News 11 January 2015 Morning Devotion PIC:Rev. Esther & Amos Date 13/1/2015(Tue) 14/1/2015 (Wed) 15/1/2015 (Thu) 16/1/2015 (Fri) Books Deuteronomy Deuteronomy Deuteronomy Deuteronomy Chapter 10 11 12 13 Essence of Sunday Sermon Words from Senior Pastor Knowledge - a prerequisite for victories A New Generation that Receives the Promise Deu chapter 1 The steering Committee and we had a 2-day ◎Rev. Esther Kong I. Walk out from the memory of shame (Deu 1: 1 - 2). Kadesh-barnea has the meaning of holiness. It was originally the entry point into the land of Canaan, God’s Promised Land to the people of Israel. But because of their lack of faith, disobedience and grumbles, they had lost the privilege to enter into this land. God does not require us to make a comprehensive plan but to believe in His promise. If the Israelites had had the faith, they would not fail and had to wait in shame for 40 years. Now, God wants them to walk out from shame and enter into the future. retreat. We felt very positive as it helped draw us closer together, with a much higher degree of openness, rapport and mutual acceptance. When we experience a break through in our relationship with God, and no longer fearful of Him, our relationships with people will also experience a corresponding break through. When our relationships with those who are closest to us, for example: spouses, children, parents and disciples, experience a break through, we will be empowered to lead disciples and the next generation, the atmosphere in the church will be much improved. Though problems may still remain, yet we would have now the life and power to confront them, and with much better results. As the saying goes : “When there is relationship, there will be no disconnection” . Within a relationally connected people group, many things can experience break through, bringing a sense of great hope. II. Follow the words of God (Deu 1: 3 – 5) Moses had used history to prove the truth in God’s word in order to build up the faith of the Israelites. 1) Overcame by fear (Deu 1: 19 – 21) The Israelites had lost the Promised Land because of their fear and despair. A) Rebelled against God’s command because of fear (Deu 1: 26) The Israelites had turned against God because of their weakness and fear. Fear is a scheme of the enemy to hinder us from advancing so that we miss out what God has prepared for us. There are things that adversely frustrate interpersonal relationships, e.g. fears of things or people, lack of faith for God or man; inferiority, low self esteem, thereby not willing to take the first step to connect with people; or perhaps due to pride, reluctant to be transparent; thinking instead he is infallible, no reason to say sorry even if wrong; little space to accept differences in others, etc. and all these will negatively affect cell group life. This year, Ps. Amos and I made a prayer, that the LORD will cause the whole of GA611 brothers and sisters to develop and enjoy very close relationships, be it husband and wife, or G-leader and his disciples, or Cell leader and his cell members, or between ministry teams. B) Had grudges because of fear (Deu 1: 27 – 28) Grudges bring negative emotions that will affect the surroundings and create an opening for the enemy that cause people to lose their faith in God and consequently lost God’s grace and blessing in vain. 2) Unbelieving heart (Deu 1: 29; 32) You would not be able to follow God closely and to experience His supernatural leadership in seemingly impossible situations if you do not trust Him completely. In the 2-day SCM Retreat, it was a very fruitful meeting to us. It sort of dawns on me that serving God can be so colorful and creative. This is not limited to ministries and service to one another, though this is important , other aspects must also not be neglected, and this will avoid getting into a life of regulations and rules. We had planned to do exercises together, but the frequent rains disrupted this plan. In the end, we chose to practice “towel exercises” indoor to worship music, to move and stretch our muscles. Besides, we conducted “DISC personality Test” , thus helping the group to understand better the individual personality traits and inclinations. God created all of us in a wonderful way, that every individual possesses very distinct personality traits, and each trait may have strength and weakness. For examples : D (Dominance)- a person with high D will tend to be forceful and demanding when facing pressures. I (Influence) - tends to be over-lenient; S (Steadiness)- tends to be self-compromising; C (Conscientiousness)- tends to be judgmental. In a team interactions, a person with D & I will show high energy to push forward, whilst a person with S&C will be slower etc… If persons with different personality traits are able to break out from own limitation, and serve God in collaboration with one another, one can only anticipate extraordinary impact from such team work. 3) Follow with a faithful heart will inherit the land (Deu 1: 36; 38) Joshua and Caleb were the only adults at that time to be able to enter into the Promised Land because they had followed the Lord closely. Through humble faith they had hold on to God who eventually led them into the abundance He had prepared and had called them to inherit the land. III. Humbly confess and repent from sin (Deu 1: 40) God had waited for the rebellious generation to pass on for the purpose that the new generation would have an opportunity to confess their sins, repent and to turn back to God. Not only God had mercy and refrained from punishing them, He had allowed them to inherit the land. God’s nature is to first grace then truth. We must always humbly come before God, to confess and repent from sin. God will certainly hear our prayers, bless us as well as help us. ■ 【This sermon message was delivered on Dec 28, 2014. Edited by Sec. of There is the Chinese saying, “Knowledge is the prerequisite for victories”. Mutual understanding, acceptance in Christ with mutual affirmation within a Cell, that will predispose the Cell Group to revival. When a church has God, the Holy Spirit and disciples, it is poised for break through and revival. editors】 As I listened to my core co-workers sharing their individual life awakening and break through experiences in 2014, I give thanks to God for them, because they had all boldly taken steps to reflect upon their lives, receiving self realization at different levels, and remained desirous of being molded by God to become a vessel fit for God’s use. This is a precious characteristic. If more bros. and sis. be willing to welcome life transparency, allow awakening in life, be ready to experience break through, the spiritual influence of a church will be greatly enhanced. ■ Special announcement: Prayer Tabernacle Rooftop 10 week-Renovation Work has commenced on 24/11. Affected areas will be as follows: the covered gardens on both wings, VIP room, baby room, male and female toilets, reception hall and Multi-purpose hall. Brothers and sisters please be extra cautions of your own safety. 2 Pastoral Zone — Announcement Announcements 1. GASK Children Church would like to recruit Cell Leaders or Cell Group members who love and desire to learn to minister to children, willing to develop ministry potentials, to be part of the GASK Ministry Team and to serve in the Naioth Wonderland, Saturdays 2.30-5pm, Dataran Hamodal / Kebar. Enquiries: Ps Christina Chu, (012-2009543) GA611 Welcomes You A very warm welcome to our new friends, brothers and sisters in the Lord who are here in GA for the first time. May God personally bless you, fill you greatly with His love, joy and peace, and grant you life abundance. We also welcome brothers and sisters to attend any of our cell groups so that we may grow up together in the Lord. You are cordially invited for a cup of tea at the Reception Hall, which is open every Sunday at 10:30~11:00am. GA611 once welcomes you, FOREVER welcomes you! 2. GA Youth Teacher Recruitment Target: age 18 and above, have passion towards youth (age 13-17), and willing to pasture them with commitment. Enquires: IP. Clement Lee 1. VIP Luncheon, 17&24/1 (Sat), 1-3pm, Dataran Hamodal / Hepzibah. Target: Newcomers of Christmas Evangelism (New believer or non believer), fee: RM15 each (FOC for new comers), to be combined with New Spirit Worship. Closing date: 11/1/ (Sun). Enquiries: Ps. Jane Chin (017-2971611) / sis. Victoria Chen Pastoral Zone’s Service Schedule Sun 2. KVPF Overnight Prayer Meeting, 16/1 (11pm) - 17/1 (6am), Tabernacle. Encourage all brothers and sisters to participate. Enquiries: IP Elijah Ooi 3. PowerPoint Class, 24/1 (Sat), 11am-12.30pm, Dataran Hamodal / Tyrannus 1. Enquiries: sis Dorcas Choong This course helps on learning the skills of preparing a good and strong PowerPoint, various techniques in PowerPoint animation and others use of PowerPoint, eg: making a video. Encourage all participants to bring along own laptop with Microsoft Office PowerPoint. Time 8:30am 8:30am 11:00am 11:00am Tue 10:30am Sat 10:30am 3:00pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 4. Encounter Camp, 31/1 (Sat), 9am-5pm. Dataran Hamodal / Tyrannus 1. The Encounter Weekend Camp is like the first milestone marking the beginning of a Christian’s new life. Participants in this Camp will get to know the nature of the Heavenly Father, able to touch the heart of the Father, thus experiencing the Father’s embrace through the sacrificial love of the Lord Jesus Christ. Enquiries: sis. Joyce Chan (017-5040052) 5:00pm 7:00pm Cheras Blessed Land contact details 5. “Bring the whole tithe into my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.” (Malachi 4:6) Tithe is the key to a blessed life. Let’s us participate in tithe offering, so that the window of heaven full of blessing and prosperity can be opened for us. Zone Adult Service GA Star kids Adult Service GA Star kids Rose of Sharon (Ladies) Cedar Pastoral Zone (Elders) New Spirit Worship Naoith GA Youth Night Adult Service Cheras Blessed Land Venue Tabernacle D. Hamodal Tabernacle D. Hamodal P.I.C Rev. Esther Kong Ps Christina Chu Rev. Esther Kong Ps Christina Chu MPH IP. Irene Koh Machpelah Ps. Ezra Lee Hephzibah Ps. Joel Chang Machpelah MPH Ps Christina Chu Ps. Ezekiel Chong Hephzibah Rev. Esther Kong Cheras Ps. Deborah Soo Address: 36B, Jln Mutiara Barat Raya, Tmn Mutiara Barat, 56000 KL. Tel: 016-2204071 Weekly Prayer Time A) Please proceed to the service counter after service to collect the Tithe Envelope. The registration number remains the same. B) Brothers and sisters who have yet to offer tithe or tithe regularly are encouraged to register themselves at the service counter. Date 12/1 (Mon) Time 7:30am 3:00pm Prayer Slot Morning Prayer Evening Prayer P. I. C. Bro. David Chang Bro. Asaph Wong 13/1 (Tue) 10.30am Elderly Prayer Meeting Evening Prayer Praise & Worship Nations Church & Families Ps. Ezra Lee Sin Choy 14/1 (Wed) 6. The 40th Baptism, 8/2 (Sun), 2:15-4:15pm, Tabernacle/Reception Hall. Requirement: Completion of “New Believer” course. Cell leaders please take note and encourage new believers to register. Closing date: 1/2 (Sun). Enquiries: Ps. Deborah Soo 7. 2015 GA611 Sweet Bible Reading Total Mobilization, 13/1-29/9 Honey Bible, Sweet to the heart, Sticky to the soul! “The fear of the LORD is pure, enduring forever. The decrees of the LORD are firm, and all of them are righteous. They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the honeycomb. ” (Psa 19: 9-10 ) Jewish family values the importance of Scripture studying. When children begin their reading the Scriptures, they will lick the alphabets of the words spread over with honey. As a result, their first taste of the Scripture is that God’s words are “ sweet”! In 2015, let’s mobilize the whole family to taste the sweetness of the Bible and embrace His overflowing favor and wisdom! Enquiries: sis. Catherine Eng (03-79567709) P.I.C. : Ps Sarah Chang 03-7955 0611 15/1 (Thu) 16/1 (Fri) 18/1 (Sun) 3:00pm 8:00pm 9:00am 11:00am Bro. Samuel Khor IP. Helen Fung Ps. George Sis. Grace Tang 2:00pm Healing & Deliverance Co-worker Ruth Chen Dept 8:30pm Onething 9:15am 11:00am 3:00pm 3:00pm 7:30am GATI Israel GASK MG12 Prayer Dept Morning Prayer Ps. Sarah Chang/ IP. Elijah Ooi Bro. Stephen Ong IP. Irene Koh Ps. Christina Chu Ps. Sarah Chang Bro. David Cheah VIP Luncheon 17th & 24th January Lunch Gifts Sharing Fun Time Words of Blessing Prayer 8. Congratulations to bro. Lew Shin Yin and sis. Yee Chai Yoon (Cell member of bro. Alan Chung and sis. Tina Lai) for God’s favour to have bestowed upon them a daughter, Nathalie Lew Kai Ee on the 3 of December. Both the mother and the baby are well. May the love and protection of God always be in the family. 3 Prayer Focus Love God With All Your Heart, Soul and Strength Materials for this week’s altar building: Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates. (Deu 6:4-9 ) Uphold the VIP Luncheon that will take place on 17 and 24 January in prayer. Proclaim that any dark forces that attempts to stop our new friends from knowing Jesus will be banished. Pray for God’s help to be present in every church ministry and discipleship. May God grant unity in the spirit. 3. Daughter Churches 1. Israel Pray for God’s love, wisdom, and power be upon every daughter Pray for the leaders of Israel as they prepare for the elections in March. church. May God’s purpose be served in their lives, and through their lives, bring GC611: Pray for the Chinese ministry that has just begun. May God about unity and goodness to the country. grant them the ability to multiply and be fruitful. Pray for the Jewish and Arab Christians in Israel, especially the pastors GN611: Pray that God will grant Pastor David and his wife the wisdom and ministry leaders. May God use them greatly, and that they’ll be able and ability to lead a discipleship group. to influence the spirit of Israel powerfully. Pray for the Christians who are being persecuted in the Middle East as 4. Nation well as other Muslim areas. Pray especially for the Christians who are Pray that God’s mighty hand will shake all churches, so that each and being persecuted in Iraq and Syria by terrorist group ISIS. every one of us will be mindful that this is the time to pray and watch over God’s land that has been entrusted upon us. 2. Church Pray that God will fill our church with more of His love through the Holy 5. Individual Spirit, and grant us wisdom and revelation so as to teach our next gener May the Holy Spirit draw us to a deeper experience of God’s love, so ation on ways to following Him closely. Building Altars and Offer Up Sacrifices, Setting Up 24-7 Morning Devotion (7:30-9:00am) ◎ January - February Church Activity ◎ Evening Devotion (3:00 - 4:30pm) Enquiries: IP. Elijah Ooi GA611 Education & Equipping Dept PIC : sis. Donna Chen Venue: D. Hamodal Only for bro & sis of GA611 BOL. Courses Date of Class Fees Time Condition 12 <Army of Christ> 11, 18, 25/1 ; 1 & 8/2 (Every Sun) RM10 (5 Class) 9:15am10.30am Compulsory Keys To Visitation 25/1 ; 1 & 8/2 (Every Sun) RM10 (3 Class) 11am1pm Open to brothers and sisters th Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 KVPF Overnight Prayer VIP Luncheon 18 20 21 22 23 24 VIP Luncheon 25 *Note: <Grow> : Growing Toward Matured, <Army> : Army Of Christ 19 26 27 28 29 30 31 Encounter Camp 1/2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Baptism 29/12/2014 - 4/1/2015 Attendance & Offering Report Attd S e r v i c e Cell RM Attd Sun Adults (8:30am) 229 Fri Devotion 173 Tithe 94,914.00 Target Sun Adults (11am) 305 Prayer for last week 51 Cash 7,869.20 RM280,000 Sat Night Service 81 MG12 3 8 Tabernacle 15,032.50 Cedar Service 67 267 Israel 1,005.00 57 Open Cell New Spirit Worship 44 No. of salvation in this week 81 Rose of Sharon 38 Accumulated no. of Salvation in 2014 177 Cheras Blessed Land 33 Accumulated no. of baptiser in 2014 24 GA Youth GA Star Kids (8:30am) GA Star Kids (11am) 54 Naoith 15 ThanksO giving f f Mission e r Others i n g Mission Fund 25,522.50 670.00 110.00 Offering Received RM50,323.00 Expenses RM75,794.30 Cheque payable to: GA611 Bread of Life Centre. For those who wish to get the offerings receipt, kindly get it from the reception counter on the 2nd week of the month with Sis Hoon Lin. The followings are the various accounts with their purposes:1. Public Bank 3-13317-3103 : Offerings, Tithes, Bread Of Life Station & Miscellaneous 2. Public Bank 3-13317-3334 : Only for Land, Building Project & Tabernacle 3. Maybank 5-12334-30127-6 : GA Education & Equipping Dept & GATI 70 70 Happy Olive 14 Total 1010 Total 145,123.20 Online Fund Transfer Steps: 1. Indicate your offering number and type of offering in the “recipient reference”. 2. Please provide the receipt to us by using the ready envelope and offer into the offering bag.
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