Priscilla Presley tells all in book By JIM LEWIS f> I NASHVILLE, Tcnn. (UPI) Pri«cilla Presley, in a tell-all book to be published next month, said she had two love affairs while married to rock V roll king Elvis Presley. The book, titled "Elvis and Me," also reveals that Elvis refused te consummate his love with Priscilla until their wedding night, despite her pleas. Presley, now an actress appearing on ''Dallas," recounts that a friend arranged her first meeting with the singer in 1960 in Germany where he was stationed in the Army. She was 14 at the time. She wrote that Presley, already an international star, invited her to the bedroom of his apartment. "Until that moment, it hadn't crossed my mind that Elvis Presley might be interested in me sexually. He could have any girl in the world. Why would be want me?" Mrs. Presley wrote. '"There's nothing to be frightened of, honey,'" she quoted Elvis as saying. "As he spoke, he was smoothing my hair. 'I swear I'll never do anything to harm you.' He sounded absolutely sincere. 'I'll treat you just like a sister/ Flustered and confused, I looked away." Later, Mrs. Presley writes, Elvis kissed her. "I had never experienced such a mixture of affection and desire. Aware of my response — and my youth — he broke away first, saying, 'We have plenty of time, little one.' He kissed my forehead and sent me home." She wrote that she pleaded with Presley the night before he left Germany to return to civilian life. "For the last time I begged Priscilla Presley him to consummate our love. But he quietly said, 'No. someday, we will, Priscilla, but not now* You're just too young.'" She wrote that she moved into Presley's Graceland Mansion in Memphis during her senior year in high school and slept with the singer every night, but he still declined to consummate the relationship. "Instead of consummating our love in the usual way, he began teaching me other means of pleasing him. The two of us created some exciting and wild times," she wrote. "Ordinary thrills sometimes were not enough, especially when he was under the influence of powerful drugs. Under no circumstances were his ideas or playfulness perverted or in any way harmful." Priscilla Beaulieu and Elvis Presley were married in 1967 after living together five years. On her wedding night, she wrote, their love was finally consummated. Lorna Luff lusts for quieter life $-27 HOLLYWOOD (UPI) - Lorna Luft, sifter of Liza Minnelli and daughter of Judy Garland, is looking for a quieter life and thinks her new role on "Trapper John, M.D." is just the thing. "Mother and Liza loved all the traveling around with their tours and the excitement of appearing on stage," she says. "Not me. I've done all the running around, seen all the discos and walked on enough stages. Now I'm grown up with a commitment to my family." Luft and husband Jake Hooker moved from New York to Los Angeles, thinking it would be a better place to raise their 15month-old son and good for her career. She likes the security of being on a television series and will play nurse Libby Kegler on "Trapper John." "I know I'm not as flamboyant as Liza — who is my best friend — or my mother, NOTICE Upts GENERAL INFORMATION Press-Republican Classified Ads ABBREVIATIONS Advortitlitf copy to tot prodvcth*, must be cleen end unoorstendebto. All word* mutt be spelled out. BOX NUMBERS Thoro will tot cftoroo of $1.25 per dey for PreesRooubllcon Wind box tor* vko. CENSORSHIP Tht PressRepublfcon Publishing Company reserves ttw right to ocHt, r o l t c t ond p r o p e r l y clossJfyollods. CREDIT Closstfled odt art occopttd on • cosh occomodotton bosis. A crodft limit of $20 will apply Cosh In odvonco moy bo roWired of tho discretion of mo Clotsiflod Monooor. Cortoln ctosslficotlofts oro olwoyt cosh In odvonco. DEADLINES Lino ods: For pubilcotion on Wodnotdoy through Soturdov, deedlino Is 4.30 p.m., 2 doys prior. For pubilcotion on Monday, doodllno is V p.m. Friday. For pubilcotion on Twosdoy. doodimo Is 12 noon Saturday. Classified Display doodlinos will bo givon upon request. CANCELLATIONS Wodnofdoy through Monday, 2 days prior. Tuosday, noon Saturday. CORRECTIONS Piooso chock your od carofully mo first day it oppoort. If o mittakt has boon mado, call fho Ctossifiod Dopf.Tho ProssRopubfican cannot asoumo responsibility for orrors oftor mo first insortlon. Correction* must bo In our office by 10 a.m. me first day of publication to receive adjustment. BUSINESS HOURS Monday through Friday •:30a.m.to5.09p.rn. Saturday •:30 a.m. to noon Call the CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Made lust for you each day! Ctossifiod Ads oro for every day too. Rood thorn daily ond savo. Ugats ....1 SpecKM Notices • ..,2 Frot ....3 Oe)i IMM Shops.. ....4 B t w t y Shops Cards of Thanks 5 inMamorlam * LOST and Found 7 insfrucTion . . « « » . . . . . . . 8 Personals 9 Memorials 10 Funeral Directors . . . . 11 Real Estate for Sate Homes for Sale rnUpei I f • • LOTS Lorna Luft But you make a choice about whether to be a person with flair. I'm outgoing, but that's not flamboyant. You can still earn high yields! 13.48 Farms, Farm Land.. Business Property... Suburban, Lake Prop. Real Estate Wanted.. Camps for Sale 14 15 M 17 10 19 20 Real Estate for Rent Motels n Apartments, Furn 23 Apartments, Unfurn .. 24 Homes for Rent 25 Mobile Homes for Rent26 Trailer Lots for Rent.. 27 Farms, Lands to Rent. 28 Business Property.... 29 Suburban Lake Prop. .30 Summer Camps 31 Rooms wltt) B o a r d . . . . 32 Rooms without Board. 33 Garages for Rent 34 Wanted to Rent 35 Merchandise % Current dividend yield of Putnam High Yield Trust Jt Putnam High Yield Trust's diversified portfolio of high-yielding bonds gives you regular monthly income—and you're not locked into a fixed investment period. Putnam's skilled investment professionals research, select and continuously monitor each bond in the Trust. And the minimum initial investment is only $500. The Putnam organization, founded in 1937, super- vises over $8 billion in 23 mutual funds. oWidend y»e»d it computed by onnuoltttig * * • m o r r«ce*w mooend of $0 *85 ond d'vidrng by $16 47 * * mosrmurr offering pr»ce 0t A^g 23 1965 Retv+n for <ht% pe*»Od ore no* n#ces»Or«*y «nof hfivrm pmriormanc* Yi**d ond shore price. ***dh or* not ftvcfuo* Drown Bros. Monuments • MANY CALLS • GOOD CUSTOMERS • GREAT SALES Guaranteed through the CUSSIFIEIS Antiques 37 Household Goods 38 Garage Sales 39 Radio and Television.. 40 CB Radios 41 Firm Equip., Supplies 42 Lawn.. Garden 43 Farm Produce 44 Christmas Trees 45 Sporting Goods 46 Motorcycles 4 Bikes.. 4S Boats and Motors 49 Building Supplies 50 Snow Equipment 51 Business Equipment.. 52 Camping Equipment.. 53 Chemicals 54 Toys 55 Machinery, Tools 5* Musical instruments..57 Pets* Livestock 5S Fead,Fuel 59 Miscellaneous to Waarmg Apparel 41 Wanted to Buy 42 Services Offered BuHdlng, Contracting, 45 Plumbing, Heating . . . 44 Repairing* ReHnishsftg47 **. OO H^pWmiSiMhF Huts Fir Sib 14 Lincoln Logs Ltd. 561-2300 Your Northern. Homes Dealer Adirondack Realty Looking for a larger home or a smaller one? Shop the classified ods for the best selection. Try a Classified Ad today ond oof oxtro dollars from idle Items. Olol 541-2300. .ask for Closolfiod. Save 90s and time Classified for bargains every doy. An investment that will pay off I Idle items take up space. I n v e s t In a low cost Classified Ad to soli them for cash money. Call me magic mmbot now...Dioi 541-2300. Buy, Sell. Rent...That's what you con do with a low cost Classified Ad. Dial 541 2300. Quick resort*...low cost. Thofs tho trademark of Classified advertising. Use a. "budget stretcher" Classified Ad. Sell "don't needs" for extra dollars. Whip inflation now with Classified Ads. Buy what you need ot a sonsiblo price. Rood today's Classified ads and WIN I There is hardly a buying problem Classified Ads can't solve. Find what you want at a low prico »n today's Clarified Ad*. Closolfiod can help you cope with the high cost of living. Rood ond use Closolfiod Ads to buy or sell. Ufab NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE The Soint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation will conduct a public solo of Two (2) 14-Ton Cronos; bid opening at 2:00 P.M. local time, on Wednesday, September 11, 19*5 of the Administration Building, 100 Andrews Street, Massena, Now York The public is invited to submit bids on moot Crones which ero located neor me Corpora tion's maintenance Building, Grasse River Rood, Mossona, Now York. Bid deposits and minimum bids oro roquirod as stated in the bid package available at the reception desk of t h e Administration Building, or will bo mailed oftor phono request to 315-7*4The cranes will be "Where IS ond As is"; coll 3157 * 4 - 3 2 0 3 to m a k e orrongomonts to inspect the cronos prior to submitting a bid. Notice is hereby given ttiot on July U , lots, ot Cttempiein Bridge one 1*3 Ootsun Sentra, VIM: #JN1PB14$2DUO1£47* wos soiled ot Chompioin Bridge, Chompioin, Mow York os o rooirtt of the olleoed use m the commission of o violotion OMU.S.C ?334(o). Sold seized conveyence hes boon determined to be swbiect to fortettvre pursuant to I U.SC l»4(b) end • C f . R . 274. Any person cieimmg to be the of sold seized con who wishes to obtain a iudicioi determination of forfeiture must file wftt» the ROfNono* Commissioner, im* mierotion efid NatureHzetion Servftco, o cio»m ond post a to • C.F.R. 274.TO. as revised by provisions of t*e Com iwohonoi^e Crime Control Act of T004 ( P L *0 473) end the Troo* ond Toriff Act of m* (P.L. ff-sn). A cia>m and a coot bond must be received by the Region— Comm»osioner, immigration ond Wanwaiiie«on Service, federal Buttdtng, fterfmfton, Vermont 05401. on or before clooe of •. N t S o r s e * will be declared feriofted to the u » * e * S t e m , t » I C M 274 11 Adirondack Realty Member MLS Service LOG CABIN • just reduced with lake rights possible. Some owner finoncing. Needs inside finishing. Asking $24,000. Greet for starter • finishing prospect high full basement Downtown Pittsburgh Margaret I Cornelia St. Pipi Ssi 3344 anytime HOMES for sole Chaiy Lake. 1 house with lake rights, 1 house on lake lot. 4*2 220?. WEST Chazy, 2 bedrm. homeT full besement, with garage, priced to sell. $20,500 543 4107 IN city of Pittsburgh V 2 bedrm. tudor brick, large family room. Professional decorated I well londsceped, plus coble hookup. 147,900. Century 21, Delbec Agency. 943 42f2. Set Point Condominiums RITCHIE REALTY Time& Temperature Looking for a better car? Look m classification to for o real Many famines store salable good buy! Items which could oosity be exchanged for cosh with o tow-cost Clossif led Ad. There's Interesting news in the Classified pages every doy. Hove YOU rood the news? GENERAL CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY GARA0C, LOCATEO AT 245 MAROARf T S T R U T , CITY Of PLATTSBUROH, CLINSee What You Buy 7100. TON COUNTY, NEW YORK Pittsburgh Memorials AUTO & Motorcycle in 12901. 172 So. Catherine 5*3-7444 suronce. Low premiums. Notice of Party Ceocus Monuments Everyone accepted. Adlron* D E N S M O R E The Democrat Party of the since l t d . Robert Hamilton, dick Insuring, 4* Town of Pom will hold their • 4 3 9425 or • 4 3 * 9 0 5 5 . Brinkerhoff St., Ploltsburgh. party caucus for nomination of Keesev!Ue4Peru. U candidates tor me following LEOLETOURNEAU town offices to be filled by Monuments, Markers, Letgonerol oloctlon In November tering. 297-7111. OWEN Supervisor GARROW, Town Clerk - Tox Collector Furniture Highway Superintendent Now Zenith, TV 4 VCR Town Judge Also K el vlna tor Councitmen (2) Pof Drown Steve Drown Washers, Dryers, Freezers Assessor ( I ) 594 3*11 5*13570 Rofrlgorotors, plus microSold caucus will bo held ot wave ovens 4 stereos for you each day! Peru Town Hall September S, Companion Rentals Classified Ads ere for 1ft57:30P.M. 2 So. Peru St. M l 5133 you...and they are fresh All duly enrolled Democrats every day too. Rood oro encouraged to vote. CANOPTA Microscope Serdoily and save. (s)EvorettJ.Ezoro vices 4 Repairs, U Moore Democratic Forty St., Chempleln. We service 4 Chairman repolr microscopes, Ohaus Balancers 4 Scales. Sell ForCT MALE ASSOCIATES, co Mlrcoscopes, Equipment P.C. 4 Ohaus Balancers 4 Scales. Authorized Dealer 12/20/12 RONALD L. TROMBLEY, Eugene R. Pel term BLOOMINGDALE SEWER TECHNICIAN, 5 l l 2 * § I U 2 . 5*1 7194,5*3 3024 IMPROVEMENT SECTION 00020 VARIWARE Customized Morrison 4 Miller rnc INVITATION Computer Programming. Real Estate4 insurance TO BIO Business or personal. 594 21 Clinton St. 5*3 1130 Sealed Bids moy be 7724. delivered to the office of the Village Attorney, Robert E. White, 4 Academy Street, 21 Bookman St. 5*1*900 Serenec Lake, N.Y. I2fi3 up to A R E Y O U S E L LING 4:00 PM., Friday, September 5*21000 YOUR HOUSE? 4, 1H5, ond then ot soid office For fast results publicly opened ond rood eloud SEAMLESS Gutter - No drip*, use Classified for: no leaks, no seams. $2.75 per SEWER SYSTEM IMft. installed. Limelight spas 5*15** PROVEMENTS David Reed Construction Controct - Union Street SARANAC UMW, Seranec, Sanitary Sower Construction N.Y. Church Beef Supper Controct Work includes: All August 27, 5:30 p.m. Adults labor, tools, materials and MOO, Children$1.50 equipment necessary to fur5*140*1 nish ond install approximately LOOKING for information on 4*5 feet of I-inch senitery Mary Jane Todd. She lived in sewer pipe; 125 feet of * inch Eiiiebemfown snd died in hose loteroi pipe; 4l"x*" me mid itSPs. She or her 149 Margaret Ptettsburgh wyes; 3 manhole* for Alterhusband came from Lon5*133*4 or 54175*3 nate No. 1 or a combination of donderry, No. Ireland. Member MLS Service • inch s a n i t a r y sewer, Please send V)Y information manholes, grinder pump unit, to: Mergartt Davenport, 155 What ere you seeking? Shop today's clossified for the best and sewage force main for Hawthorn St.. Masiopeque buy. Dial 5*1-2300. Alternate No. 2. Park, NY 117*2. The project shod be comIN CITY pleted with 30 calender doys 3 Bedroom 4 after the dote when the con* or 4 Bedroom tract time commences to run. DOO Lover's Special Free for Formal Dining Room Bids should not include soles adoption, Jeennie (with the Large Eat-»n Kitchen on^ compensating use taxes on light brown hair). 14 months, ?Vi Baths. Deck material* incorporated into spayed, Labrador and Irish Full Basement the work. Setter, witfi oil shots, needs a Paved Driveway Bids actually received by now home with young family Landscaped Lot moll or by hond oftor the op with children ond land. Good Newly Constructed pointed time on the dote disposition, friendly, loving 157.500 Cell 541 4491 specified shall be rejected, not and beautiful. Senior cititen No Realtor* Please withstanding that such Bid freebte. Call 543*49*. FOR a personal preview of me moy hove been placed in a l u x u r i o u s Bluff Point mod box or other moil recepTownhouse*, call Ellen t o r regularly mointoined by Wekh or Richard Johnson, the United States Postal Ser The Village Halrdesigners Sales Associates, Coldwell vice before such time, ond orSolar Nolls. Boynton 4 N. Banker Real Estate. 5*3 *403 dinarily in sufficient time to Beekman 5*3*930 anytime. hove boon delivered on time. Bid security in the amount of 5% of the Bid must accompany each Bid in accordance with FOUND: creamy white dog, Rouses Point 297 2t2t the Instructions to Bidders. female, possibly I year or The succooful Bidder will be younger, found in Court St. required to furnish o per Call 5*3-1394 and Iden formance bond ond o payment Rouses Point 297 4525 bond, each in on amount equel FOUND In middle of road in FLOWER LOVERS!! Cliff to 100% of tho controct price. front of McDonalds small Haven, 4 bedrm. raised Drawings ond Specification* Chihuahua, very light beige. ronch. 2 full baths, central moy bo exemmed on ond offer No collar. 5*2-0730. air, 4 formef garden (opAugust 27, 1*5 ot tho Vlitoge ttonel). Owner-5*1 7019. Pump House on East Main Street (NYS Route 3), Bloom3 BEDRM. ranch, attached ingdote, ond ot tho office of the gorog: Choke location. DIESEL MECHANICS village Clerk, Village of Many extras. Chomplaln a monm hands-on pro Bloomlngdele, located ot the Park. Price negotiable. Call gram. Financial Town Hall of the Town of St. 3i5-7*9-*744 for appointment. assistance for Qualified Armend, East Main Street, students. Approved for i HOME FOR SALE By Owner: Bloomlngdele. Veterans Training. Next 3 bedrms., 2 car attached Complete sets of Bidding ond classes Oct. 15 and Jon. *. garage on approx. *• acre Controct Documents moy be Local interviews, Diesel lot. 125,000.594-7034. purchased from the Village Technology institute, )05 Clerk or Supt. of Public Work*. Phoenix Avenue, Enfieid, New Home. Lake rights. The deposit on the first set is CT 0*0K. Call 1000-243 private road, big lot. thirty $30.00, to bo refunded in 4242. $00,000.5*1 -*255. full to oH Formal Bidders provided that the complete set of B i d d i n g ond Controct Documents (Drawing* and Protect Manual) is returned to the Village, postage poid and in good condition within 30 doys after the Bid Opening. Full refund will be mode to non-bidders only if the comI . ANALYSIS OF GENERAL FUND BALANCE plete set of Documents is FUND BALANCE — July 1, 1984 returned to the Village, in good condition before the bid openAdd:Revenues ing. ftooi Property Tax $2,340,350.47 Payment for Documents Other Tox Item* 107,623.34 should be mode either in cash Tuition 124,955.40 or by check. Checks should be made payable to Village of Othor loco* Services 156,312.53 Bkjomingdale Revenues from State Sources 2,414,919.04 Bidders on this work wilt be roQvtrod to comply with me Sub-Total President's Executive Orders No. 11244 ond No 11375, which Less: Expenditures pertain to nondiscriminetion in $ 810.009 83 General Support empoymenf. T h e reInstruction 2,768,114 B8 quirements for Bidders and Pupil Transportation 271.95401 Contractors under these CETA Programs -0orders ore explained in the Bidding and Controct Community Services n.064.45 Documents. Employee Benefits 932,9M J 4 Any controct or contracts Debt Service -0oworded under this invitation Interfund Tronsfers 294,656.25 for Bids ore expected to be Rent with Ownership Option THREE WISHES ARE YOURS... Got tho savings habit I Rood tho Classified Ads to learn where tho real bargains oro. 561-2300 Press-Republican—Tuesday, AugustV, 1985 2 3 1 •JMshrSiM Spfhri Brtcn 14 LOSE weight now Ask me Monuments 230-7125, Fm tarty teps UttafFwri Kavanaugh Realty John Carney Realty 437 Margaret St. Pittsburgh, N.Y. Only 14 Units left 13200 Down 1522 to 1995 sq. ft. per home Luxurious 2 or 3 Bedrm. Gallery style Kitchen Waii to Wall Carpeting Private Pool, Beach or Health Spa 10.2% Financing Fixed Rote 30 yr. mor tgoge Visit our Model Open daily 9 5 H. Paul Dev. Inc./J.D. Dame $417252 The Complete offering terms are in on offering plan available from Sponsor. Equal Housing Opportunity. BY OWNER Lovely 4 bedrm., 2 bath Cape Cod w/ottoched 2 car oarage 4 enclosed porch, hardwood floors, full basement 4 w e e d f r e e vegetable garden. Low $70*s. Owner finoncing available. 297*215 anytime, leave nomo 4 nvmbor. FOR SALE or Trade larger home? We smeller one I Have a 4 bedrm., lVj bath, din. rm., kit., liv. rm., large enclosed porch. Combinetioq wood/oil furnace. Dannemoro, 492 7232. IN Abenaki Trailer Pk., 2 b e d r m . t r a i l e r 4 lot, 135x135', drilled well 4 Ig. gar. $12,000. 5*1 053t, after 4 p.m. 5*1-5*49. SOLAR HOME * acre land * mi. from Pittsburgh. At teched garage 4 greenhouse Owner will finance. Coll *43 PRICED for quick sole by owner, 4 bedrm. okktr 2 story oil f forced air with backup, 1 bathroom, enclosed porches, don, gar. All on 1.5 acres in Peru School District. $10,500. 2700. BY Owner, 3 bedrm. ranch. 1 cor gar. Full basement. 2.* acres. 5 miles north of city. S39,900. Call 5*1 5725. July 1,19S4.Jun# 30, 1985 Quiromonts, forms, ond conditions of the FmHA, USDA Minority Business Enterprise/Women Business Enterprises ( M B E / W B E ) requirements including me goals established for MBE/WBE participation during the per formance of tho Controct. The Bidder commits himself to the performance of positive efforts to achieve the goals for MBE/WBE participation con- S BirftngfflS&COO $5,609,728.16 15,068,71056 $ 521,017,60 $ 3,041.78 $ 247,746.11 119,393.22 125,311 T4 244,704.33 Sub-Total S Lest: Value of Food Sold All Other Expenses 139.5M38 M5.537.S2 I FUND BALANCE — June 30, 1985 $ 255,052.20 (7,306,09) I I I . STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENSES — SPECIAL AID FUND 1984-85 Operation ond Mo»ntononco of Wont Revenues Federal Sources imerf und Transfers $ $169,506.97 -O. 169,47364 School TOTAL EXPENSES $169,473 64 TOTAL REVENUES $169,508.97 I V • SPECIAL AID FUND BALANCE SHEET — JUNE 30. 1985 Assts ..Qfc» r t - vftosorvot4 fund BotoncQ) Cash Sta*o I Federol Aid Receivable I 8.600 16 10,536.66 Accrc^dL-ob'i.t^t Doe to Oth#f Funds $ -017,04161 •o 0***OTGOV'H -O- •o* Encumbrpnco* Sotonco TOTA1ASSCTS $19 f 136.86 Pregnant* Who cares* %S. 144,160.78 FUND BALANCE — July 1, 1984 By Order o* Board ofTi Village of Bloom mgdeie END OF SECTION THE "Happy" Clown. Bettoont, ammo*», gomes A H Budget price 465,567.38 • ANALYSIS OF SCHOOL LUNCH BALANCE terms, ond conditions of the Bid Specifications by submitting a properly signed Bid. The successful Bidder agrees thet he wilt moke good feftti efforts to subcontract at leost io% of the totof voiue of o c o n t r a c t to MBE/WBE The Village of Btoomingdete fmrvn the rigtrt to waive any krformaimes or irregularities m the Bids received, or to reiect any or ett Bids without ox $ FUND BALANCE — June 30, 1985 Add: Revenue from Soles All other Revenues V. -02.O9S2S TOTAL LIABILITIES, RESERVES 4 FUND BALANCE $ 19J36.86 ANALYSIS OF CASH AND SECURtTtES — TRUST 4 AGENCY FUND BALANCE — J u * * l , 1984 28,054.69 Add R e c e s s of Cos* 4 Securities 7/1 /14-6/3D/BS * 470.BS0 '» Sub-Total 1,496,904.8^ He*p,JeVF BALANCE June 30, 1966 % OT 7* Tr*ein vrr 32.189.39 S3 300 • 297 504 00 2 040 2 9 C X BB BE REASOOJ O* U*DER * P*O« V I I . STATEMENT SSORv II ^ « 7 C « W T TO .83 J U N E t t , 1985 M M O M FEDERAL C%€IHT u*Ost A 1977 t f D |j CMIYSIEI I! SEDAN T 562 X X "5C DOC X W O DCCt • • e>9 ££ £ j ^ _ ||Q ££ •e w ? u . BE SOLO A T * - J B L ' C 17 AUC*OSJ AT * m A m CnTrKfetarHIr, M ^ m A. ^ ^ mmmmt**% I C ^ t om 4 SM ] $62,900 to (69,900 TICONDEROGA CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT funded in port by o gront from the F a r m e r s Home Ad ministration USD A Neither the United States nor any of its deportments, egencies, or employees is or will be o party to this Invitation for Bids or any resulting controct. Tho successful Bidder must \ . 9C XS J3 6 »X 13.039 $SS X>
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