(ABP TM ) Re-sit Examination (Feb 2015)

Professional Banking Qualification
Programmes for Achieving
Advanced Diploma in Banking and
Financial Services for ABPTM#
QF Level 4
(QR registration no.12/001363/L4)
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qualification is accredited by the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ),
with validity from 1 January 2013 to 31 December 2016.
he “Advanced Diploma in Banking and Financial Services for ABPTM” is suitable for those wishing to acquire essential
banking knowledge based on which the participants can jumpstart your banking and financial careers or advance to
higher heights in your careers.
Further, the participants will be awarded the designation of “ABPTM” after having accumulated 1 year of banking and
financial related working experience. Holders of “ABPTM”, therefore, can enjoy the advantage of being recognised as a
qualified and experienced banking practitioner who aspires to build a successful career in banking.
rogramme Content:
Banking Services and Professional Ethics
Programme Objectives
On completion of this subject, participants should be able to:
• Evaluate the implications of regulatory framework which
governs the operations of authorized financial institutions in
Hong Kong.
• Interpret and apply the banks’ guidelines which are
applicable to the different aspects of banking services and
operations in the banking services industry.
• Explain the definitions of ethics in business and how the
code of ethics is related to the day-to-day work of the
banking professionals.
• Identify the requirements of professional ethical roles in the
banking services industry.
Programme Outlines
Part I - Banking Services & Operations
• An Overview of Banking Services
• Risk Management in Banking Services
• Retail and Corporate Banking Services
• Treasury and Banking Operations
Part II - Professional Ethics
• Introduction to Ethics and Social Responsibilities
• Ethics & the Corporation and the Individuals
• Ethical Dilemmas & Corporate Governance
• Business Ethics & Internal Control
Financial Systems and Risk Management
Programme Objectives
On completion of this subject, participants should be able to:
• Identify the key differences in different financial systems and
detect the deviations on the operations of the financial
institutions and markets.
• Assess the different roles performed by financial institutions
and the risks and issues faced by financial institutions
• Identify and oversee the different types of risks.
• Understand how risk management are processed and
institutionalized in the banking sector and relate the process
to their work.
• Explain the rationale for financial regulation and the
compliance requirements in the financial system.
Programme Outlines
Part I - Financial Systems and Markets
• Global & Hong Kong Financial Systems
• International & Hong Kong Financial Markets
• Financial Institutions & Functions of Central Bank
Part II - Risk Management in Banking
• Introduction to Risk Management
• Process of Managing Different Risks
• Regulatory and Corporate Requirements
• Structuring Risk Management Functions in Banks
• Management and Control - Tools and Skills
Fundamentals of Accounting and Law in Banking
Programme Objectives
On completion of this subject, participants should be able to:
• Select the right course of actions based on understanding on
the wide range of legal principles and concepts applicable to
banking practices.
• Handle different transactions of negotiable instruments
independently based on understanding of the laws related to
negotiable instruments in relation to their documentation and
legal aspects.
• Review the regulatory framework and identify relevant
regulations and policy applicable to an individual unit or
segment in the banking industry.
• Employ the concepts and accounting principles in financial
reporting which relate to different areas of work.
• Explain concepts in corporate financial accounting which are
relevant to corporate banking and investments.
• Employ the wide range of key accounting concepts and
principles essential to the world of banking areas in an
appropriate manner.
Programme Outlines
Part I - Law and Regulations in Banking
• Basic Law Principles
• Negotiable Instruments
• Regulatory Framework in Banking
and Financial Markets
Part II - Accounting Principles in Banking
• Financial Reporting
• Interpretation of Financial Results
• Valuation of a firm
• Accounting for Planning & Budgeting
• Capital Expenditure Analysis &
Performance Measures
Suitable for
Diploma granting requirements
• Individuals from non-financial industries who are
interested in joining the banking and financial industry
• Newly joined staff or junior officers with less than 3 years
of experience
• Pass in all 3 Core Subjects
Entry requirements
• A Bachelor’s Degree awarded by a recognized university
or equivalent; OR
• An Associate Degree / Higher Diploma in Banking and
Finance area; OR
• Relevant professional qualifications; OR
• Mature Student (aged 21 or above) with at least 5 years
of Banking and Finance working experience
(will be assessed on a case-by-case basis)
Medium of Examinations
• All the examination questions are set in English only.
Designation granting requirements
• Attainment of Advanced Diploma in Banking and
Financial Services for ABPTM; AND
• With ONE year’s banking or financial related working
Next Stage
• ABPTM holders may progress to study for the AHKIBTM
designation by passing 2 selected Elective Subjects
at Stage 2, 2 subjects under one of the
Specialist Streams at the Specialist Stage and the
respective case study examination.
Accredited Banking Practitioner (ABP)
Re-sit Examination Entry Form Feb 2015
Please read the Guidance Notes at the back before you fill in this form, keep a photocopy of this entry form
for your own record.
Section A: Personal Particulars
Name in Chinese:
(as on I.D. Card)
Membership No:
Phone No.:
(Attendance notice will ONLY be sent via this email)
Correspondence Address:
* Please delete whichever appropriate
Section B: Re-sit Examination Enrollment
7 Feb 2015
10:00 - 12:30
(Please “” whichever appropriate)
2 Feb 2015
Banking Services and Professional Ethics
Financial Systems and Risk Management
19:00 - 21:30
4 Feb 2015
Fundamentals of Accounting and Law in Banking
□ HK$900
□ HK$900
□ HK$900
Payment Methods:
) a cheque made payable to “The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers”
covering the full amount of examination entry fees
) debit my credit card, amount HK$________
) Visa
cheque no.: [_______________]
Expiry Date ____/____
) Master
Cardholder Name:
Signature: ________________ ___________
(as on credit card)
Section C: Acknowledgement and Declaration
The information I have provided in this form is true and correct.
The information I have provided in this form will be used for the purpose of administration and communication
by The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers.
I understand that the paid fees are non- refundable and non- transferable.
I confirm that I have read the (1) AHKIB Examination-related information published in the Associateship
Examinations Handbook and on the HKIB’s website; (2) AHKIB Examination Guidance Notes and Terms
and Conditions printed in this form, and fully accept and understand the regulations.
________________ ______
Form No: ABP-15-02
Examination Entries
1. All candidates must be current members of The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers.
2. Please complete and return the enrollment form and retain a copy for your own reference.
3. Entries must comply with the regulations and timetable published in the handbook.
4. Under no circumstances will change of subject entry be allowed.
5. Under no circumstances will the programme and/ or examination fees be refunded or transferred.
Method of Payment
6. (a) By cheque (no post-dated cheque), and attach it to the enrollment form. Cheque should be made payable to "The Hong Kong
Institute of Bankers". Please put your membership number on the back of the cheque. OR
(b) Cash or Credit Card Payment at the HKIB counter.
7. Enrollment Form without payment instruction will not be processed.
8. Examination fee, once paid, will not be refunded.
9. Please retain the entry fee cheque stub and make a note of the date your entry was posted. If any query arises, please
quote these details, together with your membership number.
Application Period
10. Application can be accepted year-round, by hand or by registered mail to avoid loss in the mail, but attention must be paid
to the following closing dates of the programme and examination enrollment.
Deadline for Entries
Feb 2015 Examination
by hand, by registered mail or by fax to:
The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers
3/F., Guangdong Investment Tower,
148 Connaught Road Central,
Hong Kong
Website: http://www.hkib.org
19 January 2015
Tel: 2815 1552
Fax: 2544 9946
E-mail: [email protected]
Late Entries
11. Wherever possible, late entries will be accepted for up to 14 days after the above closing dates if the enrollment form is
accompanied by a late entry fee of HK$200 (in addition to the subject entry fees).
12. If you wish to update your address after the application, please send the latest information to the Institute.
Examination Attendance Notices
13. These will be sent to candidates via email ONLY about 1 week before the examinations. You are obligated to inform the
Institute if you do not receive Attendance Notice within the above said period.
14. Candidates are required to print a new copy of the Examination Attendance Notices themselves on a plain A4 paper before
attending each examination session.
15. Candidates MUST produce their Attendance Notices in each examination session, along with documentary proofs of their identity
that bear their current photographs (e.g. HKID card, Passport, etc).
16. The Attendance Notices are NOT allowed to be taken away from examination venue after each examination session. The
invigilators will collect the Attendance Notices before the end of examinations.
17. (a) Issue of results: Candidates will be notified of their results by post and only with written notice. Results will not be revealed by
telephone, fax or other electronic means. Results will be released within 8 working weeks from the examination date of last
subject in each examination diet.
(b) Withholding of results: Results will be withheld from candidates who have not paid in full any monies due or
payable to the Institute, including but not limited to examination entry fees.
Examination Information
18. Information on the examination subjects is posted on HKIB website (www.hkib.org). Examination - related news
will also be published in the Institute’s journal “Banking Today”.
19. Acknowledgement of the examination entry will be sent to candidates via e-mail within 7 full working days of receiving the entry
form. Should you fail to receive the acknowledgement within the above said period, please inform the Institute in advance.
Form No: ABP-15-02