APPLICATION FORM WorkPro is jointly developed by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and the Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA), in consultation with the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) and the Singapore National Employers Federation (SNEF). The scheme aims to augment local manpower, foster progressive workplaces and strengthen the Singaporean core in our workforce. WorkPro provides funding support and assistance for employers to adopt age management practices, facilitates job redesign and improve workplace practices, as well as incentives to encourage the recruitment and retention of local employees, in particular the back-to-work locals and mature workers. NTUC and SNEF are the only official Programme Partners appointed to market and administer WorkPro. Interested applicants should approach only *NTUC/SNEF (*delete where appropriate) for assistance and advice to apply for WorkPro. This is a free service at NO cost to all applicants. Only applications made by the applicants themselves and submitted to *NTUC/SNEF (*delete where appropriate) will be recognised and considered for funding under WorkPro. Applications made by private consultants or external parties who act on the applicant‟s behalf will not be entertained. Please fill up all fields under Business Entity Information, indicate your areas of interest and furnish all relevant and supporting documents required for the application. We seek your understanding in the application process which may take up to eight weeks. Thank you. Business Entity Information Registered Name of Business Entity: Mailing Address: Name / Designation of Contact Person: ACRA Number: Contact Number: Email Address: Is your business entity unionised? Yes No Total number of employees (includes work pass holders): Industry Sector Business Activity: Owns one or / more subsidiaries: Yes No Has one or more sister companies Yes No Number of Singapore Citizens (SCs) employees: Number of Singapore Permanent Residents (SPRs) employees: My business entity is a Small Medium Enterprise (SME), defined as an enterprise with annual sales turnover of not more than $100 million or employing no more than 200 employees: Yes No Version 1.7 effective as at 7 January 2015 Page 1 of 18 Please indicate your areas of interest in A, B, C, D and their corresponding areas, you may tick more than one component. Please refer to the WorkPro factsheet for more information on each component. You will also need to furnish the relevant information in the respective Annexes depending on the areas selected. A. B. Age Management Grant Fair Employment Practices Performance Management Multi-generational Workforce Training / Re-training of Mature Workers Workplace Well-Being Programmes Re-employment All of the above C. Job Redesign Grant For mature workers D. Recruitment & Retention Incentives for Mature Workers and Back-toWork locals Work-Life Grant (i.e. 40 years & above) For back-to-work locals* Consultancy Equipments / Automation Work process re-engineering Training of newly-hired workers HR policies / systems All of the above Developmental Grant Pilot flexible work arrangements (FWAs) Formalise FWAs Implement selected employee support schemes such as lactation facility All of the above FWA Incentive Apply for incentive On-the-Job Training (OJT) Allowance **New Hire Retention Incentive (NHRI) Mentorship Allowance (optional) All of the above FWA *Under WorkPro, back-to-work locals refer to Singapore Citizen (SCs) or Singapore Permanent Residents (SPRs) aged 30 and above and have not been working for the past three months or more. Mature workers refer to SCs or SPRs aged 40 years and above. **Employers must first tap on either the Age Management Grant, Job Redesign Grant or Work-Life Grant to apply for NHRI. Referred by: NTUC Women‟s Development Secretariat NTUC ULive WDA (Please specify name of WDA division: CET Centres (Please specify name of CET Centre: Version 1.7 effective as at 7 January 2015 Page 2 of 18 e2i SNEF ) ) Annex A: Age Management Grant Please complete this section if you are applying for the Age Management Grant. The Age Management Grant is intended to benefit mature workers who are SCs or SPRs. Profile of Mature Workers as at Date of Application (I) Existing Employee(s) Aged 40 – 54 No. Name (As in NRIC) NRIC No. Gender Age SC or SPR Worker’s highest qualification (eg. ‘O’ levels, Diploma etc) Worker’s gross monthly salary (in S$) – please choose one of the following(a, b, c, d or e): (a)$0 - $1500 (b)$1501 - $1900 (c)$1901 - $3000 (d)$3001 - $4500 (e)$4500 and above Worker’s highest qualification (eg. ‘O’ levels, Diploma etc) Worker’s gross monthly salary (in S$) – please choose one of the following(a, b, c, d or e): (a)$0 - $1500 (b)$1501 - $1900 (c)$1901 - $3000 (d)$3001 - $4500 (e) $4500 and above (II) Existing Employee(s) Aged 55 and Above No. Name (As in NRIC) NRIC No. Version 1.7 effective as at 7 January 2015 Page 3 of 18 Gender Age SC or SPR Pre-Application for Age Management Grant Please give a short write-up of the age management practices that you intend to put in place using the template provided, and how the Age Management Grant will be utilised. You may seek advice on the list of age management practices from WorkPro‟s Programme Partners – NTUC and SNEF at no cost. You are encouraged to check with NTUC/SNEF on the type of eligible practices/courses before you proceed to embark on the practices/courses. You are required to submit a pre-application report together with this WorkPro – Age Management Grant application form. Please provide a short write-up of the age management practices that you intend to adopt. Your proposal should include all of the following: i. What is the current situation of your business operations and areas of age management that the business entity plans to adopt and why? ii. Describe briefly how the age management activities or practices will be implemented. iii. How do you plan to encourage your mature workers and employees to participate in the practices? iv. How will the practices be communicated to your employees including mature workers? Version 1.7 effective as at 7 January 2015 Page 4 of 18 Annex B: Job Redesign Grant Please complete this section if you are applying for the Job Redesign Grant. The Job Redesign Grant is intended to benefit mature workers or back-to-work locals who are SCs or SPRs. Please refer to the WorkPro factsheet on items that can be supported under the Job Redesign Grant. (I) Proposal of Job Redesign for Mature Workers1 (a) Breakdown of mature workers to be recruited and retained through the Job Redesign Grant Number of new mature workers aged 40 and above to be recruited (with at least one year contract term) and to benefit from the job redesign Number of existing mature workers aged 55 and above to be retained and to benefit from the job redesign Please give a short write-up of the job redesign initiatives. Your proposal should include the following: (i) Current situation and problem/issue (ii) Proposed job redesign (iii) Describe how the job redesign will improve mature workers‟ productivity2 (iv) Other benefits of the job redesign for mature workers and/or business entity 1 2 Mature workers refer to SCs or SPRs aged 40 and above. For instance, reduction in inputs needed (financial/cost, time, manpower) or increases in output or quality. Version 1.7 effective as at 7 January 2015 Page 5 of 18 (b) Cost of redesign project (Please note that GST is not funded under WorkPro) S/N Item(s) Project Objective(s) Quantity Unit Total Cost w/o Cost w/o GST (S$) GST (S$) (II) Proposal of Job Redesign for Back-to-work Locals3 (a) Breakdown of employees to be recruited and retained through the Job Redesign Grant Number of back-to-work locals to be recruited (with at least one year contract term) and to benefit from the job redesign Number of existing employees to benefit from job redesign Please give a short write-up of the job redesign initiatives and your proposal needs to include the following: (i) Current situation (ii) Proposed job redesign (iii) Describe how the job redesign will improve the back-to-work locals‟ productivity4 (iv) Other benefits of the job redesign for the back-to-work locals and/or business entity 3 Back-to-work locals refer to SCs or SPRs aged 30 and above and have not been working for the past three months or more. 4 For instance, the improvements in inputs (financial/cost, time, manpower savings) or increases in output or quality. Version 1.7 effective as at 7 January 2015 Page 6 of 18 (b) Cost of Job Redesign Project (Please note that GST is not funded under WorkPro) S/N Item(s) Project Objective(s) Quantity Unit Total Cost w/o Cost w/o GST (S$) GST (S$) Job Redesign Evaluation Report Before you can claim for the second tranche of the Job Redesign Grant, you must submit a job redesign evaluation report. The report should detail the job redesign project being carried out by your business entity and the outcomes of the project. A template for reference will be provided together with your Letter of Offer. Version 1.7 effective as at 7 January 2015 Page 7 of 18 Annex C: Work-Life Grant Please complete this section if you are applying for the WorkPro Work-Life Grant. Work-Life Ambassador You are required to appoint a work-life ambassador from the senior management who will be responsible for championing a work-life friendly workplace and communicating the business‟s work-life policies to employees. Please provide the details of the work-life ambassador below. i) Name iii) Contact Number (I) ii) Designation iv) Email Developmental Grant for Employers Is your business entity a beneficiary of the Work-Life Works! (WoW!) Fund before 1 April 2013? Yes No Project Details (a) As part of the Developmental Grant project, you will be required to pilot at least two new types of flexible work arrangements (FWAs) or substantially enhance two existing FWAs (or a combination of both). Please provide a short write-up on (i) needs analysis; (ii) proposed FWA pilot; (iii) description of how the new and/or substantially enhanced FWAs will benefit your employees; (iv) implementation plan; and a (v) communication plan. (i) Needs Analysis You are required to conduct a needs analysis for your business entity before implementing any FWAs. *You may refer to for guidelines on implementing FWAs. At the space below, please provide a short description on the following: Current situation (including business model and operations) How will the proposed FWAs fit into your business strategies? What issues/gaps are you trying to address by implementing the FWAs? Version 1.7 effective as at 7 January 2015 Page 8 of 18 (ii) Proposed FWA Pilot In the box below, please provide a short description on the FWAs you wish to pilot (e.g. flexi-time, what is the time band offered to the employees etc) Flexi-time Employees can vary their working time to suit their work and personal commitments so long as they work the total hours agreed for an accounting period – usually a week or month – in the office. For e.g., staggered hours. Criteria: Staggered hours is a form of flexi-time. In such an arrangement, employers usually provide employees with the flexibility to vary their start and end times by at least a two-hour time band i.e., employees can start work between 7am and 9am, and end work accordingly. Flexi-place Employees perform work at their own choice of location other than the office, e.g. in the employees‟ home etc. The employee may be required to spend certain „core‟ times or days in the office to stay in touch with developments in the organisation. Criteria: Employees must be allowed the flexibility to work away from the office at least 24 times in a year (or its equivalence). Part-time Criteria: Employees normally work for less than 35 hours a week. This includes those who work halfdays or only some days per week, but excludes employees on compressed work-weeks, as well as casual or temporary staff. Other FWAs Please provide details. Estimated number of employees that will benefit from the FWAs (Note: to qualify for the incentive, employers must ensure that at least 10% of the total workforce, or a minimum of five employees try out the FWAs (whichever is higher) for at least three months) (iii) Benefits of the New and/or Substantially Enhanced FWAs to Employees At the space below, please include details on the group(s) of employees who will benefit from the FWAs (e.g., administrative, operations, sales etc) and how the FWAs address their work-life needs. Version 1.7 effective as at 7 January 2015 Page 9 of 18 Group(s) of employees benefitting from the FWAs How will the FWAs address the mentioned employees‟ work-life needs (iv) Implementation Plan Please provide a brief description on how the FWAs indicated above will be implemented, including the people involved in implementing the projects, the actual steps to be taken, project timeline etc. People involved in the project implementation Actual steps to be taken Project timeline Others (v) Communication Plan Please provide details on how the FWAs will be communicated to the employees How will the FWAs be communicated to the employees? What are the communication and feedback channels that will be used? Communication timeline Version 1.7 effective as at 7 January 2015 Page 10 of 18 (b) If you intend to implement employee support schemes as part of the project, please include the details below: Employee Support Schemes Details Employee support schemes E.g. Lactation room, family care room (c) Project Expenditure Breakdown (Please note that GST is not funded under WorkPro) Item(s) Project Objective(s) Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost w/o GST (S$) w/o GST (S$) Work-life training5 (compulsory) Total (d) (Optional) Work-Life Consultancy You may engage a work-life consultant (an external third party) to provide assistance and advice on work-life issues. Only consultancy fees charged by Work-Life Grant approved consultants listed on NTUC, SNEF and MOM websites will be eligible for reimbursement under the Developmental Grant. Consultant Company (e) Formalisation of the Piloted FWAs into Human Resource (HR) policies Do you have any intention at this point in time to formalise the piloted FWAs into your HR policy? Yes No Please note that you will qualify for additional payout of $10,000 if you formalise the piloted FWAs into your HR policy. You will be required to submit evidence of the FWAs formalisation that will include items such as communication materials to all employees and an updated employee handbook at a later stage. 5 Refer to NTUC, SNEF and MOM websites for a list of approved Work-Life Grant trainers. Version 1.7 effective as at 7 January 2015 Page 11 of 18 (II) Developmental Grant for Office Building Owners, Management Corporation and Developers Have you been a beneficiary of the BCA‟s Accessibility Fund? Yes No Project details (a) Office building owners, Management Corporation and developers can only tap on the grant for the sole purpose of building lactation facilities in their office buildings. Under “Details”, please provide (i) projected expenditure breakdown; and (ii) letter of undertaking to complete the works for lactation facilities within the stipulated time. i) Project Expenditure Breakdown (Please note that GST is not funded under WorkPro) Unit Cost Total Cost Item(s) Project Objective(s) Quantity w/o GST (S$) w/o GST (S$) Total ii) Letter of Undertaking I, (NRIC/Fin No: ), the *office building owner/Management Corporation/developer (*delete where appropriate) hereby undertake that the works for building lactation facilities is estimated to complete within months. If a delay of more than three months is expected, a written notification must be given to *NTUC/SNEF (*delete where appropriate) at least two weeks before the indicated time of completion. In the event when the works are delayed and no written notification is given to NTUC/SNEF (delete where appropriate) within the stipulated period, NTUC/SNEF reserves the right to reject the claim(s). Date: Signature: ____________________ After completion of the works, the applicant shall notify *NTUC/SNEF (*delete where appropriate) to audit the facilities constructed. Version 1.7 effective as at 7 January 2015 Page 12 of 18 (III) FWA Incentive Please complete the self-assessment checklist if you are applying for the FWA Incentive. (Note: Fill in Qn 2 or Qn 3 based on the FWA utilisation that your business entity can achieve. Please do not tick all the boxes.) Qn Self-assessment Checklist Yes/No (please tick accordingly) 1 My business entity has formalised HR policy on two or more Yes No 6 FWAs recognised under the Work-Life Grant and have communicated it to all the employees. If your business entity can achieve at least 20% FWA utilisation, please fill in Qn 2a, b and c. 2a I have/will have at least 20% of total employees utilising FWAs Yes No on a regular basis (subject to a minimum of five Singaporean employees, whichever is higher). 2b (With reference to Qn 2a) I have/will ensure that at least half of Yes No the employees utilising FWAs are SCs. 2c (With reference to Qn 2a) I have/will ensure that no more than 6 Yes No in 10 employees counting towards the 20% utilisation requirement are on the same FWA type. If your business entity can achieve at least 30% FWA utilisation, please fill in Qn 3a, b and c. 3a I have/will have at least 30% of my employees utilising FWAs on Yes No a regular basis (subject to a minimum of five Singaporean employees, whichever is higher). 3b (With reference to Qn 3a) I have/will ensure that at least half of Yes No the employees utilising the FWAs are SCs. 3c (With reference to Qn 3a) I have/will ensure that no more than 6 Yes No in 10 employees counting towards the 30% utilisation requirement are on the same FWA type. 4 I understand that this is a three year programme and my Yes No business entity will commit to it. 5 I understand that to receive the subsequent second and third Yes No year of payout, I need to sustain my current work-life practices at the workplace. If your answers are „Yes‟ to all the questions above and would like to apply for the FWA Incentive, please indicate here: Yes No *NTUC/SNEF (*delete where appropriate) will work with you subsequently to collect the necessary data for the application. 6 The three broad FWA categories recognised under the Work-Life Grant are flexi-time, flexi-place and parttime. Version 1.7 effective as at 7 January 2015 Page 13 of 18 Annex D: Recruitment and Retention Incentives (RRIs) Please complete this section if you are applying for the RRIs. The RRIs is intended to benefit back-to-work locals or mature workers who are SCs and SPRs. Please refer to the WorkPro factsheet on the three RRIs under WorkPro. Please note the following requirements in the grant components under RRIs: (I) Mentorship Allowance: The business entity must either assign a mentor who is trained in mentorship skills or had previously accumulated relevant experience to all back-to-work locals and newly-hired mature workers for a period of three months to benefit from any RRIs. The business entity can tap on the Mentorship Allowance and award the mentor with $100 after three months of mentorship. If the business entity does not have trained mentors, they can send existing employee(s) for mentorship training, e.g. WSQ mentoring courses. (II) On-the-Job Training (OJT) Allowance: This is only applicable for back-to-work locals or newly-hired mature workers on a new job scope, and if the business entity has implemented OJT for these workers, for a period up to two months. The business entity will need to submit a structured OJT plan to claim for this component. The worker must be retained for at least three months. (III) New Hire Retention Incentive (NHRI): This is applicable for back-to-work locals or newly-hired mature workers who are retained on the job for at least six months. The business entity must meet all the following criteria to be eligible for the RRIs: 1. The business entity must apply and implement for at least one of the following grants: a. Age Management Grant b. Job Redesign Grant c. Work-Life Grant (Developmental Grant and/or FWA Incentive) 2. All positions must offer minimum employment duration of at least 12 months. 3. Only applicable for positions with a gross monthly income of not more than $4,500. 4. Only for back-to-work locals or newly-hired mature workers hired through the WorkPro Programme Partners (NTUC, e2i and SNEF) or via referrals from WDA Career Centres and Caliberlink. (I) Projected Number of Job Vacancies for the Mature Workers7 and Back-to-Work Locals8 (II) Job Description for the Recruitment and Retention of Mature Workers and Backto-Work Locals Permanent Job Title 1 Contract (For 7 8 or contract please Defined as SCs or SPRs aged 40 and above. Defined as SCs or SPRs aged 30 and above who have been unemployed for three months or more. Version 1.7 effective as at 7 January 2015 Page 14 of 18 indicate the contract period) No. of Full Time No. Vacancies Vacancies Qualification(s) Years of Experience Skills Required (if any) of Part Time Salary Job Description (pls indicate if job offers FWA) Permanent Job Title 2 or contract (For contract please indicate the contract period) No. of Full Time No. Vacancies Vacancies Qualification(s) Years of Experience Skills Required (if any) Job Description (pls indicate if job offers FWA) Please attach separate sheets if necessary. Version 1.7 effective as at 7 January 2015 Page 15 of 18 of Salary Part Time Terms and Conditions 1) The Applicant understands that it can apply for WorkPro directly through *NTUC/SNEF who are the appointed programme partners for WorkPro; 2) The Applicant agrees to and shall comply with the following terms: i. The Applicant agrees to release the information on job vacancies in the Applicant‟s business entity to employment facilitation touchpoints of WDA to facilitate the placement of relevant individuals into suitable job positions for the period of one (1) year from the date of the Letter of Offer. ii. The Applicant agrees to be profiled by the media as a beneficiary of the WorkPro Scheme when approached by the MOM, WDA, NTUC or SNEF. iii. The Applicant agrees that it is its responsibility to ensure that the timelines and outcomes of the various grant components are met. The Applicant shall also make timely submission of the relevant documents (e.g. ACRA, CPF form-90) as requested by *NTUC/SNEF when applying or claiming for the various grant components under WorkPro. The Applicant‟s WorkPro application will be consider void if the Applicant fails to submit the necessary documents as requested by *NTUC/SNEF within one (1) month from the date of request of documents for verification. iv. The Applicant understands that the cost it incurs for the various grant components under WorkPro prior to issuance of the Letter of Offer by *NTUC/SNEF will not be funded by MOM, WDA, NTUC or SNEF. However, if the Applicant applies for the Work-Life Grant Developmental Grant and incurs costs for work-life training prior to the issuance of the Letter of Offer by *NTUC/SNEF, it will be funded if the Applicant‟s application is approved subsequently. v. Before the Applicant submits its applicaton, the Applicant shall obtain all of its employees‟ clear and unambiguous consent to disclose their personal data to MOM, WDA, NTUC and SNEF and to allow MOM, WDA, NTUC and SNEF to use the personal data for the purposes of processing, evaluating, verifying, auditing, investigating or researching matters relating to WorkPro. vi. MOM, WDA, NTUC or SNEF will evaluate whether to award the grant to the Applicant, and MOM/WDA reserves the right to, through *NTUC/SNEF, reject WorkPro applications and claims without stating reason(s) for rejection. vii. If the Applicant is successful in its application for the grant(s), terms which apply to a “Grantee” shall bind the Applicant. 3) The Grantee agrees to and shall comply with the following terms: i. The grant(s) received under WorkPro should only be used by the Grantee to implement measures to benefit the targeted employees, e.g. mature workers for Age Management Grant. Business entities that require assistance on WorkPro may approach *NTUC/SNEF as they offer such assistance to the business entity under WorkPro at NO cost to the business entity. Version 1.7 effective as at 7 January 2015 Page 16 of 18 ii. MOM/WDA reserves the right to recover from the Grantee funds provided or disbursed under WorkPro in circumstances deemed appropriate by MOM/WDA, which includes but is not limited to the following circumstances: a. the Grantee has or had used the funds for a purpose (or purposes as the case may be) which is not approved by MOM/WDA; b. the Applicant or Grantee breached any of the terms and conditions which an Applicant or Grantee of WorkPro has to comply with; or c. the Applicant or Grantee or any person on behalf of the Applicant or Grantee has submitted false information to MOM, WDA, NTUC or SNEF. (*delete where appropriate) Version 1.7 effective as at 7 January 2015 Page 17 of 18 Declaration (To be completed by Applicant) Yes/No 1. This is the first time the Applicant is applying for the WorkPro Scheme since its inception in April 2013. None of the Applicant‟s related business entities (including parent company, wholly-owned / majority-owned / partially-owned subsidiary, associated / affiliated companies, branch, or any other business entity with a substantial managerial or functional overlap) have applied for the WorkPro scheme before this application is made. 2. This is the first time the Applicant is applying for WorkPro funding pertaining to the proposed project. 3. The Applicant and its directors, shareholders, partners, employees or any other person related to the aforesaid persons has not received or will not receive any monies, loans, rebates, discounts, refunds, liquidated damages or any other payment, whether in cash or in kind, from consultants or vendors or their directors, shareholders, partners, employees or any other person related to the aforesaid persons, in connection to the project; and there is no intention to give such monies, loans, rebates, discounts, refunds, liquidated damages or any other payment. 4. The facts stated in this application and the accompanying information are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and I have not withheld or distorted any material facts. The Applicant understands that if the Applicant obtains the grant by false or misleading statements, MOM/WDA may, at its discretion, withdraw the grant and recover immediately from my business entity any amount of the grant that may have been disbursed. The Applicant may be also face criminal charges. 5. The Applicant has obtained all of its employees‟ clear and unambiguous consent to disclose their personal data to MOM, WDA, NTUC and SNEF and to allow MOM, WDA, NTUC and SNEF to use the personal data for the purposes of processing, evaluating, verifying, auditing, investigating or researching matters relating to WorkPro. Signature & Applicant’s Official Stamp Name: Designation: Note: Only the sole proprietor, partner or company director of the Applicant, as registered with ACRA, Date: professional bodies or registry of societies, may sign this declaration. Version 1.7 effective as at 7 January 2015 Page 18 of 18
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