a CAM? A Campus Account Manager (CAM) is a passionate, proactive student based at a Canadian University that acts as on-campus advocate for the competition, raising student awareness of the competition and educating peers on how the competition works. Alone or with a partner, you will become your own small business manager(s) with the goal to actively engage and educate students on the competition, the value of experiential learning and the power of connecting with industry. The executive team strives to ensure that you are exceeding your personal goals and developing as a professional, while complementing your academic achievements through this position. Who do you share this stage with? Our Campus Account Managers are a diverse team of students from all across the country. With 39 CAMs from 32 campuses across the nation, you will expand your personal, and professional network, making connections in every province! What skills will a CAM achieve? • Leadership: You will serve as the primary contact and advocate between your university and the Top Ad Executive Team as you become an active member of the national Campus Account Management Team • Project Management: You will organize and implement information sessions, information booths, activities, etc. to promote the competition at your campus. In addition, you will prepare a marketing report as to how you will market the competition on campus, along with regular progress reports throughout the semester outlining your progress on campus • Public Speaking: You will deliver presentations about the Top Ad Exec program during business classes - and on impromptu occasions too! You will also have opportunities for promotion through social networks – Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn 8 f o e c a F e h T You Are 5 1 0 2 c e x E d Top A pretty face. a t u o b a t s ju t It’s no Am I eligible to compete? Of course and we highly encourage you to do so! As any other competitor, you will be required to meet all other requirements (i.e. Majoring or Minoring in a Business Program, etc.) Becoming a CAM is an incredible leadership opportunity; not only within the program, but also at your own university. The practical experience you will gain from this role will be transferable in your academic success, and your career to come after graduation. 9 k r o w t e N t r o p p u S r u Yo your back. t o g s y a lw a e We’v Canada’s Next Top Ad Exec executive team members including the Chief CAM Officer, CAM Director, and your respective Regional CAMs are here to help you every step of the way in your journey as a Campus Account Manager! Your Regional CAM will be your primary point of contact on all matters involving execution of promotional activities, general inquiries, progress reports, and any necessary feedback. All other inquiries, can be directed to the Chief CAM Officer and/or CAM Director. In addition, all matters regarding Road Trips can be directed towards this team, as well. The general CAM email is [email protected]. Please ensure to reach out to us with any questions or concerns. As a CAM, it is your responsibility to take a proactive approach, and seek information when needed. The personal contact information for the 2015 Team is as follows: Jasmine Tomczak Co-Chair & Chief CAM Officer (647) 227-2887 [email protected] Sammie Chan Western Regional CAM (778) 898-1252 [email protected] Anna Salazar CAM Director (289) 808-2211 [email protected] Adiba Tahseen Central Regional CAM (647) 869-5036 [email protected] Taylor Kline Eastern Regional CAM (902) 293-7734 [email protected] 2015 Program Co-Chairs Jasmine Tomczak & Sadra Kaffashian [email protected] 10 s e t a D t n a t r Impo s... in pen r a d n le a c r u o y mark Don’t forget to Role Duration: September 2014 until February 2014 (though you may continue to represent your school should a team from your school advance in the competition.) Competition Dates Campaign Launch: Monday, October 27, 2015 First set of Posters: During Fall Road Trips Set of Posters: January 6, 2015 Brief Launch: To Be determined Competition Submission Dates: Phase One Deadline: Monday, January 26, 2015 at Noon EST Phase Two Deadline: Monday, February 23, 2015 at Noon EST Phase Three Presentations: March 31, 2015 in Toronto CAM Specific Dates Road Trips: Members of the Executive Team will be visiting select schools throughout the year to assist you with promoting the competition! We will let you know more specifics if we are planning a trip to your school Fall: October 27, 2014 - November 15, 2014 Winter: January 6, 2015 - January 16, 2015 Marketing Strategy Report: Please ensure to submit your marketing strategy to your Regional CAM by midnight on the deadline that they have assigned you. Progress Report Deadlines: Please ensure to submit your reports by midnight of the stated deadline! The reports will be sent to and reviewed by your respective Regional CAM Progress Report: November 15, 2014 Progress Report: December 15, 2014 Progress Report: January 15, 2014 CAM Experience & Transition Report: February 15, 2014 11 ? n i W I n a C What d More n a s r e e r a C , s r Cash, Ca Monetary Awards: • First Place CAM: $1500 • Second Place CAM: $1000 • Third Place CAM: $500 Other Awards: • The top 3 CAMs will be recognized at the Closing Gala in front of 300+ attendees • All CAMs are eligible to apply for internships offered by our lead sponsors including: General Motors, PepsiCo Canada, MacLaren McCann, McDonald’s Canada, and Canadian Tire • Exceptional CAMs will receive a reference letter acknowledging performance, efforts, and responsibilities from Top Ad Exec Co-Chairs and the Chief CAM Officer • Invaluable experience to include on resumes, as Canada’s Next Top Ad Exec hopes to build the project management, leadership, and marketing skill set of all CAMs • Opportunity to impress and differentiate yourself from the countless university students graduating each year 12 m e t s y S g n i The Scor y not win this a m y d a te S d n a Slow race. Upon the submission deadline, your Regional CAM and Chief CAM Officer will work together to assess the overall performance of the CAMs throughout the year based on the following criteria: Element 1: Registrant Status This section is based on the target that you and your Regional CAM will set together for the number of registrants at your school, and the relative increase from last year. You will be directing students you inform to the website, topadexec.com, where they provide what school they attend, their email, and Twitter handle! Element 2: Submissions Once the submission deadline has passed, the total number of submissions from across Canada will be known. Based on goals that you have set with your Regional CAM, points will be awarded to the CAMs that meet and/or exceed their goals Element 3: Campus Presence This element measures how successfully you were able to implement your marketing plan, your creativity in promoting the competition, and the presence you had on your campus over the course of the CAM role. Element 4: Communication This element will be at the discretion of your Regional CAM, based on effective and prompt communication throughout the duration of the role. 13
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