JANUARY 8 - JANUARY 15, 2015 | WEEK 2 ORGANIC MARKET NEWS OG SALADS SLOWED BY COLD SNAP The Organic Salad forecast continues to be bleak as shippers have experienced cold weather and freezing. For the early part of the winter growing season the weather was unseasonably warm. For the last ten days, however, the region has experienced a significant cold spell that is having an impact on supplies and quality. The lows have been at or below freezing, with the highs not getting much above fifty eight-degrees. This weather has interrupted the growth cycle, and has caused some burn damage. As a result, we are looking at a significant reduction in required supplies on tender leaf items for the next two weeks at a minimum. Source: organicgirl salads Organic Salads from shippers like Earthbound Farms, Olivia’s Organics, and organicgirl continue to be in very high demand during Diet Season. Couple this with the supply issues mentioned above and you can expect some prorates and occasional out of stocks this month. Shippers are canceling ad promotions for the next several weeks and limiting their 11 oz. and 16 oz. packs so that the 5 oz. clamshells can be filled at a higher rate. .................................................... OG KALE OG TOMATOES OG LETTUCE Most Organic Kale shippers out West are reporting light growth due to cold weather. Prices have moved up each day this week. Demand for Organic Kale is tremendous right now. Organic Round Tomatoes are in good supply at this time out of Florida and Mexico. Mexico produce is cheaper, but quality is better out of Florida. Florida harvests may be affected next week due to a cold snap. Organic Roma Tomatoes are in very good supply out of Florida and Mexico. Organic Red and Green Leaf Lettuce supplies are much tighter out of Florida this week. California growers are reporting adequate supplies, however the quality will not be as nice as what we’ve seen from Lady Moon Farms in Florida. Organic Grape Tomatoes out of Lady Moon Farms in Florida are in good supply, but should slowdown somewhat in mid-January. Pricing should remain the same. Organic Romaine Lettuce is in adequate supply out of Florida, but more limited out West due to the cold. Organic Cherry Tomatoes from Lady Moon Farms are in abundant supply out of Florida. Now is a good time to promote! Organic Rainbow Cherry Tomatoes will be very limited until 1/14. Organic Red and Green Butter Lettuces are in good supply from Florida. Florida Organic Kale is somewhat limited at this time. The cold air dipping into the Southeast is going to slow Florida production next week. Organic Lacinato Kale is in good supply out of California, but limited out of Florida. Organic Red Kale is limited out of both regions. JANUARY 8 - JANUARY 15, 2015 | WEEK 2 OG BLACKBERRIES OG BLUEBERRIES & RASPBERRIES OG STRAWBERRIES Mexican Organic Blackberries continue to be in good supply after a small harvest interruption during the holidays. Chilean Organic Blueberries continue to be extremely limited with high and rising prices. Mexican Organic Raspberries continue to be very firm with strong markets. The limited supplies of Organic Strawberries out of Florida and Mexico are now competing with California product, so prices may ease down as supplies ramp up. Overall, Organic Strawberries remain pricey. OG PERUVIAN GRAPES OG BROCCOLI OG WASHINGTON PEARS The first arrival of Red Globe Seeded Grapes have arrived. They will be limited, but available for the next few weeks going into February. Organic Broccoli prices have spiked in California from Diet Season demand and light growth due to cold temps. Organic Broccoli Crowns are tighter as well. Organic Anjou Pears are extremely tight as we move into the final 8 week stretch of domestic pears. Expect limited releases of fruit at high prices from grower shippers. Organic Red and Green Seedless Grapes are winding down for the season and are expected to finish up over the next 1-2 weeks. Expect these higher markets to last about 10 days. Pricing will then not come down to what we saw in December, yet will be more moderate. Organic Bosc Pears are the most limited variety with the highest prices. OG CUCUMBERS OG POTATOES ............. ............. OG LEMONS & LIMES We expect to see firm but steady arrivals of Organic Lemons in both 95 and 115 ct fancy and choice grades. Bags will be tighter for the next couple of weeks as larger fruit prevails. Steady supplies of Organic Meyer Lemons are available. Organic Limes are in firm and steady supply, with a little lighter color due to weather. ............. ............. ALERT! Organic Cucumbers continue to be very tight out of Mexico and prices are high. Expect Organic Cucumbers to be extremely limited through January. Florida will begin to harvest small amounts of Organic Cucumbers in in late January or early February, depending on the weather. Organic Hothouse Cucumbers are very tight as well. There may be some out of Spain, but that’s not apparent yet. ............. Organic Red Anjou, Asian, and Concorde Pears are firm but available. ............. Organic Russet Potatoes, both count and poly, will increase this week and is expected to increase slightly as we continue into the new year. We will see a short supply gap early this week as some product arrived with freeze damage and was not suitable quality to ship. We will have more beautiful Organic Color Potatoes out of Canada later in the week. We have started with the Organic Cinacia Fingerling Potato program out of Colorado this week, ask you sales rep for more details and aggressive prices! JANUARY 8 - JANUARY 15, 2015 | WEEK 2 OG WASHINGTON APPLES New crop Organic Autumn Glory Apples are expected to arrive at the beginning of the week. Make sure to try this fantastic new variety! This year’s crop will be limited and prices will be high. Check out their website for more info on this variety: http://superfreshgrowers.com/our-fruit/apples/autumn-glory OG CALIFORNIA CITRUS OG FLORIDA CITRUS NEW! California Organic Kumquats are expected at the beginning of the week in limited supply. Organic Hamlin Juice Oranges are limited this week. Organic Navel Oranges will experience a short gap and be back at the beginning of the week. Organic Braeburn & Cameo Apples continue to be firm, but steady. Organic Cara Cara Oranges will have a small weather related gap this week but good supplies are expected back sometime next week. Organic Fuji, Gala, Gold, Piñata, and Red Delicious Apple supplies continue to tighten as we move into CA (controlled atmosphere) storage fruit and limited packing is taking place. Organic Navel Orange markets are stronger after very cool weather and supplies are more limited this week. Organic Sunburst Tangerines are expected to make their last quick appearance as they finish for the season. Organic Granny Smith and Pink Lady Apples are the tightest of all varieties with markets rising swiftly. Organic Minneola Tangelos are now in good supply. Organic Orlando Tangelos are back in limited supply. Organic Honeycrisp Apples are expected back by the weekend from a limited packing run. Get them while you can! Organic Satsuma Mandarins are expected to finish up this week with very limited supply. Organic Jazz, Opal, and Pacific Rose Apples are available in limited supply. Organic Daisy Tangerines are in steady supply. ............. OG GRAPEFRUIT We are starting to see supplies of California Organic Grapefruit improve after the holiday shortage. We expect to see Florida Organic Grapefruits back by the middle of next week. Texas Organic Grapefruit may have a small gap before the next arrival. ............. OG MANGOS Organic Tommy Atkins Mangos are winding down from Ecuador. We are expecting to ship another week or two with Ecuador and everything is shaping up for a smooth transition to Peruvian fruit. We are also excited to partner up with Interupcion in shipping Peruvian FAIR TRADE Organic Kent Mangos. The first shot of these should hit the end of next week! ............. OG HASS AVOCADOS ALERT! Organic Hass Avocados have become increasingly tight as demand has skyrocketed from New Years and the Super Bowl fast approaching. Quality has been great out of Mexico, and supplies should be steadier following a few days gap this past week. - Steady supplies of Organic Bananas are expected to continue through the week. Importers appear to be in better shape on organic than conventional. - Colder temperatures in Mexico have affected the Organic Zucchini harvest this week. Florida production is almost non-existant at this point, but could incrase by February. - Organic Pineapples have been in steady supply again. Quality has been good. - Organic Papaya volume has slowed down considerably. Over the next few months expect slight gaps between shipments from Hawaii. - Organic Pomegranates will finish up over the next couple of days for the season. - Mexican Organic Valencia Oranges are tightening up significantly as the early season finishes and we wait for the next crop to come in. - The cold weather has pushed back Organic Asparagus harvests and first yields yet again out of Mexico. Projected date for next significant volume is week of Jan 20th. .............. I N O T H E R N E W S. . . - Italian Organic Clementines are winding down for the season in both gift boxes and pouches. For more info on what’s in season, check out Organicproducegeek.com! ! W NE FRESH CUT OG & CV PRODUCTS Contact your sales rep or merchandiser for more information! ......................................................................... FAIR TRADE PRODUCE ORGANIC BANANAS 08102 - OG Bananas Fair Trade #2 40 lb. 08103 - OG Bananas Fair Trade #3 40 lb. 08104 - OG Bananas Fair Trade #4 40 lb. ORGANIC HASS Avocados 43132 – OG Avocado Fair Trade Mex OG 48 ct ORGANIC grapes 44308 - OG Green SDLS Grapes Fair Trade Peru 18 lb. 43568 - OG Red SDLS Grapes Fair Trade Peru 18 lb. 43569 - Globe Grapes Fair Trade Peru 18 lb. ORGANIC BLUEBERRIES 44903 - OG Blueberries Fair Trade Arg 12-4.4 oz. BLUEBERRIES 10117 - CV Blueberries Fair Trade Chile 12/1 pt SUPPLY ANNOUNCEMENT Due to a recent freeze in vegetable growing areas in Yuma, Arizona and Southern California, please pardon occasional out of stocks on fresh lettuces and packaged salads. January 8, 2015 p U r a e P with USA Pears DISPLAY CONTEST IT’S TIME TO PEAR UP! 1 How to Enter: Build an eye-catch ing display o f Anjou, R ed Anjou, an d Bosc US A Pears! 2 Keep your super cool display up for at least one week (7 days) during January 15 – March 31, 2015. 3 of your a photo it m b u S ith the along w display SA rm to U entry fo dline of a e d the Pears by 015. ,2 April 15 EVERYBODY WINS! All who submit complete and eligible entries will receive a $20 Amazon Gift Card as a reward for participating! This national display contest is open to any store in the U.S. or Canada that wishes to participate. Void where prohibited by law or company policy. Prizes will be awarded per participant’s company policy. One entry per store location. Entries will be judged on a 100 point scale for appearance, creativity, and educational impact. See contest rules for details. f se ioze U r S Fombo s! Ju Pear 13 winners will be announced in each of the following categories: ............................. 1–5 cash registers ............................. 6 –9 cash registers ..................10 or more cash registers 39 WINNERS Need insPEARation? Pear Up with USA Pears POS Packs are available! Call 503-652-9720 or visit www.usapears.org/displaycontest.aspx to order your free pack. Limit one per store. $16,530 in prizes Winners in each store category will receive: • 1st Place: ..................................................... $1,000 • 2nd Place:....................................................... $750 • 3rd Place: ....................................................... $500 • 10 Honorable Mentions:......................... $150 each T H E Improve Your Pear Category with Pear Bureau Northwest’s Retail Training Program The Pear Bureau’s Pear Marketing and Merchandising Training program leads users through four courses focused on: • Location and Varieties • Handing and Receiving • Merchandising Best Practices • Nutrition The courses can be completed quickly and revisited while in progress. This interactive program increases category knowledge, and in turn, pear sales. Whether you’re a produce pro or a newbie, the program will show you and your department the latest promotional strategies and tactics to help boost pear sales. Successfully complete the training and you’ll be rewarded with a certificate of completion for your portfolio and an exclusive baseball cap! Start your training course now at www.usapears.org/training. JANUARY 8 - JANUARY 15, 2015 | WEEK 2 CONVENTIONAL MARKET NEWS LETTUCE SHORTAGE ALERT! Expect pro-rates on Iceberg and Romaine based Salads this month. The agricultural industry in Yuma, AZ is experiencing a very challenging winter season. Extended periods of above average temperatures brought a lot of Iceberg and Romaine product forward in December. Due to the above average temperatures, products matured significantly faster than the normal growing process, which, forced many growers to walk by available acres. There’s approximately fourteen weeks of Yuma left with only twelve weeks of supply. Supply will need to be managed through the remainder of the Yuma growing season. Iceberg Lettuce supplies are extremely limited. Pricing will remain high this week. Although we will do out best not to, there may be supply gaps for a day or two here or there. Some blister and peel should be expected. Supplies will likely remain limited for the next few weeks. Similar to Iceberg Lettuce, Romaine, Green Leaf, Red Leaf, and Romaine Heart supplies will be limited this week with increased pricing. It is difficult to load product and supplies are expected to remain light. Blister and peel is expected. Source: Dole Salads, Dole Vegetables & The Packer ......................................................................... CV STRAWBERRIES CV PEPPERS CV BROCCOLI & CAULIFLOWER FLORIDA: Cool weather at the end of the week slowed Strawberry production down slightly. It will help to increase size of the berries and quality will continue to be excellent. Prices will be slightly higher due to increased ad business. Green Pepper supply is steady from Florida and Mexico. We will source from both areas to cover demand. Pricing will be steady to lower this week. Broccoli supplies are extremely limited from the West coast and Florida. MEXICO: Strawberry supplies out of Mexico continue to be steady. Markets will remain steady keeping them competitive with Florida. 11 lb. Red, Yellow, and Orange Pepper supplies are steady with steady pricing. 15 lb. Red Peppers are also steady. 25 lb. Red, Yellow, and Orange Peppers are steady to lower pricing. Mini Mix Sweet Peppers are back in steady supply. Pricing will be higher this week as we will source Asian-cut Broccoli Crowns from Mexico to cover demand. Quality should be nice. Cauliflower supplies are limited, but quality is very nice. Pricing will be higher this week. JANUARY 8 - JANUARY 15, 2015 | WEEK 2 CV GREEN ONIONS CV EGGPLANT CV BRUSSELS SPROUTS Due to frost damage, Green Onion supplies are limited from reduced yields. Pricing will be steady to higher this week. Eggplant remains a good item to promote. Pricing will be steady this week with nice quality. Brussels Sprouts pricing is expected to remain steady to higher for the next few weeks. Supplies are limited due to transition from California to Mexico. Once Mexico ramps up, production pricing should come down. ............. ............. CV CUCUMBERS CV CARROTS CV IMPORT CLEMENTINES Cool weather in Mexico slowed production of Cucumbers. Demand is good, causing prices to bump up this week. We will source from Mexico and Florida to cover demand. California 1 lb., 2 lb., and 5 lb. Carrots are limited. Pricing will actually be steady on the “Dole” label, but higher by a bit on the off-labels (good quality though; mostly “Green Giant”). There are plenty of Clementines coming in from Spain and Morocco. Prices have a little flex downward on volume orders on the 5 lb. gift box and packers are taking advantage of the shortage of California fruit and are packing and getting a little higher price on the 10/3 lb. bags. There are “Jaffa” labeled Clementines from Israel available as well at a premium cost. Cello Wrapped Hothouse Cucumbers will be more limited the second half of the week. ............. ............. The industry is starting to transition from Hamlin Oranges to Pineapple Oranges, creating some price weakness on Hamlins. Grower/ shippers still have plenty of Hamlins to harvest and pack. Consensus among growers is mid-season Orange crop is short. If so, expect higher pricing going forward as packers restrict supplies so as not to gap in supply before Valencia Oranges arrive. CV CITRUS FLORIDA CITRUS There is not much to report on Red Grapefruit. Supplies and pricing remain steady with grower/shippers discounting larger sizes. Most Grapefruit shippers are packing middle and smaller sizes for export leaving an abundance of large fruit. Expect increased shipping activity as Red Grapefruit fits New Year’s profile of healthy eating resolutions. Old school variety Temple Oranges are available in small volumes this week, improving in the next 7-10 days. The Temple is one of the few varieties that seem resistant to greening disease. Quality reports from the field appear to be excellent. There is not much available in Tangerine supplies. A few grower/shippers have started to pack Honeys but do not expect significant volumes until week of 01/12/15. Demand greatly exceeds supplies and we expect this trend to continue throughout the deal. Quality appears to be very good on what is available. ............. . .CALIFORNIA . . . . . . CITRUS ..... After a brief scare from freezing temperatures last week, business is as usual as most Citrus growers/shippers felt little to no effect from the cold. The supplies on Navel Oranges, even larger sizes, are good and shows a little flex in pricing. The varietals, Caras, Blood Oranges, and Minneola Tangelos are in good supply as well. The Clementine Mandarin however, succumbed to the wet weather on the later crop, and many growers pulled the plug because of quality and are waiting for the next varieties of Mandarins, the Tango, shipping this week, and then the Murcott which will start in ten days to two weeks. Supplies will be light until then. The Lemon market still shows a range in prices, with some growers flexing on price top keep business from switching to cheaper imports from Spain, but others a pushing to hold the market. JANUARY 8 - JANUARY 15, 2015 | WEEK 2 IN OTHER NEWS: ................. CV WATERMELONS CV BANANAS CV ASPARAGUS Increased post Holiday demand has caused tight supplies on Bananas. Product is tight on all fruit including singles. Importers reduced arrivals due to holidays and are struggling to catch back up. This is expected to last another week to ten days with more fruit heading to the States. We will begin to see a slow down of Peruvian Asparagus as growers there know Mexico is going to ramp up quickly. Mexico has started in a limited way with most product going to export and staying on the West coast. Product is going to continue to increase over the next two to three weeks. We could see our first Mexican arrivals before the end of the month. ............. ............. Off shore Watermelon supplies have increased and should stay that way for the next few weeks. Full size and personals are available. Mexican full size supplies are steady as well. Markets will be down slightly this week. CV CANTALOUPES Cantaloupe supplies will remain tight this week on all sizes. Vessels continue to arrive, but demand is strong. Markets will hold steady until the pipeline can get refilled. CV HONEYDEW Just like cantaloupes, Honeydews remain limited. Sizing will continue to be smaller. There are deals available on Golden Honeydews. Sizing and quality are excellent. CV TOMATOES Beef Tomatoes are steady to firm pricing . Product is nice from Mexico. Vine Ripe Tomatoes are steady in supply from Florida with steady pricing. CV RASPBERRIES & BLACKBERRIES Rain and cooler weather in Mexico slowed Raspberry & Blackberry production down last week. The weather is expected to improve which will set the stage for good promotional opportunities for the end of the month into February. ............. CV BLUEBERRIES Good supplies are expected this week on Blueberries. Most of the fruit is arriving in pint containers. Continue to promote Blueberries for the month of January! ............. CV CLUSTER TOMATOES Cluster Tomatoes are finishing now and will be ready again in March. We will source from Mexico for now. The market is firm with good demand. CV ROMA TOMATOES Roma Tomatoes are limited from Florida and Mexico, especially Florida. Product will be steady to higher this week, with most supply from Mexico. CV CABBAGE New crop Cabbage from Florida is now available. Pricing is steady to lower with nice quality. CV SQUASH Green and Yellow Squash supplies and pricing are steady from both Mexico and Florida. CV RUSSET POTATOES CV COLOR POTATOES The Idaho Russet Potato market saw a small increase in prices for large cartons. This was mostly due to packaging facilities not being able to run when temperatures are below zero degrees. Temperatures in Idaho are expected to be normal or above normal for the next week or two. Both Russet Norkotah and Russet Burbank Potato varieties have good quality at this time. Demand for Red Potatoes is average, causing the price to hold steady for size and packs of Red Potatoes. Transportation is a challenge in all shipping regions at this time, and there is no sign of that changing soon. Red Potatoes are currently available from shippers in Wash., Idaho, Wis., Canada, the Red River Valley in N.D., and Colorado. Growers in southern Florida expect their crop to be available the week of Jan. 26, putting the crop about 10 days ahead of schedule. ................. For more info on what’s in season, check out producegeek.com!
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