PROGRAMME WCO-IOF-ESCEO MILAN 2015 WORLD CONGRESS ON OSTEOPOROSIS, O S T E OA RT H R I T I S A N D M U S C U L O S K E L E TA L DI S E A S E S MARCH 26-29, 2015 | MILAN ITALY MiCo - Fiera Milano Congressi Organized by Sinklar Conference Management B.V. 2 WCO-IOF-ESCEO MILAN 2015 GENERAL INFORMATION EVENT World Congress on Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases DATES March 26-29, 2015 Early Registration < December 5, 2014 IOF Member 735 € Non-Member 795 € Student 250 € Pre-registration < December 5, 2014 - March 5, 2015 > IOF Member 795 € Non-Member 895 € Student 270 € CONGRESS VENUE MiCo - Fiera Milano Congressi Via Gattamelata 5 - Gate 14 20149 Milan, Italy CONGRESS SECRETARIAT Yolande Piette Communication Bd G. Kleyer, 108 | 4000 Liège - Belgium Tel: +32 (0)4 254 12 25 | Fax: +32 (0)4 254 12 90 E-mail: [email protected] CONGRESS ORGANISER SINKLAR Conference Management B.V. Hogehilweg 5E, 1101CA Amsterdam Zuidoost - Netherlands E-mail: [email protected] CONGRESS WEBSITE REGISTRATION On Site IOF Member 995 € Non-Member 995 € Student 300 € DEADLINES Registration cancellation: within June 30, 2014, 50% of the registration fee will be refunded. After this date, no refund will be possible for cancellations. Submission of abstracts: January 15, 2015 Notification to the contributors: February 13, 2015 WCO-IOF-ESCEO MILAN 2015 1 SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION CONGRESS CHAIRMEN John A. KANIS - IOF President Jean-Yves REGINSTER - ESCEO President SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Cyrus COOPER Chair, IOF Committee Scientific Advisors (CSA) René RIZZOLI Chair, ESCEO Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) John A. KANIS IOF President Jean-Yves REGINSTER ESCEO President SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY BOARD Donato AGNUSDEI, Kristina AKESSON, Maurice AUDRAN, Jean-Jacques BODY, Mary BOUXSEIN, Maria Luisa BRANDI, Olivier BRUYERE, Nansa BURLET, Etienne CAVALIER, Claus CHRISTIANSEN, Juliet COMPSTON, Cyrus COOPER, Bernard CORTET, Jean-Pierre DEVOGELAER, Andrea GASPARIK, Nicholas HARVEY, Mickaël HILIGSMANN, John A. KANIS, Jean-Marc KAUFMAN, Paul LIPS, Roman LORENC, George LYRITIS, Johanne MARTEL-PELLETIER, Eugene McCLOSKEY, Socrates PAPAPOULOS, Karel PAVELKA, Jean-Pierre PELLETIER, Jean-Yves REGINSTER, Johann RINGE, René RIZZOLI, Christian ROUX, Pavel SZULC, Thierry THOMAS. 2 LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Maria Luisa BRANDI (chair, LOC) Emanuela BAIO DOSSI, Maria Luisa BIANCHI, Paolo CHERUBINO, Gaetano CREPALDI, Claudio CRICELLI, Maurizio CUTOLO, Andrea GENAZZANI, Giancarlo ISAIA, Andrea LENZI, Stefania MAGGI, Marco MATUCCI-CERINIC, Roberto MESSINA, Ranuccio NUTI, Sergio ORTOLANI. WCO-IOF-ESCEO MILAN 2015 WCO-IOF-ESCEO MILAN 2015 3 4 WCO-IOF-ESCEO MILAN 2015 15.30-17.30 Italian Session jointly organized by F.I.R.M.O. and E.S.C.E.O. Chairperson: Maria‑Luisa Brandi Palazzo delle Stelline 17.30-18.30 Best clinical papers published in 2014 René Rizzoli Palazzo delle Stelline 18.30-20.05 WCO-IOF-ESCEO - OPENING CEREMONY Chairpersons: John A. Kanis, Jean‑Yves Reginster 18.30-18.45 Population ageing and health: the importance of policies to Palazzo delle Stelline tackle musculoskeletal diseases Islene Araujo de Carvalho (World Health Organization – Geneva) 18.45-18.50 Opening of the meeting 18.50-19.50 IOF-ESCEO-SERVIER HONORARY LECTURE - Historical genetics of wine grapes - José Vouillamoz Palazzo delle Stelline Palazzo delle Stelline 19.50-20.00 Presentation of the ESCEO-IOF Servier Pierre D. Delmas Prize Palazzo delle Stelline 20.00-20.05 Presentation of the ESCEO IOF Herbert Fleisch Medal Palazzo delle Stelline 20.05-21.05 INDUSTRY-SPONSORED WELCOME COCKTAIL Palazzo delle Stelline 5 08.00-09.00 NON-SPONSORED SYMPOSIUM Application of Shape and Appearance Models in Blue 1 Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis Chairperson: John Sheperd - Introduction to Statistical Appearance Modeling for Bone Applications - Tim Cootes - 3D to 2D and back again: registration and modeling of 3D bone from 2D images for osteoporosis applications - Kenneth Poole - 3D Shape Characteristics of Arthritic Bone - Tuhina Neogi - 3D femur shape and appearance for fracture prediction - Is it ready for clinical applications? - Oleg Museyko Targeting Osteosarcopenia: a practical approach for the Blue 2 prevention of falls and osteoporotic fractures Chairperson: Neil Binkley - Introduction - Neil Binkley - Pathophysiology of osteosarcopenia: Common mechanisms and pathways - Gustavo Duque - How to diagnose osteosarcopenia? - Bjoern Buering - Therapeutic interventions for osteosarcopenia - Christina Alonso The personal and societal burden of Osteoarthritis: Yellow 1 observations from EPOSA Chairperson: Elaine M. Dennison - Introduction - Elaine M. Dennison - Osteoarthritis and comorbidities as determinants of disability in older populations - Stefania Maggi - Physical performance in later life and its relationship with Osteoarthritis - Mark Edwards - Frailty syndrome prevalence and slow walk speed in Osteoarthritis Angel Otero - The neighbourhood environment and use of neighbourhood resources in older people with and without Osteoarthritis - Erik Timmermans IOF WORKSHOP Calcium Supplementation: Does Protecting Against Yellow 2 Fracture Risk Increase the Risk of Cardio-vascular Diseases ? Chairperson: Taylor C. Wallace - Calcium Supplementation and the Risk of Cardiovascular Events Andrea Singer - The Role of Calcium Supplementation in Coronary Artery Disease: What is the Evidence? - Stephen Kopecky 08.30-09.00 SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL LECTURE - Unexpected non bone effects of vitamin D - Maurizio Cutolo White 1 09.00-10.20 SCIENTIFIC SESSION I Chairpersons: John A. Kanis, Jean‑Yves Reginster INDUSTRY-SPONSORED LUNCH SYMPOSIUM Auditorium B Calcium and vitamin D – Fact and fiction Chairperson: John A. Kanis - Welcome and introduction - John A. Kanis - Efficacy of calcium and vitamin D supplementation: Where are we now? - Cyrus Cooper - Calcium and vitamin D supplementation: Update on safety profile René Rizzoli - Bone protective therapies with and without calcium and vitamin D – Does it matter? - Bess Dawson‑Hughes - Meeting summary and close - John A. Kanis 14.00-14.30 Oral presentation of selected posters Chairperson: Johanne Martel‑Pelletier 14.00-15.00 Poster Viewing Session I Poster area EDUCATIONAL LECTURE 1 Auditorium B - How to apply for a job in a pharmaceutical company - Lucio C. Rovati ESCEO SYMPOSIA Revision of the guidelines for the registration of drugs Blue 1 to be used in the treatment of Osteoarthritis Chairpersons: Andrea Laslop, Susanne Reiter‑Niesert - Welcome and introduction - Andrea Laslop - Current regulatory requirements for registration of drugs to be used in osteoarthritis in Europe and need for clarification - Jean‑Yves Reginster - Suggested clarification by the ESCEO working group - Francis Berenbaum - Discussion - Leader: Stefania Maggi - Conclusions and wrap-up - Andrea Laslop Panel: Francis Berenbaum, Jaime Branco, Maria‑Luisa Brandi, Olivier Bruyère, Cyrus Cooper, Jean‑Pierre Devogelaer, Gabriel Herrero‑Beaumont, John A. Kanis, Andrea Laslop, Stefania Maggi, Jean‑Yves Reginster, Susanne Reiter‑Niesert, René Rizzoli Improving Osteoporosis Care with Trabecular Bone Blue 2 Structure (TBS) Chairpersons: David L. Kendler, Claus Glüer - Welcome and introduction - Claus Glüer - TBS in fracture risk assessment - Nicholas Harvey - Other potential applications of TBS - Neil Binkley - Discussion leaders - Claus Glüer - John A. Kanis - Conclusions - John A. Kanis Panel: Neil Binkley, Maria‑Luisa Brandi, Bruno Camargos, Cyrus Cooper, Claus Glüer, John A. Kanis, David L. Kendler, Olivier Lamy, Andrea Laslop, Jean‑Yves Reginster, René Rizzoli MEET-THE-EXPERT SESSIONS Sequential/combined therapies in Osteoporosis Serge Ferrari Yellow 3 09.00-09.30 Plenary Lecture 1 Auditorium A - Osteoporosis and Sarcopenia: two disorders or one? - Roger Fielding Monitoring of Osteoporosis treatments Jonathan D. Adachi Yellow 2 09.30-10.20 Oral communications selected from abstracts Exercise, nutrition, bone and muscles Bess Dawson‑Hughes Yellow 1 10.20-11.45 SCIENTIFIC SESSION II Chairpersons: Cyrus Cooper, Jean‑Pierre Pelletier Epidemiology and management of post-menopausal Osteoporosis in Latin America Patricia Clark 10.20-10.50 Plenary Lecture 2 - Management of Osteoporosis in Renal Failure Marie‑Hélène Lafage‑Proust G enetic markers for the prediction of fragility fractures White 2 Fernando Rivadeneira 10.50-11.00 Presentation of the ESCEO-MSD Fellowships Auditorium A 15.00-16.40 SCIENTIFIC SESSION III Chairpersons: René Rizzoli, Olivier Bruyère Auditorium A 11.00-11.50 Oral communications selected from abstracts 12.15-13.45 INDUSTRY-SPONSORED LUNCH SYMPOSIUM Auditorium A 15.00-15.30 Plenary Lecture 3 Auditorium A - Bone anabolic therapies in Osteoporosis - Socrates Papapoulos 15.30-15.40 Presentation of the IOF President’s Awards 15.40-16.40 Oral communications selected from abstracts 6 White 1 Auditorium A 17.00-18.30 INDUSTRY-SPONSORED SATELLITE SYMPOSIUM Auditorium B Evolving Strategies for Management of Osteoporosis Chairperson: Silvano Adami - Opening Remarks - Silvano Adami - The Role of Cathepsin K in Bone Homeostasis - Ego Seeman - Odanacatib Antifracture Efficacy in Postmenopausal Women; Results From the Phase 3 Long-term Odanacatib Fracture Trial (LOFT) - Michael R. McClung - Safety and Tolerability of Odanacatib in Post-Menopausal Women; Interim Results From the Phase 3 Long-term Odanacatib Fracture Trial (LOFT) - Socrates Papapoulos - Closing - Panel Question and Answer - Silvano Adami INDUSTRY-SPONSORED SATELLITE SYMPOSIUM Blue 1 Management of severe osteoporosis: personnalized medicine in practice Chairpersons: Maria‑Luisa Brandi, Jean‑Yves Reginster - Introduction - Maria‑Luisa Brandi - Why is severe Osteoporosis still an unmet medical need 40 years after the discovery of the first drugs? - Maria‑Luisa Brandi - Management of patients contra-indicated or not tolerant to anti-resorptive treatments - René Rizzoli - New indication and safety of strontium ranelate: a comprehensive review Cyrus Cooper - Conclusion - Jean‑Yves Reginster 7 08.00-09.00 IOF WORKSHOPS EDUCATIONAL LECTURE 2 - How to write a grant? - Ego Seeman Bone and Diabetes: Diabetes and Skeletal challenges Chairpersons: Massimo Massi Benedetti, Cyrus Cooper - Epidemiology of Diabetes and Osteoporosis - Bo Abrahamsen - Pathophysiology of Diabetoporosis - Serge Ferrari - New Diabetes Treatments and Bone - Nicola Napoli Blue 2 MH T : Menopausal H ormone Therapy revisited Yellow 1 Chairpersons: René Rizzoli, Bess Dawson‑Hughes - Menopause: consequences and overall management - John C. Stevenson - MHT: risks and benefits from the IMS perspective - Tobie De Villiers - SERM/HRT combinations - Peyman Hadji NON-SPONSORED SYMPOSIUM H ands-on on DXA acquisition and analysis: artifactual pitfalls and possible escapes Blue 1 Auditorium B ESCEO SYMPOSIUM European perspective of the new guidelines for the Blue 2 management of Osteoarthritis – focus on SYSADOAs Chairpersons: Jean‑Pierre Devogelaer, Gabriel Herrero‑Beaumont - Introduction and scope of the problem - Marc Hochberg - Glucosamine and chondroitin salts in the management of osteoarthritis in Europe - Jean‑Yves Reginster - Hyaluronic acid salts in the management of Osteoarthritis in Europe Jean‑Pierre Pelletier - Discussion - Leader: Jaime Branco Panel: Jaime Branco, Maria‑Luisa Brandi, Olivier Bruyère, Cyrus Cooper, Jean‑Pierre Devogelaer, Gabriel Herrero‑Beaumont, Marc Hochberg, John A. Kanis, Emmanuel Maheu, Jean‑Pierre Pelletier, Jean‑Yves Reginster, René Rizzoli MEET-THE-EXPERT SESSIONS The nutritional approach to weight management and Yellow 2 musculoskeletal health Chairpersons: René Rizzoli, Jean‑Jacques Body - The benefits of yogurt to manage weight and metabolic diseases Arne Astrup - Dairies and sustainable musculoskeletal health - René Rizzoli Diagnosis and treatment of sarcopenia Marjolein Visser Yellow 2 Physical rehabilitation: which method? Olivier Bruyère White 2 09.00-10.20 SCIENTIFIC SESSION IV Chairpersons: Maria‑Luisa Brandi, Stefania Maggi Use of FRAX worldwide: current challenges and solutions John A. Kanis 09.00-09.30 Plenary Lecture 4 Auditorium A - Can we alter the natural history of Osteoarthritis? - Marc Hochberg Epidemiology and management of post-menopausal Osteoporosis in Middle East Leith Zakraoui White 1 09.30-09.40 Presentation of the IOF Medal of Achievement Management of pain in osteoporosis Maria‑Luisa Brandi Level -1 Auditorium A 09.40-10.20 Oral communications selected from abstracts 15.00-16.40 SCIENTIFIC SESSION VI Chairpersons: Johanne Martel‑Pelletier, Marc Hochberg 10.50-11.45 SCIENTIFIC SESSION V Chairpersons: Jean‑Marc Kaufman, Socrates Papapoulos 10.20-10.50 Plenary Lecture 5 Auditorium A - Is it time to resurrect menopause hormone therapy in Osteoporosis? John C. Stevenson 10.50-11.45 Oral communications selected from abstracts 12.15-13.45 INDUSTRY-SPONSORED LUNCH SYMPOSIUM Auditorium B Dairy products & bone health : turning facts and beliefs into clinical practice Chairpersons: Jean‑Yves Reginster, René Rizzoli - The acid-ash hypothesis and bone health - Tanis Fenton - Dairy consumption, prevention of osteoporosis & fractures: an update Olivier Bruyère - Dairy product facts & fiction - Jean‑Jacques Body INDUSTRY-SPONSORED LUNCH SYMPOSIUM Auditorium A Putting the Patient First: Effective Management Strategies to Reduce the Burden of Osteoporosis Chairperson: Maria‑Luisa Brandi - Welcome & Introduction - Maria‑Luisa Brandi - Bridging the Osteoporosis Care Gap: Improving Patient Outcomes with a Fracture Liaison Service - Maria‑Luisa Brandi - Understanding the Fragile Patient: Identifying and Addressing the Clinical Challenge - Astrid Fahrleitner‑Pammer - Preventing Secondary Osteoporosis: Anabolic vs Anti-resorptive Therapy for Improving Patient Outcomes - Erik Fink Eriksen - Question & Answer. Symposium Close - Maria‑Luisa Brandi 14.00-14.30 Oral presentation of selected posters Chairperson: Johanne Martel‑Pelletier 14.00-15.00 Poster Viewing Session II 8 Yellow 3 Poster area 15.00-15.30 Plenary Lecture 6 Auditorium A - How long should we treat osteoporotic patients? - Maria‑Luisa Brandi 15.30-16.40 Oral communications selected from abstracts 15.00-17.00 COMMITTEE OF NATIONAL SOCIETIES SPECIAL PLENARY SESSION Healthy Life, Healthy Bones Chairpersons: Jean‑Yves Reginster, Judy Stenmark 16.50-17.00 Presentation of the IOF Committee of National Societies Medal Yellow 1 17.00-18.00 ESCEO-EUGMS SYMPOSIUM Can we identify which patients should be treated in Blue 1 Osteoarthritis? Chairpersons: Johanne Martel‑Pelletier, Olivier Bruyère - Welcome and introduction - Marc Hochberg - The need for phenotyping patients in Osteoarthritis - Nigel K. Arden - Is it possible to phenotype patients in Osteoarthritis? - Olivier Bruyère - Discussion - ‑ - Wrap up and conclusions - Olivier Bruyère Panel: Nigel K. Arden, Francis Berenbaum, Jaime Branco, Maria‑Luisa Brandi, Olivier Bruyère, Philip Conaghan, Cyrus Cooper, Elaine M. Dennison, Jean‑Pierre Devogelaer, Gabriel Herrero‑Beaumont, Marc Hochberg, John A. Kanis, Stefania Maggi, Johanne Martel‑Pelletier, Jean‑Pierre Pelletier, Susanne Reiter‑Niesert, Jean‑Yves Reginster, René Rizzoli IOF WORKSHOP ISCD-IOF Joint Session : Latest trends on secondary Blue 2 fracture prevention Chairpersons: Neil Binkley, Kristina Akesson - Capture the fracture -update - Cyrus Cooper - Novel diagnostic technologies - H.P. Dimai - Laboratory Work-up Post Hip Fracture Repair, What to Measure and When, the Impact of Surgery on Laboratory Results - Neil Binkley 17.00-18.30 INDUSTRY-SPONSORED SATELLITE SYMPOSIUM Auditorium B Hypophosphatasia: a rare disease with heterogeneous presentation Chairperson: Maria‑Luisa Bianchi - Introduction - Maria‑Luisa Bianchi - Characterizing the burden of disease in patients with HPP - Thomas Weber - Clinical presentation of HPP in a family with the same mutation: heterogeneous or homogeneous phenotype? - Francesco Conti - Differentiating HPP from other musculoskeletal diseases - Christian Roux INDUSTRY-SPONSORED SATELLITE SYMPOSIUM Auditorium A 9 08.00-09.00 NON-SPONSORED SYMPOSIUM Clinical Application of Bone Microindentation Blue 1 Osteogenic Loading, Low-Impact, H igh Loading stimulus for Bone Yellow 2 Density Development Links between atherosclerosis and osteoporosis Chairpersons: Sekib Sokolovic, Roberto Jacomelli, Almira Hadzovic‑Dzuvo - Atherosclerosis: Degenerative or Inflammatory disease - Dragan Lovic - Osteoporosis: Degenerative or Inflammatory disease - Ülke Akarirmak - Atherosclerosis and Osteoporosis: Is there are any link? - Sekib Sokolovic Blue 2 Non-holiday drug for osteoporosis. Is it possible to calculate the Yellow 1 economic impact of anti fracture efficacy versus side effect ? Chairperson: Elio Tanaka - Introduction - Elio Tanaka - The drugs for osteoporosis , past , present and future - Fernanda Tanaka - The anti fracture efficacy and the adverse effects of the osteoporosis´drugs . Claudia Totsugui Mariano - The economic impact of anti fracture efficacy versus side or adverse effects Alexander Itria - The drug for bone event specialy in dismetabolic patients , like chronic kidney failure group of patients - Fabiana Gatti de Menezes - Questions and closing remarks - Elio Tanaka 09.00-10.50 SCIENTIFIC SESSION VII Chairpersons: Roger Fielding, Nicholas Harvey 09.00-09.30 Plenary Lecture 7 - Inflammation and bone fragility - Christian Roux 09.30-09.40 Presentation of the IOF Olof Johnell Science Award Auditorium A Auditorium A 09.40-10.20 Oral communications selected from abstracts 10.20-10.50 Plenary Lecture 8 Auditorium A - Guidelines diversity in glucocorticoid-induced Osteoporosis - Cyrus Cooper 10.50-11.50 ESCEO SYMPOSIUM G uidelines for the registration of drugs to be used in frailty and sarcopenia Chairpersons: Alfonso Cruz Jentoft, Marjolein Visser - Introduction - René Rizzoli - Who should we treat in Sarcopenia - Antonio Cherubini - How to assess diseases in Sarcopenia - Roger Fielding - Discussion leaders - Ivan Bautmans - Luc J. C. van Loon - Conclusion - Jean‑Yves Reginster Panel: Islene Araujo de Carvalho (World Health Organization – Geneva), Ivan Bautmans, Heike Bischoff‑Ferrari, Maria‑Luisa Brandi, Olivier Bruyère, Etienne Cavalier, Antonio Cherubini, Cyrus Cooper, Gaetano Crepaldi, Alfonso Cruz Jentoft, Roger Fielding, John A. Kanis, Alberto Pilotto, Jean‑Yves Reginster, Susanne Reiter‑Niesert, René Rizzoli, Serge Rozenberg 12.15-13.45 INDUSTRY-SPONSORED LUNCH SYMPOSIUM INDUSTRY-SPONSORED LUNCH SYMPOSIUM 10 Blue 1 T hu r s d ay , M ar c h 2 6 18.50-19.50 SERVIER HONORARY LECTURE - Historical genetics of wine grapes - José Vouillamoz 20.05-21.05 MEDA AB WELCOME COCKTAIL Palazzo delle Stelline Palazzo delle Stelline F r i d ay , M ar c h 2 7 12.15-13.45 MEDA AB LUNCH SYMPOSIUM Auditorium A TAKEDA LUNCH SYMPOSIUM Auditorium B Calcium and vitamin D – Fact and fiction Chairperson: John A. Kanis - Welcome and introduction - John A. Kanis - Efficacy of calcium and vitamin D supplementation: Where are we now? Cyrus Cooper - Calcium and vitamin D supplementation: Update on safety profile - René Rizzoli - Bone protective therapies with and without calcium and vitamin D – Does it matter? - Bess Dawson‑Hughes - Meeting summary and close - John A. Kanis 17.00-18.30 MSD SATELLITE SYMPOSIUM Auditorium B Evolving Strategies for Management of Osteoporosis Chairperson: Silvano Adami - Opening Remarks - Silvano Adami - The Role of Cathepsin K in Bone Homeostasis - Ego Seeman - Odanacatib Antifracture Efficacy in Postmenopausal Women; Results From the Phase 3 Long-term Odanacatib Fracture Trial (LOFT) - Michael R. McClung - Safety and Tolerability of Odanacatib in Post-Menopausal Women; Interim Results From the Phase 3 Long-term Odanacatib Fracture Trial (LOFT) - Socrates Papapoulos - Closing - Panel Question and Answer - Silvano Adami SERVIER SATELLITE SYMPOSIUM Blue 1 Management of severe osteoporosis: personnalized medicine in practice Chairpersons: Maria‑Luisa Brandi, Jean‑Yves Reginster - Introduction - Maria‑Luisa Brandi - Why is severe Osteoporosis still an unmet medical need 40 years after the discovery of the first drugs? - Maria‑Luisa Brandi - Management of patients contra-indicated or not tolerant to anti-resorptive treatments - René Rizzoli - New indication and safety of strontium ranelate: a comprehensive review Cyrus Cooper - Conclusion - Jean‑Yves Reginster Satu r d ay , M ar c h 2 8 12.15-13.45 CERIN / CNIEL, EMF, GDP LUNCH SYMPOSIUM Auditorium B Dairy products & bone health : turning facts and beliefs into clinical practice Chairpersons: Jean‑Yves Reginster, René Rizzoli - The acid-ash hypothesis and bone health - Tanis Fenton - Dairy consumption, prevention of osteoporosis & fractures: an update Olivier Bruyère - Dairy product facts & fiction - Jean‑Jacques Body ELI LILLY LUNCH SYMPOSIUM Auditorium A Putting the Patient First: Effective Management Strategies to Reduce the Burden of Osteoporosis Chairperson: Maria‑Luisa Brandi - Welcome & Introduction - Maria‑Luisa Brandi - Bridging the Osteoporosis Care Gap: Improving Patient Outcomes with a Fracture Liaison Service - Maria‑Luisa Brandi - Understanding the Fragile Patient: Identifying and Addressing the Clinical Challenge - Astrid Fahrleitner‑Pammer - Preventing Secondary Osteoporosis: Anabolic vs Anti-resorptive Therapy for Improving Patient Outcomes - Erik Fink Eriksen - Question & Answer. Symposium Close - Maria‑Luisa Brandi 11 17.00-18.30 AMGEN SATELLITE SYMPOSIUM Auditorium A ALEXION SATELLITE SYMPOSIUM Auditorium B Hypophosphatasia: a rare disease with heterogeneous presentation Chairperson: Maria‑Luisa Bianchi - Introduction - Maria‑Luisa Bianchi - Characterizing the burden of disease in patients with HPP - Thomas Weber - Clinical presentation of HPP in a family with the same mutation: heterogeneous or homogeneous phenotype? - Francesco Conti - Differentiating HPP from other musculoskeletal diseases - Christian Roux 12 12/01/2015
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