MEDICAL ABBREVIATION AND COMMON SYMBOLS A A 1% aa AA A/A AAA AAL AAO AAOx3 AAROM ab AB gap A/B Abd ABG Abn ABP ABR ABW Abx AC accom Acid Phos ACLS ACT AD ADA Add Adeq ADH ADHD ADL ad lib adm ADR AE AF AFB afeb AFM assessment atropine 1% of each Aplastic anemia alveolar-arterial oxygen content gradient abdominal aortic aneurysm anterior axillary line alert, awake and oriented alert, awake and oriented to time, place & person active assistive range of motion abortion air bone gap apnea & bradycardia acid-base abdomen, abdominal, abduction arterial blood gases abnormal arterial blood pressure auditory brainstem response actual body weight, adjusted body weight antibiotics before meals, anterior chamber accommodation Acid Phosphatase advance cardiac life support activated clotting time right ear, above diaphragm American Diabetes Association, adenosine deaminase adduction adequate antidiuretic hormone Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder activities of daily living as often as desired admission allergic drug reaction above elbow, after evacuation atrial fibrillation acid fast bacilli afebrile after fatty meal MFHS med abbrev. 1 AFP alpha-fetoprotein AG albumin to globulin ration AGA adequate for gestational age AGN acute glomerulonephritis AGR anus, genitals, rectum A/H auditory hallucination AI amniotic fluid index, aortic insufficiency AIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome AIMS abnormal involuntary movement scale AION anterior ischemic optic neuropathy AK actinic keratosis, above knee AKA above the knee amputation Alb albumin ALD alcoholic liver disease alk alkaline alk phos alkaline phosphatase ALL acute lymphocytic leukemia ALS Advance Life Support, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ALT alanine amino-transaminase A.M. before noon A-Mask aerosol mask AMA against medical advice, American Medical Association amb ambulatory amb care ambulatory care AMI acute myocardial infarction Amino amniocentesis AML acute myelogenous leukemia amp ampule amt amount ANA antinuclear antibody ANC Absolute neutrophil count AND anterior nasal drainage ANE Anesthesiology anes Anesthesia ank. ankle ANLL acute non-lymphocytic leukemia ant anterior ante before Ant Seg anterior segment A/O alert and oriented, anterior oblique AODM adult onset diabetes mellitus AOM acute otitis media A&P auscultation & percussion anterior & posterior, assessment and plans, anterior posterior AP & LAT anteroposterior and lateral A & P Repair anterior and posterior repair MFHS med abbrev. 2 approx appt. aPTT aq aq dist AR ARC ARDS ARF ARMD AROM art line arwy AS ASAP ASC ASCVD ASD ASH ASHD as tol AST Astig ATH ATN at fib AUR Aux AV avg AVM AV node approximately appointment activated partial thromboplastin time water distilled water allergic rhinitis, auto-refraction AIDS Related Complex acute respiratory distress syndrome acute renal failure age related macular degeneration active range of motion arterial line airway aortic stenosis, left ear, anterior segment as soon as possible anterior subcapsular cataract arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease atrial septal defect atrial septal hypertrophy arteriosclerotic heart disease as tolerated aspartate amino-transaminase astigmatism adenotonsillar hypertrophy acute tubular necrosis atrial fibrillation acute urinary retention auxiliary arterioventricular, arteriovenous ration average arteriovenous malformation atrioventricular node Ba barium bact bacteria BAL bronchoscopy and lavage BaS04 barium sulphate Ba. Swallow barium swallow BBB bundle branch block BBFF both bone forearm fracture BBT basal body temperature BBS bilateral breath sounds BC blood culture, Blue Cross, bedside commode BCC basal cell carcinoma BCLS Basic Cardiac Life Support MFHS med abbrev. 3 BCP BD BE BFP BG BIPAP bicarb BICU Bid bilat bili BK BKA bldg BLE Bleph BLS BM bmd BMP BMR BMT BNC BNI BNO BOM BOO BOW BPD BP BPH bpm BR brat BRB BRBPR BRM BRP BS BSA BSO BSOM BTFS BTL BUN Bw or Bt.Wt. MFHS med abbrev. birth control pills below diaphragm barium enema, base excess, below knee Biophysical Profile blood glucose Biphasic Positive Airway Pressure bicarbonate burn intensive care unit twice daily bilateral bilirubin below the knee below the knee amputation bleeding, building both lower extremities blepharoplasty Basic Life Support bone marrow, bilateral tympanic membranes, bowel movement bone mineral density Basic Metabolic Panel basal metabolic rate bone marrow transplant bladder neck contracture bladder neck incision bladder neck obstruction bilateral otitis media bladder outlet obstruction bag of water bronchopulmonary dysplasia, Bipolar Disorder blood pressure benign prostatic hypertrophy beats per minute bed rest banana, rice cereal, apple sauce and tea bright red blood bright red blood per rectum biological response modifier bathroom privileges bowel sounds, bedside breath sounds, blood sugar body surface area bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy bilateral serous otitis media breast tumor frozen section Bilateral Tubal Ligation blood urea nitrogen birth weight 4 BW Bx c C C&S Ca+ CaO2 CA CABG CaCl2 CAD CAH Cal CAP CAR carb cat cath CB CBC CBD CBG CCA CCB CCE CCL CCMS CCU CDC CD & L Spine CE cerv CF ch CHD Chem CHF Chg CHL CHO chol Chorio CHPX chr body weight biopsy with centigrade, concentration culture and sensitivity calcium oxygen content of arterial blood carcinoma coronary artery bypass graft calcium chloride coronary artery disease congenital adrenal hyperplasia kilocalorie calories, calcium Cancer of the prostate, capsule Cardiology carbohydrate cataract catheter, catheterization, catheterized ciliary body complete blood count common bile duct corticosteroid binding globulin, capillary blood gas calcium channel antagonist calcium channel blocker clubbing, cyanosis, edema Cardiac Cath Lab clear catch midstream coronary care unit Center for Disease Control cervical, dorsal and lumbar spine continuing education cervical cystic fibrosis chronic coronary heart disease chemistry congestive heart failure change conductive hearing loss carbohydrate cholesterol chorioamionitis chickenpox chronic MFHS med abbrev. 5 CHTN CI CIC CIRC CIS ck cl CLL cm CMP CMV CNS CNI, CNII, etc. c/o c/w Co COLD colpo comp conc conf conj cont COPD CO2 CP C&P CPA CPAP CPD CPK CPL CPR CPS CPT C1, C2, etc. CR creat CRF CRH CRI CRRT CRVO cryo C-Sect CSF chronic hypertension cardiac index clean intermittent catheterization circumcision carcinoma in-situ check, creatine kinase chloride, clearance, contact lens chronic lymphocytic leukemia centimeter Comprehensive Metabolic Panel cytomegalovirus central nervous system cranial nerve I, II, etc. complaining of consistent with cardiac output chronic obstructive lung disease colposcopy compound concentrate conference conjunctiva continued, continuous chronic obstructive pulmonary disease carbon dioxide chest pain, cerebral palsy cystoscopy & pyelogram costophrenic angle; Child Protection Agency continuous positive airway pressure cephalopelvic disproportion creatine phosphokinase Cardiopulmonary cardiopulmonary resuscitation Child Protective Services, Chronic Paranoid Schizophrenia chest physiotherapy first, second, etc. cervical vertebra cardiorespiratory, cycloplegic refraction, chromium, creatinine creatinine chronic renal failure, corticotropin releasing factor corticotropin releasing hormone chronic renal insufficiency continuous renal replacement therapy central retinal vein occlusion cryosurgery cesarean section cerebrospinal fluid, colony-stimulating factor MFHS med abbrev. 6 CT CTA CTB ctx ctxn cult CV CVA CVAT CVL CVP CVS CWS Cx CXR Cyro Cysto computer tomography, chest tube, count, calcitonin clear to auscultation ceased to breathe cervical traction contractions culture cerebrovascular, cardiovascular cerebrovascular accident, costo-vertebral angle costovertebral angle tenderness central venous line central venous pressure chorionic villus sampling continuous wall suction cervix chest x-ray cryotherapy cystoscopy/cystoscopic D DBP D&D DDD dec. decel decr del Dep Derm DFE DI DIC diam diff Dil dis Disp Dist DJD DKA D/L dL DM DME DNKA DNA Distance, dose diastolic blood pressure diarrhea and dehydration degenerative disc disease decubitus deceleration decreased delivery, delivered depressed dermatology, dermatitis dilated fundus exam direct/indirect, diabetes insipidus disseminated intravascular coagulation diameter differential dilate disease disposition distance degenerative joint disease diabetic ketoacidosis dislocation, direct laryngoscopy deciliter diabetes mellitus Durable Medical Equipment, diabetic macular edema did not keep appointment deoxyribonucleic acid MFHS med abbrev. 7 DNR DO2 DOA DOB DOE Doz DPA DPL dr drng DRE DRG DRSG DT DTR DUB D&V DVT dx dxt E ea EAC EAM EBL EBV EC ECG ECH echo ECHOV ECMO ECS ECT ED EDC EEG EENT EEP EF EFAD EFW e.g. EGA EGD do not resuscitate Oxygen Delivery dead on arrival date of admission date of birth dyspnea on exertion dozen Discharge Planning Assessment diagnostic peritoneal lavage dram drainage Digital Rectal Exam diagnostic-related group dressing delirium tremens deep tendon reflexes dysfunctional uterine bleeding diarrhea and vomiting deep vein thrombosis diagnosis dextrostick extubation, erythema, esophoria, eosinophils each external auditory canal external auditory meatus estimated blood loss Epstein-Barr virus enteric-coated electrocardiogram Echocardiography echocardiogram enterocytopathogenic human orphan virus extracorproreal membrane oxygenation extracapsular spread electroconvulsive therapy emergency department estimated date of confinement electroencephalogram eyes, ears, nose and throat end expiratory pressure ejection fraction essential fatty acid deficiency estimated fetal weight for example estimated gestational age esophagogastroduodenoscopy MFHS med abbrev. 8 EKG elev ELISA elix EM EMB EMG EMS EMT END EOM EPAP Epith ERT ESLD Esoph ESR ESRD E/T etc. etio Etoh ETOH ETT ex. exam exp. exp. Lap ext. extr Ext. Rot F FB FBS FC FDA FDP Fe Feb FEM-POP FeSO4 FFP FH Fhb FHR electrocardiogram elevation enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay elixir ejection murmur endometrial biopsy electromyogram Emergency Medical Services Emergency Medical Technician endoscopy extraocular movement Expiratory Positive Airway Pressure epithelium estrogen replacement therapy end stage liver disease esophagus erythrocyte sedimentation rate end stage renal disease Evaluation and Treatment and so forth etiology ethanol alcohol endotracheal tube, Enterstomal Therapy excision, exercise examination expiration exploratory laparotomy extract, extension, external exam extremity external rotation Fahrenheit foreign body, finger-breadth, fibropticbronchoscopy, followed by Fasting blood sugar foley catheter, finger count Food & Drug Administration fibrin degradation products iron febrile femoral-popliteal ferrous sulfate fresh frozen plasma fundal height, family history fetal hemoglobin fetal heart rate MFHS med abbrev. 9 FHS FHT Fhx FIF FiO2 fl fl dr fl oz Flex FM FME FOB FOC FSH FTT F/U FUB FUO FWB Fx fetal heart sound fetal heart tone family history forced inspiratory flow fraction of inspired oxygen fluid fluid dram fluid ounce flexion fetal movements, face mask focal macular edema fecal occult blood test fronto-occipital circumference follicle stimulating hormone failure to thrive follow-up functional uterine bleeding fever, unknown origin full weight bearing fracture G GAD GB GB Series GC Gen GERD Gest GFR GH GI GI Series Glob Glu gm GN G1,G2 GP G-P-Ab g GRH GSW GT gtt GTT Gravida generalized anxiety disorder gallbladder gallbladder series gonorrhea, gonococcus general gastroesophageal reflux disease gestation glomerular filtration rate growth hormone gastrointestinal gastrointestinal tract study globulin glucose gram glomerulonephritis, graduate nurse primigravida, secundigravida General Practitioner Gravida-para-abortus grain growth releasing hormone gunshot wound gastric tube drops glucose tolerance test MFHS med abbrev. 10 GU GYN genitourinary Gynecology h hal HAL H&P HAV Hb, Hgb HBIG HBP HbsAg HBV HC HCG HCO3 Hct HCV HCVD HD HEENT Heme hemi Hemopt HEPA Hep-lock HF Hg Hgb H&H Hib Histo HIV HL HLA HMD HOB HP HPL hr HRT h.s. HSA HSC HSG HSM heart hallucinations hyper-alimentation history and physical Hepatitis A virus hemoglobin Hepatitis B immune globulin high blood pressure hepatitis B surface antigen Hepatitis B virus head circumference, hydrocortisone, home care Human chorionic gonadotropin bicarbonate hematocrit Hepatitis C virus hypertensive Cardiovascular disease Hodgkin’s Disease, hemodialysis head, eyes, ears, nose, throat hemorrhage one side of the body hemoptysis high-efficiency particular air heparin lock heart failure mercury hemoglobin Hemoglobin & hematocrit hemophilus influenza type B histoplasmosis human immunodeficiency virus heplock; hearing loss human leukocyte antigen hyaline membrane disease head of bed history of present illness human placental lactogen hour, heart rate hormone replacement therapy at bedtime; hour of sleep human serum albumin hysteroscopy hysterosalpingogram hepatosplenomegaly MFHS med abbrev. 11 HSV ht HTN hx HZ HZV H2O herpes simplex virus height, Hubbard Tub hypertensive, hypertension history herpes zoster herpes zoster virus water I I&D I&A I&O IBD IBW ICBG ICD-9-CM ICH ICP ICS ICU I.D. I&D IDDM Ig IgG IHD IICP IJ IM IMP In IncAb Incr INF Inj Inorg Phos INR INS Instr insuff int Int Med IO IOP IOT IP intubation, iodine, iris incision & drainage irrigation and aspirationintake & output inflammatory bowel disease ideal body weight iliac crest bone graft International Classification of Diseases, 9th Edition, Clinical Modification intracranial hemorrhage intracranial pressure intercostal space intensive care unit Infectious Diseases incision and drainage insulin dependent diabetes mellitus immunoglobulin Immunoglobulin G ischemic heart disease increased intracranial pressure internal jugular intramuscular impression indium incomplete abortion increased interferon injection inorganic phosphorus international normalized ratio insurance, inspiration instructions insufficient internal internal medicine inferior oblique intraocular pressure intraocular tension inpatient, interphalangeal, intraperitoneal MFHS med abbrev. 12 IPAP IPN IPPB IRV ISOL ITP IUD IUFD IUGR IUP IUPM IV IVC IVDA IVF Inspiratory Positive Airway Pressure interstitial pneumonia intermittent positive Pressure breathing inspiratory reserve volume isolation idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura intrauterine device intrauterine fetal demise intrauterine growth retardation intrauterine pregnancy intrauterine pressure monitor intravenous inspiratory vital capacity, inferior vena cava intravenous drug abuse intravenous fluids JODM JP Jr JRA Juv JVD JVP juvenile onset diabetes mellitus Jackson-Pratt drain junior juvenile rheumatoid arthritis juvenile jugular venous distention jugular venous pressure K+ kcal KCL KG KJ k KKK KP04 KUB Kv KVO potassium kilocalorie potassium chloride kilogram knee jerk kilometer cold knife conization potassium phosphate kidney, ureter, bladder kilovolt keep vein open L LA L&D Lab lac LAD LADC LAE LAL LAO liter, lower, left left atrium, left arm, lymphadenopathy Labor and Delivery laboratory laceration left axis deviation left anterior descending coronary left atrial enlargement left atrial line left anterior oblique MFHS med abbrev. 13 LAP lat LAVH lb LBBB LBP LBW LD LDH LDL LE LES LFT lg LGA LH LHC LHRH Li— LIH liq LKS LLE LLL LLQ LMP LOA LOC LOP LOS LOT lp LPO LR LS L/S ratio LSA LSO lt LUE LUL LUQ leukocyte alkaline phosphatase, laporatory lateral laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy pound left bundle branch block low back pain low birth weight lethal dose lactic dehydrogenase low density lipoprotein lupus erythematosus, lower extremity lower esophageal sphincter left fronto transverse*liver function tests large large for gestational age luteinizing hormone left heart catheterization luteinizing hormone releasing hormone lithium left inguinal hernia liquid liver, kidneys, spleen left lower extremity left lower lobe, left lower lid left lower quadrant last menstrual period left occiput anterior loss of consciousness left occiput posterior length of stay left occiput transverse lumbar puncture left posterior oblique lactated ringers, lateral rectus lumbosacral lecithin to sphingomyelin ratio left sacrum anterior left salpingo-oophorectomy left left upper extremity left upper lobe, left lower lid left upper quadrant M MAP MAR meter mean arterial pressure medication administration record MFHS med abbrev. 14 MAS max mcg or ug MCH MCHC MCL MCP MC MCV MD MDA MDE Mech MED mEq mEq/L mg MG MI micro MICU Min ml ML MLEpis MM mm mm/hr mmr MMR MN mod mono MP MPV m/r/g MRI MRM MRND MROU MRSA MS MSAFP MSE MSL mva meconium aspiration maximum micrograms mean corpuscular hemoglobin mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration mid-clavicular line metacarpophalangeal medium chain triglyceride mean corpuscular volume medical doctor, Murphy Drip Muscular Dystrophy Association Major Depressive Episode mechanical medication, medical, Medicine milliequivalent milliequivalent per liter milligram Magnesium myocardial infarction, mitral insufficiency microcytosis medical intensive care unit minimum milliliter midline, microlaryngoscopy midline episiotomy multiple myeloma millimeter millimeters per hour cardiac murmur measles, mumps and rubella midnight moderate monocyte metacarpophalangeal mean platelet volume murmur/rub/gallop magnetic resonance imaging modified radical mastoidectomy modified radical neck dissection medial rectus OU(both eyes) methicillin resistant staph aureus musculoskeletal, multiple sclerosis maternal serum alpha feto protein mental status exam midsternal line motor vehicle accident MFHS med abbrev. 15 MVI MVR mx N N&V Na NaCl NAD NaHCO3 NAO NB N/C NEC NED Neg NEU NGT NHL NI NICU NIDDM NIF NIP NKA NKDA nl NM noct NMSC Norepi NOS NPA NPC NPO NPS NR NRBC NS NSA NSAIDS NSD NSR NSS NST NSVD multivitamin mitral valve replacement maxilla nitrogen nausea & vomiting sodium sodium chloride no acute distress sodium bicarbonate nasal airway obstruction newborn no complaints, nasal cannula necrotizing enterocolitis no evidence of disease negative neurology, neurologic nasogastric tube Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma no improvement Neonatal Intensive Care Unit non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus negative inspiratory force negative inspiratory pressure no known allergies no known drug allergies normal neuromuscular night non-melanoma skin cancer norepinephrine not otherwise specified no previous admission nasopharyngeal carcinoma, nonproductive cough nothing by mouth nasopharyngoscopy nonreactive nucleated red blood cell normal saline no significant abnormality nonsteroidal antiflammatory drug normal spontaneous delivery normal sinus rhythm; nasal spetal reconstruction Nephrology Surgery Service, normal saline solution non-stress test normal spontaneous vaginal delivery MFHS med abbrev. 16 NT/ND NTS NV nvd NWB non-distended/non-tender nasotracheal suction neurovascular neck venous distention, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea non-weight bearing OA OB, OBG, OB/GYN obj obl OBS occ OCD OCT OI OM ON OOB op OPC OPT OPV Orient ORIF os OSA OSHA OSU O.T. otc O.U. oz O2 O2Ct O2 sat occiput anterior osteoarthritis, observation and assessment Obstetrics and Gynecology objective oblique organic brain syndrome occasional, occiput obsessive-compulsive disorder oxytocin challenge test oxygen index otitis media optic nerve, oral-nasal, optic nerve out of bed outpatient, operation, occiput posterior, operation, outpatient Order for protective custody ophthalmology oral polio vaccine oriented, orientation open reduction/internal fixation mouth, left eye obstructive sleep apnea Occupational Safety and Health Administration Oral Surgery occupational therapy over the counter each eye, both eyes ounce oxygen oxygen content oxygen saturation P P&T PAC Pa0 PA02 PaC02 PACO2 PACU palp after, pulse peak and trough premature atrial contraction arterial oxygen tension alveolar oxygen tension arterial carbon dioxide tension alveolar carbon dioxide tension post anesthesia care unit palpable, palpations MFHS med abbrev. 17 Pap para Para I Para II PAT path PBL PC PCA PCC PCN PCO PCO2 PCV PD PDA PDR PE Ped PEEP PEF PEFR perf P.E. tube PERLA PERRLA PET pH pharm phos PHP PICU PID PIH PIP PIPP PIV PKU p.m. PMA PMB PMH PMI PMP PMS po pananicoaou smear paraplegic, paralysis Primipara women with > 1 child paroxysmal atrial tachycardia pathology pre-term birth living child packed cells, after meals, posterior chamber patient controlled analgesic Primary Care Clinic penicillin polycystic ovarian disease partial pressure of carbon dioxide packed cell volume postural drainage, pharmacodynamics patent ductus arteriosus Physician’s Desk Reference, proliferative diabetic retinopathy physical examination, pulmonary embolism pediatric positive end expiratory pressure peak expiratory flow peak expiratory flow rate perforations polyethylene tube pupils equal, reactive to light and accommodations pupils equal, round, reactive to light and accommodations positron emission tomography; pressure equalization tube hydrogen ion concentration, acid/base index pharmacy phosphatase phosphorus pediatric intensive care unit pelvic inflammatory disease pregnancy induced hypertension proximal interphalangeal, peak inspiratory pressure premature infant pain profile peripheral intravenous phenylketonuria afternoon Pediatric Metabolic Assessment post-menopausal bleeding past medical history past medical illness previous menstrual period premenstrual syndrome by mouth MFHS med abbrev. 18 Post op POL Pos poss Post. po2. POX PP PPBG PPBP ppd PPN PPROM PPS PPTL pr PRBC Preop prep prn PROM PSA PSH PSVT pt pt. ed P.T PTA P.T.L PT/PTT PUBS PUD Pulm PVC PVD PWB Pyelo q qam qh q2h,q3h qid. QM QNS QL post-operative premature onset of labor positive possible posterior partial pressure of oxygen pulse oximetry postpartum, pancreatic polypeptide, postprandial postprandial blood glucose postpartum blood pressure packs per day peripheral parenteral nutrition preterm premature rupture of membranes postpartum sterilization postpartum tubal ligation per rectum packed red blood cells preoperative prepare as often as necessary premature rupture of membranes, passive range of motion prostate specific antigen, Poly-Substance Abuse past surgical history paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia patient patient education physical therapy, pharyngeal toilet (suction) prior to admission pre-term labor prothrombin time/partial thromboplastin time percutaneous umbilical artery sampling peptic ulcer disease pulmonary premature ventricular contractions peripheral vascular disease, posterior vitreous detachment partial weight bearing pyelonephritis every every morning every hour every 2 hours, every 3 hours four times a day Quality Management quantity not sufficient quality of life MFHS med abbrev. 19 qpm qs qt quad qual quant RA RABG rad RAE RAO RBBB RBC RBCX RCA RCM RD RDA RDS re readm rec’d ref reg. REM rep req Resp Retic RF RFA Rh RHD RH Rh neg Rh pos RLE RLL RLQ RML R/O ROA ROM ROP ROS every evening every shift, sufficient quantity quart quadriplegic, paralysis of all four extremities qualitative quantitative rheumatoid arthritis, right arm, right atrium, room air room air blood gas radium, reactive airway disease, Radiology right atrial enlargement right anterior oblique right bundle branch block red blood cells Red Blood Cell Exchange right coronary artery right costal margin retinal detachment recommended daily allowance respiratory distress syndrome regarding, concerning readmission received referred regular rapid eye movements repeat request respiration reticulocyte rheumatoid factor, renal failure, rheumatic fever right fronto anterior Rhesus blood factor rheumatic heart disease right heart failure Rhesus factor negative Rhesus factor positive right lower extremity right lower lobe, right lower lid right lower quadrant right middle lobe rule out right occiput anterior range of motion right occiput posterior, retinopathy of prematurity review of systems MFHS med abbrev. 20 ROT RPR RR RRR RSO RSA RSR RST RT RUE RUL rupt. RUQ RV RVH Rx s S2 SA SAGA SAH SAO2 SB SBE SBO SBP SCAN SCC SCCA Sec sed sed rate segs SEM sens serv SG SGA SGOT SGPT SIC SICU SIDS SJS SL right occiput transverse rapid plasma reagin recovery room, respiratory rate regular rate and rhythm right salpingo-oophorectomy right sacrum anterior regular sinus rhythm right sacrum transverse radiation therapy, Respiratory Therapy right upper extremity right upper lobe, lid ruptured right upper quadrant rectovaginal, right ventricle, residual volume right ventricle hypertrophy prescription without second heart sound sinoatrial small appropriate for gestational age subarachnoid hemorrhage arterial oxygen saturation stillborn subacute bacterial endocarditis small bowel obstruction systolic blood pressure suspected child abuse and/or neglect sickle cell crisis squamous cell carcinoma seconds sedimentation sedimentation rate segments systolic ejection murmur sensitivity service specific gravity small for gestational age serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase self-intermittent catheterization surgical intensive care unit sudden infant death syndrome Stevens-Johnson syndrome sublingual MFHS med abbrev. 21 SLE SLR SO SOAP SOB SOM sol sono s.o.s. S/P Sp fl SPOE SPE spec Spec. Ed systemic lupus erythematosus straight leg raise superior oblique, salpingo-oophorectomy subjective, objective data, assessment and plan shortness of breath serous otitis media solution sonogram if necessary suprapubic, status post spinal fluid Single Point of Entry serum protein electrophoresis specimen Special Education T or temp temperature T&A tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy T&C type & cross match T. Bili total bilirubin tab tablet tachy tachycardia TAGA term appropriate for gestational age TAH total abdominal hysterectomy TAH BSO total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo oophorectomy TB tuberculosis TBG thyroxine binding globulin tbsp tablespoon TED thromboembolic disease THR total hip replacement TIA transient ischemia attack tid three times a day TKA total knee arthroplasty TKR total knee replacement TL total larynegectomy TLC total lung capacity TM tympanic membrane TMJ temporomandibular joint TMTC too many to count TO telephone order Tol tolerated TORCH toxoplasmosis, other (syphilis, hepatitis, Zoster), rubella, cytomegalovirus, and herpes simplex (maternal infections) TP total protein TPN total parenteral nutrition TPR temperature, pulse and respiration MFHS med abbrev. 22 tr trach trich TSH TSI tsp TSP TSS TTN TTP TUR TURBT TURP TV TVH Tx tincture tracheostomy trichomonas thyroid stimulating hormone thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin teaspoon total serum protein toxic shock syndrome transient tachypnea newborn thrombolytic thrombocytopenia transurethral resection Transurethral Resection of Bladder Tumor Transurethral Resection of Prostate tidal volume transvaginal hysterectomy treatment, traction U/A UE UGI ULQ unilat UPPP URI URO US USI UTI UV UVC Urinalysis upper extremity upper gastrointestinal upper left quadrant unilateral uvulopalatal pharynogoplasty upper respiratory infection Urology ultrasound urinary stress incontinence Urinary Tract Infection ultraviolet, umbilical vein umbilical venous catheter V va Vacc VBAC VD VDRL vent V-fib V-flutter vit VHLA VO vol VSD VS volts, vesicle visual acuity vaccine, vaccination vaginal birth after C-section venereal disease, volume of dead space, dead volume Venereal Disease Research Laboratory ventilation, ventilator, ventricular ventricular fibrillation ventricular flutter vitamin, vitreous vaginal hysterectomy laparoscopically assisted verbal order volume Ventricular Septal Defect vital signs, volume support MFHS med abbrev. 23 VSS VT vital signs stable ventricular tachycardia w/ WBAT WBC W/C weak WFL WIC wk with weight bearing as tolerated White Blood Count wheelchair weakness within functional limits Women’s, Infants & Children Program week, weak x-rays XRT roentgen rays radiation therapy y/o yr Zn0. years old year zinc oxide Adapted from LSU: Health Sciences Center 2011 MFHS med abbrev. 24
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