Volume 72 Number 2 January 11, 2015 Baptism of Our Lord CONSECRATION SUNDAY! Today is Consecration Sunday. In worship, we will ask all gathered to make a financial commitment to St. Matthew’s mission, ministry and outreach for 2015! Why are we doing this? We believe that biblical financial stewardship is a way for all of us to grow spiritually in our relationship with God! Our gifts are not dues, membership fees or bill payments. Our gifts reflect our understanding and faith as disciples of Jesus Christ and our answer to this question: “What is God calling me to give with joy and thanksgiving in response to all that God gives to me?” Pastor Glenn Miller will be our guest preacher. ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING SCHEDULE FOR SUNDAY, JANUARY 25TH, 2015 9:30 AM - Combined Worship Service in the Auditorium 10:45 AM - Brunch Served in the Folkemer Fellowship Hall 12:00 Noon – Annual Meeting in the Auditorium This will provide a great opportunity for us to gather as one congregational family on the day of our annual meeting – A time of sharing, prayer and discernment as one body in Christ! PLEASE COMPLETE THE REGISTRATION FORM BELOW AND TURN IT IN TO THE CHURCH OFFICE TODAY!! ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... Name ________________________________ Total # Attending __________ Number needing a gluten free meal_________ Number of Children __________ ST. MATTHEW BROADCASTER (USPS 516-380) – Published each week by St. Matthew Lutheran Church, York, PA. Publication office:839 West Market St., York, PA 17401-3607. Susan Masenheimer, Editor. Periodicals postage paid at York, PA 17405. POSTMASTER: “ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED” To St. Matthew Broadcaster, 839 West Market St., York, PA 17401-3607. 717-845-2721. WELCOME TO ST. MATTHEW EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH 1/11/15 Traditional Worship – 8:00 and 11:00 AM (Nave) Contemporary Worship – 9:00 AM (Auditorium) If you are our guest this morning, we welcome you! Please sign the attendance register and include your address. Worship at 11:00 AM Broadcast Live on Radio WOYK 1350 AM or www.woyk1350.com HEARING ASSISTANCE RECEIVERS are available and are located at the West entrance to the Nave prior to worship services. LARGE PRINT WORSHIP MATERIALS are also available at all entrances. An usher will assist you. CHILD CARE PAGERS are available for parents of small children. See a member of the child care staff. Prelude Baptized in Water-Ashdown Welcome *Confession & Forgiveness *Gathering Song # 456 Baptized in Water *Greeting *Hymn of Praise Glory to God *Prayer of the Day First Reading Acts 19:1-7 *Gospel Acclamation *Gospel Reading Mark 1:4-11 Children’s Dialogue Sermon Pastor Glenn Miller *Hymn of the Day # 793 Be Thou My Vision *Nicene Creed *Prayers of Intercession *Peace Act of Consecration Hymn of Consecration *Offering Prayer *Dialogue *Preface *Communion Acclamation *Thanksgiving Prayer *Lord’s Prayer *Lamb of God Communion Distribution Music During Communion Washed Anew *Prayer after Communion *Blessing *Sending Song # 543 Go, My Children *Dismissal *Postlude Voices Raised to You-Rowland-Raybold ASSISTING MINISTERS: 8:00, 9:00 & 11:00 AM Musicians: (8:00) Clair Starner, cantor; Rise & Shine Choir (9:00) Shelly Shoff, Bill Steel, song leaders; Praise Band (11:00) Pat Snyder, cantor; Bread of Life Ensemble; Chancel Choir Acolytes: (8:00) Jonathan Rowe, James Fischer (11:00) Ethan Fogleman Altar: (8:00) Cheryl Brenneman, Karen Miller (9:00) Deborah Goodling, Kay Reigart (11:00) Beth Fogleman, Bev Grove Communion Assistants: (8:00) Ellen & Bob Ehlenbeck (9:00) Marsha Fuhrman, Missy Markey, Chad Walker, Ben Olewiler (11:00) Faith Uhler-Myers, Rachel Hamme Ushers: (8:00) Rodney Anderson, Sherry & Fern Bressler, Gloria & Kevan Burke, Curvin Eisenhart, Sue & Dave Folkemer, Linda Knotwell (9:00) Susan & Cliff Lynd Jr., Linda & Jack McIntyre, Emilie & Joe Reed (11:00) Barb Grove, Felicia & Chris Grove, Michelle Grove, Bob Senft, Darlene & Tom Senft, Frank Shaffer, John Hamme, Philip Hamme, Diane Wolf Children’s Dialogue: Carol Hovis Library Aide: Elizabeth Senft Coffee Fellowship: Anthony Gonzalez Welcome Team: Linda Henze, Carol Weaver, Ann & Skip Wagman, Evie & Chuck Long, Suzanna & Andy Erdley Scan this code for online giving to St. Matthew COOKIE WALK RESULTS!! The youth raised over $800.00 at the Cookie Walk Event. It was a HUGE success!! Thank you to all who baked cookies and also those who purchased cookies. We will host this event again th December 12 , 2015 from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall. Get it on your calendar now!! Thanks again. DON’T FORGET SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL 10:00 AM FOR ALL AGES As a good steward of God’s creation, St. Matthew Lutheran Church recycles paper. Please help us by leaving paper worship materials at your seat or by using the blue recycling bins located at the exits. RADIO MINISTRY SPONSORS 11:00 AM BROADCAST ON RADIO WOYK 1350 AM AND WWW.WOYK1350.COM To the Glory of God and: In loving memory of Lavern H. and Miriam E. (Folkemer) Brenneman on their wedding th anniversary, January 15 . Sponsored by Jim and Mary Jane Brenneman and family. THIS WEEK’S BROADCASTER To the Glory of God and: th In loving honor of the 14 birthday of our grandson, Devyn Kaimalu Harmon. Sponsored by Frank and Carolyn Shaffer. nd In honor of mother Betty L. Knott on her 92 th birthday which was January 5 and in loving memory of father Glenn L. Knott on his January th 7 birthday. Sponsored by their daughter and son-in-law Deb and Larry Shimmel. THIS WEEK’S FLOWERS To the Glory of God and: In loving memory of my parents, Mason and Lottie Kindig; and in honor of my daughters, Jane and Jennel; great-grandson, Cameron; and great-granddaughter, Payton, whose birthdays are in January. Placed by Nancy Bishop and family. ST. MATTHEW BOOK REVIEW GROUP Our next book to review is “Finding God in a Bag of Groceries: Sharing Food, Discovering Grace” written by author Laura Lapins Willis. If your pantry was empty, your children hungry, your electric cut off for nonpayment and you saw no prospect of support, what would you do? For a decade in a rural Tennessee community, you went to a shabby building behind a church and found Laura Willis running a program to help the needy. Laura discovered a world of people she never knew, the lonely and unemployed, chronically poor families and middle-class folks surprised to be struggling in a great recession. And to each, she offered a bag of groceries, a compassionate ear and a heart of love. To order the book, call Carolyn Shaffer. PKS CORNER Today is Consecration Sunday. During worship, we’ll have the opportunity and the privilege of offering our financial giving intentions for 2015. This is an opportunity and privilege for the gifts we give are holy things, given by God to us for the benefit of ourselves and others within and beyond our church to the community and the world! Please do look upon this experience in a good and inspiring way. As the prayer indicates: “Merciful Father, we offer with joy and thanksgiving, what you have FIRST given us: OURSELVES, OUR TIME AND OUR POSSESSIONS! Thank you God! KTS COFFEE FELLOWSHIP Garrison Keillor said, “Lutherans drink coffee as if it were the Third Sacrament,” If we wish to continue our coffee drinking and fellowship opportunities on Sunday mornings, volunteers are needed! PLEASE check the schedule on the coffee counter. There are many available weeks from which to choose. Those of you who have provided for this ministry in the past (and continue to do so) are very much appreciated! If you would like to help but feel you need some assistance, please feel free to contact me. Thank you very much, Barbara Good HOMEBOUND MEMBER BIRTHDAY Please remember in prayer and with cards these St. Matthew Homebound members who celebrate their birthdays in FEBRUARY: NO BIRTHDAYS THIS MONTH 2015 TIDINGS SCHEDULE FOR ARTICLES & PHOTOGRAPHS. Forward your information to Deb & Randy Gutacker at [email protected]. th January 25 for the Feb./Mar. issue. th March 25 for the Apr./May issue. th May 25 for the June/July issue. th July 25 for the Aug./Sept. issue. th September 25 for the Oct. /Nov. issue. st November 21 for the Dec./Jan. issue. Please be aware, from time to time St. Matthew photographers will be taking photos or videos of church events. These could be used in church publications and the St. Matthew website. PERIODICALS THIS WEEK AT ST. M ATTHEW th SUNDAY JANUARY 11 7:15 AM: Praise Band Rehearsal, Auditorium 8:00 AM: Contemporary Choir Rehearsal, Auditorium nd 3:00 PM: 2 Sundae Organ Concert, Nave 4:30 PM: Kingdom Choir Rehearsal, Room 7 4:30 PM: League Choir Rehearsal, Room 6 5:30 PM: Luther League, Fellowship Hall, Youth C. th MONDAY, JANUARY 12 6:45 PM: Women’s Volleyball, Gym 7:00 PM: Boy Scouts Troop #23, Room 13 7:30 PM: Linda McIntyre ChristCare, Member’s Home th TUESDAY, JANUARY 13 6:45 PM: Grief Share Support Group, Room 12 7:00 PM: St. Matthew Men’s Basketball, Gym th WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14 7:00 AM: Men’s Faith Sharing Breakfast, Lyndon 9:30 AM: WELCA Circle #1 Bible Study, Room 203 10:15 AM: Wednesday Morning Bible Study, Parlor 1:00 PM: Staff Meeting, Parlor 1:30 PM: St. Matthew Painter’s Class, Room 6 7:00 PM: Men’s Bible Study, Gathering Space th THURSDAY, JANUARY 15 PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Kevin T. Shively Lead Pastor Rev. Keith C. Fair Associate Pastor Rev. William C. Sowers Interim Visitation Pastor ASSOCIATES IN MINISTRY Debbie N. Frey Christian Education Director Jonathan A. Noel Music Director/Organist Danelle M. Newman Youth Director PASTOR EMERITUS The Reverend Dr. E. Gordon Ross 7:00 PM: Chancel Choir Rehearsal, Room 7 th SATURDAY, JANUARY 16 3:30 PM: Men’s Basketball League, Gym th BROADCASTER INFO DUE FOR JANUARY 25 SNOW CLOSINGS When the weather outside is frightful, here’s where to turn to find out what’s happening at St. Matthew with cancellations, etc. Television Stations: WGAL (NBC 8), WPMT (FOX 43), WHTM (ABC 27), WLYH (CW 15) WHP (CBS 21). Radio Stations: WROZ FM 101 “The Rose”, WARM 103 FM, WSOX 96.1 FM, WJTL 90.3 FM, WSBA 910 AM Internet: St. Matthew Web Site: www.stmatt.org or the St. Matthew Facebook Page. Unless inclement weather happens on a Sunday, church updates are not top priority and will not be listed on TV or announced on the radio but, they will be listed on our website and Facebook page. DAILY BIBLE READINGS Mon: Psalm 69:1-5, 30-36 Tues: Acts 22:2-16 Wed: Isaiah 41:14-20 Thurs: Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18 Fri: Acts 13:16-25 Sat: 1 Samuel 2:21-25 OUR HOMEBOUND MEMBERS The church office maintains a list of homebound members of St. Matthew so that they may be visited by our Pastors and the Eucharistic Ministers who have been trained and commissioned by the church to administer Holy Communion. Occasionally a member may become homebound and the church is not made aware of their situation. If you know of a member of St. Matthew who is homebound (permanently or temporarily) and would like a visit and/or communion, please call the church office at 845-2721.Thank you very much. ST. MATTHEW EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH 839 West Market Street York, PA 17401-3607 Visit us on the web at www.stmatt.org (717) 845-2721 FAX (717) 845-3476 e-mail us at [email protected]
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