EUROCONTROL Driving excellence in ATM performance EUROCONTROL Member States MISSION European Union States Founded in 1960, today EUROCONTROL is a civil-military organisation committed to building, together with its partners, a Single European Sky that will deliver the air traffic management (ATM) performance required for the twenty-first century and beyond. Finnland Norwegen Schweden Estland Lettland Dänemark Irland Litauen UNIQUELY QUALIFIED Vereinigtes Königreich Niederlande Polen Deutschland Belgien EUROCONTROL is uniquely qualified to help make the Single European Sky a reality: Luxemburg Ukraine Tschechische Republik Slowakei Republik Moldau Frankreich n its 41 Member States provide a truly panEuropean perspective; n n Ungarn Slowenien Rumänien Kroatien Bosnien und Herzegowina Monaco Portugal n Österreich Schweiz its expertise is unrivalled and covers both the operational and technical elements; can advise on both the civil and the military aspects of ATM; has real experience at bringing States with different needs together for a common goal; Italian Georgia Serbien Montenegro Spanien Armenia Bulgarien FYROM Albanien Türkei Griechenland Malta Zypern MEMBERSHIP EUROCONTROL is an intergovernmental organisation with 41 Member States. The European Community signed an Accession Protocol in 2002. Member States include all of the EU States. PARTNERSHIP EUROCONTROL STRUCTURE EUROCONTROL is an intergovernmental organisation, driven by its Member States (civil and military authorities). However, it also aims to ensure that the interests of all aviation stakeholders are represented in its decision-making process. MINISTERS Consequently, airspace users, air navigation service providers PERMANENT COMMISSION and airports are fully involved in helping the Agency to drive excellence in ATM performance. Committee of Management Performance Review Commission CIVIL AND MILITARY REPRESENTATIVES Civil/Military Interface Standing Committee Safety Regulation Commission PROVISIONAL COUNCIL Enlarged Committee for Route Charges Standing Committee on Finance Audit Board AGENCY Director General F. Brenner Air Navigation Services Board Military ATM Board Advisory and Consultative Bodies Director General’sOffice Directorate of Resources A. Varano Network Manager Directorate Directorate Air Traffic Management Directorate Pan-European Single Sky Directorate Central Route Charges Office Maastricht Upper Area Control Centre J. Sultana P. Merlo A. Heerbaart A. Heerbaart J. Jansen AGENCY’S ORGANISATION STRUCTURE to better serve the European aviation community The European ATM environment is undergoing significant changes. In order to meet the needs of all its Member States and to contribute more actively to the successful delivery of the Single European Sky (SES), EUROCONTROL has organised its activities around five main functions: Network Manager Directorate: Directorate Pan-European Single Sky: in its role as the SES Network Manager, coordinates network management functions relating both to network planning (airspace design) and operations (ATFCM, AIM) and also to the coordinated pan-European deployment of operational and technical improvements, including those related to SESAR. It provides support to airport activities, it coordinates safety actions and the management of frequencies and scare resources. It also delivers support services to air navigation service providers and FABs (when required) as well as ATM training; finally it monitors the network management contribution to the performance targets of the SES. delivers the Agency’s contribution to the implementation of the Single European Sky, supporting all the EUROCONTROL Member States, the European Commission (EC) and the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). Directorate Air Traffic Management: leads and coordinates ATM development and its contribution to the achievement of the SES objectives and performance scheme. It ensures that the Agency ATM research effort is aligned to the SESAR initiatives in accordance with the ATM Master Plan. It provides the appropriate military-military and civil-military ATM coordination and is also responsible for overseeing the Agency ATM Policy and Strategy. Directorate Central Route Charges Office: operates, maintains and develops the Multilateral Route Charges System on behalf of the Member States. In addition, the CRCO operates 19 bilateral agreements for the collection of terminal/communication charges or air navigation charges (of which 4 agreements with non-Member States). In all, the CRCO collects charges on behalf of 43 States. Maastricht Upper Area Control Centre provides air traffic services to defined standards of safety and performance levels in the upper airspace of Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and the north west of Germany. MUAC provides also its operational and technical know-how to other parts of the Agency for the development and deployment of SESAR. MUAC supports the participating States in establishing the Functional Airspace Block Europe Central (FABEC). The corporate processes that support the Agency’s organisational structure are managed by the Directorate of Resources. EUROCONTROL is working with all its members to ensure that its institutional framework is fit for purpose in view of the changing ATM environment in Europe and its new and potential future roles. To this end, the Provisional Council has embarked on a review of the Organisation’s institutional and legal framework. EUROCONTROL offices BRUSSELS Headquarters Rue de la Fusée 96 B-1130 Brussels Tel: +32 2 729 90 11 Fax: +32 2 729 90 44 MAASTRICHT Maastricht Upper Area Control Centre Horsterweg 11 – NL-6199 AC Maastricht-Airport Tel: +31 43 366 1234 Fax: +31 43 366 1300 BRETIGNY EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre Centre du Bois des Bordes, CS 41 005 – F-91222 Brétigny sur Orge Tel: +33 1 6988 7500 Fax: +33 1 6988 7505 LUXEMBOURG Institute of Air Navigation Services 12, rue Antoine de Saint-Exupéry – L-1432 Luxembourg Tel: +352 4360 611 Fax: +352 4360 615 61 © EUROCONTROL - January 2015 EUROCONTROL Headquarters Rue de la Fusée 96 1130 Brussels, Belgium For more information, please contact: [email protected] EUROCONTROL
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