Materials Science Forum Vols. 561-565 (2007) pp. 1023-1026 online at © (2007) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland Online available since 2007/10/02 Control of Carbides and Graphite in Ni-hard Type Cast Iron for Hot Strip Mills Sergio Villanueva Bravo 1,a, Kaoru Yamamoto 2,b, Hirofumi Miyahara c and Keisaku Ogi 3,d 1 Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, 819-0395, JAPAN (present work: Autonomous San Luis Potosi University, San Luis Potosi, Mexico) 2 (present work: Kurume National College of Technology, Fukuoka, 830-8555, JAPAN) 3 (present work: Oita National College of Technology, Oita, 870-0152, JAPAN) a [email protected], b [email protected], c [email protected], d [email protected] Keywords: solidification, carbides, graphite, cast iron Abstract The carbide and graphite formation and redistribution of alloy elements during solidification were investigated on Ni-hard type cast iron (Fe-C-Si-Ni-Cr-Mo) to develop higher quality rolls for hot steel strip mills. By the control of Ni and Si contents of iron, eutectic graphite flakes crystallize even in cast irons containing strong carbide formers such as V, Nb and Cr. The crystallization of Ni-hard type cast iron with V and Nb proceeds in the order of primary , + MC, + M3C and + graphite eutectic. Since the influence of each alloying element on graphite formation is estimated based on the solubility of C in molten iron, the change in graphite forming tendency of residual liquid is evaluated by the parameter expressing the solubility limit of C to molten iron. The amount of graphite increases with the decreasing of solubility parameter. In addition, inoculation with ferrosilicon effectively increases the graphite flakes. Introduction As for the roll materials for hot steel rolling, alloy cast irons, which disperse a large amount of carbide in the matrix, are widely used because of their superior abrasion resistance [1]. For applications requiring a high degree of strength, hardness and wear resistance Ni-hard type cast iron is among the most effective material available [2]. Ni-hard type cast iron castings have shown outstanding in a variety of severe applications including work rolls for hot steel milling. High chromium cast iron and high-speed-steel type alloy are also widely used in steel plant, and Ni-hard type cast iron is generally used in finishing stands [3]. However, the recent development in milling technique demands the remarkable improvement and the precise control of roll quality. Since the roll consumption in hot rolling of wire and bar represents around 10% of the total processing cost [4], the effective alloying design is desirable to develop the proper solidification microstructure. Ni-hard type cast iron consists of matrix, M3C carbide and graphite, and the matrix transforms to martensite during cooling to room temperature in the mold. Distribution of graphite flakes or particles can improve flaking and scoring resistance. On the contrary, it is well known that the addition of Nb and V to white cast iron promotes the formation of MC type carbide and enhance the abrasion resistance [5,6]. Therefore, the dispersion of MC type carbide in the matrix should improve the wear resistance of Ni-hard type cast iron. However, even in V/Nb added alloys graphite flakes have to be remained to keep the lubricant effect. In the present study, the influences of V and Nb additions on the solidification sequence and structure, and also on the redistribution of alloying elements during solidification have been investigated for Ni-hard type cast iron. Furthermore, the effect of inoculation with a ferrosilicon has also been studied in order to homogeneously distribute more amount of graphite. Experimental Procedure The alloy compositions used in the present study are listed in table 1. Blocks of 99.99% pure Fe, Cr All rights reserved. No part of contents of this paper may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher: Trans Tech Publications Ltd, Switzerland, (ID:,01:10:41) 1024 PRICM 6 and Ni and ferroalloys of Fe-5.3mass%C Table 1 Chemical composition of the alloys. (hereby abbreviate to %), Fe-75%Si, Fe-64%Nb, Fe-83%V, Fe-62%Mo were charged in an alumina crucible. Then, the charge was melted in a carbon resistance furnace under an argon atmosphere. Different amounts of Nb and V were added to a typical Ni-hard type cast iron for hot steel milling rolls, which is shown as alloy No. 1. Since the V and Nb are strong carbide formers, the contents of Si and Cr were also systematically changed depending on the V and Nb additions. The as-cast specimens were smoothly polished, and the amount and shape of graphite were examined by using an optical microscope. The specimens are also etched and examined metallographically. For the etching, two reagents were used to identify the carbide in each specimen; etching with Pickral reagent makes M3C brown, and the Murakami's solution colors MC carbides dark brown. Thermal analyses were carried out to measure the temperature changes of these specimens in a SiC electric resistance furnace. The specimen was placed inside of an alumina-silica crucible, then heated at 10 K/min until 1723 K in argon atmosphere. After keeping the melt bath for 10 minutes to dissolve the alloying elements completely, the specimen was cooled at 10 K/min until 1173 K, and subsequently quenched into water. The solidification sequence was also evaluated based on the ), was calculated for all the tested specimens to quenched structure. The solubility parameter ( predict the graphite forming tendency. Results and discussion Solidification sequence and microstructure Figure 1 shows the thermal analysis results of specimen No.1 and No.3. Specimen No.1 solidifies in the order of primary austenite ( ), (L -> + M3C) eutectic and (L -> + Gr) eutectic. The eutectic reaction of (L -> + MC) occurs around 1453K in the specimen No.3, while the addition of 0.53%Nb and 1.86%V has little influence on the starting temperature of primary , (L -> + M3C) eutectic and (L -> + Gr) eutectic. As shown in Fig.2, the specimen No.1 is composed of dendritic primary , ledeburite and graphite, a typical structure of Ni-hard type cast iron for roll. On the other hand, MC carbide particles (eutectic and pre-eutectic) distribute among the dendritic in all the specimens containing Nb and V. However, few amount of MC carbide is observed in the specimen No.2, because of very low addition of MC former. The more the addition of MC formers, the more amount of vermicular type MC carbide crystallizes as in specimens No.6. A small amount of primary MC crystallizes in the specimen No.10 and No.11 because of higher addition of Nb, indicating the chemical composition of these specimens are on the Fig. 1 Thermal analysis for Ni-Hard type cast iron (a) (b) (c) Fig.2 Microstructures of specimen No.1(a), No.6(b), and No.10(c). Materials Science Forum Vols. 561-565 (a) liquidus plane of primary MC. Since primary MC tends to segregate in the manufacturing process (centrifugal casting etc.) of rolls, the Nb content should be lowered below 1.8%. The shape and amount of graphite change depending on the composition of specimen as shown in Fig.3. Graphite tends to crystallize in (c) granular rather than flaky shape in Ni-hard type irons with carbide formers. Though the higher Si and lower Cr, Nb and V additions tends to promote the graphite formation, any element shows no simple relation with the amount of graphite in the present multi-component alloys. The effect of each element on the graphite formation tendency is quantitatively evaluated based on the influence of element(i) on the solubility of C in molten iron (m’i). The synthetic influence of alloying elements on graphite formation was appropriately estimated by the following solubility parameter (eq.1), a simple summation of CLi , in the case of high alloy cast iron such as high speed steel type cast irons for roll [7]. 1025 (b) Fig.3 Graphite distribution in specimen No.1(a), No.6(b) and No.10(c). =0.07 (%Cr) + 0.14 (%V) + 0.07 (%Nb) – 0.06 (%Ni) – 0.31 (%Si) + 0.02 (%Mo) … (1) Where, CLi is the content of each element in molten iron. The amounts of graphite in the specimens cooled at 10K/min are plotted against the Fig.4 Relation between the amount of graphite solubility parameter as shown in Fig.4. In and the solubility parameter this calculation the chemical composition of specimen was applies as CLi. This result shows that Table 2 Partition coefficients of Ni, Cr, Mo and Si the amount of graphite tends to increase with the to primary and + M3C eutectic decrease in solubility parameter, however the scatter of data is still large. As described in the results on thermal analysis experiment, eutectic graphite crystallizes after the ledeburite formation; it seems the stable eutectic reaction (L -> + Gr) occurs after the unstable eutectic (L -> + M3C). This should happen because of the change in the composition of residual liquid during solidification. For example, the composition changes of residual liquid is calculated by Scheil’s equation and the partition coefficients of alloying elements to primary and + M3C eutectic given in Table 2 [8]. While the Ni and Si content decreases and the Cr content increases by the crystallization of primary , Ni and Si increase and Cr decreases with the proceed of + M3C eutectic. The Mo content of residual liquid continuously increases during solidification as shown in Fig. 5. By using the data in Fig. 5, the changes in solubility parameter of residual liquid was evaluated as shown in Fig. 6. Firstly the solubility parameter increases by the formation of primary, it decreases with the crystallization of + M3C eutectic and takes the value of -0.52 at the solid fraction of 0.96, where + Graphite eutectic starts. Similarly the changes in solubility parameter during solidification and the fraction solid for graphite formation could be evaluated on other specimens by using Scheil’s equation and partition coefficients of each alloying element to primary , + MC and + M3C eutectic. 1026 PRICM 6 The effect of inoculation on graphite Crystallization The effect of inoculation on graphite formation was evaluated on the specimen No.8. A series of 0.2 to 1.0 % Si were inoculated by using Fe-75% Si alloy particles. The amount of graphite increases from 0.7vol% to about 3vol% by the inoculation of 0.2 to 1.0%Si. The higher the inoculation, the more the graphite formation. Graphite particles crystallize in irregular nodular shape and distribute among + M3C eutectic even in inoculated specimens. Summary The effects of addition of 0.02 to 1.82%Nb and 0.8 to 1.96%V were investigated on the microstructure of Ni-hard type cast iron. The following conclusions were obtained. Fig.5 The changes in Ni, Si, Cr and Mo contentin residual liquid during solidification of specimen No.1. (1) By the addition of Nb and V, + MC eutectic reaction appears between the primary and + M3C eutectic. The solidification sequence is interpreted based on the changes in chemical composition of residual liquid during solidification. The amount of MC carbides increases with increase in Nb and V contents. (2) + graphite eutectic crystallizes at the final stage of solidification. The influences of alloy elements on the amount of graphite are Fig.6 The change in solubility parameter during evaluated based on the Solubility parameter. solidification of specimen No.1. The amount of graphite increases almost linearly with decreasing of Solubility parameter ( ). (3) The inoculation with Fe-75%Si alloy particles effectively increases the amount of graphite, and higher amount of inoculation results in more uniform distribution of graphite. References [1] C.G. Schön, A. Sinatora: Calphad Vol.22, No4 (1998), p. 437. [2] J.J. Fisher: AFS Transactions, Vol. 83 (1975), p. 47. [3] S.E. Lundberg and T. Gustaffson: J. Mater. Process. Technol. Vol. 42 (1994) p. 239. [4] A.I. Tselikov and V.V. Smirnov: Rolling Mills, (Pergamon Press 1965) [5] H.K. Balik and C.R. Loper Jr: AFS Transactions, Vol. 88 (1980), p. 80. [6] P. Dupin and J.M. Schissler: AFS Transactions, Vol. 84 (1976), p. 160. [7] F. Neumann, H. Schenck, W. 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